Geography 8 cells workbook sirotin. Opening contour maps

Studying any subject requires a lot of time and effort. When it comes to the exact sciences - physics and algebra, chemistry and computer science - very often you have to resort to the help of a professional tutor. Geography at first glance, it seems the subject is not very complicated - after all, this science does not require knowledge of formulas and the ability to draw diagrams, prove theorems and conduct experiments.

student assistant

But the lack of drawings and calculations does not mean that this discipline can be relegated to the background, and the marks will not decrease from this. On the contrary, an inattentive attitude to geography is a guarantee of problems with academic performance, therefore it is very important for any student to reduce the time to prepare for the lesson, but at the same time gain knowledge in full. It is the fulfillment of this difficult task that makes it easier for schoolchildren to solve the manual "Geography Grade 8 Workbook Sirotin Bustard".

What materials are included in the guide

The workbook helps the student to master the practical work with geographical maps. The topics included in the manual are very diverse:

  • Seas of our Motherland.
  • Religions of the peoples of Russia.
  • Date line.

Work with solver will not only help improve academic performance geography, but also allows the student to acquire a stock of knowledge necessary for any person, regardless of his profession.

  • The study of geography is interesting both in itself and as a promising choice of discipline for passing the final examinations of the Unified State Examination / OGE. This subject is compact in terms of the amount of information, has no discrepancies and is in demand in colleges and universities in various areas: geodesy, economics, pedagogy, etc.
  • In addition, effective teaching aids have been developed and implemented for it:
    - basic: a textbook and a set of contour maps, an atlas to it;
    - auxiliary, allowing to assess the quality of assimilation of theoretical material and the possibility of applying it in practice. For example, workbook in geography for grade 8, including tests, assignments and testing knowledge of geographical objects, their position on the map.
  • Among the many options, many teachers (including USE experts) recommend a manual, the author of which is V. I. Sirotin. This is a set geographical maps, including “blind” ones, which allow you to activate visual memory and remember even the most complex material.
  • To understand how to work with the manual correctly, the solution to it will allow. Here the student will see not only the answers, but also their competent record in accordance with the regulations of the Federal State Educational Standard. Given GDZ will help you prepare well for the current control, VLOOKUP and final exam.
  • Goals and objectives of eighth graders in geography, manuals and solutions for their implementation

  • Ease of preparation workbook in geography for the 8th grade, compiled by V. I. Sirotin, consists in the presence in the collection of diverse and multi-level tasks that allow eighth graders to achieve the goals that they have set for themselves. Among the most popular and relevant are:
    - preparation for participation in geographical Olympiads and competitions held at school and extracurricular, including international, venues. As practice shows, it is in the eighth grade that the number of participants in geographical competitions increases significantly. This is partly due to the fact that the victory and prizes at the olympiads in the eighth grade already give chances for priority admission to universities. And partly by the fact that by the 8th grade, many have already decided on their future profession, field of activity;
    - advance work on tasks and questions from the final tests - the OGE in geography, which many schoolchildren prefer as an elective exam;
    - preparation for writing diagnostic and VPR in the discipline, since schools often choose this particular subject for the planned control of students' knowledge based on the results of work for the year.
  • Any of the above tasks can be successfully solved using workbook author and reshebnik to it. But classes in GDZ the allowance should be carried out as competently and responsibly as possible:
    - with the development of an effective plan;
    - defining a basic level of knowledge and allocating sufficient time to bring it into line with their individual goals;
    - with regular monitoring of the results achieved, tracking their dynamics, adjusting plans and prompt, timely elimination of problems if they arise.
  • According to experts, this will be achieved by the most effective method - self-training. And collections of ready-made homework assignments are an excellent solution to use it in the eighth grade, to introduce self-control and self-checking of results into the work process. In addition, ready-made solutions provide another important advantage during preparation - they display a competent record of answers. Constantly observing it, students automatically remember how to record the result. And they don’t lose points due to its incorrect display, getting higher places in olympiads and marks in tests and exams.

Geography Grade 8


Opening contour maps

Each textbook for each subject has additional materials that teachers constantly use. Some authors, who are not co-authors of the textbook, simply create workbooks. But we are closely monitoring this in order to come to the rescue at the right time. "GDZ in geography Grade 8 Sirotin". And we created super for you Reshebnik to this workbook. The main feature of this notebook is contour maps.

  • geographic;
  • standard time;
  • conventional city plans;
  • terrain plans;
  • population migration maps;
  • reliefs;
  • climatic zones;
  • ecological maps;
  • mineral maps.

And that is not all.

But most importantly. that all these cards are in OGE assignments and USE. And if you give up geography by choice, you need to prepare now. Memorize the map, read the map, recognize the map.

After all, on the exam in front of you there will be a tiny map of not always good quality. And the task must be done. Use our solver and develop photographic memory. Come in handy.

GDZ is cool

At GDZ there are obvious benefits. Firstly, the tasks are performed by professionals with knowledge of the matter. Secondly, GDZ save you time on homework. Thirdly, when modern technologies Reshebnik is always with you in your smartphone. What does it mean? Correctly! You can do your homework for the next lesson right at recess. But there is one very significant drawback - you yourself. Or rather, your attitude to the reshebnik. If you're just mechanically cheating, then a good mark for homework you will get. And for the exam? After all, whatever one may say, the mark for the exam is more important!

Your five for the exam

Mechanical cheating does not develop memory. Therefore, always solve the problem yourself first. And only then check with solver. Only in this way the five in geography for homework will turn into five for the exam.

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