An exclamation point behind or before quotation marks. Combining punctuation marks with quotation marks

Vladimir, you asked far from an idle question. The point is not a new fashion, but a certain vagueness of the old rules. If you follow the reference book by D.E. Rosenthal on spelling and style, there is no direct and unambiguous indication of whether it is necessary to put a period after the quotation marks closing direct speech, preceded by a question or exclamation mark. IN §119 the following is said:

It would seem that the paragraph indicates that a period is placed after the closing quotation mark. However, as we see, in the practical example from Lermontov there is no dot after the closing quotation mark. The same punctuation is used in other examples given in this paragraph.

Apparently, this sometimes confuses publishers.

However, in §135 Here is a rule that allows you to interpret the situation differently:

To be honest, I don’t see a fundamental difference between the example from Lermontov and the example about slogans on the sides of cars in terms of punctuation. Statements that there is direct speech, and here - something else, would be extremely far-fetched. After all, both there and here are direct reproductions of someone’s words (or text).

In conditions where the rules are not completely clear, I prefer to use common sense. A period is a punctuation mark that completes a declarative sentence. Let's compare two phrases:

(1) She asked me if I was hungry.
(2) She asked me: “Are you hungry?”

In both cases we are dealing with a declarative sentence of the form She asked me (something), and it is logical for this sentence to end with a period. The question mark refers to another phrase inserted into this sentence as a quotation, and it should not affect the punctuational completion of the main construction.

To summarize: in conditions of confusion, you need to give priority to logic. The absence of a period at the end of a declarative sentence that includes direct speech or a quotation deprives the sentence of completeness. Therefore, in such cases, I would still recommend putting an end to it, and if necessary, to justify this, refer to §135 of Rosenthal’s reference book, especially since the text of the instructions in §119 (except for the actual punctuation of the examples in this paragraph) does not formally contradict this.

Very often, when writing complex sentences, simple sentences, complicated by homogeneous and dissociated members, introductory words and appeals, and especially when conveying direct speech in writing, difficulties arise regarding the placement of punctuation marks. Here you need to adhere to the following rules.

1. Comma and dash

If a comma and a dash appear next to each other in a sentence, then the comma comes first (which refers to the word or phrase in front), and then the dash:

“Oh, you meadows and oak groves, I’m besotted with spring.” (S. Yesenin)

Note: if the word or phrase immediately after the dash, according to the laws of the Russian language, must be separated on both sides by commas (for example, introductory words or addresses), then the first comma does not need to be put, the dash will play its role:

- The water, the sky, that rainy gray shore - in general, everything around was thundering and seething, swaying before our eyes and rushing at random... (Bondarev)

2. Quotes with punctuation

2.1. When using phrases in quotation marks in a sentence (these can be words used in a figurative sense, excerpts, quotes, direct speech), there is a punctuation mark before the closing quotation marks:

  • not put - period, comma, semicolon, colon and dash. These signs are placed only after quotation marks:

— Levitan’s painting “After the Rain” contains all the charm of rainy twilight in a Volga town. (Paustovsky)

- Pavka, not knowing whether Zhukhrai was laughing at him or speaking seriously, replied: “I don’t fight in vain, it’s always fair.” (N.A. Ostrovsky)

- You know, he had been planning to “get hurt” for a long time; he expressed it to Evgeny Solovyov, Suler... (M. Gorky).

Note: if a phrase enclosed in quotation marks was to end with a comma, after which the text continues, then the comma will not be placed either before or after the quotation marks:

— The poem “You know the land where everything breathes abundantly” has been familiar to us since childhood; But the time came when the “old man obsessed with drawing” could no longer hold a brush.

  • placed - exclamation mark, question mark, ellipsis. But this rule only works if the indicated characters are related to the phrase enclosed in quotation marks:

- “As for me, I am convinced of only one thing...” said the doctor (Lermontov)

If the question/exclamation mark or ellipsis refers to the entire sentence, then they take place behind the closing quotation mark:

— Do we need “reviews” now? (Belinsky)

Note: if a sentence, by its context, requires a question mark, exclamation mark or ellipsis at the end, and the expression in quotation marks already has one of these marks, then the same sign is not placed after the quotation marks:

— Have you read the article? “How to develop your own writing style?”

and unequal signs are allowed:

- Why do you say “No matter how it is!”?

