Subject full name what. Artem, Topic: what does name, character and destiny mean (from childhood and throughout life)

The name Artem has a fairly strong foundation that does not disappear even with a diminutive sound. As a rule, men with the powerful sound energy of their name are characterized by self-confidence, fortitude and prudence.

The main character traits of the name Artem are activity and, at the same time, amazing calmness, the ability to sensibly assess the situation even in extreme conditions.

What does the name Artem mean for a boy?

Little Tema often suffers from colds, but then his health gradually improves. This is due to the desire to lead healthy image life, to sports. Parents can rarely complain about his disobedience; the child is quite balanced, does not conflict with others and does not impose his opinion.

The boy is independent and independent, but will never go beyond what is permitted; he has the qualities of a leader.

This name for a boy symbolizes loyalty in friendship and the ability to keep secrets. The child has an excellent grasp of the situation and always tries to objectively assess the situation. Most often, he tries to make friends with children who are older than him. A balanced boy is not inclined to solve problems with his fists; he is gallant and well-mannered. Since childhood, he has been more attached to his mother than to his father.

Character of an adult man

Over time, Artemy becomes more and more sociable; his circle of friends consists of intellectually versatile individuals. He follows strict moral standards and has a hard time dealing with betrayal. Often people fall under the influence of a male leader and do not always understand that he easily manipulates them. Hardworking Artem is a valuable employee, he shows himself well in the role of a leader.

Suitable professions are architect, politician, economist, teacher, as well as engineer or psychologist.

A man with a balanced character will not find it difficult to smooth out any conflict. However, to preserve his own dignity, he may sacrifice the interests of others. With age, special attention should be paid to vision, the endocrine system and the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Artem – compatibility with female names

The maximum strength of feelings is celebrated with Irina, Ulyana, Ekaterina, Victoria, as well as Yana and Veronica. Stability in marriage - with Anna, Tatyana, Natalya, Vera, Daria and Polina. Relationships with Anastasia, Valeria, Alena, Ksenia, Galina and Maria are not going well.

Artem and Anastasia

Despite the fact that both lovers are distinguished by kindness and prudence, their family relationships are difficult to build. The couple strives for a quiet life, but constant mistrust gets in the way. The union is successful if all problems are resolved as they arise and only peacefully.

Artemy and Yulia

Compatibility will be good if lovers share their ideas and thoughts. Trust and understanding are the basis of their relationship. Light affection most often develops into marriage if the man and woman are creative individuals.

Artem and Anna

A dreamy and romantic woman feels comfortable with a modern, active man. The key to a successful marriage is finding a middle ground, when both do not experience restrictions and do what they love.

Tema and Alena

At the first meeting they may feel slight hostility, but over time they become best friends. Compatibility in love is not very successful, since friendly relationships rarely move into the stage of passion and passionate feelings.

Artem and Ekaterina

The union is considered almost ideal. Relationships are rich in passion, understanding, positive energy, trust. Partners provide each other with a certain degree of freedom, but none of the lovers abuses it.

Artemy and Olga

The intensity of relationships, constant outbursts of emotions - all this characterizes such a vibrant union. Compatibility is good only in love, family life Things are not going well because of constant quarrels and the inability to meet each other halfway.

Artem and Irina

The life of this couple is more like a holiday. Lovers are never bored together; every journey or trip is a real adventure, full of impressions that will last a lifetime. The union is successful if a man and a woman try to devote every free minute to each other.

“What’s in my name for you?” asked the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in one of his poems. They say that a person's name contains a great secret. Having solved which one can say a lot about a person’s character, his positive and negative traits, and even predict fate. We, of course, cannot predict fate. But we are quite capable of figuring out what the name Artem means for a boy. And this is what our article today is dedicated to.

Artem, Temushka, Artemka... Today this sonorous, pleasant to the ear name has become so firmly established in everyday life and familiar to each of us that few people think about its history. But the name Artem is not Russian at all. It has Greek roots and it appeared there. What does the name Artem mean in Greek? The ancient Greeks seemed to endow this name with some kind of magical power. Indeed, translated from Greek, the name Artem means “ unharmed, possessing good health " And it's probably true. After all, little Artyomiki have good immunity, rarely catch colds, and since childhood they have been distinguished by, if not heroic, then very good health.

