Rgg history. Russian State Humanitarian University at RSU

Russian State Humanitarian University(RGGU) is one of the leading humanitarian universities in Russia in the field of humanitarian and social areas, a higher educational institution in Moscow.

Russian state Humanities University

International name Russian State University for the Humanities
Motto "Century-old traditions - modern technologies"
Year of foundation September 30, 1930
Rector Bezborodov, Alexander Borisovich
The president Brewer, Efim Iosifovich
Students More than 25,000
Location Russia Russia, Moscow

05 Novoslobodskaya 09 Mendeleevskaya 05 Belorusskaya

02 Belorusskaya
Legal address GSP-3, Miusskaya Square, 6
Website rsuh.ru


The Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) was organized in March 1991 on the basis of.

Another component that joined the Russian State Humanitarian University was the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky - one of the most progressive pre-revolutionary higher education institutions. educational institutions, open to people of all classes and genders (existed from 1919). From 1932 to 1932, Shanyavsky University was reorganized into the “Communist University named after Ya. M. Sverdlov”. From 1939, the same university was renamed the Higher Communist Agricultural University, and from 1991 it was called the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee.

Thus, as the main one, the new university occupied the historical building of Shanyavsky University on Miusskaya Square, becoming the successor to the Higher Party School. The building of the Historical and Archival Institute on Nikolskaya Street also became an equal part of the territorial structure of the university.

In the mid-2010s, it became clear that a “hole” of 238 million rubles had formed in the university’s budget, and as a result, a reduction in the number of teaching staff began. On September 16, 2016, 12 employees left the Institute of Psychology en masse due to the plans of the new rector of the university, Evgeniy Ivakhnenko, to optimize the staff and increase the workload on teachers. The practice of introducing annual contracts with teachers has spread at the university, and the load on a teacher’s salary has reached 900 hours per year (and 600 hours of extracurricular work).

Since September 2017, the post of acting rector who replaced E.N. Ivakhnenko, is occupied by A. B. Bezborodov, who has set a course to improve the university’s position in the ranking of higher educational institutions in Russia. The widespread practice of one-year contracts with teachers was abolished, and the workload on the teaching staff was reduced. By order of the Minister of Science and higher education Russian Federation in September 2018, he was appointed rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

In 2018, according to the RAEX rating, RSUH entered the top 10 universities in the field of “Humanitarian and Social Studies”. One of the criteria was the cooperation of universities with the world’s leading educational organizations, in this area the Russian State University for the Humanities has demonstrated a confident leading position.



There are 13 educational and scientific institutes within the Russian State University for the Humanities:

  • Institute of Economics, Management and Law
  • Institute of Psychology named after. L.S. Vygotsky
  • Institute of Mass Media
  • Institute of Linguistics
  • Institute of Information Sciences and Security Technologies
  • Institute of Philology and History
  • Institute of Post-Soviet and Interregional Studies
  • Institute oriental cultures and antiquity
  • Institute of Higher Humanitarian Studies named after. E.A. Meletinsky
  • International Institute of New educational technologies

In addition, there are 3 university-wide faculties (sociological, philosophical, art history), 7 university-wide departments, 8 university-wide educational and scientific centers, 17 international educational and scientific centers.

Also at the Russian State University for the Humanities there is an Institute additional education, Humanitarian College, educational art museum, created jointly with the State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin, scientific library, center for acquiring foreign literature in libraries of universities of the Russian Federation, center for the conservation of documents of libraries of universities of the Russian Federation.

Historical and Archival Institute

The Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State Humanitarian University (IAI RGGU) is a structural unit within the Russian State Humanitarian University, the legal successor of the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute (MGIAI), founded in 1930. Director - Dr. Ist. Sciences, Professor A. B. Bezborodov. The institute includes: Faculty of Archival Affairs; Faculty of Documentation and technotronic archives; Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities, including the Educational and Scientific Mesoamerican Center named after. Yu. V. Knorozova; faculty international relations and foreign regional studies, graduate School Documentation and archival science.