2.2. If inside a sentence or phrase enclosed in quotation marks there is another expression that also requires quotation marks, then the external and internal quotation marks should differ from each other in pattern (“” - Christmas trees, “„ - sticks):

“I received a telegram: “I’m coming tomorrow, I’ll stay at the Moscow Hotel.”

3. Brackets with punctuation marks

3.1. Brackets are not preceded by commas, semicolons, colons and dashes. After the closing parenthesis, these punctuation marks are perfectly acceptable:

- There were about two hundred steps to the shore, Ermolai walked boldly and non-stop (he noticed the road so well), only occasionally grunting... (Turgenev)

3.2. You can put a period, an exclamation or question mark, or an ellipsis before the closing parenthesis if they are related to the expression in the parentheses:

- He knew Latin, and Virgil’s “quos ego!” (I am you!) was not alien to him (Turgenev).

After the closing bracket, put the punctuation mark that is required by the context of the entire sentence, regardless of what character appears before this bracket:

- His only son, ..., during the rebellion of 1762, remained faithful to Peter III, did not want to swear allegiance to Catherine - and was imprisoned in the fortress along with Izmailov (the fate and union of these names is strange!) (Pushkin).

Note: If a sentence contains a quotation followed by a reference to the author in parentheses, then only one period should be placed - at the end of the sentence, after the closing parenthesis:

— I remembered the words of Bazarov: “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it” (Turgenev).

§ 64.1

When “meeting” inside a sentence, a comma and a dash are placed first comma, and then dash: The history of discoveries, inventions, the history of technology that makes life and work easier for people - this, in fact, is the history of culture(M.G.); It’s not the splashing water, you can’t fool me, it’s his long oars(L.).

In most cases, each of these two punctuation marks is placed on its own basis: Alas! My box, a saber with a silver frame, a Dagestan dagger, a gift from a friend - everything disappeared(L.) - comma closes standalone application, a dash is placed before the generalizing word after listing homogeneous members of the sentence; His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he did not wave his arms - the first sign of some secretiveness of character(L.) - a comma closes the subordinate part of a complex sentence, a dash is placed before a kind of application to the preceding words, has a connecting connotation; I answered that the flies were bothering me, and we both fell silent.(L.) - a comma closes the subordinate clause, a dash is placed before the part of the sentence expressing the consequence.

Staging dash as an additional sign may depend on the context. Wed: All sorts of objects were laid out on the table: books, writing instruments, geographic Maps, a box whose purpose no one knew - the subordinate part of a complex sentence refers to the last homogeneous member and is thereby included in the enumeration; no additional sign is required; All kinds of objects were laid out on the table: books, writing instruments, geographical maps - which the owner, apparently, had not used for a long time - The dash is needed to show that the subordinate clause applies to all homogeneous members, more precisely, to a generalizing word.

§ 64.2

About the production comma and dash as a single sign in a complex sentence, see § 40, in a non-union complex sentence- § 46, in the period - section 13. See also: § 25, paragraph 10; § 26; § 32, note 1; § 43, paragraph 3; § 45, paragraph 9; § 48 - 50.

§ 65. Question and exclamation marks

When a question mark and an exclamation mark “meet”, put first question mark, as the main one, characterizing the sentence according to the purpose of the statement, and then - in exclamatory, as an intonation sign: Is it really possible to talk about a loved one like that?!

§ 66. Quotation marks and other signs

§ 66.1

Period, comma, semicolon, colon and dash are not placed before closing quotation marks (all these characters can only appear after quotation marks): Some voted for, others against, but the former constituted the majority; I’ve had enough of your “buts”, I’m fed up with them; Erase all the “white spots” on the map - this is what geographers have always dreamed of.(See also § 47, 48 and 54.)

§ 66.2

§ 66.3

If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks, then a comma after the quotation marks is placed only as required by the context: He often asked himself the familiar question “who should I be?”, but never found an answer for himself; Conscription slogans appeared on the sides of combat vehicles: “For the Motherland”(gas.).

