Dictionary of word endings. What is a "reverse dictionary"? A brief slang dictionary of a modern submariner The dictionary does not pretend to be objective or complete

Lesson 2

Subject: Russian language

Lesson topic: Reverse dictionary.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Planned results

Subject: understand the structure of the textbook; navigate the content; use dictionaries in practical work; to create the need for the systematic use of dictionaries in order to enrich and expand the vocabulary.

Meta-subject: use dictionaries to search for information; focus on the opinion of a friend; learn to participate in dialogue; strive to accurately express your own thoughts.

Personal: realize the importance of dictionaries when learning your native language; work with dictionaries as a source of knowledge of the surrounding reality; Express your opinion and respect the opinion of your interlocutor.

Goals: teach students to work with dictionaries to solve practical spelling problems; introduce students to the Reverse Dictionary; teach how to work in groups, exchange information, express one’s point of view and justify it, analyze and evaluate one’s own creative and business capabilities; create conditions for involving each student in an active cognitive, creative process.

During the classes

  1. ^ Organizing time

  2. Calligraphy
ss bb

Fate mowing fight carving

What interesting thing did you notice in these words? ( They rhyme are.)

Well done! Today we will try to find out what can help us in such a difficult matter as rhyming words.

  1. ^ Updating knowledge
Let's remember what we talked about in the last lesson. To become literate and educated people, we must know the meaning of words. If a person does not know the meaning of a word, he will not be able to use it. It will sound to him like a word foreign language! We can find out the meaning of the word in the Explanatory Dictionary.

We will continue our acquaintance with other dictionaries that will help you learn to write and speak correctly

  1. Physical education minute
To rest your eyes, you can, without getting up, look up, down, right, left, draw a circle or the first letter of your name with your eyes.

5. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Work according to the textbook

  • Open the Reverse Dictionary.
Why is such a dictionary needed? ( It is still unknown, it is not clear why it is needed.)

(Students read the text of the textbook (part 1) on pp. 7-8 and complete the corresponding tasks.)

  • How will we use the Reverse Dictionary in Russian lessons? ( It will help us write correctly.)

  • A. Find words ending with -dka. What do you think is the difficulty in writing these words? Write down any 10 words, but not in a row. Check five of them (orally).
(Propaedeutics for mastering the spelling “Paired voiced - voiceless consonants at the end and in the middle of a word.”)

  • Open the Reverse Dictionary starting with the letter TO. Read the first 10 words. What can you say about these words? ( They rhyme.)

  • Look up words starting with letter J1. What did you notice? (The first three words - glass, channel, pencil case - rhyme.)

  • And why chalk doesn't rhyme with them at all, but eagle-donkey - Are they rhyming again?

  • What's the matter? ( Sample answer. The same sound must be stressed for words to rhyme: in the first three words it is the sound [a]. In the fourth word, the sound [e] does not rhyme with anything, and in last words one and the same
same sound [o]: o[r"ol] o[s"ol].)

  • Let's get back to the letter words TO. What sound do they have?
is it under stress?

2. Doing the exercise in a notebook for independent work bots number 1 No. 5 (p. 4).

(Complete in accordance with assignments.)

  1. Summing up the lesson

  • What problem did we solve in class?

  • What difficulties were there?

  • Is the lesson objective completed?

  • Who is satisfied with their work in class?

  • What task will we set for the next one? lesson? (Get acquainted with other dictionaries.)

Reverse dictionary REVERSE, -aya, -oe.

  • - a dictionary in which capital words are arranged according to the alphabet, not from the beginning of the word to the end, but from the end of the word to the beginning. For example, “beard” will be in a series of words starting with “a”, and “pillar” will be in a series of words starting with “b”...

    Big Soviet encyclopedia

  • - REVERSE dictionary - a dictionary in which capital words are arranged according to the alphabet, not from the beginning of the word to the end, but from the end to the beginning. Allows you to classify words by grammatical features...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - what. Division is the inverse of multiplication...

    Management in Russian

  • - reverse adj., used. very often 1. A direction, path, etc. is called reverse if it leads in the direction opposite to the movement that was performed before. Go in the opposite direction...

    Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - Lexicographic genre: Dictionary, containing a description of the lexical composition of this dialect...
  • - A dictionary in which words are ordered alphabetically, starting from the end of the word. Being an effective heuristic tool, in etymology and historical word formation, reverse dictionaries of individual languages...

