Additional education for adults. Review of useful courses for adults

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1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Udmurt State University" in Votkinsk (branch in Votkinsk Approved by the Director of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education branch "UdSU" in Votkinsk V. V. Pakhomov 20 Additional educational program for adults “FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER LITERACY” program volume 32 hours Votkinsk 206 Compiled by: Lebedeva I.A., senior lecturer of the department of “Information and Engineering Technologies”

2 Introduction This program is designed to meet the requirements for the level of training of “unconfident PC users.” A feature of this course is the direct relationship between theoretical classes and practical ones, which in turn contributes to the acquisition of skills in students for future practical activities. The main content of the training course is the following information: - information about personal computers; - information about working with the Internet information and telecommunications network, e-mail and voice communication; - basic principles of working in the Windows operating system; - basic principles of using the Microsoft Word text editor; Microsoft Excel; - information about the use of information kiosks, payment terminals, opportunities to receive government services in electronic form; - basics of working with the state information system of housing and communal services. The FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER LITERACY program involves acquiring personal computer skills, as well as the ability to use a personal computer, in particular office applications, in everyday activities. The program covers a number of areas of human activity for which the computer acts, as a rule, as a tool and for successful work in which possession of a personal computer is simply necessary. Goal of the program: Students will obtain the skills of a confident PC user. The standard period for mastering the program is 2 hours. The scope of application by students of the acquired professional competencies, skills and knowledge allows students to: - become active participants in the information community: increase social activity, develop the ability to use Internet portals and Internet services in interaction with government authorities and healthcare, use Internet technologies when paying for housing and communal services ; -to form an idea of ​​modern information technologies and their practical application in everyday life for older people. Communication on social networks allows older people not to feel lonely and expands their circle of social contacts. Requirements for the results of mastering the program Own: Internet technologies and apply them in the sphere of vital needs Be able to: pay for housing and communal services, make an appointment at the clinic, registration chamber, etc. Know: the basic capabilities of Internet technologies and services, the basic rules for processing electronic documents; the subject and conceptual apparatus of modern information technologies and the Internet; basics of working with a computer and its functional tasks.

3 CURRICULUM of the additional educational program “FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER LITERACY” p./p. Name of sections and topics Number of hours Theory Practice Total Workplace ergonomics Work in the Microsoft Windows operating system 3 Work in Microsoft Word Work in the Internet Credit Total Course content. “Workplace ergonomics” Occupational health and safety when working on a personal computer. Effective organization of the workplace. 2. “Working in the Microsoft Windows operating system” Practical exercises: Basic elements of the desktop. Setting up your desktop. Start menu, context menu. Window. Window elements. Conductor. File manager. Working with objects (opening, creating, renaming, selecting, deleting, restoring, copying, cutting, pasting, moving, dragging). Create a shortcut. Object properties. Reference system. "Hotkeys. Data archiving. Antivirus packages. 3. “Working in Microsoft Word” Practical exercises: General information about the MS Word word processor. Elements of the MS Word working window. MS Word toolbars. Working with menu commands. Techniques for working with text. Creating a document. Entering text. Editing a document. Text formatting. Saving the document. Entering special characters. Insert a page number. Positioning text on the page: inserting page breaks and sections, changing page orientation, adding headers and footers. Insert table of contents, links. Features of working with the formula editor. "Photograph" of the current window. Inserting a picture. Representing text in tables: creating tables, converting text to a table, converting a table to text, sorting, formatting tables, calculating in tables. Presentation of text in columns and lists. Spell check. Working with graphic objects. Working with drawings. Working with images. Creating WordArt objects. Working with multiple document windows in MS Word. Preview and print the document. 4. “Working on the Internet” Practical exercises: Network of networks. IP addresses. Domain names. World Wide Web and other services. Working with the browser. Review of browser programs.

