Where to do with social studies and biology? Where to do with biology Where you can do with biology and English.

Tell about seven professions related to this subject. Of course, it’s not worth identifying a lesson with the specifics of work, but it’s not bad to look at professions where you can apply knowledge on the subject.


He studies the general properties and features of the development of wildlife. Specializes in one or more areas (zoology, botany, anatomy, genetics, microbiology, etc.) or works at the intersection of sciences (biochemistry, biophysics, bioecology). The biologist collects information about the object of study, for example, observes the population. He also conducts experiments, analyzes and summarizes the information received, applies it in practice to solve some problems. This specialist is inquisitive, observant, responsible and patient. The field of activity of a biologist is quite wide: from planting plants, selling medicines to working in a patent office (studying special texts). In the latter case, you may need English language.

You can study biology at (bachelor's and master's degrees).


Not indifferent to environmental problems, if you want to save nature from the destructive actions of man - the profession is what you need. However, there are more prosaic everyday life in such work than heroic rescue operations. Environmentalists monitor compliance with environmental standards, draw up reports on the use of natural resources, waste disposal. They calculate the damage from the caused or potential harm to the environment. In addition to knowledge of biology and chemistry, you will need the ability to maintain documentation, convince management of the need to improve production so that it does not worsen the state of the environment. Ecologists have to interact more with society, eradicate its shortcomings, and only then contact nature. You can get a profession as an ecologist at, (in absentia).



Who feeds the country with agricultural products? Knows where, when, how to plant plants and harvest? That's right, agronomist! It combines the qualities of a researcher, a diligent owner and a competent manager. He must be aware of the latest methods of cultivation, fertilizing the land and growing crops, pest control. The agronomist draws up a production plan and monitors its implementation. This specialist controls everything from preparing the soil for sowing to harvesting and storing the crop. Rural lifestyle to your liking? Then this job might be right for you. Programs

Love biology? Do you want to get an education that will be related to this science? You are lucky, experts in biology and related sciences are waiting for the best universities in the country. We will analyze possible areas of study and future professional activities.

Good scores after a biology exam can open many doors for you. Without knowledge in this area, it is impossible to become a doctor, ecologist or study psychology. Veterinarians and agricultural specialists will also be required to provide test results to the selection committee, and in some universities, to pass a separate internal exam.

But let's start with a simple and at the same time very difficult choice. Which educational institution to apply with high scores after the Unified State Examination in Biology and which specialty to choose.

Top universities and faculties in Russia, where biology is a core subject


Specialty/Bachelor's degree

Passing score 2017 (budget/commerce)

06.03.01 Biology


(for four exams and an exam at the university)

06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology

Information biology

Molecular biology

General biology and ecology


Cytology and genetics


06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology


141 / no set

06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology


205/dial was not

06.03.01 Biology


152 / no set

06.03.01 Biology



High technologies and innovative business systems

Demanded specialties

Biology is a fundamental science, so you can find hundreds of professions in which it will be in demand one way or another. We will talk about the most promising areas in terms of development and the increased interest of HR departments.


These specialists study the structure and function of the chemicals that make up living organisms.

Today, the competition for state-funded places in universities in this specialty is not too high, but experts predict that in a few years the demand for the profession will increase significantly.

The salary of a biochemist starts from 15 thousand rubles, and more experienced specialists can count on 40-50 thousand.


The specialist is engaged in laboratory research that improves production technologies. Also, biotechnologists are working on the creation of new biologically active additives, vitamin complexes, pharmacological preparations.

The profession is consistently in demand in the labor market. A specialist with a degree in biotechnology will quickly find a job in food or cosmetic laboratories, make a career in catering.

The average salary is in the region of 50-60 thousand rubles, but novice specialists will receive about 15 thousand.

This is a specialist who supervises the cultivation and collection of plants. He must be well versed not only in crop production, but also in soil science, geography, geology, and even weather research.

The profession is in demand and well paid, but the agronomist does not have to spend even half of the working day in his office. Its place is in the field, next to the plants.

Salary from 20 thousand rubles. A good agronomist with experience and understanding of his specialization can earn up to 150 thousand.


A specialist in the field of agronomic chemistry studies soil science, agriculture, meteorology, plant biochemistry and much more. The result of the work of the agrochemist will be the improvement of soil fertility, plant breeding and increased yields. Specialists spend their working day in large laboratories, doing research.

