The school purchases gold medals at its own expense. Regulations on the forms for graduates of educational institutions to receive gold and silver medals “for special achievements in learning”

A gold medal at the end of school is a worthy reward for a student’s hard work. To get a medal, it’s not enough to get straight A’s; it’s also important to take Active participation in school life. What needs to be done to receive a medal, what prospects it opens up in the future, we will tell you in our review article.

Its history in Russia Golden medal began in 1828. However, after October revolution the presentation of gold and silver medals was cancelled. She returned in May 1945 thanks to Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1247. Until 2012, changes occurred with the gold medal, but they concerned more the external image than the reward of students.

In 2013, the department of the Ministry of Education and Science decided not to award gold medals at the federal level; instead, they issued a certificate with honors, similar in appearance to the gold medal certificate. The right to award medals was left to the regional authorities.

But in 2014, the President of the Russian Federation signed a law that provides for the return of the gold medal to the federal level.

Some students are interested in the question: is it true that it is gold? Interesting fact in the history of the medal: in the period from 1946 to 1954, it was actually cast from 583-carat gold, weighing approximately 10.5 grams.

But what is a modern gold medal made of? The academic honors symbol now consists of an alloy of copper, zinc and nickel. But the coating is made of pure gold weighing 0.3 grams. It is noteworthy that the embossing on the certificate, which is attached to the gold medal, is also made with gold plating.

The design of the medal has also undergone some changes. Now the medal on one side has the inscription “For special achievements in teaching,” and on the other side a double-headed eagle appeared. In 2007, an image of the Russian tricolor appeared under the eagle.

Please note: to make a medal shine, do not rub it with an eraser. This will damage the special varnish layer and the medal will quickly darken.

Conditions under which the award of a medal is guaranteed

  1. According to the law, the main and main condition for receiving a medal is the final grade “excellent” obtained in all subjects within the school curriculum in the 10th and 11th grades. In addition, an A must be achieved in all subjects on the final assessment.
  2. The decision to award the medal is made by a meeting of the teaching staff and confirmed by the director of the educational institution. Documents for approval are submitted to the local department of the Ministry of Education.
  3. If the student received full-time education, it is possible to be exempt from physical education for health reasons. Students studying externally and at home, unfortunately, cannot count on a medal.

These are the basic requirements for a student. But just being an excellent student is not enough. It is at the teachers' council that the decision on awards is made. What can influence a positive decision by teachers?

  • As a rule, a teacher loves his job and his subject. Therefore, by showing interest in science, you can gain the teacher’s loyal attitude, attracting certain attention to your person;
  • a special “tick” in favor of the medal will be participation in Olympiads, both regional, city or regional scale;
  • taking an active part in the life of the school, no matter what it is: creative competitions or work as a designer. The attention of not only teachers is attracted, but also of more “senior” staff: the director and head teachers. Participation in sports competitions, speaking for the honor of the school, can serve this purpose;
  • It is desirable that there is no re-certification to increase scores during the course of study.

It is naive to believe that by studying “somehow” for 9 years, you can get a gold medal if you tighten up your studies a little. Whatever one may say, the teacher’s opinion about the student has been formed over the years, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to radically change the attitude. The maximum you can achieve is the status of a “promising” student. Therefore, it is necessary to study starting from the 5th grade.

Just recently, a gold medal opened doors to literally all universities in the country. It was enough to pass an interview with the admissions committee. But starting from 2009, medalists are equal to all graduates, and admission to the university is based on the average score of the certificate and the results of the Unified State Examination. The only thing that a medal contributes to is that it will only add priority in choosing between two students with the same average score, and sometimes this is a significant help within high competitions upon admission to a budget place.

A gold medal is not just a reward, it is an incentive to be first, a reality to strengthen your character and demonstrate the qualities of a leader. And also the opportunity to get into a fairy tale by taking part in a real ball for graduates with medals.

Information, addresses, documents, reviews.

New rules for issuing school gold medals.

From 2018, schools will only issue medals if they successfully pass the Unified State Exam. This rule will spread throughout the country and is intended to eliminate cases of biased awarding of gold and silver medals.

◑ School medals? - only according to merit!

The scandal in the Adyghe school with the undeserved issuance of a gold medal served as an impetus for measures taken by Rosobrnadzor.

The Public Council under Rosobrnadzor suggested that the department take into account the results of the Unified State Exam when issuing gold medals to school graduates.

