Character history. The image and characteristics of Danko in the story of the old woman Izergil Gorky essay Maxim Gorky the legend of Danko heroes

The work "Old Woman Izergil", the genre of which is the subject of this review, is one of the most famous works of the famous Russian writer M. Gorky. It was written in 1894 and became a landmark book in the author's work, as it marked his transition to romanticism. The peculiarity of this work is that it consists of three independent parts, united by one common idea.

Features of the first episode

The book "Old Woman Izergil", the genre of which can be defined as a story, however, is not such in the truest sense of the word. As mentioned above, the work includes three independent parts, which at first glance are not related to each other in terms of plot.

The main character tells the author three stories, the first of which is philosophical. In its content, it is similar to an old legend or an ancient fairy tale. In this case, the writer Gorky turned to typically romantic images. "Old Woman Izergil" is a story that is filled with references to the classic works of this direction. The main character of the first part is a typical Byronian hero: he is proud, arrogant, mysterious and despises people and for this he is punished by becoming immortal. Such a plot is reminiscent of the best examples of literature of the 19th century.

The image of Larra

This character is the embodiment of pride and extreme contempt for everyone around. He, being the son of an eagle, considers himself right in everything, does not take into account the opinions of people and does what he wants. Perhaps that is why Gorky put this story in the first place. "Old Woman Izergil" is a work that is built on the principle of ascent from the worst plot to the best. The hero of Larra is the embodiment of human pride. The author wanted to present a superman and a superhero, who, nevertheless, turns out to be defeated by his own vice in the end. In connection with the above, it must be remembered that the work in question has its own genre features.

The story "Old Woman Izergil" is essentially not such in the literal sense of the word, since in idea and narration it resembles an old legend or legend. The story of Larr goes back to the ancient times of a semi-primitive society, which gives the story a special charm.

Second story

Half the story about the life of the heroine herself is "Old Woman Izergil". The heroes of this woman's story are outstanding personalities in every respect. This also applies to the narrator herself. From her lips we learn that in her youth she was a very temperamental woman. She was very lively and spontaneous and lived life to the fullest. Her nature yearned for adventure and thrills. Judging by her words, the heroine loved many men. She abandoned some, for the sake of others she was ready to commit a crime, risk her own life and fate.

This makes her look like the characters she talked about. Those individuals who became the protagonists of her stories also despised the danger and were ready for anything to achieve their goal.

The image of Danko

The work “Old Woman Izergil”, the genre of which can cause difficulty due to the fact that there are several different layers of narrative in the text, ends with a beautiful legend about a hero who undertook to lead people out of darkness. On the way, the travelers had to endure many difficulties, and when people began to grumble, he tore out his heart, illuminated the path for them, and led the companions out of the gloomy and dark forest into freedom and into the light. Thus, this hero in the cycle of stories is a real ideal of courage, honor and courage.

The heroic tone of the narrative makes the work close in spirit to the legends and ancient legends, which were also dedicated to great personalities. The latter circumstance must be taken into account when analyzing the work under consideration. When it comes to its genre, one should keep in mind the above features. And speaking about the fact that the essay is a story, it should be noted that it has become, as it were, a story within a story, since it consists of three different stories. They are united by a common idea - the idea that there is a meaning of human existence. This question is asked by the narrator herself, the same problem worries the heroes of her stories. So, the book "Old Woman Izergil", the genre of which can be defined as a story in the style of a legend, has become one of the best in Gorky's work.

A young man with a kind and brave heart named Danko, at the cost of his own life, gave people a world filled with light, warmth and joy. created a romantic image that makes you wonder what is the meaning of life and the value of human actions.

History of creation

The early creative biography of Maxim Gorky is filled with works with romantic motives. The story "Old Woman Izergil" stood in line with the stories "Chelkash" and "Maxim Chudra", in which the author's admiration for the power of the human personality reached its climax. The creation of the next work of the writer was inspired by travels in southern Bessarabia, where he ended up in the spring of 1891. "Old Woman Izergil" even begins with the words

"I saw these stories near Akkerman, in Bessarabia, on the seashore."