Institute of Economics, Management and Law

Main article: Institute of Economics, Management and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities

Institute of Information Sciences and Security Technologies

Consists of the Faculty of Information Systems and Security (FISS).

Institute of Philology and History

The institute includes: Faculty of History and Philology; Department of Translation Studies and Translation Practice; Department of Literature, Theater and Cinema.

Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity

The institute includes: Center for Comparative Studies of Eastern and Western Cultures; Center for Comparative Studies; Center for Classical Studies; Center for Oriental and Hellenistic Archaeology; Center for Ancient Eastern Studies; Memorial office-library of academician V. N. Toporov; as well as 5 departments.

Institute of New Educational Technologies

The institute includes: Educational and Scientific Center for the development of information and educational projects; Educational and Scientific Center for Advanced Media Technologies; Center for network broadcasting, maintenance and information support of a complex of multimedia classes; educational and scientific laboratory of developing technologies; system integration laboratory educational space; laboratory on computer science, mechatronics and sensors; laboratory of technical teaching aids.

Russian anthropological school

The educational and scientific institute “Russian Anthropological School” was founded in 2003 on the basis of the seminar “Cognitive Problems of Anthropology”. RAS - stage of implementation of the plan of academician Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov to create an educational and scientific structure that integrates different humanitarian sciences and related disciplines of logical-mathematical and biological knowledge.

Department of Sociocultural Studies

Created in 2013, the head of the department is Galina Ivanovna Zvereva. The department includes the Department of History and Theory of Culture, the Educational and Scientific Center for Sociocultural Projects and the School of Non-Formal Humanitarian Education “Cultural Dimension”. Training of bachelors in the areas of “Culture of Russia”, “Culture of Europe”, “Culture of Mass Communications”, as well as masters in the programs “Media Culture” and “Cultural Studies of the 20th Century”. Among the OSKI teachers are O. V. Gavrishina, K. Yu. Yerusalimsky, I. V. Kondakov, O. V. Moroz, E. I. Nesterova, A. A. Oleinikov, E. E. Savitsky, I. G. Yakovenko. OSKI holds a conference every year in mid-April “ Modern methods cultural studies".

University faculties

  • Faculty of Philosophy. The dean of the faculty is Valery Dmitrievich Gubin. The faculty includes: Department of History of Russian Philosophy (headed by Vyacheslav Serbinenko); department modern problems philosophy (headed by Vladimir Filatov); department social philosophy(headed by Evgeniy Ivakhnenko); Department of History of Foreign Philosophy (headed by Valery Gubin); Center for Phenomenological Research (headed by Viktor Molchanov); Center for Historians of Russian Philosophy. V.V. Zenkovsky (chairman - Vyacheslav Serbinenko); experimental educational and scientific laboratory “Dialogue of Cultures” (head - Anatoly Akhutin).
  • Faculty of Sociology. Dean - Zhan Terentyevich Toshchenko. The faculty includes: the Department of Theory and History of Sociology; Department of Applied Sociology; department political sociology; basic department VTsIOM; center for sociological research.
  • Faculty of Art History. Until 1999 - Faculty of Museology. Dean - Vladimir Alekseevich Kolotaev. The faculty includes: the department of “Higher School of Restoration”; Department of Art History Ancient world and the Middle Ages; Department of Theory and History of Art of New and Contemporary Times; Department of Museology; Department of Cinema and Contemporary Art; training center "Art Design"; Higher School of Artistic Practices and Museum Technologies.