Gold medal at school– this is probably the first treasured trophy that students dream of.

School gold or silver medal(officially - medal " For special achievements in learning") - a badge of honor issued upon completion of secondary general education in schools in Russia and other countries former USSR. The medal is one of the main types of reward for high school graduates for academic success.

Medal " For special achievements in learning", is also a badge of honor for graduates of 11th grade, who received a final “5” in all subjects of the school curriculum for the last two years of study.

Most recently, the gold medal " For special achievements in learning» opened the doors of all universities, however last years its prestige has lost ground significantly.

Numerous cases where schoolchildren who passed the Unified State Exam were awarded medals attracted public attention.

According to one of the initiators of the project, the rector of the Moscow pedagogical university, today the Unified State Exam is the most effective way assess the student's knowledge. Moreover, this method has already been proven, transparent, and the objectivity of the assessment is quite high.

The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, believes that the conditions for awarding medals should be transparent and understandable to both children and parents.

“It is important that they are not used for personal gain. Honest Unified State Exam has led to students immediately noticing and reacting to any form of incorrect assessment based on additional criteria. Especially in the situation with medals that are included in the portfolio and taken into account when entering a university"- said Sergei Kravtsov.

As noted by the press service of Rosobrnadzor, members of the Public Council, for their part, declared their readiness to analyze existing practice and present reasoned proposals for the inclusion Unified State Exam results among the criteria for issuing medals.

The capital already has such experience.

In order to receive a medal for a Moscow schoolchild, in addition to all the requirements, it is necessary to score more than 220 points in three USE subjects.

Sergei Kravtsov assured that Rosobrnadzor is open to dialogue and is ready to accumulate expert proposals.

Already from the 2017-2018 academic year, gold medals " For special achievements in learning"will be issued only taking into account the results of the Unified State Examination.

◑ Who can receive a school medal? Let's summarize.

What medal can a graduate receive?

Now schoolchildren can be nominated for a medal "For special achievements in learning". This is an analogue of the gold and silver medals for schoolchildren, which replaced them in 2014.

A graduate of the 11th grade can receive a medal “For special achievements in learning” if he has one of the achievements:

  • he will become the winner or prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren;
  • he will score the maximum number of points on the Unified State Exam (USE) in one academic subject (Russian language or mathematics);
  • excellent" and passing the Unified State Exam he will score a total of at least 220 points in three academic subjects.

Disabled child, completing 11th grade can receive a medal not only for the above achievements, but also in the following cases:

  • he will have final grades in all academic subjects " Great"and when passing the Unified State Exam, he will score a total of at least 146 points in two compulsory subjects- Russian language and mathematics (profile level);
  • he will have final grades in all academic subjects " Great“and when passing the Unified State Exam, he will score at least 73 points in the Russian language and at least 5 points in mathematics (basic level).

* Important condition: students who during conducting the Unified State Exam violations were recorded and are not eligible for a reward.

What benefits does the medal “For Exceptional Achievement in Education” provide?

  • Each university has the right to award applicants additional points to their Unified State Exam scores for certain individual achievements.
  • In total - no more than 10. The medal “For Special Achievement in Education” is one of such achievements. Usually 2-3 points are added for it (each university has its own way).
  • In addition, if several people vying for the same place score the same number of points, the medalist will have an advantage.

What are the conditions for receiving a gold medal in 2017/2018 academic year?

If possible, then in detail (how many B's can you have in six months, and is it possible at all, etc.).

If you want to graduate from school with a gold medal, then in all subjects you must have an excellent grade, that is, 5, there should be no Bs. Also in 2018, in order to receive a gold medal, you must pass the Unified State Exam with honors.

that is, must be A's in all subjects in all four semesters?

or that the final grades would be A's in all subjects? (for example, in the tenth grade for the first half of the year it was 5, for the second 4, and in the eleventh grade for the first half of the year 5 and for the second half of the year 5, (5+4+5+5) \4=4.75 round up, it turns out 5) — 4 months ago

In order to get a gold medal A graduating class student must have final grades of “excellent”9 in each subject. What is important is not only for grade 11, but also for grade 10. In addition, it is necessary to successfully pass the Unified State Exam, i.e., gain the required number of points. Only in this In this case, the graduate can count on receiving a gold medal. More information about the order and procedure for issuing the medal can be found here.

