Set of rules 42. SP42.13330.2011 Urban planning



Updated edition

SNiP 2.07.01-89*

Official publication

Moscow 2011

SP 42.13330.2011


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the development rules are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 No. 858 “On the procedure for the development and approval of sets of rules "

Rulebook Details

1 CONTRACTORS: TsNIIP of Urban Planning, JSC Institute of Public Buildings, GIPRONIZDRAV, JSC Giprogor

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization (TC 465) “Construction”

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy

4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 28, 2010 No. 820 and put into effect on May 20, 2011.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 42.13330.2010

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet

© Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, 2010

This regulatory document cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without permission from the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia

SP 42.13330.2011


1 Scope of application…………………………………………........1

3 Terms and definitions……………………………………………………..2

4 The concept of development and general organization of the territory of urban and rural settlements……………………………………………………........2

5 Residential areas………………………………………………………..7

6 Public and business zones………………………………………………………..10

7 Development parameters for residential and public and business zones……...12

8 Production zones, zones of transport and engineering infrastructures…………………………………………………………………….…15

9 Recreational areas. Zones of specially protected areas…………………………………………….………….21

10 Institutions and service enterprises……….…………………...28

11 Transport and road network………………….…………...31

12 Engineering equipment…………………………….………..41

13 Engineering preparation and protection of the territory……………….….51

14 Environmental protection…………………………………………………….…53

15 Fire safety requirements…………………………….……....61 Appendix A (mandatory) List of legislative

And regulatory documents…….….62

Appendix B (mandatory) Terms and definitions…..………..66 Appendix B (recommended) Standard indicators

low-rise residential development....70 Appendix D (mandatory) Standard density indicators

development of territorial zones......71 Appendix D (recommended) Dimensions of household plots

and apartment land plots......................73

And service enterprises

And the size of their land



SP 42.13330.2011


This set of rules has been compiled with the aim of increasing the level of safety of people in buildings and structures and the safety of material assets in accordance with Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”, fulfilling the requirements of the Federal Law of November 23 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, increasing the level of harmonization of regulatory requirements with European regulatory documents, applying uniform methods for determining operational characteristics and evaluation methods. The requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” and codes of fire protection system rules were also taken into account.

The work was carried out by a team of authors: topic leader - P.N. Davidenko, Ph.D. architect, corresponding member RAASN; L.Ya. Herzberg, Dr. Tech. Sciences, corresponding member. RAASN; B.V. Cherepanov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Advisor to RAASN; N.S. Krasnoshchekova, Ph.D. Agricultural Sciences, Advisor to RAASN; N.B. Voronina; G.N. Voronova, advisor to RAASN; V.A. Gutnikov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Advisor to RAASN; E.V. Sarnatsky, corresponding member. RAASN; Z.K. Petrova, Ph.D. architect; S.K. Regame, O.S. Semenova, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Advisor to RAASN; S.B. Chistyakova, academician of RAASN; with the participation of OJSC “Institute of Public Buildings”: A.M. Bazilevich, Ph.D. architect; A.M. Garnets, Ph.D. architect; GIPRONIZDRAV: L.F. Sidorkova, Ph.D. architect, M.V. Tolmacheva; JSC Giprogor: A.S. Krivov, Ph.D. architect; THEM. Schneider.

SP 42.13330.2011



Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development

Date of introduction 2011-05-20

1 Application area

1.1 This document applies to the design of new and reconstruction of existing urban and rural settlements and includes the basic requirements for their planning and development. These requirements should be specified when developing regional and local urban planning standards.

1.2 This set of rules is aimed at providing urban planning means for the safety and sustainability of development of settlements, protecting public health, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection, preserving historical and cultural monuments, protecting settlement territories from adverse natural and man-made impacts, as well as creating conditions for implementation of social guarantees for citizens, including people with limited mobility, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation,

V parts of the provision of social and cultural and public services, engineering and transport infrastructure and landscaping.

1.3 From the moment of its entry into force, the requirements of this document apply to newly developed urban planning and design documentation, as well as to other types of activities leading to a change in the current state of the territory, real estate and living environment.

Urban-type settlements (urban, workers, resorts) should be designed according to the standards established for small towns with the same estimated population.

1.4 Settlements with enterprises and facilities located outside cities that do not have the status of urban-type settlements should be designed according to departmental regulatory documents, and in their absence, according to the standards established for rural settlements with the same estimated population.

Note - When designing urban and rural settlements, measures for civil defense should be provided in accordance with the requirements of special regulatory documents.

This set of rules uses references to regulatory, legal, regulatory and technical documents and standards of the Russian Federation, which are included in the list of legislative and regulatory documents given in reference Appendix A.

Note – When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index “National Standards” ", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the referenced material is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

Official publication

SP 42.13330.2011

3 Terms and definitions

The main terms and definitions used in this SP are given in Appendix B.

4 Development concept and general organization of urban areas

And rural settlements

4.1 Urban and rural settlements must be designed on the basis of territorial planning documents of the Russian Federation, territorial planning documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territorial planning documents of municipalities.