4 Page navigation. Hyperlinks. "Favorites" and their management. Selecting the starting page. Working with files. Search on the current page. Speed ​​up page loading. Searching for information on the Internet. Working with search servers. Search rules. Saving Web pages. Transferring information to Word. Saving addresses of interesting pages. Saving drawings. Email. Free postal services. Email addresses. Creating a new letter. Reply and forwarding. Attachments. Saving mail. Internet resources: information resources. Internet telephony. Payment system Yandex-money. Procedure for communicating on Skype. Logistics and technical support of the program Auditorium fund name and purpose of the premises for training citizens building of the branch auditorium. 4 2 branch building room. 3 Area, sq.m. Capacity, seats Name of technical training aids, equipment, visual aids 50.3 30 people Personal computer Projector 48.7 6 people Personal computer Computer thin client Projector Number (units) Educational and methodological complex: Educational program of additional professional education “Fundamentals of computer literacy" Educational presentations on sections of the curriculum; 3. Software (licensed) Office software products MS Office 200 (Word, Excel applications); Standard packages of general-purpose application programs (text editors, spreadsheet processors, graphic editors, graphic image viewers, multimedia software packages, etc.) Testing and evaluation tools: Section 2: “Working in the Microsoft Windows operating system” CBS: Execution and protection homework “Creating and copying folders and files.” Section 3: “Working in Microsoft Word”

5 CBS: Completing and protecting homework “Creating and formatting a text file. Inserting and formatting graphic objects." Section 4: “Working on the Internet” CBS: Completing and defending the control task “Searching for information on a given topic and storing it on external media.” Test assignment “Working in the Yandex search engine and generating a text file with inserting graphic objects from the Internet.” Expected results Students, upon full implementation of the curriculum, will acquire the following competencies: determine the operating system correctly turn on and off the computer create, delete, copy and store their files and folders record and save information recorded on floppy disks, disks, flash drives use popular programs: - music player and video - photo viewer - calculator - notepad (text printing) - paint (drawing program) work on the Internet (search engines, mail, Skype, social networks).

Training program for older citizens Topic 1. Computers, laptops, etc. Lesson 1 Equipment Lesson 2 Operating system Lesson 3 Working with files General information about the computer Exercise 1.1.1. Job

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It is an axiom that various courses bring undeniable benefits to children. But why should we, adults, go learn to draw or sing? Is there any good in this? Psychologists say that there is. And the point here is not at all about Lenin’s commandment - to study and study while there is an opportunity. The positive impact of art therapy, when thoughts and feelings can be expressed on paper, has long been known. In addition, drawing helps to unleash creativity and improves memory. And thanks to the constant analysis of the proportions and shapes of objects, logical thinking also develops. There is an opinion that every five years a person should make an upgrade - change his job, consciousness, habits, gain new knowledge... So, what courses can be mastered, regardless of age.

1. Acting and public speaking courses

Acting courses for adults are not the worst place to renew your consciousness. We are all actors in life, this is understandable. But not everyone who feels a passionate desire to play realizes themselves in art. The courses will not only teach you the basics of acting, but also teach you how to relax and not be afraid of public speaking. Acting and all related disciplines such as oratory, stage speech, plastic arts are the main assistants in life, without which it is impossible to do. You will undergo rhetoric training, your voice will be trained, you will learn how to give a presentation, you will be able to speak in front of a large audience without fear.

How many : 2-day courses will cost from 10.7 thousand rubles. 12 lessons (1.5 months) – from 18 thousand rubles.

2. Pescography

Pescography (eng. sandart) – drawing with sand on glass. As an art form, it emerged in the 70s of the 20th century. Gradually, the new direction came into fashion. Sand is considered one of the most attractive materials, reminding us of the transience of life. Psychologists say that sand painting is not only a pleasant, but also a useful activity. This natural material removes negative energy and stabilizes the mental state. The elasticity, softness, and “roughness” of the sand have a fascinating effect. When painting with sand, a person gradually withdraws into himself, as if entering a light meditative state, which gives him the opportunity to truly relax and unwind. It is in this state that stress and internal pressures are best relieved, the subconscious begins to work, and answers to seemingly unresolved questions come.

In addition, drawing with sand develops fine motor skills. Did you think that only children have fine motor skills? No, but in adults it works differently: it improves memory, brain function, develops coordination, and plasticity. When your fingers touch the sand, the nerve endings send signals to the brain and begin to stimulate its work. If you practice systematically, you can learn to think more productively. There are various schools and studios where you can master this drawing technique. You don’t have to strive to become an artist, you can simply master this art for yourself.

How many : introductory master class 1 lesson - from 2.5 thousand rubles. 3-month course for beginners from 27 thousand rubles.

3. Music school for adults

Who said that at 40 or even 50 years old it’s too late to learn to play the guitar, accordion or voice? What Russian doesn't like to sing, especially in the shower?! Without creativity and self-expression it is impossible to live a full life. We can continue to sing quietly for ourselves, and for our families. But sometimes you really want to demonstrate your abilities somewhere in karaoke. But the problem is that not all of us have a beautiful voice. We want to sing, but our voice is so-so, weak. It turns out that it can be installed easily. Music schools can choose an individual lesson program and repertoire. Teachers assure you that you can play the guitar, even if you are 90 years old and have never played the instrument, and also learn to sing, even if you have never hit the notes. The main thing is desire and attitude.

