Quest “Closed institution. Closed institution Fallout 4 Institute open the door

In this quest, main character will finally meet his son, although this meeting will be very unexpected.

We invite you to use summary :

Completing the quest “Closed Institution”

Task #1: Enter the elevator.

We fearlessly enter the elevator, never ceasing to be amazed at the cleanliness that reigns around. The elevator will begin its downward movement, and as it moves, Father will continue his monologue, he will say that the Institute is not as bad as everyone thinks about it, that the main task of the Institute is to help humanity. And while Father is talking, the elevator ends up in a huge and very beautiful room. At first there is a shock, this room is so different from everything in the Commonwealth, ideal cleanliness, trees and simply beauty.

Meanwhile, the elevator stops and the main character continues his movement along the perfectly clean corridors. We reach another small elevator and find ourselves in a perfectly clean room, with a little boy named Sean sitting behind a transparent partition. We start a conversation with him, because we are completely sure that this is the son of the main character. But the boy gets scared, doesn’t want to recognize his father as the main character, and keeps calling the head of the Institute. And then the door opens and he, the Father, comes in.

The father calls the code and Sean disconnects, turning out to be an ordinary synth. What a setup!!! And this man, the head of the Institute, who is definitely older than the main character, says that Sean is he, that your kidnapped baby is now standing in front of you in the form of an adult man. It's hard to believe!!! But as it turned out, not 10 years have passed since the abduction, as the main character thought, but 60.

Then Sean will tell his story, why he was kidnapped and how he led the Institute. This will be a long conversation, during which you will discuss the murder of Sean’s mother and the moral principles of the Institute, but in the end Sean will invite the main character to join them, he does not rush him with an answer and first offers to meet the heads of departments.

Task #2: Meet with department heads.

Next, the main character will have to meet with the heads of all 4 departments of the Institute; you should not focus on these meetings, since each of the leaders will praise the Institute and tell only good things about it. For information, we list the existing departments of the Institute:

  • Department of Higher Systems - this department is headed by Dr. Madison Lee, well known to us from Fallout 3;
  • Chief Engineer - This important position is held by Ellie Fillmore;
  • Robotic Control Department - Justin Ayo is responsible for robots at the Institute;
  • Biosciences Department - The head of this department is Clayton Holdren.

Closed type" is one of the main and key tasks in the plot. After it, your hero must decide on the choice of the side on which he will fight.


The backstory of the quest begins with several tasks that you must complete in the Underground. Go to the Deacon and talk to him. The character will tell you about the purpose of the task. In it you need to get to the old Underground base and pick up the prototype. The task is complicated by the fact that the base is captured by synths. Agree to this adventure.

At the exit, a tough battle with synths awaits you, so after the dialogue with the Deacon, thoroughly prepare for the battle. After the battle, it is best to move through the pip-boy to Lexington. From the city, getting to the meeting place with the Deacon is easy and quick.

After meeting and talking with your partner, you must follow the quest. After completing this task, the part of the game with the construction of a teleport will open to you. It doesn’t matter which organization you complete this quest with, the hero will still have access to the decisive task in Fallout 4 - “Closed Institution”. This quest will be decisive in choosing a side for which the main battle in the plot of the game will take place.

After the quest with the Deacon, the task “Molecular Level” will open to you, in which you will create an interceptor. After collecting all the necessary elements for the quest, you must craft the device in your workshop. Next, you will need a powerful source of energy. To do this, build the generator in the same way - through the workshop.

Fallout 4, "Closed Institution": walkthrough

The Interceptor that was collected in the previous quest should transport you to the Institute. This establishment looks more like a hospital than an organization - white walls everywhere, sterile cleanliness and people in white coats. Now you are standing on the threshold important event- long-awaited meeting with my son.

Directly in front of the hero there is an elevator that you need to go into. While you are climbing, the announcer will unobtrusively talk about the creation and history of the Institute. If you want to delve deeper into the plot, we advise you to listen and not be distracted. You will be told about the most important events and their reasons in the world of Fallout 4. The “closed institution” will continue after leaving the elevator.

In the first room you will meet a boy who you will take for your son. He will tell you about what is happening here, you will be interrupted by the so-called Father - the head of the Institute. In a further conversation, he will tell you that he is your son.