When planning and developing urban and rural settlements, it is necessary to be guided by the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, legislative and regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

4.2 Urban and rural settlements should be designed as elements of the settlement system of the Russian Federation and its constituent republics, territories, regions, municipal districts and municipalities. At the same time, territorial planning should be aimed at determining in territorial planning documents the purpose of territories based on a combination of social, economic, environmental and other factors in order to ensure that the interests of citizens and their associations of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and municipalities are taken into account.

4.3 In projects for planning and development of urban and rural settlements, it is necessary to provide for a rational sequence of their development. At the same time, it is necessary to determine the prospects for the development of settlements beyond the estimated period, including fundamental decisions on territorial development, functional zoning, planning structure, engineering and transport infrastructure, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection.

As a rule, the estimated period should be up to 20 years, and the urban planning forecast can cover 30-40 years.

4.4 Cities and rural settlements, depending on the projected population size for the estimated period, are divided into groups in accordance with Table 1.

Table 1

Population, thousand people

Rural settlements

The largest

» 500 to 1000

* The group of small cities includes urban-type settlements.

SP 42.13330.2011

4.5 The population size for the estimated period should be determined on the basis of data on the prospects for the development of the settlement in the settlement system, taking into account the demographic forecast of natural and mechanical population growth and pendulum migrations.

Prospects for the development of a rural settlement should be determined on the basis of territorial planning schemes for municipal districts, master plans of settlements in connection with the formation of agro-industrial and recreational complexes, as well as taking into account the location of subsidiary agricultural enterprises, organizations and institutions.

4.6 The territory for urban development must be selected taking into account the possibility of its rational functional use based on a comparison of options architectural and planning solutions, technical, economic, sanitary and hygienic indicators, fuel and energy, water, territorial resources, environmental conditions, taking into account the forecast of future changes in natural and other conditions. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the maximum permissible loads on the natural environment based on determining its potential, the regime for the rational use of territorial and natural resources in order to provide the most favorable living conditions for the population, prevent the destruction of natural ecological systems and irreversible changes in the natural environment.

4.7 When developing master plans for cities and rural settlements, it is necessary to proceed from an assessment of their economic-geographical, social, industrial, historical-architectural and natural potential. In this case you should:

take into account the administrative status of cities and rural settlements, projected population, economic base, location and role

V settlement system (agglomeration), as well as natural-climatic, socio-demographic, national, everyday and other local features;

proceed from a comprehensive assessment and zoning of the city and suburban areas, their rational use, available resources (natural, water, energy, labor, recreational), forecasts of changes in the economic base, the state of the environment and its impact on the living conditions and health of the population, social demographic situation, including interstate and interregional migration of the population;

provide for the improvement of the ecological and sanitary-hygienic state of the environment of settlements and adjacent territories, the preservation of historical and cultural heritage;

determine rational ways for the development of settlements, highlighting priority (priority) and promising social, economic and environmental problems;

take into account the prospects for the development of the real estate market, the possibility of developing territories through attracting non-state investments and the sale to citizens and legal entities of land plots located on the territory of urban and rural settlements, or the right to lease them.

4.8 When planning and developing cities and other settlements, it is necessary to zone their territory with the establishment of types of primary functional use, as well as other restrictions on the use of the territory for urban planning activities.

SP 42.13330.2011

The list of functional zones of territorial planning documents may include zones of predominantly residential development, mixed and public business development, public and business development, industrial development, mixed development, engineering and transport infrastructure, recreational zones, agricultural use zones, special purpose zones, including accommodation zones military and other sensitive facilities, cemetery zones, other special purpose zones.

4.9 The boundaries of territorial zones are established when preparing land use and development rules, taking into account:

a) the possibility of combining within one zone various types of existing and planned use of the territory;

b) functional zones and parameters of their planning development, determined by the master plan of the settlement, the master plan of the urban district, the territorial planning scheme of the municipal district;

c) the existing layout of the territory and existing land use; d) planned changes in the boundaries of lands of various categories in accordance with


4.10 The boundaries of territorial zones can be established by:

a) lines of highways, streets, driveways separating traffic flows in opposite directions;

b) red lines; c) boundaries of land plots;

d) the boundaries of settlements within municipalities; e) boundaries of municipalities, including intra-city ones

territories of federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg; f) natural boundaries of natural objects; g) other borders.

4.11 The boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of territories, the boundaries of territories of cultural heritage sites established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, may not coincide with the boundaries of territorial zones.

In historical cities, zones (districts) of historical buildings should be distinguished.

4.12 Composition of territorial zones, as well as features of their use

land plots are determined by town planning regulations, development rules, taking into account the restrictions established by town planning, land, environmental, sanitary, and other special legislation, these norms, as well as special norms.

Territorial zones may include public land plots occupied by squares, streets, driveways, roads, embankments, squares, boulevards, reservoirs and other objects intended to satisfy the public interests of the population. The procedure for using public lands is determined by local governments.

