Mini-essay on the topic "life". What is life? (Essay on a free topic) Essay on the meaning of life

Hello! My name is Renata. I study in the 8th “B” grade at school No. 155 in the city of Ufa.

I have been doing pop dancing at SET Impulse for 9 years now. We have a very friendly and close-knit team, and we constantly participate in various competitions and festivals. I also visit the Study Center Foreign Languages where I study English language, and in the future I want to learn Spanish.

In my free time from school, I like to chat with friends, go to the cinema, go to the swimming pool and attend various events.


Life is the most important thing a person has. So what is life? Life has many definitions...

“The most precious thing a person has is life. It is given to him once, and he must live it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly...”

N. Ostrovsky

“Life is an opportunity, take advantage of it.
Life is a dream, make it come true.
Life is a challenge, accept it.
Life is a duty, fulfill it.
Life is wealth, cherish it.
Life is love, enjoy it.
Life is grief, overcome it.
Life is a struggle, endure it.
Life is happiness, create it.
Life is too beautiful, don't ruin it.
Life is Life, fight for it"

Mother Teresa

What is life like? Why be sad when you can be happy? Is it worth living in poverty when you can become rich? Why doubt and retreat when you can go forward and forward? Why get sick when you can be healthy? We are lucky to be born, to have the opportunity to choose and live the way we want.

Human life is not endless. We must constantly remember how quickly time flies. The next year has arrived, another millennium has arrived. The snow melted again and spring came.

The change of seasons reminds us of the constant changes around us, of our dependence on its flow, and teaches us to appreciate every moment, every moment. ABOUT human life Only one thing can be said with absolute certainty: it will end someday. But no one will be able to say exactly when this will happen. Today we work, rest, rejoice and grieve, and tomorrow life will go out like a candle. Therefore, do not waste your time, because life is too fleeting. It was given to us by the Lord himself. Give love to everyone around you and rejoice with every cell of your body at every moment of life, because it will never happen again. Life is priceless!

Every day needs to be filled with something, something important not only for yourself, but also for all humanity, so that you don’t feel bitter about wasted time. Don’t rush the days, weeks, don’t adjust the minute hands. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Happy people don’t watch the clock!” And you should be happy!

Be grateful for every minute, second, breath that life has given us! In my opinion, there are never just happy days. Every person makes mistakes and mistakes. Overcoming difficulties, making fateful decisions, we learn to understand the laws of life, build our destiny, and it is like a zebra on the road: a white stripe, a black stripe... It is enough to take just one right step, and you are again “on horseback”, on a white stripe. “Life is not how many days we lived, but how many we remembered...”

U natural phenomena There is one positive property: they, as a rule, do not last long, a few moments. But during these minutes, terrible disasters occur and people die. However, nothing lasts forever: a volcano erupts and then calms down, an earthquake stops, a hurricane subsides. But man-made disasters, for example, wars, the consequences of various explosions can last a very long time. We are able to contribute to the spread of peace and the end of interethnic conflicts on Earth. To do this, from your youth you need to learn to forgive and not quarrel with loved ones and friends.

Live an interesting, full life. Learn to see not only the “cons”, but also the “pros” in your destiny. After all, you can be happy about everything: what you hear, see, talk, walk, that you have two arms, two legs, and most importantly, close people. There are many people on Earth who do not have this. Enjoy every second of your life and feel like you are truly living.

Admire nature, notice all the changes in it: a sunny day, a rainbow-arc, raindrops, sprouts of a new harvest. From sunrise to sunset, be amazed, without ceasing, by the wonders of the universe, the birth of a child... and be grateful for all this, so as not to judge yourself in the future for what you have done or not done.

“When you were born, you cried alone, and everyone around you rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, everyone around you will cry, and you will be the only one smiling,” says an Indian proverb. How many people on the planet are suffering!? Share with them, spend your time helping. Love your life and the lives of those close to you. And then you will stop rushing and start enjoying life.

