Words starting with the letter d are English nouns. Translations of words starting with d

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⇒ "This is what can happen if you leave your car with the handbrake on. Then you can believe in ghosts who steal cars in broad daylight."
Added - 05/20/2019
⇒ "It is not surprising that it was Dimash who had such dizzying success in China. Nature produces such talented young musicians only once a century. The young man has a unique voice with a range of four octaves, natural expressiveness and musicality. He simply captivates listeners with his singing. Today he is the best in the world. This guy is and will always be accompanied by success wherever he performs. He wins all competitions in which he takes part."
Added - 05/20/2019
⇒ "Strongly! I cried, honestly. Everything is true, to a single word, to a single breath, as if in confession. It is a shame that in such a huge and, most importantly, rich country, the people are impoverished and dying out, and our rulers not only do not prevent this, but even contribute to it. The pension reform alone is worth it. I think this video will be deleted soon, well, they don’t like to listen to the bitter truth the mighty of the world this. But, fortunately, there are still people who honor veterans, do not believe the words of “snickering” officials, and still believe that everything will change."
Added - 05/20/2019
⇒ "My daughters watch videos like this all the time. They also love it when new toys are opened on them. But I’ve never watched them with them, but this time I saw them by accident. You know this is really interesting. There was nothing like this in our childhood, which is a pity. And there were no such playrooms. Now our children live without needing anything. And how interesting it will be for these children to watch videos of themselves in 5-10 years. Then they will show them to their children, it’s just great. Now, whenever possible, I will also photograph my children, because life is not enough for this."
Added - 05/20/2019
⇒ "The incident was truly extremely terrible and cruel; instead of asking the store employees for help, the man began to organize a concert for the public. He began to destroy everything around, destroying the goods that the workers had been storing all night. So that everything is ready in the morning for freaks like this person. Sorry, of course I don’t have any right to insult, especially disabled people, but he deserved it. I don’t understand why almost all people similar to him become aggressive and are absolutely angry with the whole world."
Added - 05/20/2019

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Inclusion: 1. Size: 2kb.

Part of the text: Annenskaya A.N.: Francois Rabelais. His life and literary activity Sources Sources 1. Louis Moland. Francois Rabelais, tout ce qui existe de ses ?uvres: Gargantua - Pantagruel etc. precede d"une vie de l"auteur d"apres les documents les plus recemment decouverts et les plus authentiques. 2. Jean Fleury. Rabelais et son ?uvre. 3. Gebhart. Rabelais, la rennaissance et la reforme. 4. Michelet. La reforme. 5. G. Weber. General history. Tt. 9 and 10. 6. A. Veselovsky. General literature. (Lectures given at the Higher Women's Courses in 1878-79) 7. A. Veselovsky. Rabelais and his novel ("Bulletin of Europe", 1878, No. 3).

Inclusion: 2. Size: 52kb.

Part of the text: Jg., H. 12, 1967, S. 1234 ff. 2. J. Withrow, Natural philosophy of time, M., 1964, p. 74. 3. E. Cassirer, Philosophie der symbolischen Forinen, II. Teil, Berlin, 1925, S. 103 ff.; A. Hallowell, Culture and Experience, Philadelphia, ]955; B. L. Whorf. Language, Thought, and Reality, New York, 1956; O. F. Bollnow, Mensch und Raum, Stuttgart, 1963. 4. M. Granet, La pensee chinoise, Paris, 1934, p. 86, 90, 97, 103. 5. S. Radhakrishnan. Indian philosophy, vol. I, M., 1956, p. 33, cf. pp. 312, 377. 6. H. Frankfort, The Birth of Civilization in the Near East, London, 1951, p. 20. 7. J.-P. Vernant, Mythe et pensee chez les grecs. Etudes de psychologie historique, Paris, 1965, p. 22 ss., 57, 71 ss., 99 ss. 8. A.F. Losev, History of ancient aesthetics (early classics), M., 1963, p. 50. 9. Ibid., pp. 38, 55. Cf. A.F. Losev, History of ancient aesthetics. Sophists, Socrates, Plato, M., 1969, pp. 598-600, 612-613, etc. 10. V. A. Van Groningen, In the Grip of the Past. Essay on an Aspect of Greek Thought, Leyden, 1953. 11. W. den Boer, Graeco-Roman Historiography in its Relation to Biblical and Modern Thinking. - "History and Theory", vol. VII, No. 1, 1968, p. 72. Wed. E. Ch. Welskörf, Gedanken ubor den gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt im Altertum. XIII. Internationaler Kongress der historischen Wissenschaften. Moskau, 1970. 12. M. M. Bakhtin, The Work of Francois Rabelais and folk culture Middle Ages and Renaissance, M., 1965. 13. N. I. Conrad, West and East, M., 1966, p. 79. 14. O. Spengler. Decline of Europe, vol. I, M.-Pg., 1923, pp. 126 next, 170 next. 15. D. S. Likhachev, Poetics of Old Russian Literature, Leningrad, 1967. 16. J. Le Goff. La civilization de l"Occident medieval, Paris, 1965, p. 126, 440. 17. E. Male, L"art religieux du XIIIe siecle en France, Paris, 1925 (6, ed.), p. 1-5. Macrocosm and microcosm...

