Early morning. Several interesting essays

    da ono po4ti kazhdij denj! :) glavnoje praviljno radovatsja! :)

    no alarm clock, Monday, boss.

    For me, an ideal morning... is waking up next to my beloved, realizing that there are no problems, there is no need to rush anywhere, that the only thing I need for happiness and joy lies next to me.
    Good morning to you too.

    I woke up, stretched, started to get up, tripped (over the blanket), fell to the floor, falling and hit a tray of coffee, the coffee was on you, the coffee was hot, I went to wash myself, came out of the bathroom - cheerful all day!

  • ))))) TO SUM UP YOUR LIFE))) and start a new life)))
    because the weekend is ahead) they gave me a salary and finally it snowed, no matter what) winter is coming))))

    a room with peach wallpaper....a large bed..with white bed linen.....air pillows and a blanket....and I lie in them all sleepy....and wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and pancakes. ...I stomp my bare feet into the kitchen...and there my beloved, wearing only an apron, is baking those same pancakes))))

    p.s. Then I would have to eat the pancakes cold)))))))))))))))))))))

    I will give you the perfect morning in 28 days

    A summer morning in the village, when, waking up from the unobtrusive singing of birds outside the window, you are immediately overwhelmed by the smell of freshly cut grass or jasmine blooming in the garden, a playful ray of sun runs across the room, and sliding across your face, you feel a slight coolness and goosebumps run throughout your body. Then you run outside with joy, meeting the smiling faces of your relatives: mom is baking pancakes in the kitchen, dad is tinkering in the garage (despite the fact that it’s Sunday and he could put his work aside), he’s painfully hardworking, but he knows when to stop. My brother is also tinkering with his bicycle nearby (feeling some importance of this event, supposedly he is also an adult and responsible)... breakfast with his family at the round table. And in the continuation of more gatherings, in the evening reading on a swing in the garden near a white, yellow and soft apple tree... Such a routine for the day completely becomes outdated for me throughout the summer. This is like heaven, believe me.

The picture of morning summer nature looks quite bewitching and attractive to the human eye. The rising sun illuminates everything around with its gentle and warm rays.

Grass, bushes - all this is covered with transparent dew. Sometimes a light and transparent veil of fog hangs over everything. The fresh pre-dawn coolness is combined with rare gusts of the morning breeze. The sky does not yet shine with its usual blue, but is temporarily covered with small white clouds, which will disperse immediately after the sun rises. There is still no choir of bird voices ringing with all the melodies, but only occasionally the murmurs of early pigeons can be heard. There is silence everywhere, there are practically no sounds.

But suddenly the very first rays of the sun appear from behind the horizon, and a few minutes later the sun royally emerges into the sky and nature seems to come to life: you can immediately hear the singing of birds, gusts of wind, the clouds disperse and a bright blue sky opens. The picture of morning nature is pleasant to any person and attracts his gaze with its splendor.

Several interesting essays

  • Kolobok - analysis of a Russian folk tale

    The fairy tale tells about a kolobok hero who did not allow his grandmother and grandfather to eat it, made from low-quality ingredients, or rather from scraped flour and swept along the bottom.

  • The problem of honor and duty in the novel The Captain's Daughter by Pushkin

    In the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Captain's daughter many problems are touched upon, one of which is the problem of honor and duty.

  • The main characters of the novel A Hero of Our Time by Lermontov

    In Mikhail Lermontov's work “Hero of Our Time” there are several main characters who are worthy of more detailed consideration. Each of them has special character traits that influence their life path and personality development.

  • Khryumins in the comedy Woe from Wit by Griboyedov essay

    Two minor characters in Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” show the shortcomings of high society, which the author of the comedy wanted to emphasize.

  • Philosophical motives of Pushkin's lyrics essay

    Every poet is a philosopher at heart. The poet talks about the meaning of life, how man interacts with nature, how the world works and man’s place in it. The role of personality in history.

