What does social scholarship mean? Student Scholarship Law

In Russian universities and colleges, some categories of students can receive a so-called social scholarship. This is a monthly cash benefit that is paid to those in particular need. In this article, we looked at who is entitled to such a scholarship, how to achieve it and in what amount it can be received.

In Russia, a full-time student is a certain status that allows in many cases to equate a student at a university until he reaches 23 years of age with minor citizens. This indicates the recognition of full-time students as more socially vulnerable sections of society. But there are special categories of students who need constant financial support measures due to extreme need; a state social scholarship is established for them.

This is a benefit provided for by the Federal Law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, paid to special categories of students receiving education on a budgetary basis. Students with benefits can study both at the highest level - a university, and at the secondary level - at a secondary school (college, vocational school, technical school).

The procedure for assigning and issuing social benefits to students is spelled out in detail in Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1000 dated August 28, 2013 ( Order of the Ministry of Education and Science).

A student applying for a scholarship and a college student who is entitled to financial assistance from the budget must be paid, as a rule, in the form of a monthly payment to a special bank account.

A scholarship in the nature of social support does not replace an academic scholarship; its payment does not in any way affect the remuneration due for good academic performance.

Who is eligible to receive

The list of persons entitled to receive social financial assistance is determined at the federal level. Despite the limited list, the normative act provides educational institutions with some freedom in this matter. Management has the right to decide on additional measures to support those in need using funds from off-budget fund establishments. These could be:

  • Expanding the range of fellows to include additional groups of people in need (for example, members large families, young parents);
  • Increase in the federally established monthly payment amount.

The following categories are established by law:

  1. Orphans, as well as children left without guardians, including those whose both parents or the only parent who raised them died during their education;
  2. Children who have been disabled since childhood, as well as those who have become disabled with the assignment of the first and second groups of disability, who also received disability due to illness or injury during military service;
  3. Combat veterans ( more details in the Law “On Veterans”);
  4. Contract servicemen who have served in the armed forces for at least 3 years are equated with the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian National Guard, civil defense, state security, and the FSB;
  5. Persons exposed to radiation or injured during man-made disasters;
  6. Low-income citizens.

A social scholarship provided for the poor is awarded only if the applicants document their need, namely, the level of income per family member must be less than the minimum subsistence level adopted in each specific region of the country.

  • Children from a large family;
  • Young parents;
  • Children whose parents are recognized as disabled people of non-working groups (I and II).

To receive a monthly social benefit, a student must confirm his status. State social scholarships, in accordance with current legislation, are awarded to persons who have provided educational institution documents are the basis, for each category of beneficiaries they are different.

The termination of the scholarship does not depend on the student’s academic performance, since the measure is not stimulating, but supporting in material terms. If a person has confirmed his right to receive this benefit, the educational institution cannot refuse him. Termination is only possible:

  • upon completion of studies at an educational institution (including upon expulsion);
  • in the case when the status that affects the receipt is lost (the student is no longer considered low-income, a decision is made to remove the disability).

For the reason specified in the second paragraph, the recipient of the benefit must notify the dean’s office about this, since if the student receives the benefit without justification, the student may be held accountable.

Is a social scholarship available to payers?

In addition to the established list of persons applying for social scholarship, the legislation establishes two mandatory conditions. Firstly, training must be carried out on a budgetary basis. Secondly, the form of study chosen by the student is full-time only.

At the same time, if a student is on academic leave or parental leave until he turns 3 years old, this will not be a legal reason to interrupt the transfer of social scholarships. If a student is asked to write any kind of refusal for the period of absence, this will be illegal.

Students of evening and correspondence faculties are deprived of receiving benefits, because they master educational programs without interrupting their work.

Paying students are also not provided with this privilege. If a student’s education is paid for by himself or his parents, then if he becomes an orphan or recognized as disabled, some universities provide for a transfer to free education. But this becomes possible with high performance indicators. Also, taking into account the financial difficulties of students, the management of the educational institution is accommodating and provides a deferred payment.

Considering the focus social policy in Russia, in 2019-2020 it is planned to establish new benefits for families with children. It is possible that this will also affect student support measures.

Amount of financial assistance

The amount of financial assistance is established by government regulations. Minimum values ​​have been established, which depend on the level of the educational institution:

  • 730 rubles – for students in secondary schools;
  • 2010 rubles – for students at state universities.