§ 66.4

If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks, then it is not repeated after the quotation marks: Have you read the novel “What is to be done?”

Dissimilar characters, if they are required by the context, are placed before and after the closing quotes:

I am reading A.I. Herzen’s novel “Who is to Blame?”

Which poem by M. Yu. Lermontov contains the words: “I love the Fatherland, but with a strange love!”?

A period is placed after the closing quotation marks if it is used before them as a sign denoting an abbreviation of a word: The ad said:

“Country furniture has appeared on sale: tables, chairs, sofas, etc.”

§ 66.5

If at the beginning or at the end of the text (direct speech, quotation) there are internal and external quotation marks, then they should differ in pattern (“Christmas trees” and “paws”): The author of the article points out that “the golden fund of world literature includes such works of Russian classics as War and Peace.”

If there is a question or exclamation mark between the inner and outer quotation marks, then quotation marks of the same pattern can be used: An outstanding journalistic work by A. M. Gorky is the article “Who are you with, “masters of culture”?”

§ 66.6

If a sentence or phrase enclosed in quotation marks should end with a comma, but the text continues, then the comma is not placed either before or after the closing quotation marks: The poems “You know the land where everything breathes abundantly” are familiar to us from childhood; But the time came when the “old man obsessed with drawing” could no longer hold a brush in his hand.

However, the comma is not omitted before the opening quotation marks: Remember “how beautiful, how fresh the roses were.”

§ 67. Parentheses and other signs

§ 67.1

Do not precede an opening or closing parenthesis with a comma, semicolon, colon or dash; all these signs are placed only after the closing bracket (except for the case specified in § 26): Ovsyanikov adhered to ancient customs not out of superstition (his soul was quite free), but out of habit(T.); Rudin... is so decisive that he himself tells Natalya about his love (although he speaks not of his own free will, but because he is forced to have this conversation); he asks her for a date(Black); He had three daughters (he even called them that on purpose): Faith Hope Love; This whole area (scientists recently established this) - the bottom of the sea in the past.

§ 67.2

A period, question mark and exclamation mark are placed before the closing bracket if they refer to words enclosed in brackets (see author's remarks in plays, inserted structures): Goodbye sister! (Kisses Varvara.) Goodbye, Glasha! (Kisses Glasha.) Goodbye, mummy! (Bows.)(Acute); And how cozy and unique I remembered the quiet evenings in our winter quarters, when we, six men, smoking pipes, would sit in the warm wardroom (and it’s frosty outside, blizzard, brr!) and we scratch our tongues and laugh(Hump.).

§ 67.3

After the closing parenthesis, the punctuation mark required by the context is placed, regardless of what character appears before the closing parenthesis: Not only are there no songs, where did the sleep go? (he recognized insomnia too!); everything is suspicious and everything worries him(Kr.).

(For placing a period after the closing bracket, if the parentheses contain a reference to the author and the source of the quotation, see § 56, paragraph 1.)

§ 67.4

When “meeting” at the end of a sentence, internal and external brackets are allowed to use brackets of different designs - round and square (cf. the use of quotation marks of different designs, § 66, paragraph 5).

§ 67.5

Directions in transcripts of speeches and reports are enclosed in parentheses; a dot is placed before the closing bracket at the end of the remark (cf. paragraph 2); The period, question mark and exclamation mark before the opening bracket are preserved: This concludes my message. (Applause.); Will we not overcome these difficulties? (Excitement in the hall.); I believe in the future of Russia! (Everyone stands up. Applause.)

Notes from the editors are also issued: Printed in order of discussion. (Ed.)

§ 68. Ellipsis and other signs

§ 68.1

After a question or exclamation mark, there are not three dots (the usual type of ellipsis), but two (the third dot is under one of the named signs): How long to live in the world?..(TV); How did you play yesterday!..(Sharp)

§ 68.2

When an ellipsis “meets” a semicolon, the latter is absorbed by an ellipsis, which indicates not only the omission of words, but also the omission of a punctuation mark: His wife... however, they were completely happy with each other(G.).