University departments

  • Department of Post-Soviet Abroad Countries
  • Department of History of Science
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Applied Foreign Languages ​​"International Specializations"
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Civil Defense Group
University-wide educational, research and scientific centers
  • Center for the Study of Religions
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Social Anthropology
  • Center “Society of Historians of Russian Philosophy named after. V.V. Zenkovsky"
  • Center for the Study of the Culture of the Peoples of Siberia
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Visual Anthropology and Egohistory
  • Scientific and Educational Center for Cognitive Programs and Technologies
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Typology and Semiotics of Folklore
  • Educational and Scientific Institute of Russian History
International educational and scientific centers
  • Educational and Scientific Mesoamerican Center named after. Yu.V. Knorozova
  • Russian-American Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies
  • Russian-American Educational and Scientific Center
  • Center for Research, Education and Culture "Moscow-Quebec"
  • Russian-Swiss Educational and Scientific Center
  • Russian-German Educational and Scientific Center
  • Russian-French Center for Historical Anthropology named after. Brand Block
  • Russian-Italian Educational and Scientific Center
  • Benelux Center
  • Russian-Swedish Educational and Scientific Center
  • Russian-Turkish Educational and Scientific Center
  • Educational and Scientific Center of Iranian Studies
  • Educational and Scientific Center of Egyptology named after. V.S. Golenishcheva
  • Graduate School of European Cultures
  • Educational and Scientific Center of the Russian Language
  • International Research and Training Center for South Asian Studies



RSUH is a partner of the Russian Intellectual Resources program, so every year the university graduates a large number of graduates who then go to work in leading Russian and foreign companies, as well as in public administration. RSUH graduates include such famous personalities as: Tina Kandelaki, Maxim Galkin, Andrey Malakhov, Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC), Dmitry Borisov, Lyudmila Alyabyeva, Pyotr Osipov, Yuri Lander, Alexander Malkin, David Belozerov and others.



  1. Table 5. Top 10 universities in the field of “Humanitarian and social sciences” (undefined) . raexpert.ru. Retrieved September 11, 2018.
  2. Khorkhordina T.I. History of the Institute // . - (Retrieved September 28, 2010).

general information

The Russian State Humanitarian University was formed on the basis of Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated March 27, 1991 No. 175 “On the organization of the Russian State Humanitarian University” on the basis of the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute. And in the same year, the first admission of applicants to the Russian State University for the Humanities took place.

Despite its comparative youth, RSUH occupies one of the leading places among higher educational institutions in the country and is rightfully considered the leading scientific and educational center in Russia. Our university became the first university to have the words “Russian” and “humanitarian” in its name. We bear this name with pride, constantly confirming our high status. The successes achieved over these years are recognized not only within the country, but also beyond its borders, in the international scientific community. Lately RSUH leads in popularity among applicants. And we consider it our duty not only to preserve, but to develop and enhance the heritage with which the university entered the third decade of its history.

The operating principles of the Russian State University for the Humanities include:

  • connecting science and education, allowing the student to gain research skills and a set of competencies necessary for a scientist.
  • integrity and interdisciplinarity - humanitarian knowledge is presented here not as a disparate set of highly specialized disciplines, but as a single complex of sciences.
  • practice-oriented approach for the training of specialists, based on a balanced combination of fundamental theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
  • European two-stage education system significantly expands the choice of forms of education and opens up the prospect of internships and work abroad.
  • favorable educational environment , which is based on the idea of ​​freedom of creative and professional self-expression and the principles of tolerance.
  • personal orientation of education, allowing to reveal the individual abilities of students. The university has an effective tutor system.
  • lifelong learning concept, which views education as a continuous process. RSUH provides comprehensive pre-university and post-graduate training, a network of branches in the Moscow region and regions of Russia, as well as postgraduate and doctoral studies.
  • principles of “education through art”, contributing to the creation of a special environment - learning among museum and exhibition halls.

RSUH today is:

  • wide range curricula for all levels of education– from school to postgraduate, in almost all areas of humanities.
  • highly qualified teaching staff. Leading scientists and specialists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, famous Moscow universities, other scientific institutions and successful business enterprises teach here. More than 70 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and foreign academies, more than 200 doctors, and more than 500 candidates of science work at RSUH.
  • developed scientific activity – RSUH is recognized as a leading Russian center in the field of humanities and social sciences.
  • active International activity . The university has international educational and research centers and issues double diplomas. There are more than 250 cooperation agreements with leading foreign universities and research institutions. Hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students annually undergo internships at leading European and world universities.
  • rich student life . RSUH provides its students with ample opportunities for self-realization and supports student initiatives. Dozens of circles, sections, clubs for the most demanding tastes.
  • accessibility of education. A network of university branches covering the whole country has been created and is developing here. Distance education methods are widely used.
  • introduction of modern multimedia technologies into the educational process.