    Handbook of Etymology and Historical Lexicology

  • - Borrowing. from Art.-Sl. language, in which it is suf. derived from obratiti “to return, turn around.” See pay...

    Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - a dictionary in which the alphabetical arrangement of the material is stored, but not at the beginning of the words, but at the end of them, i.e. from right to left...
  • - 1. A dictionary in which words are listed in alphabetical order, but starting from the end of the word. Reverse dictionaries are usually used in literary studies and for deciphering ancient texts. 2...

    Explanatory translation dictionary

  • - see linguistic dictionary...

    Dictionary linguistic terms

  • - Lexicographical publication in which words are distributed alphabetically by final...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - ...

    orthographic dictionary Russian language

  • - REVERSE, oh, oh. 1. Directed in the direction opposite to some movement, leading backwards. O. way. Reverse movement of the wheel. Roundtrip. O. ticket. 2...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - REVERSE, -aya...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - REVERSE, reverse, reverse. 1. Leading back. Return trip. Reverse move. Reverse movement. In the opposite direction. || Returning back. Ride reverse horses...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - reverse I adj. 1. Leading or directed back to the starting point. Ott. Associated with movement in the opposite direction. 2. Leading to the previous, original state. 3...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

"Reverse Dictionary" in books


author Zhuravlev Andrey Yurievich


From the book Before and After Dinosaurs author Zhuravlev Andrey Yurievich

Countdown Sulfur pyrite, of course, is not the only and far from the most common mineral on Earth. Could life have “crystallized” under more ordinary conditions? Paleontologist Sergei Nikolaevich Golubev believes that it could very well be. Painfully peculiar patterns

Return trip

From the book Travel to India by Gama Vasco yes

The return journey The return journey across the ocean was especially painful. The wind blew sluggishly, as if reluctantly. Calm often reigned for several days. The Arabian coast was breathing with heat. The sailors searched in vain for shadows. The heated spices emitted a sweet and pungent smell. Scurvy began. Portuguese


From the book Columbus author Svet Yakov Mikhailovich

THE RETURN WAY We have already noted that, to a large extent, Columbus's first expedition owes its success to the correct choice of transatlantic crossing routes. There, in “India”, the Admiral walked in the zone of constant eastern trade winds and in the flow of the Northern Trade Wind Current,

Return trip

From the book My Testimonies author Marchenko Anatoly Tikhonovich

The way back Unexpectedly for me, a year before the end of Vladimir’s term, I was sent to a camp. At that time, in the early summer of 1963, many prisoners began to be sent from Vladimirka, those who still had a little prison time left. A place, perhaps, in prison was needed for


From the book Pioneers author author unknown

THE RETURN WAY The crew spent the harsh winter in the Petrovsky winter quarters. The schooner was pulled ashore. Voin Andreevich was in new worries and troubles. We had to deal with ongoing repairs and prepare the ship for future navigation, accommodate the crew on shore, take care of

XXV. Countdown

From Churchill's book. Young Titan by Shelden Michael

XXV. Countdown On a humid November morning in 1913, a stocky man in a bowler hat stood at the entrance of London's Ritz Hotel, waiting for a taxi. He had dark eyes and a long black mustache. In his entire appearance one could immediately discern a foreigner. He could have been a European banker

Return trip

From the book Columbus author Revzin Grigory Isaakovich

The return journey The trade winds, which had so helped the squadron when sailing to the west, now, when moving back to the east, made its path very difficult. The ships barely moved forward. Columbus decided to climb north to reach the latitude of Spain and, at this parallel, sail straight to

Esoteric Dictionary and Dictionary of Parapsychology

From the book Master of Dreams. Dream dictionary. author Smirnov Terenty Leonidovich

Esoteric Dictionary and Dictionary of Parapsychology A Absorption law - describes one side or part of the general law of Absorption-Emission of consciousness (absorption-emission), which is expressed by a special penetrating, contagious, permeating power of light spiritual From the book Exercises in style by Keno Raymond

5. Reverse move You should add a button to your coat, his friend told him. I spotted him in the Roman Square after I left him clamoring for a seat. He then protested against being pushed by another passenger, who he claimed pushed him every time

Glossary of terms (Sexual dictionary from A to Z)

From the book Sex Education for Children by Kruglyak Lev

Glossary of Terms (Sexual Dictionary from A to Z) We believe that readers, wishing to enrich their knowledge, will turn to various sources where various aspects of sexuality are described in more detail and there are terms not used in our work. To facilitate

A brief slang dictionary of a modern submariner The dictionary does not pretend to be objective or complete

