Writing a concise summary based on the text read. Good manners Appreciated by people around us

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nothing is valued as dearly by the people around us as politeness and delicacy. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, and disrespect for the personality of another person. The reason here is that we underestimate the culture of human behavior, his manners.
Manners are a way of holding oneself, the external form of behavior, treatment of other people, expressions used in speech, tone, intonation, characteristic gait, gestures and even facial expressions.
In society, good manners are considered to be a person’s modesty and restraint, the ability to control one’s actions, and to communicate carefully and tactfully with other people. Bad manners are considered to be the habit of speaking loudly, without hesitation in expressions, swagger in gestures and behavior, sloppiness in clothing, rudeness, manifested in open hostility towards others, in disregard for other people's interests and requests, in the shameless imposition of one's will and desires on other people, in the inability to restrain one’s irritation, in deliberately insulting the dignity of people around him, in tactlessness, foul language, and the use of humiliating nicknames and nicknames. Help me write a summary!!!

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Therefore, nothing is valued as dearly by the people around us as politeness and delicacy. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, and disrespect for the personality of another person. The reason here is that we underestimate the culture of human behavior, his manners. Manners are a way of holding oneself, the external form of behavior, treatment of other people, expressions used in speech, tone, intonation, characteristic gait, gestures and even facial expressions. In society, good manners are considered to be a person’s modesty and restraint, the ability to control one’s actions, and to communicate carefully and tactfully with other people. Bad manners are considered to be the habit of speaking loudly, without hesitation in expressions, swagger in gestures and behavior, sloppiness in clothing, rudeness, manifested in open hostility towards others, in disregard for other people's interests and requests, in the shameless imposition of one's will and desires on other people, in the inability to restrain one’s irritation, in deliberately insulting the dignity of people around him, in tactlessness, foul language, and the use of humiliating nicknames and nicknames. A prerequisite for communication is delicacy. Delicacy should not be excessive, turn into flattery, or lead to unjustified praise of what is seen or heard. There is no need to try hard to hide the fact that you are seeing, listening to, tasting something for the first time, fearing that otherwise you will be considered ignorant. help write a concise summary of at least 70 words.

Methodological development open lesson in Russian (9th grade) “Concise presentation of the text read.”

Objective of the lesson: summarizing students' knowledge of writing concise presentation in accordance with the requirements of the OGE.


1) strengthening the ability to highlight micro-topics and use various text compression techniques;

2) development of coherent oral and writing students;

3) fostering a kind and attentive attitude towards people.

Lesson type: lesson on consolidating the material learned.

Lesson equipment: There are phrases scattered on the board that should form into proverbs (Learn good - evil will not come to mind. Errors that are not corrected are real mistakes. To be called a person is easy, to be a person is more difficult.) On the other side of the board are written the words:



On every student's desk handout: text for work and poem by V. Fedorov “Blind”.

Nothing is valued as dearly by the people around us as politeness and delicacy. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, and disrespect. The reason here is that we underestimate the culture of a person’s behavior, his manners.

Manners are a way of holding oneself, an external form of behavior, expressions used in speech, tone, intonation, gestures and even facial expressions. In society, modesty and restraint, the ability to control one’s actions, and communicate carefully and tactfully with other people are considered good manners. Bad manners are considered to be swagger in gestures and behavior, sloppiness in clothing, rudeness manifested in disregard for other people's interests and requests, in the shameless imposition of one's will and desires on other people, in the inability to restrain one's irritation, in tactlessness, foul language, the use of derogatory nicknames, nicknames

Delicacy is a prerequisite for cultural communication. Delicacy should not be excessive or turn into flattery. There is no need to try hard to hide the fact that you are seeing, listening to, tasting something for the first time, fearing that otherwise you will be considered ignorant.

In a word, your manners will speak about you.

(156 words) (From Internet materials)

Not seeing people in front of me,

Without noticing the benches in the park,

A blind man is walking down the street

Touching the ground with a shelf.

He'll be pushed

They will pass forward

And immediately, in a hurry to intervene,

Some sighted person will call

Be sensitive

Quiet in human hum:

Push... It's nothing...

I will know

What there are people nearby.

Lesson progress

1.Organizational moment(Welcome students and guests, communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson).

2. A student prepared in advance reads by heart V. Fedorov’s poem “The Blind”.

3. Conversation with students based on the text of the poem.

What words seemed unclear to you? (hudi - noise, we replace this colloquial word with a stylistically neutral synonym).

What is this poem about?

How often do we see situations like this?

What is the meaning of the title of the poem?

Find the antonym for the word “blind” in the text of the poem. (Sighted)

Why do you think our lesson began with this poem? What will be discussed in the text offered to you?

4.Game "Who's Faster?"

There are phrases scattered on the board that should form floorboards. And in proverbs and sayings, as you know, folk wisdom is presented. Let's try to collect them.

How do you understand the meaning of the statements you collected?

5. Working with text.

(In the notebooks write down the date, type of work: concise presentation)

A) expressive reading text;

b) conversations with students based on the text:

How many paragraphs is the text divided into? (3)

How many microtopics does it contain? (3)

What is a microtheme?

We highlight micro-topics, paying attention to keywords(we write down micro-topics in a notebook)

What text compression techniques do you know?

What text compression technique can we use in the first paragraph (summarization); in the second paragraph (exception); in the third paragraph (simplification).

6. Editing text (working with handouts).

7. Independent work(writing a concise summary).

8.Summing up, grading with comments.

9. Homework(according to the OGE collections, presentation evaluation table, give yourself the appropriate points).

One of the basic principles modern life is to maintain normal relationships between people and the desire to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can only be earned by maintaining politeness and restraint. Therefore, nothing is valued as dearly by the people around us as politeness and delicacy. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, and disrespect for the personality of another person. The reason here is that we underestimate the culture of a person’s behavior, his manners.

