About the peculiarities of the Russian soul. The importance of culture of different nationalities in the world

Every national individuality, like the individuality of a person, is a microcosm and therefore contains contradictions, but this happens to varying degrees. In terms of polarization and contradictions, the Russian people can only be compared with the Jewish people. And it is no coincidence that these peoples have a strong messianic consciousness. The inconsistency and complexity of the Russian soul may be due to the fact that in Russia two streams of world history collide and come into interaction - East and West. The Russian people are not a purely European and not a purely Asian people. Russia exists whole part light, a huge East-West, it connects two worlds. And two principles have always fought in the Russian soul, eastern and western.

There is a correspondence between the immensity, boundlessness, infinity of the Russian land and the Russian soul, between physical geography and spiritual geography. In the soul of the Russian people there is the same immensity, boundlessness, aspiration to infinity as in the Russian plain. Therefore, it was difficult for the Russian people to take possession of these vast spaces and formalize them. The Russian people had enormous elemental strength and comparative weakness of form. The Russian people were not a people of culture par excellence, like the peoples Western Europe, he was more a people of revelations and inspirations, he did not know moderation and easily went to extremes. Among the peoples of Western Europe, everything is much more determined and formalized, everything is divided into categories and finite. Not so with the Russian people, as they are less determined, more turned towards infinity and do not want to know the distribution by categories. In Russia there were no sharp social boundaries, no distinct classes. Russia has never been an aristocratic country in the Western sense, just as it never became a bourgeois country. Two opposing principles formed the basis of the formations of the Russian soul: the natural, pagan Dionysian element and ascetic-monastic Orthodoxy. It is possible to discover opposite properties in the Russian people: despotism, hypertrophy of the state and anarchism; liberty; cruelty, a tendency to violence and kindness, humanity, gentleness; ritual belief and the search for truth; individualism, heightened consciousness of personality and impersonal collectivism; nationalism, self-praise and universalism, pan-humanity; eschatological-messianic religiosity and external piety; the search for God and militant atheism; humility and arrogance; slavery and rebellion. But the Russian kingdom was never bourgeois, and in determining the character of the Russian people and its calling it is necessary to make a choice, which I will call an eschatological choice in terms of the ultimate goal. (Berdyaev N.A. Russian idea. The fate of Russia. - M., 1997. P. 4-5.)

About the Russian idea

Russian idea – eschatological, facing the end. Hence Russian maximalism. But in the Russian consciousness, the eschatological idea takes the form of a desire for universal salvation. Russian people put love above justice. Russian religiosity is conciliar in nature. Western Christians do not know the kind of communitarianism that is characteristic of Russians. All these are traits that find their expression not only in religious movements, but also in social movements... Behind the external hierarchical system, Russians in the last depths have always been anti-hierarchical, almost anarchic. The Russian people do not have the same love for historical greatness that the peoples of the West are so captivated by. The people, who have the greatest state in the world, do not like the state and power and are striving for something else. The Germans have long built a theory that the Russian people are a feminine and spiritual people, as opposed to the courage of the different and spiritual German people. The courageous spirit of the German people must take possession of the feminine soul of the Russian people. This theory was also associated with corresponding practice. The whole theory is constructed to justify German imperialism and the German will to power. In reality, the Russian people have always been capable of displaying great masculinity, and they will prove this and have already proven it to the German people. There was a heroic element in him. Russian quests are not spiritual, but spiritual in nature. Every nation must be masculine and feminine, it must have a combination of two principles... It is true that the German and Russian ideas are opposite. The German idea is the idea of ​​domination, predominance, power; the Russian idea is the idea of ​​communitarianism and brotherhood of people and peoples... Russians have a different attitude towards sin and crime, there is pity for the fallen, the humiliated, there is a dislike for greatness. Russians are less nepotistic than Westerners, but infinitely more communitarian. They are looking not so much for an organized society as for community, communication, and they are not very pedagogical. The Russian paradox lies in the fact that the Russian people are much less socialized than the peoples of the West, but also much more communal, more open to communication. Mutation and sudden changes under the influence of revolution are possible. This is also possible as a result of the Russian revolution. But God’s plan for the people remains the same, and it is up to the efforts of human freedom to remain faithful to this plan. There is some kind of indeterminacy in the life of a Russian person, which is difficult to understand in the more rationally determined life of a Western person. But this indeterminacy opens up many possibilities. Russians do not have the same divisions, classifications, or groupings in different areas as Western people do; they have great integrity. But this also creates difficulties and the possibility of confusion. It must be remembered that the nature of Russian people is very polarized. On the one hand - humility, renunciation; on the other hand, a rebellion caused by pity and demanding justice. On the one hand - compassion, pity; on the other hand, the possibility of cruelty; on the one hand there is a love of freedom, on the other there is a tendency towards slavery. The Russians have a different sense of the earth, and the earth itself is different" than the West. The mysticism of race and blood is alien to the Russians, but the mysticism of the earth is very close. The Russian people, according to their eternal idea, do not like the structure of this earthly city and are directed towards the Future City, to New Jerusalem, but New Jerusalem is not cut off from the vast Russian land, it is connected with it, and it will enter it. For the New Jerusalem, communitarianism, brotherhood of people are necessary, and for this it is still necessary to experience the era of the Holy Spirit, in which there will be a new revelation about. society. This was prepared in Russia (Ibid. pp. 218-220.)