“The right to live is such a generous, such an undeserved gift that it more than pays for all the sorrows of life, every single one.”

The purpose of the lesson is to develop students’ value-based attitude towards life. Objectives: revealing the meaning and versatility of the concept of “life”. development of the need to find meaning in life; nurturing the ability to perceive the world with love and enjoy life. Lesson progress 1. Organizing time, definition of the theme of the class hour (Reading a poem to music by the teacher.) How good it is to live in the world: Laugh, cry and love, Walk barefoot in the snow, Dream and think about no one, Inhale the lilac dope And believe in friendly deception, Crumple the feather grass of the steppes with a wheel , Feed pigeons from the palm of your hand... Don’t complain or grumble, But hold it in your hands every day, Like an infinitely valuable gift that was given to us from God.



Article. Class hour"Life is a priceless gift." 9–11th grades

Kuular Ailanmaa Donmas-oolovna, teacher of Tuvan language and literature

Sections: Extracurricular activities , Cool tutorial

The purpose of the lesson - formation of students’ value attitude towards life.


  • revealing the meaning and versatility of the concept of “life”.
  • development of the need to find meaning in life;
  • nurturing the ability to perceive the world with love and enjoy life.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment, determining the topic of the class hour

(Reading a poem to music by the teacher.)

How good it is to live in the world:
Laugh, cry and love,
Walk barefoot in the snow
Dream and think about no one,
Inhale lilac dope
And believe in friendly deception,
Crushing the feather grass of the steppes with a wheel,
Feeding pigeons from the palm of your hand...
Don't complain or grumble,
And hold it in your hands every day,
Like an infinitely valuable gift,
Which was given to us from God.

2. Message of the lesson topic “Life is a priceless gift”

3. Conversation

In life, we often hear expressions: How fortunate life turned out, “Life brought a surprise,” Life did not work out. Have you ever wondered what each of you means by the concept of life?

What is human life?

Group work- the guys define the word Life.

4. Getting to know the dictionary

Ozhegov’s dictionary gives the following definition: “The set of phenomena occurring in the body, a special form of existence of matter.”

Dahl's Dictionary: “Life is the belly, living, being, the state of an individual, the existence of an individual.”

Kuznetsov’s Dictionary “A special form of existence of matter that arises at a certain stage of its development, the main difference of which is from inanimate nature is metabolism."

(All definitions are posted on a board called Dictionary.)

- Which definition is closer to you and why?

Conclusion : Each person has his own understanding of life, because we are all different. Each with their own views, interests, ideas and rules of life.

5. Task

For me, life is a train that never returns.

There are many wonderful things in life. But life is not a field strewn with roses. Anything can happen in life. I would like to present to you a poem written by Mother Teresa, which made an amazing impression on me.

The poem is written in English and needs to be translated.

Students read the poem and work on translating it. We choose the best one from the proposed options.


Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is costly, care for it.
Life is wealth, keep it.
Life is mystery, know it.
Life is love, enjoy it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.

The teacher introduces students to the original translation.

Mother Teresa

Life is a duty, fulfill it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is priceless, take care of it.
Life is wealth, keep it.
Life is a mystery, experience it.
Life is love, enjoy it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, get over it.
Life is an opportunity, don't miss it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, make it come true.
Life is a challenge, accept it.
Life is an adventure, experience it.
Life is luck, grab it.
Life is precious, don't ruin it.
Life is a struggle, fight for it.

Conclusion: We live among people and therefore complex, inexhaustible life happens around us.

Changing your whimsical image every moment,
Capricious like a child, and ghostly like smoke,
Everywhere life is boiling in fussy anxiety,
The great is mixed with the insignificant and the ridiculous.
S. Nadson

6. Teacher's story

Footprint on the ground

The old master built a house. Stands and admires it. And at this time the boy jumped onto the step and left a trace of his little foot on the cement that had not had time to harden. The master said nothing, but the little boy laughed and ran away.