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Part of the text: Louise Labe, a wonderful candy player Podgaetskaya P Yu Louise Labe, a wonderful candy player Louise Labe. Oeuvres Louise Labe. Works The publication was prepared by I. Yu. Podgaetskaya Series " Literary monuments"M., Nauka, 1988 http://thelib.ru/books/podgaeckaya_p_yu/luiza_labe_prekrasnaya_kanatchica-read.html Like a lawless planet In the circle of calculated luminaries. A. S. Pushkin Tu chantas Famour! Et ce fut ta destine (*). M. Desbordes-Valmore (* “You sang love! And this became your destiny” - a line from the cycle “Tears” by Marcelina Desbordes-Valmore.) Three elegies, twenty-four sonnets and one prose dialogue - the artistic heritage left to us is so quantitatively modest Lyon poetess Louise Labe. But it turned out to be more than enough to become one of the brilliant pages in the history of not only French, but also world poetry. The first thing that catches your eye when reading books and articles dedicated to Louise Labe (Bibliography of studies on the life and work of the poetess. see, in the book: Labe L. Edition critique et conimentee par Enzo Giudici. Geneve, 1981. P. 248-250.), is the uniqueness of her poetry and her...

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Part of the text: JEAN DE CENTRE" AND HIS PLACE IN THE HISTORY OF FRENCH MEDIEVAL LITERATURE* The work of the outstanding French writer of the 15th century Antoine de La Salle (c. 1388 - c. 1461) has not been sufficiently studied, although his novel "Little Jean de Centre" (1456), written by the author in his declining years, many researchers are inclined to recognize the first French novel of modern times, even challenging in this sense the unconditional priority of Madame de Lafayette's The Princess of Cleves. “Little Jean de Center” has never been translated into Russian, which creates an irreparable gap in our understanding of the literary process of the 15th century, this “autumn of the Middle Ages.” Until recently, in Russian literary criticism general information about the life and work of Antoine de La Salle could only be gleaned from works of a review nature, and researchers were generally inclined to believe that Antoine de La Salle’s innovation consisted in changing the genre of the traditional knightly novel, the plot of which was transformed in the urban spirit, which led to an ironic decline in traditional chivalric ideals. In Europe, interest in the writer’s work began at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and remains unchanged. IN last years the noted gap in our literary criticism has been partially filled in connection with the publication of the collection “The Fifteenth Century in the World literary development", where an attempt was made to comprehensively consider the literary phenomena of the specified period. The 15th century in France - the time of the Hundred Years' War and the crisis of traditional feudal values ​​- could not but become an era of awareness of relativity...

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Part of the text: http://www.famous-scientists.ru/list/6949 BUROVA Irina Igorevna “SMALL POEMS” BY EDMUND SPENCER IN THE CONTEXT OF ARTISTIC SEARCHES OF THE ELIZABETHIN ERA Specialty 10. 01. 03 - Literature of the peoples of foreign countries (literature of the peoples of Europe, America, Australia) ABSTRACT of the dissertation for competition scientific degree Doctor of Philological Sciences St. Petersburg 2008 Work performed at the Department of History foreign literature Faculty of Philology and Arts of St. Petersburg state university. Scientific consultant: Doctor of Philology, Professor Larisa Valentinovna Sidorchenko Official opponents: Doctor of Philology, Professor Natalya Georgievna Vladimirova Doctor of Philology, Professor Natalia Aleksandrovna Solovyova Doctor of Art History, Professor Igor Vasilievich Stupnikov Leading organization: Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University The defense will take place “__” ____________ 2008 at ______ hours at a meeting of the council D 212. 232. 26 for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations at the St. Petersburg State University at the address: 199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya embankment, 11 The dissertation can be found at Scientific library them. M. Gorky St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya embankment, 7/9). Abstract sent out “___” __________ 2008 Scientific Secretary of the Council Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor S. D. Titarenko Elizabethan era...

11 day.-->English-Russian short dictionary-->day account ~ settlement day on the London Stock Exchange accounting ~ payment settlement day accounting ~ last day of the settlement period accounting ~ settlement day on the London Stock Exchange accounting

Translation of done

7 done.-->English-Russian short dictionary-->done ~ for condemned, finished ~ for ruined ~ for killed~ to the world (or to the wide) colloquial. defeated, defeated; a total failure~ p. p. from do; ~ in English compiled in English language(about

Translation of don

7 don.-->English-Russian short dictionary-->don [̈ɪdɔn] don (D.) don (Spanish title) ~ oral. put on ~ teacher, member of the college council (at Oxford and Cambridge)-->Mueller English-Russian Dictionary (24th Edition)-->don [̈ɪdɔn] _I _n. 1> (Don) don (Spanish title) 2>

Translation of dont

3 dont.-->English-Russian full dictionary-->dontdon"t: colloquial 1) abbreviated-->English-Russian Philosophical Dictionary-->dontdon"t 1> prohibition _Ex: a long list of don"ts a long list of what you are not supposed to do _Ex: do"s and don"ts rules, norms 2>

Translation of down

11 down.-->English-Russian short dictionary-->down[̈ɪdaun] ~ sport. down; he is one down; he is one point behind; to be down (on smb.) to be angry (at someone) to be ~ weaken, decline; the temperature (the death-rate) is very much down temperature (mortality rate)

Translation of de

6 de.-->English-Russian short dictionary-->de de facto lat. in fact, in fact, de facto (opposite de jure); the government de facto the government in power facto: facto: de ~ de facto, in fact, in fact de ~ de facto de ~ actual de ~ in fact de ~

Translation of dream

8 dream.-->English-Russian short dictionary-->dream dream vision; dreams go by opposites in reality everything is the other way around ~ (dreamt, dreamed) to dream, to see in a dream ~ to think, to contemplate (in negative sentences); I shouldn't dream of doing such a thing

Translation of david

4 david.-->Mueller English-Russian Dictionary (24th Edition)-->david_n. David; _bibl. David-->English-Russian full dictionary-->David noun. David; bib. David (biblicalism) David-->English-Russian Philosophical Dictionary-->davidDavid 1> _bibl. David-->English-Russian Dictionary Socrates-->daviddavid

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