Not in Russian. Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation (1956)

Spelling of adverbs and particles.

86. Particles something, -something, -something, -something are attached to a word using a dash (hyphen): someone, something, somewhere, give me.

Note. If the particle some- (some-) is separated from the pronoun by a preposition, then the dash is not placed: with someone, with something(cf.: someone, something).

Particle -yes written with a dash in words after all, after all and then when it follows the verb: I finally found out. In other cases, the particle after all written separately:
1)I still don’t believe him;
2)Still, we don’t give up.

Particles Not And neither.

87. Particle Not written together with words that are not used without it: Not report, Not vezhda, Not avoidable Not tolerable Not unshakable Not conquerable(by no one) Not fading, Not year old Not maybe Not really, Not lzya and so on.

88. Not written together with nouns, adjectives and adverbs in -O in the event that a noun, adjective or adverb with Not means one concept; in this case, it does not give the speech a negative meaning and could be replaced by an unambiguous word without negation, for example: Not happiness(trouble) Not buddy(enemy), Not Truth(lie), Not high(short), Not expensive(cheap).

89. Not written separately from nouns, adjectives and adverbs when further opposition is given or implied.

Examples. This Not Truth. but a lie. He's tired Not study, but idleness Truth, what?", "no study, And what?" Not High mountains separate us, and low hills separate us. Not the one who is right is punished, and the one who is guilty is punished. He's still Not old. Apple Not tasty but disgusting. In these cases, you can always ask: “do not high, and which ones?", "not right, and which one?", "not tasty, what is it like?" (Cf.: The apple is green and Not tasty.) He entered Not cautiously but recklessly("Not carefully, but as?"). He Not He knows a lot(he doesn’t know much, but knows little) (“not a lot of, how much?”) [Compare: He is used to doing everything quickly, extremely Not carefully. He Not He knows a lot(knows something)].

Note 1: There are two cases to be noted separate writing particles Not: 1) if with an adjective, noun or adverb (in -O ), which includes negation Not , there are explanatory words to strengthen the negation, expressed by negative pronouns or adverbs with neither (nothing , to nothing , not at all , not at all , nowhere etc.), then the particle Not written separately: nothing Not wonderful village; neither for what Not capable person; neither In what sense Not success; neither to what extent Not successfully; 2) if the particle Not is part of intensifying negative combinations: far Not , not at all Not , at all Not , then these combinations are always written separately from the word following them (in such cases opposition is always implied): far Not profitable enterprise, not at all Not fair decision, at all Not stupid, at all Not Badly, far Not Friend etc.

On the contrary, in the presence of words denoting degree: very, very, extremely, extremely, completely, almost, partly- particle Not written together: the deal is very Not profitable(unprofitable), it's almost Not politeness(coarseness), very Not interesting(boring) story, acted to the highest degree Not carefully(rashly) this is extreme Not profitable(unprofitable).