Many years later. The boy became an adult. His life did not work out, as he often moved from city to city, did not stay anywhere for long, and did not attach himself to anything with his hands or soul.

Old age has arrived. I remembered my village and came home. He meets people, says his last name, but no one remembers him.

What did you leave behind? - people ask.

Do you have a son or daughter?

“I have neither a son nor a daughter,” he answers.

Maybe you planted a tree?

No, I didn’t plant a tree.

Maybe he nurtured the field?

No, I didn’t cultivate the field.

So, does that mean you composed the song?

No, I didn’t even compose a song.

So who are you? What have you been doing all your life?

The man did not answer. He remembered the moment when he left his mark on the step. I went to the house. The house stands as if it was built yesterday, and on the very bottom step is the petrified footprint of a small foot. “That’s all that will remain on earth after me!” the man thought bitterly. – But this is not enough... This is not how you should live! Not this way.."

How should you live your life so that people remember you? (Students' answers.)

Think and tell me how life is measured?

What does life purpose mean? (Students' answers.)

Do you have life goals? Which? (Students' answers.)

What is the most important goal in your life? (Students' answers.)

Conclusion: The most important goal in a person’s life is to do good to others and help those in need. This help can be intangible; sometimes words are much more important. This goodness must come from the heart and be an inner need of a person.

7. Creative task

Life is given to a person once, and he needs to live it honestly, conscientiously, thinking not only about himself, but also about everything around him, more often asking questions: Why and for what purpose am I living? What did I give to another? What good will I leave behind?

I suggest you imagine your life as a ladder along which you will go up into adulthood, write down your life goals on each step.

Children read out their goals as they wish, then everything is placed in a container and left in storage at the school.

Teacher : Guys, you can come to school in 5 years, 10 years. Take this vessel from the archive, read what you just wrote and think about whether everything worked out as I planned, or maybe I still have time to do something. Well, now, think about itthen you can do something useful as schoolchildren?(Children's answers.)

8. Watch the video “Mom is thirsty”».

9. Working with an epigraph

What is the most important thing for a person?

“And the most important thing in life is
Probably life itself."
Eduard Meželaitis (Lithuanian poet)

Do you agree with this?

Why is the topic of our lesson called Life - a priceless gift?

The value of life also depends on what a person managed to do during his life.Only the good done by a person remains and thanks to it life is worth something.

Conclusion: (N. Ostrovsky “How the steel was tempered”)

“Life is given once, and you need to live it in such a way that there is no pain for the years spent aimlessly, so that the shame for the petty and petty past does not burn, and so that when you die, you can say: All your life and all your strength were given to the most beautiful thing in the world.

We must hurry to live. After all, an absurd accident or some tragic accident can interrupt it. Take care and value your life."

10. Lesson summary

Guys, I have a candle in my hands as a symbol of light, warmth and life.The teacher asks to light it. The guys are perplexed: you can’t light candles without a match. Then the teacher gives matches and, when the candle lights up, explains that just as a candle cannot burn and shine without matches, so a person cannot live without love and kindness.

The student reads a poem.

How to succeed in this life?
How to get what we want?
How to implement
What are we dreaming about?
The answer is simple -
let me dare!
Let me dare
love yourself
Giving no room for grievances,
Distributing love everywhere
And appreciate every moment of life!
Allow yourself to be yourself
Living and
without playing a role
To be an expression of your will,
And not crushed by fate!
Let yourself dare to change yourself!
Watching a movie
reading books
Studying and getting better,
Dare to gain wisdom!
Allow yourself to dare to grow,
Raising the bar all the time!
No need to go inside out at all
But dare to be always on the go!
Allow yourself to dare to dream,
Without clipping the wings of dreams,
Fearing only your powerlessness
In dreams of flying under the clouds!
Dare not to worry,
About what you can’t change!
But if you want to live beautifully,
Have the strength to change your life!
Dare to control your life!
Making your decisions
Making dreams come true,
Dare to transform your life!
Allow yourself to love life!
Admiring everyone in this life,
Enjoying every moment,
Dare to live fully!