How many : vocals – 8 lessons (1 month) – from 8.8 thousand rubles. Instrument training - specialty, solfeggio, musical literature - training 2 years - from 6 thousand rubles per month.

4. Carving

Shaped cutting of fruits and vegetables. Carving originated in the East and over thousands of years has become part of the national traditions of many countries. Oriental carving requires enormous skill; it is distinguished by the complexity of the carving and incredible sophistication. European is much simpler, and anyone with the time, desire and special tools can learn the accessible forms of this art. Ask why you need to learn this? Well, firstly, the ability to luxuriously set a table has never bothered a single lady, and secondly, it helps to develop imagination.

How many : 2.5 months – from 14.5 thousand rubles.

5. Blacksmithing school

An alternative option if you are closer to metal than wood. In Moscow there is a blacksmith school where you will be taught artistic forging.

How many : from 10 thousand rubles per month. Full course 4 months – from 55 thousand rubles.

6. Ceramic floristry

This is truly work for the soul. Many ladies dream of learning how to create exclusive floral compositions, when each petal and stamen is hand-sculpted and painted. This is very painstaking work. Again, fine motor skills develop. And every flower is a real work of art. Decorative flowers made using this technique look “alive,” light, and sophisticated.

How many : 10 lessons – from 8.6 thousand rubles.

7. School of carpentry

Physical labor is undoubtedly good for health, but not only that. Scientists say that it has a positive effect on the psyche. This is a kind of unloading. Psychologists advise that in case of severe stress, load yourself with physical work. Then the brains turn off. For those who do not like to lift weights and strengthen their physical and psychological spirit on exercise machines, there is an excellent school where you can learn basic skills and techniques for manual woodworking, get acquainted with the extensive carpentry tools, and also practice making simple pieces of furniture (shelves, benches , stools).

How many : For classes 2 times a week – from 8 thousand rubles per month. The course lasts for a year.

8. Freezelight


Photographing light-drawn objects and abstractions. This is a hobby for photography enthusiasts who are tired of ordinary “everyday” photographs. In a completely darkened room, the camera is placed on a tripod, a long shutter speed is set, and patterns are “drawn” in the field of view of the lens using different light sources. Almost nothing is required from a person except imagination, a lamp or flashlight, a camera with night shooting mode and the ability to stay awake at night. The only important thing here is to learn how to control the aperture. The light source can be anything: candles, flashlights, laser pointers, night lights, spotlights, lighters, etc.

How many : one master class is enough - lesson from 1 thousand rubles.

9. Airbrush courses

Traditional fine arts classes are being replaced by “advanced” drawing lessons. It is generally accepted that the creator of airbrushing was an American jeweler Abner Peeler. In 1878, he designed the airbrush, which was designed for spraying paint. Peeler’s invention was given the name “airbrush”, and the first thing that is taught in most airbrush courses today is its correct use. In addition, the classes show how to mix paints, model future drawings in Photoshop, and create stencils necessary for the final transfer of the image. After completing the courses, you will be able to create large-scale paintings on the body of a car, household appliances, create any bold interior designs, you will be able to restore antique furniture using new artistic techniques, or, conversely, “age” any wooden item to look antique, creating the appearance of an antique. With the help of airbrush you can turn ordinary T-shirts into stylish and exclusive items and create perfect makeup. In the USA and Europe, an airbrush is used to create wedding makeup, makeup for politicians and actors. In short, by mastering this skill, you can make your world brighter!

How many : 15 days – 25-30 thousand rubles.

The present time is rightfully considered the era of knowledge. Innovative technologies are moving forward rapidly, so competent specialists are required in all areas of activity.

In the 21st century, more and more people are coming to the understanding that the education received at a university or college does not provide such a wealth of knowledge that would be enough for a lifetime. After a few years, it becomes obvious to many that there is a lack of knowledge.

Today, the concept of lifelong learning is relevant, aimed at realizing the potential of each individual, regardless of age.

A modern specialist must have the ability to constantly and continuously learn, acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities. Only this allows you to keep up with the times and be considered a high-level professional.