The amount of a social scholarship cannot be assigned below the given indicators. From educational program: bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree doesn't depend at all. The payment is transferred in one payment per month.

Regulatory acts provide that some students are guaranteed an increased social scholarship. Only students who meet the following conditions are eligible to receive it:

  1. Freshmen and sophomores;
  2. Training is carried out according to bachelor's and specialist's programs;
  3. Have good academic performance, there are no “satisfactory” points in the grade book;
  4. Belong to one of the categories of the legislative list of students on benefits, discussed earlier;
  5. Does not belong to the specified categories, but has not reached 20 years of age at the time the scholarship is awarded and the student’s only parent has group I disability.

According to Government Decree No. 679, the amount of the benefit is 6,307 rubles. The indicated value is an irreducible minimum; institutions have the right to increase it. The order of the Ministry of Education contains a rule according to which: the amount of scholarships, including increased social scholarships, must be greater than or equal to the cost of living per person in the country as a whole.

This indicator is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for each quarter of the calendar year. To award an increased scholarship, the educational institution forms its own scholarship fund, taking into account the cost of living for the 4th quarter of the previous year. The increased amount of cash payments is established based on the results of the session.

In case of termination of studies, a social scholarship, including an increased one, is paid in proportion to the time that the expelled student devoted to study from the first day of the calendar month to the day of expulsion.

Who is in charge of the appointment?

The state social scholarship is assigned by order of the head of the institution, the rector of the university or the director of a vocational school or college. The administrative act indicates the date from which payments begin. This is the date the student submits the necessary documents confirming his right to receive a social scholarship.

A document certifying that a student is classified in one of the preferential categories must contain the period for maintaining such status. If we're talking about about a permanent certificate (for example, a veteran’s certificate, a certificate of disability, a certificate of absence of a guardian), then the appointment of a preferential scholarship occurs before graduation. From January 1, 2017, the procedure for awarding scholarships has changed for low-income citizens. They were required to not only confirm their insufficient income, but also their receipt of government assistance. For those students who are recipients of state social assistance ( for the poor), the scholarship is awarded for exactly 1 year, just like state social assistance.

You will need this information:

The procedure for assigning any payments is fixed in the relevant local act of the educational institution. The decision on the amount of social benefits from the budget for students is made by the Academic Council, taking into account student opinion and representatives of the students' trade union (when it is established in an educational institution). The accepted level of scholarship should not be less than the normatively established one.

How to apply for

In order to apply for a social scholarship, you must ensure in advance that you have all the necessary documents. The Department of Social Policy prepares certificates from 2 weeks to a month, and documents on the basis of which social payments are made must be submitted to the dean’s office until early October, while writing a statement.

The status of an orphan and a person left without care is confirmed by a certificate from the guardianship; veterans provide a certificate; for persons with disabilities, the certificate indicates the validity period of the restrictions.

To go to the district Department of Social Policy, a student needs 2 types of certificates from an institute or college: about receiving a scholarship and about studying at this institution. Based on these papers and a copy of the passport, the applicant will be issued a corresponding certificate for receiving a social scholarship.

The government agency will also additionally request the following documentation if the student is low-income:

  1. Certificate No. 40, which is taken at the place of residence and reflects the composition of the family living at a specific address;
  2. 2NDFL with data for the previous 3 months for all working family members, as well as other documents indicating the total family income (it also includes pensions, benefits, alimony payments). If a healthy, able-bodied family member has no income, he brings a certificate stating that he is registered with the labor exchange;
  3. Copies of passports, birth certificates of younger family members.

The status of a low-income citizen is confirmed annually. A social scholarship for other reasons is awarded until completion of studies.

The state in our country is very relevant. After all, there are a huge number of different categories of the population that need financial support. And students are no exception. That is why now I would like to talk about who is entitled to a social scholarship.


Initially, you need to understand the basic terminology that will be used in this article. So, a student scholarship is a payment from the state to the student for his success. Only those who study well and have a high grade point average receive such assistance. This is a great motivation for every student. But it should be noted that the state also tries to help those students who do not have a means of subsistence. It is in this case that the state can be assigned. It is paid to those students who are considered low-income or in whose lives unforeseen difficulties arise. But here, too, it is important to make an amendment: this assistance is allocated from federal budget funds. So, only those students who study on a free, that is, state basis, can apply for it.