Previously, you just had to get excellent grades for the tenth and eleventh grade, but this turned out to be not enough. Now, in order to receive a gold medal, a school student needs not only to work on his lessons at school, but also to pass the Unified State Exam in all subjects, which he passes not well, but excellently. And pass it in such a way that the score is in accordance with the new requirements. The medal will not be issued before the Unified State Exam. It will be issued only when the results are available, and also only if they are excellent.

Just recently, graduating from school with a gold medal opened the door to any university for an applicant, giving him considerable benefits upon admission. Judge for yourself - the owner of the coveted award could enter any educational institution out of competition. The most prestigious universities readily opened their doors to gold and gold medalists. But this also gave rise to rich soil for abuse, because it was very tempting to enter college without problems and exams. Now times have changed, benefits are a thing of the past and the gold medalist will have to participate in entrance examinations on a universal basis. Why is a gold medal needed now, what does it give? Although it does not free its owner from having to take exams, it does give him preemptive right for admission if several applicants score the same number of points. In addition, there are a considerable number of private universities, the management of which grants gold medalists the right to become students without any entrance exams. Another incentive to graduate from school with a gold medal can be the fact that city authorities very often reward graduates who distinguish themselves in this way with cash payments or valuable gifts. And, of course, we should not forget that such an award becomes a worthy reward for especially diligent students.

Conditions for receiving a gold medal at school

How to get a gold medal? A gold medal for leaving school, or, more precisely, a medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to those students in grades 11 (12) who have semi-annual, annual and final grades of “five” (in Ukraine, respectively, “ten”, “ eleven", "twelve") in all subjects included in the curriculum, and who received the same marks at the state (final) certification. Students who are studying externally or who received excellent grades as a result of re-certification carried out to improve their scores cannot receive a gold medal. The decision to award a gold medal is made by the pedagogical council of a comprehensive educational institution, agreed with the local education authority and approved by order of the school director.

Thus, to become the rightful owner of the coveted award, you need to make a lot of effort. In fact, to receive only excellent grades in all subjects included in the course of two very difficult years of study (grades 10 and 11) school curriculum, it’s not easy at all. But if a student is firmly convinced of his desire to become a gold medalist, his path to this award should begin with a conversation with the school principal. Having declared his intentions, the future medalist has every chance of receiving additional support from the school administration in the form of the necessary teaching aids, literature, consultations with teachers outside of school hours. An additional advantage in determining a candidate for a medal will also be the student’s active social life: participation in olympiads, conferences, competitions and even KVNs.

As can be seen from the above, obtaining the highest school award is a very labor-intensive task, requiring full dedication to the educational process for at least two years. The aspiration is, without a doubt, honorable, but does not bring significant benefits. That is why it would be much more advisable not to chase after getting a medal, but to direct your efforts towards adequate preparation for passing the unified exam. state exam and admission to university.

In history Russian education student awards first appeared in Empress Catherine II. According to the “People’s Charter” approved by her in 1786schools in Russian Empire» names of students who distinguished themselves by success in sciences,diligence and good behavior, were recorded by the teacher in a notebook, which appearedprototype of the “Book of Honor”, ​​widely distributed later in Soviet schools

Besides, best students as a reward, an educational book in good condition was given

bound, signed by the director. Since books were very expensive in the 17th century, they

were really high reward for students.

In 1828, the “Charter of gymnasiums and schools of district and parish” in Russia for the first time

school medals were officially introduced. Before this, the presentation various types school

medals were awarded haphazardly and semi-officially.

Beginning in 1828, gold medals were awarded to graduates who showed

whose decision in the period before 1835 was subject to approval by the university, and after 1835

Educational district.

In 1835, Emperor Nicholas I approved a single medal for men

gymnasiums "For success in sciences". The front side of the medal was decorated with the state

coat of arms (double-headed eagle). On the back was the patroness of science, Minerva,

standing with a lamp raised in her left hand. In her right hand was a laurel wreath, at her feet

Owl and attributes of sciences (scrolls and globe) and the inscription - “TO THE SUCCESSFUL”.

It was assumed that gymnasium education should continue in

university, since the inscription “SUCCESSFUL” was stamped only on medals for


“Men’s” gymnasium medals were minted in two types - a large one made of silver, and

small one made of gold. They existed without major changes until 1917.