To the question NI with verbs is written how? given by the author Trisha Vanmale the best answer is - Which is correct, “no matter how you turn it” or “no matter how you turn it”? Is it generally acceptable to use the particle NI before verbs? If possible, please also attach a link to the rule.
Answer from the Russian language help desk:
- That's right: _whatever you say_. See section "Rules: old and new" - "Spelling of vowels" - "Unstruck particles _not_ and _nor_".
Unimpactable particles NOT and NOR
It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of unimpacted particles not and neither. These particles differ in meaning and use.
1. The particle is not used for negation, for example: I didn’t say that. I didn't talk about this. That's not what I was talking about.
It is necessary to pay attention to individual cases usage of this particle:
a) If there is a negative particle not in both the first and second parts of a compound verbal predicate, the sentence receives an affirmative meaning, for example: I can’t help but mention... (i.e. “must mention”), I can’t help but confess... ( i.e. “you have to confess”).
b) In interrogative and exclamatory sentences, the particle is not adjacent to pronouns, adverbs and particles, forming combinations with them: how not, who not, who not, who not, where not, where not, than not, what not, what not, etc. . P.; This includes interrogative sentences with the combination “whether” or “whether”, for example: Well, how can you not please your loved one! (Griboyedov). Who didn't curse stationmasters Who hasn't argued with them? (Pushkin)...
2. The particle is used to strengthen the negation, for example: I couldn’t profit from a bone anywhere (Krylov). There was not a single clearing in the sky behind (Fadeev). Metelitsa never even looked at those asking (Fadeev). There is not a soul in the village now: everything is empty (Fadeev).
A repeated particle does not acquire the meaning of a union, for example: Neither water nor trees were visible anywhere (Chekhov). Neither muses, nor works, nor the joys of leisure - nothing can replace the only friend (Pushkin). But the crowds flee, not noticing either him or his melancholy (Chekhov). I don’t know who you are or who he is (Turgenev).
It is necessary to pay attention to individual cases of using the particle ni:
a) The particle is used before the predicate in subordinate clauses to enhance the affirmative meaning, for example: Obey him in everything he orders (Pushkin). No matter how hard we tried, he could not distinguish iambic from trochee (Pushkin). Everywhere I look, there is thick rye (Maikov). Whoever passes, everyone will praise (Pushkin).
The particle nor in subordinate clauses of the indicated type is adjacent to a relative word or to a conjunction, and therefore subordinate clauses begin with combinations: whoever, whoever, whatever, whatever, no matter, no matter how much, no matter how much, no matter where, no matter where, no matter where, no matter what, no matter what neither, whose nor, whose neither, whenever, whenever, etc.
These combinations have entered into some stable phrases: wherever it goes, out of nowhere, at any cost, etc.
b) The particle is not found in stable combinations that have the meaning of a categorical command, for example: neither from a place, nor a step further, nor a word, etc.
c) The particle neither is included in negative pronouns: no one, no one (no one), etc.; nothing, nothing (to nothing), etc.; none, none (none), etc.; no one's, no one's (nobody's), etc. and adverbs: never, nowhere, nowhere, from nowhere, in no way, not at all, not at all, not at all, as well as part of the particle something.
It is not written in stable combinations that include pronouns, for example: left with nothing, left with nothing, disappeared for nothing.
d) Double neither is included in stable expressions, which are a combination of two opposed concepts, for example: neither alive nor dead; neither this nor that; neither fish nor fowl; neither give nor take; neither peahen nor crow, etc.

Particle NOT can be written with words together or separately, NI particle written separately with all words except negative adverbs(from nowhere, nowhere) and pronouns without a preposition ( no one, But from no one). To correctly use the particles NOT and NI in writing, you must differentiate their meanings .

Particle values ​​NOT

1. Negation: the particle does NOT give a negative meaning to a sentence or individual word: Do not go there! - negative meaning of the entire sentence; This thing doesn't belong to me - negative meaning of a single word.

2. Statement with double negative: repeating particle NOT (the first is not before the verb can, the second is not before indeterminate form another verb) has an affirmative meaning: couldn't help but know = knew. In this case, a connotation of necessity and obligation arises: couldn't help but say = should have said.

3. Statement in interrogative and exclamatory sentences: in such sentences (rhetorical questions) the particle does NOT have an affirmative meaning: Where have I not been? (= been everywhere); Who hasn’t visited me! (= everyone was visiting).

NI particle values

1. Negation in sentences without a subject: the particle NI denotes negation in sentences without a subject when complemented in the genitive case: Not a cloud in the sky; There is no sound around; Don `t move! Not a word! The particle NI in this case strengthens the negation that is implied. The negative word NO or the predicate that includes NOT are omitted.

2. Strengthening denial: if there is a negation in a sentence (the word no, the particle is not with a predicate verb, participle or gerund), then NI strengthens this negation: There is not a cloud in the sky; without saying a word; looking neither to the right nor to the left. In this case, the particle NI can be omitted, the meaning of the sentence will not change, only the connotation of intensification will disappear: I didn't have a minute to think. - I didn’t have a minute to think. Such cases must be distinguished from the double use of the particle NOT to indicate a statement. Let's compare: He could not help but know and say - affirmative meaning (he knew and said); He could neither know nor guess - negative meaning, neither can be discarded (he could not know or guess).

3. Statement and generalization after relative pronouns and adverbs in a subordinate clause: the particle NI gives a general affirmative meaning to words who, what, where, when, how much etc., which serve as a means of connecting the subordinate clause with the main one. Whoever comes, everyone is welcome here = any person will come; No matter how hard I looked, I didn’t notice anything = looked closely for a long time; Wherever I went, I found friends everywhere = been to different places. Such cases must be distinguished from those complex sentences, in which subordinate clauses have a negative meaning and in which the particle NOT is written. Let's compare: Whoever does not read this book will not learn much - the subordinate clause has a negative meaning, the action has not been completed (the book has not been read); Whoever reads this book will love it - the subordinate clause has an affirmative meaning, the action is completed (the book is read).