True, there is another version regarding the translation. Some researchers interpret the name Artem as nothing more than “ dedicated to Artemis" IN Greek mythology the beautiful, eternally young Artemis was considered the goddess of hunting and fertility. Maybe that’s why Artems often have such a cheerful and easy disposition, they willingly agree to adventures and are open to the world. Despite the fact that today Artem is used as an independent name, it is very often used as a diminutive appeal to the name Artemy. From which, in fact, the name Artem was formed.

Name Artem in Orthodox faith sounds like Artemy. As a rule, the owners of this name are calm, quick-tempered, self-confident people. Artem does not like scandals and quarrels, he does not strive to prove to anyone that he is right. Artem has a calm and strong inner self-confidence, therefore people respect him and listen to his opinion. Little Artem has a simply wonderful character. He is a real smart guy who is adored by his parents, friends, and teachers. He does not like conflicts and is always polite and friendly.

At the same time, Artem is an excellent student, he grasps and assimilates everything very easily. Artem has an excellent memory and a lively, inquisitive mind. He easily remembers large amounts of information. At the same time, Artem is distinguished by his hard work and perseverance. Growing up, Artem acquires the makings of a good leader and organizer. He balanced and reasonable. He makes all decisions carefully thinking and calculating them. possible consequences. “Measure twice, cut once,” this is the principle that guides Artem in life.

As a rule, Artem is a very friendly and positive child. He knows how to value friends, set priorities correctly, and has a peaceful, positive character. Artem not touchy or vindictive. Artem has been very attached to his mother all his life. She is his good friend and he trusts her, loves her very much and values ​​his mother’s opinion. He is not indifferent to her reaction to certain actions. Therefore, Artem will always try not to upset her or upset her.

It’s hard to call Artem a restless person, but it’s also hard to call him quiet. Artem loves to play with other children, he always open for communication, actively reaches out to peers. At the same time, he is not intrusive and always knows when to stop.

Artyom's character very much depends on the time of year when he was born. So, for example, Artem, born in the winter month, has a rather contradictory character. Winter Artem is very punctual and strives to achieve perfection in everything. He is very ambitious and you would not be wrong if you call him a perfectionist. Artem, born in the winter season. He is extremely reluctant to ask for help and tries to do everything himself. An independent disposition and an early desire for independence - this is distinctive features representatives of this name born in winter. Unconditional positive features The character of winter Artems is their calmness, prudence and poise. Such people always know what to do. Nothing is impossible for them; they will always find a way out of any, even very tense, situation.

Artem, who was born in the summer, is the most charming representative of his name. He is very sociable and connects well with his classmates. Summer Artem is gallant, respectful and respectful. He is a real ladies' man. Women simply adore him, given that the summer representatives of this name are usually very good-looking.

Summer Artyom becomes a leader without much effort. He is an excellent organizer. People trust him, willingly listen to him and happily respond to all his ideas and suggestions. Summer Artem, however, like winter, has an extremely independent character. It will not be possible to control or manipulate it. In general, independence is the trait that distinguishes all representatives of this name.

Vesenny Artem is the most gentle, vulnerable and responsive. He usually nature is very creative and dreamy. Vesenny Artem often tries to express himself as actively as possible in something creative. It could be music, drawing, sports or dancing. Whatever, Artem will try to succeed in everything and achieve good results. Self-expression is extremely important for spring Artyom. His creative, romantic nature literally needs recognition.

But spring Artyom also has a minus. He is very proud and, at times, even vain. Artem, born in the spring, often experiences failures and criticism addressed to him very hard and even painfully. Sometimes even a seemingly harmless remark can seriously hurt and cause him pain. Vesenny Artem quite touchy, but not at all vindictive. He does not hold a grudge and, if he is wrong, is willing to be the first to reconcile. It is not difficult for him to apologize, and he always apologizes completely sincerely and from the bottom of his heart.

