Thermal phenomena in nature and in human life. Thermal phenomena What is evaporation

8th grade

Physis (Greek) - NATURE ARISTOTLE IV century BC into science LOMONOSOV M.V. 18th century in Russian

Physics is the science of nature and the changes that occur in it.

Changes in nature - physical phenomena Mechanical Electrical Magnetic Optical Sound Thermal

Thermal phenomena 24 hours

Lesson #1 Thermal motion. Temperature.

The purpose of the lesson To get acquainted with the concepts: "thermal motion" "thermometer" "temperature"

Thermal phenomena Ice melting Water boiling Snow formation Action of electric heaters Melting of metals

What common? Thermal phenomena are phenomena associated with a change in the temperature of bodies.

Temperature - properties of bodies Change of seasons State of water State of ice

Temperature - properties of bodies

Temperature - a value that characterizes the thermal state of bodies, the degree of its heating Examples: The temperature of hot water is higher than the temperature of cold water In winter, the air temperature outside is lower than in summer

Temperature is associated with the subjective sensations of "warmth" and "cold" associated with whether living tissue gives off heat or receives it. Thermometer (Greek θέρμη - heat; μετρέω - I measure) - a device for measuring the temperature of air, soil, water, and so on.

From the history of the thermometer 1597 (1603) year Thermoscope Galileo Galilei (Italian scientist) 1702 Constant volume air thermoscope (Amonton French)

From the history of the thermometer Liquid thermoscopes of constant volume (circa 1702) Galileo's thermometer

From the history of the thermometer Thermometers of the 19th century

Liquid thermometers 1714 Fahrenheit (Dutch scientist) mercury thermometer 0 0 F mixture of ice and salt 32 0 F melting ice 212 0 F boiling water England, USA 1 ° F = 1 0 C 1.8 + 32 0 C 1730 Réaumur ( French physicist) alcohol thermometer 0 0 R melting ice 80 0 R boiling water 1 °R = 1.25 ° C

Liquid thermometers 1742 Celsius thermometer Andre Celsius (1701-1744) - Swedish physicist and astronomer 0 0 С – melting ice temperature; 100 0 C is the boiling point of water at normal atmospheric pressure.

Temperature measurement: Liquid thermometers (mercury, alcohol) Gas thermometers Electronic thermometers Mechanical thermometers Optical thermometers

Liquid thermometers The principle of operation is based on the dependence of a change in the volume of a liquid on a change in its temperature (thermal expansion of a substance)

Outdoor and indoor thermometers Garden clock-thermometer (ceramics)

Water thermometers For swimming pool For aquarium

Liquid thermometers For wine tea For gardeners For petroleum products For

The thermometer always shows its own temperature. To determine the temperature of the environment: the thermometer should be placed in this environment and wait until the temperature of the device stops changing, taking on a value equal to the ambient temperature.

Maximum thermometer Medical thermometer designed to measure the temperature of the human body. Records the highest temperature to which it has been heated.

Medical thermometers Electronic (digital) Mercury The mercury thermometer must be shaken.

Mechanical thermometer

How is hot water different from cold? Experiment Let's take two pieces of sugar and throw one of them into cold water, and the other into boiling water. Sugar dissolves faster in hot water and slower in cold water. Diffusion at higher temperatures is faster than at lower temperatures. Why?

The temperature depends on the average speed of movement and the mass of the molecules. Speed ​​of oxygen molecules at 0 degrees - 425 m/s 20 degrees - 440 m/s Average speed of nitrogen molecules = 440 m/s at 16 degrees

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles of a body

THERMAL MOTION In 1 cm 3 H 2 O 3.34 * 10 22 molecules (33400000000000000000000) 33.4 sextillion Molecules move continuously and randomly

The random movement of the particles that make up the body is called THERMAL MOTION.

