Apophis is the evil serpent of the underworld, the enemy of the sun god Ra. See what "Apop" is in other dictionaries Snakes in Egyptian mythology

Apop (Apép, Apophis, Greek Ἄπωφις) - in Egyptian mythology a huge snake personifying darkness and evil, eternal enemy sun god Ra. Often appears as collective image all enemies of the sun.

Apep lives in the depths of the earth, where his fight with Ra takes place. When Ra begins to swim along the underground Nile at night, Apep, wanting to destroy him, drinks all the water from the river. In the battle with Apep (repeated every night), Ra emerges victorious and forces him to spew out water back.

Initially, Ra's protector was Seth, who defeats Apep every night. Later Apep was brought closer to Seth.

In another myth, Ra, in the form of a red cat, cuts off the head of the serpent Apep under the sacred sycamore tree (tree of life) of the city of Heliopolis.

In late Egyptian mythology, the Ptolemy kings of Egypt came up with a kind of union of Egyptian and Greek religion, giving Osiris a Greek appearance, under the name Serapis, and trying to compare their deities with Egyptian ones. For example, the identification of gods and other mythical creatures of both religions was carried out: Amun with Zeus, Apophis with Typhon, Thoth with Hermes, Osiris with Dionysus, Hathor with Aphrodite, Horus with Apollo, Neith with Athena. Thus, there could be no talk of a desire to purify the Egyptian religion. On the contrary, it began to satisfy the people less and less. Firstly, she was devoid of all grace and sublimity. The Egyptians not only were not alien to Semitic fetishism, but developed another kind of fetishism in their myths - the cult of animal symbols and incarnations of deities. For example, a bull, a symbol of male power, under the name Apis, was considered the incarnation of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris in Memphis, Mnevis in Iliopolis, etc.; the ram was sacred to Amun and Khnum for the same reason; the ibis, who foreshadowed a flood by its arrival, - to the god of measure and number Thoth; fantastic desert animal - Setu; the mighty falcon - to his conqueror, Horus; crocodile - to the god of heat Sebek; a jackal and a hyena wandering through cemeteries - to the underground god Anubis, etc. Cows (Isis, Hathor) or feline animals (Bast, Pakht) were dedicated to female deities as symbols of fertility. These animals were kept at the temples with great honor, uttered oracles, enjoyed cults, and after death received a solemn burial.

The name of the mythical character was borne by Apopi I - the last Hyksos ruler Ancient Egypt from the XV dynasty.

In honor of Apep (in ancient Greek pronunciation - Apophis), a small asteroid 99942 Apophis, dangerously approaching the Earth, was named.

Heliopolis legend about the creation of the world (From the Book of the Knowledge of Ra's creations).

Apep Factor - Wands of Horus and Pyramids.


Having depicted Apophis as a symbol of the hostile force of Ra, the priests left it to their descendants.... they appear in the statues of the pharaohs and priests of ancient Egypt.

Of all the things listed on the cover, we are currently only interested in “The Apep Factor” (Ancient Egypt reveals a secret that will shock the world).

Warning of the priests of Egypt gorod-magov.ucoz.org › Articles › Pyramids‎

The roots of this rejection must be sought in the ancient priestly... experience the Apophis factor for yourself. From the moment this material was theirs...

Cosmoenergetics and the Law of Karma

A warning from the priests of Egypt.

First of all, the warning, subtly embodied by the priests in the image of Apep, refers to that part of humanity that is fanatically concerned with the evolution of consciousness, the development of its own energy and the growth of its abilities, through various kinds of practices of immersion in special states of consciousness and connection to the flows of “energies of the Cosmos” . By interacting with energies of a higher order, a person unnoticeably becomes a carrier of these energies. These energies gradually begin to rebuild his energy system.

Vignette depicting a god (man) with the serpent Apophis around him. Gods of the twelfth KERERET in the Duat.

As a result, mutation processes are genetically triggered in a person, accompanying the transition of the human energy system to the next evolutionary stage. This process, which cannot be controlled mentally by any effort of will, was a subject of particular concern to the priests of antiquity. The thing is that the beginning of mutational processes accompanying the restructuring and formation of a new energy system will always go through the phase of spontaneous cell division of the body. In medicine, this process is known as cancer.

Indicative in this regard is the statistical analysis of the effects on the body of the energies with which the healer interacts in the process of his healing practice. The result of the analysis conducted by specialists from the Russian Academy of National Security was stunning. 7-10 years after graduating from healing schools, many certified specialists who were actively and conscientiously engaged in healing practice died from cancer. This applies not only to healers and psychics, but also to ideologists of spiritual and esoteric schools. It was shocking that such well-known and world-recognized authorities as: Jiddu Krishnamurti, Roman Maharishi, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, Mother (Mirra Alfassa), Blavatsky, E. Roerich, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Vanga, Osho, Castaneda and many others also passed away from cancer. Ignorance of the Law, obviously, does not exempt a person from responsibility for non-compliance with it, even if you were Ra himself!

Against this background, an understanding arises of the origin of the internal “brake” of many people who were interested in esoteric practices, but stepped aside in time, as well as the preconceived negative attitude of Orthodoxy towards the occult sciences, knowledge of supernatural forces, and the pursuit of astral practices and subtle energies. The roots of this rejection must be sought in the ancient priestly warning, which was reflected in one of the plots of the biblical narrative.

After Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, “at the instigation” of the Serpent, God expelled them from Paradise, making them mortal. It was previously mentioned that in the ancient philosophical and ideological doctrine the sailing of the “gods in the boat of Ra” symbolizes the process of cognition, and therefore, cognition as such is good. However, from the biblical narrative it follows that with knowledge, nevertheless, something is wrong, which is why God was angry. Otherwise, why were Adam and Eve allowed to eat fruit from all the trees growing in the Garden of Eden, with the exception of fruit from the Tree of Knowledge?

The attitude towards this biblical story, ambiguous at first glance, changes in the light of the warning left by the priests. Unconscious movement along the path of knowledge is harmful not only in connection with the ethical side of the issue. Entering the high energy spheres in the process of learning the occult sciences and, in many ways, blindly, unconsciously following the path of esotericism, includes in a person that which, if he is unaware and unprepared, leads to death. The appearance of oncology is a reaction of the human immune system to internal energetic restructuring that occurs when interacting with high-order energies. In this case, the immune system begins to manifest itself from an unexpected side: reacting to changes in a person’s energy, it launches a program for the self-destruction of the body if the knowledge of the genetic characteristics of energy bodies is not taken into account in the practices of developing abilities.

This inevitable ending, which awaits everyone following the path of self-improvement, is the essence of the priestly warning embodied in Apophis about the existence of the Law, within the framework of which movement along the path of knowledge must be carried out. It is impossible to avoid this fate without having an idea of ​​the Apophis factor - the Law, and without mastering the technology of stabilization and control of the ongoing process.

The practices carried out in temple complexes and pyramids, being the central link in the program of spiritual transformation of a priest or pharaoh, carried powerful energy potential. The energy received during the practices, causing profound changes in the human energy structure, had to be stabilized, transforming into energy perceived by the human energy structure. The transformation of the received energy was carried out at a very deep internal energy level in the process of synchronizing the human energy system with the energy system of the maternal organism of the Earth.

To solve this very important task, the ancient priests used the “Wands of Horus” and pyramids, the idea of ​​​​creating which was suggested to them by a civilization more high level development, unambiguously, cosmic, since the possibility of awareness by earthlings of these mechanisms is empirically unlikely.

This is the plane in which the main idea of ​​the reasons for the construction of the pyramids and the use of the “Wands of Horus” lies. They were created to synchronize the energies with which a person interacts in order to avoid cancer (subdue Apophis). And all the healing properties that the “Wands of Horus” and the pyramids have are a concomitant effect. The priests of antiquity were fairly healthy people, and by creating and using the “Wands of Horus” and the pyramids they pursued other, more important goals.

The function of the “Wands of Horus” goes far beyond the scope of currently mastered experience, therefore the most common attribute of the statues of the pharaohs and priests of ancient Egypt are the wands, which directly indicates that they were objects of the highest significance.

It is important to note that stabilizing the energy potential with the help of the “Wands of Horus” and the pyramids causes a slowdown in autoimmune processes, therefore the systematic use of the wands and the energy of the pyramids has a positive effect not only on health, but also on the longevity factor. This is indirectly evidenced by ancient texts that tell us that people lived for hundreds of years before the flood, drawing health from the “source of the waters of life,” which were the pyramids and the biostimulant “Wands of Horus.”

Practical scientific experiments have confirmed that the “Wands of Horus” and the pyramids can be used as a means of preventing cancer. In other words, anyone who systematically and daily works with the “Wands of Horus”, taking into account all the nuances, will not get cancer.

When a cancer patient was in the inner field of the pyramid for 12 days, there was a noticeable slowdown in the course of the oncological process, improvement general condition and a significant reduction in superficial tumor formations.

A slowdown in autoimmune processes is also observed with the systematic use of the Wands of Horus. (See the section “Some research results on the effects of the Wands of Horus” and the section “Cancer” in the instructions for use of the Wands of Horus).

The conclusions drawn from the analysis of texts and images are obvious, calling into question the reputation of schools of “cosmoenergetics” and other directions throughout the world, unaware of the danger that has entered the lives of not only the “adepts” of the above teachings, but also the people they teach, who have no idea about the ancient warning, and unaware of the threat hanging over them. That is why the “Wands of Horus” and the energy of the pyramids were an integral part of the life of the priests and pharaohs, who did not part with them throughout their lives, correcting the consequences of exposure to solar and magnetic storms, stabilizing energy processes and synchronizing its energy system with the Earth's energy system. The use of these tools allowed the priests, having passed the “border of death,” to develop superpowers without compromising their health.

Following the advice of the priests, people working with subtle energies should immediately begin to use tools - the “Wands of Horus” and pyramids to stabilize their energy potential. This will not only prevent the onset of unwanted processes, but also bring the results of practical and meditative exercises to a higher level.

Having deciphered the warning left to us by the ancient Egyptian priests, specialists from the Russian Academy of National Security consider it necessary to convey this knowledge to all people interested in this issue.

Despite the fact that the most important natural phenomenon, the existence of which distant ancestors warned us from time immemorial, has been explained and formulated, it can be assumed that this will cause aggressive disagreement among some people. In this case, having warned readers on the path of self-knowledge about the consequences of practices that do not take into account the characteristics of the human energy system, we reserve the right for those who do not agree with the arguments presented in the material to experience the Apophis factor. From the moment they read this material, the responsibility for ignoring this warning falls entirely on their shoulders.

Uvarov - Wands of Horus


Vignette from Papyrus Well. In the hand of the priest driving away Apep is the “Rod of Horus.” Ancient Egypt reveals a secret that could shake the world. "Book of Gates", second section, third hour, scenes 9 -11 and 13, Ra's boat, Atum subjugates Apep.