Well, Olga, as always, asked a bunch of questions.
The Sun and the Moon are different concepts that are reflected differently in our subconscious.
The Sun is the source of Light. The moon is his reflection. It's like a picture in someone's retelling. Therefore, a completely different perception.
All sorts of sorcerers and witches work with the energy of the Moon... But shamans... if there are still real ones (i.e. attuned to reality, not myths), it’s unlikely. Why delve into the retelling when there is a primary source? A cold and weakened body reaches out to the Sun - and it’s unlikely that anything can replace these sensations.
In general, I do not recommend anyone to go too close to the Moon. And on a full moon (as well as a new moon), I would recommend abstaining from in various ways settings, including meditation and prayer - it is better to engage in some simple activity these days, as close to the earth as possible. The first thing that came to mind was digging potatoes. In general, the associations are clear. It will be healthier this way.
The morning and evening sun are different levels of energy-information background. The morning sun is filled with fresh, unspent energy, which by evening takes on the features and shades of human personality... mostly sensuality. Thus, in the morning we tune in to the original source, while in the evening we perceive it in the sensations of nature tired during the day and human stress.
Is there a difference between tuning into the Light and prayer? By and large, no. But only if both are done correctly.
The whole point is that moral and ethical imperatives are not perceived by the area of ​​the unconscious in human thinking. You can give “good” instructions as much as you like, as Kashpirovsky tried, but everything will be to no avail. You can talk endlessly about love, but the bright image of Aphrodite will be immeasurably stronger and clearer.
Lack of imagery is everyone's weak point modern religions. And we know the results - numerous facts of fanaticism under the most innocent religious slogans.
I must say, fathers christian church We found a very reasonable solution to this. Prayers have essentially become mantras. By pronouncing some text from beginning to end, a person thus turns off his thinking. Plus joining the egregor. That's the effect.
All problems arise later - when a person leaves the state of prayer. He enters again ordinary life and begins to “sin.” He does not have an internal attitude to apply the prayerful state in our everyday life. It's no secret that graduates of Sunday church schools are not very adaptable to life - this is a real problem!
Should we talk about Lucifer? To be honest, I’m afraid of drowning in scholasticism here.
Based on the primary sources, Jesus withstood the tests of the devil, but did not declare war on him! For all that, he dealt with the demons casually - he killed them wherever they came across his path. So everything is more complicated. For example, there is an opinion that Lucifer and Prometheus are one and the same person. And this significantly changes the way you look at many things.
In general, all the scholasticism of “late Christianity” can be thrown out. The authors of early Christianity are very interesting to read. Well, they debated freely with the philosophers of Hellas. No one called it heresy then. In late Christianity, there are references only to the authorities of the church itself - and the inferiority of thought when trying to understand something in such texts is obvious.

Everyone has their own personal morning. I will share my beautiful special morning. I wake up quite early. Opening my eyes, the rays of the sun caress my body. I look out the window and admire the weather. In the morning I am in a good mood, I set myself that my day will be the most unforgettable. Then I wash my face with some water and feel a surge of energy. I want to sing and quickly get ready for school. Mom prepares a hearty breakfast, I devour it and run to get dressed. I follow my home path to my favorite school. So my morning comes to an end and a busy day begins.

How my mornings and weekdays begin

My morning starts at six o'clock in the morning. I usually wake up on my own when the alarm clock rings. But sometimes my mother wakes me up. I wake up and then make my bed. I open the window to ventilate the room and go to wash. I wash my face with cold water, it is useful as a method of hardening and for the condition of the skin. Then I make sure to do exercises, it is very beneficial for my body. To wake up faster and cheer up, I do exercises accompanied by cheerful music.

After charging, I go to the kitchen, where a delicious breakfast prepared by my caring mother awaits me. Usually, for breakfast I eat buckwheat or oatmeal and a sandwich with cheese, and drink sweet tea. After a light breakfast, I pack my briefcase and sometimes repeat my homework. Then I comb my hair, get dressed, say goodbye to my mother and leave the house for school. On the way, I pick up my friend Katya and we go to school.

How my mornings go on weekends

Weekend mornings start much later, at about nine o'clock, and I really like to sleep. After waking up, I make my bed, wash my face, and my mother and I do exercises in a ventilated room. Doing exercises together is very fun and exciting. My mother and I have a rule that on weekends I cook breakfast. For breakfast, I heat up porridge for my mom and me and can make sandwiches with sausage or cheese. I also make my mother’s favorite drink for breakfast - cocoa.

Then mom watches her favorite health show, and I read books or play on the computer. And always before lunch, on weekends my mother and I go for a walk or to the pool. This is how my morning goes on a day off.
For myself, I have identified several rules to ensure a good morning:

  • You can’t eat much at night;
  • ventilate the room before going to bed and in the morning;
  • you need to go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening;
  • Be sure to wash your face with cold water in the morning;
  • do vigorous exercise.
    If you follow these simple rules, your morning will always be good. And if the morning is good, then you will be in a great mood for the whole day.

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