How to draw an old man with a pencil step by step. Synopsis of the integrated lesson in the preparatory group Topic: Journey through the fairy tale “Old Man Yearling How to draw a bird from a fairy tale old man yearling

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Vera Kaluzina

Subject. Old man - Year-old.

Old Man Godovik came out into the forest clearing, looked around and called his eldest daughter to him. She waved her sleeve and released a bird (demonstration of an image of a blue bird). The bird flew across the world. It became cold. It is snowing. The river is frozen. The bear fell asleep in his lair.

The Old Man called - Year-old the second daughter. She released a green bird from her sleeve. The bird flew around the world, embraced the world with its wings. The snow is melting, on the black thawed patches the rooks are importantly pacing. Ice cracked on the river and ice began to drift. Grass breaks on the hill...

The teacher continues the story, showing images of the daughters of the Old Man-Year-Old Man and birds of red and orange color. At the end of the story, he invites the children to give names to the daughters of the Old Man Godovik.

Children call: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn.

Game exercise "Mysteries of the Old Man Yearling".

In spring, birds gather in flocks and fly away to warmer climes.

In winter, the kids collect yellow leaves for the herbarium.

In autumn, primroses appear on the thawed patches.

In summer you can swim and sunbathe.

Children talk about what can and cannot be.

The teacher demonstrates plot pictures about different seasons.

Children look at pictures and distribute them among their daughters.

Old man Godovik, remembering the signs and signs of every time

What season is it now?

Now the season is autumn.

Autumn is rich in harvest.

The teacher shows the cards:

onion carrot potato tomato

Fly agaric russula camelina

Children unite by one name: vegetables, mushrooms.

It often rains in autumn, in order not to get your feet wet, I suggest changing your shoes into rubber boots.

Game exercise "Boots".

Children arrange the boots in descending order, naming the serial number and color.

Didactic game "Hedgehog and mushrooms".

Teacher: In autumn, many animals prepare for winter. The hedgehog also stocks up.

Material. Image of a hedgehog, 3 large mushrooms of red, yellow and green, 3 small mushrooms of red, yellow and green. two baskets

with a symbolic designation of different sizes: a large house and a small house; color change.

Decoding information, children move the mushroom from basket to basket.

For example: a large yellow russula mushroom, getting into the first basket, becomes small yellow, and in the second basket it becomes small green.

Old man yearling (mystery tale)

The old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds go. Each bird has its own special name. The old man waved his yearling for the first time - and the first three birds flew. It blew cold, frost.

The old man waved his yearling a second time - and the second three flew. The snow began to melt, flowers appeared on the fields.

The old man waved his yearling for the third time - the third trio flew. It became hot, stuffy, sultry. The men began to harvest rye.

The old man waved the yearling for the fourth time - and three more birds flew. A cold wind blew, frequent rain fell, and mists lay.
And the birds were not ordinary. Each bird has four wings. Each wing has seven feathers. Each pen also has its own name. One half of the feather is white, the other is black. A bird will wave once - it will become light-light, it will wave another - it will become dark-dark.

What kind of birds flew out of the sleeve of the old one-year-old man?
What are the four wings of each bird?
What are the seven feathers in each wing?
What does it mean that each feather has one half white and the other black?

The tales of Vladimir Dal are a song of beautiful Russian speech that "flows and murmurs like a stream." This is our heritage, on which it is necessary to raise children. And in the book "The Old Man Yearbook" fairy tales alternate with riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters and games - everything you need for interesting family leisure.

The best classical illustrations for Dahl's fairy tales are considered to be the works of the famous artist Vladimir Konashevich. He created an individual, recognizable style of designing fairy tales, in which "the brightness of the images, ornate patterns and vignettes are combined with the artist's ironic look, the ability to captivate the child with playful, lively compositions and the poetry of fantasy." “The artist must be responsible for each of his lines. No matter how easily and freely a drawing is made, everything in it should be in its place and just in moderation: neither subtract nor add! Konashevich himself wrote. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1959 the book "The Old Man Yearbook" received a diploma from the All-Union Competition as the best edition in terms of artistic design. Many of us remember her from childhood.

And modern publications would return to this childhood, if not for ....

The quality of books from the publishing house Melik Pashayev, usually praised by me, was an unpleasant surprise here - the illustrations in the reprint are pale (faded), fuzzy, and the contours are blurry. One would think that today Konashevich cannot be printed differently, but no, the publishing house has printed it. In my favorite series "Artists for Children", about which I have repeatedly written. True, there is another roll here - the illustrations are too dark and the contrast looks artificial.

Of course, Dal with drawings by Konashevich should be in every family, and in the end I don’t regret buying it, because the content of the book is excellent - everyone’s favorite fairy tales about the Snow Maiden, the war of mushrooms with berries, the fox-bast, the crane and the heron, the picky eater, and also wonderful Russian riddles, proverbs, descriptions of old children's games. But since Amphora, after the book "The Old Man Yearbook" with a content half less than the reprint from Melik Pashayev, published the second one - "The Crane and the Heron", which together completely repeat the collection, you can buy two instead of one. The paper is both there and there - a dense white offset. Covers are hard.

In general, we choose from two evils to our taste, since Dahl's fairy tales should be in the child's library.

Melik Pashayev:

Presentation for the lesson of literary reading "Old man-year-old". The presentation contains an audio recording of the fairy tale by V.I.Dal "The Old Man". During the presentation, students guess the riddles given in the work. There are excerpts from the book.

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"Presentation for the lesson of native literature "Old Man-year-old""

SUBJECT: "Mystery Tale".

I. A. Lopyreva

primary school teacher

MKOU "Secondary School with. Urup"




1801 - 1872

  • Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was born in the early 19th century (1801-1872)
  • He was a military engineer, an excellent surgeon who could operate equally well with his right and left hands.
  • Dal was an excellent connoisseur and connoisseur of the Russian language. He loved to collect words.
  • 53 years engaged in this necessary and important business. This is how the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Russian Language appeared, Zhivago, as Vladimir Ivanovich himself called it. The dictionary helps us in mastering our beautiful and powerful Russian language. This is our historical memory. Almost all his life he also collected proverbs, sayings, riddles, fairy tales. Wrote the book "Proverbs of the Russian language". Vladimir Ivanovich wrote many fairy tales and stories for children.

















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