Teacher : I would like to end our lesson with a parable:

A parable about attitude to life.

When they ask you: “How are you?” - don’t cry or complain about difficulties.

If you answer: “Bad,” then the Almighty says: “Is this what you call “bad”? Well, then I’ll show you what “bad” really is!”

When they ask you: “How are you?”, and you, despite difficulties and suffering, answer: “Good!!!”, then the Almighty says: “Is this what you call “good”? Well, then I will show you what “good” really is!!!”

May everything always be GOOD with you!

Think about life, about your place and purpose, look for meaning, appreciate life, every moment of it.

And today’s lesson may have become for some of you a small step towards understanding the multifaceted concept of “life...

Love yourself, life, the people around you and believe that everything will work out for you. After all, love energizes a person, inspires him to great deeds and helps him live. Love is the basis of life.

It all starts with love!
And inspiration, and work,
The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child -
It all starts with love!
WITH LOVE! I know that for sure.
S.A. Nazarbayeva

Note: when compiling the lesson, fragments of the lesson were used:

  1. “Love of life” - class hour-reflection -

Teknedjyan Arthur

This work provides the student’s philosophical reflections on the meaning of life. The views of the younger generation on this problem are very interesting.



Essay on the topic: “Why do I live?”

A vain gift, a random gift,

Life, why were you given to me?

Life is an amazing gift! All of us, people, relate to it differently. Some people consider themselves happy, while others consider themselves unhappy... It all depends on how we approach life. What does this gift mean to us? Personally, I am convinced that life was not given to man by chance, but for a purpose.

Not in vain, not by chance

Life is given to us from God,

The mind is silent, but the heart is clear -

Life is given to us from God.

I often asked myself the question: “Why am I living?”, “For what purpose do we live on Earth?” I understand perfectly well that not every person has a goal in life, because a goal is something that one must strive for, putting in some effort. But not everyone is capable of this. Agree, would a person who has different goals every day strive for something specific? No, of course... Such people can only dream. As a rule, they achieve little. Is there a need for a goal at all??? Reflecting on this question, I came to the conclusion that it already depends on what we want from life. If we just want to live without bothering ourselves, then we can do without it. Goals are those people who want to achieve something in life for themselves and for those around them.

Blessed is he who has chosen the goal and the path

And he sees life and essence in this...

Since ancient times, people have wrestled with the question of the meaning of human existence. Why does a person live on this earth, why does he come into this world and with what baggage does he leave? In works of Russian literature we often encounter this theme. Literary heroes serve as an example for us. For me, they were the heroes of V. Kaverin’s novel “Two Captains”. The motto of the main character, Sanka Grigoriev, was these words: “Fight and search, find and not give up.” This phrase contains both a goal and a task. In a word, the meaning of our stay on Earth. If each of us pursued our goal as persistently as the heroes of the named work, then a lot could be achieved in life.

And now I would like to write a little about my life plans. Maybe I don’t yet fully understand the highest purpose of man, but nevertheless, I have something to present to your consideration...

What am I living for? This question worries every human heart. From early childhood we do not think about this question, but as we grow up a little, when we go to school, each of us charts our own path, first with our dreams. It seems to me that when I come to this earth, I must do good, benefit people. Also in primary school I began to like the subject English. Thanks to my teacher and mother, I began to study it in depth. From year to year I learned more and more new things. Not long ago a dream appeared in my life: to become a translator. I think that by connecting my life with this profession, I will be able to do a lot in life for myself and people. This profession will provide many opportunities to implement my plans. In my opinion, a translator is a necessary and interesting profession. Having received an education, I will improve my professional level. Now I am studying English at the Aktiv school, participating in various competitions, and by the way, winning prizes. We can say that I am already moving towards my goal. I want to receive a good education, finding an interesting job, of course, an important factor is the financial side. I forgot, I want to have, I just dream of having good and loyal friends. In my opinion, every person should have a friend in their life. The kind of friend you could rely on at any moment. Of course, dreaming of making friends, I myself will strive to become better. Actually, I think there should be a goal - this is the most important thing in life. The desire to make dreams come true, to implement plans. This goal may be different for everyone, but it must be there. And it should be high, noble, one that would elevate a person in his own eyes and in the eyes of the people around him.