Most likely, the birth of literary work took place in the autumn of 1894. A few months later, he was presented to the reading public in the Samarskaya Gazeta, stretching for three numbers.

The composition of the story is complex and interesting. The author mixed two legends (about Larra and about Danko), which are united by the main character - the old woman Izergil. Maxim Gorky chose a "fantasy" style of writing for the work. However, this technique, which allows the reader to evoke a sense of realism of what is happening, he has already managed to test earlier.

The ancient old woman acted as a heroine-narrator, telling about legends, and at the same time about her beloved men whom she met on her life path. Two polar concepts of being, hidden in legends, frame the ideological center of the story. The author tried to determine the value of human life, to answer questions about the limits of individual freedom.

Danko's character appeared due to the writer's passion for work. At the beginning of his creative path, Alexei Maksimovich showed interest in individualistic heroes, endowed with a restless spirit.

Readers accepted the work with enthusiasm. The writer was ready for such recognition, because he himself reacted with love to "Old Woman Izergil": in a letter addressed to, the author speaks of the beauty and harmony of the story, recognizes it as the best of his works.


The first legend told by the old woman tells of a fabulous young man named Larra. The hero, born from an earthly woman and an eagle, is distinguished by a cold look and a rebellious disposition. Larra killed the girl who rejected him and for his pride became an exile from his native tribe. Selfishness doomed the young man to eternal loneliness. However, the tale shows the wise thought of the writer that pride is a wonderful part of character. This quality, if developed in moderation, makes a person a personality and helps not to look back at people's opinions.

The character of the second story is Danko, in whose eyes "a lot of strength and living fire shone." In the allegorical story, people imprisoned in a dark forest follow a young man who has promised them a warm place with a bright sun and clean air. The tribe that got lost along the way began to blame Danko for their troubles and fatigue. But the young man did not give up - he took out a burning heart from his torn chest and, lighting the way with it, led the travelers to the goal. No one appreciated the feat of the deceased in the name of the people of Danko.

Image and prototype

Compiling a characterization of Danko, Maxim Gorky contrasted the hero with the selfish character of the first tale. The author endowed him with a rich inner world, courage and perseverance, made him an ideal of honor, courage and perfection. The ability to self-sacrifice helped to defeat the darkness. Excellent qualities are complemented by a beautiful appearance. The proud daredevil, as the author himself spoke of the character, asked the main question:

"What will I do for people?"

And when he died, he made the reader think about the need for good deeds, about whether humanity is worthy of the victims of "ideal individualists."

The researchers are sure that Alexei Maksimovich, when creating the character, relied on biblical motives, taking features and even. Someone suggests that the hero's name is symbolic: Danko has the same root with the words "give", "giver". In fact, the name is borrowed from the gypsy language and means only “youngest son”, “gypsy”.

As for the prototypes of the character, with the naked eye there is a connection with Greek mythology, where Prometheus gave fire to people. On the other hand, references to the philosopher are clearly visible in the story, who insisted on the reasonableness of fire. And Maxim Gorky, by the way, was known as a "fire-worshipper".

But all these statements are considered assumptions. The "confirmed" prototype is only August Strindberg, a Swedish poet who captured the attention of the intelligentsia in the late 19th century. Alexey Maksimovich himself admitted that Danko is very similar to the famous Swede. The character and the writer were united by an important mission - they "illuminated the people, lost in the darkness of the contradictions of life, the path to light and freedom."

Gorky was also known as a fan of the poet Pencho Slaveikov. The Bulgarian also introduced to the masses of readers the idea that the future belongs to individuals with a strong will. The list of the writer's poems includes the work "The Heart of Hearts", where the deceased romantic Shelley is burned in the fire. It is easy to draw a parallel between this image and Danko with a burning heart.

  • In 1967, based on the work of Gorky, the cartoon "The Legend of the Fiery Heart" was created at the Kievnauchfilm studio. Director Irina Gurvich took the legend of Danko as a basis. Two years later, the work was recognized as the best film for youth at the zonal review, which was held in the capital of Armenia.
  • "Old Woman Izergil" is the second work written by Alexei Peshkov under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky. The first on the list is Chelkash.