The material brought to your attention has special significance. Its full version was published in a book under the general title “Wands of Horus”, prepared by specialists from the Academy of National Security.

What the following section of ancient Egyptian knowledge touches upon is directly related to the safety of man and the very foundations of his spiritual and ethical doctrines. The knowledge that will be discussed plays a decisive role, being the key to spiritual insight, and the path that all humanity will subsequently follow.

This is the essence of this knowledge:

By entrusting what each person must do and realize himself to “spiritual mentors” who simplified the surviving fragments of ancient knowledge for the needs of the average person, bringing them to the point of absurdity, humanity provoked the beginning of events, the nature of which people will not be able to immediately understand. With a very high probability, and naturally, the following will happen. Already in the near future, many existing teachings will completely discredit themselves, and humanity will begin to fall into another deep spiritual swoon, the recovery from which will be long and painful. The blame for this will fall entirely on the shoulders of that part of arrogant humanity that, striving for spiritual growth, did not bother with important warnings left in ancient times.

Unbeknownst to themselves, all the esoterically practicing people of the world found themselves face to face with a mortal danger, which they do not yet see, but which has already entered their lives, with the blessing of the teachers they recognized. Some of the "advanced" have already paid a high price, without even having time to realize what happened to them. For everyone else, especially the more fanatical part of the apprenticeship, this fate already awaits.


In some chapters of the ancient Egyptian book "Sayings of Coming into the Light", the title of which is incorrectly translated as "Book of the Dead", there are texts indicating the existence of factors regulating certain aspects of existence. First of all, this concerns the process of cognition.

"The Boat of Millions of Years" or "The Boat of Ra"

At the center of the ancient Egyptian spiritual and worldview doctrine is the “Boat of Millions of Years,” with the “Great Nine Gods” located in it, led by Ra. The sailing of the "gods in the boat of Ra", meaning movement in the universe, symbolizes the process of knowledge /self-knowledge/. Movement implies that events occur in space and time, that is, the sensory universe begins to exist as a mass of moving entities.

On the path of movement of Ra and all good spirits walking (along the path of knowledge) from “Darkness to Light”, several dangers lie in wait, embodied in gigantic snakes, the main one of which is called Apep. Being constantly nearby, Apep symbolizes the eternal threat hanging over the rook and its crew.

Boat of Ra accompanied by Apophis

Having depicted Apophis as a symbol of a force hostile to Ra, the priests left descendants with the most important warning about the existence of the cosmic Law as a special property of the surrounding nature. If we consider that the environment in which the boat floats is the body of Ra, for the ancient text directly indicates that “Ra created everything that arose from his essence, and he abides inside, in his creation, as in his body:” then Apep is a phenomenon of a higher “suprauniversal” Law. The serpent is his messenger, controlling all stages of the voyage of Ra's boat. Only wisdom, in the person of Tehuti (Thoth), present in the boat, and strict observance of the Law, in the person of Maat, make further voyage possible. Any violation of the Law - and Apep will absorb Ra, who follows from “Darkness to Light”.

Sculptures of pharaohs holding the "Wands of Horus" in their hands

"Book of Gates", second section, third hour, central part, Boat RA.

Judging by the meaning of the texts, in one of its incarnations the serpent Apep symbolizes the Law of a certain suprauniversal nature, the observance of which makes the sailing of the boat of Ra possible. In another, Apop is the personification of the immune system of nature, the properties and patterns of which, moving along the path from “Darkness to Light,” comprehends and must be taken into account by “Ra and all good spirits.”

If we consider that the highest goal of the pharaoh or priest was to fly up into the sky, and there, in the endless starry space, to sail, together with the solar god Ra, in the “Boat of Millions of Years,” then this is a direct indication that the Law , the messenger of which is Apep, extends to people.

Vignette depicting a god (man) with the serpent Apophis around him.

Gods of the twelfth KERERET in the Duat.

First of all, the warning, subtly embodied by the priests in the image of Apep, refers to that part of humanity that is fanatically concerned with the evolution of consciousness, the development of its own energy and the growth of its abilities, through various kinds of practices of immersion in special states of consciousness and connection to the flows of “energies of the cosmos” .

By interacting with energies of a higher order, a person, unnoticed by himself, becomes a carrier of these energies. These energies gradually begin to rebuild the human energy system. As a result, mutational processes are triggered genetically in a person, accompanying the transition of the human energy system to the next evolutionary stage. This process, which cannot be controlled mentally by any effort of will, was a subject of particular concern to the priests of antiquity.

The whole point is that the beginning of mutational processes accompanying the restructuring and formation of a new energy system will always go through a phase of spontaneous cell division in the body. In medicine this process is known as cancer.

Indicative in this regard is the statistical analysis of the effects on the body of the energies with which the healer interacts in the process of his healing practice. The result of the analysis conducted by specialists from the National Security Academy was stunning. 7-10 years after graduating from healing schools, many certified specialists who were actively and conscientiously engaged in healing practice died from cancer. This applies not only to healers, but also to ideologists of spiritual and esoteric schools. It was shocking that such well-known and world-recognized authorities as Jiddu Krishnamurti, Romana Maharishi, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, Mother (Mirra Alfassa), Blavatsky, E. Roerich, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Vanga, Osho, Castaneda and many others also passed away from cancer! Ignorance of the Law, obviously, does not relieve a person from responsibility for non-compliance with it.