The gold medal of men's gymnasiums had a diameter of 32-33 mm, weight 25-26 grams and

made from pure 990-carat gold. The silver medal was made from silver and

had a diameter of 43 mm.

To receive a gold medal, you had to have exemplary behavior, grades

"excellent" in Latin, ancient Greek languages and mathematics and an average score of at least

4.5 in all other disciplines.

In 1870, after the approval of the regulations on women's gymnasiums, the right to be

Girls received gold and silver medals along with boys.

“Women’s medals” were of two types, since part of the gymnasiums was in charge of the Ministry

public education, and the rest were patronized by Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

On the medals that the Empress was in charge of, the reverse side was decorated with a wreath of


The medals of the gymnasiums of the Ministry of Education were decorated with the image

patroness of the sciences, Minerva, standing with a lamp and attributes of the sciences at her feet, but “in

light tunic" and with the inscription "FOR WEALTH AND SUCCESS IN SCIENCES."

On the front side of both types of “women’s” medals, the

profile image of the empress and the inscription “THE EMPRESS

MARIA ALEXANDROVNA". After the death of the august person, patronage over women

my wife took me to the gymnasium Alexandra III and mother last emperor Nicholas II -

Maria Feodorovna, and on the front side of the medals they began to mint her profile

image (pictured).

Medals in Tsarist Russia were issued to all worthy people, regardless of their position in

society, class and social status the student or his parents. There are known cases

and not infrequently, when even the children of state criminals received medals. Example: the director of the gymnasium F. Kerensky (the father of the future head of the Russian Provisional Government) insisted on giving a gold medal to graduate Vladimir Ulyanov.

However, it should be noted that even with a strong desire, not all gymnasiums had

the opportunity to celebrate the success of your students with gold and silver medals. All

depended on how rich the board of trustees of a particular gymnasium was, because

medals made from precious metals had to be paid for.

a national award was possible only with great reserve.

The October Revolution of 1917 changed the previously existing order. In

including the previously existing system of awarding graduates of educational

institutions with medals.

After 1917, some schools independently produced some kind of school

medals - medal-shaped tokens on various pendants, which were awarded specially

distinguished themselves over the years of study and especially gifted students, but all this was amateur and


In addition, various departments, institutions, commissariats encouraged best graduates schools with certificates of commendation and gifts, badges for excellent completion of various courses. Officially, certificates of merit were approved by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated September 2, 1935 and began to be awarded for the first time following the results of the 1935-1936 academic year

Medals of the 1945 model.

For the first time in the USSR, gold and silver school medals were introduced starting from the 1944-1945 school year by the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated June 21, 1944 “On measures to improve the quality of education at school.” At the same time, it was decided to hold final exams for students in schools. On May 30, 1945, the “Regulations on gold and silver medals “FOR EXCELLENT ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXEMPLARY CONDUCT” came into force, approving samples and descriptions of the medals themselves, as well as samples of certificate forms for them. According to this provision, a gold medal was awarded to persons who showed outstanding success in passing the matriculation examinations, had exemplary behavior and a grade of “5” in all basic subjects high school. If a student showed similar knowledge when passing the exams, had exemplary behavior, but received a grade of “4” in no more than three of the other core subjects, then he could be awarded a silver medal. When awarding medals, scores in singing, drawing, drawing and military physical training were not taken into account. The student's nomination for the medal was formalized by the school's pedagogical council, but the decision to award the medal was made by the regional and regional departments of public education.

Those awarded gold and silver medals had the right to enter higher education

educational institutions of the USSR without entrance exams, and primarily

Those awarded a gold medal and then a silver medal were accepted.


BEHAVIOR”, awarded to high school graduates from 1946 to 1954, had

the same diameter - 32 mm, and thickness - 1.5 mm and 2 mm, respectively. Manufactured

medals made of 583-carat gold alloy and 925-carat silver alloy, respectively.

The gold medal weighed almost 11 grams and was covered with a layer of pure gold.

3 microns thick. The silver award was slightly heavier and weighed 15 grams.

On the front side of the medals, against a background of diverging rays, an open book is depicted,

bordered below and to the right with a laurel branch. At the top, in the center of the diverging rays,

a convex five-pointed star is placed. Along the circumference there is an inscription: “FOR EXCELLENT

Medals of the 1945 model:

Gold school medal of the 1945 model.