  • The mythical hero Danko is dedicated to the monument erected in Krivoy Rog in 1965 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Maxim Gorky. At first, the sculpture adorned Gorky Square, then, in connection with the reconstruction of the square, it was moved to Prospekt. The monument was created by the Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, sculptor Alexander Vasyakin.
  • At the end of the 1990s, a new star by name lit up in the sky of the Russian stage. The pseudonym hides the singer Alexander Fadeev, whose repertoire includes such songs as "Baby", "Autumn", "You are my girl" and others.


"Everything in the world has an end!"
“Do not turn a stone out of the way with a thought. Whoever does nothing, nothing will happen to him."
"The heart burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch."
“In order to live, one must be able to do something.”
“We would look vigilantly into the old days - there are all the answers there ... But you don’t look and don’t know how to live because ...”
“He loved exploits. And when a person loves feats, he always knows how to do them and finds where it is possible. In life, you know, there is always a place for exploits. And those who do not find them for themselves are simply lazy or cowards, or do not understand life, because if people understood life, everyone would want to leave behind their shadow in it. And then life would not devour people without a trace.
“He is the best of all, because in his eyes a lot of strength and living fire shone. That's why they followed him, because they "believed in him."
“Nothing exhausts the body and soul of people as exhausting dreary thoughts. And people weakened from thoughts.

Danko image. Proud, "the best of all" man, Danko died for the people. The legend told by the old woman Izergil is based on an ancient legend about a man who saved people and showed them the way out of the impenetrable forest. Danko had a strong-willed character: the hero did not want a slave life for his tribe, and at the same time he understood that people would not be able to live in the depths of the forest for a long time, without their usual space and light. Mental fortitude, inner wealth, true perfection in biblical tales were embodied in outwardly beautiful people. This is how the ancient desire of a person for spiritual and physical beauty was expressed: “Danko is one of those people, a young handsome man. The beautiful are always bold. Danko believes in his own strength, so he does not want to spend it "on thought and longing." The hero seeks to lead people out of the darkness of the forest to freedom, where there is a lot of warmth and light. Having a strong-willed character, Danko takes on the role of leader, and people "all together followed him - they believed in him." The hero is not afraid of difficulties during the difficult journey, but he did not take into account the weakness of the people, who soon "began to grumble", because they did not have Danko's stamina and did not have strong willpower. The culminating episode of the story was the scene of the trial of Danko, when people, tired of the severity of the path, hungry, tired and angry, began to blame their leader for everything: “You are an insignificant and harmful person for us! You led us and tired us, and for this you will perish! Unable to endure the difficulties, people began to shift the responsibility from themselves to Danko, wanting to find the culprit for their misfortunes. The hero, selflessly loving people, realizing that without him everyone would die, “teared his chest with his hands and pulled out his heart from it and raised it high above his head.” Lighting the dark path from the impenetrable forest with his heart, Danko led people out of the darkness, to where "the sun shone, the steppe sighed, the grass shone in the diamonds of the rain and the river sparkled with gold." Danko proudly looked at the picture that opened before him and died. The author calls his hero a proud daredevil who died for the people. The final episode makes the reader think about the moral side of the hero's act: was Danko's death in vain, are people worthy of such a sacrifice. What is important is the image of a cautious person who appeared in the epilogue of the story, who was frightened of something and stepped "on a proud heart with his foot." The writer characterizes Danko as the best of people. Indeed, the main character traits of the hero are mental stamina, willpower, selflessness, the desire to wholeheartedly serve people. Danko sacrificed his life not only for the sake of those whom he led out of the forest, but also for himself: he could not do otherwise, the hero needed to help people. The feeling of love filled Danko's heart, was an integral part of his nature, so M. Gorky calls the hero "the best of all." Researchers note the connection of the image of Danko with Moses, Prometheus and Jesus Christ. The name Danko is associated with the same-root words "tribute", "dam", "giving". The most important words of a proud man in the legend: “What will I do for people ?!”

