State University of Management. Training system from Alexander Pasko - second six months Correct BB Pasko

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  1. Plintovich system

    Boris Plintovich, bodybuilder from Czechoslovakia:

    1970 - Slovakian, Champion of Czechoslovakia, indiscriminate category winner
    - winner of the prestigious Czechoslovakian competition “Gran Sandov” in Marianske Lazne,
    - the world's seventh Mr. Universe competition in Belgrade.

    1970 - settled among the ten most successful athletes of the Slovak Republic.

    1971 - Slovakian, Champion of Czechoslovakia.

    1972 - Slovakian, Champion of Czechoslovakia.
    In four years of competitive careers in Czechoslovakian competitions, I have never lost!

    1988 World Championships Participant veterans of cycling on the highway in Austria San Johan-e.

    1992 - Awarded by the President of the IFBB World Federation of Bodybuilding - Ben Weider "Honorary recognition for the development of bodybuilding in Czechoslovakia." (I used a translator, errors may occur)

    Let's start analyzing the Plintovich system:
    The Plintovich system was first mentioned in V. Plekhov’s book “Hercules”; later Alexander Pasko modified this program by adding microperiodization and a pump phase to the system.
    Firstly, it should be said right away that even the most gifted athletes can withstand this regimen only on pharmacological support, so only desperate fans should try it. In fact, 9 out of 10 will drive themselves into overtraining, and the 10 who can withstand the system will get results not much higher than those guys who try the modified Pasko system. But anyone can try! The Plintovich system in its original version assumes two phases, without microperiodization, that is, the athlete trains 100% all the time.
    The first phase of the system is purely strength-based, lasts 2 months, trains 3 times a week, does not involve splitting, that is, the athlete performs the same circuit training 3 times a week for 2 months. The second phase lasts 1.5-2.5 months and already involves a split; during this phase the athlete gains muscle mass. During the second phase, the athlete trains 3 times a week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. The program specializes in increasing the mass of the shoulder girdle and arms.

    The first phase of the Plintovich system:
    Barbell Squats – 5 sets of 6 reps
    Power Bench Press – 3 sets of 6 reps
    Power Bench Press – 2 sets of 2 reps (last rep with a partner)
    Dumbbell flyes – 3 sets of 6 reps
    Biceps Curls – 4 sets of 6 reps
    Seated Press – 5 sets of 6 reps
    Bent-over barbell rows – 4 sets of 6 reps.
    How to correctly understand 5 sets of 6 times in a squat?
    Only an extreme approach should be rejected, i.e. just one working approach to failure, the rest are just let-downs.
    Let’s say an athlete is able to do a squat with a 100kg barbell 6 times to failure, which means that up to 100kg the following approaches are performed: 60*6, 70*6, 80*6, 90*6 and our extreme failure approach 100*6. This is how the eyeliner is adjusted in a squat, the step is always 10 kg. The goal is to throw 2.5-5 kg ​​on the barbell at least once a week or two.
    The bench press is performed as follows 3 to 6, one approach is done to failure, it is the last one for 6 repetitions. Example: an athlete presses 100 6 times to failure, before this approach he needs to perform 100 kg 2 sets 6 times not to failure and then do the third 100*6 at close range. This is followed by work of 2 sets of 2 repetitions. This means we add 10-15 kg to a weight of 100 kg and do 2 by 2.
    The remaining exercises are performed in the same manner. In Plintovich’s scheme, first the biceps curl is performed and then the bent over row, and this is not a mistake, since this complex of specialization for the arms and muscles of the shoulder girdle was written above. I think you can choose your own exercises, since the same overhead press can harm the shoulder joints.
    As it was written in the original, you need to work 100% in every training session, probably this is only suitable for terminators, but for us ordinary people, a modified scheme from Alexander Pasko is suitable. The scheme involves cycling the load over a week, which means that only the first workout will be 100% failure. The second workout is performed with a 50% load, without lead-up approaches. This means, we squatted 100kg to failure for 6 times in one approach in the first workout, in the second workout we perform all 5 sets of 6 repetitions with a weight of 50kg (50%). In the bench press, it’s similar to 5x6, but we don’t do sets of two reps. In the third lesson of the week, weights are used in 70-75% of the first workout, according to the scheme of the second lesson. We put 70 kg on the squat and do 5x6, in the bench press it’s similar to 5x6, but without sets of two repetitions.
    I still recommend using weights of 65-70% and not 70-75% in the third workout, the main thing is not to be greedy)))).
    After 6-8 weeks, you should rest for 7 days and begin the second phase. I am immediately posting the modified Pasko scheme.
    There are already two different training days - a kind of two-day split. Each training day is completed within a week! That is, first we perform Day 1 three times a week according to the Heavy - Light - Moderate training scheme (as in the strength phase), training every other day according to the Mon, Wed, Fri or Tue, Thu, Sat scheme, and the next week we work out the Day 2 according to the same laws! So they alternate week after week. In this phase, you can safely insert abdominal exercises, for example, “Hanging leg raises” or “Hanging leg raises,” performing them on “Easy” and “Medium” days for 50-200 repetitions. The phase will last for weeks.