Payment terms

It should be noted that this type of scholarship can be awarded for the entire duration of study. Payments may be stopped for special reasons or upon completion of the student’s studies at a given educational institution. However, universities and colleges often suspend payments in case of poor class attendance or poor performance. In this case, they can be restored after the student corrects the situation. It is important to remember that for the entire period of non-payment, the money was returned to the student in full.

About categories of citizens

You should also definitely tell about who is entitled to a social scholarship. So there is a list of citizens who can apply for it:

  • Upon presentation of a certificate - disabled people of groups I and II.
  • Low-income students, which must also be confirmed by certificates.
  • Orphans or categories equivalent to them. In this case, the scholarship can only be paid until the age of 23.
  • Students who served in the ranks Russian army on a contract basis for at least 3 years.

Additional categories

The categories of population provided for by the state are listed above. However, it should be noted that faculties or even universities can supplement this list at their discretion. So, who is entitled to a social scholarship in this case? There can be a huge number of options, but most often it is:

  • Married couples raising children.
  • Students from large families or
  • Students who look after disabled parents or seriously ill relatives.

About the amount

Many people are interested in finding out the size of the social scholarship. How much can a student receive in this case? The numbers may vary. Generally speaking, at the end of 2015, university students received a little more than 2,000 rubles, and secondary students educational institutions, technical schools, colleges - about 700 rubles of social scholarship. It is also important to note that the dean’s office may increase payments at its discretion. However, the maximum should not exceed the amount of 15 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that in the case of academic leave or maternity leave, such payments are not canceled. This does not depend on the desire of the management of the educational institution, which is clearly stated in the law. Another important nuance: the student’s social scholarship is indexed annually and increases by a certain amount.

About the appointment of a social scholarship

Having figured out who is entitled to a social scholarship, I would also like to talk about the procedure for receiving it. Each educational institution prescribes all the nuances in its Regulations. It is this document that regulates the deadlines for submission, the categories of students who may qualify for payments, the time of payments, frequency and other important points. However, all these nuances should not run counter to the law. In addition to the payments described above, the student may also receive a regular or increased scholarship (depending on academic performance).

About documents

No one will argue with the fact that the student will need a certificate for a social scholarship. What documents will need to be collected in this case? Everything depends primarily on what category of population the student belongs to. For example, if a student is disabled, you will need a certificate from the medical labor expert commission; if he is an orphan, an extract from this. In addition, you will need to get a paper from the dean’s office about which faculty, in which group and in which A student is studying at a university. If a citizen belonging to the low-income category requires assistance, he will need to take a certificate about the composition of the family and the income of all its members for the last six months. You will also need a housing inspection report. If the student belongs to a certain category of citizens, for example, a Chernobyl survivor, you will need to bring a copy of the certificate confirming this fact.

Scholarship process

You should also talk about how, Initially, the student collects all the necessary documents and sends them to the social security authorities. It is precisely for this institution that a certificate from the place of study is needed. The student will have to write a statement to the social service department. After this, a complete set of documents is submitted to the commission for consideration. Based on the results of its meeting, its members make a verdict on each individual case: to authorize or refuse to assign a social scholarship.

It should be noted that today greatest number applicants for such payments are citizens from among the low-income. If, during the calculations, the amount received exceeds the cost of living by at least one ruble, you can forget about the social scholarship. You must also remember that in this case you will have to update the documents regularly by submitting new certificates of income for all family members. You definitely need to track it specifically according to your region, because it may differ, and the desired payments to the student depend on this.

After the student has received confirmation that he has been awarded a social scholarship by the Social Security Administration, he goes with this certificate to the university administration and gives a package of documents locally. Payments will be calculated by the accounting department of the educational institution where the citizen is studying.

Legal nuances

If a student has a regular or increased scholarship, he can still receive a social scholarship. These two types of payments are independent of each other. It should also be noted that the student will receive a social scholarship regardless of academic performance. However, university authorities may suspend payments as a result of low attendance or academic failure.

A social scholarship is assigned to a student not from the moment of the resolution of the social commission, but from the moment the application is submitted. The regulations of universities may specify the deadline for submitting documents for such payments. So you also need to find out about this in time.

The essence of a social scholarship is not to motivate a student to study well. Its main goal is to support a citizen of the country in difficult times. However, if academic performance is poor, such payments may be frozen indefinitely, although no one has the right to suspend them completely. After “unfreezing” the student will receive all the money that was owed to him.

And as noted above, in addition to a social scholarship, a student can also receive a regular academic or an advanced one. But he can also calmly and without a twinge of conscience apply for a nominal one if he has certain merits to the educational institution.