Diameter 32mm, weight 11 grams,

gold 583rd standard.

Silver school medal of the 1945 model.

Diameter 32mm, weight 15 grams,

925 silver.

Based on materials from the site

SUCCESS AND EXEMPLARY CONDUCT”, framed by a rim of dots and a border. On

on the reverse side of the medals there is an image of the coat of arms and an abbreviated inscription of the name

the corresponding union republic.

The certificates of students who graduated from high school with a medal included the following entry:

"Awarded with a gold or silver medal" and at the top similar text was

made with gold or silver paint, respectively.

During the same period, the Moscow Mint issued gold and silver medals in

16 options for each of the union republics that existed at that moment. The inscription "For

excellent progress and exemplary behavior" was also performed in national languages

union republics.

A certificate of maturity and a gold medal “number 1” in the RSFSR were awarded to a student of one

All-Moscow Mathematical Olympiad to Evgeniy Shchukin.

After graduating from school, Evgeniy continued his studies at the Faculty of Physics

Moscow State University, from which he graduated with honors.

In 1967, Evgeny Dmitrievich Shchukin became a professor at Moscow State University. In 1984 he

elected to the US National Academy of Engineering, and in 1988 to the Royal

Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Medals of the 1953 model.

Since December 14, 1953, due to changes in the technological conditions for the production of medals, some changes in their parameters have occurred, first of all, the composition of the metal alloys used has changed. The gold medal began to be made from a 375-carat alloy and additionally coated with higher-grade gold using the electroplating method. The thickness of this layer was 3 microns; only 6 grams of gold remained in the medal. The silver medal was still minted from 925 silver. With the preserved diameter of 32 mm, the thickness of the medals increased to 3 mm. The design of the medals remains the same.

Medals of the 1960 model.

Since 1959, in connection with the transition to a new school education system,

gold and silver medals began to be awarded not only to secondary school graduates

ten-year schools, but also graduates of working youth schools.

the reorganization of working youth schools into secondary schools

the reverse sides of the 1960 gold and silver medals were the same as on

medals of the 1945 model, and in the inscription the clarifying words “in study and work” appeared and she



Both medals increased in diameter to 40 mm and began to be made from

base metals: gold - from tombak L90, and silver - from cupronickel MN19.

The surface of the medals was covered with the thinnest layers of precious metals in 5

micron. The method of electroplating or electroplating was used (for the medal

consumed: gold in the amount of 0.307 g, silver - 0.167 g)

Accordingly, new models of secondary education certificates were introduced. On

on the front side of the certificate form was the coat of arms and the name of the Ministry of Education

Union Republic and the name of the document: “Certificate of Secondary Education.”

If the certificate form was intended for students who graduated from high school with

gold or silver medal, then the coat of arms and inscriptions were made accordingly in gold

or silver embossing. On the inside there was a text certifying

awarding the certificate holder with a gold or silver medal.

Medals of this type were minted by the Mint for 15 Union republics, and

the inscriptions on them were written in the languages ​​of the republics for which they were intended.

medals for those completing extramural secondary education secondary schools", which allowed

to present medals to graduates of not only correspondence secondary schools, but also

correspondence departments of secondary general educational institutions.

awarding gold medals to those graduating from secondary schools and

establishing a certificate of merit for those graduating from these schools" awarding silver

medals were temporarily discontinued.

Simultaneously with the abolition of silver medals, certificates of commendation “For

special successes in the study of individual subjects.”

Now, to be awarded a gold medal, it was required to have annual grades of “5” in

all subjects during study in grades 9-10, pass final exams with a grade of “5”,

behave approximately and actively participate in public life schools.

Students applying for a commendable diploma in subjects must have

A gold medal for graduating from school is issued upon completion of complete secondary education in school institutions in Russia and the former Soviet republics. This distinctive badge is awarded for special achievements in educational process. But will a school medal be useful in later life, and most importantly, will it help when entering a university?

Until relatively recently, such a distinctive sign served as an automatic pass to almost any higher educational institution. In some universities, it was only required to pass a core subject with an acceptable grade (4 or 5); in others, the applicant was enrolled immediately after submitting documents and an interview. That is why a gold medal at school became such a coveted award - because it not only gave the former student the opportunity to be deservedly proud of his successes, but also from a purely practical point of view, it eliminated many of the hassles associated with future admission.

