Oblivion quest molag ball. House of Horrors (Molag Bal)

Azura's shrine is located in the northeast of Cyrodiil, strictly north of Lake Arrius. Let's talk with Mels Marion. dust "(Glow Dust) at sunrise or sunset (between 5 and 7 o'clock in the morning or in the evening).

This ingredient is easy to find in the remains of creatures called will-o-the-wisp (they only appear if you have a high enough level, about 9-10. Easy to find, but not so easy to kill - they have immunity to conventional weapons, stock up on spells or enchanted weapons). Another option is to buy in the alchemy shops of the capital or grab the dust in the basement of the Mages Guild in Bruma.

Having obtained the offering, return to the statue at the time indicated above, "activate" it and listen. According to Azura, we learn about some of her followers who settled in a nearby mine, they need to be granted "eternal peace". Note that they are vampires, so we recommend stocking up on disease cure potions so as not to catch any infection. We leave for the Gutted Mine, following the marker, we kill three vampires that are not very far from the entrance. We will find two more by moving a little deeper into the mine through a secret tunnel (the entrance to it will open if we disturb a pebble hanging nearby on a string). After all five are dead, you will receive a message that Azura is waiting for you. We return.

The reward will be a fairly good artifact - Azura's Star. It is a "reusable" soul stone (it does not disappear after being used for enchantment or recharging).

Boethia's Shrine is located far to the east of Cyrodiil, in the mountains. You can find it by moving southeast of Cheydinhal, along the mountains. Talk to Haekwon. As an offering, you will need a Daedra Heart .

You can find it in the remains of a humanoid Daedra - Dremora and Xivilai, or search in alchemy shops. If the search is completely hopeless, we go to the Anvil Fighter's Guild, and we see a heart lying there under lock and key in a demonstration box (you'll have to work with a master key.)

After making an offering and listening to Boethiah's speech, enter the portal that opens nearby. You have to take part in the Tournament of Ten Bloods. Before entering, stock up on more powerful weapons, and besides, it would be nice to get rid of extra pounds in your inventory (because there will be something to take out). You have to fight with nine chosen ones (one fighter of each race other than your own). We go from gate to gate, behind each of them there will be an enemy (do not forget to search the dead). After defeating everyone, a portal will appear behind the next gate, returning you back to reality.

We speak with Boethiah and receive as a reward the Golden Sword (Goldbrand) - an excellent blade, enchanted to strike with fire. Please note that unlike TES 3: Morrowind, it will not be possible to turn it into a more advanced version, so enjoy the gift.

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 20.

Clavicus Vile's Shrine is located southwest of the Imperial City, the easiest way to find it is by moving from Skingrad to the northeast along The Gold Road. "Raska (Ma" Raska) will tell you that 500 gold is needed to make an offering to the statue.

According to Clavicus Vile, you will learn that he needs a sword with the soul of Umbra imprisoned in it (a warrior who had some business with Vile in the past). However, those who have passed Morrowind may recall a hefty orc in the mountains near Suran). The Daedra Prince will advise you to start searching in the area of ​​​​the village of Pell's Gate. On the way there, you will suddenly hear a strange voice. This is Barbas, the dog of Clavicus (his statuette is in your backpack). You will also have to listen to his chatter. Apparently, Barbas really does not want Umbra's sword to return to Vile, so he will say that it would be better for you and for him not to complete the task of the lord.In any case, it's up to you.

Upon arrival at Pell's Gate, talk to the old man, Irroke the Wide. He will remember that once his student Lenwin found this sword and took the name Umbra. Last seen in Umbra is in the farthest room, on the way to which you will meet a couple of traps (the first is a floor that goes down, exposing spikes; the second is in the next large room, gas).In the depths of the ruins we will see Umbra. You can even talk to her (she will set you a condition - "leave and survive, or stay and die"). If you decide not to attack her, return to the sanctuary and inform the lord of your decision (in this case, Barbas himself will give you a small reward) "And if you still want to attack, keep in mind that Umbra is strong enough, and in addition to the sword, has a full set of ebonite armor. Invaluable help in destroying her can be provided by nearby traps. Introduce her to the gas, lower a couple of times on the spikes,

and then the task will not seem so impossible. After her death, we take the sword, and at the same time the armor (very good, and they cost decently) and return to the sanctuary.

The Umbra sword has very good damage, and is also enchanted with the Soul Trap effect on hit. You can give it to Vile and get his mask (Masque of Clavicus Vile) in return, which has a permanent effect in the form of an increase in charm (we recommend that you still keep Umbra, especially since in this case the quest will still be considered completed).

Hircine's Shrine is located exactly in the middle between the capital (Imperial City) and Bravil. forests almost throughout Cyrodiil, so there should be no problems finding the skin.If they do arise, we can go to borrow the skin from the Cheydinhal Fighter's Guild.

We give the horn to Hircine, we get an armor enchanted with magic resistance called the Skin of the Savior (Savior's Hide).

We will find Malacath's Shrine in the southwestern tip of Cyrodiil, north of Anvil. Orc follower Shobob Gro-Budash will tell you that Troll Fat is needed as a gift to Malacath.

This is where the first problem may arise, because this ingredient is not so common. The first thing you can try is to look in the shops offering alchemical potions and components, as well as look into the living quarters of the Skingrad Mages Guild. Trolls can be found during some quests of the Fighters Guild (for example, "The Secret of Harlan's Outpost" \ Mystery at Harlun's Watch), or quests for Daedric statues - Nocturnal and Meridia.

We give fat - we get the task. Malacath is very unhappy that a certain Lord Drad has captured his ogres and is exploiting them for his own purposes. Let's go to the estate of this lord. If he is not particularly inclined to communicate, we will talk with his wife, who can tell you something (for this you will have to raise her attitude towards you). It turns out Drad is keeping ogres in the nearby Bleak Mine. All that is now required of us is to free the ogres from the cages. There are several ways to go: given that the locks on the cells are quite complex, we can either steal the keys from the pockets of the guards, or simply kill them all. Another way is to sneak past the guards to the cells and open them with a master key. If there are living guards in the mine, they will attack the newly released ogres (if one of them dies at the hands of the guards, Malacath will not be upset, the main thing is that none of the released ones should be killed by you personally).