    1st day
    Bench press with medium grip 4x8
    Bench press with head up 3x8
    Pull-ups to the chest 6 to 6

    Bench press 6x6

    2nd day
    Squats 5 to 8
    Leg press 3 to 8

    French press 4x6

    Biceps with barbell standing 4-6

    Day 1

    Day 2
    Lying leg curl 3*12-15
    Leg press 3*12-15
    Seated leg extensions 2*12-15
    Gakk 2*12-15

    Day 3
    Hammers with dumbbells 3*12-15

    Seated dumbbell press 2*12-15

    Well, in conclusion, I’m attaching a video from Alexander Pasko, for more information, and a couple of his photos.

  2. About 5 years ago, I experimented a little with Plintovich from Pasko. It’s such an interesting program in general, but I didn’t have the patience, or maybe the intelligence, to get to the end.
  3. Of course, Pasko’s back is nuclear. It used to be very interesting to listen to him.
  4. 1st day
    Bench press with medium grip 4x8
    Bench press with head up 3x8
    Pull-ups to the chest 6 to 6
    Lower Block Row to the belt 4-10
    Bench press 6x6
    Swing dumbbells while standing to the sides 4po8.

    2nd day
    Squats 5 to 8
    Leg press 3 to 8
    Flying lying head up 3po8
    French press 4x6
    Arm extensions with a dumbbell from behind the head 4po8
    Biceps with barbell standing 4-6
    Concentrated arm curls with a 4-8 dumbbell.
    Rest for 7 days and move on.

    Phase three is also Pasko’s development, it is restorative:
    Day 1
    Information in the crossover (upper blocks) 3*12-15
    Bench press with head up 3*12-15
    Fly lying head up 3*12-15
    Pullover lying across the bench 3*12-15
    Bent-over barbell row 3*12-15
    Vertical block thrust 3*12-15.

    Day 2
    Lying leg curl 3*12-15
    Leg press 3*12-15
    Seated leg extensions 2*12-15
    Gakk 2*12-15
    Standing shin (without weights) 1*max
    Press on a Roman chair 2*max

    Day 3
    Hammers with dumbbells 3*12-15
    Biceps on a Scott bench with a flat barbell 3*12-15
    Swing dumbbells while standing to the sides 3*12-15
    Seated dumbbell press 2*12-15
    Lateral dumbbell pull 2*12-15
    Triceps extensions in a standing block 3*12-15
    Triceps dips 2*12-15.