Against this background, a piercing understanding arises of the origin of the internal brake among many who were interested in esoteric practices, but in time stepped aside, as well as Orthodoxy’s biased negative attitude towards the occult sciences, the knowledge of supernatural forces, the pursuit of astral practices and subtle energies. The roots of this rejection are in an ancient priestly warning, which was reflected in one of the plots of the biblical narrative.

After, at the suggestion of the “Serpent,” Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, God expelled them from Paradise, making them mortal. We have already mentioned that in the ancient philosophical and ideological doctrine the sailing of the “gods in the boat of Ra” symbolically means the process of cognition. Therefore, knowledge as such is good, but from the biblical narrative it follows that there is nevertheless something wrong with knowledge, which is why God was angry. Otherwise, why were Adam and Eve allowed to eat fruit from all the trees growing in the Garden of Eden, with the exception of fruit from the Tree of Knowledge? The attitude towards this biblical story, ambiguous at first glance, changes in the light of the warning left by the priests. Unconscious movement along the path of knowledge is harmful not only in connection with the ethical side of the issue. Entry into high energy spheres, in connection with the process of cognition in occult sciences and, in many ways, blind, unconscious following of the paths of esotericism includes in a person that which, if he is unaware and unprepared, leads to death.

The appearance of oncology is a reaction of the human immune system to internal energetic restructuring that occurs due to interaction with high-order energies. In this case, the immune system begins to show itself in unexpected ways. Reacting to changes in human energy, the immune system launches a program for self-destruction of the body if the knowledge of the genetic characteristics of the human energy system is not taken into account in the practices of developing abilities. This factor, which awaits everyone following the path of self-improvement, is the essence of the priestly warning embodied in Apophis about the existence of the Law, taking into account which movement along the path of knowledge must be carried out. It is impossible to avoid this fate without knowledge of the Apophis (Law) factor and without mastering the technology of stabilization (control) of the ongoing process!

The practices carried out in temple complexes and pyramids, which were the central link in the program of spiritual transformation of a priest or pharaoh, carried powerful energy potential. The energy received during the practices, which causes profound changes in the human energy structure, had to be stabilized, transforming it into energy perceived by the human energy structure. The transformation of the received energy was carried out at a very deep internal energy level, in the process of synchronizing the human energy system with the energy system of the maternal organism of the Earth.

Vignette from Papyrus Well.

In the hand of the priest driving away Apep is the “Rod of Horus.”

To solve this very important task, the ancient priests used the “Wands of Horus” and pyramids, the idea of ​​creating which was suggested to them by a civilization of a higher level of development, definitely cosmic, since the possibility of earthlings understanding these mechanisms is empirically unlikely. This is the plane in which the main idea of ​​the reasons for the construction of the pyramids and the use of the “Wands of Horus” lies. They were created to stabilize the energies with which a person interacts in order to “subdue Apep.” And all the healing properties that the “Wands of Horus” and the pyramids have are a concomitant effect. The priests of ancient times were quite healthy people, and by creating and using the “Wands of Horus” and the pyramids, they pursued other, higher goals.

"Book of Gates", second section, third hour,

scenes 9 -11 and 13, Ra's boat, Atum subjugates Apep.

The function of the “Wands of Horus” goes far beyond the scope of currently mastered experience, which is why they are the most common attribute in the statues of pharaohs and priests of ancient Egypt. This directly indicates that they were objects of the highest importance.

Anticipating controversy regarding the material presented, we warn that there is no other effective technology for solving such a serious problem! No prayer, meditation or energy information security techniques will help here.

It is important to note that stabilization of energy potential with the help of the “Wands of Horus” and pyramids causes a slowdown in autoimmune processes. As a result, the systematic use of the “Wands of Horus” and the energy of the pyramids has a positive effect not only on health, but also on the longevity factor. Ancient texts also tell about this indirectly, telling that people before the flood lived for hundreds of years, drawing health from the “source of the waters of life,” which were the pyramids and the biostimulant “Wands of Horus.” Therefore, the “Wands of Horus” and the pyramids should first of all be considered as a means for preventing cancer. Practical scientific experiments have confirmed this conclusion.

The conclusions drawn are obvious, calling into question the reputation of schools of “cosmoenergetics” and other areas throughout the world, who are not aware of the danger that has entered the lives of not only the “adepts” of the teachings listed above, but also the lives of the people they teach, who have no idea about the ancient warning and not thinking about the threat hanging over them. This is the reason why the “Wands of Horus” and the energy of the pyramids were an integral part of the life of the priest and pharaoh, who did not part with them throughout their lives, correcting the effects of solar and magnetic storms, stabilizing energy processes and synchronizing their energy system with the Earth’s energy system. The use of these tools allowed the priests, having passed the “border of death,” to develop superpowers without compromising their health.

Following the advice of the priests, people working with subtle energies should immediately begin using tools (the “Wands of Horus” and pyramids) to stabilize their energy potential. This will not only prevent the onset of unwanted processes, but also bring the results of practical and meditative exercises to a higher level.

Despite the fact that the most important natural phenomenon has been identified, about which distant ancestors have warned us from time immemorial, we assume that this will cause aggressive disagreement among some people. In this case, having warned readers on the path of self-knowledge about the consequences of practices that do not take into account the characteristics of the human energy system, we reserve the right for everyone who does not agree with the arguments presented in the material to experience the Apophis factor. From the moment they read this material, the responsibility for ignoring this warning falls entirely on their shoulders.