Think about what lies ahead;
Having chosen a good goal, go straight to it.

In the future, I want to do what I love, which I wrote about earlier. I think. That if a person is busy doing what he likes, then he will succeed. After all, if you like the work, then you feel in demand, and therefore, you strive further and further. Overcoming obstacles, making mistakes.

Everyone knows the proverb “Every man in his life must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son.” It may seem trivial to you, but I want to do it. After all, in life we ​​have enduring values, and I believe that the main goal of my life will be precisely this. Yes, I want to build a house, plant a tree, raise a son (in the future, of course). I want to grow up and please my parents. And to all this I will go. And to achieve all this, you need to learn to be honest, noble, courageous and purposeful. And the most, most, most important thing is to remain Human in all situations. So that I won’t be ashamed to look at myself from the outside, and when I look back, I will one day say with pride: “Yes, it was my path, even if it wasn’t easy, it was interesting.” I will say that the journey is the meaning of life. I understand perfectly well that living life is not a field to cross. On our life's journey, both joy and disappointment await us. But we need to move forward. Not being afraid of difficulties, overcoming obstacles, correcting mistakes. You need to live, striving for the highest, the best, the bright.

And let it throw us to the bottom,
And let's start all over again
I say one thing like a prayer:
"I live! Isn't that enough?

More than once I asked myself, can one person change the world for the better? Probably not... But if each of us strives to make the world around us cleaner and brighter, then we have every chance of living in a “perfect society.” This, of course, is said highly, perhaps it sounds pretentious. But I SO want to make the world a better place!!!
I believe that you don’t need to spend your whole life searching for meaning. You just need to live in such a way that your soul is warm and joyful. And, most importantly, be honest with yourself and others. And if I have outlined a path for myself, defined a goal, then I will go towards it. The most interesting thing is that the path itself has meaning. Moving forward, learning new things, reaching heights - that’s happiness! Here is a life filled with meaning!

This is all I LIVE FOR!!!