However, the influence of folklore is not limited to Gorky's borrowing of individual plots of folk art. Artistic images, thoughts and feelings expressed in these works are close to folklore, therefore stories are perceived as legends, even fairy tales, because they reflect the ideals of the people, their dream of beauty.

“Old Woman Izergil” is a real story, where the author includes realistic details directly into the landscape itself, accurately indicates the meeting place with the old woman, even specifying what the narrator himself is doing in Bessarabia. Realistically given is the real appearance of the old woman Izergil, who has a “dry voice” and “a trembling hand with crooked fingers”, “a wrinkled nose, bent like an owl’s beak” and “dry, chapped lips”.

The heroine tells her legends in a completely real setting, and this, as it were, brings them closer to life, emphasizing the close connection between heroic romance and real life. The three-part composition of the story helps to embody the author's ideal and anti-ideal.

The anti-ideal is expressed in the legend of Larre, the son of an eagle, who symbolizes individualism and selfishness taken to the extreme. The legend of Danko, on the contrary, embodies the ideal that expresses the highest degree of love for people - self-sacrifice. The events of the legends unfold in ancient times, as if in a time preceding the beginning of history, in the era of first creations. Therefore, in reality there are traces directly related to that era: the shadow of Larra, which only the old woman Izergil sees, blue lights left from Danko's heart.

Unlike Larra, who embodied an anti-human essence (it's not for nothing that he is the son of an eagle!), Danko demonstrates an inexhaustible love for people. Even at the moment when they "were like animals", "like wolves", which surrounded him, "to make it easier for them to grab and kill Danko." He was possessed by only one desire - to overcome the cruelty of people, to displace darkness from their consciousness, fear of a dark forest with stinking swamps.

Danko's heart flared up and burned to dispel the darkness, not so much of the forest as of the soul. That is why the image of Danko is revealed by Gorky with the help of the image of fire, a burning heart, sunshine: “The rays of that mighty fire sparkled in his eyes .... His heart burned as brightly as the sun and brighter than the sun ...”

These images of the sun and fire are designed to emphasize the heroic aspirations of the young man, giving the whole work an emotional intensity. His love for people is an ardent desire to selflessly serve them, his high aspirations merge with his beauty, strength and youth. No wonder the old woman Izergil claimed that "beautiful ones are always brave." Therefore, the whole legend about Danko, about his heart, burning with great love for people, is perceived by both the narrator and readers as a bold call to heroic deeds.

The handsome young man himself is a true hero, boldly moving towards a lofty, noble goal, sacrificing himself for the sake of people's happiness. Only now the people he saved did not even pay attention to the "proud heart" that fell near them, and one cautious person, noticing him, stepped on Danko's burning heart, as if fearing something.

What this man was afraid of remained a mystery to the writer himself, but at different times different literary scholars gave their interpretation of this act. The image of Danko himself has long been associated with counselors, teachers and other people who have devoted themselves to working with children. To lead, you need to have a truly burning heart, albeit in a metaphorical sense.

Children always feel false and are unlikely to catch fire with such an idea that the teacher himself does not accept or does not share. It is no coincidence that every second group of leaders in a children's camp or school was called "Danko", proving the right to lead children out of the darkness of ignorance and indifference.

The ideal of a humanist, embodied in the image of a brave young man, does not evoke pity in the reader, since his act is a feat. Danko's act can only cause pride, admiration, delight, admiration, respect - in a word, such feelings that overwhelm the heart of every reader who imagines a young man with a flaming gaze, who holds in his hand a heart sparkling with love, this torch of selfless love for people.

  • "Old Woman Izergil", analysis of Gorky's story
  • "Old Woman Izergil", a summary of the chapters of Gorky's story

Danko is the hero of Gorky's work "Old Woman Izergil". This is a strong young man who is characterized by philanthropy and self-sacrifice in the name of good goals.

The character of the hero is courageous, fearless. Danko is not afraid of his own death when it comes to the health and well-being of the people he loves. In addition, he is very merciful and compassionate. Danko has a sporty appearance. He is handsome, young and smart. This is a person who is ready to take on a heavy burden of responsibility and lead people. The hero has charisma, he is a good speaker: that is why people believe him and follow him. As a representative of an ancient tribe, Danko honored the traditions of his ancestors, worried about the fate and future of his fellow tribesmen.