- (Greek Apophis), in Egyptian mythology, an evil demon in the form of a huge serpent, the personification of darkness and chaos, the antagonist of the goddess Maat (see MAAT), light and truth. Belief in Apophis took shape during the Middle Kingdom. He became part of the myth of Atum Ra (see... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (:pp), in Egyptian mythology, a huge snake, personifying darkness and evil, the eternal enemy of the sun god Ra. Spells against A. are constantly found in the texts of solar myths, in which he usually appears as a collective image of all the enemies of the sun.… … Encyclopedia of Mythology

In Egyptian mythology, a huge serpent with which Ra fights every night during his voyage through underground waters; a collective image of the enemies of the Sun... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

APOP- Association of Public Catering Enterprises http://horeca spb.org/​ organization, St. Petersburg ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

Apep- to Egypt. myth. huge snake, personified darkness and evil, eternal. enemy of the sun god Ra. Spell. against A. constantly meeting. in the texts of solar myths, in which it is usually a protrusion. how to assemble the image of all the enemies of the sun. A. lives in the depths of the earth, where... Ancient world. encyclopedic Dictionary

Apep- (Egyptian) – a huge serpent, personifying darkness and evil, the eternal enemy of the sun god Ra. He lives in the depths of the earth, where his fight with Ra takes place. Every night, when Ra begins to swim along the underground Nile, A. drinks all the water, and Ra fights with him... ... Mythological Dictionary

Apop Kinaras full name αθλητικός ποδοσφαιρικός

Full name

Victor Vladimirovich Apopiy Date of birth: September 6, 1940 (1940 09 06) (72 years old) Place of birth: Tarasivtsi (Chernivtsi region) Country ... Wikipedia


  • Heirs of the gods. Book 2. Throne of Fire, Riordan Rick. What do you know about the Kane family? My name is Carter Kane. I'm fourteen years old and my whole life fits into a suitcase. I traveled halfway around the world with my archaeologist father. I have a sister, Sadie,...
  • Heirs of the Gods. Book 3: Shadow of the Serpent, Riordan Rick. It turns out that in order to defeat the serpent Apep, you need to perform a special magical ritual with his shadow. And after it is completely destroyed, Apep will disappear from the face of the earth forever. But this one...

“Apocalypse” is the second name accepted in the Christian tradition for the last book of the “New Testament” of the Bible – “The Revelation of John the Theologian.”

The word "APOCALYPSE" is derived from the Greek spelling meaning - DISCLOSURE, REVELATION.

It is generally accepted that the “Book of Revelation” (according to publicly available sources) describes “the events that will occur before and after the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to Earth and will be accompanied by numerous cataclysms and miracles (fire from heaven, the resurrection of the dead, the appearance of angels), therefore the word "'apocalypse' is often used as a synonym for the end of the world or a catastrophe on a planetary scale."

Linguistic analysis of the word APOCALYPSE shows that it, as a designation of a catastrophe on a planetary scale, contains an indication of WHAT can cause a global catastrophe. This is the already famous ASTEROID APOPHIS.

The word APOCALYPSE, written in English transcription, is composed of EXACTLY two words - APOPHIS and KILLER.

Asteroid APOPHIS is a near-Earth asteroid “99942 Apophis”, discovered in 2004, and named in 2005 after the ancient Egyptian god Apophis.

APOP (Apep, Apophis) - in Egyptian mythology, a huge serpent personifying DARKNESS and EVIL, the eternal enemy of the Sun God RA. Often acts as a collective image of all the enemies of the Sun.
APOP lives in the depths of the earth, where his fight against RA takes place. When RA begins to swim along the underground NILE at night, APOP, wanting to destroy him, drinks all the water from the river.
In the battle with APOP (repeated every night), RA emerges victorious and forces him to spew out water back.

According to astronomers' calculations, ASTEROID APOPHIS will pass close to Earth in 2029, and with the possibility of a collision - in 2036.
According to scientists, there is a theoretical possibility of a collision with the Earth, but not significant.

This is the verbatim background according to “open sources”.

However, it turned out that despite the fact that the real asteroid APOPHIS received its name only in 2005, in the frescoes of the Egyptian civilization there are several images that can be considered PROPHETIC and pointing to 2011.

The picture shows two images of the same scene, in which, it is believed, God RA, in the form of a CAT, cuts off the head of the snake APOPU under the sacred tree of life - SYCOMORA.

The peculiarity of this is that in one picture God RA is depicted in the form of a CAT, and in the other the head of a HARE (or RABBIT) is clearly recognizable. Namely, 2011, according to the eastern calendar, is - in Chinese - the year of the HARE, in Japanese - the year of the CAT.

To understand that this EGYPTIAN fresco is an indication of 2011, one must resort to analysis of the SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE of the image, and for this one needs to know what part of a larger plot this drawing is.

Here POWER comes first, in Which no one (neither the Church, nor Science, nor mere mortals) believes. This is the POWER according to whose plan the earthly world is organized.
On this Egyptian fresco, this POWER is designated as the God of the Sun (Light) RA, which still defeats the representative of the POWERS of darkness - the serpent APOP.

SYMBOLS are the same independent language, which requires study like any foreign language. It, like any other language, has its own rules for writing and reading. And therefore, without knowledge of these rules, SYMBOLS remain closed.