Introduction to the Institute

Father will introduce you to the activities of the Institute and the main characters in it. The first will be Dr. Ellie Fillmore. Next to it you can purchase ammunition and weapons. Do this right away so you don't have to go back through the entire Institute before leaving.

Next stop is the bioscience department. There you should find Dr. Holden. She will tell you about the work of her unit. Next we go to the higher systems department. It is difficult to get lost in the Institute - all the paths and corridors are quite clear for perception and memorization. Dr. Lee in a blue coat will talk about his activities and offer to install a chip in a pip-boy. With its help, you can easily teleport to the Institute from anywhere on the map.

The last point is the robot control department. Find the head of the department and ask him how this happened with previous scientists. After this, you must return to the Father and talk to him, which will lead to the beginning of the finish line in the game Fallout 4. The quest "Closed Institution" will be completed.

Further actions

You will now be presented with a choice of side. By choosing your son as an ally, you will have access to a number of tasks.

The "Detention" quest is required to be completed before the final part of the game. According to the plot, you must find and return an escaped synth to the Institute. The quest is quite interesting, with cool dialogues and an idea. This synth lost his memory and began to consider himself human. He led a gang of raiders. After completing the quest, your quest assistant, synth X6-88, will be able to become your hired companion. Thus, you should not gallop through the most important Fallout quest 4 - "Closed institution". In it you will find out the answers to many questions and make several important decisions.

In a relatively recently published role-playing game called Fallout 4, you can join a variety of factions, each of which has its own history, its own story line, colorful characters and various opportunities. Naturally, this attracts many gamers, because previously such opportunities practically did not exist in post-apocalyptic RPGs, and this innovation opens up new and unique opportunities for fans of the genre. But what factions exist in this game that are ready to accept the player as the story progresses?

The following factions are available to you in Fallout 4: Institute, Brotherhood of Steel, Underground, and Minutemen. All of these groups have their own view of the world after the disaster, and all of them can have friendly or slightly strained, and maybe even downright hostile relations with each other.

In this article we will talk about the first faction, which is called “The Institute” in the game Fallout 4. This is the largest and most advanced faction, but many people wonder: are they good guys or bad guys? Well, thanks to this material you can answer this question for yourself.

How to join?

In Fallout 4, the Institute is a very interesting institution whose history is worth exploring. However, first you need to answer the most main question gamer: how to get into this faction? How to become a full-fledged member of it in order to gain access to the base, as well as to those quests that its inhabitants can give you in the future?

To do this, you need to directly discover the “Institute” itself, and doing this on your own is extremely difficult, almost impossible. Therefore, the safest way is to follow the main storyline until you reach the Institutionalized quest. Here you will have the most convenient opportunity to join a faction, since this will be your story quest. Of course, according to the plot, you will simply assemble a special device for teleportation to the Institute’s base and, with the help of another faction, infiltrate there, but you yourself can already make your visit of high quality new level. How to do it?

To complete the story quest, you need to talk to Father, the leader of the Institute. But after this conversation, when the quest is considered completed, you can go explore the base and talk with four leading specialists, which will be discussed in more detail later. When you do this, you will receive a quick access point to the base, that is, you can teleport there at any time, and you will also have the opportunity to take quests from those characters you meet at the base.

However, will you have such a desire in the game Fallout 4? The Institute is a faction that almost everyone hates, and joining it will lead to certain consequences for your character. But how did the Institute earn such a reputation?


So, now you know how to start playing as the Institute in Fallout 4. But the question arises: is this really what you want? Does working for the Institute suit your character? In order to understand these questions, it is necessary to understand how this faction came to be and what it did during its existence.

Initially, it was not a faction as such - it was the Boston Commonwealth Institute of Technology, where ordinary people studied and taught. More precisely, not quite ordinary - some of the best were collected here scientific minds in the world. But in 2077, during the war, Boston was bombed, and the people who were at the institute at that time took refuge in an underground bunker under the building in order to survive. They managed to do this, but they could no longer get out. Fortunately, the bunker had supplies necessary for further survival, and scientists united in order to continue living underground and engage exclusively in scientific activities.

As a result, the “Institute” appeared, which gradually expanded the small bunker, turning it into a real underground base, untouched by the war. You can only get inside using a teleport - the base has no other connection with the surface. This is why many players are trying to figure out the question in the game Fallout 4: where is the “Institute” located? But they are defeated over and over again, since you can only get there using a teleportation device.