    According to this scheme, you should complete 9-12 workouts, training three times a week, every other day! On Day B, pay special attention to the lower leg while standing. The exercise is performed without weight (we work only with our own weight). Execution technique: stand on a flat floor, place your hands on some kind of support so that it is convenient to maintain your balance. At the beginning of the approach, place your feet with your heels together and spread your toes at an angle of 90 degrees. Let's start doing calf raises. We rise powerfully and as high as possible, for a split second we fix ourselves at the top point of the amplitude and begin to lower our heels down, doing this slowly and under control. Do not place your heels on the floor at the bottom! Just lightly touching the floor, we begin again with a powerful upward movement. We do as many repetitions as possible with this position of the feet. Then, without stopping, we spread the heels to a position in which the feet are parallel and continue the approach in the same mode. We perform the possible number of repetitions in this position and immediately, without stopping, bring our legs together, leaving our heels apart, and continue the approach for as many repetitions as possible. This is where the shin work ends in this exercise! Do not do more than one such approach!!! Each workout, try to do more repetitions in total than in the previous workout.
    If you don’t dream a lot, it’s not difficult to create your own cycle using microcycling and periodization as a basis.
    Well, in conclusion, I’m attaching a video from Alexander Pasko, for more information, and a couple of his photos.

Position, rank, degree

Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


  • State University Management, Institute of National and World Economy, specialty “World Economy” – 080102, 2008.
  • 2011 Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.14 “World Economy”
  • 2015 title of “Associate Professor at the Department of World Economy”

Disciplines taught

Conditions and pricing in the world market, World economy and IEO, Economy of foreign countries, Competitiveness in the world economy

Professional experience

  • Secretary of the selection committee for admission of applicants to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University of Management" in 2013-2014;
  • deputy executive secretary of the selection committee for admission of applicants to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University of Management" in 2014-2015.
  • Scientific secretary of the dissertation council for the defense of dissertations for competition scientific degree Doctor of Science, Candidate of Science D 212.049.11 on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University of Management" (economic sciences)

Scientific interests

International trade, development trends in the passenger car industry, specifics of pricing on world commodity markets


  • “New in the Procedure for Admission to Study Programs higher education and organizations admissions campaign for the 2015-2016 academic year.
  • Peculiarities of admission and organization of training for foreign citizens" NGO "Inter-industry Institute for Advanced Studies and professional retraining personnel", Moscow, 2014.

Total work experience, work experience in the specialty: 9 years old, 9 years old


Educational and methodological works

Study program in the discipline “Conjuncture and pricing in the world market” for bachelors in the field of study “Economics” – 080100, training profile “World Economy”

M.: Sputnik Plus, 2014. – 20 p.

Curriculum in the discipline “Economics of Foreign Countries” for students of the profile 38.03.01-40 “World Economy”

M.: 11th Format, 2014. – 24 p.

V.V. Aturin, K.G. Grigoryan

Conditions and pricing on the world market (textbook)

M.: OMEPI IE RAS, 2014. – 188 p.

Curriculum for the discipline “World Economy and International economic relations» for full-time and part-time bachelors in the field of study “Economics” – 03/38/01, training profile 04 – “World Economy”

M.: Sputnik Plus, 2015. – 18 p.

Scientific works

Russian-Swedish trade and economic relations (report abstracts)

Materials of the 17th All-Russian student seminar “Problems of Management”. – M.: State University of Education, 2009. Issue 2. – P.132-133.

The impact of the global financial crisis on the development of the global automobile market (report abstracts)

Materials of the 14th All-Russian scientific-practical conferenceActual problems management – ​​2009” – M.: State University of Management, 2009. Issue 5. – P.69-73.

Global car market: current state and development trends (article)

Bulletin of the University (State University of Management). 2009. No. 23. – P.45-48.

Modern strategies for the development of transnational corporations in the global automotive industry (using the example of Sweden) (article)

University Bulletin. 2010. No. 16. – P.125-129.

Modern strategies of transnational corporations in the global passenger car market (using the example of the Swedish company Volvo). Monograph.

M.: Sputnik Plus Company, 2011. – 140 p.

The strategy of the Swedish corporation Volvo and its prospects in the Russian passenger car market (article)

Bulletin of the University (State University of Management). 2011. No. 5. – P.112-116.