From the book Stop Blowing! Frivolous Memories author Efremov Pavel Borisovich

A brief slang dictionary of a modern submariner The dictionary does not pretend to be objective and complete...you go into the battalion, click your curdel, you will see an abgaldyr standing in the corner under the poincaluvre, there are embankments lying behind it, there you will find a guard. Navy colloquial


opposite to the other, outer side, not the front back side coins. inverse In mathematics: one in which an increase in one causes a decrease in another and vice versa. Inverse relationship. Inverse proportionality. reverse directed in the direction opposite to some movement, leading back O. path. Reverse movement of the wheel. There and back (adv.). O. ticket (railway ticket, good for return or round trip travel). reverse == opposite N2 O. meaning. Convince otherwise (noun; convince).

Ozhegov. Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is REVERSE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • BACK in the Dictionary of Modern Physics from the books of Green and Hawking:
    B. Green Reverse given number; for example, the reciprocal of 3 is 1/3, the reciprocal of 1/2 is...
  • BACK in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FREIGHT - freight paid by the cargo owner to the carrier for the return delivery of cargo to the port of departure in the event that the cargo could not ...
  • BACK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , oh, oh. 1. Directed in the direction opposite to some movement, leading backwards. O. way. Reverse movement of the wheel. Roundtrip …
  • BACK
    REVERSE DICTIONARY (inversion), a dictionary in which capital words are arranged taking into account the alphabet, not from the beginning of the word to the end (as in ...
  • BACK in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    REVERSE OSMOSIS, a method of separating solutions, which consists in the fact that the solution under a pressure of 3-8 MPa is supplied to a semi-permeable partition (membrane) that allows...
  • BACK in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, …
  • BACK in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: opposite, inverse, counter, reciprocal, backward, back, reverse, inverted, polar (book, ampl.) Ant: ...
  • BACK in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: opposite, inverse, counter, reciprocal, backward, back, reverse, inverted, polar (book, ampl.) Ant: ...
  • BACK in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    || go back...
  • BACK in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: opposite, inverse, counter, return, backward, back, reverse, inverted, polar (book) gain. Ant: ...
  • BACK in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1) a) Leading or directed back to the starting point (about movement, movement). b) Associated with movement in the opposite direction. ...
  • BACK in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • BACK in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • BACK in the Spelling Dictionary.
  • BACK in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    reverse, reverse. 1. Leading back. Return trip. Reverse move. Reverse movement. In the opposite direction. - Returning back (colloquial). Go to…
  • BACK in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    reverse adj. 1) a) Leading or directed back to the starting point (about movement, movement). b) Associated with movement in reverse...
  • BACK in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1. Leading or directed back to the starting point (about movement, movement). Ott. Associated with movement in the opposite direction. 2. ...
  • BACK in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I adj. 1. Leading or directed back to the starting point (about movement, movement). Ott. Associated with movement...
  • ARCHITECTURAL BLOCKS in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    extended architectural plastic parts that differ in profile ( cross section) into rectilinear and curvilinear (Fig.). Architectural breaks: straight: 1 - shelf; curvilinear: ...
  • CODE (in digital computer) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    in a digital computer, a conventional system of signs for presenting information in a digital computer. Each K. uses the signs of its own alphabet. For most K. alphabets ...
  • SHIPBUILDING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
    (or Ivan Ivanovich, as he was called in Rus') - captain-commander, the first Russian navigator, after whom the strait separating Asia from...
  • BERING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Vitus, or Ivan Ivanovich, as he was called in Rus') - captain-commander, the first Russian navigator, after whom the strait separating Asia was named...

REVERSE dictionary (inversion) - a dictionary in which headwords are arranged according to the alphabet, not from the beginning of the word to the end (as in most dictionaries), but from the end to the beginning. Allows you to classify words according to grammatical features. Reverse dictionaries are compiled for languages ​​in which the end of a word (endings, suffixes) plays a greater grammatical role than the beginning (prefixes). For example, “Reverse Dictionary of the Russian Language” (M., 1974).

  • - a dictionary in which capital words are arranged according to the alphabet, not from the beginning of the word to the end, but from the end of the word to the beginning. For example, “beard” will be in a series of words starting with “a”, and “pillar” will be in a series of words starting with “b”...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - REVERSE dictionary - a dictionary in which capital words are arranged according to the alphabet, not from the beginning of the word to the end, but from the end to the beginning. Allows you to classify words according to grammatical features...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - what. Division is the inverse of multiplication...