As soon as you open two cages, return to the Daedra Prince and get Volendrung Hammer as a reward (enchanted with Paralysis and Decrease Health on Hit).

P.S. Returning to Drad Manor once again after this quest, you can see a rather funny sight - Lord Drad, working under the supervision of ogres.

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 15.

Mephala's Shrine is located northwest of the Imperial Prison. As a gift, we need a purple flower - Night Shade.

For the plant, go to the "Main Ingredient" (Main Ingredient), which is in the Trade District of the Imperial City, and buy, or look into the Anvil Mages Guild.

The offering must be made between midnight and 5 o'clock in the morning. So, we get the job. You need to go to the town of Bleaker's Way and play off representatives of the two family clans living there. To do this, you will have to deal with the two founders of the city and simulate their murder by each other. Our goals: Nivan Dalvilu - the leader of the family Dalvilu family, and Hrol Ulfgar, head of the Nordic clan.

We find Nivan's house, break open the door and get inside. We need the Dalvilu Ceremonial dagger. We find, we leave. We do the same with Hrol Ulfgar's house - from there we will borrow the Ulfgar family ring. Having obtained both items, let's move on to the most interesting part - the murders! Both of our victims return home at night. Best time to visit! You need to kill both by throwing family relics recently stolen by us to the bodies (we throw the Ulfgar ring to Nivan, and Dalvilu's ceremonial dagger to Hrol). Now all that is required is to talk to any of the residents about the murders, and then the real show will begin! But remember that you cannot take part in it (that is, apart from the two victims described above, you can’t kill anyone else).

We return to Mephale for a reward - the Ebony Blade, enchanted to drain health and deprive the enemy of a voice upon impact.

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 10.

Meridia's Shrine is located near Skingrad, west of the city limits. The required gift is the remains of any undead: ectoplasm (Ectoplasm, the remains of ghosts), bone meal (Bonemeal, the remains of skeletons) or dead flesh ( Mort Flesh, zombie remains).

If your purse does not have the necessary ingredients, we buy in alchemy shops or visit the Mages Guilds of Skingrad, Leyawiin or Bruma.

After the offering, you will receive a task - kill five necromancers in the Howling cave. Head there by following the quest marker. There are plenty of ghosts and other evil spirits inside, be prepared. Having dealt with them, we move on. We find a secret passage on the map - we get to the lower level of the cave. There, in fact, are the citizens we need! To take their life, you will have to try very hard, because the necromantic art is strong! For your health, it is safest to eliminate them without too much noise, otherwise, if zombies / skeletons / ghosts (underline as necessary) come running from all over the cave, the hero will have a hard time.

After the death of all five, return to Meridia for a reward - the Ring of Khajiiti (Ring of Khajiiti) with a permanent chameleon effect and speed increase.

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 17.

Molag Bal's Shrine is located west of the Imperial City. Move straight west (and slightly south) from the bridge over Lake Rumare and you will find a statue. As a gift to Molag Bal, a lion skin is required (Lion Pelt) Lions are found in mountainous areas, so you will have to wander a bit through the hills and hills.

We give the lion's skin - we will hear the voice of Molag Bal. He will tell you a sad story about one of the citizens of Cyrodiil - Melus Petilius (Melus Petilius), who just took and embarked on the "path without violence." For these purposes, we get the Cursed Mace, with which Melus should kill you (!!!). We go to the Brindle Home and ask about its inhabitants. You will learn that the local hero Melus "went down" from the true path after the death of his wife and that he regularly visits her grave. We follow his house. When Petilius goes to visit his wife again - then you need to act. Save the game (sometimes the quest is not averse to "bugging"). Place the mace given to you by Molag Bal next to the headstone on the grave, and then strike Melus with your fist. Offended, he will pick up this very mace from the ground and attack you (if suddenly he starts attacking not with a mace, but with a sword, it's bad, the quest will not be counted - you will have to steal the sleeping sword from him before that). Don't defend yourself and don't hit him, wait until your health bar reaches zero. As soon as you die, you will wake up at the shrine of the Daedric Lord.

Talk to him and get a reward - the Mace of Molag Bal, enchanted to drain strength and mana on impact.

You can find Namira's Shrine by moving east (and slightly south) from Bruma. After talking with Namira's followers, we learn that in order to summon the Daedra, we need to be "less pretty".

In other words, the hero will have to lower the Charm/Personality attribute below 20. A few bottles of cheap wine (Cheap wine) will quite successfully cope with this task. Each reduces attractiveness by 10 for 120 seconds, so calculate the required dose yourself, based on your level of development.

Keep in mind that they won’t let you drink more than four bottles at a time, so if the hero’s attractiveness is above 60, you won’t get by with one wine. Here you will need a level of knowledge of alchemy not lower than a specialist (Journeyman). You may have noticed that potions that combine positive and negative effects are displayed in the inventory as a pink bottle, that is, the hero can drink its contents. Our task is to prepare a potion with some useful property and with the property of reducing attractiveness, moreover, without suppressing the harmful effect, therefore, when brewing, you need to use only a mortar with a pestle and a calciner. As blanks fit: swamp mitrula (Bog Beacon Asco Cap), both types of cinnabar pycnoporus (Cinnabar Polypore Cap), burning russula (Emetic Russula Cap), porcini mushroom (Summer Bolete Cap), leek (Leek), pumpkin (Pumpkin ), sweet roll (Sweetroll).

As we lower the attractiveness, we speak with one of the followers again, after which we will be able to talk with Namira. From her words, we learn about some of her "Forgotten Ones" followers. They lived in darkness for centuries until four priests from the church of Arkay brought them light. Namira will give you the Namira's Shroud spell, which will help you revive the darkness again. All this brethren are located in the Anga ruins located nearby. Before the campaign, we advise you to stock up on potions (or things) with the Night Eye effect ( The Night Eye). We leave for Anga. Upon arrival, it will become clear to you what darkness means. The "Forgotten" cannot stand the light, this is exactly what the Arkay priests took advantage of. Each of them walks with a torch in order to keep the "Forgotten" under control. a spell for each priest - his torch goes out, and he immediately finds his death at the hands of cultists (you can’t kill anyone, we only use the spell).