4.13 When identifying territorial zones and establishing regulations for their use, it is also necessary to take into account restrictions on urban planning

SP 42.13330.2011

activities stipulated by established special regulation zones. These include: zones of historical development, historical and cultural reserves; zones for the protection of historical and cultural monuments; zones of specially protected natural areas, including sanitary and mountain sanitary protection districts; sanitary protection zones; water protection zones and coastal protective strips; mineral deposit zones; zones that have restrictions for the placement of development due to the adverse effects of natural and man-made nature (seismicity, avalanches, flooding and inundation, subsidence soils, undermined areas, etc.).

4.14 Sanitary protective zones of production and other facilities that perform environmental protection functions are included in the territorial zones in which these facilities are located. The permissible regime for the use and development of sanitary protection zones must be adopted in accordance with current legislation, these norms and rules, sanitary rules given in SanPiN 2.2.1/, as well as in agreement with local sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities.

In areas exposed to dangerous influences of natural and man-made factors, when zoning the territory of settlements, it is necessary to take into account the following:

V These standards impose restrictions on the placement of buildings and structures associated with long-term stays of large numbers of people.

In areas with seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points, zoning of the territory of settlements should be provided taking into account seismic microzoning. At the same time, land plots with less seismicity should be used for residential development zones.

In areas subject to radiation contamination of settlement territories, zoning must take into account the possibility of a gradual change in the mode of use of these territories after the necessary measures have been taken to decontaminate the soil and real estate.

4.15 When drawing up a balance of the existing and project use of the territory of a settlement, it is necessary to take as a basis the zoning of the territory, determined by 4.6 of these norms, indicating in the composition of the allocated territorial zones the corresponding categories of land established by the land legislation of the Russian Federation.

As part of the balance of existing and projected use of land in settlements, it is necessary to distinguish lands of state property (federal significance, constituent entities of the Russian Federation), municipal property, private and other property in connection with data from urban planning and land cadastres.

4.16 The planning structure of urban and rural settlements should be formed, providing for:

Compact placement and interconnection of territorial zones, taking into account their acceptable compatibility;

Zoning and structural division of the territory in connection with the system of public centers, transport and engineering infrastructure;

Effective use of territories depending on its urban planning value, permissible building density, size of land plots;

Comprehensive consideration of architectural and urban planning traditions, natural and climatic, historical, cultural, ethnographic and other local features;

SP 42.13330.2011

- efficient operation and development of life support systems, savings fuel, energy and water resources;

- protection of the environment, historical and cultural monuments;

- protection of subsoil and rational use of natural resources;

- conditions for unhindered access of people with disabilities to social, transport and engineering infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

In areas with seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points, it is necessary to provide for a dissected planning structure of cities, as well as dispersed placement of objects with a large concentration of population and having an increased fire and explosion hazard.

Historic cities should ensure the preservation of their historical planning structure and architectural appearance, providing for the development and implementation of programs and projects for the comprehensive reconstruction and regeneration of historical areas, taking into account the requirements of section 14.

The organization of the territory of a rural settlement must be provided in conjunction with the functional and planning organization of the territory of rural municipalities.

4.17 In the largest and largest cities, it is necessary to provide for the integrated use of underground space to accommodate transport facilities, trade enterprises, public catering and public services, entertainment and sports facilities, utility rooms, engineering equipment structures, industrial and municipal storage facilities for various purposes.

Placing objects in underground space is allowed in all territorial zones if the sanitary, hygienic, environmental and fire safety requirements for these objects are met.

4.18 In areas exposed to hazardous and catastrophic natural phenomena (earthquakes, tsunamis, mudflows, floods, landslides and landslides), zoning of settlements should be provided taking into account reducing the degree of risk and ensuring sustainable operation. Parks, gardens, outdoor sports fields and other elements free from development should be located in areas with the highest degree of risk.

In seismic areas, functional zoning of the territory should be provided on the basis of microzoning according to seismicity conditions. At the same time, areas with less seismicity should be used for development in accordance with

With requirements of SP 14.13330.

In areas with complex engineering and geological conditions, it is necessary to use sites for development that require lower costs for engineering preparation, construction and operation of buildings and structures.

4.19 The planning structure of urban and rural settlements should be formed, ensuring compact placement and interconnection of functional zones; rational zoning of the territory in connection with the system of public centers, engineering and transport infrastructure; efficient use of the territory depending on its urban planning value; comprehensive consideration of architectural and urban planning traditions, natural, climatic, landscape, national, everyday and other local features; protection of the environment, historical and cultural monuments.

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications within the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, filled out in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted for consideration to the department for working with citizens’ appeals. The Ministry ensures objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Review of electronic appeals is free of charge.

4. In accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” electronic appeals are registered within three days and sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing issues the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the relevant body or the relevant official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. Electronic appeal is not considered if:
- absence of the applicant’s surname and name;
- indication of an incomplete or unreliable postal address;
- the presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
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- absence of punctuation marks in the text, presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
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6. The response to the applicant is sent to the postal address specified when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, disclosure of information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, is not permitted without his consent. Information about the personal data of applicants is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation on personal data.