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The process of changing internal energy without doing work on the body or the body itself. Thermal Conduction Radiation Thermal Conduction Convection

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Describe the energy transformations in these examples. 1 2 3 4 Ways to change internal energy

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The amount of heat that a body receives (or gives off) depends on its mass, the type of substance and temperature changes. The specific heat capacity of a substance shows how much heat is required to change the temperature of a substance weighing 1 kg by 1 0C. Designated: C. Unit of measurement: 1 J / kg 0C. Q \u003d cm (t2 - t1) The energy that a body receives or loses during heat transfer is called the amount of heat. Calculation of the amount of heat Q Rossiyskaya Gazeta

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With heat conduction, the substance itself does not move from the heated end of the body to the cold one. How is heat transferred? Will there be heat transfer in zero gravity? good Metals, their melts, solids, etc. bad Liquids, gases, porous bodies, earth ... Thermal conductivity - the transfer of energy from hotter parts of the body to colder ones due to thermal movement and interaction h a s t and c t e l a. Thermal Conductivity Features Conductors of Heat

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Why, under the same conditions, metal in the cold seems colder than wood and hotter when heated? In which shoes do feet freeze more in winter: spacious or cramped? Explain. A wooden spoon in a glass of hot water heats up less than a metal one. Why? What is more convenient to drink hot tea from: an aluminum mug or a porcelain cup? Why? Why do the inhabitants of Central Asia wear wadded robes and hats in the heat?

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Melting 2. How does the energy of molecules and their arrangement change? 1. How does the internal energy of matter change? 4. Do the molecules of a substance change during melting? 5. How does the temperature of a substance change during melting? 3. When will the body begin to melt? When heated, the temperature increases. The particle oscillation speed increases. The internal energy of the body increases. When the body is heated to the melting point, the crystal lattice begins to collapse. The energy of the heater is used to destroy the grate. Melting is the transition of a substance from a solid to a liquid state. The body receives energy

Slide 8

Crystallization is the transition of a substance from a liquid to a solid state. The liquid gives off energy 2. How does the energy of molecules and their arrangement change? 1. How does the internal energy of matter change? 4. Do the molecules of a substance change during crystallization? 5. How does the temperature of a substance change during crystallization? 3. When will the body begin to crystallize? Crystallization

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melting heating solidification cooling The physical quantity showing how much heat is needed to convert 1 kg of a crystalline substance taken at the melting temperature into a liquid of the same temperature is called the specific heat of fusion. Symbolized by: Unit of measure: Absorption Q Emission Q melting t = solidification t

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“Reading the graph” 1. At what point in time did the process of melting of the substance begin? 4. How long did it take: a) heating of a solid body; b) melting of a substance; c) liquid cooling? 2. At what point in time did the substance crystallize? 3. What is the melting point of a substance? crystallization temperature?

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Boiling is an intense vaporization that occurs simultaneously inside and on the surface of a liquid. 2. Boiling is a process in which a liquid passes into vapor at a certain and constant temperature for each liquid and not only from the surface, but throughout the entire volume of the liquid. 3. Boiling occurs with the absorption of heat. 4. With a change in atmospheric pressure, the boiling point also changes: with an increase in pressure, the boiling point rises. Remember that...

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Vaporization is the transition of a substance from a liquid state to a gaseous state. 2. How does the energy of molecules and their arrangement change? 1. How does the internal energy of a substance change during vaporization? 3. Do the molecules of a substance change during vaporization? 4. How does the temperature of a substance change during vaporization? Evaporation is a process in which particles (molecules, atoms) fly out from the surface of a liquid or solid. Evaporation The rate of evaporation of a liquid depends on: 1) the type of substance; 2) areas of evaporation; 3) liquid temperature; 4) the rate of vapor removal from the liquid surface.