Russian idea and Marxism. Marxism was adapted to Russian conditions and Russified. The messianic idea of ​​Marxism, associated with the mission of the proletariat, united and identified with the Russian messianic idea. The Russian communist revolution was dominated not by the empirical proletariat, but by the idea of ​​the proletariat, the myth of the proletariat. But the communist revolution, which was a real revolution, was a universal messianism, it wanted to bring good and liberation from oppression to the whole world. True, she created the greatest oppression and destroyed all freedom, but she did this sincerely thinking that this was a temporary means necessary for the realization of a higher goal.

Russian communism is a perversion of the Russian messianic idea. He affirms the light from the East, which should enlighten the bourgeois darkness of the West. Communism has its truth and its lies. Truth is social, revealing the possibility of the brotherhood of people and nations, overcoming classes; the lie is in the spiritual foundations, which lead to the process of dehumanization, to the denial of the value of every person, to the narrowing of human consciousness, which was already in Russian nihilism. Communism is a Russian phenomenon, despite the Marxist ideology. Communism is the Russian destiny, the moment of the inner destiny of the Russian people. And it must be overcome by the internal forces of the Russian people. Communism must be overcome, not destroyed. The highest stage, which will come after communism, must also include the truth of communism, but freed from lies. The Russian Revolution awakened and unleashed the enormous forces of the Russian people. (Ibid. pp. 215-216.)

The concept of “Russian idea” was formed in the 16th century and was embodied in the form government system. The Orthodox monarchy became the embodiment of what was understood by the “Russian idea” in those days. Christian philosopher Pyotr Chaadaev first asked the question about the purpose of the Russian people, its special meaning and calling. Chaadaev was not convinced of Russian exceptionalism, but it was Chaadaev’s “Philosophical Letter,” which was published in the Telescope magazine in 1836, that began the conversation about the destiny of the people.

“We belong neither to the West nor to the East,” writes Chaadaev in his “Philosophical Letter,” “we are an exceptional people.”

The isolation of the Russian people from historical processes in the world was initially assessed by the philosopher in a negative way, but over time it was replaced by a conviction in an exceptional path for Russia. Chaadaev considered religion to be the source of happiness and prosperity for Russians.

“...What amazes me is not that the minds of Europe, under the pressure of innumerable needs and unbridled instincts, do not comprehend this so simple thing, but that we, confident owners of the holy idea handed to us, cannot understand it. And, meanwhile, we have been in possession of this idea for quite some time. So why have we still not realized our purpose in the world? Surely the reason for this lies in that very spirit of self-denial, which you rightly note as a distinctive feature of our national character? I tend to lean towards this opinion, and this is what, in my opinion, is especially important to truly comprehend. ... By the grace of heaven, we brought with us only some of the appearance of this worthless civilization, only the insignificant works of this destructive science, civilization itself, science as a whole, remained alien to us. But still we have become sufficiently acquainted with the countries of Europe to be able to judge the profound difference between the nature of their society and the nature of the one in which we live. Reflecting on this difference, we should naturally have a high idea of ​​​​our own institutions, become even more deeply attached to them, and become convinced of their superiority...”