8. Appeals received through the site are summarized and presented to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections “for residents” and “for specialists”

SP 42.13330.2011 “URBAN PLANNING. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF URBAN AND RURAL SETTLEMENTS.” Developed by a team of authors: topic leader - P.N. Davidenko, Ph.D. architect, corresponding member RAASN; L.Ya. Herzberg, Dr. Tech. Sciences, corresponding member. RAASN; B.V. Cherepanov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Advisor to RAASN; N.S. Krasnoshchekova, Ph.D. Agricultural Sciences, Advisor to RAASN; N.B. Voronina; G.N. Voronova, advisor to RAASN; V.A. Gutnikov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Advisor to RAASN; E.V. Sarnatsky, corresponding member. RAASN; Z.K. Petrova, Ph.D. architect; S.K. Regame, O.S. Semenova, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Advisor to RAASN; S.B. Chistyakova, academician of RAASN; with the participation of JSC Institute of Public Buildings: A.M. Bazilevich, Ph.D. architect; A.M. Garnets, Ph.D. architect; GIPRONIZDRAV: L.F. Sidorkova, Ph.D. architect, M.V. Tolmacheva; JSC Giprogor: A.S. Krivov, Ph.D. architect; K.M. Schneider.

Rulebook Details

  1. CONTRACTORS: TsNIIP of Urban Planning, JSC Institute of Public Buildings, GIPRONIZDRAV, JSC Giprogor.
  2. INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization (TC 465) “Construction”.
  3. PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy.
  4. APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 28, 2010 No. 820 and put into effect on May 20, 2011.
  5. REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 42.13330.2010.

Download the official document for review: SP 42.13330.2011 “URBAN PLANNING. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF URBAN AND RURAL SETTLEMENTS" (Updated edition dated December 28, 2010).

SP 42.13330.2011 “URBAN PLANNING. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF URBAN AND RURAL SETTLEMENTS" is a set of rules that was compiled with the aim of increasing the level of safety of people in buildings and structures and the safety of material assets when carrying out, in accordance with Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the safety of buildings and structures”, fulfilling the requirements of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”.

SP 30-102-99




Date of introduction 2000-01-01


1 DEVELOPED BY TsNIIEPgrazhdanstroy

2 REVIEWED AND APPROVED by the Department of Urban Planning, Infrastructure and Territorial Development of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Sector (Minutes No. 01-NS-15/8 dated August 17, 1999 of the joint meeting of the sections “Urban Planning” and “Architecture” of the STC of Gosstroy Russia and the Expert Council of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia)

3 ADOPTED by the State Construction Committee of Russia (resolution dated December 30, 1999 N 94)

4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT (order of TsNIIEPgrazhdanstroy dated November 24, 1999, N 80 T) from January 1, 2000.




1.1 This regulatory document of the system establishes requirements for the development of low-rise housing construction areas, both as part and as an independent planning structure of urban, rural and other settlements, developed in accordance with current standards and approved master plans of settlements.


2.1 References to the following regulatory documents are used:

SNiP 2.01.01-82. Construction climatology and geophysics

SNiP 2.01.15-90. Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Design Basics

SNiP 2.07.01-89*. Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements

SNiP 2.08.01-89*. Residential buildings

SNiP 2.08.02-89*. Public buildings and structures

SNiP 2.04.01-85*. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings

SNiP 2.04.02-84*. Water supply. External networks and structures

SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures

SNiP 2.04.05-91*. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

SNiP 2.04.07-86*. Heat networks

SNiP 2.04.08-87*. Gas supply

SNiP 2.05.13-90. Oil product pipelines laid in cities and other populated areas

SNiP II-12-77. Noise protection

SNiP II-3-79*. Construction heating engineering

SNiP 10-01-94. System of regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions

SNiP 3.05.04-85*. External networks and structures of water supply and sewerage

SNiP 21-01-97*. Fire safety of buildings and structures

SNiP 23-05-95. Natural and artificial lighting

SNiP 30-02-97. Planning and development of territories of gardening associations of citizens, buildings and structures

SP 11-102-97. Engineering and environmental surveys for construction

SP 11-103-97. Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys for construction

SP 11-106-97. Development, coordination, approval and composition of design and planning documentation for the development of territories of gardening associations of citizens

VSN 59-88. Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings. Design standards

VSN 62-91*. Designing a living environment taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and people with limited mobility

PUE. Rules for electrical installations

RDS 30-201-98. Instructions on the procedure for designing and installing red lines in cities and other settlements of the Russian Federation

RD 34.20.185-94. Instructions for designing urban electrical networks

RD 34.21.122-87. Instructions for lightning protection of buildings and structures

SanPiN Sanitary protection zones for water supply sources and drinking water pipelines

SanPiN 1.6.574-96*. Hygienic requirements for the protection of atmospheric air in populated areas
* The document is not valid. SanPiN is in effect. - Database manufacturer's note.

SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects


3.1 In this Code of Rules, the terms are used in accordance with Appendix B.



4.1.1 Urban planning characteristics of low-rise housing construction areas (size, number of floors, dimensions of the apartment plot, etc.) must be determined by the location of the territory in the planning and functional structure of urban, rural and other settlements, the types of which are defined by Article 5 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation. The exception is the settlements mentioned in paragraph 4 of Article 6 of the Code, which require special regulation of urban planning activities, primarily in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

4.1.2 When deciding on a master plan for low-rise buildings based on natural indicators, the following areas should be distinguished:

favorable for development;

requiring engineering protective measures in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 2.07.01, SNiP 2.01.15;

unacceptable for construction.