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Condensation is the transition of a substance from a gaseous state to a liquid state. 2. How does the energy of molecules and their arrangement change? 1. How does the internal energy of matter change during condensation? 3. Do the molecules of a substance change during condensation? If there is a process of vaporization, then the liquid needs to impart heat, and if the vapor turns into a liquid, then a certain amount of heat is released. The amount of heat required for vaporization and condensation is determined by the formula: Q=L*m, where L is the specific heat of vaporization. Condensation
thermal motion
thermal motion differs from mechanical in that it involves particles that move independently and that make up matter - atoms and molecules. In gases, particles move randomly, with different speeds throughout the volume. In solids, particles oscillate randomly around their stable positions. During heating, the rate of thermal movement increases, during cooling it decreases.
The energy of motion and interaction of the particles that make up the body is called internal energy. The transfer of energy from more heated parts of the body to less heated as a result of thermal motion and the interaction of particles is called thermal conductivity. Metals have the highest thermal conductivity, lower - in liquids, insignificant - in gases. Substances with low thermal conductivity are used where it is necessary to protect the body from cooling or overheating. For example, houses are built not from metal, but from brick, concrete, wood. Heat conduction leads to equalization of body temperature.
The energy that a body gains or loses during heat transfer is called amount of heat. Heat is measured with a thermometer and expressed in degrees Celsius - °C.
Thermal phenomena in nature
The thermal energy of the Sun enters our planet constantly and relatively evenly. But due to the rotation of the Earth and its change in position relative to the Sun, different zones of the planet receive an unequal amount of heat with a certain periodicity ( rhythm).
Distinguish annual And circadian rhythms. Annual cycles consist of four seasons, daily cycles - from the change of day and night.
It is good to consider thermal phenomena in nature using water as an example. In winter, water in reservoirs turns into ice. The density of ice is less than the density of water, and ice is on its surface. This allows aquatic animals to survive at low temperatures. Snow, covering the soil, prevents it from freezing, which allows perennial plants and crops sown in autumn to overwinter. The thawing of ice indicates an increase in air temperature and the arrival of spring. During the spring snowmelt, the soil is saturated with moisture, which makes the germination of seeds and perennials. When heated, the water evaporates and turns into a gaseous state. As the vapor rises to the upper atmosphere, it cools and falls as rain.
Seasonal adaptations of living organisms
Living organisms adapt to temperature changes in different ways.

Annual plants endure the cold season in the state of seeds. Perennial herbaceous plants store a supply of nutrients in the roots. Woody plants are protected by bark. The cells of overwintering plants contain dissolved glucose, which prevents them from freezing.


on the topic of:

"Thermal phenomena in nature

and in human life


student of 8 "A" class

Karibova A.V.

Armavir, 2010

Phenomena take place around us, outwardly very indirectly connected with mechanical movement. These are phenomena observed when the temperature of bodies changes or when they pass from one state (for example, liquid) to another (solid or gaseous). Such phenomena are called thermal. Thermal phenomena play a huge role in the life of people, animals and plants. A change in temperature by 20-30 ° C with a change in season changes everything around us. The possibility of life on Earth depends on the ambient temperature. People have achieved relative independence from the environment after they learned how to make and maintain fire. This was one of the greatest discoveries made at the dawn of human development.

The history of the development of ideas about the nature of thermal phenomena is an example of how scientific truth is comprehended in a complex and contradictory way.

Many philosophers of antiquity considered fire and the heat associated with it as one of the elements, which, along with earth, water and air, forms all bodies. At the same time, attempts were made to connect heat with motion, since it was noticed that when bodies collide or rub against each other, they heat up.

The first successes in the construction of a scientific theory of heat date back to the beginning of the 17th century, when the thermometer was invented, and it became possible to quantitatively study thermal processes and the properties of macrosystems.

The question of what is heat was again raised. There have been two opposing points of view. According to one of them - the real theory of heat, heat was considered as a special kind of weightless "fluid" capable of flowing from one body to another. This liquid was called caloric. The more caloric in the body, the higher the body temperature.

According to another point of view, heat is a kind of internal motion of body particles. The faster the particles of a body move, the higher its temperature.

Thus, the idea of ​​thermal phenomena and properties was associated with the atomistic teaching of the ancient philosophers on the structure of matter. Within the framework of such ideas, the theory of heat was originally called corpuscular, from the word "corpuscle" (particle). Scientists adhered to it: Newton, Hooke, Boyle, Bernoulli.