Today the situation has changed - it cannot be said that medal winners do not have any preferences for admission: if the scores are equal, preference is given to applicants who have distinctive signs for academic success. It’s just that the management of universities reserves the right to decide which merits to take into account when recruiting students and which not. And this is not a whim or extortion of money, as some concerned parents think - in fact, as practice has shown, a gold medal at school does not guarantee either passing entrance exams, or further successful studies, or receiving a diploma with honors. For example, in 2005 in the Tyumen region, only 42.6% of the total number of medalists were able to confirm their knowledge and enter the budget places. In the general stream, the number of students with a gold medal and studying with funds from the federal budget was only 12%.

In addition, the last few years have seen an increase in the number of medalists. Of course, on the one hand, such a progression shows an increase in the level of education, but on the other, the gold medal at school began to rapidly fall in price. Students do not want to receive useless badges, and universities have long lacked budget places for all excellent students.

So is a gold medal in school worth the effort? The answer to this question is yes, it is worth it. Successful completion of high school is a good start for the rest of your life. A gold medal shows that a person has such qualities as hard work, perseverance, responsibility, perseverance and the desire for excellence - even if they are not taken into account when entering a university, later any employer can evaluate them.

As for the sad statistics of admission of medalists to higher education institutions, it can be easily explained. Due to the difference in the educational process in universities and schools, first-year students experience difficulties in mastering the material, plus parental control ceases to apply, previous motivation disappears, and sometimes disappointment in their chosen profession sets in. All these factors directly affect academic performance. Therefore, I would like to remind medal-winning applicants that admission to a university is the first step towards a new goal, and to achieve it you will have to work long and hard.

They choose in advance, before the start of 10th grade. Sometimes condescension is shown towards them, teachers try to help such students and guide them.

Don’t allow yourself to be given “B’s” or “C’s” for a year or a quarter. This applies to all items. A gold medal is awarded to those who have only excellent annual grades, which, as is known, are made up of quarter marks. If you “neglect” one subject, you risk not receiving an award, since the teacher, even if he wants, will not be able to put an excellent mark on the certificate.

Take part in olympiads in subjects in which you are strong. It is better to choose two or three such disciplines and first participate in school and city competitions, trying to reach a higher level. high level. Study the selected subjects more deeply, prepare for them thoroughly, look for Additional materials. Certificates received at the Olympiads will significantly help you get a gold medal. In addition, teachers celebrate student winners of various competitions, highlighting their thinking abilities, tendency to scientific research.

Participate in other educational events: round tables, KVN, conferences, additional classes in certain subjects, electives. Communicate with medal contenders, smart, gifted and motivated students. This helps to increase motivation, makes you study better and strive for new achievements.

Talk to your teachers about how you want to graduate from school with a gold medal. Find out what you need to do for this, what topics to learn, what tasks to do. You must show interest in getting good grades. If, for some reason, you receive a mark for your work that does not suit you, agree with the teacher to redo it.

Don't skip classes and try not to miss classes, get sick less! Absenteeism will definitely not help you get a medal, and missed topics are more difficult to study. Be polite to teachers and do not allow inappropriate behavior.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Pay special attention to final exams if you want to get a gold medal.


  • Website about school medals
  • finish school well

A silver medal is a student’s badge of honor, an indicator of his success in the finals of the first life stage. It is less prestigious than gold, but also requires several times less effort.


Let one of the teachers know that you want to receive a silver medal. This is much more important than it might seem, because with such an “application” you will immediately form a certain attitude towards yourself. Teachers will know that you have a goal and are trying to achieve it, so they will be more attentive (and perhaps more supportive) to you in class.

Calculate your strength. The good thing about the silver medal is that it allows you to have any number of fours in the tenth, and two in the eleventh. This allows the student not to blindly cram everything, but to concentrate on something, improve it and complete it. For example, if you firmly know that you won’t be able to get an A, but you can easily get a B, then it’s quite possible to “let go” of this subject a little and study a language that you really can.

Show visible effort. It often happens that a talented but lazy student is given a lower grade than a lackluster but diligent schoolgirl. This is due to the fact that teachers are not so interested in your knowledge of the subject; your desire to learn plays a much larger role. Therefore (especially in the second half of your senior year) you need to make every effort, do all the assignments and show the teachers with all your appearance that you are ready to work on yourself.