Formation of localization strategies in foreign automobile markets (article)

Sat. scientific works"A New Look. International Scientific Bulletin." - Novosibirsk, 2013. – P.65-80.

Prerequisites for transforming the strategies of automotive transnational corporations in modern conditions (article)

Bulletin of the University (State University of Management). 2014. No. 9. – P.43-47. (list of Higher Attestation Commission, No. 531)

The mechanism for developing sales strategies of leading automobile corporations in modern stage(article)

Bulletin of the University (State University of Management). 2014. No. 10. – P.51-55. (list of Higher Attestation Commission, No. 531)

Features of the influence of globalization on the development of the global automotive industry (article)

Bulletin of the University (State University of Management). 2014. No. 11. – P.48-52. (list of Higher Attestation Commission, No. 531)

Management of foreign trade policy in order to develop the Russian car market (article)

Bulletin of the University (State University of Management). 2014. No. 12. – P.48-53. (list of Higher Attestation Commission, No. 531)

Directions for the development of the Russian automotive industry in the context of membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) (article)

Bulletin of the University (State University of Management). 2014. No. 13. - With. 50-55. (list of Higher Attestation Commission, No. 531)

Parameters and factors of development of the global automotive industry at the beginning of the 21st century (article)

Modern trends in economics and management: a new look. 2014. No. 27. pp. 27-34.

Corporate strategies of automobile corporations in the context of globalization of the world automotive industry

Problems modern economy(Novosibirsk). 2014. No. 20. P.38-50.

Competitiveness of the Russian automotive industry against the background of key trends in the development of the global automotive industry

A New Look. International Scientific Bulletin. 2014. No. 4. P.201-218.

Factors of international competitiveness of automobile manufacturers (using the example of the USA)

Current Aspects modern science. Collection of materials Vth international scientific and practical conference (Lipetsk, August 22, 2014). / Rep. ed. EAT. Mosolova. – Lipetsk: “RaDushi”, 2014. – 132 p. (P.54-64).

Assessment of foreign economic competitiveness of Russian automotive industry enterprises

[Electronic resource]. – Electronic journal"Economy and Society". 2014. No. 2(11). – Access mode:

The role of international transport corridors in the development of Russia’s foreign economic potential

A New Look. International Scientific Bulletin. 2014. No. 6. P.56-62

Import of automotive products to Russia under economic sanctions

A New Look. International Scientific Bulletin. 2015. No. 3. P.24-30.

Changes in the dynamics of sales and imports of passenger cars on the Russian market under the influence of instability in the external environment.

"Ukrainian school"
Phase 1. “6x6x6”

Day A
Standing chest press 6x6
Bench press 6x6
Deadlift 6x6

Day B
Bent-over row with 6x6 barbell
Standing biceps with 6x6 barbell
Squats with a 6x6 barbell
Training takes place three times a week according to the following scheme:

Mon/Tue-A, Wed/Thu-B, Fri/Sat-A, Mon/Tue-B, Wed/Thu-A, Fri/Sat-B…

Phase 2. “Variable rate”

Day A
Squats with a barbell 6x10-3
Dips with 4x8 weight
Bench press 6x8-2
Bent-overs with barbell on shoulders 3x8
Bent-over barbell row 4x8
Standing biceps with barbell 4x10-6

Day B
Bench press 6x10-4
Raising the barbell to the chest 3x6-3
Deadlift 6x8-3
Seated overhead press 3x8
Leg press 4x8

Day B
Hyperextension 3x10
Deadlift 5x8-3
Incline Bench Press 5x8
4x8 Wide Grip Chest Row
Squats with a barbell 5x10-4
Standing shin 3x10-4
You should train three times a week according to the following scheme: Mon/Tue-A, Wed/Thu-B, Fri/Sat-W... and so on until you complete 12-15 workouts. Next, a rest period of 7-10 days is required!!! Then transition to the third phase.