§ 69. Placement of punctuation marks in footnotes

§ 69.1

Comma, semicolon, colon And dot are placed after the footnote sign to indicate that the footnote refers to a word or group of words:

…cm. below1, ...the following":

§ 69.2

Question and exclamation marks, ellipsis and quotation marks are placed before the footnote mark to indicate that the footnote applies to the entire sentence:

...isn't it?1to eternity...*

it will be so!"Taman".


There are several rules by which we arrange quotes when writing. It's easy to remember them. The main thing is to understand why we are betting quotes in one case or another.In quotes, as a rule, we conclude a phrase that we want to highlight for some reason. Punctuation cannot "break" quotes and a phrase - in this case it is a single whole.

We place question marks and exclamation marks before quotation marks only if they refer to the words contained in quotes.For example, if we use the phrase “Who are the judges?” when writing, then we will have a question mark inside the quotation marks.

And if punctuation marks refer in meaning to the entire sentence (and to the words contained in quotes), then an exclamation mark, a question mark and are placed after quotation marks. For example: Shall we go watch the movie "Twilight"?

In this case, if there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks, you need to read carefully and decide what role the quoted phrase plays in whether a pause is needed after it.

Pay attention to the punctuation marks that appear before and after the quotation marks. Identical characters after quotation marks are not . But unequal ones, depending on the context, are placed both before and after quotation marks. “If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks, then the same sign is not after the quotation marks; unequal signs, if required by the context, are placed before closing quotes and after them".If we're talking about about the expression “Forward, attack!”, then there is no need to put an exclamation mark after the quotation marks. But if the sentence looks like this: “Did he really say “Forward, attack!”?, a question mark will need to be placed after the quotation marks.

In the second case, direct speech and the words of the author are written in one paragraph. The punctuation looks like this:
- P, - a.
Direct speech begins on a new line and is preceded by a dash. After direct speech there is a comma and a dash after a space. Author's text with a small letter. Instead there may be an exclamation mark, a question mark, an ellipsis, but in no case. The author's text will still be written with a small letter.

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When typing text on a computer, you may encounter the fact that it contains famous quotes, direct speech, titles, etc. According to the rules of the Russian language, these elements must be highlighted on both sides with quotation marks. There are several options for how to insert quotes or by copying.

You will need

  • Keys "Shift", "2", "E", possibly "Ctrl", "C", "V". "Copy" and "Paste" commands.


Place the cursor in front of the word (sentence or paragraph) that you plan to enclose in quotes. If given word written on , or another foreign language, then it would be correct to use quotation marks ("...") or computer quotes. The “feet” look like two small comma lines, which are placed just above the word, before it and at the end of it. In turn, words and phrases in the language are indicated by “Christmas trees”. They are depicted as reduced double "less than" signs (<<) и «больше» (>>), which highlight a word or phrase on both sides.

To insert quotes" " on your keyboard, find the "Shift" key. It is located in two places - on the right, under the "Enter" button, and on the left, under the "Caps Lock" button. Next, simultaneously press “Shift” and the key with the number “2”, which also shows quotes. After this, in front of the word where the cursor is located, the quotes"Christmas trees". Close in the same way quotes, placing the cursor at the end the right word and pressing the same key combination. In case you need to add quotation marks, go to English language(combination "Alt" + "Shift"). Then press "Shift" + the Russian letter "E" (where the top two commas are also drawn).

Some programs and keyboards may not be able to paste quotes“Christmas trees”, adding “paws” instead. In this situation, you will need knowledge of how to insert quotes, using a simple method of copying elements from one text to another. This method especially convenient for novice users who do not yet know all the intricacies of using the keyboard. Select the required ones with the left mouse button quotes. Then right-click on the selected object. Select “Copy” from the list of commands that appears. To paste quotes into another text or text editor, position the mouse cursor at the location required for insertion. Likewise, right-click and select “Paste.” Then copied quotes will appear at the cursor location.

Helpful advice

To copy and paste objects, you can use the top menu "Edit" - "Copy" / "Paste", or the keyboard - "Copy" - "Ctrl" + "C", "Paste" - "Ctrl" + "V".