Educational institutions are highly responsive to the needs of society. Advanced training and retraining courses are opened, seminars and master classes are held.

There are various types of training in educational institutions - from second higher education and MBA - to trainings and webinars. People who are motivated to acquire additional knowledge have the opportunity to choose a convenient form of learning.

Adults rarely have the opportunity to study full-time. Therefore, evening, part-time, distance learning, as well as the opportunity to study externally, are provided for working citizens.

Modern employers also share the concept of lifelong learning, regardless of whether they are representatives of small businesses or transnational corporations. People interested in running a successful business understand the need for constant and targeted training of employees. After all, only this is an adequate response to dynamic changes in the external environment.

Today, it is becoming increasingly common for adults to have two higher educations, an MBA or a PhD, not to mention advanced training courses, good knowledge of English, and even several foreign languages. These are the demands of the time.

According to sociologists at Moscow State University, the volume of necessary knowledge has increased 100 times over the past 100 years, and the speed of information transfer has increased 10 million times. And life does not stand still. Therefore, for a modern person, constantly learning is an urgent need.

It is for this reason that economically developed countries allocate substantial budget funds for additional vocational education. Moreover, the costs for it are comparable to the budget funds allocated for higher education.

This brings tangible results. US experts, for example, have come to the conclusion that it is additional education for adults that provides up to 40% of economic growth in the country.

In Russia, the system of additional education for adults is rapidly developing, although, unfortunately, at the moment there is still a noticeable lag behind some industrialized countries.

Types of training

It is no secret that competition in the labor market is only increasing from year to year. To be a sought-after specialist, you should constantly improve your professional level, learn new things, and replenish your luggage with up-to-date knowledge.

The choice of types of training today is very diverse. Therefore, adults interested in learning can choose what suits them. The modern market for educational services offers many good programs, so anyone has the opportunity to choose the most suitable one for themselves.

Master's degree

A master's degree is the second level of a two-level higher education system, which follows a bachelor's degree. Studying in a master's program allows you to deepen your specialization in a specific professional area. A master's degree is considered preparation for serious scientific research activities in the future.

You can enroll in graduate school only after completing your master's degree. According to the rules, you cannot enter there with a bachelor's degree.

Studying in a master's program is possible only after completing a bachelor's or specialist's degree. To enter the master's program, you must pass an interview and competitive selection. When entering a master's program in a specialty different from the one obtained previously, it is mandatory to pass an exam confirming the presence of the necessary knowledge.

You can study in a master's program on both a budget and a commercial basis. Duration of training - 2 years. A master's degree is recognized in most countries of the world, as well as by foreign employers.

Receiving a second master's degree is equivalent to a second higher education. You can only study for a fee.

Second degree

It is noticeably popular among working people aged 25-35 due to the opportunity to study not only full-time, but also through evening or correspondence programs. Some universities provide the possibility of distance learning.

As a rule, those who want to have a new specialty that complements the previously acquired one seek to obtain a second higher education. For example, those with a first higher education in psychology study in the field of “Human Resource Management”; certified philologists often enter the faculties of journalism or public relations.

A second higher education can only be obtained on a commercial basis. To enter a university, you must pass one or more exams or an interview. Universities determine their own admission rules.


Today, workers and employees have many opportunities to improve their qualifications, acquire modern theoretical knowledge, and improve practical skills.

Advanced training can last from 1 week to a year, depending on the program.

Classes usually take place in the evenings or on weekends. So working people can improve their level without leaving their jobs.

In some cases, companies purposefully send employees to advanced training courses, which they attend during the day, during working hours.

    Advanced training institutions include:
  • academies (with the exception of academies that are educational institutions of higher professional education);
  • institutes for further training;
  • sectoral, intersectoral, regional, advanced training courses (schools, centers) organized at universities;
  • structural units of advanced training of universities (faculties of advanced training for teachers and specialists, intersectoral regional centers, etc.);
  • structural units of advanced training of institutions of secondary vocational education (advanced training courses for specialists of organizations);
  • training centers of employment authorities, where unemployed citizens are trained.

Sometimes an internship is included in the curriculum. It takes place at leading industry enterprises. People involved in improving their qualifications have the opportunity not only to consolidate new knowledge in practice, adopt best practices, but also receive advice from highly qualified specialists.

Internships are possible not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad.


Today, many universities have opened institutes for advanced training, where you can undergo professional retraining in order to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

This type of training is preferred by those who do not have time to obtain a second higher education. Professional retraining programs are different and last from 4 months to a year.