Here we live, we live, we do something, or maybe we don’t do it. Some people think, some don't. But I won’t talk about “someone”, I’ll talk about myself. I live, walk, talk, read, listen, think... Well, at least it seems to me that I think... Although who am I kidding, I’m just sure that I think, and I even think that I can do it... and even better than many. And so I think, I wrote, I live, but what did I mean? That the heart beats, that the metabolism goes on, that I grow (now mainly in width), that’s what I meant. It’s somehow sad... No, it’s certainly great that I’m alive and not, excuse me, lying in a coffin. But I don’t live, I exist.
I wonder how many more people do not live, but exist? And why? Why don't they live? Who is stopping them? Who's stopping me? NOBODY. Absolutely no one. Then why do I only exist?
I'm getting ready. For what? To life! Funny. It's almost 30, and I'm still getting ready. But no matter how funny it may sound, it is a fact. I still remember kindergarten, and how I looked at my older sister and was sure that life begins at school. Oh, how I wanted to go there!!! But life did not begin at school... It did not begin in my understanding.
Ah, the whole high school life. Certainly! You are already an “adult”, so many interesting things are opening up to you. But in high school nothing changed, it became much more interesting, more difficult, but life did NOT begin. Need to get higher education, exactly! When I receive it, then life will cover me. It took me five long years to get my diploma. The university was already quite fun! I could afford a lot, without essentially being responsible for anything, not even for myself. But life didn’t hit me on the head... Even holding the diploma in my hands, I didn’t feel that LIFE HAD BEGAN!!!
It's simple, you need work. Well, of course, what is life without work?! And now I’m just getting ready, getting ready for a fun and fulfilling life. Job! Where are you? I need to start living, come on, find me quickly! And here is the work...
Ooooh, and now there’s simply no time to live. Work anywhere, anytime, anywhere. So what to do? Where is my full life? Well, definitely, we need a family. What is life without a family? And I’m not 20 years old anymore... And not even 22, it’s time to know the honor. I’m getting married, and for greater happiness I’m giving birth to a child. Oh, now life is about to begin...
But it doesn't start. Here the worst happens... You understand that life has been going on for a long time, it began in kindergarten. A fun, real full life... And you missed it. You were preparing for it. I've been preparing for 26 years. Wow!!!
How did it happen that you missed 25 years of your life and just existed? How? Who told you that life will begin somewhere there? Why didn't they explain to you that she is here and now? That it goes every second, even when you are sleeping. Why wasn't this explained to you? Well not in kindergarten, so at least in school... In high school, someone could say.
Or is this a truth that everyone knows and it’s just inconvenient to talk about such platitudes out loud. Why didn't I know then? Was I born on another planet? Or do I not have the gene responsible for knowing the beginning of real life?
Why didn’t my mother sit me down when I was a child and tell me, my daughter, remember life is short, you have to have time to live and enjoy. Don't wait, live today, here and now. But she didn’t do that and I got ready. I prepared, I waited... And now I have a child, a family, a job, and I want to live, live like I did at 18, like at 20. But this is exactly what I can’t afford now and I can’t... Are you sad? Yes! I want witchcraft, strong, capable of taking me back there, back, even for a week. I want, having today’s idea of ​​life, to enjoy that bygone life. But this is not possible... As they say, alas and ah... What is past is past, you can’t bring it back.
Now my main task is to explain to my daughter about LIFE. Tell her this, even if it’s trivial and everyone knows about it. What if my gene of ignorance is inherited? I will tell her every day to enjoy life, to be happy, to learn lessons. And the main thing is not to wait and not to prepare, but to take it and LIVE. Live the way her mother couldn't!

Essay on the topic “Life”

Years fly by, time flies, and sooner or later each of us comes to the same thought: how did I live my life, did I manage to do everything in it. Now we are young, and it seems to us that the whole world is at our feet. We take our time, make decisions, put things off for later, are often afraid to change something, to take actions - but life flows like a river. And one day we will look back, and life path almost done...

Human life is of indescribable value. Repeatedly, looking at history, our ancestors died on the battlefield for us, for the future of their country. They sacrificed their most precious thing, life, which they entrusted to us, the new generation, to continue. People are obliged to value their lives, our relatives, ancestors, and our children.

Human life is everyone's responsibility. People choose for themselves how to live, what to do, who to love. Only harmony in relationships will lead us to a bright future. After all, you shouldn’t interfere with each other, everyone has their own interests, uniqueness to come up with problems for themselves. A person’s life is individual, but everyone has a dream to live it in such a way that they are proud of you and remember you.

Every person is obliged to enjoy life, because it is a priceless gift. All living things on earth are integral participants in the entire life of planet Earth. By respecting the lives of other processes: plants, animals, a person thereby maintains “life balance”. In a word, you understand that you can create something artificially, thereby it seems to us that we are developing vitality. But, unfortunately or fortunately, it is impossible to infuse life into an artificial creation. For example, our civilization has come to the point where we have learned to create robots and electric machines, but it is impossible to infuse souls and life into them. Life is the beginning and the end of everything.

Life is a challenge for everyone. What happens to us is not by chance, not a moment, but one of the incidents of life. Any event puts us to the test, we have to make a decision, analyze. It would be good to always look forward: “What’s next?” People believe, want to believe in the unusual, but they fail, they consider fiction a fairy tale. But fairy tales do not exist, there are statements of the fact of what happened. Try to bring any decision and action under a logical explanation, then anyone will understand what even seems unrealistic in his opinion.

Life is beautiful in its diversity, it is priceless. Strive for the unknown, live in the present without forgetting the future. And then, after several dozen years of living, we will have something to remember.

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