05 Novoslobodskaya 09 Mendeleevskaya 05 Belorusskaya

02 Belorusskaya

Russian State Humanitarian University(RGGU) is one of the leading humanitarian universities in Russia in the field of humanitarian and social areas, a higher educational institution in Moscow.

Story [ | ]

The Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) was organized in March 1991 on the basis of.

Another component that joined the Russian State Humanitarian University was the Moscow City People's University named after A.L. Shanyavsky - one of the most progressive pre-revolutionary higher education institutions, open to people of all classes and genders (existed from 1919 to 1919). From 1932 to 1932, Shanyavsky University was reorganized into the “Communist University named after Ya. M. Sverdlov”. From 1939, the same university was renamed the Higher Communist Agricultural University, and from 1991 it was called the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee.

Thus, as the main one, the new university occupied the historical building of Shanyavsky University on Miusskaya Square, becoming the successor to the Higher Party School. The building of the Historical and Archival Institute on Nikolskaya Street also became an equal part of the territorial structure of the university.

In the mid-2010s, it became clear that a “hole” of 238 million rubles had formed in the university’s budget, and as a result, a reduction in the number of teaching staff began. On September 16, 2016, 12 employees left the Institute of Psychology en masse due to the plans of the new rector of the university, Evgeniy Ivakhnenko, to optimize the staff and increase the workload on teachers. The practice of introducing annual contracts with teachers has spread at the university, and the load on a teacher’s salary has reached 900 hours per year (and 600 hours of extracurricular work).

Since September 2017, the post of acting rector who replaced E.N. Ivakhnenko, is occupied by A. B. Bezborodov, who has set a course to improve the university’s position in the ranking of higher educational institutions in Russia. The widespread practice of one-year contracts with teachers was abolished, and the workload on the teaching staff was reduced. By order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in September 2018, he was appointed rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

In 2018, according to the RAEX rating, RSUH entered the top 10 universities in the field of “Humanitarian and Social Studies”. One of the criteria was the cooperation of universities with the world's leading educational organizations; in this area, the Russian State University for the Humanities has demonstrated confident leading positions.

Education [ | ]

RSUH trains students in 39 professional educational programs undergraduate and 28 graduate areas, including: document studies and archival studies, international relations, oriental and African studies, cultural studies, religious studies, history, sociology, political science, art history, museology, management, tourism, advertising and public relations, economics, philosophy, philology , psychology, intellectual systems in the humanitarian field, journalism and many others.

More than 15 thousand students study at RSUH. The teaching staff of the university includes more than 600 full-time teachers and about 200 part-time teachers, specialists from institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow universities and other scientific institutions, both domestic and invited specialists from abroad. More than 70 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and foreign academies, more than 200 professors and doctors, and more than 500 candidates of science work at RSUH.

In addition, there are 3 university-wide faculties (sociological, philosophical, art history), 7 university-wide departments, 8 university-wide educational and scientific centers, 17 international educational and scientific centers.

Also at the Russian State University for the Humanities there are an Institute of Continuing Education, a Humanitarian College, an educational art museum, created jointly with the State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin, scientific library, center for acquiring foreign literature in libraries of universities of the Russian Federation, center for the conservation of documents of libraries of universities of the Russian Federation.

Historical and Archival Institute

The Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State Humanitarian University (IAI RGGU) is a structural unit within the Russian State Humanitarian University, the legal successor of the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute (MGIAI), founded in 1930. Director - Dr. Ist. Sciences, Professor A. B. Bezborodov. The institute includes: Faculty of Archival Affairs; Faculty of Document Management and Technotronic Archives; Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities, including the Educational and Scientific Mesoamerican Center named after. Yu. V. Knorozova; Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies, Higher School of Documentation and Archival Studies.