According to the Plan of Creation, any thing has a BEGINNING and an END, just like any action, such as the creation of the earthly WORLD.
Thus, it is no coincidence that APOPHIS was named the KILLER STONE, which could put an end to earthly civilization. And it is no coincidence that the word APOPHIS was included in the word APOCALYPSE, which in one of its meanings means the End of the World.
There are also no obstacles to the fact that God is free to choose the TIME and PLACE for His dialogue with the world He created. In this context, there is no reason to distrust the Texts considered “sacred” in this world and identified with the Word of God Himself. There is also no reason not to believe that, according to the prophecy of the Word of God, it must reveal its TRUTH at the TIME appointed by God Himself and in the PLACE appointed by Him. And there is nothing contradicting the fact that Russia turned out to be such a PLACE.
There is only ONE OBSTACLE to all these obvious facts - the UNWILLINGness to accept the Truth from God, because there is NO FAITH in Him, but there is one’s own irresistible THRUST FOR SELF, the basis of which is a LIE, for which the TRUTH is death.

And it is precisely this position – defending the “rightness” of a LIE under the cover of a mask of GOOD and TRUTH, which ultimately leads to the DESTRUCTION of a space completely rotten by lies. To physical destruction - but the “liars” themselves are to blame for this. Who are they?
If, in the face of Death and God’s Punishment, one still comes to the realization of one’s guilt and the desire to find out the Truth and try to correct one’s fate, then the names of “liars” can be seen in the “non-accidental” nickname of the serpent of darkness - in APOP, with whom God is constantly fighting for His Truth, i.e. for the salvation of the same “liars” who are trying to destroy Him - God, at the TIME He Comes to Save them.

A strange paradox of the rebellious human consciousness...

THE SYMBOLIC COMPONENT of peace extends to everything that is in the world. It is another PLAN OF SPACE, permeating everything in the world and having its own TASK and TIME for its execution.

JAPAN duplicates RUSSIA - the name of the PLACE and the DATE of the Coming of God to Earth. And today’s earthquake is a warning of sudden and inevitable punishment “according to your deeds.”
124 – JAPAN – I (33) + P (17) + O (16) + N (15) + I (10) + I (33).
124 – August 11, 1999.

From this DATE in 2011, it will be exactly 12 years of humanity’s rebellion against God, who came to visit him. But if a person resists before and after August 2011, he will only have to wait for the APOPA meeting.
Measures to save yourself must be taken immediately, and first of all this is an CLARIFICATION of the current situation. It is CLARIFICATION (DISCOVERY) that is what the word APOCALYPSE means in the first translation.

A huge snake, personifying darkness and evil, the eternal enemy of the sun god Ra. He lives in the depths of the earth, where his fight with Ra takes place. Every morning and every evening, a demon in the form of a snake attacks the solar ship, creating a danger to the state of the world. The blood of the defeated and wounded Apep stains the sky red. When Ra begins to sail along the underground Nile, Apep, wanting to destroy him, drinks all the water from the river. In a battle repeated every night, Ra wins and forces the water to spew back.

In another myth, Ra, in the form of a red cat, cuts off the head of the serpent Apep. In this, Apep is identified with the enemy of the gods, Set. Spells against Apep are constantly found in the texts of solar myths, in which he usually appears as a collective image of all the enemies of the sun. Many ritual texts concern the "deposition of Apep" and form a magical defense meaning "She indeed saves him from all evil."

It is known about Ra that he once turned into an ichneumon in order to defeat the underworld snake Apep. The Book of the Dead tells how the “big cat” bit off the head of the snake Apep, which was threatening the sacred tree of Perseus. Standing on the bow of the solar ship, Seth fights the snake Apep. Horus, fighting with Set, who took the form of the serpent Apep, is the power of the Sun fighting darkness.

About the god Seth, who stands on the bow of the solar boat and pierces the snake of the underworld Apep with his spear, it is said that he has red eyes and red hair. Due to Seth's defamation, his color also became an expression of everything dangerous.

Among the evil forces is the rival of the Sun god - the snake Apep. The kingdom of the dead is infested with snake demons who breathe fire or are armed with knives.

drinking all the water of the underground Nile every night - can be traced back to the pan-African mythological motif of the Rainbow Serpent. He strikes the evil-doing serpent, cuts his spine, and fire devours him, - this is what it says in the sacred book of Ancient Egypt, in the “Book of the Dead.” The voyage of the divine Boat continues. Everyone rejoices: Ra is strong - the enemies are weak! High Ra - Low enemies! Ra is alive - enemies are dead! There is Ra - There is no you, Apep!

Egyptian god Apep

In Egyptian mythology, Apep is the personification of everything evil, bad, hateful and terrible. According to legend, the Egyptian god Apep drinks all the water from the Nile every night so that the brightest god Ra gets stuck among the silt on his boat. The Egyptians, in order to show their disgust for Apep, depicted him in the form of a terrible snake, and endowed him with all the most terrible qualities that exist.

There is a constant struggle between Apep and Ra, and not for life, but for death. That is why there are so many drawings depicting scenes of battle between these gods. In the fight against Evil, that is, against Apep, other gods also help the god Ra.

And even Set, also considered the god of darkness and blackness, helps to overcome the evil snake. Egyptian god Apep and Set are two mythical creatures that threaten the stability of all things, therefore the gods of Good and Light are in constant confrontation with them. But the Egyptian god Apep is eternal - after all, he appeared from universal chaos, from eternity, from nothing. Therefore, he will remain on Earth forever, feeding on the results of his destruction and continuing to sow universal horror.

How and how can people help the gods overcome evil? By your exemplary behavior, reading psalms, and pious thoughts. The Egyptian god Apep appeared in mythology relatively recently - after the construction of the pyramids began.

The peculiarity of the cult of Apep is that the Egyptians did not worship him, but created rituals to protect against him. Developed rituals and magical spells are mentioned in the Pyramid Texts, the Book of the Dead, and the Sarcophagi Texts.