In addition, retraining courses are available not only at universities, but also in other educational institutions. The programs are designed in such a way that working people can attend educational institutions at a convenient time. As a rule, mandatory internships are provided on the basis of the largest representatives of industry enterprises.

After completing the training, a retraining diploma is issued, giving the right to conduct professional activities.

A person who completes retraining courses receives up-to-date knowledge in the chosen field of activity and becomes not just a specialist in demand in the labor market, but a professional ready for career growth.

MBA (Master of Business Administration) translated from English means “master of business administration.” The MBA program is aimed at preparing general managers to work in various fields of activity.

The educational program places an emphasis on business management technologies, so graduates find application of the acquired knowledge in various fields.

A graduate of the MBA program receives a diploma of additional (higher) education. The degree “Master of Business Administration” (MBA) is awarded. The qualifications obtained allow you to work as a middle and senior manager.

Training can be completed at business schools at major universities. The duration of training (depending on the program) is 1 - 2 years. Some Business Schools provide internships abroad and job placement assistance.

People with higher education and at least 1 year of work experience can study under the MBA program. Admission is based on the results of an interview or the results of passing an exam, depending on the educational institution. Some Business Schools provide the opportunity to re-credit some disciplines included in the curriculum.

There are full-time, part-time, evening and distance learning forms.

Postgraduate studies

This is postgraduate professional education, the purpose of which is to obtain a PhD degree. Admission to graduate school is based on the results of entrance exams. Required subjects: philosophy, foreign language and an exam in the specialty for which admission is being made.

There are full-time (3 years) and part-time (4 years) forms of study. In some technical specialties, postgraduate studies may last longer: 4 and 5 years, respectively.

Graduate students studying full-time are provided with a scholarship. The postgraduate student’s task is to work on his dissertation under the guidance of his supervisor and prepare to take the candidate’s exams.

Full-time graduate students are granted a deferment from military service. Postgraduate studies are possible on both a budgetary and commercial basis.

Doctoral studies

This is postgraduate professional education, the goal of which is to obtain a doctorate degree.

Only persons with a PhD degree can enroll in doctoral studies. There are no entrance exams required. The decision to enroll in doctoral studies is made by the university’s scientific council, headed by the rector or dean.

As a rule, in doctoral studies you can study in the same specialties as in graduate school. Duration of training - no more than 3 years.

In Russia, only full-time doctoral studies are possible. Scholarships are provided for those who study at the expense of budget funds. Training on a commercial basis is possible.

The doctoral student must prepare a doctoral dissertation for defense. He is provided with scientific and methodological assistance in conducting dissertation research by a scientific consultant (Doctor of Science, Professor).


This is the same as graduate school in civilian universities, only training is carried out in higher military educational institutions, some research institutions of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service, the FSB of the Russian Federation, etc.

Persons of middle, senior and senior command of the internal affairs bodies and officers of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia who have a higher education and achievements in scientific activity can study in the postgraduate course. Admission and training rules are similar to graduate studies.

The goal of postgraduate study is to defend a dissertation and receive an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences.

There are full-time (3 years) and part-time (4 years) forms of study. You can study on both a budgetary and commercial basis.


It is part of a multi-level system of higher education for medical professionals. This is a significant stage in the postgraduate education of doctors.

The main goal of clinical residency training is to train highly qualified doctors to work in healthcare institutions or in private practice.

Admission to residency is possible only based on the results of a competitive selection. Duration of training - 2 years (with a break from the main place of work).

A scholarship is paid at the expense of the educational institution. In some cases (depending on the specialty) the period of study can be extended to 5 years.


This is one of the main types of training of scientific, pedagogical and creative and performing personnel in the system of postgraduate education, the purpose of which is to improve the level of education, as well as pedagogical, scientific and creative and performing qualifications.

Admission to assistantship-internship is carried out on a competitive basis. To do this, you must have a higher education (master's degree or specialty). Duration of training - no more than 2 years. Training is possible on a budget or commercial basis.

Master classes

This is a type of training, the purpose of which is the transfer of experience, valuable developments, and original findings that contribute to the achievement of significant results in a particular field of activity.

The peculiarity of this type of training is that the transfer of skills is carried out through direct demonstration and detailed explanations.

As a rule, master classes are conducted on a commercial basis by recognized experts in a particular field of activity. This is a good way to quickly acquire new knowledge and improve your professional level.