Vesenny Artem is a faithful friend and a good husband, a gentle and sensual lover. The one who can win his heart will be especially lucky. After all, Artem will surround his woman with care and attention, and love and romance will never leave the relationship.

Artem, born in the fall, is certainly the most wild and reckless. He is more prone than others to all kinds of adventures and adventures, and is capable of abrupt, impetuous actions. Sometimes such a quick temper in his character can play a bad joke on him and Artem can get into trouble from which he himself will brilliantly get out. Autumn Artem is the soul of any party, a real generator of ideas, a person who creates the mood for everyone and whom everyone adore.

Yes, he can be impetuous. Yes, sometimes he can be harsh. But he capable of strong feelings and truly beautiful actions. He never pursues any selfish goals. Some may consider the autumnal Artyom to be reckless, but in reality he is just very hot and lively. But you will never be bored with him.

In this article we looked at what the name Artem means for a boy. Would you name your son that? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

The name Artem (Artemy) is on the list of the most popular male names in our country. There are several versions of its origin. According to the first, the name is derived from the ancient Greek Artemios, which in turn came from the name of the patroness of the moon and hunting, Artemis. According to the second - from the word “artemes”, which translated means “unharmed”, “healthy”, “impeccable health”. Observing Russian traditions, the church recognizes that it is correct to name the boy only as Artemy.

Name Astrology

  • Libra
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: beryl
  • Color: dark blue
  • Tree: rowan
  • Plant: chrysanthemum
  • Animal: cricket
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

From an early age, Artem shows independence and self-confidence. He is sociable and easily comes into contact with people of different views, hobbies, and beliefs. It is inherent leadership skills, which throughout life allow you to highlight and subjugate other people behind the scenes, as well as achieve your goals and objectives. He is very sociable and is always the “soul” of the company.

The secret of the name Artem hides such advantages of this person as devotion to people and the ability to keep other people's secrets. The complexity of his character lies in the fact that he is very stubborn, and it is impossible to knock him off his intended goal or convince him of something. The striking features are activity, prudence, and objectivity.

Conflicting views are inherent in winter Artyom. But at the same time he is very attached to work, loves to travel, drives vehicles well and is very hospitable. Autumn is stubborn and demanding, but at the same time always excludes conflict situations. He is endowed from birth with a variety of talents, which, unfortunately, he does not always have time to reveal. He loves and always strives for sports activities. Born in the summer, Artyom is characterized by strict discipline, correctness, gallantry, and the ability to comply with various rules. He tends to always think through everything down to the smallest detail. He likes to delve into all the subtleties and nuances of what is happening and always strives for leadership. The character of the spring representative of the name lies in exclusive responsibility for oneself and others, a tendency to worry about relatives and friends. But at the same time, he is characterized by selfishness, narcissism, irritability, and capriciousness. He loves praise.

Interests and hobbies

Artem is passionate about all types of sports, traveling to different countries. Hobbies include a passion for books and cars, as well as preparing various culinary delights.

Profession and business

What helps Artem become a professional is strength of character, boundless hard work, impeccable logical thinking and intuition. He can succeed in such professions as builder, architect, jeweler, teacher, journalist. Persistence helps you achieve excellent results in any endeavor and in every field of activity.


As a child, Artem is often susceptible to colds. Having matured, he can boast of good health thanks to a sports lifestyle. But his weak points are considered to be his back, thyroid gland and vision.

Sex and love

Artem can safely be called a tempter and a seducer. He often cannot settle on sexual relations with only one partner, thereby trying to gain self-affirmation. For him, sex is The best way relax, relieve fatigue and stress, and also have fun. He is a sensual and passionate lover, he is amused by long-term erotic games and fantasies. He chooses a sexy and temperamental woman who is able to cope with all his desires.