Apep, in Egyptian mythology, a gigantic serpent personifying darkness and evil, the eternal enemy of the sun god Ra. Apep lived in the depths of the earth, where his struggle with Ra took place. Every night Apep would lie in wait for Ra, sailing in a solar boat along the underground Nile, and drink all the water from the river. In the nightly battle with Apep, Ra always emerged victorious and forced the monster to spew out water back. In another myth, Ra, in the form of a red cat, cut off the head of the serpent Apep under the sacred simokor, the tree of life, of the city of Heliopolis. Apep was considered the creation of Neith, who emerged from the primordial waters before the Great Ennead. There was also a version about Apep as the eldest god-creator of the Universe. Towards the end of the Middle Kingdom, after the conquest of Egypt by the Hyksos, and in the late period of the development of Egyptian cults, the serpent Apep was brought closer to the demonic god Set.

Every night Apep swallows all the water of the underground Nile so that Ra's boat runs aground and cannot start moving. He attacks the boat with a terrible roar. He threatens the death of the god Ra himself. Every night there is a battle between these gods. A battle for life and death. Ra defeats his eternal enemy, forces him to spew out all the water he drank, and kills Apophis himself.

But there is a lot in common between Apep and Seth. Apep, like Set, was also associated with various fears of the Egyptians natural phenomena- such as inexplicable darkness, solar eclipse, hurricanes and earthquakes. Thus, Apep has always been the main threat to the stability of the cosmos and the universe itself.

Apep was believed to have existed at the beginning of time in the waters of primordial chaos before the creation of all things, and his power was so great that he would continue to exist indefinitely, again and again repeating malevolent cycles of attack, defeat and rebirth to attack the sun god again. Apep does not need food, the whole meaning of his existence comes down to only one thing - to threaten and attack the god Ra.

Prayers and magic to help Ra

People can also help the sun god, for example, by singing hymns, reciting prayers and spells - wishes for the successful sailing of the boat of Ra - in a magical way the words will turn into reality. These spells about the overthrow of Apophis and the victory of Ra were pronounced every day in the temple of Amun in Karnak - this is evidenced by the papyrus of the 4th century that has come down to us. BC. - “The Book of the Overthrow of Apep”, now kept in the British Museum. Similar rituals were performed in other temples, in particular in Edfu. These spells were found effective not only against Apep, but also against other enemies, including the earthly opponents of the Egyptian pharaoh.

So far, no evidence has been found for the existence of Apep in the ancient Egyptian divine pantheon before the Middle Kingdom. It seems that the idea of ​​such an evil, cosmic in scale, hostile god came to the consciousness of the Egyptians in Time of Troubles, which came after the era of construction of the great pyramids.

Most of the myths associated with Apep were developed mainly during the New Kingdom and were included in funerary texts.

The ancient Egyptians never worshiped Apep. However, rituals aimed at protection and protection from this god formed an important part of their religious views and cult practice. There is information about rituals during which participants cut into pieces and melted a wax model of a snake with fire; sometimes a snake drawn on papyrus was sealed in a box, which everyone spat on, and then burned in a fire.

Sources: symbolarium.ru, mithology.ru, godsbay.ru, piramidavorever.ru, otvet.mail.ru

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He is also Apophis, Apep, Apophis (Greek), Apepi, Aapep - the Egyptian dragon of darkness, as well as thunderstorms, lightning, tornadoes. In Egyptian mythology, a huge snake, personifying darkness and evil, is the eternal enemy of the sun god Ra. Spells against Apep are constantly found in the texts of solar myths, in which he usually appears as a collective image of all the enemies of the sun.

Apep lives in the depths of the earth, where his fight with Ra takes place. When Ra begins to swim along the underground Nile at night, Apep, wanting to destroy him, drinks all the water from the river. In the battle with Apep (repeated every night), Ra emerges victorious and forces him to spew out all the water back. IN ancient myth Ra, in the form of a red cat, cuts off the head of the serpent Apep. In the later period, Apep was brought closer to Seth.

“Symbolic Serpent of Evil. The Solar Boat, together with the Sun, are the great Mortifiers of Apapa in the Book of the Dead. This is Typhon, who, having killed Osiris, incarnates as Apapa, wanting to kill Horus. Like Taoer (or Ta-ap-oer), the female aspect of Typhon, Apap is called the "devourer of Souls," and this is true, since Apap symbolizes the animal body, as matter left without a soul and left to itself. Osiris, like all other Solar gods, is a prototype of the Higher Self (Christ); Horus (his son) is the lower Manam or personal Ego. On many monuments Horus can be seen - with the help of many dog-headed gods armed with crosses and spears - killing Apap. An Orientalist says: “The God Horus, standing as a conqueror on the Serpent of Evil, may be considered the earliest form of our known group - St. George (who is Michael) and the Dragon, or holiness trampling on sin. “Draconism did not disappear along with the ancient religions, but completely passed into the later Christian form of worship. "