Be socially active. In many ways, the pressure on teachers is exerted by head teachers, who have their own “plan” for the number of medal-winning graduates in the academic year. There are cases when medals were awarded solely to raise the prestige of the school: “This year the gymnasium graduated 5 gold medalists! This is an indisputable indicator of the quality of the teaching staff.” Therefore, if you are participating in social life schools (performances, KVN, Olympiads, lightning), then the head teachers can take note of you. However, this does not allow you to forget about studying - they don’t just give you a medal.

Helpful advice

Once you have said your intention to become a medalist, do not develop this topic any more, otherwise it can reduce the whole effect to zero as just bragging.


Every work must be assessed according to its merits. The work of a schoolchild is his studies at school. If you are a good student and plan to graduate from school with a gold medal, then you should pay attention not only to your current grades, but also to Unified State Exam preparation.


Try to do well throughout your high school course. Teachers and school administration begin to notice applicants for a special type of certificate in advance. As a rule, they can show leniency towards such children in some cases. For example, this can happen if one of yours is “wobbly”.

If your teacher invites you to take part in any Olympiad (subject, local history, etc.), then be sure to agree. You can explore more deeply academic discipline, for which you are preparing (analyzing questions or writing scientifically). In addition, the teacher will be able to see in you a deep and interesting personality, capable of thinking outside the box, with a penchant for scientific and research work.

Also, do not refuse to participate in student forums, round tables, conferences, and KVN. At these events you can meet other smart, talented and motivated children. You will be motivated to continue and strive for a gold medal.

Do not allow “B’s” and especially “C”’s in any subjects for the year. In the future, this circumstance will prevent the teacher from giving you a final excellent grade on your certificate. And a gold medal is awarded only if you have all “A” grades.

If you did not cope with the task given by the teacher, or the grade does not suit you, be sure to agree with the teacher about the time to retake the work. The teacher should notice your interest in getting a high grade.

Attend all additional, elective classes organized by the teacher. And even more so, in the subject that you have difficulty studying.

Never miss classes without good reason. It will not be easy to catch up on the material you missed.

Find a common language with teachers: try to be correct and restrained in communication, and in no case be rude. Be extremely attentive in class.

Currently, the points you receive on the final assessment are not translated into a grade and do not affect the grade on the certificate. But the teacher will never risk giving you the highest score if he is not confident in your success on the Unified State Exam. If you are unable to meet the required minimum threshold various reasons(incompetence in this matter, inability to concentrate in extreme situations, etc.), then teachers will find themselves in an unpleasant position. Therefore, prepare carefully for the Unified State Exam so that teachers do not have even the slightest doubt that you will successfully pass the exam.

To stimulate academic success, awarding medals was introduced back in Soviet school times. It has survived to this day, despite the fact that benefits for medalists have decreased significantly since the introduction of the Unified State Exam. Why do you need to strive for a gold medal now?

In post-Soviet times, school medals and associated benefits for admission have become the subject of heated debate. Many experts, including employees of higher education institutions, stated that a significant part of the medals are awarded undeservedly, as a result of corruption or the pursuit of improving academic performance. But the system of supporting medalists upon admission existed for quite a long time. This issue was finally resolved only after the widespread introduction of the Unified State Exam. Since 2010, they no longer have official benefits when entering higher education. However, medal can still benefit its owner. It can be taken into account upon admission if a controversial case arises, for example, if two applicants scored the same number of points. In this case selection committee The university can conduct an interview, and the medal can confirm the seriousness of your intentions and diligence in your studies. Also, benefits for medalists are maintained in some non-state universities. Excellent students can be admitted there without any exams at all, if the university management so orders. Also, the gold award “For academic success” will be your pass to the Medalists’ Ball, which is held annually in all regions of the federation. Typically, such events are attended by city and regional leaders. Also, some medalists who have other merits, for example, in sports or in the Olympic movement, can receive a ticket to the Moscow ball. This can be a good reason to see the capital. In addition, there are measures of material incentives for medalists. By decision of local authorities, excellent graduates can be awarded both gifts and cash payments. Specific amounts and gifts depend on the orders of the district or city leadership. All these signs of attention, of course, will be pleasant for schoolchildren. At the same time, you need to understand that a gold medal no longer has the same significance for the future life and study of a graduate that it had before. Therefore, if you are in doubt about what to focus your energy on in the last grades of school, it is better to delve into preparation in those subjects that are necessary for your future studies at a university. Participation in specialized competitions will be much more useful for you than a high average score and a medal.