The term “Russian idea”

Is the Russian idea a philosophy or a set of concepts? The term itself was first used by F.M. Dostoevsky in 1860. The world learned about him after V.S.’s report. Solovyov's "Russian Idea", which was read in Paris in 1888. Philosopher A.V. Gulyga gave it a very clear definition:

“The Russian idea of ​​Dostoevsky is the concept of universal morality embodied in patriotic form.”

Russian philosophers Trubetskoy, Frank, Karsavin and Fedotov used this term in precisely this meaning. They considered the Russian idea to be the link that unites the nation. The unification was achieved mainly in the footsteps of Chaadaev - on the basis of religious thought. Holy Rus' is Rus' united by the veneration of the saints of the Russian Orthodox Church.

V.S. Solovyov, in his article “The Russian Idea,” wrote that an idea “is not what a nation itself thinks about itself in time, but what God thinks about it in eternity.”

I. Ilyin noted the importance of patriotism in the philosophy of the Russian idea:

“This idea formulates what is already inherent in the Russian people, what constitutes its good strength, in what it is right in the face of God and is unique among all other peoples. And at the same time, this idea shows us our historical task and our spiritual path; this is what we must protect and cultivate in ourselves, educate in our children and in future generations and bring to real purity and fullness of being - in everything, in our culture and in our way of life, in our souls and in our faith, in our institutions and laws. The Russian idea is something living, simple and creative. Russia lived it in all its inspired hours, in all its good days, in all its great people.” In other words, by the Russian idea I. Ilyin understands only everything great, good and only positive that exists in the history, fate, culture and spirit of the Russian people. N. Berdyaev, on the contrary, includes in the totality of problems and lines of research of the Russian idea not only the good, the best, the “right” - he believes that it is possible to approach the solution to the mystery of the “Russian soul”, the originality of Russia’s path, only if one immediately recognizes “The antinomy of Russia, its terrible inconsistency. Then Russian self-consciousness gets rid of false and false idealizations, from repulsive boasting, as well as from spineless cosmopolitan denial and foreign slavery.”

Is the Russian idea a geopolitical issue?

A number of researchers believed that the Russian idea began to be viewed in a geopolitical sense and considering the Russian people as a God-bearing people is chauvinism. Researcher A.L. Yanov held similar views. The philosopher Gulyga saw in this a desire to “compromise the spiritual history of Russia.”

In addition, he considered the term “Russian idea” to be broader than the definition of relations between society and the state. The Russian idea, in his opinion, did not consist only in the idea of ​​​​the Orthodox monarchy.

Russian idea and modernity

After the collapse of the USSR and the spiritual crisis that followed the collapse, the Russian idea became especially relevant.

“Today the Russian idea, first of all, sounds like a call for national revival and preservation of the material and spiritual revival of Russia. The Russian idea is more relevant today than ever, because humanity (and not just Russia) has come to the edge of the abyss...

...The Russian idea is a component of the universal Christian idea, stated in terms of modern dialectics,” Gulyga wrote.

The Russian idea has played and continues to play a leading role in the revival of the Russian Orthodox Church.

It is not for nothing that the national culture of Russia has always been considered the soul of the people. Its main feature and attractiveness lies in its amazing diversity, originality and uniqueness. Each nation, developing its own culture and traditions, tries to avoid imitation and humiliating copying. That is why they are creating their own forms of organizing cultural life. In all known typologies, Russia is usually considered separately. The culture of this country is truly unique; it cannot be compared with either the West or eastern directions. Of course, all nations are different, but it is the understanding of the importance of internal development that unites people all over the planet.

The importance of culture of different nationalities in the world

Each country and each people is important in its own way for modern world. This is especially true when it comes to history and its preservation. Today it is quite difficult to talk about how important culture is for modern times, because the scale of values ​​varies last years has changed significantly. National culture has increasingly begun to be perceived somewhat ambiguously. This is due to the development of two global trends in culture different countries and peoples, who increasingly began to develop conflicts against this background.

The first trend is directly related to some borrowing of cultural values. All this happens spontaneously and practically uncontrollably. But it carries with it incredible consequences. For example, the loss of the color and uniqueness of each individual state, and therefore its people. On the other hand, more and more countries have begun to appear that call on their citizens to revive their own culture and spiritual values. But one of the most important issues- Russian national culture, which in recent decades has begun to fade against the backdrop of a multinational country.