Family and marriage

He has been searching for his life partner and ideal for a long time. But in the family, Artem is an exemplary husband and exemplary father, a caring and attentive son. He always equally shares responsibilities around the house, helps his wife, plays and walks with the children. Loves to travel with his family, give gifts to loved ones, and organize holidays.

He never resigns himself to the role of a henpecked man and total control from his wife. She always values ​​her independence, even in marriage. Artem rarely cheats and does not easily agree to divorce, especially if there are children in the union.

DOB: 1905-08-05

Soviet aircraft designer, academician

Version 2. What does the name Artem mean?

The name Artem means “impeccable health” (Greek).

When playing with children he is calm and unobtrusive. At school he is attentive, remembers everything, studies well. Growing up, he becomes more active, mobile, takes the initiative and the role of leader in the class.

“Winter” Artem is a balanced, calm boy, somewhat slow, but there is no need to rush him, he will do everything perfectly on his own. Someone's leadership or excessive care irritates him. He is independent and independent. Spiritually closer to the mother than to the father, mommy's favorite. Since childhood, he has been attentive and helpful with girls, a true gentleman. He is great friends with girls and never offends them.

He is prone to colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, so it is necessary to get Artem interested in sports, preferably swimming.

“January” Artem has a contradictory character, sometimes it is difficult for him to make the right decision, he is tormented by doubts and self-doubt, and “December” is overly emotional, quick-tempered, prefers outdoor games, and is persistent in achieving his goal.

“Autumn” is a philosophical person, serious and reasonable. He is more decisive than the “winter” one, but he carefully thinks through every decision. Does not allow mistakes even in early age. For Artem there is no problem in choosing activities or entertainment; he always knows what he wants. He is not influenced; on the contrary, he easily influences his peers. He gravitates towards the exact sciences, is interested in history and economics. He chooses his own profession and achieves good results. He loves sports, but most of all he is attracted to the cycling track. It takes him a little longer to complete any task than others; he is unhurried and meticulous.

“Summer” is disciplined, never violates the rules of ethics, correct and gallant. He is able to grasp information on the fly, but to use it, he needs time. I have to think it over, go over the options in my head. IN physical development Artem is a little behind his peers - he is short in stature and has a small build until he is almost eighteen years old. Then he grows up sharply and becomes a strong young man. He does not strive for leadership, he willingly yields the palm to his friends, but he will not allow anyone to lead him.

“Spring” Artem is conscientious and responsible. He experiences failures very painfully, is proud, and somewhat selfish. Irritable and capricious, in childhood requires increased attention from parents. Praise is very important to him; it inspires him and raises him in his own eyes. Don't deny him this. If you want to achieve something from him, then you should not put pressure on him. It is necessary to establish a trusting relationship, then he will not have secrets from you. Artem is a capable boy, loves literature, everything humanitarian sciences. Having matured, he prefers philosophy, psychology, and medicine. “Maysky” Artem can become a successful politician, political commentator, and journalist.

The following middle names are suitable for “winter” and “autumn” Artem: Mikhailovich, Alexandrovich, Borisovich, Pavlovich, Grigorievich, Sergeevich.

“Summer” and “spring” Artem - Gavrilovich, Aristovich, Danilovich, Davydovich, Vladimirovich, Anatolyevich, Nikolaevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich.

3 version of the meaning of the name Artem

The name ARTEM means healthy (Greek).

Name day: July 6 - Holy Righteous Artemy Verkolsky (XVI century), son of a peasant from the Arkhangelsk province; in his adolescence he pleased God with meekness and obedience.

He died at the age of thirteen. Twenty-eight years after his death, Artemy’s relics were found incorrupt and placed in the Verkola Church of St. Nicholas. November 2 - Holy Great Martyr Artemy, was beheaded in 363.

The zodiac sign of the name is Libra.

Planet - Venus.

Color - dark blue.

A favorable tree is rowan.

The treasured plant is the chrysanthemum.

The patron of the name is the cricket.

Talisman stone - beryl.