  • school gold medal

Despite the fact that graduating from school with a gold medal does not give the graduate any advantages when entering a university or getting a job, this award still remains honorable. A student who receives a gold medal commands the respect of others because to achieve a gold medal requires diligence, hard work and good knowledge.


Despite the fact that when deciding to give only grades of 10 and , start studying for “excellent” grades several years before. This way you can have a fairly solid foundation of knowledge, and many topics in graduate school will be much easier for you.

Pay special attention to the subjects that are most difficult for you. Sign up for additional classes, consultations, and electives. If your weak point is physical education, be sure to play sports on weekends, run around the stadium or around the house, go to a sports club. Remember, even a “four” can deprive you of a medal.

Don't be shy about your intention to win a gold medal. Tell your teachers about this to get their support. If you were poorly prepared during a lesson, ask for the opportunity to redo the task at a separate time or in the next lesson. As a rule, teachers will accommodate you halfway, but to do this you must be quite polite and correct.

Do not allow “fours” and, especially, “threes” during a quarter (or term). Remember, quarter (term) grades, as well as the overall grade for the year, will be made up of them and it will be very difficult to correct anything.

Try to participate in competitions, student forums, conferences, and round tables. Preparing for such events will help you study the subject more deeply, you will learn to speak in public, and attract the attention of teachers and other guys.

Try not to miss classes without a good reason. If you do get sick, carefully study the material in the textbook and solve all the problems proposed after the topic. It is better to decide and learn more than to miss information.

In order for your teacher to give you an “excellent” on your certificate, prepare thoroughly for the Unified State Exam. Despite the fact that the final certification data does not affect the grade in the certificate, the teacher must be completely confident in confirming his knowledge, otherwise he may find himself in an unpleasant position.


  • gold medal for graduation

Tip 6: What are the benefits for silver medalists when entering a university?

Admission to a university is a troublesome process, and it is not always possible to get into the initially desired direction. However, a big advantage for an applicant is having not only high scores for the Unified State Examination, but also a gold or silver medal.

First, you need to decide which universities you want to apply to, and decide which areas and form of study suit you most. If available, then it makes sense to take part in the competition for budget places. When entering a university on a budget education basis, a student will receive a completely free education, as well as a monthly stipend.

Find out which universities in your city or region have budget places, how to submit documents, and how the qualifying competition will take place. Typically, most institutions require the student to appear in person to write the application. If you have a silver medal, you must come to the university yourself, fill out an application form for admission, present documents about completed secondary education and show the commission members all your achievements, including the medal.

Watch the qualifying competition on the official website of the university. Of course, applicants with , as well as social benefits recipients, can occupy higher positions, but medal winners are usually in good places. Remember that applicants to VUH have the right to apply to five different institutions. This significantly increases the chances of successfully passing the selection for budget places.

Tip 7: What are the admission benefits for gold medalists?

Even twenty years ago, a gold medal “For special achievements in learning” was a kind of pass to a university. Graduates with medals only had to pass one profile exam excellent to become students. But gradually the privileges for those who received “gold” and “silver” medals when entering universities were reduced, until in 2009 they were abolished altogether.

This change is associated with the widespread introduction of Unified State Examination schools in 2009. Now there is no longer any point in enrolling gold medalists in universities under special conditions. The main thing was the results of the unified state exam; the higher they are, the higher the chance of admission to the chosen university.

Gold medalists and winners All-Russian Olympiads can submit a certificate of receipt of a gold medal or a certificate of victory in the Olympiad only to one higher educational institution; to the other four universities they submit copies of the Unified State Examination certificate and enter there on a general basis. But Olympiad winners shouldn’t worry too much: their certificate of victory adds up to 100 points received on the Unified State Exam and practically guarantees admission to the chosen specialized university.

However, gold medalists still have certain advantages today. According to the new rules, an applicant with a gold medal is admitted to the university with an equal number of points with other applicants.

In addition, Aeroflot provides benefits to gold medalists from remote regions of the Russian Federation who enter Moscow universities. Aeroflot provides them with a 50% discount on air tickets for flights from their place of residence to Moscow. This benefit applies to graduates of Kamchatka, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Omsk, Chita, Perm and Sverdlovsk regions, as well as the gold medalists of the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories.

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