Formation of Russian national character

Perhaps many have heard about the breadth of the Russian soul and the strength of the Russian character. The national culture of Russia largely depends on these two factors. At one time V.O. Klyuchevsky expressed the theory that the formation of Russian character largely depended on the geographical location of the country.

He argued that the landscape of the Russian soul corresponds to the landscape of the Russian land. It is also not surprising that for the majority of citizens living in modern state, the concept “Rus” carries a deep meaning.

Household life also reflects remnants of the past. After all, if we talk about the culture, traditions and character of the Russian people, we can note that it was formed a very long time ago. Simplicity of life has always been distinctive feature Russian person. And this is due primarily to the fact that the Slavs suffered many fires that destroyed Russian villages and cities. The result was not only the rootlessness of Russian people, but also a simplified attitude towards everyday life. Although it was precisely those trials that befell the Slavs that allowed this nation to form a specific national character, which cannot be assessed unambiguously.

The main features of the national character of a nation

Russian national culture (namely its formation) has always largely depended on the character of the people who lived on the territory of the state.

One of the most powerful traits is kindness. It was this quality that was manifested in a wide variety of gestures, which can still be safely observed in the majority of Russian residents. For example, hospitality and cordiality. After all, no nation welcomes guests like they do in our country. And such a combination of qualities as mercy, compassion, empathy, cordiality, generosity, simplicity and tolerance is rarely found among other nationalities.

Another important trait in the character of Russians is their love of work. And although many historians and analysts note that as much as the Russian people were hardworking and capable, they were just as lazy and lacking initiative, it is still impossible not to note the efficiency and endurance of this nation. In general, the character of a Russian person is multifaceted and has not yet been fully studied. Which, in fact, is the highlight.

Values ​​of Russian culture

In order to understand a person's soul, it is necessary to know his story. The national culture of our people was formed in the conditions of the peasant community. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Russian culture the interests of the collective have always been higher than personal interests. After all, Russia lived a significant part of its history in conditions of military operations. That is why, among the values ​​of Russian culture, extraordinary devotion and love for one’s Motherland is always noted.

The concept of justice in all centuries was considered the first thing in Rus'. This has come since the time when each peasant was allocated an equal plot of land. And if in most nations such a value was considered instrumental, then in Russia it acquired a goal-oriented character.

Many Russian sayings say that our ancestors had a very simplified attitude towards work, for example: “Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest.” This does not mean that work was not valued. But the concept of “wealth” and the very desire to get rich have never been present among Russian people to the extent that is attributed to them today. And if we talk about the values ​​of Russian culture, then all of it is reflected in the character and soul of the Russian person, first of all.

Language and literature as values ​​of the people

Whatever you say, but the most great value every nation is its language. The language in which he speaks, writes and thinks, which allows him to express his own thoughts and opinions. It is not for nothing that there is a saying among Russians: “The language is the people.”

Old Russian literature arose during the adoption of Christianity. At that moment there were two directions of literary art - this world history and meaning human life. Books were written very slowly, and the main readers were representatives of the upper classes. But this did not prevent Russian literature from developing to world heights over time.

And at one time Russia was one of the most reading countries in the world! Language and national culture are very closely related. After all, it was through the scriptures that experience and accumulated knowledge were passed on in ancient times. Historically, Russian culture dominates, but the national culture of the peoples living in the vastness of our country also played a role in its development. That is why most works are closely intertwined with historical events other countries.

Painting as part of Russian culture

Just like literature, painting occupies a very significant place in the development of the cultural life of Russia.

The first thing that developed as an art of painting in the territories of Rus' was icon painting. What in Once again proves high level spirituality of this people. And at the turn of the XIV-XV centuries, icon painting reached its apogee.

Over time, the desire to draw also arises among ordinary people. As mentioned earlier, the beauties on whose territory the Russians lived had a great influence on the formation of cultural values. Perhaps that is why a huge number of paintings by Russian artists were dedicated to the open spaces native land. Through their canvases, masters conveyed not only the beauty of the surrounding world, but also their personal state of mind, and sometimes the state of mind of an entire people. Often the paintings contained a double secret meaning, which was revealed exclusively to those for whom the work was intended. Art school Russia is recognized by the whole world and occupies an honorable place on the world pedestal.