Note! Repeated at homogeneous members NI particle is considered as coordinating conjunction: Wasn't audible neither sound, neither rustling.

Need to remember!

1. If the repeating particle NI is used in stable expression , That comma between the parts of this turnover is not placed:

No more, no less Neither yes nor no Neither day nor night
No end no end Neither more nor less Neither yourself nor people
Neither stand nor sit Neither back nor forward Neither give nor take
Neither two nor one and a half Neither alive nor dead No way about anything
Neither ours nor yours No answer, no hello Neither fish nor fowl
Neither light nor dawn Break a leg Not a word or a breath
Out of the blue Neither here nor there Neither this nor that
Neither here nor there Neither shaky nor shaky Neither this nor that

2. When is NOT written, and when is NOT written? (when written separately)

Table “NOT and NOR Particles”

Separate and hyphenated spelling of particles

1. Particles would (b ), whether (l ), or (and ) are written separately, except for those cases when they are part of whole words (so that, really, even, etc.).

2. Particles -That , -or , someday , some (who- ), -yes , -ka , -de , -tka are written with a hyphen.

Particle some (who- ), separated from the pronoun by a preposition, is written separately ( with someone).

Particle -yes written with a hyphen only after adverbs ( again) and verbs ( I took it), in other cases - separately ( he didn't come; I built myself a dacha). The combination is still written in three words.

Particles as if, after all, they say and others, as well as combinations almost, just now etc. are written separately.

Spelling particles NOT and NI

There are two particles with different meanings and uses: Not And neither . Compare the cases when they are stressed: He is not? was at school today. Whoever he is? was, you need to talk to him. But in most cases the particles Not And neither unstressed and indistinguishable in pronunciation. To choose the correct spelling, you need to determine which particle is used in a particular case.

The main function of the particle is not negation. A negative particle can refer to anyone independent word in a sentence, for example: He didn't buy the book. He didn't buy the book. He didn't buy a book. He didn't buy this book. He didn't buy this book in a store. He bought this book not today.

The main function of the ni particle is to strengthen negation. Therefore, it is used in sentences with a negative predicate, i.e. a predicate that includes the particle Not or expressed words no, no. Particle neither can be single and repeating (as part of a union no no).

1. Single particle neither comes before words one and (less often) single, which may be implied, for example: For several days he did not see a single person. They did not stop at any of these decisions. He doesn't need any of these books. He didn't say a single word all day. He didn't say a single word in response.(In the last two cases the words one, united may be omitted.) He didn't make a sound. They didn't meet a soul.(In these sentences you can substitute the words one, united.)

Negative predicate No in sentences with a single particle neither may be omitted, for example: There is not a single tree near the house. There's not a soul in the house. We don't have a scrap of paper.

2. Repeating particle neither (as part of the union no no) corresponds to a repeating conjunction And affirmative sentence, for example: They received no newspapers, magazines, or books.(Compare: They received newspapers, magazines, and books.) Neither his brother, nor his sister, nor his parents corresponded with him.(Compare: His brother, sister, and parents corresponded with him.)

Negative predicate in sentences with a repeating conjunction no no can be expressed in words no, no, For example: He can neither read nor write. Neither in a boat nor in a cart / Can't get here(Ahm.). There are no berries, mushrooms, or flowers in this barren forest.

Predicates No may be missing, for example: No fire, no black hut, / Wilderness and snow...(P.). Not a rustle, not a sound, not a movement(Inb.). The conditions turned out to be terrible: no way to wash, no laundry, not even a drink of hot tea.

Distinguish between combinations:

never (never) - more than once (often),

not one (nobody) - not one (many).

Remember: 1) Not - not once, nor - many times. (I have never been to Crimea. - No matter how many times I’ve been to Crimea, I always admire it as if for the first time).

2) The particle neither can be replaced by a conjunction and or omitted. For example: No matter how much I talk or insist - to no avail(and spoke and insisted). - Everywhere you look there are forests of new buildings(wherever you look...).

There are special designs with particles not and neither.

1. Construction with a verb be able and double negation should be distinguished from construction with a verb be able with the previous one Not and repetitive intensifying neither .