He dreamed of giving freedom to all the people he loves. His position in life was as follows: to give all of himself in the name of salvation and a happy life for others. For such positive character traits, people believed Danko: after all, even at the moment when everyone turned away from him, he sacrificed himself for their good. The meaning of Danko’s existence boiled down to the following: “What have I done, am doing and will do for people?”, “What am I ready to sacrifice for people?”

The feat he accomplished elevates Danko to the rank of a hero. For this person, true happiness lies in living and creating for others. Despite all these positive qualities, Danko is lonely and initially has a conflict with the crowd. But he sacrifices the most precious thing - his life, in order to sanctify the way for people. It becomes sad that the people for the most part took Danko's feat for granted. At that moment, when the exhausted and dying hero falls to the ground, the people rejoice and have fun. But even dying, Danko did not regret his act at all. Self-sacrifice is his ideal and life principle, to which he remained true to his last breath.

In the image of Danko, the revolutionary struggle characteristic of that period of history can be traced. People driven into miserable places personify the oppressed working class and peasantry, and Danko, a ray of sunshine in a dark kingdom, like a revolutionary, is ready to lead the people to victories and a happy future.

Option 2

The creative heritage of Maxim Gorky is huge. It includes a large number of diverse texts. A special place is occupied by early romantic stories. In particular, the text with the title "Old Woman Izergil". This is a text with a special composition according to the principle of "Story within a story". Namely, on behalf of Izergil, the reader will learn two beautiful ancient legends: about Larra and Danko.

Danko is a selfless person who is not sorry to give the most precious thing - life, in exchange for the well-being and happiness of the human race.

If you tell the story of Danko briefly, then it is as follows: a human tribe lived in a certain place. At one fine moment, they were driven out of their inhabited lands by stronger ones. The tribe went to an area unsuitable for habitation. People started getting sick and dying. Then they chose Danko as their leader, because they saw in him courage and fortitude.

And Danko decided to lead the human tribe through the dense forest. But, as usual, Danko tried to do the best, but it turned out as always. Unrest began in the human tribe. Then Danko, in order to save the human race, tore out his heart from his own chest and lit the way for people ...

Danko Gorky bestows such epithets as "strong, cheerful, courageous." Therefore, it is not surprising that such a person is capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of the happiness and well-being of others. It so happened in this situation that those whom he led behind him gave in, namely the road turned out to be too difficult for the tribe. In order not to take responsibility, people blamed Danko for all their failures. At the end of their journey, they exposed their bestial nature, which means they could not be loyal to their leader, whom they themselves chose.

The next episode once again emphasizes the ability to do a good deed for the sake of his people. This is when Danko feels the strength in himself to do something bright and joyful for people. He sacrifices his heart, his life, for humanity. Then a miracle happens: the darkness departs and this means that kindness, spiritual strength wins over the fears and insignificance of a person in front of the elements.

Yes, Danko died at the end of the legend, but the blue sparks from his heart are alive. This suggests that people have hope for salvation in troubled periods of history.

Composition about Danko

In his work The Old Woman Izergil, Gorky tells two legends that he heard from an old storyteller. In these stories, two different characters are opposed. Both of them are strong people. But, one of them acts only for his own satisfaction, while the other sacrifices his own life for the sake of people. This is Danko.

These events took place a very long time ago. There lived a tribe of people. But, one day, those who turned out to be stronger came to their land, and they drove them out. The tribe went into the forest to the swamp. There they began to get sick and die one by one, as a terrible poisonous stench emanated from the swamp.

People didn't know what to do. They could not go back and win back their land from the enemy, because they were afraid to break the covenant. And they were afraid to go forward through the terrible forest in search of a new land. And the more they thought about the hardships ahead, the stronger their fear became, and their strength dried up more and more.

And then Danko appears among them. Fire shone in his eyes and he was bold. The people decided that he could lead them through the forest. He agreed. But, the path was difficult. And the people began to grumble at him, and after that they even wanted to kill him.