A great contribution to the development of the corpuscular theory of heat was made by the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov. He considered heat as the rotational motion of particles of matter. With the help of his theory, he explained in general the processes of melting, evaporation and heat conduction, and also came to the conclusion that there is a "greatest or last degree of cold" when the movement of particles of matter stops. Thanks to the work of Lomonosov, there were very few supporters of the material theory of heat among Russian scientists.

But still, despite the many advantages of the corpuscular theory of heat, by the middle of the XVIII century. the caloric theory won a temporary victory. This happened after the conservation of heat during heat transfer was experimentally proven. Hence the conclusion was made about the conservation (non-destruction) of the thermal fluid - caloric. In the real theory, the concept of heat capacity of bodies was introduced and a quantitative theory of heat conduction was constructed. Many of the terms introduced at that time have survived to this day.

In the middle of the XIX century. the connection between mechanical work and the amount of heat was proved. Like work, the amount of heat turned out to be a measure of the change in energy. The heating of a body is connected not with an increase in the amount of a special weightless "liquid" in it, but with an increase in its energy. The principle of caloric was replaced by a much deeper law of conservation of energy. Heat has been found to be a form of energy.

A significant contribution to the development of theories of thermal phenomena and the properties of macrosystems was made by the German physicist R. Clausius (1822-1888), the English theoretical physicist J. Maxwell, the Austrian physicist L. Boltzmann (1844-1906) and other scientists.

It so happened that the nature of thermal phenomena is explained in physics in two ways: the thermodynamic approach and the molecular-kinetic theory of matter.

The thermodynamic approach considers heat from the standpoint of the macroscopic properties of matter (pressure, temperature, volume, density, etc.).

The molecular-kinetic theory connects the course of thermal phenomena and processes with the peculiarities of the internal structure of matter and studies the causes that determine thermal motion.

So, consider the thermal phenomena in human life.

Heating and cooling, evaporation and boiling, melting and solidification, condensation are all examples of thermal phenomena.

The main source of heat on Earth is the Sun. But, in addition, people use many artificial sources of heat: a fire, a stove, water heating, gas and electric heaters, etc.

You know that if you dip a cold spoon into hot tea, after a while it will heat up. In this case, the tea will give part of its heat not only to the spoon, but also to the surrounding air. It is clear from the example that heat can be transferred from a body that is hotter to a body that is less heated. There are three ways to transfer heat - conduction, convection, radiation.

Heating a spoon in hot tea - example thermal conductivity. All metals have good thermal conductivity.

convection heat is transferred in liquids and gases. When we heat water in a pot or kettle, the lower layers of water are heated first, they become lighter and rush upward, giving way to cold water. Convection occurs in the room when the heating is on. Hot air from the battery rises and cold air falls.

But neither thermal conductivity nor convection can explain how, for example, the Sun, far from us, heats the Earth. In this case, heat is transferred through the airless space radiation(heat rays).

A thermometer is used to measure temperature. In ordinary life, they use room or medical thermometers.

When talking about temperature in Celsius, they mean a temperature scale in which 0 ° C corresponds to the freezing point of water, and 100 ° C is its boiling point.

Some countries (USA, UK) use the Fahrenheit scale. In it, 212°F corresponds to 100°C. Transferring temperature from one scale to another is not very simple, but if necessary, each of you can do it yourself. To convert a Celsius temperature to a Fahrenheit temperature, multiply the Celsius temperature by 9, divide by 5, and add 32. To make the reverse conversion, subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature, multiply the remainder by 5, and divide by 9.

In physics and astrophysics, another scale is often used - the Kelvin scale. In it, the lowest temperature in nature (absolute zero) is taken as 0. It corresponds to −273°С. The unit of measurement in this scale is Kelvin (K). To convert the Celsius temperature to the Kelvin temperature, 273 must be added to the Celsius degrees. For example, Celsius is 100 °, and Kelvin is 373 K. To reverse the conversion, subtract 273. For example, 0 K is −273 ° С.

It is useful to know that the temperature on the surface of the Sun is 6000 K, and inside - 15,000,000 K. The temperature in outer space far from the stars is close to absolute zero.

In nature, we are witnesses of thermal phenomena, but sometimes we do not pay attention to their essence. For example, it rains in summer and snows in winter. Dew forms on the leaves. Fog appears.