Religion of the multinational people of Russia

National culture largely depends on what gods the nation worships. As you know, Russia is a multinational country, home to about 130 nations and nationalities, each of which has its own religion, culture, language and way of life. That is why religion in Russia does not have a single name.

Today there are 5 leading areas in the Russian Federation: Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, as well as Catholicism and Protestantism. Each of these religions has a place in a huge country. Although, if we talk about the formation of the national culture of Russia, then since ancient times Russians belonged exclusively to the Orthodox Church.

Great in its time Russian principality In order to strengthen relations with Byzantium, it decided to adopt Orthodoxy throughout Rus'. In those days, church leaders were necessarily included in the tsar’s inner circle. Hence the concept that the church is always connected with state power. In ancient times, even before the baptism of Rus', the ancestors of the Russian people worshiped Vedic gods. The religion of the ancient Slavs was the deification of the forces of nature. Of course, there were not only good characters, but mostly the gods of the ancient representatives of the nation were mysterious, beautiful and kind.

Cuisine and traditions in Rus'

National culture and traditions are practically inseparable concepts. After all, all this is, first of all, the memory of the people, what protects a person from depersonalization.

As mentioned earlier, Russians have always been famous for their hospitality. This is why Russian cuisine is so varied and tasty. Although a few centuries ago the Slavs ate fairly simple and monotonous food. In addition, it was customary for the population of this country to fast. Therefore, the table was basically always divided into modest and lean.

Most often, meat, dairy, flour and vegetable products could be found on the table. Although many dishes in Russian culture have exclusively ritual significance. Traditions are tightly intertwined with kitchen life in Russia. Some dishes are considered ritual and are prepared only on certain holidays. For example, kurniks are always prepared for a wedding, kutya is cooked for Christmas, pancakes are baked for Maslenitsa, and Easter cakes and Easter cakes are baked for Easter. Of course, the residence of other peoples on the territory of Russia was reflected in its cuisine. Therefore, in many dishes you can observe unusual recipes, as well as the presence of non-Slavic products. It’s not for nothing that they say: “We are what we eat.” Russian cuisine is very simple and healthy!


Many are trying to judge how much the national culture of our state has been preserved today.

Russia is truly a unique country. She has rich story and difficult fate. That is why the culture of this country is sometimes gentle and touching, and sometimes tough and militant. If we consider the ancient Slavs, then it was here that a real national culture arose. Preserving it is more important than ever today! Over the past few centuries, Russia has learned not only to live with other nations in peace and friendship, but also to accept the religion of other nations. To this day, most of the ancient traditions have been preserved, which Russians honor with pleasure. Many traits of the ancient Slavs are present today in the worthy descendants of their people. Russia is a great country that treats its culture extremely carefully!

Leading researcher at the Institute of History of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Boris Tkachenko, came into the hands of the brochure “Penetrating Russia with a Gaze,” published in a circulation of only 135 copies. It contained translations of excerpts from Chinese books and newspaper publications. Its author set out to understand the Russians.

According to the Chinese, the Russian people, due to a long period of life in slavery, have no traditions of democracy, but there is a desire for extreme individualism. Moreover, Russians are so contradictory that, despite their individualism, they are also distinguished by their slavish obedience. “Russians are always wavering between these two extremes. Having received freedom, they know no boundaries and are ready to destroy everything.”

The Russian people are not capable of anything without foreigners: “...Russia’s achievements have always been associated with foreigners. As soon as the Russians got down to business themselves, everything quickly fell apart. The reason was their inability to self-control and manage themselves. Russia has always bowed to the West.”

Russians are patient people, they don’t know how to protest, and if they do protest, it’s soft and small. Life under Yeltsin is given as an example: “Under Yeltsin, the standard of living ordinary people fell catastrophically, they were robbed and deceived as best they could, but the people only grumbled a little.

In 2002, about 80% of the population was below the poverty line. There are many dissatisfied people, but there is no organized protest. The Russian people are once again demonstrating amazing patience and tolerance towards the authorities. This is the main tradition that he inherited from his slave past.

The Russian people fought constantly, so they developed a tolerance for cruelty.

They also consider themselves superior to other nations: “Russians consider themselves superior to others. This was reflected in the theory of the superiority of the Slavic race. Russians look with contempt not only at the backward East and South, but also at the more developed West. They always want to be first, to be leaders. The idea of ​​seniority has penetrated deeply into Russian psychology.” Foreign policy Russia is built on hegemony: “...Even now, when it cannot even be considered a second-rate country, it is difficult for it to hide its hegemonic psychology.”