Major achievement

There are a variety of beneficial consequences for joining this faction in Fallout 4 - the Institute's armor, for example, is very good. However, there is another point worth noting that is historical and greatly influenced how the universe developed.

The fact is that the scientists who were locked underground spent a lot of time scientific research and made a decent number of discoveries. The most striking of them were synths - androids, which are almost impossible to distinguish from ordinary people. For some time they served as helpers to humanity, but, naturally, it is very difficult, with so much evil on Earth, to adhere to humanity in such a situation. The Institute itself believes that synths are its property, and not creatures with their own desires and will. Therefore, there are opponents of the “Institute” who would like to get rid of their influence and free the synths from the slavery of their creators.

So if you find out how to get into the "Institute" in Fallout 4, then you should understand that you will be supporting some kind of tyrants - so join there if you have no problems with this or if you are developing not the kindest character , which is quite possible in this game.

Leading specialists

As mentioned earlier, the Institute employs a large number of incredible specialists, scientists and real geniuses who are engaged in a wide variety of developments. Among them, it is necessary to highlight five people - Father, who is the current leader of the faction, as well as four heads of different branches of the Institute.

Madison Lee is the woman in charge of the department for the development, creation and improvement of synths, called the Higher Systems Department.

Clayton Holdren heads the Biosciences Department, which is responsible for breeding plants, creating medicines, and supplying the entire Institute with food.

Justin Ayo is one of the main “bad guys”, since it is he who is responsible for the Robotic Control Department, which depersonalizes synths. It controls the number of androids produced, where they were sent, whether they were destroyed on time, disposed of if there were faults, and so on.

And, of course, it is worth mentioning the Infrastructure Department, which deals with the electrical supply of the Institute, and is headed by Ellie Fillmore.

These are the characters you'll interact with if you choose The Institute as a faction in Fallout 4. Whether these people are good or bad is up to you to decide, because every problem can always be looked at from different angles.

Legends about the "Institute"

Regardless of what exactly you think about the Institute, the people of the Commonwealth almost universally hate this faction and wish for it to be destroyed. However, they themselves cannot do this for well-known reasons - it is impossible to get to the Institute’s base without the necessary equipment. Therefore, this faction is gradually acquiring legends that scientists kidnap people for experiments, who then do not return. However, is this a legend? No one knows.

Relations with Podzemka

The relationship between the Institute and the Underground is extremely hostile - the problem lies precisely in the synths. Representatives of the Underground kidnap and reprogram the synths, thereby allowing them to become independent from the Institute, which considers them its property. If you play for the Institute, then at the end of the game you will have to destroy the headquarters of the Underground.

Relations with the Brotherhood of Steel

There is also a war between these two factions in the game Fallout 4. “Institute” or “Brotherhood of Steel”? Here the choice is no longer so moral, because both factions are not particularly different positive features. The problem with the conflict is that the Brotherhood considers synths to be super mutants, that is, disgusting creations created by human hands, and believes that they need to be destroyed. In addition, there is a struggle between these two high-tech factions for access to high technology. At the end of the game, you will need to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel base by reprogramming their most powerful weapon, Liberty Prime.

Relationship with the Minutemen

With this faction, everything is much simpler - the Minutemen are absolutely neutral in relation to the Institute, so if you do not provoke conflicts, then nothing bad will happen. During the game, synths will periodically raid Minutemen villages, but this will not escalate into a global conflict.

Good or bad?

Now the time has come to sum up - is the “Institute” a good faction or a bad one? Naturally, on a universal scale, we can safely say that the “Institute” is a real tyranny. Scientists create thinking robots with their own feelings and desires - and mark them as their property. Therefore, in the overall picture, “The Institute” looks like a typical image of the “bad guys”.

So you find yourself within the walls of the Institute, the biggest secret of the Commonwealth. The signal interceptor built in the previous one worked and that’s good. Soon after arriving, you will hear the voice of the head of the Institute, calling himself Father. He invites you to meet him face to face. So go forward until you reach the elevator. During the elevator ride, Father will tell you about the Institute and its importance.

After exiting the elevator, go forward to another elevator. You will find yourself in a room where you will see your ten-year-old son Sean behind glass. But is it him? Prepare to be shocked!

Then you will see the Father, he will tell you the whole story: who he is, why your son was stolen from you and much more. Ask him about everything. I won’t go into details so as not to spoil your reaction. Find out for yourself.