After the death of all four, you will receive a message that you need to return to the sanctuary. Reward - Ring of Namira (Ring of Namira) with effects reflect damage and spells.

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 10.

Nocturnal's Shrine is located northeast of Leyawiin. You can find it by moving along the road in The Nibenay Valley. No offerings are required to receive the quest.

Talk to the Daedra and she will tell you about her problem. Two Argonians have stolen her Eye of Nocturnal, which must be returned. These comrades are in Leyawiin, so we will go there. Talk to any of the city guards and he will tell you that there are rumors about a rare gem that a couple of adventurers got. Go to the home of the Argonians, talk to them. But it turns out that neither Weebam-Na nor Bejeen have heard of any "eye". Exit the house and sneak into it again. You will overhear the conversation of our two comrades. From it it will become clear that they hid the stone in the Tidewater Cave. Ask the same guard about this cave, and a marker will appear on the map. Go there. "Eye of Nocturnal" is located not so far from the entrance, in the left wing of the cave under water. On the way, you will have to deal with several animals, and after we take the stone, a troll will come running, which will also have to be calmed down.

We return the eye to the true mistress and get the Skeleton Key as a reward - an unbreakable master key, which also gives a bonus of +40 to the skill "Hacking" (Security).

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 10.

Peryite's Shrine is located on the banks of the Silverfish River, east of the Imperial Bridge Inn. No gifts are needed to receive the quest. Near the shrine you will find five followers, but they will be in a "not very natural" state.

Talk to Peryite. It turns out that the bodies of these comrades remained in reality, and the souls ended up in Oblivion. You have to return them. When you're ready, activate the statue again and Peryite will transport you to Oblivion. You have to find 5 souls and return them back. All of them are marked on the map with markers, but you will have to wander quite a lot, because the location is quite large. Be prepared to face a lot of "leveled" Daedra. After finding all five, a portal will appear, teleporting you back.

Again we speak with the statue of the lord and we are rewarded with an enchanted shield SpellBreaker (spell reflection).

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 8.

The Shine of Sanguine is located just north of Skingrad. The gift here is a bottle of Cyrodilic Brandy, which we purchase at a reasonable price in the "Main Ingredient" in the Imperial City or "borrow", for example, in the premises of the shops "Gilded Carafe" (Gilded Carafe) or " Mystic Emporium in the same Market District.

After the offering, Sanguine will talk to you. We learn that the Countess of Leyawiin, Mrs. Alessia Caro (Alessia Caro, Countess of Leyawiin) arranges a dinner party, which we will visit. Do you like social events? And to make it more fun - Sanguine will grant you the Stark Reality spell. Let's go to the reception! Our path lies in Leyawiin Castle. The countess and guests are in the dining room (Dinning Room), but the entrance to it is guarded by a guard. You will be able to enter after 6 pm by raising his attitude towards you high enough (wearing expensive clothes or armor will make this easier). As soon as we see the guests and the countess, we can cast a spell! And here you will feel its amazing effect - clothes will disappear from all those present in the room! Unfortunately, you are also among those present, so do not be upset much, having lost all your inventory. Here another problem will pop up - the guards will consider such behavior on your part as an attack, and will not hesitate to introduce you to the letter of the law. You have to go to jail. It is possible, of course, to resist arrest, but it is very difficult to do it naked, it is best to simply give a goose.

We return to the shrine and get a staff for our torment - Sanguine Rose, enchanted to call the Daedra.

To receive the quest, the hero must have level 2.

Sheogorath's shrine is located in the southern part of Cyrodiil, between Bravil and Leyawiin. Talk to the followers of Sheogorath. Get information that lettuce, a small soul stone (Lesser soul) are required for the offering gem) and yarn (Yarn).

The first two can be purchased for almost nothing in any city, look for yarn in bags and boxes in the habitats of beggars in the capital.

You have to fulfill a certain prophecy, which the inhabitants of the Border Outpost (Border Watch) believe in. Go there and talk to the local shaman Ri Bassa about the K Sharra Prophecy. Tell him that you are just a scholar and learn about his first two signs: the invasion of pests and the death of all cattle. You have to make sure that these signs come true! Talk to the shaman again, let him tell you about this town. You will learn that the local eatery has a cheese museum.

We go there, we speak with the hostess. She will gladly tell you about one of the peculiar "fragrant" cheeses that she keeps - Olroy Cheese (near the entrance, in the window). You will have to steal it. Next, we go outside and send this cheese to a kettle hanging on a fire. We advise you to move away, because the smell is terrible! And, oh horror! Rats will appear! The shaman will have a slight panic attack, he will try to cope with the rats by planting poison on the rodents. Take the bait, it will come in handy. Head to the southern part of the city. Do you see sheep peacefully walking in a pen? In the name of the prophecy of K "Sharra, they must give their lives! The easiest way is to shoot with a bow, or we can throw rat poison in a sheep feeder. As soon as they all die, we will hear the voice of Sheogorath. He will ask you to go closer to the city center, so as not miss the holiday. Our shaman friend has already started to go a little crazy. And you will have a unique chance to see the third and final sign of the ancient prophecy, performed by Shigorat himself. Do you like animals? If so, don't look at the sky! There are dogs "Burning and flying towards the surface of the earth! When would you see something like this, if not at the end of the world!"

Go for a reward - the Wabbajack staff, which turns the enemy into a random creature.

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 5.

Vaermina's Shrine is located southwest of Cheydinhal, on Lake Poppad. For this quest, perhaps the most difficult gift is needed - the Black Soul Gem.