Further we read: “No matter how hard Russians try to Europeanize, they are not like Europeans. In many ways they are more similar to the Tatars. More precisely, according to formal features- this is a civilized society, but inside there is a purely Russian filling. Behind the outward decency, the true rude nature is easily visible. Russians are Slavs. "Slavs" in Latin meant "slaves".

Russian morality is inverted: “Russians are characterized by disdain for traditional morality. Contradiction has become a feature of the Russian nation: on the one hand, Eastern humility and servility, on the other, licentiousness and unbridledness; on the one hand - fear of authority, on the other - contempt for traditions, rejection of generally accepted principles of morality and morality. This leads to the fact that they mistake rudeness for valor, laxity and chaos for democracy, lackeyness for virtue.”

Russians do not know how to value their history; they seem to deny it historical memory: “...Their attitude towards history is also extremely radical. For example, they believe that everything old should be rejected; no continuity is needed. All traces of the past must be washed away, erased overnight. And not only in form, but also in essence. Perhaps the funniest thing is their desire to change the names of cities, streets and squares, to demolish monuments, as if there were no events in their history that deserve memory.”

Terrible bureaucracy is thriving in Russia, and there are huge queues to see officials. “It doesn’t matter how many people are waiting in line - 10 or 100 - the employees will work as before: without rushing, being distracted by conversations and not forgetting to drink tea. Nothing will force them to change their regulations, no cataclysms.”

Since the Russians did nothing but fight, they had no time to improve native language: “...the famous expression of the English poet Johnson “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” translated into Russian looks like this: “Not everything is lost even for the most lost person, rejected by friends and society, if the feeling of the Motherland remains in his soul, it is his last hope and salvation."

The Russians had no time to improve their language - they fought and fought more. Even cultured people higher education can argue endlessly about writing something simple word or suggestions. And even many Russians would not be able to pass the exam to obtain Russian citizenship.”

There is no love in Russia, but there is a cult of sex, which replaces love. Russian schoolgirls, understandably, consider prostitution to be the most attractive profession; society condones this. Newspapers openly publish advertisements for hiring girls to provide sex services. Russian society generally does not understand what is good and what is bad.

As for politicians, they “are not only not afraid to tarnish their reputation on this basis, but, on the contrary, they use sex as a tool to achieve their goals. Many of them, including members of parliament and governors, openly keep several mistresses; Zhirinovsky’s party proposes to open brothels.”

All this is a historical fact. Pushkin, the Chinese write, loved to boast about his sexual abilities, but Catherine II did not need to boast.

Russian people cannot help but drink. “You can not eat, but you can’t help but drink - this is another striking feature of the Russian people. Russians will tolerate the lack of bread, but will rebel if there is no vodka. Vodka has become an important part of the culture of Russian society. Alcohol is something that Russians cannot and do not want to do without. If in other countries they say: “He who gets up early earns his bread,” then about Russians we can say this: “Whoever gets up early will have something to drink.” The Chinese recall that Yeltsin was an alcoholic.

The Russian people have not a drop of shame. “The most amazing thing is that they never feel shame, no matter what they do. On the contrary, they always find excuses for everything.” In Russia, deception flourishes at all levels.

Russians live in constant fear. Everyone around them is an enemy. There is an atmosphere of general suspicion in Russia. The role of the FSB is still great. “Almost all telephone conversations are wiretapped, and if they wish, the intelligence services can always provide incriminating evidence on you.”

In another material, “Comparison of China and Russia,” the Chinese conducted a direct comparative analysis two countries. If wise China, according to the authors, following Japan and South Korea, accepted the Western model, then Russia moved along the African, or at best, Latin American path.

The following material, “Discovering the Map of Russia,” describes the character of the Russian people from the point of view of the Chinese.

According to analysts, the Russian nation is entirely thieves, cowards, and robbers; their main character traits are anger, greed and admiration for violence. The authors summarize: the “greatness” of the Russian nation consists of 30% theft and 70% banditry.”

Everything presented above is not meant to be controversial. It doesn’t matter whether the Chinese think about us correctly or not. What matters is what they think.