4.1.3 The areas of low-rise housing construction should be classified in accordance with Table 1.

4.1.4 When placing and planning organization of the territory of low-rise housing construction, the requirements for:

environmental protection;

protecting the territory from noise and exhaust gases from transport highways, electrical and electromagnetic radiation, and from radon emitted from the ground.

4.1.5 Comprehensive measures to protect nature and improve the environment from harmful impacts associated with economic and other activities should be provided in accordance with regulations governing environmental activities.

4.1.6 Insolation of territories and premises of low-rise buildings should provide a continuous 3-hour duration in the spring-summer period or a total 3.5-hour duration.

In mixed development or when low-rise buildings are located in difficult urban planning conditions, it is allowed to reduce the normalized insolation to 2.5 hours.

The required standard duration of insolation must be justified by calculations by a licensed organization at the stage of the development project and detailed design.

4.1.7 Garbage removal from areas of low-rise residential buildings, as a rule, should be carried out by removing household waste from areas with containers, the distance from which to the boundaries of residential buildings, children's institutions, and green areas should be set at least 50, but not more than 100 m.

4.1.8 To ensure fire extinguishing of individual buildings in the areas of low-rise housing construction, hydrants should be provided.

Water consumption for fire extinguishing for the calculation of street ring networks and distribution lines should be taken according to Tables 5, 6 of SNiP 2.04.02.

4.1.9 If it is impossible or impractical to provide fire extinguishing for individual buildings from hydrants, it is allowed to provide it from reservoirs or reservoirs in accordance with Note 1 to clause 2.11 of SNiP 2.04.02.

4.1.10 Minimum fire-fighting distances between buildings (as well as between outer buildings and groups of buildings in apartment areas) should be taken according to Table 1, Appendix 1 of SNiP 2.07.01.


4.2.1 The street and road network of low-rise housing construction areas should be formed in conjunction with the system of streets and roads provided for by the master plan of settlements.

4.2.2 When designing and organizing the road network of low-rise residential areas, it is necessary to take into account:

location of territories in the settlement structure;

type of territory, according to the classification given in Table 1;

type of residential building(s);

sizes and configuration of territories.

Table 1 - Classification of low-rise residential areas with houses with apartment plots

4.2.3 The planning solution for low-rise residential development must ensure the passage of vehicles to all buildings and structures, including houses located on apartment plots.

4.2.4 The number of traffic lanes on residential streets and driveways should be:

for residential streets - at least 2 lanes;

for travel - 1 lane.

The width of the strips should be 3.5 m.

4.2.5 Passages should be provided with passing platforms with a length of at least 15 m and a width of at least 7 m, including the width of the roadway.

The distance between traveling areas, as well as between traveling areas and intersections, should be no more than 200 m.

The maximum length of a dead-end driveway, according to the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, should not exceed 150 m. Dead-end driveways are provided with turning areas measuring at least 12x12 m. The use of a turning area for parking cars is not allowed.

4.2.6 In the territory of low-rise residential development, as a rule, it is necessary to provide 100% provision of parking spaces for storing and parking cars and other vehicles.

4.2.7 In areas built up with residential buildings with apartment plots (one-two-apartment and multi-apartment blocks), parking should be located within the designated area.

4.2.8 Parking garages serving apartment buildings of various planning structures located in public areas should be accepted in accordance with Table 10* SNiP 2.07.01.


4.3.1 The selection of design engineering solutions must be made in accordance with the technical specifications for the engineering support of the territory, issued by the relevant authorities responsible for the operation of local engineering networks.

4.3.2 Heating and gas networks, water supply and sewerage pipelines, as a rule, should be laid outside the carriageway of roads in order to avoid possible ruptures in the carriageway area. In some cases, it is allowed to lay them along the territory of apartment plots with the consent of their owners. Laying high-pressure gas networks through low-rise buildings is not permitted.

4.3.3 Heat and gas supply to low-rise residential buildings may be provided both decentralized - from apartment-based autonomous generators, and centralized - from existing or newly designed boiler houses (GRP), with appropriate utilities.

Distances from the gas distribution point to residential buildings should be taken in accordance with clause 5.3 of SNiP 2.04.08.

4.3.4 Water supply to low-rise buildings should be provided from centralized systems for apartment buildings in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02 and can be arranged autonomously - for one- or two-apartment buildings from shaft and shallow-tube wells, captages, springs in accordance with the project.

4.3.5 Input of water supply into one or two-apartment houses is allowed if there is a connection to a centralized sewerage system or if there is a local sewerage system.

4.3.6 It is allowed to provide for one- or two-apartment residential buildings the installation of local treatment facilities with a wastewater flow rate of no more than 3 m3/day.

4.3.7 Water consumption for irrigation of apartment areas of low-rise buildings should be taken up to 10 l/m per day; At the same time, installation of meters should be provided at water intake devices.