You can get it in several ways: find among the junk in the caves of necromancers, for example, the Black Break (Dark Fissure) (and you will have to visit many such "necromantic" locations by completing the quests of the Guild of Mages) or do it yourself. For the last method, you will need: a great stone of souls (Grand Soul Gem), the presence of the spell "Soul Trap" (SoulTrap) and the altar of necromancers. The latter can be found, for example, near the aforementioned Dark Fissure Cave. Once a week, when a beam of light falls on the altar from the night sky, it becomes possible to craft a black soul stone. To do this, put a great stone of souls in the altar and cast a spell on the altar.

As soon as the black stone is mined, return to the sanctuary. Get the quest, you need to return the stolen Orb of Vaermina. This item is located in the tower of the wizard Arkved's Tower, where you have to go. The only difficulty in passing is the hordes of scamps, atronachs and other creatures on the way to the abode of the wizard himself. As soon as you arrive there, you will see a sorcerer sleeping eternal sleep (for a change, you can kill).We take the Ball and return (you can through the exit located here).

Vermina's reward is a very nice staff Skull of Corruption, which creates an exact copy of the opponent, fighting on your side.

To get this quest, the hero needs to reach the "Blood of the Daedra" quest in the main story, be level 21 and have completed the quests of all the other Daedra Lords (if you chose not to give the sword of Umbra, don't worry, Clavicus Vile's quest is still considered completed). During sleep, someone Casta Flavus will visit you and inform you that Hermaeus Mora is calling you. The sanctuary will be marked with a marker on your map. It is very difficult to get to the place, it is located high in the Jerol mountains, it is best to start from Sancre Tor.

No offering is required. Your task is to collect 10 souls for the Daedra Lord, one from a representative of each race, for this purpose you will be given a special Mora's Trap spell. You don't need stones to capture souls, cast a spell and take life. Naturally, it is advisable not to get caught Under the cap of the Imperial Guard, completing the task.Of course, you can go to clean up various bandit holes, and gradually you will collect the desired collection.However, if you can't wait to see what kind of gift Hermaeus has prepared for you, go through the backwoods of the province, harvesting Innocent souls. Where can you find them? That's right, Daedra Lord shrines! You can start right at the shrine of Morata, he won't be offended, and three copies (Dunmer, Imperial and Khajiit souls) are already in your pocket. You don't have to make a pilgrimage to all the statues It will be enough to run to Peryite, Clavicus Vile and Meridia, and the problem is solved.

Overjoyed, Mora will reward you... with the book "Oghma Infinium" (Oghma Infinium). Do not rush to be upset, you can really drink from this source of knowledge. Open the book. You will be asked to study either the path of steel, or the shadow, or the spirit, or leave the reading until a more appropriate time. Think carefully before choosing one of the options, after reading the book will disappear. Warriors will receive an increase of 10 points to two attributes: strength and speed, and three skills: blades, heavy armor and blunt weapons. Thieves will receive a 10 bonus to Speed, Agility, Lockpicking, Sneaking, and Light Armor. Mages are rewarded with an increase of 10 points to one attribute - intelligence - and three skills: destruction, sorcery and restoration.

If any of these skills belong to the main ones, even if they have already reached a hundred at the time of reading, they will be increased by 10, and the hero's level will increase by 1-3.

Remarks. The script for modifying skills uses the ModPCSkill function, which causes a temporary “freeze” in the growth of a skill in an unpatched original game until, through honest training, you upgrade it to an increased “advance” level. Owners of Russian localization should not worry about this - the game is patched. Another point, it seems that the magicians were cheated not out of malice, but because of a script error, and an increase was planned for them and Willpower.

On the streets of Markarth, a certain Turan, one of Stedarr's watchmen, asks the townspeople about an abandoned house nearby. When approaching him, he himself will start a dialogue. In his opinion, Daedric worshipers gather in the house. The dragonborn will offer his help to the watchman, after which they will go into the house together. After a cursory inspection, Turan will notice a locked door and offer the protagonist to open it.

After trying to open the door, the house seems to go crazy: household utensils and interior items will fly from all sides, while the screen will shake and change color.

Turan, frightened by the "unusual Daedra", will run for help, but an unknown force will close the door, and a mysterious disembodied voice will offer the main character to kill the sentinel. If you ignore the orders of the voice and try to open the front door, nothing will come of it, and the voice will become even more angry. Turan, believing that only one will leave the house, attacks first. You will have to kill him, and then, following the further instructions of the voice, go through the previously locked door into the depths of the house, where there will be a mysterious altar.

Perhaps the reward is already waiting for our hero ... But you didn’t seriously think that everything would end so quickly and easily, did you? Of course not!

Dovakin will be locked in a makeshift cage, but the hero was imprisoned in it by none other than the Daedric Prince Molag Bal himself. As it turns out, the mysterious altar belongs to him, and the Daedra are furious that the sanctuary is desecrated by the priest of Boethia Logrolf, who performed his rituals here.

In the form of an ultimatum, the protagonist will be asked to find the priest and, by cunning or threats, deliver him to the altar, allowing him to perform the ceremony again ... The last time.

You can agree or refuse - the Daedra will let you go anyway, and the quest will move on to the next stage. Molag Bal will tell you that the priest was captured by the outcasts and tell you how to find him. The most likely place of Logrolf's captivity would be the stronghold of Druadah.

Note:Probably, the place of Logrolf's captivity is chosen randomly. In most cases, this turns out to be a Druadach stronghold, but other Forsworn camps are possible. For example, the outcasts have settled at the Divided Towers and keep the prisoner to themselves.

Having reached the desired location and freed the priest, it turns out that this is not the most friendly type. They didn't call him the Intractable for nothing. Instead of thanks for the release, the old, arrogant grumbler will demand from the savior to answer how he even knows that the priest was kidnapped and where he is being held. To make him run, Dovakin will either have to convince the old man by lying that he was sent by Boethiah, or intimidate him by openly declaring that he was sent by Molag Bal. If this does not work, then the shrew will have to be bribed not to ask unnecessary questions. The amount depends on the level of the main character.

Either way, Logrolf will travel to Markarth to repeat his ritual. So our hero also needs to hurry back to the abandoned house. There is no need to run to Markarth with Logrolf. Enough to make a quick move. The priest will already be in an abandoned house and, no matter how the hero forces him to come here, he will still, falling into a trap, be terribly surprised that Dovakin is indulging the Daedra.