Institute of Economics, Management and Law

Main article:

Institute of Information Sciences and Security Technologies

Consists of the Faculty of Information Systems and Security (FISS).

Institute of Philology and History

The institute includes: Faculty of History and Philology; Department of Translation Studies and Translation Practice; Department of Literature, Theater and Cinema.

Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity

The institute includes: Center for Comparative Studies of Eastern and Western Cultures; Center for Comparative Studies; Center for Classical Studies; Center for Oriental and Hellenistic Archaeology; Center for Ancient Eastern Studies; Memorial office-library of academician V. N. Toporov; as well as 5 departments.

Institute of New Educational Technologies

The institute includes: Educational and Scientific Center for the development of information and educational projects; Educational and Scientific Center for Advanced Media Technologies; Center for network broadcasting, maintenance and information support of a complex of multimedia classes; educational and scientific laboratory of developing technologies; laboratory for system integration of educational space; laboratory on computer science, mechatronics and sensors; laboratory of technical teaching aids.

Russian anthropological school

The educational and scientific institute “Russian Anthropological School” was founded in 2003 on the basis of the seminar “Cognitive Problems of Anthropology”. RAS is a stage in the implementation of Academician Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov’s plan to create an educational and scientific structure that integrates various humanities and related disciplines of logical-mathematical and biological knowledge.

Department of Sociocultural Studies

Created in 2013, the head of the department is Galina Ivanovna Zvereva. The department includes the Department of History and Theory of Culture, the Educational and Scientific Center for Sociocultural Projects and the School of Non-Formal Humanitarian Education “Cultural Dimension”. Training of bachelors in the areas of “Culture of Russia”, “Culture of Europe”, “Culture of Mass Communications”, as well as masters in the programs “Media Culture” and “Cultural Studies of the 20th Century”. Among the OSKI teachers are O. V. Gavrishina, K. Yu. Yerusalimsky, I. V. Kondakov, O. V. Moroz, E. I. Nesterova, A. A. Oleinikov, E. E. Savitsky, I. G. Yakovenko. OSKI holds a conference “Modern methods of studying culture” every year in mid-April.

University faculties

University departments

  • Department of Post-Soviet Abroad Countries
  • Department of History of Science
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Applied Foreign Languages ​​"International Specializations"
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Civil Defense Group
University-wide educational, research and scientific centers
  • Center for the Study of Religions
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Social Anthropology
  • Center “Society of Historians of Russian Philosophy named after. V.V. Zenkovsky"
  • Center for the Study of the Culture of the Peoples of Siberia
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Visual Anthropology and Egohistory
  • Scientific and Educational Center for Cognitive Programs and Technologies
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Typology and Semiotics of Folklore
  • Educational and Scientific Institute of Russian History
International educational and scientific centers Branches

Rectors [ | ]

Graduates [ | ]

RSUH is a partner of the Russian Intellectual Resources program, so every year the university graduates a large number of graduates who then go to work in leading Russian and foreign companies, as well as in public administration. RSUH graduates include such famous personalities as: Tina Kandelaki, Maxim Galkin, Andrey Malakhov, Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC), Dmitry Borisov, Lyudmila Alyabyeva, Pyotr Osipov, Yuri Lander, Alexander Malkin, David Belozerov and others.

Criticism [ | ]

Dissertation Council for economic theory at the Russian State University for the Humanities is repeatedly mentioned in Dissernet investigations about “plagiarism in scientific work": "Our favorite expert advice is on economic theory. Here are some of his experts. The scientific secretary of this ES, director of the Institute of Economics and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Nadezhda Ivanovna Arkhipova, is a member of the dissertation council No. 212.198.01. Only on our server there are 54 fake dissertations defended in this dissertation council. Nadezhda Ivanovna herself participated in the “multi-color” defenses of applicant Yu. V. Musarsky and associate professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities L. I. Badrenkova.” According to Dissernet, there were 50 “fake” defenses in this dissertation council.