4.3.8. The power supply of low-rise buildings should be designed in accordance with PUE (Rules for Electrical Installations) and RD 34.20.185.

4.3.9. The power of TP transformers for power supply of low-rise buildings should be taken according to calculation.

4.3.10 The 0.38 kV network should be carried out using overhead (OHL) or cable (CL) lines, as a rule, according to an open branched circuit or a loop circuit in open mode with single-transformer TP.

4.3.11 The routes of overhead lines and cable lines of 0.38 kV must pass outside the boundaries of the apartment areas, be accessible for access to the overhead line supports by service vehicles and allow unhindered excavation of cable lines.

The required gaps should be taken in accordance with the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules).

4.3.12 Branches from the 0.38 kV line to the building can be made:

from overhead lines - with insulated wires, self-supporting wires, cable on a rope, cable in the ground;

from cable lines laid in the ground by installing a cable branch box outside the apartment areas.

4.3.13 The input distribution panel (IDB) must be installed inside a multi-apartment residential building in accordance with Chapter 7.1 of the PUE. It is allowed, in agreement with the energy supply organization, to install a control switchboard on the territory of the apartment area in an appropriate climatic and vandal-proof design.

When installing an input panel in a building (outside or inside), a disconnecting device must be installed on the outer part of the wall at the input at a height of 2.5 m in a sealed box, accessible only to the energy supply organization.

4.3.14 In low-rise development areas, the following should be provided: telephone communications, three-program radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, centralized fire and security alarm systems, and an automated dispatch control system.


4.4.1 Measures for engineering preparation and protection of territories must be determined by the master plan and related to natural conditions, and must also be regulated by the choice of planning, design and engineering solutions for development.

4.4.2 To eliminate or reduce the technogenic impact of low-rise buildings on natural conditions, it is necessary to provide preventive measures:

maximum preservation of the natural topography with the provision of a surface water drainage system;

the minimum density of the network of underground utility networks and their uniform distribution over the area.

4.4.3 Areas in which low-rise housing construction is not permitted include zones of active manifestations of geological processes (landslides, screes, karsts, avalanches, mudflows, etc.).



5.1.1 Low-rise residential buildings include buildings with a height of up to 3 floors inclusive.

5.1.2 Residential formations in areas of low-rise housing construction should consist, as a rule, of single-apartment and semi-detached residential buildings (with apartment plots).

It is allowed to use sectional type houses and others (up to 4 floors in height) with urban planning regulations in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01.


5.2.1 In individual construction, the main type of house is single-family. In addition to single-apartment houses, blocked houses are used, including two-apartment houses, with apartment plots for each apartment.

5.2.2 The main types of housing for municipal construction should be multi-apartment blocks, sectional type houses with apartment areas or courtyards in front of some apartments.

5.2.3 Based on the level of living, the designed housing should be divided into two main categories:

social housing for municipal construction with standardized upper limits of apartment areas (according to SNiP 2.08.01);

housing for individual construction with standardized lower limits of apartment areas.

Types of apartments and their areas are presented in Appendix A.

5.2.4 In urban, suburban and rural settlements, for families engaged in individual labor activities, residential buildings with a place of employment should be used (a doctor’s house, a craftsman’s house, a house of a seller of everyday goods, a farmer’s house, etc.).

The design of houses with plumbing, repair, blacksmith shops and similar premises is permitted subject to compliance with the necessary hygienic, environmental, fire and sanitary requirements, with the approval of the relevant state supervision services.

5.2.5 The housing needs of the population must be met not only through new construction, but also through the modernization and reconstruction of low-rise residential buildings that have retained their material value (see Table 1, footnotes).


5.3.1 Limit sizes of land plots for manor houses, one-two-apartment and multi-apartment blocked residential buildings are established by local governments in accordance with territorial building codes, depending on the type of house and other local features.

The boundaries, areas and mode of use of land plots in multi-apartment residential buildings are determined by urban planning documentation, taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The minimum areas of apartment plots for different types of residential buildings are given in Table 1.

5.3.2 A manor house, one or two-apartment house must be at least 5 m from the red line of streets, and at least 3 m from the red line of driveways. The distance from outbuildings to the red lines of streets and driveways must be at least 5 m .

5.3.3 In rural settlements and in areas of low-rise buildings in cities and suburban settlements (where keeping livestock is permitted), it is allowed to provide outbuildings for keeping livestock and poultry, storing feed, equipment, fuel and other household needs, bathhouses, and also - utility entrances and livestock runs. The composition and area of ​​outbuildings and buildings for individual work activities are taken in accordance with regional characteristics and design assignments.

5.3.4 To the border of the neighboring apartment plot, the distances for sanitary conditions must be no less than: from a manor house, one- or two-apartment and semi-detached house - 3 m, taking into account the requirements of clause 4.1.5 of this Code of Rules; from buildings for keeping livestock and poultry - 4 m; from other buildings (bathhouse, garage, etc.) - 1 m; from the trunks of tall trees - 4 m; medium height - 2 m; from the bush - 1 m.