Molag Bal will give the hero a rusty mace and offer to break the spirit of the priest, forcing him to obey. Having fallen twice at the hands of Dovakin (under Molag Bal's snide remarks about the weakness of mortal bodies), Logrolf will agree to renounce Boethiah and give his soul to Molag Bal.

After that, you will have to kill Logrolf. Only in this case, the Prince of Daerda will issue a reward - the real Mace of Molag Bal, filled with his strength (when hit, the opponents' strength and magic are taken away and transferred to the owner of the mace, and also, if the enemy dies within three seconds, the soul stone is filled).

Important:In the Abandoned House, in the second room, under the cabinet is the book "Trials of Boethiah". She gives a quest called The Call of Boethiah.

Passage of Daedra Lords 16799
7 September 2008 4:09

The Sanctuary of Molag Bal is located west of the Imperial City, south of Chorrol, north of Skingrad, next to the shrine to the west are the Serpent Hole and Redguard Valley caves, southeast of the shrine is Wooden Hand Fort ". You must reach level 17 to complete this quest. If you find yourself at the sanctuary by chance, then you will need to talk with the priest of Molag Bal, whose name is Amir. He will tell you that first you need to make an offering to Molag Bal in the form of a Puma (Lion) skin. Molag Bal wants you to lead the true ex-warrior Melus Petilius astray and gives you a weapon to aid you in this endeavor, the Cursed Mace. To begin with, he sends you to Brindle's house so that you reconnoiter the situation. The house is located near the sanctuary to the southwest. You don't have to go into the house itself, just find one of the locals who lives nearby, there are only three of them, and they usually hang out together all the time, just north of Brindle's house. Ask them about Melus Petilius and they will tell you that he is a true righteous man, and also that his wife recently died and he grieves for her very much. Melus Petilius' house is next to Brindle's house, a little further to the southwest. If you watch Melus Petilius, you will notice that every day he goes to the grave of his wife at about 10 o'clock. The following algorithm of actions is far from obvious, but quite logical. You need to take advantage of the moral and psychological state of Melus to do your dirty work. Place the "Cursed Mace" next to the grave and wait for Melus to come to the grave. When he comes to the grave, it's better to save because there may be a glitch. Now you need to hit Melus Petilius with your fist, then he should pick up the "Cursed Mace" left by you from the ground and start beating you. If this does not happen or he starts attacking you with something else, then reboot and try to somehow adjust the location of the mace or try to repeat the operation on the next game day. When he starts hitting you with the "Cursed Mace" do not resist, wait until your death, and you will already be at the sanctuary of Molag Bal safe and sound. Talk to the statue and get a reward from it, it's the Mace of Molag Bal. The mace is enchanted to drain 5 points of strength and 5 points of magic on impact.

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Azura's shrine is located in the northeast of Cyrodiil, strictly north of Lake Arrius. Let's talk with Mels Marion. dust "(Glow Dust) at sunrise or sunset (between 5 and 7 o'clock in the morning or in the evening).

This ingredient is easy to find in the remains of creatures called will-o-the-wisp (they only appear if you have a high enough level, about 9-10. Easy to find, but not so easy to kill - they have immunity to conventional weapons, stock up on spells or enchanted weapons). Another option is to buy in the alchemy shops of the capital or grab the dust in the basement of the Mages Guild in Bruma.

Having obtained the offering, return to the statue at the time indicated above, "activate" it and listen. According to Azura, we learn about some of her followers who settled in a nearby mine, they need to be granted "eternal peace". Note that they are vampires, so we recommend stocking up on disease cure potions so as not to catch any infection. We leave for the Gutted Mine, following the marker, we kill three vampires that are not very far from the entrance. We will find two more by moving a little deeper into the mine through a secret tunnel (the entrance to it will open if we disturb a pebble hanging nearby on a string). After all five are dead, you will receive a message that Azura is waiting for you. We return.

The reward will be a fairly good artifact - Azura's Star. It is a "reusable" soul stone (it does not disappear after being used for enchantment or recharging).


Boethia's Shrine is located far to the east of Cyrodiil, in the mountains. You can find it moving southeast of Cheydinhal, along the mountains. Talk to Haekwon. You will need a Daedra Heart as an offering .

You can find it in the remains of a humanoid Daedra - Dremora and Xivilai, or search in alchemy shops. If the search is completely hopeless, we go to the Anvil Fighter's Guild, and we see a heart lying there under lock and key in a demonstration box (you will have to work with a master key.)

After making an offering and listening to Boethiah's speech, enter the portal that opens nearby. You have to take part in the Tournament of Ten Bloods. Before entering, stock up on more powerful weapons, and besides, it would be nice to get rid of extra pounds in your inventory (because there will be something to take out). You have to fight with nine chosen ones (one fighter of each race other than your own). We go from gate to gate, behind each of them there will be an enemy (do not forget to search the dead). After defeating everyone, a portal will appear behind the next gate, returning you back to reality.

We speak with Boethiah and receive as a reward the Golden Sword (Goldbrand) - an excellent blade, enchanted to strike with fire. Please note that unlike TES 3: Morrowind, it will not be possible to turn it into a more advanced version, so enjoy the gift.

Clavicus Vile

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 20.

Clavicus Vile's Shrine is located southwest of the Imperial City, the easiest way to find it is by moving from Skingrad to the northeast along The Gold Road. "Raska (Ma" Raska) will tell you that 500 gold is needed to make an offering to the statue.

According to Clavicus Vile, you will learn that he needs a sword with the soul of Umbra imprisoned in it (a warrior who had some business with Vile in the past). However, those who have passed Morrowind may recall a hefty orc in the mountains near Suran). The Daedra Prince will advise you to start searching in the area of ​​​​the village of Pell's Gate. On the way there, you will suddenly hear a strange voice. This is Barbas, the dog of Clavicus (his statuette is in your backpack). You will also have to listen to his chatter. Apparently, Barbas really does not want Umbra's sword to return to Vile, so he will say that it would be better for you and for him not to complete the task of the lord.In any case, it's up to you.