Artem is always very calm and does not impose his opinion on others. There are no problems with him in childhood. He reads a lot, is always objective in assessing the situation, always tells the truth, sometimes he gets it for it, but it is impossible to change his nature. Friendly and sociable, flexible, purposeful. He achieves everything through hard work. Very loyal to friends, knows how to keep secrets. Loves to travel.

Artem is a good husband, a wonderful father. Loves to receive guests and cook for them. He is not the leader in the family, but the calm dignity of the father means much more to his children than the bright radiance of the mother. He chooses a very beautiful wife for himself. However, his wife loves Artyom without memory.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Artem

The name Artem translated from Greek means “impeccable health.”

When playing with children he is calm and unobtrusive. At school he is attentive, remembers everything, studies well. Growing up, he becomes more active, mobile, takes the initiative and the role of leader in the class, but will not allow anyone to lead him.

Disciplined, Artem never violates the rules of ethics, correct and gallant. Artems can be doctors, journalists, electricians, architects, teachers, builders. Almost any profession is available to Artyom, and they succeed everywhere.

5 version of the meaning of the name Artem

Artems are hidden careerists. Outwardly flexible, kind, touchy. They love to prove the truth, they do it unobtrusively but convincingly.

Balanced. Internally they are truly non-aggressive - both in extreme and ordinary situations. Disgusting, sexy.

The structure of the psyche is independence itself, but if Artyom falls in love with a woman, then with one for a long time, moreover, he is incessantly jealous. They don’t skimp on anything, but they’re not big spenders either.

Since childhood, Artem has been overwhelmed by the dream of becoming a military man. At an early age - the complete opposite of maturity: stubborn, lazy; very similar to mother; often suffer from numerous diseases; love reading books. They grow up to be good military mechanics, dentists, and scientists.

7 version of the meaning of the name Artem

The literal translation of the name Artem from Greek is unharmed, impeccable health. As a child, he often suffers from respiratory diseases. They are calm and never impose their opinions on others. There are usually no problems at school.

Artems read a lot, are always objective in assessing situations, always tell the truth, and sometimes they get it for it. Look like mother. Friendly and sociable. In adulthood, they are flexible and purposeful. Not careerists. They achieve everything through their own work, are very loyal, and know how to keep secrets. “Winter” - with a very contradictory character.

These are people of various professions: jewelers, doctors, electricians, artists, journalists, architects, teachers, watchmakers.

Once married, they become good husbands and love animals. Hardworking. They have a passion for traveling, drive cars well, and repair them themselves. There are no leaders in the family. They love to receive guests and cook for them.

“Autumn” Artem is stubborn and persistent, but not conflicting. Talented, with a rich imagination, but, unfortunately, many Artems have untapped talent. Loves adventure literature. He plays sports, but does not reach great heights. His weakness is talking on the phone.

“Summer” Artem is very kind and trusting; their mothers are always worried about them, since they often find themselves helpless in life. They travel willingly and just as willingly go on business trips, and quickly find friends.

For a successful marriage, the following are suitable for Artem: Anna, Bella, Gella, Larisa, Lyudmila, Tamara, and Zoya, Maya, Marina or Elsa are not suitable.

Name day named after Artem

January 17, April 6, May 12, June 20, July 6, November 2, November 12,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Artem

Here you will find all the options for the MEANING OF THE NAME ARTEM (7 full interpretations with a reliability rating from users), origin, history, character and fate. User comments. But if you have another version, add it and we will publish it

Numerology of the name Artem

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready to take on a leadership role and assume responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto: “Progress in everything.”

The meaning of the letters in the name Artem

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

Name as a phrase

  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • T- Firmly
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • M- Think

Name Artem in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and only then your last name. You may need to write the name Artem in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

When choosing a name for a boy, mothers try to make it consonant with the middle name, as well as the last name, because, unlike girls, boys do not change it when starting a family. In addition, no matter how tempting foreign names that are fashionable these days may seem, it is worth remembering about your future grandchildren, whom your son will eventually give you: what middle name will they bear? But of course, the meaning of the name is no less important, as well as the energy that it bestows on its owner for life.