In 2014, a round table on the problems of plagiarism in science was held at the Russian State University for the Humanities. According to the report of Sergei Parkhomenko, in the dissertation council D 212.198.01 on economic sciences at the Russian State University for the Humanities there was a “dissertation factory of Professor Fyodor Sterlikov”, producing dissertations containing plagiarism. Among the plagiarists in the report, the head of the Department of Marketing and Advertising of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Professor D. A. Shevchenko was also mentioned. The university created an anti-plagiarism commission to review dissertations of former and current employees of the Russian State University for the Humanities, which was liquidated under rector Evgeniy Ivakhnenko.

In May 2015, RSUH teachers wrote an open letter to Rector E.I. Pivovar, in which they criticized the humiliating, in their opinion, practice of concluding annual contracts with teachers, according to which teachers do not receive salaries for the summer months. The letter also criticizes the lack of moral condemnation and the necessary administrative response to dissertations defended at the Russian State University for the Humanities that contain massive plagiarism. In total, the letter was signed by 105 people, including 74 researchers from the Russian State University for the Humanities and 3 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The meeting of teachers with the rector on May 27 ended with the rector's refusal to answer the teachers' questions and his early departure from the meeting.

Nikolai Belov, who worked with former rector Yuri Afanasyev from 1988 until his last day, including many years as an assistant to the rector, sharply criticizes the current leadership of the university. According to him, the university has turned into a loose conglomerate of structures, the library exists incomprehensibly, and the first-class publishing house has been destroyed. Teachers' salaries are being delayed, which was not the case even in the roaring nineties. According to the new Charter, the elections have turned “into an outright farce”: the Academic Council, which elects the rector, actually forms the current acting one. O. rector Belov also notes that the Charter of the university could only be changed by the RSUH Conference, which did not exist. Since the Charter was nevertheless changed, this fact falls under Article 292 of the Criminal Code (“Official forgery”).

Students of the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) held a flash mob in the very center of Moscow to protest against the eviction of the Russian State University for the Humanities from buildings on Nikolskaya Street.

The Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) was created on the basis of the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 1991.

In its activities, the University relies on the experience of two unique Russian educational institutions - Moscow People's University named after A.L. Shanyavsky (the building of Shanyavsky University is part of the main building of the Russian State University for the Humanities) and the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives.

All levels of education are represented at RSUH: pre-university, secondary vocational, higher, second higher, postgraduate, doctoral studies.

The structure of the Russian State University for the Humanities includes nine educational institutions(historical and archival; economics, management and law; psychology named after L. S. Vygotsky; mass media; linguistics; information sciences and security technologies; philology and history; oriental cultures and antiquity; new educational technologies), 11 faculties, 65 departments. In addition, there are: the Center for Pre-University Education, five international educational and scientific centers, the Educational Art Museum, created jointly with the State Museum fine arts them. A. S. Pushkina, Science Library, Center for Acquisition of Russian University Libraries with Foreign Literature, Center for the Conservation of Documents of Russian University Libraries, Educational and Scientific Center “History of Science and New Technologies of Education”, etc.

More than 10 thousand students study at the Russian State University for the Humanities in the main division and about 20 thousand in the branches. The university's teaching staff includes almost 500 full-time teachers and about 200 part-time teachers, specialists from institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow universities and other scientific institutions. RSUH employs 27 academicians, seven corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 115 professors and doctors, 310 candidates of science.

RSUH trains students in professional educational programs of 22 specialties and 12 areas of training, including oriental studies, religious studies, history, political science, historical and archival studies, museology, management, world economics, philosophy, philology, psychology, intelligent systems and journalism. About 300 graduate students study in 36 specialties in the graduate school of the Russian State University for the Humanities. The university has doctoral studies and 11 specialized dissertation councils, five of which are dedicated to defending doctoral dissertations.

Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities - Efim Iosifovich Pivovar (elected by secret ballot and approved on March 15, 2006 by the university conference of the Russian State University for the Humanities).

The Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities is located at 15 Nikolskaya Street. The building attracts attention with its unique architecture in the Russian Gothic style - it was built in 1810-1814 by the architect I. Mironovsky for the Synodal Printing House. The building is decorated with two spiers. On the façade there is a sundial, and above it there are bas-relief images of a Lion and a Unicorn, symbols of royal power and might. This is the coat of arms of the Sovereign Printing House, borrowed from the personal seal of Ivan the Terrible. It was not by chance that it appeared on the printing house building: in this place in the 16th century there was the Sovereign Printing House. Here in 1564, Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets issued the first Russian printed book“Apostle”, and in 1703 the masters of the Printing House published the first Russian newspaper “Vedomosti”.

Teacher about the university

Ekaterina Dmitrieva
Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Literary History, IFI RSUH, Senior Researcher, IMLI RAS

“The Russian State University for the Humanities, created in the early 1990s on the basis of the Institute of History and Archives as a palliative (and perhaps even a competitor) to Moscow State University in the field of humanities education, seems to still continue to be so. Of course, there are no others - from those who in the same 1990s created the glory of the Russian State University for the Humanities - but there are many others whose names are joyfully recognized, it is worth opening the list of teachers on the website. And most importantly, there is an atmosphere of free search, which is equally important for both the student and the teacher. Recently, while visiting, I accidentally heard an opinion about the university, which, as it turns out, has now become almost commonplace. Moscow State University - to find a profession, Russian State University for the Humanities - to find oneself in a profession. I think that this is true for two reasons: the presence of a large number of scientific centers that have already received the status of institutes, and, it seems to me, the possibility of obtaining a double specialization in Slavic studies and Western studies, which presupposes knowledge of different languages, is very important for students of East Philosophy, where I myself teach. and cultures, and most importantly, leaving freedom of choice.”

Specialties with the highest passing scores in 2012

Foreign Regional Studies

The most popular destination in recent entrance exams. Foreign regional studies are taught at the department of international relations and foreign regional studies at the Institute of History and Archives. Much attention is paid there foreign languages and close cooperation with training centers those countries that students are researching. There is the possibility of internships abroad.

International relationships

International relations, as they say, are a trend, and not only at the Russian State University for the Humanities, of course. From year to year, there remains a steady demand for this area. Students - in addition to general professional subjects - will have to study both humanities and socio-economic disciplines, as well as mathematics, computer science and even natural science.

The most expensive specialty

International relationships

International relations leads both the lists of high passing grades and the lists of expensive majors. This is understandable: students can do internships at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Duma, at the embassies of foreign countries or the tax service.


The Faculty of Journalism has the Department of Journalism, the Department of Television, Radio and Internet Technologies and the Department of Literary Criticism. There is an opinion that the Russian State University for the Humanities tries to pay great attention to the practical component of the profession.

The most mysterious specialty

Specialist in working with technotronic documentary heritage

This is taught at the Department of Audiovisual Documents and Archives, or ADA for short. Graduates of this department are “professionals with the necessary skills in creating, storing and distributing film, photo, audio and video information.”

Famous teachers

Andrei Malakhov
Lecturer at the Department of Journalism

Conducts a special seminar “Host a talk show on modern television.”

Famous Alumni

Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC)

Faculty of Computer Science

Philip Dzyadko

Faculty of History and Philology

Tina Kandelaki

Faculty of International Relations

Edward Radzinsky

Historical and Archival Institute

Maksim Galkin

Faculty of Linguistics

Sergey Minaev

Historical and Archival Institute

3 important news of recent years

In June 2012, the Rossiya-1 TV channel showed a story in which journalists talked about violations in the admission of students and facts of bribery. It seems that the Russian State University for the Humanities conducted an internal audit and said that those teachers who were mentioned in the story no longer work at the university.

In the fall of 2010, the building of the Russian State University for the Humanities on Miusskaya was mined every Wednesday for several weeks. The perpetrators were never found.

In March 2011, the Educational and Scientific Laboratory named after. D.A. Prigova. The laboratory organizes lectures and training courses dedicated to Prigov, forms an electronic archive of his works, conducts “Prigov Readings” and supports research into his work.