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Quotes may look different. They can be in the form of “herringbones” or “paws”, double or single, the opening quotes can be on top and the closing quotes on the bottom. In any text editor, putting quotes or changing their appearance is quite simple.


To look like “ ” (“text”), switch to entering text in Cyrillic. To do this, press the key combination “Alt” and “Shift” or “Ctrl” and “Shift” or click on the flag icon on the taskbar in the lower right corner of the screen. While holding down the Shift key, press the number "2" on the main keyboard panel.

If you need to change double quotes to " " (''text''), switch to entering text in Latin characters. While holding down the “Shift” key, press the “” key, it corresponds to the key with the letter “E” in Cyrillic.

You can insert non-standard quotation marks (“text„ or “text”) into the text in another way. Place the cursor in the desired place in the text, go to the “Insert” tab and call up the dialog box from the “Symbols” section. To do this, click on the “Symbol” button and select the “Other symbols” command by left-clicking on it.

In the window that opens, select the desired font, in the “Set” field, set the value to “Punctuation” by selecting it from the drop-down menu. From the proposed list of symbols, select the quotes that you like best. Click the Insert button and close the dialog box. In order not to open the symbols dialog box each time when further working with text, copy the pasted symbols to the clipboard and simply paste them using the mouse or the key combination “Shift” and “Insert” or “Ctrl” and “V”.

To put single quotation marks, switch to the Latin alphabet, hold down the “Shift” key, press the “’” key (the letter “E” in Cyrillic) for the top quotation mark. The "," (letter "B" in Cyrillic) key is used for the bottom quotation mark.

With a Cyrillic keyboard layout, press and hold the “Ctrl” key, and then the “Ё” key twice to place a single top . For the bottom single quote, press the E key twice while holding down the Ctrl key.

If you need to replace all the quotation marks found in the text, on the “Home” tab, select the “Replace” command in the “Editing” section. A dialog box will open, in the first “Find” field, enter the type of quotes you want

Period and quotation marks.

  1. Blah blah, blah, blah blah. . - Right
  2. 1. Period, comma, semicolon, colon and dash are not placed before closing quotation marks; all these characters can only appear after quotation marks. For example: Some voted for, others against, but the first were a clear majority.

    If question marks, exclamation marks and ellipses refer to the entire sentence along with words enclosed in quotation marks, then these marks are placed after the closing quotation marks, for example: Where will you find more deposits of black gold than ours? I'm tired of yours. Come back tomorrow for an answer! Before you start reading the novel Fathers and Sons...

    3. If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks, then a comma after the quotation marks is placed only as required by the context, for example: At some point in our lives, each of us asks ourselves the question of who to be? , but we answer it differently.

    4. If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks, then the same mark is not repeated after the quotation marks; unequal characters, if required by the context, are placed before and after the closing quotation marks. For example: Have you read the article in Izvestia Where are we going? Wed. : The fighters moved to attack shouting Forward! . When the slogan All power to the Soviets was put forward! ?

    5. If at the beginning or end of the text (quote, direct speech) there are internal and external quotation marks, then they should differ from each other in design (the so-called Christmas trees and paws), for example: The correspondent reports: The ballad about a soldier was highly praised at the international film festival; I received a telegram: I’m coming tomorrow, I’ll stay at the Moscow hotel.

    6. If a sentence or phrase enclosed in quotation marks should end with a comma, and then the text continues, then the comma is not placed either before or after the closing quotation marks, for example: Poems You know the land where everything breathes abundantly, familiar to us childhood; But the time came when the old man, obsessed with drawing, could no longer hold a brush. The comma is not omitted before the opening quotation marks, for example: Remember how beautiful, how fresh the roses were.

  3. but if you don’t write anything after the quotation marks, then you need to put a period after it too
  4. ru letter to help you
  5. Right. then and before and after
  6. Rosenthal: period, comma, semicolon, colon and dash are never placed before concluding quotation marks, only after them, regardless of whether direct speech (quotation) is an independent sentence or part of a complex sentence.
  7. yeah, before and after, don’t forget a couple more above and below
    what kind of nonsense are you generating... The dot is either before or after the quotation marks.

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