Knowledge of thermal phenomena helps people to design heaters for houses, heat engines (internal combustion engines, steam turbines, jet engines, etc.), predict the weather, melt metal, create heat-insulating and heat-resistant materials that are used in everything from building houses to space ships.

The Sun The Sun is the closest star to us. Thanks to him, there is life on Earth. It gives us light and warmth. The sun is 109 times larger than our planet, its diameter is km. The mass of our daylight is almost 2·10 30 kg. The Sun does not have a solid surface, it is a hot ball of gas. The sun is the closest star to us. Thanks to him, there is life on Earth. It gives us light and warmth. The sun is 109 times larger than our planet, its diameter is km. The mass of our daylight is almost 2·10 30 kg. The Sun does not have a solid surface, it is a hot ball of gas. This balloon consists mainly of hydrogen and helium. The temperature on its surface is about °C, in the center (in the core) °C. At this temperature, chemical reactions occur (they are called thermonuclear), in which hydrogen is converted into helium, and a huge amount of energy is released. We can say that hydrogen is a fuel, the combustion of which gives energy, which allows the Sun to shine and radiate heat. This balloon consists mainly of hydrogen and helium. The temperature on its surface is about °C, in the center (in the core) °C. At this temperature, chemical reactions occur (they are called thermonuclear), in which hydrogen is converted into helium, and a huge amount of energy is released. We can say that hydrogen is a fuel, the combustion of which gives energy, which allows the Sun to shine and radiate heat. Image of the Sun taken on September 14, 1997 from the unmanned space observatory SOHO (USA).

Why in many regions of our planet, warm summers are replaced by cool autumns and then frosty winters? Why does the sun heat differently at different times of the year: on a hot summer afternoon, from the scorching sun, you want to hide in the shade, and during winter frosts, even on a fine day, you can freeze? Why in many regions of our planet, warm summers are replaced by cool autumns and then frosty winters? Why does the sun heat differently at different times of the year: on a hot summer afternoon, from the scorching sun, you want to hide in the shade, and during winter frosts, even on a fine day, you can freeze? This is because the Earth's orbit around the Sun is an ellipse. The earth's axis is inclined to the plane of the orbit at an angle of 66°33. That is, it turns out that one half of the year the sun's rays fall more vertically and heat the Northern Hemisphere more strongly, and the other half of the year the Southern Hemisphere. Accordingly, in the hemisphere that is more heated and illuminated by the Sun, summer comes. When it's summer in the Southern Hemisphere, people go skiing in the Northern Hemisphere. This is because the Earth's orbit around the Sun is an ellipse. The earth's axis is inclined to the plane of the orbit at an angle of 66°33. That is, it turns out that one half of the year the sun's rays fall more vertically and heat the Northern Hemisphere more strongly, and the other half of the year the Southern Hemisphere. Accordingly, in the hemisphere that is more heated and illuminated by the Sun, summer comes. When it's summer in the Southern Hemisphere, people go skiing in the Northern Hemisphere. Due to the curvature of the earth's surface, the energy of equal streams A and B is distributed over large areas, while the energy of stream B is concentrated on a smaller one, therefore, on territory B, it will be warmer than on A and C. The figure shows the position of the Earth on June 21, when the rays of the Sun fall vertically on the Tropic of the North.

Seasons: Interesting Facts More than half of the world's population has never seen snow, except in photographs. More than half of the world's population has never seen snow, except in photographs. Spring moves at a speed of about 50 kilometers per day. This was determined from observations of the inflorescence of individual plants. Spring moves at a speed of about 50 kilometers per day. This was determined from observations of the inflorescence of individual plants.

The regions of the Earth's poles are never illuminated by the Sun strongly enough, its rays seem to slide off the surface of the globe, so there are practically no differences between the seasons and eternal winter reigns. The regions of the Earth's poles are never illuminated by the Sun strongly enough, its rays seem to slide off the surface of the globe, so there are practically no differences between the seasons and eternal winter reigns. At the equator, the seasons are also not too different from each other, only in these areas it is constantly hot and it often rains. This is due to the fact that at the equator the sun's rays fall on the Earth almost vertically all year round. At the equator, the seasons are also not too different from each other, only in these areas it is constantly hot and it often rains. This is due to the fact that at the equator the sun's rays fall on the Earth almost vertically all year round.