Upon arrival at Pell's Gate, talk to the old man, Irroke the Wide. He will remember that once his student Lenwin found this sword and took the name Umbra. Last seen in Umbra is in the farthest room, on the way to which you will meet a couple of traps (the first is a floor that goes down, exposing spikes; the second is in the next large room, gas).In the depths of the ruins we will see Umbra. You can even talk to her (she will set you a condition - "leave and survive, or stay and die"). If you decide not to attack her - return to the sanctuary and inform the lord of your decision (in this case, Barbas himself will give you a small reward) "And if you still want to attack, keep in mind that Umbra is strong enough, and in addition to the sword, has a full set of ebonite armor. Invaluable help in destroying her can be provided by nearby traps. Introduce her to the gas, lower a couple of times on the spikes,

and then the task will not seem so impossible. After her death, we take the sword, and at the same time the armor (very good, and they cost decently) and return to the sanctuary.

and then the task will not seem so impossible. After her death, we take the sword, and at the same time the armor (very good, and they cost decently) and return to the sanctuary.

Hircine's Shrine is located exactly in the middle between the capital (Imperial City) and Bravil. forests almost all over Cyrodiil, so there should be no problems finding the skin.If they do arise, we can go to borrow the skin from the Cheydinhal Fighter's Guild.

We speak with Hircine. All that is needed for his quest is to kill a peacefully walking unicorn (Unicorn) nearby. Everything would be great if not for his security! Horse's peace is guarded by a hostile group of minotaurs. We kill them, then the unicorn, take the horn and return to the sanctuary. On a note, if you manage to remove the minotaurs without noise, then you can saddle the unicorn and ride a little!

We give the horn to Hircine, we get an armor enchanted with magic resistance called the Skin of the Savior (Savior's Hide).


We will find Malacath's Shrine in the southwestern tip of Cyrodiil, north of Anvil. Orc follower Shobob Gro-Budash will tell you that Troll Fat is needed as a gift to Malacath.

This is where the first problem may arise, because this ingredient is not so common. The first thing you can try is to look in the shops offering alchemical potions and components, as well as look into the living quarters of the Skingrad Mages Guild. Trolls can be found during some Fighters Guild quests (for example, "The Secret of Harlan's Outpost" Mystery at Harlun "s Watch), or Daedric statue quests - Nocturnal and Meridia.

We give fat - we get the task. Malacath is very unhappy that a certain Lord Drad has captured his ogres and is exploiting them for his own purposes. Let's go to the estate of this lord. If he is not particularly inclined to communicate, we will talk with his wife, who can tell you something (for this you will have to raise her attitude towards you). It turns out Drad is keeping ogres in the nearby Bleak Mine. All that is now required of us is to free the ogres from the cages. There are several ways to go: given that the locks on the cells are quite complex, we can either steal the keys from the pockets of the guards, or simply kill them all. Another way is to sneak past the guards to the cells and open them with a master key. If there are living guards in the mine, they will attack the newly freed ogres (if one of them dies at the hands of the guards, Malacath will not be upset, the main thing is that none of the released were killed by you personally).

As soon as you open two cages, return to the Daedra Prince and get Volendrung Hammer as a reward (enchanted with Paralysis and Decrease Health on Hit).

P.S. Returning to Drad Manor once again after this quest, you can see a rather funny sight - Lord Drad, working under the supervision of ogres.


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 15.

Mephala's Shrine is located northwest of the Imperial Prison. As a gift, we need a purple flower - Night Shade.

For the plant, go to the "Main Ingredient" (Main Ingredient), which is in the Trade District of the Imperial City, and buy, or look into the Anvil Mages Guild.

The offering must be made between midnight and 5 o'clock in the morning. So, we get the job. You need to go to the town of Bleaker's Way and play off representatives of the two family clans living there. To do this, you will have to deal with the two founders of the city and simulate their murder by each other. Our goals: Nivan Dalvilu - the leader of the family Dalvilu family, and Hrol Ulfgar, head of the Nordic clan.

We find Nivan's house, break open the door and get inside. We need the Dalvilu Ceremonial dagger. We find, we leave. We do the same with Hrol Ulfgar's house - from there we will borrow the Ulfgar family ring. Having obtained both items, let's move on to the most interesting part - the murders! Both of our victims return home at night. Best time to visit! You need to kill both by throwing family relics recently stolen by us to the bodies (we throw the Ulfgar ring to Nivan, and Dalvilu's ceremonial dagger to Hrol). Now all that is required is to talk to any of the residents about the murders, and then the real show will begin! But remember that you cannot take part in it (that is, apart from the two victims described above, you can’t kill anyone else).

We return to Mephale for a reward - the Ebony Blade, enchanted to drain health and deprive the enemy of a voice upon impact.


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 10.

Meridia's Shrine is located near Skingrad, west of the city limits. The required gift is the remains of any undead: ectoplasm (Ectoplasm, the remains of ghosts), bone meal (Bonemeal, the remains of skeletons) or dead flesh ( Mort Flesh, zombie remains).

If your purse does not have the necessary ingredients, we buy in alchemy shops or visit the Mages Guilds of Skingrad, Leyawiin or Bruma.

After the offering, you will receive a task - kill five necromancers in the Howling cave. Head there by following the quest marker. There are plenty of ghosts and other evil spirits inside, be prepared. Having dealt with them, we move on. We find a secret passage on the map - we get to the lower level of the cave. There, in fact, are the citizens we need! To take their life, you will have to try very hard, because the necromantic art is strong! For your health, it is safest to eliminate them without too much noise, otherwise, if zombies / skeletons / ghosts (underline as necessary) come running from all over the cave, the hero will have a hard time.

After the death of all five, return to Meridia for a reward - the Ring of Khajiiti (Ring of Khajiiti) with a permanent chameleon effect and speed increase.

Molag Bal

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 17.