It is of Greek origin and translated means “a person of excellent health,” “untouched by disease,” “unharmed.”

However, there is another theory of etymology (origin), also Greek: “dedicated to Artemis,” revered by many as the goddess of hunting and fertility. Full version of this name - . The name Artem, better known to us, was first a diminutive of this long form, and then became separate.

Name variations in other cultures: Artsem (Belarusian), Artemio (Spanish, Portuguese), Artem (sounds like Artem; Ukrainian).

Short form of name: Tema, Temchik, Temushka, Temych, Artik, Artemka, Artyusha, Artyunya, Tyunya, Tyusha.

Surname: Artemovich (Artemych, Temych), Artemovna.

Character of a person with this name

  • Strong sides of Artem’s character: independence and personal opinion (both in his views and in life). Yes, Tema will not always and everywhere defend his opinion until he is hoarse; he respects his elders, teachers, and boss. However, he will not back down from his opinion and will not blame his problems on others. Since childhood, he has been a very thinking child, who appears more mature compared to his peers. Often this guy becomes a leader in the class team, among friends.
  • Weak parties are considered: he is quite cunning. Having become a boss, Artem is tough and can impose his principles. If he is offended, he can be vindictive. He is not an idealist and certainly not a dreamer. He can also be timid (if he copes with this feeling, he will achieve a lot in life).

What will be the fate of Artyom

  • Childhood. Tyusha is an obedient, calm boy. Prefers solitary games in the company of peers. Before the age of six, he may fall in love with books and even learn to read, become a little gamer, and enthusiastically bring heaps of leaves, heaps of acorns or chestnuts from the park.
  • Studies. At school he gets along well with children and is loved. Without striving to become a leader, he can become a kind of informal “gray eminence” of the class. Does not tolerate injustice, protects children who are offended in the team. He has few close friends, but he is very attached to them (these can be not only peers, but also older guys). He will never refuse help, although he may mutter a little about “I told you so.”
  • Youth. Often young Artem is intensely involved in sports, or, as it is now called, workout (barbell, horizontal bar), achieving remarkable results.

A little esotericism and astrology

  • Name color: dark blue.
  • Most suitable zodiac sign: Libra. That is, this name should be used to call boys born between September 24 and October 23.
  • Planet: Venus.
  • Talisman stone: beryl.
  • Plants that bring good luck: chrysanthemum and rowan.
  • Patron animal: cricket.

Name day(Day Angel):

  • July 6 (June 23). The patron saint of this day is the Holy Righteous Verkolsky (16th century).
  • November 2 (October 20). On this day the Holy Great Martyr Artemy is commemorated. Believers pray to him when they want to get rid of a hernia.

Theme in certain aspects of life

  • Love. He can forgive his beloved (wife) everything except betrayal. Such meanness simply infuriates a man; he will do anything to punish the deceiver, as well as the lover with whom she cuckolded him.
  • Sex. For him, this is tenderness, love... And also a great way to relieve tension.
  • Family. This is not an empty phrase for the topic. Having a wife and children, a man will sincerely take care of them. He is one of those spouses who consider it not shameful to wear an apron at home to help his beloved. He can get married quite late, having firmly found his feet financially.
  • Career. He is very thoughtful, even meticulous, which makes him a good worker. No “demotivators” will distract him from his work. In order to make him work even more diligently, Artem needs to be praised. He likes to lead, to choose what to do. Artem often says that he wants to work for himself, and not for his “uncle.” He can choose the profession of sea captain, military man, or become an entrepreneur and travel a lot.
  • Money. They are not easy for Tema, so the guy (man) will never waste them. On the contrary: The theme knows how to store and spend your hard earned money sparingly.
  • Health. Little Temych often suffers from colds, but on average school age he outgrows these adversities. All his life the guy tries to eat right and, if he doesn’t play sports, then move a lot, so that severe ailments do not bother him. The weak points in Artem’s body can be considered vision, bones and joints, as well as the endocrine system.

What kind of women can he start a family with?(names)? Suitable for him

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