Compare the examples in pairs: 1) He can't help but work. – He can neither work nor rest. 2) He can't help but read, he can't help but write, he can't help but listen to music. – He can neither read, nor write, nor listen to music. The first clause of each pair states that the corresponding action is performed; in every second it is stated that it is impossible to carry out these actions.

2. And a particle Not , and particle neither can be included in constructions with pronominal words who what(in different cases), how, where, where, from and so on.

a) Constructions with a particle Not included in exclamatory or interrogative? exclamatory sentences, in which the particle is often present only, For example: Who didn't know this man! What didn’t delight him at this unusual exhibition! Who doesn't know this house? Why doesn’t my mind enter into my slumber then?(Hold). How can you not love your native Moscow!(Bar.). Wherever he had never been! Where did he turn!

Such sentences - negative in form - always contain an affirmation in content. ( Who didn't know this man! means ‘everyone knew this person’; Wherever he has never been! means ‘he had to go everywhere’).

b) Constructions with pronominal words and particles neither (often with a preceding particle would) are always part of concessive clauses, for example: Whoever dies, I am the secret killer of everyone(P.). It’s a pity, but we’ll have to give it up. No matter what happens, you must remain calm. No one asked, no one knows. Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t cry(last). Whatever the answer, it is better than complete uncertainty. No matter how hard we tried, he could not distinguish iambic from trochee.(P.). Wherever he worked, he was appreciated everywhere. Everywhere I look, thick rye is everywhere!(Mike.). Whenever people come to him, he is always busy. No matter how much you look for the culprit in this case, you still won’t find it.

3. Designs none other, as well as nothing more than, in which Who And What can stand in oblique cases without prepositions and with prepositions ( none other than; nothing more than; none other than; with nothing more than etc.), should be distinguished from constructions that include pronouns nobody And nothing(also in different cases without prepositions and with prepositions).

Compare the following examples in pairs: 1) This is none other than his own brother. “No one else but his own brother can know this.” 2) This is nothing more than the most blatant deception. “Nothing else interests him.” 3) He met with none other than the president of the country. “He doesn’t agree to meet with anyone other than the president.” 4) He agreed to nothing less than to direct the entire work. “He will not agree to anything other than a leadership position.” In each pair, the first sentence is affirmative, the second is negative.

4. And a particle Not , and particle neither are part of a number of stable combinations.

a) Particle Not may be part of complex unions: not yet; not that; not that... not that; not only but; not that (not)... ; not that (not so) that.... For example: Wait until the transmission ends. Stop it or I'll scream! The weather is unpleasant: it is either raining or snowing. He is not only a poet, but also a composer. The relationship between them is not only friendly, but hostile. He will be not only ten minutes, but even an hour late. He is not that rude, but somewhat hot-tempered. She is not so angry, but indifferent.

Particle Not is part of combinations close in meaning to particles: not at all, hardly not, far from, almost, almost, not at all, not at all, not at all, isn’t it, almost, almost; no more than, no more than, no more and no less than.

Particle Not many stable combinations begin, including those involving prepositional constructions of nouns: not so hot (how, what), God knows (who, what, which And etc. ), not in the arc, not in the spirit, not in the count, not in harmony, not in harmony, not in moderation, not in the rise, not in the example, not in joy, not in oneself, not in the strength, not in the count, not a sin , God forbid, not for fat, not for laughter, not for that, not for good, not for the face, not for the place, not for the court, not for the rush, not for a joke, not for the address; not by days, but by hours; beyond my strength, beyond my capabilities, beyond my gut, not at my ease, at the wrong time, out of hand, out of the question, out of work, out of luck and etc.

b) Particle neither is integral part many stable combinations.

Combinations that are subordinate clauses in form: at any cost, no matter how you turn it, no matter how you throw it, no matter how you twist it, no matter where you throw it, no matter where it goes, no matter what you say.

Combinations with initial single neither : neither aza, nor belmes, nor my God, nor boom-boom, nor in life, nor in life, nor in tooth (foot), not in any way, in no way, in no way, not in one eye, not that much, not at all(put) not a penny, not a penny, not a penny(perish, abyss), not for a sniff of tobacco(perish, abyss), for nothing, not for anything, not a drop, not a penny, not a spear, not a crumb, not for anything, not to hell (no good), not a hair, not a penny,(who, what, which) not one bit, not an iota, not a minute, not a step, not a foot, not under any circumstances, not to do with anything, not a word, not an inch, not a move, not with anything(stay), not a damn thing, not a damn thing, not a step(exclamation), not a big deal.