More recently, these people were afraid of the upcoming path and did not find the strength to go through it. And, following Danko, like a flock of sheep following a shepherd, they put all the responsibility on him. Before the reader appears a crowd of weak-willed people. The difficulties of the way made them so tired that they would be glad to stay where they were. And, although they agreed to go on their own, they blame the one who led them for everything. No one thought that losses could not be avoided. And fear and lack of will consumed them more and more, giving rise to disbelief and impotence in their hearts.

There would be Danko to throw them. But, he was a selfless person. Therefore, instead of abandoning those for whom he has tried in vain, he sacrifices himself for their salvation. He rips his heart out of his chest.

This moment is described with particular enthusiasm by the author. Danko's heart burned, burned with strength, courage and love for people. And they, enchanted by such a spectacle, without much difficulty complete their journey. Now they no longer grumbled.

And when the people came out of the forest, they were so glad about this that they did not even notice that their savior lay dead under their feet.

On the one hand, the image of Danko is an example of selflessness and love for others. But, how sad the end: the only reward for the hero was his death. And those for whom he sacrificed himself did not appreciate the feat. They saw only the end of their journey: a new land, clear skies and fresh air. But they no longer remembered how they did not decide on this path, they no longer remember how they wanted to kill the man who led them and gave his life for them.

Composition Characteristics and image of Danko

There are two legends in the story "Old Woman Izergil", but they are opposite to each other. The story of Larra is the story of a cruel and insensitive, very evil person. But, since his story is told at the beginning, the general impression of the "Old Woman Izergil" is determined precisely by the last part, which talks about Danko.

Danko is one of the people the author describes as "funny, strong and brave". The text mentions that they did not live in tribes, but in camps, that is, most likely, they were gypsies. Gypsies, both in cinema and in literature, have long been a symbol of freedom and courage. Therefore, it is easy to imagine that for these people the precepts of their ancestors were very important, and instead of dying, fighting for the opportunity to live in the old place, they decided that they needed a new one, not among those swamps where the enemy tribes drove them.

And at the moment when such a wonderful people was seized with longing, it was Danko who appeared to save everyone. The old woman Izergil says about him: “Danko is one of those people, a handsome young man. The beautiful are always bold. After her words, a tall and stately young man appears, a gypsy, with jet-black hair and dark eyes, in which that very living fire burns, which the hearts of his people lacked. Therefore, everyone easily responds to his call - you really want to follow such a leader.

However, the road turned out to be too difficult for them - and, as happens in life, one who does not save quickly becomes a liar and a traitor in the eyes of people. From the hardships experienced, those who were cheerful and strong weaken and blame the strongest of all - Danko for their weakness. He tries to reason with them in words, but they are already described by the old woman Izergil as animals, which means that they no longer have that faith that led them forward before.

Further events are already more like a fairy tale than a legend, but they are the culmination of what a person can do for his people. Surrounded, but filled with love and pity, Danko asks himself the question - "What will I do for people?" The old woman Izergil says that this voice was “stronger than thunder”, that is, even nature retreated before Danko’s fortitude. And then he rips out his heart from his chest - and the darkness is finally defeated, emphasizing the triumph of the human mind, human kindness and spiritual fire over primitive fears and insignificance.

There are many repetitions in this passage of the story - they are used to draw attention to how the journey with the torch-heart differed from the previous one, how people are fascinated by Danko's act, how, after all, this act is incredibly significant.

The death of Danko, described at the end, is shocking. Having led his people through such trials, having done the impossible and being free, he does not have time to enjoy the feeling of long-awaited liberation and dies. This is a magnificent example of self-sacrifice, true and hot, and here it would be more accurate to say - from a pure, warm heart. It is all the more tragic that some person trampled on what was left of Danko, turning his sincere fire into blue sparks that appear in the steppe before a thunderstorm. But even the fact that they appear before a thunderstorm is another feature of Danko's feat - when nature sets in, at this dangerous time, the echoes of the flame of his heart seem to say that there is always hope, and there is no need to be afraid of thunder and lightning.

One of the main characters of the work is the best friend of the key character Dmitry Nekhlyudov.

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