Solar-terrestrial connections The Earth is the third planet of the solar system, located at a distance of about 150 million km from the Sun, the Earth receives approximately one two billionth of the energy emitted by it. The Earth is the third planet of the solar system, located at a distance of about 150 million km from the Sun, the Earth receives approximately one two billionth of the energy emitted by it. Life on Earth would not be possible without liquid water and atmosphere. The atmosphere protects the Earth from the harmful radiation of the Sun, passing heat and light. Thanks to this, the Earth does not get too hot or cold. The processes of evaporation and condensation of water play an equally important role in the processes of global heat transfer. Life on Earth would not be possible without liquid water and atmosphere. The atmosphere protects the Earth from the harmful radiation of the Sun, passing heat and light. Thanks to this, the Earth does not get too hot or cold. The processes of evaporation and condensation of water play an equally important role in the processes of global heat transfer. View of the Sun from Earth

Atmosphere of the Earth The atmosphere of the Earth is a massive air shell that rotates with it and consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. The lower 20 km contains water vapor (near the earth's surface from 3% in the tropics to 2 10 -5% in Antarctica), the amount of which decreases rapidly with height. The unevenness of its heating contributes to the general circulation of the atmosphere, which affects the weather and climate of the Earth. Earth's atmosphere is a massive shell of air that rotates with it and consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. The lower 20 km contains water vapor (near the earth's surface from 3% in the tropics to 2 10 -5% in Antarctica), the amount of which decreases rapidly with height. The unevenness of its heating contributes to the general circulation of the atmosphere, which affects the weather and climate of the Earth. Moisture circulation and phase transformations of water are carried out in the atmosphere, and air masses move. Moisture circulation and phase transformations of water are carried out in the atmosphere, and air masses move. This is what Earth's atmosphere looks like from space. It protects us from cosmic cold and many types of solar radiation, letting in only what is useful to us: heat and light. The atmosphere consists of various gases, but most of all it contains nitrogen and oxygen, noticeably less carbon dioxide. Such conditions on Earth ensure the existence of living organisms.

Atmosphere heating from above Water vapor and carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere transmit the visible radiation of the Sun, but absorb infrared (thermal), so the atmosphere is heated from above. Thermal energy accumulates mainly in the lower layers of the atmosphere. A similar effect occurs in a greenhouse when the glass lets light in and the soil heats up. The heating of the lower atmosphere due to the presence of water vapor and carbon dioxide is often referred to as the greenhouse effect. Water vapor and carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere transmit the visible radiation of the Sun, but absorb infrared (thermal), so the atmosphere is heated from above. Thermal energy accumulates mainly in the lower layers of the atmosphere. A similar effect occurs in a greenhouse when the glass lets light in and the soil heats up. The heating of the lower atmosphere due to the presence of water vapor and carbon dioxide is often referred to as the greenhouse effect. It has been established that the natural greenhouse effect currently maintains the average temperature on the Earth's surface by 33°C above that which would be observed in the absence of an atmospheric cover. It has been established that the natural greenhouse effect currently maintains the average temperature on the Earth's surface by 33°C above that which would be observed in the absence of an atmospheric cover.

Heating of the atmosphere from below Water on the surface of the Earth absorbs solar energy and evaporates, turning into a gas - water vapor, which, rising up due to convection, carries a huge amount of energy into the lower layers of the atmosphere. When water vapor condenses and forms clouds or fog, this energy is released in the form of heat. About half of the solar energy reaching the earth's surface is spent on the evaporation of water and also enters the lower atmosphere. Water on the surface of the Earth absorbs solar energy and evaporates, turning into a gas - water vapor, which, rising up due to convection, carries a huge amount of energy into the lower layers of the atmosphere. When water vapor condenses and forms clouds or fog, this energy is released in the form of heat. About half of the solar energy reaching the earth's surface is spent on the evaporation of water and also enters the lower atmosphere. Cloudiness plays a significant role in the preservation of heat in the lower layers of the atmosphere: if the clouds dissipate, the temperature inevitably decreases as the surface of the Earth freely radiates thermal energy into the surrounding space. Cloudiness plays a significant role in the preservation of heat in the lower layers of the atmosphere: if the clouds dissipate, the temperature inevitably decreases as the surface of the Earth freely radiates thermal energy into the surrounding space.