Molag Bal's Shrine is located west of the Imperial City. Move straight west (and slightly south) from the bridge over Lake Rumare and you will find a statue. As a gift to Molag Bal, a lion skin is required (Lion Pelt) Lions are found in mountainous areas, so you will have to wander a bit through the hills and hills.

We give the lion's skin - we will hear the voice of Molag Bal. He will tell you a sad story about one of the citizens of Cyrodiil - Melus Petilius (Melus Petilius), who just took and embarked on the "path without violence." For these purposes, we get the Cursed Mace, with which Melus should kill you (!!!). We go to the Brindle Home and ask its inhabitants. You will learn that the local hero Melus "went down" from the true path after the death of his wife and that he regularly visits her grave. We follow his house. When Petilius goes to visit his wife again - then you need to act. Save the game (sometimes the quest is not averse to "bugging"). Place the mace given to you by Molag Bal next to the headstone on the grave, and then strike Melus with your fist. Offended, he will pick up this very mace from the ground and attack you (if suddenly he starts attacking not with a mace, but with a sword, it's bad, the quest will not be counted - you will have to steal the sleeping sword from him before that). Don't defend yourself and don't hit him, wait until your health bar reaches zero. As soon as you die, you will wake up at the shrine of the Daedric Lord.

Talk to him and get a reward - the Mace of Molag Bal, enchanted to drain strength and mana on impact.


You can find Namira's Shrine by moving east (and slightly south) from Bruma. After talking with Namira's followers, we learn that in order to summon the Daedra, we need to be "less pretty".

In other words, the hero will have to lower the Charm/Personality attribute below 20. A few bottles of cheap wine (Cheap wine) will quite successfully cope with this task. Each reduces attractiveness by 10 for 120 seconds, so calculate the required dose yourself, based on your level of development.

Keep in mind that they won’t let you drink more than four bottles at a time, so if the hero’s attractiveness is above 60, you won’t get by with one wine. Here you will need a level of knowledge of alchemy not lower than a specialist (Journeyman). You may have noticed that potions that combine positive and negative effects are displayed in the inventory as a pink bottle, that is, the hero can drink its contents. Our task is to prepare a potion with some useful property and with the property of reducing attractiveness, moreover, without suppressing the harmful effect, therefore, when brewing, you need to use only a mortar with a pestle and a calciner. As blanks fit: swamp mitrula (Bog Beacon Asco Cap), both types of cinnabar pycnoporus (Cinnabar Polypore Cap), burning russula (Emetic Russula Cap), porcini mushroom (Summer Bolete Cap), leek (Leek), pumpkin (Pumpkin ), sweet roll (Sweetroll).

As we lower the attractiveness, we speak with one of the followers again, after which we will be able to talk with Namira. From her words, we learn about some of her "Forgotten Ones" followers. They lived in darkness for centuries until four priests from the church of Arkay brought them light. Namira will give you the Namira's Shroud spell, which will help you revive the darkness again. All these brethren are located in the ruins of Anga, located nearby. Before the campaign, we advise you to stock up on potions (or things) with the Night Eye effect ( The Night Eye). We leave for Anga. Upon arrival, you will understand what darkness means. The "Forgotten" cannot stand the light, this is exactly what the Arkay priests took advantage of. Each of them walks with a torch in order to keep the "Forgotten" under control. a spell for each priest - his torch goes out, and he immediately finds his death at the hands of cultists (you can’t kill anyone, we only use the spell).

After the death of all four, you will receive a message that you need to return to the sanctuary. Reward - Ring of Namira (Ring of Namira) with effects reflect damage and spells.


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 10.

Nocturnal's Shrine is located northeast of Leyawiin. You can find it by moving along the road in The Nibenay Valley. No offerings are required to receive the quest.

Talk to the Daedra and she will tell you about her problem. Two Argonians have stolen her Eye of Nocturnal, which must be returned. These comrades are in Leyawiin, so we will go there. Talk to any of the city guards and he will tell you that there are rumors about a rare gem that a couple of adventurers got. Go to the home of the Argonians, talk to them. But it turns out that neither Weebam-Na nor Bejeen have heard of any "eye". Exit the house and sneak into it again. You will overhear the conversation of our two comrades. From it it will become clear that they hid the stone in the Tidewater Cave. Ask the same guard about this cave, and a marker will appear on the map. Go there. "Eye of Nocturnal" is located not so far from the entrance, in the left wing of the cave under water. On the way, you will have to deal with several animals, and after we take the stone, a troll will come running, which will also have to be calmed down.

We return the eye to the true mistress and get the Skeleton Key as a reward - an unbreakable master key, which also gives a bonus of +40 to the skill "Hacking" (Security).


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 10.

Peryite's Shrine is located on the banks of the Silverfish River, east of the Imperial Bridge Inn. No gifts are needed to receive the quest. Near the shrine you will find five followers, but they will be in a "not very natural" state.

Talk to Peryite. It turns out that the bodies of these comrades remained in reality, and the souls ended up in Oblivion. You have to return them. When you're ready, activate the statue again and Peryite will transport you to Oblivion. You have to find 5 souls and return them back. All of them are marked on the map with markers, but you will have to wander quite a lot, because the location is quite large. Be prepared to face a lot of "leveled" Daedra. After finding all five, a portal will appear, teleporting you back.

Again we speak with the statue of the lord and we are rewarded with an enchanted shield SpellBreaker (spell reflection).


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 8.

The Shine of Sanguine is located just north of Skingrad. The gift here is a bottle of Cyrodilic Brandy, which we purchase at a reasonable price in the "Main Ingredient" in the Imperial City or "borrow", for example, in the premises of the shops "Gilded Carafe" (Gilded Carafe) or " Mystic Emporium in the same Market District.