5.3.5 Buildings for keeping livestock and poultry may only be attached to one- or two-apartment manor houses if they are isolated from living rooms by at least three utility rooms; in this case, premises for livestock and poultry must have an isolated external entrance located no closer than 7 m from the entrance to the house.

5.3.6 When constructing garages (including attached ones) in the ground and basement floors of one-two-story manor houses, single-apartment and semi-detached houses (in manor houses, one-two-apartment houses and on the ground floor), their design is allowed without complying with the standards for the design of service enterprises cars.

5.3.7 In rural settlements and in low-rise suburban areas, outbuildings for livestock and poultry may be allocated outside residential areas for residents of apartment buildings. For apartment buildings, it is allowed to install built-in or free-standing collective storage facilities for agricultural products, the area of ​​which is determined by the design assignment.

5.3.8 In areas built up with manor houses, one- and two-apartment houses, the distance from the windows of living rooms to the walls of the neighboring house and outbuildings (barn, garage, bathhouse) located on adjacent land plots must be at least 6 m.



6.1.1 Institutions and enterprises serving the population in low-rise development areas in urban, suburban and rural settlements should be located taking into account the type of settlement, the size of the population served and the general urban planning situation, including the proximity of other service facilities and the organization of transport connections, providing, as a rule, the formation community centers, linked to a network of streets, roads and pedestrian paths.

For disabled people, it is necessary to provide access, including in wheelchairs, to public buildings and structures, taking into account the requirements of VSN 62-91.


6.2.1 In accordance with the classification of territories (see Table 1), low-rise construction is located in the form of separate residential formations in the structure of cities - from large to largest, as well as in residential formations of small, medium and large cities, suburban and rural settlements, which determines differences in the organization of services for their population.

In cities and suburban settlements, the list of institutions providing daily services to low-rise residential areas, as a rule, should include the following facilities: preschool institutions, secondary schools, sports and leisure complex, outpatient clinics, pharmacy kiosks, retail and household facilities, post office, a branch of a savings bank, a stronghold for law enforcement, a center of administrative self-government, as well as areas (sports, recreation, field services, children's games). At the same time, in a suburban area, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal expansion of stationary facilities.

In rural areas, it is necessary to provide for the division of institutions and service enterprises into essential facilities in each settlement, starting with 50 residents, and basic facilities of a higher level for a group of settlements located in the center of local government (rural district, volost, etc.). In addition to stationary buildings, it is necessary to use mobile equipment and seasonal structures.

6.2.2 When calculating the number and capacity of institutions and service enterprises and their location, one should proceed from the need to meet the needs of various socio-demographic groups of the population.

In cities and suburban settlements, for approximate calculations of the number and capacity of institutions and enterprises serving low-rise buildings and their areas, it is allowed to take the indicators given in Appendix B. In rural areas, for approximate calculations of the capacity of objects and the size of their plots, it is allowed to take the indicators of Appendix 7 of SNiP 2.07. 01.

6.2.3 The placement of institutions and service enterprises in low-rise residential areas should be carried out:

a) in cities and suburban settlements - taking into account accessibility radii no more than those indicated in Table 2.

Table 2 - Pedestrian accessibility radii of service facilities

Institutions and enterprises serving the population

service, m


Secondary schools:

for primary classes

Premises for sports, recreational and leisure activities

Outpatient clinics


Retail and consumer services enterprises for everyday use

Post office and savings bank, stronghold for law enforcement

Center for Administrative Self-Government

When locating service facilities, it is necessary to take into account the institutions and enterprises located in neighboring territories while observing the standard accessibility radii (except for preschool institutions and primary schools, the approach routes to which should not cross the roadway);

b) in rural areas, provision of essential services to residents of each settlement should be carried out within walking distance of no more than 30 minutes (2-2.5 km); at the same time, the placement of institutions of a higher level of service, including periodic ones, must be provided within the boundaries of municipalities with pedestrian and transport accessibility of no more than 60 minutes.

Regional restrictions on service radii, accessibility of medical institutions in rural areas and traffic safety requirements for primary school students are adopted according to clause 5.4 of SNiP 2.07.01.

6.2.4 Distances from buildings and boundaries of land plots in terms of preschool institutions and secondary schools should be taken according to clause 5.5 of SNiP 2.07.01.


6.3.1 The public center of the territory of low-rise housing construction is intended to accommodate primarily cultural facilities, retail and consumer services, administrative, sports, recreational and leisure buildings and structures.

The list of development objects in the center may include multi-apartment residential buildings with service facilities.

In a public center, a system of interconnected space-platforms (for recreation, sports, receiving outreach services) and pedestrian paths should be formed.

Within the public center, general parking for vehicles should be provided at the rate of: per 100 one-time visitors - 7-10 parking spaces and 15-20 bicycles and mopeds.

6.3.2 In small towns and suburban settlements in areas of low-rise residential development, the use of small enterprises is allowed, the location of which is agreed upon with state supervisory authorities. In rural settlements, it is allowed to locate small enterprises, including those combining services and production of services, which do not require the construction of sanitary protection zones larger than 50 m.

6.3.3 The development of a public center in a low-rise construction area can be formed both by separate buildings, and by institutions and enterprises, which together, thanks to the methods of cooperation and blocking, form multifunctional public service complexes, as well as objects included in the structure of a residential building.