Each person should receive the entire package of social assistance that he is entitled to at a certain time. There is nothing wrong with this and there is no need to be ashamed of it.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship in Russia in 2020 is specified in detail in the legislation. In particular, it is necessary to belong to the preferential category of students.

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A social scholarship refers to a state financial payment that is regular in nature and is awarded to students who belong to a preferential category and are undergoing full-time studies.

Let's take a closer look at who is entitled to a social pension in 2020.

What you need to know

Before considering the main issue, it is initially recommended that you familiarize yourself with basic theoretical information and Russian legislation. Thanks to this, various inaccuracies can be avoided.


On the territory of Russia, a full-time student is a status that makes it possible to equate students at universities with minors until they reach the age of 23.

Thanks to this, we can say that the recognition of full-time students belongs to the most socially vulnerable segments of the population.

There are special categories of students who regularly need financial assistance for various circumstances, which are described in Russian legislation. A state social scholarship is provided for them.

Students who apply for scholarships and college students who are entitled to financial assistance from the treasury are subject to accrual of money, in most cases in the form of monthly payments to a special fund.

Scholarships that are social in nature cannot replace an academic scholarship, and the fact of its accrual does not affect the established incentive payments for excellent academic performance.

What is her role

According to Russian legislation, the main purpose of social scholarship payments is considered to be the provision of additional financial payments to special categories of students who belong to vulnerable segments of the population.

These types of payments do not affect the amount of other financial payments that are due to students.

Legal regulation

It is considered to be the main regulatory document.

In particular, it stipulates that the allowance is to be accrued to special categories of students undergoing training on a budget basis.

Who is entitled to a state social scholarship?

List of categories of citizens

The list of citizens who have the legal right to receive social cash payments is determined at the federal level.

Despite the limited nature of the list, Russian legislation gives educational institutions freedom in this matter.

The management of educational institutions has the right to make decisions regarding additional measures to provide assistance to those in need at the expense of financial resources from the extra-budgetary funds of the institution.

These may include:

So, who is entitled to a social scholarship for students 2020. According to Russian legislation, the following categories are established:

Orphans As well as those who were left without guardianship, including children for whom both parents died during their education or were raised by a single parent
Children who have been recognized as disabled since childhood And also those who became one with the establishment of the first or second group of incapacity, and who received disability due to illness or injury during the period of military service
Combat veterans
Contract servicemen Who served in the Russian armed forces for at least 3 years. In particular, law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, Civil Defense, State Security and the FSB are equated to them
Citizens who were exposed to radiation Or recognized as victims of man-made disasters

Are there social scholarships for low-income students? A social scholarship, which is provided for low-income families, can be assigned only if potential recipients document their right to accrual.

In particular, you need to confirm the level of income per family member, which must be no less than that approved in a particular region.

  • children from large families;
  • for loss of a breadwinner;
  • young parents;
  • children whose parents were officially declared incompetent and have group 1 or 2.

To be able to apply for social scholarships, it is extremely important for students to confirm their status.

State social payment according to Russian legislation, it is due to citizens who were able to provide documents to the local educational institution that serve as the basis for the accrual.

The possibility of stopping the accrual of a social scholarship has no bearing on the student’s academic performance, since this incentive measure is not stimulating, but only supports financially.

If the student confirms the right to apply, there should be no refusal. Termination of payments is permitted in the following cases:

In the case of the grounds that were indicated in the second paragraph, the recipient of the social scholarship must be notified.

This is largely due to the fact that in the event of unfounded receipt of payments, the student may be charged with fraud.

Russian legislation provides for a certain package of documents that can confirm the status of a student.

In particular, the package of documents includes:

  • beneficiary certificate;
  • various certificates;
  • military ID and contract;
  • notification regarding the appointment of a state social scholarship.

Depending on the status of the beneficiary, the package may be supplemented with various other documents.

Payment terms

The social scholarship is subject to accrual to the beneficiary by an administrative act of the management of the educational institution from the moment of transfer of all necessary documentation that can confirm compliance.

If the documentation provided, which gives the right to apply for a social scholarship payment, is considered indefinite, then payments will be made until the completion of the educational process and receipt of the corresponding education diploma.

Students who belong to the preferential category of citizens are assigned a social type of scholarship by the relevant administrative act of the leadership of the educational institution.

The formation of such an act confirms the fact of accrual of the social type of payments for a period of 1 year from the period of assignment of the benefit.