He will tell you about the Institute and invite you to join it. Therefore, you need to get to know the heads of the Institute’s departments.

Meet with department heads

Talk to the heads of the Institute's departments and form your opinion about this place.

After going down the stairs from the room in which you spoke with the Father, one level, you will immediately encounter Ellie Fillmore, the leading engineer of the Institute. The robotics department, which she heads, ensures the uninterrupted operation of the Institute’s engineering systems and monitors the serviceability of all equipment that makes it possible to live and work here.

Each department has its own color of lines drawn on the floor, which will help you navigate where you are. The Biosciences Division has a green line, the Robotics Division has a red line, the Robot Control Bureau has a black line, and the Higher Systems Division has a blue line.

Next, let's go to the Bioscience Department on the green line, where you will meet Dr. Clayton Holdren, the head of this department. The department deals with such areas of knowledge as botany, genetics and medicine. Their main task is to ensure the health and well-being of all residents of the Institute.

Remember Virgil, the scientist who escaped from the Institute and took refuge in the Glowing Sea? He worked in this department, and somewhere here he left his serum, which should cure him. If you wish, you can find it and take it to Virgil in the Glowing Sea as part of the quest from the Miscellaneous section “Virgil’s Treatment”.

Don’t expect a warm welcome at the robot control bureau, since the local manager clearly doesn’t trust you. His name is Dr. Justin Ayo, and his department is dedicated to the return of escaped synths who are hiding on the surface among people.


You can try to find out from Dr. Ayo why he doesn’t trust you (level of conviction is medium).

And the final leader is Dr. Madison Lee. She heads the Higher Systems Division, which deals with special projects. Dr. Lee will install a hunter chip in your Pip-Boy so that you can use fast travel within the walls of the Institute.

Dr. Madison Lee also appears in the Brotherhood of Steel quest "From Within", which you could obtain if you collaborated with this faction during the construction of the teleporter in the story quest "The Molecular Level".

In the premises of the higher systems department, which is responsible for a kind of shooting gallery, which is located on the left side as soon as you enter the department, you can stock up on institute ammunition and weapons.


On the very top floor of the Institute building in the rest room on the balcony you will find Amazingly Cool Stories magazine issue 9. With it, a new perk will become available to you, thanks to which Dogmeat will receive 10% less damage. You can see the entire list of magazine perks here.


Once the Closed Facility quest is completed, you will have complete freedom and can continue to work with any faction (or several) of your choice: I like 12

After watching the initial video, we begin to customize the appearance of our character using the appropriate menu. Having chosen the most suitable appearance for him, we go to look at the house and play with Sean, the hero’s little son.

Then in the kitchen you will need to talk with the robot Codsworth, after which we will meet a representative of the Volt-Tech company. Our character will talk to him. In the meantime, we have to enter a name and distribute points for strength, charisma, luck, endurance, dexterity, perception and intelligence.

Chat with your wife and go to the child: you need to turn on the toy above his crib. Then talk to your wife again and return to the robot, and then quickly go to the shelter. After talking with the officer, go behind the fence, go to the elevator landing and go down. Move forward and grab the jumpsuit, then get into the cell.

After some time, our character will wake up. Examine the area and find a security rod. Computers will help you find more information about the shelter. Clear the room of radroaches, pick up the ten-millimeter pistol and stimulants. At the entrance to the shelter there is a Pip-Boy, which also needs to be picked up.

Afterwards we leave the shelter and go towards the house. At the entrance to the house there is our robot, with whom we also need to talk. Inspect the houses nearby and eliminate insects, and at the same time find a couple of safes.

Then head to Concord. At the truck stop there will be a partner's dog, a workshop and a bunch of mole rats, and under the gas station you can find a small cave.

In Concord, we need to find the Freedom Museum building and save it from the raiders. We eliminate the surviving raiders in the Museum, at the top of it we talk with Preston Gavri. On the table you can find a Perception Bobblehead. Then we go down and hack the doors: for this you can, in particular, hack the computer. Then we take the nuclear unit, go upstairs and repair the Power Armor. We remove the minigun from the crashed plane and shoot at the raiders in front of the entrance to the Museum. We return inside the Museum and talk to Preston. He will invite us to restore Sanctuary and cross paths there.

Pearl of the Commonwealth

At the entrance to Diamond City, Piper will be found and will not be allowed through. Talk to her, then immediately enter the city. There you will need to talk with Mayor McDonagh.