Typhon (Egypt.) Aspect or shadow of Osiris. Typhon is not, as Plutarch asserts, a separate "Principle of Evil" or the Satan of the Jews; but rather by the lower cosmic “principles” of the divine body of Osiris, the god in them - so that Osiris is the personified Universe in the form of a thought-base, and Typhon is the same universe in its material manifestation. These two in one are Vishnu-Shiva. The true meaning of this Egyptian myth is that Typhon is the earthly and material shell of Osiris, who is the spirit residing in it. In ch. 42 of the Ritual (Book of the Dead) Typhon is described as “Set, formerly called Thoth.” Orientalists were completely confused when they discovered that in some papyri Typhon-Set is addressed as “the great and good god,” and in others as the embodiment of evil. But is not Shiva, one of the Hindu Trimurti, described in some places as “the best and most generous of gods”, and in others as “dark, black, destructive, terrible” and “fierce god”? Is Loki, the Scandinavian Typhon, in early times presented as a beneficent being, the god of fire, the dominant genius of a peaceful family hearth, suddenly does not lose these titles and then become a force of evil, the Satan of cold hell and a demon of the worst breed? There is a good reason for this constant transformation. As long as these dual gods, symbols of good and inevitable evil, light and darkness, stick closely together, i.e. personify a combination of differentiated human qualities, or elements, which they represent - until then they are simply the embodiment of the average personal god. Yet once they are divided into two beings, each with its own two distinctive features, they become respectively two opposite poles of good and evil, light and darkness; they, in short, become two independent and separate beings, or rather persons. It is only through sophistry that the Churches have succeeded to this day in preserving in the minds of some the Jewish deity in its original integrity. If they were consistent, they would separate Christ from Jehovah, light and good from darkness and evil. This is exactly what happened to Osiris-Typhon; but not a single orientalist has understood this, and thus their perplexities increase. If we take Typhon - as the occultists do - for component Osiris, just as Ahriman is inseparable from Ahura Mazda, and the Serpent of Genesis, the dark aspect of Elohim, merges with our “Lord God” - then all difficulties in his nature disappear. Typhon is a later name of Set, later, but truly as ancient as the fourth Dynasty; for in the “Ritual” we read: “Oh, Typhon-Set! I call on you, the terrible, invisible, omnipotent god of gods, you who destroys and rewards what you deserve.” Typhon undoubtedly belongs to the same category of symbols as Shiva the Destroyer and Saturn - the "dark god". In the Book of the Dead, Seth, in his battle with Thoth (wisdom) - who is his spiritual double - becomes weak in the same way as Saturn-Kronos and Uranus before him. Just as Shiva is closely associated with the bull Nandi - the aspect of Brahma-Vishnu, creating and preserving power, so Set-Typhon is associated with the bull Apis, and both bulls are dedicated and associated with their respective deities. Just as Typhon was originally worshiped as an upright stone, a phallus, Shiva is still depicted and worshiped as a linga to this day. Shiva is Saturn. Indeed, it seems that Set-Typhon served as a prototype for more than one god of the later ritual cycle, including even the god of the Jews, since some of his ritual prescriptions were transferred entirely into the code of laws and into the canon of religious rites of the “chosen people”. How many Bible worshipers know the origin of the scapegoat (ez or aza) sent into the wilderness as atonement? Do they know that centuries before the exodus of Moses, a goat was dedicated to Typhon, and that over the head of this Typhonian goat the Egyptians confessed their sins, after which this animal was sent into the desert? “And Aaron will take the scapegoat (Azazel) ... and lay his hands on the head of the living goat, and confess over him all the sins of the children of Israel ... and send him away ... into the wilderness” (Leviticus, XVI). And just as the goat of the Egyptians served as an atonement for Typhon, so the goat of the Israelites “served as an atonement before the Lord” (Ibid., V, 10). So, if we only remember that every anthropomorphic creative god was among the ancient philosophers the “Life Giver” and the “Distributor of Death” - Osiris and Typhon, Ahura Mazda and Ahriman, etc., etc. - then it will be easy to understand the statement of the occultists that Typhon was simply a symbol of the lower four, the constantly warring and violent principles of differentiated chaotic matter, both in the Universe and in Man, while Osiris symbolized the higher spiritual triad. Typhon in the Ritual is accused of "stealing reason from the soul." Therefore, he is depicted wrestling with Osiris and cutting him into fourteen (twice seven) pieces, after which, left without the balancing power of good and light, he remains immersed in evil and darkness. Thus, the legend told by Plutarch becomes understandable as an allegory. He says that having been defeated in battle with Horus, Typhon "fled for seven days on a donkey, and in his flight he begat the boys Hierosolumos and Judes." Now, since Typhon was later worshiped in the form of an ass, and since the name of the ass is AO, or (phonetically) IAO, vowels imitating the cry of this animal, it becomes clear that Typhon was deliberately merged with the name of the Hebrew God, as is quite clear show two names - Judah and Jerusalem - generated
[Theosophical Dictionary]

Typhon (IV century BC)

Typhon (python, hippopotamus) is a symbol of cosmic disharmony, comparable only to earthly chaos.
In Egypt, this is a monster who killed father Kronos and desecrated mother Rhea, i.e. time and nature. It was Typhon who caused chaos, a war of natural elements and general disasters. In Greece, Typhon is a chthonic creature with a good hundred dragon heads, with a human torso ending in writhing snakes instead of legs.
Typhon was depicted with both the head of a donkey and a body covered with feathers, invariably ugly and terrifying in appearance.
Typhon, thus, personifies all the repulsive traits characteristic of man, beast, and mythical creatures. In almost every known mythological story, Typhon appears as a fiend of hell, which predetermines the struggle of the gods, including Zeus, with him.
Typhon is interpreted as a certain force of darkness, as darkness itself, opposing the bright day, the forces of light.
The rings of the universal serpent in esoteric differentiate into a duodecimal cyclic series of civilizations. Typhon corresponds to the Cretan civilization.
The god Pan almost became a victim of Typhon: he tried to take the form of a goat, but, falling into the Nile, as a result of metamorphosis he received the lower part of his body in the form of a fish tail.

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