Combinations with repeating neither : neither be nor me, nor more nor less, neither back nor forward, neither think nor guess, neither mother nor father, nor warehouse nor in harmony, neither yes nor no, neither give nor take, neither two nor one and a half, neither bottom nor tire, neither day nor night, neither soul nor body, neither hot nor cold, neither alive nor dead, for nothing nor for anything, neither skin nor face, nor stake nor yard, nor end nor edge, nor to the village neither to the city, nor spoon nor bowl, neither less nor more, nor more nor less, neither moos nor calves, neither ours nor yours, nor answer nor greeting, nor rest nor time, neither peahen nor crow, neither pass nor pass, nor no fluff, no feather, no fish, no meat, no matchmaker, no brother, no light, no dawn, no mood, no harmony, no hearing, no sleep, no sleep, no sitting down, no reason for no reason, no shame, no conscience, neither this way nor that, neither here nor there, neither this nor that, nor this nor that, neither this nor that, neither here nor there, neither here nor there, neither subtract nor add, neither mind nor heart, neither ear nor snout, neither cold nor hot, neither shaky nor rolly; more detailed combinations of the same structure: not a candle for God, not a poker for the devil, not in the city of Bogdan, not in the village of Selifan, not in a fairy tale, not to describe with a pen.

Teacher's comments on the material being studied

Possible difficulties

Good advice

It is difficult to remember all the cases in which NOT or NI are written according to tradition.

Refer to Appendix 1 and fill in the gaps in the words where necessary.

When should you write NOT, and when NOT in cases like

n... believed n... in what,

n... spilled n... crumbs?

The meaning of such expressions consists of two components: denial of something (didn’t believe, didn’t scatter) and strengthening of this denial (not in anything, not a crumb). Accordingly, negation is formalized with the help of the particle NOT, and its strengthening - with the help of NI.

This case should not be confused with the double negation of the type could not help but remain (that is, remained). The particle NOT is written here twice.

It can be difficult to distinguish between the spellings NOT and NI in the following cases:

Who did he complain to!

To whom did he complain, no one wanted to help.

In the first case, we have an exclamatory sentence with a general meaning (in such sentences the word is often found only). Its affirmative meaning can be interpreted through the question: “Is there anyone left to whom he has not complained?” This question is rhetorical in nature (it does not require an answer). In such sentences you should write NOT.

In the second case, we have a complex sentence in which the subordinate part has a concessional meaning (no one wanted to help, although he complained to everyone). In the subordinate clause with a concessional meaning, you should write NI.

You can make a mistake in writing the following combinations:

None other than...

Nothing other than...

In these cases, you should write the particle NOT.

Use of particles NOT and NOR

NOT is a negative particle. It attaches a negative meaning to the member of the sentence before which it stands (has been more than once).

NI is a particle that can have several meanings: to express negation, to express strengthening, and to express affirmation.

Studying this spelling requires special attention.

He already asked for nothing. Whoever I asked, everyone just shrugged. N.. trees in the steppe. Where has he ever been?

Typical cases in which the particle NOT is used

Typical cases in which the NI particle is used

The particle does NOT give a negative meaning to the member of the sentence behind it:

not for the first time;

wrong city.

The particle is NOT used in exclamatory and interrogative sentences (often with the word only):

Who hasn't been here yet?

Who hasn't stayed here!

The particle NI is used to enhance negation when there is a word with a negating meaning in the sentence:

doesn't know a word.

This case should not be confused with double negation like " couldn't help but stay».

The particle NI is used when the predicate NO is missing, expressing negation:

Not a cloud around.

(Wed: There's not a cloud around).

The particle NI is used to express a statement in a subordinate clause complex sentence after the words who, what, how, where and so on.:

No matter how hard you try, nothing will work.

He didn't ask for anything anymore. (The particle does NOT give a negative meaning to the verb behind it.)

Whoever I asked, everyone just shrugged their shoulders. (The particle NI in the subordinate part of a complex sentence expresses a statement (= asked everyone).)

NO trees in the steppe. The particle NI stands when the predicate NO is missing. ( There is not a tree in the steppe.)

Where has he never been? (The particle is NOT used in an exclamatory sentence with the word ONLY.)

NOT or NOR in pronouns

N..who will not come; n..who was to blame; n.. who to ask; n.. did not depend on anyone.

Nobody will come. There was no one to blame. There is no one to ask. Didn't depend on anyone.

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