Almost the only structure of the Russian State University for the Humanities, which, as students say, is difficult to find fault with. A very large fund that allows even junior philologists to cope with the program without the help of Leninka. A systematized electronic catalog, a media library, and even a rare books department, where you can find things like correspondence between Karamzin and Lavater.

Main hangout spot

This, of course, is a courtyard formed by the buildings of the main building of the Russian State University for the Humanities. There is Wi-Fi here, trees have been planted, there are benches, and in the spring and summer they open a veranda and a cafeteria window. There is also a smoking room here - a rather unpleasant glassed-in room with a coffee machine, but without ventilation.

Dining room

As the students say, a few years ago their favorite canteen underwent a rebranding and instead of excellent chicken broths for 30 rubles they now offer, for example, Caesar with yellowed leaves. Now a full lunch in the student canteen costs the same as several business lunches. During breaks, many students run to nearby establishments like “Two Sticks” or “Daily Bread”, “ABC of Taste” or “Magnolia”. Anyone who fails to do this is forced to leave their entire stipend there during one trip to the canteen. It has three halls: a small one for teachers and staff and two large ones for students - six-meter ceilings, huge windows and counters with yoghurts, coffee, freshly squeezed juices, sandwiches and buns.

Students about the university

Tonya Krupnova
Faculty of History and Philology, 5th year

“When I decided to become a historian in the ninth grade, my parents immediately said: “So, you’ll go to the Russian State University for the Humanities.” By the end of school, my interests changed somewhat, and as a result I ended up studying philology at the Historical and Philological Institute. And I was right. My teachers were the most prominent humanities scholars, and my classmates were the most talented people imaginable. At the Russian State University for the Humanities, like at any other big university, which combines many different specialties, has its strengths and weaknesses. It is the humanities that, due to historical circumstances, constitute the main pride and value of the university. The Institute of History and Archives, History of Art and, finally, my Institute of History and Philology - they are the ones that are worth going to the Russian State University for the Humanities. I’m not sure that the same can be said about economics or management - you have to go to specialized universities for them, and not to us. True, I have a feeling that at the Russian State University for the Humanities there is too much unnecessary stuff and they put too much emphasis on the wrong things. It would be worth supporting the humanities - they are the ones who made the name of the university. Instead, salaries are cut, and teachers, understandably, go to work at other universities. If everything continues in the same spirit, then I’m not sure that RSUH will be able to maintain its position as the largest humanitarian university in the country.”

Dima Carriers
Institute of Linguistics, 4th year

“It’s difficult for me to talk about the entire Russian State University for the Humanities as a whole: judging by my friends from other faculties, the only thing they all have in common is a mess in the schedule, when, for example, there may be five classes in a row on Monday, and one on Tuesday, and always in the middle of the day. About my department - the Institute of Linguistics - I can say that almost all of our studies are structured in such a way that in the end knowledge is acquired by those who seriously strive for it: if someone is not interested in linguistics, then they can hold out until the fifth year, no without going into too much detail; It is quite difficult to get expelled. Moreover, if you really want to learn something, then there are all the conditions for this too. That is, all lectures and seminars work, in a sense, as the first step - and then you yourself need to make at least some initial effort in the right direction: approach the lecturer, ask questions, borrow books from the library, sign up for a special course.”

Nastya Kameneva
Faculty of History and Philology, 3rd year

“I don’t know how to describe the Russian State University for the Humanities. Yes, this is an inconvenient schedule, problems with the availability of free audiences, and often a general atmosphere of slight madness. A session that begins quietly in the middle of the semester and does not necessarily end with its end. Unimaginable names of Wi-Fi access points, secret locations throughout the territory. After some time, you stop being surprised by anything at all and begin to treat your university with both irony and tenderness. However, speaking seriously, at the Russian State University for the Humanities there really is an opportunity to get a decent education. There are many strong departments, for example, the Department of German Philology of the Institute of Philology of the Russian State University for the Humanities, where I study German and related disciplines. There are many excellent teachers, for the sake of classes with whom you can endure inconveniences in the schedule. Students develop warm relationships with most of them, and this is probably the most valuable thing.”

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