    Management in Russian

  • - reverse adj., used. very often 1. A direction, path, etc. is called reverse if it leads in the direction opposite to the movement that was performed before. Go in the opposite direction...

    Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - Lexicographic genre: an explanatory dictionary containing a description of the lexical composition of a given dialect...
  • - A dictionary in which words are ordered alphabetically, starting from the end of the word. Being an effective heuristic tool, in etymology and historical word formation, reverse dictionaries of individual languages...

    Handbook of Etymology and Historical Lexicology

  • - Borrowing. from Art.-Sl. language, in which it is suf. derived from obratiti “to return, turn around.” See pay...

    Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - a dictionary in which the alphabetical arrangement of the material is stored, but not at the beginning of the words, but at the end of them, i.e. from right to left...
  • - 1. A dictionary in which words are listed in alphabetical order, but starting from the end of the word. Reverse dictionaries are usually used in literary studies and for deciphering ancient texts. 2...

    Explanatory translation dictionary

  • - see linguistic dictionary...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - Lexicographical publication in which words are distributed alphabetically by final...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - REVERSE, oh, oh. 1. Directed in the direction opposite to some movement, leading backwards. O. way. Reverse movement of the wheel. Roundtrip. O. ticket. 2...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - REVERSE, -aya...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - REVERSE, reverse, reverse. 1. Leading back. Return trip. Reverse move. Reverse movement. In the opposite direction. || Returning back. Ride reverse horses...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - reverse I adj. 1. Leading or directed back to the starting point. Ott. Associated with movement in the opposite direction. 2. Leading to the previous, original state. 3...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova



author Zhuravlev Andrey Yurievich


From the book Before and After Dinosaurs author Zhuravlev Andrey Yurievich

Countdown Sulfur pyrite, of course, is not the only and far from the most common mineral on Earth. Could life have “crystallized” under more ordinary conditions? Paleontologist Sergei Nikolaevich Golubev believes that it could very well be. Painfully peculiar patterns

Return trip

From the book Travel to India by Gama Vasco yes

The return journey The return journey across the ocean was especially painful. The wind blew sluggishly, as if reluctantly. Calm often reigned for several days. The Arabian coast was breathing with heat. The sailors searched in vain for shadows. The heated spices emitted a sweet and pungent smell. Scurvy began. Portuguese


From the book Columbus author Svet Yakov Mikhailovich

THE RETURN WAY We have already noted that, to a large extent, Columbus's first expedition owes its success to the correct choice of transatlantic crossing routes. There, in “India”, the Admiral walked in the zone of constant eastern trade winds and in the flow of the Northern Trade Wind Current,

Return trip

From the book My Testimonies author Marchenko Anatoly Tikhonovich

The way back Unexpectedly for me, a year before the end of Vladimir’s term, I was sent to a camp. At that time, in the early summer of 1963, many prisoners began to be sent from Vladimirka, those who still had a little prison time left. A place, perhaps, in prison was needed for


From the book Pioneers author author unknown

THE RETURN WAY The crew spent the harsh winter in the Petrovsky winter quarters. The schooner was pulled ashore. Voin Andreevich was in new worries and troubles. We had to deal with ongoing repairs and prepare the ship for future navigation, accommodate the crew on shore, take care of

XXV. Countdown

From Churchill's book. Young Titan by Shelden Michael

XXV. Countdown On a humid November morning in 1913, a stocky man in a bowler hat stood at the entrance of London's Ritz Hotel, waiting for a taxi. He had dark eyes and a long black mustache. In his entire appearance one could immediately discern a foreigner. He could have been a European banker

Return trip

From the book Columbus author Revzin Grigory Isaakovich

The return journey The trade winds, which had so helped the squadron when sailing to the west, now, when moving back to the east, made its path very difficult. The ships barely moved forward. Columbus decided to climb north to reach the latitude of Spain and, at this parallel, sail straight to

Esoteric Dictionary and Dictionary of Parapsychology

From the book Master of Dreams. Dream dictionary. author Smirnov Terenty Leonidovich

Esoteric Dictionary and Dictionary of Parapsychology A Absorption law - describes one side or part of the general law of Absorption-Emission of consciousness (absorption-emission), which is expressed by a special penetrating, contagious, permeating power of light spiritual From the book Exercises in style by Keno Raymond

5. Reverse move You should add a button to your coat, his friend told him. I spotted him in the Roman Square after I left him clamoring for a seat. He then protested against being pushed by another passenger, who he claimed pushed him every time