After the offering, Sanguine will talk to you. We learn that the Countess of Leyawiin, Mrs. Alessia Caro (Alessia Caro, Countess of Leyawiin) arranges a dinner party, which we will visit. Do you like social events? And to make it more fun - Sanguine will grant you the Stark Reality spell. Let's go to the reception! Our path lies in Leyawiin Castle. The countess and guests are in the dining room (Dinning Room), but the entrance to it is guarded by a guard. You will be able to enter after 6 pm by raising his attitude towards you high enough (wearing expensive clothes or armor will make this easier). As soon as we see the guests and the countess, we can cast a spell! And here you will feel its amazing effect - clothes will disappear from all those present in the room! Unfortunately, you are also among those present, so do not be upset much, having lost all your inventory. Here another problem will pop up - the guards will consider such behavior on your part as an attack, and will not hesitate to introduce you to the letter of the law. You have to go to jail. It is possible, of course, to resist arrest, but it is very difficult to do it naked, it is best to simply give a goose.

We return to the shrine and get a staff for our torment - the Sanguine Rose, enchanted to call the Daedra.


To receive the quest, the hero must have level 2.

Sheogorath's shrine is located in the southern part of Cyrodiil, between Bravil and Leyawiin. Talk to the followers of Sheogorath. Get information that lettuce, a small soul stone (Lesser soul) are required for the offering gem) and yarn (Yarn).

The first two can be purchased for almost nothing in any city, look for yarn in bags and boxes in the habitats of beggars in the capital.

You have to fulfill a certain prophecy, which the inhabitants of the Border Outpost (Border Watch) believe in. Go there and talk to the local shaman Ri Bassa about the K Sharra Prophecy. Tell him that you are just a scholar and learn about his first two signs: the invasion of pests and the death of all cattle. You have to make sure that these signs come true! Talk to the shaman again, let him tell you about this town. You will learn that the local eatery has a cheese museum.

We go there, we speak with the hostess. She will gladly tell you about one of the peculiar "fragrant" cheeses that she keeps - Olroy Cheese (near the entrance, in the window). You will have to steal it. Next, we go outside and send this cheese to a kettle hanging on a fire. We advise you to move away, because the smell is terrible! And, oh horror! Rats will appear! The shaman will have a slight panic attack, he will try to cope with the rats by planting poison on the rodents. Take the bait, it will come in handy. Head to the southern part of the city. Do you see sheep peacefully walking in a pen? In the name of the prophecy of K "Sharra, they must give their lives! The easiest way is to shoot with a bow, or we can throw rat poison in a sheep feeder. As soon as they all die, we will hear the voice of Sheogorath. He will ask you to go closer to the city center, so as not miss the holiday. Our shaman friend has already started to go a little crazy. And you will have a unique chance to see the third and final sign of the ancient prophecy, performed by Shigorat himself. Do you like animals? If so, don't look at the sky! There are dogs "Burning and flying towards the surface of the earth! When would you see something like this, if not at the end of the world!"

Go for a reward - the Wabbajack staff, which turns the enemy into a random creature.


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 5.

Vaermina's Shrine is located southwest of Cheydinhal, on Lake Poppad. For this quest, perhaps the most difficult gift is needed - the Black Soul Gem.

You can get it in several ways: find among the junk in the caves of necromancers, for example, the Black Break (Dark Fissure) (and you will have to visit many such "necromantic" locations by completing the quests of the Guild of Mages) or do it yourself. For the last method, you will need: a great stone of souls (Grand Soul Gem), the presence of the spell "Soul Trap" (SoulTrap) and the altar of necromancers. The latter can be found, for example, near the aforementioned Dark Fissure Cave. Once a week, when a beam of light falls on the altar from the night sky, it becomes possible to craft a black soul stone. To do this, put a great stone of souls in the altar and cast a spell on the altar.

As soon as the black stone is mined, return to the sanctuary. Get the quest, you need to return the stolen Orb of Vaermina. This item is located in the tower of the wizard Arkved's Tower, where you have to go. The only difficulty in passing is the hordes of scamps, atronachs and other creatures on the way to the abode of the wizard himself. As soon as you arrive there, you will see a sorcerer sleeping eternal sleep (for a change, you can kill).We take the Ball and return (you can through the exit located here).

Vermina's reward is a very nice staff Skull of Corruption, which creates an exact copy of the opponent, fighting on your side.

Hermaeus Mora

To get this quest, the hero needs to reach the "Blood of the Daedra" quest in the main story, be level 21 and have completed the quests of all the other Daedra Lords (if you chose not to give the sword of Umbra, don't worry, Clavicus Vile's quest is still considered completed). During sleep, someone Casta Flavus will visit you and inform you that Hermaeus Mora is calling you. The sanctuary will be marked with a marker on your map. It is very difficult to get to the place, it is located high in the Jerol mountains, it is best to start from Sancre Tor.

No offering is required. Your task is to collect 10 souls for the Daedra Lord, one from a representative of each race, for this purpose you will be given a special Mora's Trap spell. You don't need stones to capture souls, cast a spell and take life. Naturally, it is advisable not to get caught Under the cap of the Imperial Guard, completing the task.Of course, you can go to clean up various bandit holes, and gradually you will collect the desired collection.However, if you can't wait to see what kind of gift Hermaeus has prepared for you, go through the backwoods of the province, harvesting Innocent souls. Where can you find them? That's right, Daedra Lord shrines! You can start right at the shrine of Morata, he won't be offended, and three copies (Dunmer, Imperial and Khajiit souls) are already in your pocket. You don't have to make a pilgrimage to all the statues It will be enough to run to Peryite, Clavicus Vile and Meridia, and the problem is solved.

Overjoyed, Mora will reward you... with the book "Oghma Infinium" (Oghma Infinium). Do not rush to be upset, you can really drink from this source of knowledge. Open the book. You will be asked to study either the path of steel, or the shadow, or the spirit, or leave the reading until a more appropriate time. Think carefully before choosing one of the options, after reading the book will disappear. Warriors will receive an increase of 10 points to two attributes: strength and speed, and three skills: blades, heavy armor and blunt weapons. Thieves will receive a 10 bonus to Speed, Agility, Lockpicking, Sneaking, and Light Armor. Mages are rewarded with an increase of 10 points to one attribute - intelligence - and three skills: destruction, sorcery and restoration.

If any of these skills belong to the main ones, even if they have already reached a hundred at the time of reading, they will be increased by 10, and the hero's level will increase by 1-3.

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