Thermal phenomena in nature Since the temperature of the earth's surface is usually not equal to the temperature of the air above it, heat exchange occurs between the earth's surface and the atmosphere, as well as between the earth's surface and the deeper layers of the lithosphere or hydrosphere. The World Ocean is a powerful accumulator of heat and a regulator of the thermal regime of the Earth. If there were no ocean, the average temperature of the Earth's surface would be -21 ° C, that is, it would be 36 ° lower than that which is in reality. Since the temperature of the earth's surface is usually not equal to the temperature of the air above it, heat exchange occurs between the earth's surface and the atmosphere, as well as between the earth's surface and the deeper layers of the lithosphere or hydrosphere. The World Ocean is a powerful accumulator of heat and a regulator of the thermal regime of the Earth. If there were no ocean, the average temperature of the Earth's surface would be -21 ° C, that is, it would be 36 ° lower than that which is in reality. As a result of energy exchange between the Sun, the Earth and the atmosphere on a gigantic scale, not only processes of energy transfer from more heated bodies to less heated ones occur, but also phase transformations: evaporation and condensation, melting and crystallization, sublimation. As a result of energy exchange between the Sun, the Earth and the atmosphere on a gigantic scale, not only processes of energy transfer from more heated bodies to less heated ones occur, but also phase transformations: evaporation and condensation, melting and crystallization, sublimation.

The heat balance of the Earth As a result of a complex energy exchange between the earth's surface, atmosphere and interplanetary space, each of these components receives on average as much energy from the other two as it loses itself. Consequently, neither the earth's surface nor the atmosphere experience either an increase or decrease in energy: the law of conservation of energy works here. As a result of a complex energy exchange between the earth's surface, atmosphere and interplanetary space, each of these components receives on average as much energy from the other two as it loses itself. Consequently, neither the earth's surface nor the atmosphere experience either an increase or decrease in energy: the law of conservation of energy works here.

Over the past hundred years, the air temperature on the planet has risen by about half a degree, which most scientists attribute to the "greenhouse effect" of man-made origin. However, significant climate fluctuations were also observed, in particular warming in the 1940s and cooling in the 1960s. It is very difficult to predict what the climate will be like in the coming decades, because the overall increase in temperature on Earth is determined by many interrelated factors. Over the past hundred years, the air temperature on the planet has risen by about half a degree, which most scientists attribute to the "greenhouse effect" of man-made origin. However, significant climate fluctuations were also observed, in particular warming in the 1940s and cooling in the 1960s. It is very difficult to predict what the climate will be like in the coming decades, because the overall increase in temperature on Earth is determined by many interrelated factors. Nature in numbers The hottest place in the world is Death Valley in California, USA. The temperature was above 49 °C for 43 days in a row. And the coldest places in the world are not geographical poles at all, but the so-called poles of cold. These are Oymyakon in Yakutia and the area in Antarctica near the Vostok scientific station. There the frost reaches -89 °C. And the average temperature of the coldest month of January is about -50 °C. The hottest place in the world is Death Valley in California, USA. The temperature was above 49 °C for 43 days in a row. And the coldest places in the world are not geographical poles at all, but the so-called poles of cold. These are Oymyakon in Yakutia and the area in Antarctica near the Vostok scientific station. There the frost reaches -89 °C. And the average temperature of the coldest month of January is about -50 °C.

Used information resources Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2006 (2CD) Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2006 (2CD) Great Encyclopedia 2008 (3CD) Great Encyclopedia 2008 (3CD) Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary on CD, etc. Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary on CD, etc.

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