Manners are a way of holding oneself, the external form of behavior, treatment of other people, expressions used in speech, tone, intonation, gait, gestures and even facial expressions characteristic of a person. Manners relate to the culture of human behavior and are regulated by etiquette.

In society, good manners are considered to be a person’s modesty and restraint, the ability to control one’s actions, and to communicate carefully and tactfully with other people. Bad manners are considered to be the habit of speaking loudly, without hesitation in expressions, swagger in gestures and behavior, sloppiness in clothing, rudeness, manifested in open hostility towards others, in disregard for other people's interests and requests, in the shameless imposition of one's will and desires on other people, in the inability to restrain one’s irritation, in deliberately insulting the dignity of people around him, in tactlessness, foul language, and the use of humiliating nicknames and nicknames.

The same can be said about the etiquette of a modern young man. The etiquette of a modern young man includes courteous treatment of women, respectful attitude towards elders, forms of address and greeting, rules of conversation, behavior at the table. In general, etiquette in a civilized society coincides with general requirements politeness, which are based on the principles of humanism.

Delicacy is a prerequisite for communication. Delicacy should not be excessive, turn into flattery, or lead to unjustified praise of what is seen or heard. There is no need to try hard to hide the fact that you are seeing, listening to, tasting something for the first time, fearing that otherwise you will be considered ignorant.

Tact and sensitivity in a modern young man also means a sense of proportion that should be observed in conversation, in personal and work relationships, the ability to sense the boundary beyond which, as a result of our words and actions, a person experiences undeserved offense, grief, and sometimes pain. A tactful person always takes into account specific circumstances: differences in age, gender, social status, place of conversation, presence or absence of strangers.

Respect for others is a prerequisite for tact, even between good comrades. You've probably encountered a situation where at a meeting someone casually throws out "nonsense", "nonsense", etc. during the speeches of his comrades. This behavior often becomes the reason that when he himself begins to speak out, even his sound judgments are met with coldness by the audience. Self-respect without respect for others inevitably degenerates into conceit, conceit, and arrogance. “A man who talks only about himself thinks only about himself,” says D. Carnegie. “And a man who thinks only about himself is hopelessly uncultured. He is uncultured, no matter how highly educated he may be.”

The next quality mandatory for a cultured young man is modesty. A modest person never strives to show himself better, more capable, smarter than others, does not emphasize his superiority, his qualities, does not demand any privileges, special amenities, or services for himself.

At the same time, modesty should not be associated with timidity or shyness. These are completely different categories. Very often, modest people turn out to be much firmer and more active in critical circumstances, but it is known that it is impossible to convince them that they are right by arguing.

From life practice we know that politeness and politeness are different. Another routine insincere smile is repulsive, and an unfriendly outstretched hand is not pleasing. “Cold politeness”, “icy politeness”, “polite rudeness” - these expressions are alive. Just like their reflections in real life. True politeness always pleases the soul with kindness and selflessness. She is bright and pleasant. It is organically inherent in a decent person, because his noble actions in any situation stem from high moral principles.

There are many rules of etiquette in the world, and some of them are really formal. A sign of politeness in Spain is to invite a guest to stay, but even after the second invitation it is customary to refuse it with gratitude for this sign of attention. And only the third invitation can indicate a true intention to communicate with the guest.

In Portugal, calling about personal matters before 11 a.m. is considered impolite. In Holland, handshakes are not considered to be particularly polite. In Belgium, a demonstrative display of a great appetite when receiving is considered a sign of politeness. Thus, the idea of ​​some attributes of politeness different nations may be different. In its main role, politeness is a stable moral and behavioral category and unconditionally positive trait human character. To be polite means to treat people with respect, to be tactful, always ready to help in simple everyday situations, to find a reasonable compromise in case of some everyday disagreements.

A person who is in tune with the rules of good manners will be an example in observing the norms speech etiquette. This is where politeness really costs very little, just use the magic words “thank you”, “please”, “be kind”, “be kind”, “sorry”, “excuse me”, “is it difficult for you”, “would you advise "

Respectful address to strangers and elders only as “you” is for a polite person. He will also address his friend as “you” if he meets him in an official setting. The transition to “you” will be acceptable only in close relationships and when communicating with younger people.

It should be noted that polite formulas of speech etiquette have different shades depending on each specific situation and the topic of the dialogue. Thus, an official request can be politely expressed with the words “permit” or “let me,” but always with an explanation of the essence of the request (“allow me to call”).

In friendly communication, certain formulas and turns of phrase are used to help mitigate negative aspects in the positions of the interlocutors. These are, for example, simple comments such as “there was one small problem”, “I’m not very good at this”, “we had a little argument”, etc.

Smoothes sharp corners, categoricalness, rigidity in dialogue, the ability to use interrogative expressions instead of statements (“You were in cinema “X”, weren’t you?”). It is better to use negative phrases instead of direct questions (“Have you reached the stop yet?”). A polite person will also soften the demand with an interrogative form: not “give me a jacket,” but “could you please give me a jacket?”

Whether a person is polite or not can be determined by many actions. A well-mannered person will always have the prevailing habit of thinking about the interests of others. Such a person will never occupy common adjacent armrests in the cinema hall with his elbows and will not unceremoniously block an exhibit at an exhibition from the eyes of others. He will not allow himself to buy a ticket without a queue or squeeze onto the bus, rudely pushing aside another passenger.

Whatever aspect of communication concerns, indicators of politeness will be the manifestation of goodwill, tact, delicacy and attentiveness towards others.

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