Phase 3: Impact Split

Day A
Bench press 8-10x15-1
Squats with a barbell 8-10x15-2
Dips with weight 5x5
Day B

2x5 barbell clean
Deadlift from 6-8x8-2 plates
Seated chest press 4x4
Wide grip chest pull-ups 5-6x8-6
Wiring, lying on a horizontal bench 3x6
Block triceps presses 3x8

Day B
Squats with a barbell 8-10x15-1
Bench press 6-8x8-2
Overhead shwung 5x8-3

Day G
Deadlift 4x10-4
Leg press 5x8
Bent-over barbell row 3x6
Bench press on an inclined bench 4x6
Biceps with barbell standing 5x8
Sitting shin 5x8-6
You should train in this phase 4 times a week according to the following scheme: Mon-A, Tue-B, Thu-W, Fri-G. This is ideal!!! If you doubt your recovery abilities, then you can safely perform it three times a week according to the following scheme: Mon-A, Wed-B, Fri-C, Mon-G, Wed-A, Fri-B, Mon-E, Wed- G... and so on until you complete 16-20 workouts. Further rest of 10-14 days is required!!!

When training according to the “Ukrainian School” there are no dietary restrictions!!! The scheme itself will force you to eat everything in a row and in large quantities, otherwise it will quickly break you! It’s not for nothing that it’s called the “Ukrainian School.” Food on it in the form of lard, dumplings, potatoes, mountains of pies, a pot of borscht a day, a jar of sour cream, etc. is the norm!

In all exercises that are performed with weights, a heavy failure approach is ONLY THE LAST!!! All previous approaches are used as lead-ups and the weight in them is increased evenly and smoothly, gradually leading up to the weight for the last approach! This applies to all phases of the “Ukrainian School”!

As you already noticed, there are a lot of strange exercises in it. For example, “Shwung” or “Cleaning the barbell”... This is from weightlifting! You can dig up the technique for these exercises yourself, or you can find it soon on our website in the “Exercises” section.

"Three Tens"
Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 10x10
Bench press 10x10
Bent-over barbell row 10x10
This is tough, although it looks more modest than the phases of the “Ukrainian School”. But don’t delude yourself... It will be hard! Do not exceed the specified number of approaches and repetitions in any exercise! Likewise, don’t underestimate!

Do not rearrange exercises!

In each exercise, the first 8-9 approaches are lead-in (warm-up), i.e. in the first approach, the minimum weight is taken for 10 repetitions and, in each subsequent approach, it is gradually and evenly increased to the working weight, which should fall on the 9-10th approach!

Having completed 9 workouts (three weeks, three times a week, every other day), you need to rest for 10 days and proceed to the next scheme, which will help you recover from the latest shocks in the strength and tens. This is the final touch in this cycle.


Day A Chest+Biceps+Abs
Dumbbell fly-overs on an inclined bench
Incline bench press
Hammers with dumbbells sitting
Concentrated dumbbell curls
Biceps with a barbell standing or on a Scott bench
Raising legs to the horizontal bar 50-100 repetitions

Day B Legs+Shoulders
Seated leg extensions
Lying leg curls
Leg press
Standing calf in a machine or Smith
Peck-deck for the rear deltoid
Swings with dumbbells to the sides while standing
Smith overhead press or seated dumbbell press

Day B Back+Triceps+Abs
Pull-over, lying across the bench
Vertical chest row, wide grip
One-arm barbell or dumbbell row
Bent over arm extension with dumbbell
Block triceps presses (arm extensions in a block)
Triceps dips (not deep)
Roman chair crunches 50-100 reps
All exercises with weights are performed in 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. The failure approach is only the last one in each exercise. Although it is better not to reach failure every workout, but to stop a couple of repetitions before it.

Train three times a week according to the scheme: Mon/Tue-A, Wed/Thu-B, Fri/Sat-W.. and so on. This phase is designed for 12-15 workouts. After it you should rest for 10-14 days. Sometimes 21 days of rest won't hurt!

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