The design of public buildings and structures should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02.

6.3.4 Compared to free-standing public buildings, the calculated site area indicators for buildings should be reduced: attached by 25%, built-in and attached - up to 50% (with the exception of preschool institutions).

6.3.5 To organize services in the territories of low-rise housing construction, it is permitted to locate institutions and enterprises using an individual form of activity - a kindergarten, a store, a cafe, a health and leisure center, a hairdresser, a photo studio, etc., built into low-rise residential buildings , with accommodation mainly on the 1st and ground floors. In this case, the total area of ​​built-in institutions should not exceed 150 m. The mentioned institutions and enterprises can have a center-forming significance and be located in the central part of a settlement or residential formation. When establishing built-in workshops for car repair and rental, repair of household appliances, as well as premises for funeral services, such facilities should be located on the outskirts of the settlement. The construction of built-in enterprises that are harmful to public health (X-ray machines, building materials stores, mosquito and chemical stores, etc.) in low-rise buildings is not allowed.

Built-in public institutions must have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building. The site of the built-in institution should be divided into residential and public parts, with a zone for visitors and a utility yard located in the latter. Parking for vehicles must be provided before entering the building.

6.3.6 The service needs of the population must be met through both new construction and reconstruction of existing facilities, especially in rural areas and suburban settlements.

Type of construction

Number of rooms (types of apartments)

Size of apartments (small, large)

A Municipal construction - upper limits of apartment area, m (SNiP 2.08.01), - 18 m/person:

city, town

B Individual construction - lower limits of apartment area, m, - 18 m/person.


1 There are no upper limits on the area of ​​apartments for individual construction.

2 The ratio of apartment types by number of rooms and area for specific regions and settlements is determined by the local administration, taking into account demographic requirements, the achieved level of housing provision for the population and the resource availability of housing construction.


Institutions and service enterprises


Sizes of land plots

Preschool institutions, % coverage

Depending on the demographic structure, coverage is within 50%

At least 35 m per place

General education schools, % enrollment

Depending on the demographic structure, coverage of 100% of primary school students (I and II levels), 50% of secondary school students (III stage)

At least 16 m per place

Sports and leisure complex, m total. area per 1000 people

0.2-0.5 ha per site

Outpatient clinics:

clinics, visits per shift per 1000 people.

0.5 ha per site

outpatient clinics, general area per 1000 people

0.2 ha per site

Pharmacy kiosks, m total. area per 1000 people

0.05 ha per object or built-in

Everyday trade enterprises, m commerce. area per 1000 people:

grocery stores

non-food stores

to the object

Consumer service enterprises, workers. places for 1000 people

0.15 ha per site

Communications department, object

0.1-0.15 ha
to the object

Sberbank branch, general. area per 1000 people

Police stronghold, facility

Center for Administrative Self-Government, facility


1 Schools are located: secondary and basic - starting from a population of 2 thousand people, primary - from 500 people.

2 The location of clinics can be provided on the territory of the nearest residential areas, subject to regulatory accessibility.



Basic objects- institutions and enterprises that organize and provide periodic maintenance to a group of settlements within the boundaries of the local government territory.

Blocked residential building- a house consisting of two or more apartments, each of which has direct access to its own apartment area.

Built-in, built-in and attached institutions and enterprises- institutions and enterprises included in the structure of a residential building or other facility.

Residential Education- functional planning formation in the form of: a settlement (village) of low-rise buildings, a complex of low-rise buildings, a group of low-rise buildings.

Individual housing construction- a form of providing citizens with housing through the construction of houses on the right of personal ownership, carried out with the direct participation of citizens or at their expense.

Individual developers (individuals)- citizens who, in accordance with the established procedure, received a plot of land for the construction of a residential building with outbuildings for running a personal subsidiary plot and carry out this construction either on their own or with the involvement of other persons or construction organizations.

Low-rise residential development- residential development with up to 4 floors inclusive, ensuring, as a rule, a direct connection between apartments and the land plot.

Microcenters- facilities that unite institutions and enterprises of essential necessity and minimum capacity to serve small settlements.

Public service- providing residents with necessary services; in areas of low-rise residential development, as a rule, daily services are organized, providing residents with essential services, and in some cases, periodic services, providing services of weekly and less frequent demand.

Community Center- territory for the primary placement of service facilities and the implementation of various social processes (communication, recreation, trade, etc.). The public center has boundaries and a mode of intended functional purpose established by urban planning documentation.

Single-family residential building- a residential building intended for single-family residence and having an adjacent plot.

Apartment area- a plot of land adjacent to the apartment (house), with direct access to it.

Social infrastructure- a complex of service objects and relationships between them, ground-based and remote, within an urban planning formation (territory, settlement, group of settlements, etc.).

Territory of low-rise housing construction- part of the residential territory of the settlement or the settlement as a whole. Designed to accommodate low-rise residential buildings, social infrastructure facilities, engineering and transport communications.

Manor residential house- single-apartment house with an adjacent plot, buildings, for subsidiary farming.

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