The salary of an agrochemist starts from 15 thousand rubles, the upper salary level is 50 thousand rubles, with extensive experience and extensive knowledge in many areas.


Salaries in this area start from 20 thousand rubles, and a specialist with experience and own research will receive about 60 thousand rubles a month. The profession is in demand, a good specialist will find a job very quickly.

Zoologists are focused on the study of various animal species, their interaction with humans, and any aspects of the development of the animal world. Specialists work in research institutes, nature reserves, specialized parks and medical centers. The knowledge of zoologists in agriculture, pharmacology, medicine, and other branches of science and industry is in demand.

The salary starts from 19 thousand rubles, the maximum rate for a professional zoologist is 50 thousand.

Geneticist (specialist in genetic matters)

At the moment, this specialty is more in demand as a scientific activity, involving a large number of human DNA studies. In the future, specialists in genetics will become more interesting to the labor market, and the industry is expected to develop rapidly.

Geneticists will be involved in identifying potential genetic diseases, developing DNA correction programs, preventing birth defects or health problems in children from incompatible couples.

Geneticists earn at the beginning of their career from 25 thousand rubles, the maximum bar is 90 thousand.

Biology for admission to medical school

We deliberately did not mention doctors and those who work in related fields in the list of in-demand professions. We will talk about them in the next article.

Biology is one of the most important subjects in medical schools, so standard school knowledge for admission will not be enough. Evolve:

  • take additional lessons or study the necessary topics on your own;
  • devote time to scientific competitions and olympiads;
  • create your own projects and do a little research;
  • write articles for school or city publications;
  • attend preparatory courses at the chosen university.

If you love biology, then many roads are open to you in a variety of professions. Before deciding on a university, visit an Open Day and spend at least one day in the company of a person who is somehow connected with your future profession. It will give you more than months of thinking.

We all once graduated from school, and we faced an important, but frightening question, where to go after the 11th grade, because the list of professions is huge, but you need to choose one thing, what you are most striving for. It's no secret that at present, institutions and professions are being considered, in fact, payback, that is, not what the child aspires to or what he is more disposed to, but where he can earn decent money, and this is probably the right approach, but it's worth also take into account the opinion of your child. After all, future work should bring not only money, but also the joy of doing work. In this regard, before leaving school, parents and children face one of the most important questions “Who is better to go to study after grade 11?”.

Depending on what the child is predisposed to, we will try to highlight the specialties that schoolchildren should focus on.

Where can I do with history and social studies

In fact, choosing to pass exams for these subjects, the choice of Universities and specialties is huge. Depending on the points received, you can try yourself in almost any industry. But the most suitable we will highlight the following:

  • Conflictology is a relatively young specialty, but very promising. Conflictologists will always be in demand in the state. management, power structures.
  • Jurisprudence - here you can choose two directions in the future (criminal law or civil law)
  • History department
  • Economic (here you will also need knowledge of mathematics)
  • Advertising, public relations
  • any other humanities faculty

Do you know what? If not, then we have prepared an article for you, do not miss it!


Most schoolchildren, applicants and students face a problem when writing a term paper, diploma or essay. I am sure that there are those who write everything themselves, but you must admit that most of the students order these works. And if you have come across this, then you probably know that in 80% of cases, teachers return the work for revision or complete rework due to the low uniqueness of the text. We ourselves faced such a situation ... In our new article, we told where you can. Also in these services you are provided with discounts from our website, and verified authors guarantee high quality performance.

With biology, Russian and mathematics

By handing over these items, you can try yourself in:

  • Faculty of Psychology (psychoanalyst, psychotherapist)
  • Correctional Pedagogy
  • Veterinary
  • Ecologist
  • Biologist
  • Zoologist
  • Faculty of Medicine (here you can learn such professions as dentist, obstetrician-gynecologist, nurse)

with geography

By passing this subject, you can master such specialties as:

  • Hydrometeorology
  • Cartography
  • Ecology
  • forestry
  • Geography

Where can a girl go after 11th grade

Again, it all depends on the girl and her preferences. But it can be noted that most girls give their preference to philological disciplines. In our new article, you will find information about, as well as a list of the most profitable professions.