We go to Piper's house and talk to her. She will tell us about detective Nick Valentine: that’s where we now have to go. True, the detective won’t be there, so you’ll have to find him first!

Valentine's day

We go to the Boston Commune and go down to the Park Street station. There will be gangsters inside that you need to deal with. Then we go lower and deal with others. The tunnel will end with the entrance to shelter 114. We go down even lower and, having passed through the large hall, we jump into the basement and eventually find ourselves in a new hall. There you will need to deal with Dino.

We go down further, hack the terminal and release the detective. There is an Eloquence Bobblehead on the table in the room. After talking with Nick, we go with him to the exit. Having met the leader of the gangsters along the way, we talk with him. You can deal with him or persuade Darla to return home. Afterwards, we talk with Nick on the street and go to his office.


We talk with Nick at the table, and then we go to the suspect. Nick won't be able to enter Kellogg's house without the key, so he'll have to go to the mayor's reception area, take the elevator and talk to Geneva. If you don’t want to persuade her, you can bribe her.

Afterwards, we examine Kellogg’s house and find a red button under the table on the first floor. Then we look around the secret room and follow the dog that took the trail.


"Man's Friend" will lead to the river, where you will find a cigar. Then walk along railway and look for the transition. The dog will bark at the bloody bandages.

We step forward, find an empty room with a basement and move on. Soon we will again discover bloody rags hanging on the fence, and then we will enter Fort Hagen. Moving to the left from the place where the dog points, we will go down and go into the parking lot, and then go through the door with the red sign “EXIT”.

Keep in mind that the house is crawling with synths.

To the left of one of the tables you will find a safe in the floor. Go to the room with the locked synths and take the elevator, and then, after walking along the corridor, go down below. When you hear Kellogg's voice, go towards him.

Your task: go to the branch on the right and find the password for the arsenal in the red box. A little further away you will find an arsenal with a bunch of all sorts of useful things, as well as Kellogg. He will not refuse to communicate with us. Moreover, he will tell you that Sean has grown up and is currently at the Institute. Then deal with Kellogg.

You will receive Kellogg's password from the terminal, a very good pistol and armor. Read the information on Kellogg's computer, and then go back to the city and talk to Nick.

Dangerous thoughts

Let's go to a meeting with Dr. Amari. You need to go to Good Neighborhood and deal with the guys at the entrance.

We enter the House of Memories and go down, watch the procedure, and then dive into the capsule. Walking along the chains from memory to memory, we listen to conversations, and then talk with the doctor and Nick.

Glowing Sea

Using various drugs that will help reduce the effects of radiation, we put on Power Armor and quickly cross the radioactive field. We are heading to the lower left corner on the map.

Then we cross the hill and notice a small settlement - Atom Crater. There we need to talk to the girl, and then move forward to find the Rocky Caves. And then we talk to Virgil.


We move to the ruins of the Institute. In the Pip-Boy (section “Radio”) we look for the hunter’s signal, and then go in the direction of increasing the signal strength. The task is to find a mark on the Greentech Genetics map (it will be a large green building) and get inside.

We turn right and go up to the second floor. Then we go along the corridors and deal with the arrows, after which we move to the very top and get into the elevator.

Rising even higher, we talk with Z2, and then take the hunter’s chip. And before you finally leave the building, you need to save the synth girl K1-98. To do this, we move to the stairs opposite: under it there will be a red box, and in it - the password for the terminal.

Molecular level

Give the chip to Dr. Amari, and then go to the Old North Church: it is located slightly above Good Neighborhood.

Inside the church, go down to the basement and look for the Freedom Path Ring on the wall. Turn the ring and use the red arrow to enter the word "RAILROAD". Afterwards, talk to the residents of the Underground, give them the chip and get the code. You can go to Virgil.

And if you wish, you can talk separately with the Underground, the Brotherhood of Steel and the Minutemen. Go to Sanctuary and talk to Preston Gavri. He will give an additional quest - “The First Step”.

« First step" Go to Tenpines Bluff and talk to the settler. He will ask you for help in fighting the raiders who are attacking the settlers from the Corvega factory. It is necessary to clear the area around the plant and inside the building.

Tell the settlers that the raiders have been eliminated, and then talk to Preston. He will give you a new task - “Greentop Greenhouse”. But you can help Preston with the scheme without completing the quest.