One scoundrel in our community wrote a vile post about my country - Russia. About the country in which I live and which I love, no matter how pretentious it may sound. He wrote vilely about my people. About the people of which I am a part. But I consider him a scoundrel not because he has a different opinion than me, and not even because he has his own view of Russia and Russians, but because he wrote cowardly.
While emphasizing that the purpose of his writing is not to insult Russians and Russia, in fact, it is quite obvious that his post was written only for this purpose. I can’t stand this rottenness and double-mindedness in people.
I've traveled a lot. Both in Russia and around the world. I've seen a lot. There are many amazing and beautiful places in the world. But every time I returned to Russia, I experienced a special feeling - the joy of returning home. Every time I heard Russian speech around me, my ears rejoiced at its beauty and euphony.
Everywhere in Russia I am at home. And in St. Petersburg, and in Novosibirsk, in Kazan and in Min.Vody, in Gorno-Altaisk and in Sochi. There are family people everywhere. They are different - some are bad, some are good, but they are all ours.

For me, Russians are Russians and Tatars, and Altaians, and Belarusians, and Yakuts, everyone who lives on our common land.
In that provocative post the question was asked: “What is your greatness, Russians?”
Indeed, what is our greatness? And in general, is this greatness? Maybe this is just our chimera? A fiction that strokes our vanity?
There are many statements by Russian writers, politicians, and generals about the Russian people. But someone may accuse them of bias.
Then others must say a word about our people. Let representatives of other nations of the world testify about us. And based on these statements, everyone will decide for themselves - WHAT ARE THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE?

“Russian people will never be happy knowing that injustice is happening somewhere,” - Charles de Gaulle, French statesman, President of France

“Russian people do not need the materialistic “values” of the West, they do not need the dubious achievements of the East in the sphere of abstract spirituality, which has nothing to do with reality” - Albert Schweitzer, German-French thinker

“Russian people need Truth, and they seek it, first of all, in life” - Francois de La Rochefoucauld, French moralist writer

“Living according to the Truth is the Russian way!” - William Thomson, English physicist

“Russian people work conscientiously and freely if there is a moral idea, a righteous goal in society,” - Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher

“The concept of good morals - living according to conscience - this is the Russian way,” - Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain

“Russianness is a worldview of a fair way of life,” - Stanislaw Lem, Polish writer

“For the sake of a righteous idea, the Russian people work joyfully, even while in prison, and then they do not feel like prisoners - they gain freedom,” - Adam Smith, Scottish economist and philosopher

“Working for the good of the people, of all humanity, is the Russian way,” - Niccolo Machiavelli, Italian political thinker

“Community is in the blood of the Russian people,” - Imre Lakatos, English mathematician

“The Russian soul is a generosity that knows no bounds,” - Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of the Tibetan people

“Russian people are characterized by non-acquisitiveness. Russian people never intoxicate themselves,” - Karl Marx

“The Russian people do not need anything beyond measure,” - Beecher Henry Ward, American religious and social activist

“Measure is the essence of Russian civilization,” - Claude Helvetius, French philosopher

“Russian culture does not accept debauchery,” - Johann Wolfgang Goethe, German writer

“Russian people do not tolerate any abomination!” - Henry Ford, American engineer,

“Russian people never live by the principle “my house is on the edge, I don’t know anything”” - Thomas Jefferson, American educator

“Living for yourself,” “working for yourself,” wasting your life in various pleasures is not the Russian way,” Mother Teresa (in the world Agnes GonjaBojaxhiu), founder and superior of the Catholic Order of Charity

“It is no coincidence that the meaning of the word “joy” in Russian is different from the meaning of the word “pleasure”” - Stevenson Robert Louis, English writer

“The joy of the Russian people comes from a clear understanding of the meaning of life: to do everything possible (and impossible) so that future generations are not born in a slave-owning crowd-elite society,” - Heisenberg Werner, German theoretical physicist

“Russian people work tirelessly to transform themselves and those around them from humanity to humanity!” - Alexander Dumas, famous French writer

“To live like a Russian means to live like a human being!” - Adolf Disterweg, German teacher

“Happiness for the Russian people is to feel part of the great Unity and to participate in the creation of a just world order on Earth,” - Benjamin Franklin, American educator, statesman

Somehow like this.
Long live the Russian Spring!


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