We note the most popular specialties (professions) that girls choose:

  • Faculty of Philology (teacher, educator, journalism, librarianship, public relations, editor, proofreader)
  • Faculty foreign languages(the most popular are: English, Italian, French)
  • Faculty of Law
  • Medical
  • Tourism (gaining popularity recently)

The list is endless, but the most important thing for admission is not only high scores for the Unified State Examination, but also your desire to continue learning! And you need to start choosing where you can go after grade 11: a list of professions, you need in advance, after analyzing all the pros and cons.

Well, after passing the exams and entering a university or other educational institution, you need to have a good rest before starting a new adult life. Especially for you, we have selected several places, perhaps our choice will suit you and you will have a great time with your family.

Where to go with social studies? This question is asked by those who chose this subject for passing the exam, which combines political science, psychology, sociology and many other principles of science.

In order to choose where to go to study, decide on a good institute or university and faculty, graduates who took the Unified State Examination in social studies after grade 11, first need to learn as much as possible about this science and the professions in which it can be applied.

Social science is a necessary science for applicants to universities

At the moment, social science is one of the most popular disciplines that students choose for passing the exam.

Many people choose social science because of the wide range of specialties that they can then apply to with this subject. It is also taken into account that this humanitarian discipline is relatively easy to pass.

Social science is a science that studies a person within a constantly developing society, and includes several different social branches: sociology, political science, philosophy, history, economics.

Studying social science, students get acquainted with a person within society, with society itself, with its spiritual life, socio-economic relations, and laws.

In universities, everything that includes social science is divided into many different disciplines and studied separately from others. Therefore, this subject is so important for applicants, it can be useful at any university in any humanitarian specialty.

What colleges do you need social studies to get into?

Who can apply for a graduate with a predisposition to the humanities?

After passing the exam, he can choose a number of the following specialties with specialized social science:

  1. History, philosophy, cultural studies, political science, jurisprudence. These areas are interconnected, therefore, in order to enter them, it is necessary to pass the same subjects: social studies, Russian language, history.
  2. Philology, pedagogical areas (social science, Russian language, literature, English, history, geography, physics, computer science, mathematics base - depending on the profile).
  3. Biology, psychology (social science, Russian language, biology, chemistry).

If the graduate is more predisposed to the exact sciences, then he will be able to choose faculties with a mathematical bias:

  • economy;
  • service;
  • trading business.

Take into account: to enter these specialties, it is necessary to pass the following exams: mathematics, Russian language, social studies.

So, social science as a profile subject is necessary in:

  1. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
  2. Moscow Pedagogical State University.
  3. State Academic University for the Humanities.
  4. St. Petersburg State University of Economics.
  5. Ural State Pedagogical University, etc.

The list includes universities in such cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tula.

In fact, in many major cities There are universities where they teach specialties that require knowledge in the field of social science.

Additional professional education and advanced training can be obtained at the Educational Center in Yekaterinburg.

List of professions where you need to know social science

The relevance of professions related to the study of social science in Russia has greatly increased over the past few years. This is primarily due to the fact that people tend to study the processes taking place in society.

Knowing social science is necessary:

  1. Public relations specialists(a profession in demand at the moment, since almost all large campaigns need such a specialist).
  2. Political scientists(these are specialists who study and analyze the life of society from a political point of view; here we need people who can predict and build hypotheses regarding the relationship between different countries, states, regions, etc.).
  3. Lawyers(a specialist competent in solving legal issues and in knowing the essence of the state; experts in the current laws, theories and rights are required here).
  4. Sociologists(specialists who analyze the development and functioning of society; these are people who are able to establish contact with society using various questionnaires, surveys, etc.).
  5. Culturologists(these are specialists who solve issues in the field of cultural history; here we need people who are interested in culture, the history of different peoples, their basics of life, architecture, art).
  6. For psychologists(the study of people's behavior from the point of view of psychology; they are engaged in psychodiagnostics, correctional and developmental work).

In what areas can these professions be applied:

  • political scientist: Mass media, government bodies;
  • jurist: public authorities, local governments, prosecutors, courts, law firms;
  • sociologist: personnel management, advertising agencies;
  • culturologist: curator at exhibitions, in museums, lecturer at the university;
  • psychologist: private practice, work at school, at university, in law-enforcement bodies.


Social science plays an important role in the formation of modern society. The student who passed this subject has ideas about the world order, about the moral values ​​of peoples, about laws and much more.

When choosing a profession related to social science, people get unlimited opportunities for continuous improvement and self-development.

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