Chat with Preston and go to Sturges. Construction of the platform will require 10 points of aluminum, 5 - steel, 3 - wiring and, of course, electricity. By clearing out trash in Sanctuary, you can find it all. Build everything in the right place and talk to Sturges again.

Now you need three more components:

All details indicated in brackets will be marked on the map. In principle, you can pick them up while traveling through the Wasteland.

There will be a lot of super mutants in Medford Hospital, and some of them can explode. But it’s still worth entering the building: inside there will be a biometric scanner and a nuclear unit. Afterwards, go to the Federal Food Warehouse: there will be a military electrical circuit there. Let's go back and finish everything. Having installed the generators, we connect them with wires. Then we talk to Sturges and stand on the platform.

Closed institution

After Father finishes speaking, we go into the elevator. We look for Sean and talk with him, and then with Father. Next, we go to meet the heads of the departments. True, they will be in different locations. We go upstairs and install the virus in the computer terminal.


Talk to the Father and go look for the synth leading the raiders. Having found the hunters, storm the main base. Then go to the ships and eliminate the raiders on the ground. Climb to the top of the overturned cargo ship and climb inside. Gabriel will appear there. Choose what to do with it, and then return to Father and look around your room.

Battle of Bunker Hill

Talk to the Father, and then go to the marked point and talk to the hunter. Choose the Institute's side, and then deal with the opponents standing at the entrance. Go beyond the fence on the blue bus.

Go to the basement: there you will meet a bunch of enemies. Find a room with refugee synths and activate the reset codes. Travel back to the Old Institute and meet Father on the roof. You need to talk to him.

New face of humanity

You need to get to the Institute and listen to the negotiations taking place there. Then stay at the Institute and talk to the Father.

Mass Fusion

After talking with Ellie Fillmore, go to the indicated place - Mass Fusion - through the teleport (and you need to take the elevator to get to it). Please note: visiting Mass Fusion will make you an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel once and for all!

Teleport to the location and fight the Brotherhood soldiers. Then find the terminal. Keep in mind that the key and pass for the elevator are on the table in the next room, in front of the TV room. And then find out where you can get a beryllium impeller.

Go downstairs. You will meet many enemies from the Brotherhood. Having found the switch, return electricity to the elevator and activate it. Go down below and go to another elevator.

At the end of this long “dive” you should end up at the reactor. Go inside through the gateway by first pressing the red button. Radiation is high here, so it's best to be as prepared as possible before entering. Quickly go up and press the "Unlock Reactor" button, then grab it and run out of here. On the way, deal with a massive security robot and other enemies. You can leave the building through the same elevator. After leaving it, return to the Institute.


We communicate with the Father and move to the indicated location. We deal with the arrows on the spot and talk in the house with Enrico. And then we persuade Wallace through the door.


We communicate with the Father and use a microphone to record his speech for the Commonwealth. Then we go to Diamond City and get to the radio station. We need to install three parts in a row from left to right:

  • radio thing with buttons;
  • radio thing with disks;
  • radio thing with tubes.

We talk with my father (at this time he is at the Institute, in the room with the reactor). We put a battery in the reactor and start it at the terminal. We talk to my father and go to the directorate meeting. We will be asked to choose either increasing the production of synths, or improving the development of weapons. You need to choose the first one.

At the last line

Talk to the Father. He will send us to kill Desdemona from the Underground. And then decide whether to kill her. If you want to continue playing for the Institute, then you will need to do so. If you spare Desdemona, then you will complete the final missions of Fallout 4 for another faction - Underground.

But in this guide we talk about completing the main story only for the Institute. Therefore, mercilessly deal with everyone who will be in the Underground, including Desdemona. Afterwards, return to the Father and tell him about the work done.


After talking with Father, go to Dr. Lee. Listen to Rosalind and teleport. Climb through the guarded area and enter the building through the hole in the wall.

Here you will meet a huge number of opponents, but synths will help you fight them. Go up the stairs and destroy all three Brotherhood of Steel generators. (You will have to take an additional elevator to get to the third one.)

Then go to the Liberty Prime robot. Your task is to protect the synth who is hacking the robot from the soldiers from the Brotherhood of Steel who have arrived on the scene. Once the task is completed, leave the area.

Family split

All that needs to be done in this mission is to talk to the Father at the institute. This will end the main storyline of the game.

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