Glossary of terms (Sexual dictionary from A to Z)

From the book Sex Education for Children by Kruglyak Lev

Glossary of Terms (Sexual Dictionary from A to Z) We believe that readers, wishing to enrich their knowledge, will turn to various sources where various aspects of sexuality are described in more detail and there are terms not used in our work. To facilitate

A brief slang dictionary of a modern submariner The dictionary does not pretend to be objective or complete

From the book Stop Blowing! Frivolous Memories author Efremov Pavel Borisovich

A brief slang dictionary of a modern submariner The dictionary does not pretend to be objective and complete...you go into the battalion, click your curdel, you will see an abgaldyr standing in the corner under the poincaluvre, there are embankments lying behind it, there you will find a guard. Navy colloquial



BACK, inverse, inverse.

1. Leading back. Return trip. Reverse move. Reverse movement. In the opposite direction.

|| Returning back (colloquial). Ride reverse horses. Return train. “I can return from the city on foot, otherwise I’ll hitch a ride on the cart of the peasant on the way back.” A. Turgenev . “There was a young guy driving, a reverse coachman.” Nekrasov .

|| Leading to the previous, original state.

2. Reverse development. Reception of dismissed workers. Receiving money back.

3. Being the reverse side; not obverse, reverse. But on the other hand. Opposite. “The opposite way of reasoning, which is often found among right-wing Social Democrats with Plekhanov at their head, i.e. desire to seek answers. The opposite way of reasoning, often found among right-wing Social Democrats with Plekhanov at their head, i.e. to specific questions in simple logical development general truth about the basic character of our revolution is a vulgarization of Marxism and a complete mockery of dialectical materialism.” . Lenin Reverse meaning

4. . The medicine produces exactly the opposite effect. Reverse order.

❖ Retroactivity (of law; legal) - extension of the law to facts that preceded its publication. Many laws have retroactive effect. Reciprocal value or reciprocal number (mat.) - a value resulting from dividing a unit by a given value. 2/3 and 3/2 are reciprocals. Return ticket (railway) - a ticket valid for a round trip, round trip.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary.

D.N. Ushakov.:



    Antonyms See what “REVERSE” is in other dictionaries:

    Set off on the return journey. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. reverse opposite, inverse, counter, reciprocal, backward, back, reverse, inverted,... ... Synonym dictionary

    REVERSE, oh, oh. 1. Directed in the direction opposite to some movement, leading backwards. O. way. Reverse movement of the wheel. There and back (adv.). O. ticket (railway ticket, good for return or round trip travel). 2.… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    back- - Telecommunications topics, basic concepts EN inverse... countdown

    - Counting in the opposite direction [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN countdown ... Technical Translator's Guide

    REVERSE, oh, oh. 1. Directed in the direction opposite to some movement, leading backwards. O. way. Reverse movement of the wheel. There and back (adv.). O. ticket (railway ticket, good for return or round trip travel). 2.… … Adj., used. very often 1. A direction, path, etc. is called reverse if it leads in the direction opposite to the movement that was performed before. Drive in the opposite direction. | Countdown. | They got ready to go back... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    REVERSE, oh, oh. 1. Directed in the direction opposite to some movement, leading backwards. O. way. Reverse movement of the wheel. There and back (adv.). O. ticket (railway ticket, good for return or round trip travel). 2.… …- ▲ oppositely directed inversely oppositely directed, having the opposite direction (# quantity, matrix, function, relation, meaning, theorem, process). reciprocal. vice versa. back. against. inversion. the mirror is what... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    REVERSE, oh, oh. 1. Directed in the direction opposite to some movement, leading backwards. O. way. Reverse movement of the wheel. There and back (adv.). O. ticket (railway ticket, good for return or round trip travel). 2.… …- the reverse process occurs, the action, the subject...

    REVERSE, oh, oh. 1. Directed in the direction opposite to some movement, leading backwards. O. way. Reverse movement of the wheel. There and back (adv.). O. ticket (railway ticket, good for return or round trip travel). 2.… … Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    - atgalinis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: engl. reverse vok. Rück... rus. reverse pranc. inverse … Automatikos terminų žodynas Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


  • Countdown. Fifty fifty. The rescue. Desperados, K. Follett, D. Gilstrap, N. Sparks, M. Dickinson. Ken Follett. "Countdown" . At Cape Canaveral in Florida, scientists and designers are preparing to launch the first American satellite. And in cold Washington, a homeless man who has lost his memory...

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