What is the amount paid?

The amount of the social grant is determined by Russian legislation. In particular, minimum indicators have been approved, which largely depend on the level of the educational institution itself:

Payments less than the specified amounts cannot be accrued. Additionally, the payment depends on the educational program itself.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the specialty or master's degree does not play a role in this case. Payments are received monthly in one payment.

Video: social scholarship

Russian legislation provides that some students are provided with an increased scholarship.

It can only be assigned to those persons who meet certain conditions, namely:

According to Russian legislation, in particular, the increased amount of payments is about 300 thousand rubles.

This indicator refers to the irreducible minimum, but the educational institution has the right to overestimate it.

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science includes a rule on the basis of which the amount of a social scholarship, including an increased one, must necessarily be higher or equal to the cost of living per 1 family member.

This value is established by the Russian Government for each quarter of the calendar year. For these purposes educational institutions form a special scholarship fund, taking into account the cost of living.

An increased scholarship payment may be awarded upon completion of the session.

Today we will talk about the scholarship, so eagerly awaited by every student who is entitled to it. In particular, we will look at how to apply for a social scholarship, tell you in what cases it is awarded, and what documents need to be collected for this.

A social state scholarship is a monthly payment provided for by law to low-income students enrolled in budget-funded education, and whose families have an income below the established subsistence level.

Grounds for applying for a social scholarship

In order to find out how to apply for a social scholarship, a student needs to contact the dean’s office or the relevant committee of his educational institution.

In mandatory cases, a social scholarship must be awarded to:

  • Orphan students and those who are left without a guardian.
  • Disabled people of groups 1 and 2.
  • Students who suffered as a result of radiation disasters and accidents.
  • Students who are legally recognized as veterans and disabled combatants.

The basis for awarding a scholarship is the provision of the necessary documents that confirm membership in a preferential category and a certificate from the social welfare service.

For other students who are recognized as low-income, a social scholarship is issued immediately after the mandatory category. The order of appointment of such a scholarship is determined by a specially created commission and depends on the degree of social vulnerability of students.

  1. Who have parents with disabilities of the 1st and 2nd groups.
  2. Who has non-working, retired parents?
  3. Students from a large family.
  4. Students from single-parent families.
  5. Students with children.

The basis for awarding the scholarship is the original certificate from the social welfare service. In addition, the student at in some cases must submit documents to the trade union committee that confirm his belonging to the priority category in need of financial support.

How to apply for a social scholarship

To apply for a social scholarship, a student needs to provide only one certificate to the dean’s office of his university or college (sometimes directly to the accounting department) - it is obtained from the social service at the place of registration or temporary registration. In addition to the certificate, an application is written addressed to the rector or director (a request to award a scholarship based on the issued certificate). An application must be written in order for an order to be issued to assign you the requested benefit.

To obtain the appropriate certificate, you need to provide the following documents to the social welfare service:

  1. Original passport (will be returned).
  2. A certificate confirming the student’s studies at a specific educational institution.
  3. A document from the accounting department of the educational institution about the amount of the accrued scholarship based on the last three months.
  4. Certificate from the passport office from the place of permanent registration about family composition.
  5. Certificate of income for each family member. Income is considered to be wages, pensions, subsidies, scholarships, and other various compensation. Non-working family members provide the original work record book.

Why do you need to collect so many certificates?

The fact is that in order to assign you a certain status, you need to calculate the average income for each family member. Since they cannot apply for a social scholarship without reasons, these reasons must be established and one of them is the average income of each person in your family, if it does not exceed the subsistence level.

By the way, if you receive a significantly increased scholarship for academic success, the amount of which exceeds the cost of living established in a given region, then most likely you will not be given additional money. Or they will pay, but in exceptional cases (for example, if you are the only breadwinner or if you have children, so to speak, your own student family).

What to do next?

After submitting a package of documents to the SZN, within 15 days (in practice, immediately), the authorized department of this organization reviews the submitted documents, calculates the average family income and issues a certificate confirming the student’s right to receive the appropriate social scholarship. This certificate is issued in any month and is valid for one year. Therefore, it must be provided annually.

Having received such a certificate, the student submits it to the dean’s office of the educational institution along with an application of the appropriate form for the accrual of a social state scholarship.

The social scholarship is paid every month for one year. The amount of the social scholarship is determined independently by the educational institution, but cannot be less than the legally established minimum amount of the scholarship.

Answers to questions on the topic

Question: Is it possible to assign a social scholarship to a C student?

Answer: yes, it is possible if it does not have session tails.

Question: Why was the payment of the social scholarship suspended?

Answer: There are two main possible reasons:

  1. the student has arrears for the session;
  2. When preparing a certificate in the SZN, part of the family’s income was hidden, then discovered - the grounds for payments became invalid.

Question: How to apply for a social scholarship for a student studying in a paid department?

Answer: no way, such scholarships are paid only to state employees. However, this student may receive special awards - a presidential or university scholarship. In addition, for those who pay for their education, there is the possibility of receiving tax deductions.

And academic. It is paid to students who study only full-time. Of course, the amount of both types of scholarships is very small, and students cannot live on one scholarship. But it can be considered as an additional pleasant compensation for your efforts to study.

This type of tuition payment does not depend on the student’s success in studying. The purpose of its payment is related to the individual position of the teenager in society. Children who are studying at college on a non-full-time basis and have the following status can apply for it:

  • disability;
  • orphans;
  • from low-income families in which the income for each family member is less than the subsistence level;
  • victims of radiation emergencies;
  • have served in Russian military units for more than 3 years;
  • children with children of their own.
In 2019, the amount of the social scholarship is set by law at 730 rubles. This payment does not depend on the success of training, but it is affected by the timely passing of exams and tests. If a student fails to show up for a session, the college has the right to withhold academic payment of funds until the student receives positive grades and successfully completes the semester.

Individuals studying on a commercial basis cannot count on these funds.

The established minimum payment of 730 rubles is not a prohibition for the college to establish a higher payment. What kind of scholarship will be paid at a particular college depends on the educational institution itself.

Procedure for applying for a social scholarship

If a student, under certain circumstances, is entitled to receive such an educational payment, he must complete the necessary documents in the prescribed manner:

  1. Obtain a certificate from the college stating that he is a student of this educational institution.
  2. Hand over all outstanding debt for an open session.
  3. Obtain a certificate of family composition from the passport office.
  4. Documents confirming family income per family member that is less than the subsistence level. Such documents include: 2-NDFL certificates for the last 6 months, work books of non-working family members.
  5. Obtain a certificate from the college accounting department for the last three months about educational payments that were issued to the student.
  6. Collect other necessary documents confirming the student’s right to receive social educational benefits.
  7. Obtain a certificate from social authorities about living in a socially vulnerable family and submit it to the college.

In addition to the collected certificates, when submitting an application, the teenager must have originals and copies of the following:

  • student ID;
  • certificate of student status;
  • passport.

Procedure for filling out an application

An application is an official document on the basis of which payment is assigned. Therefore, it must be completed in accordance with legal requirements. Filling procedure:

  1. In the upper right corner is indicated the name of the rector of the college to whom the application is being made. this document. The full name of the educational institution is also written down.
  2. Next, the student’s personal data is indicated, including his passport details and registration.
  3. Document's name.
  4. Next, an application for a social scholarship is written and the basis for receiving it is indicated.
  5. Date and signature of the applicant.

Based on this document and all attached papers, a monthly payment is assigned for the duration of one semester. After its completion, you must repeat the paper submission procedure again.

Academic scholarship

This type of educational payment directly depends on the success of the student’s studies. To receive it, the student must be a full-time student. In 2019, its size is 487 rubles. It is paid monthly. Individuals studying on a commercial basis are not eligible to claim government benefits from the college.

All newly admitted applicants receive this payment from the educational institution in the first semester. Further receipt of scholarships directly depends on the success of passing the first session.

In the first year, students can only receive the minimum required by law. In subsequent years of study, the management of the educational institution has the right to motivate students more high level payments for special achievements in teaching.

In order to apply for a scholarship in the first year, you must indicate your current account along with the documents that are submitted upon admission to college. Funds will be transferred to it in the future. It can also be issued in cash from the cash register.

An order for the award of an academic scholarship is issued before the start of the session. In the future, this order includes those students who passed the previous session on time and successfully. Additional documents and students do not need to fill out applications.

Also, regardless of the success of the training, the management of the educational institution may include in the order for the calculation of educational payments for students accepting Active participation in sports or other events.

If a teenager is excluded from the order for educational payments, he can correct this situation only in the next semester by successfully passing all exams and tests.

Of course, with the help of a scholarship, an educational institution can easily motivate its students to successfully study, as well as participate in various events.

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