Group classes aimed at providing special training in any area of ​​activity or advanced training.

The teacher performs the function of coordinator of the process of acquiring knowledge on the topic of the seminar.

This type of training is becoming increasingly popular due to its effectiveness. Seminars can last from one day to several weeks.

During this time, students receive a large amount of new and useful knowledge, which they then apply in practice.


This is a modern type of active learning, the purpose of which is to develop skills that are most relevant at the moment for a particular person or group of people.

Training participants learn the necessary information in a friendly and informal atmosphere.

Today, business trainings, classes aimed at acquiring certain personal qualities (communication skills, stress tolerance, etc.), corporate trainings in various areas (“Sales Techniques”, “Business Communication”, etc.), marketing trainings (“Effective Presentation”, etc.) are popular. , “Study of consumer needs”, “Successful exhibition”, etc.), personnel trainings (“Conflict resolution”, “Employee search technologies”, etc.).

As a rule, the duration of trainings is from 1 day to 1 week. Classes are held in groups. Training is provided on a commercial basis.


The duration of training is from one week to a year, depending on the educational program. Training is usually carried out on a commercial basis.

When enrolling in some advanced training courses, there is a necessary requirement - having a higher or secondary vocational education.


This type of training is characterized by presentation of information in the form of a lecture. They allow you to simultaneously convey information to a large number of people.

The lecture course, as a rule, is supplemented by practical and independent work of students.

The lecturer presents the educational material in a systematic and structured manner. This allows you to quickly absorb information and better understand new material. Often, when giving a lecture, modern means of information visualization are used, which also contributes to more productive memorization of the material, its holistic perception, and the formation of strong systemic knowledge.

The duration of a course of lectures on a particular subject depends on the curriculum of a particular institution engaged in adult education.


This is a type of training, the purpose of which is to gain experience or improve qualifications in a chosen specialty over a certain period of time.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that training is carried out in the process of work. The duration of the internship depends on the operational need and the goal to be achieved.

You can complete an internship at leading enterprises in your city and country, as well as abroad. Upon completion of the internship, a certificate is issued.

Today, internships abroad are not uncommon for large enterprises. They not only pay for the training of their employees in another country, but also maintain their salaries for this period.

However, today anyone can undergo an internship abroad. To do this, you need to independently find an internship place, apply for a visa, and pay for training, if required.

Internships allow you to gain valuable skills that will be useful in your professional life.


This is online training in real time, which is carried out using a computer and the Internet. A large number of students can participate in the webinar at the same time.

Webinars are a convenient and modern form of acquiring new knowledge, which involves the possibility of live communication and answering questions.

Presidential Management Training Program

It was founded on July 23, 1997 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 774 “On the training of management personnel for organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation.”

The Presidential Program is open to people with higher education, who have worked in management positions for at least 3 years and speak a foreign language.

The Presidential Management Training Program includes not only academic studies, but also internships at the largest specialized enterprises in the country, as well as abroad (in the USA, Norway, Japan, Finland, etc.). Training promotes professional growth and rapid career advancement

Form of study: evening, part-time, part-time. Classes 4-5 times a week. Duration - 1 year. After completing the training, a diploma of additional professional education is issued. The Presidential program is the state analogue of the MBA.

Tuition fees are as follows: 33% of the cost is paid from the federal budget, 33% from the regional budget, the remaining 34% is paid either by the enterprise where the student works or by the student himself.

International educational programs

International master's programs are implemented by Russian universities jointly with foreign higher education institutions-partners.

Duration of study is 2 years, of which 1-2 semesters abroad. Teaching is conducted in English. The program implements a “two degrees in two years” training model.

You can study on both a budgetary and commercial basis.

Training in summer and winter language schools is also provided by Russian educational institutions together with foreign partners.

Close interaction with native speakers contributes to the formation of correct pronunciation.

Education in language schools is carried out on a commercial basis.

Thomas learning

To build a successful career, you need to learn something new. Preferably - constantly. There is an opinion that today only lazy and inert people do not study. After all, there are plenty of opportunities for this. Moreover, those who plan to receive additional education can choose the most suitable form of education for themselves.

It's no secret that adults often have families and children. Work also takes up a lot of time. Therefore, the ability to choose the form of training is very important.

Full-time education

This form of education is a priority for young people who have recently graduated from school, technical school or lyceum. However, some adults also prefer to study full-time, if possible. Simply put, this is an excellent option if there are no money problems in the family and you can put off getting a job.

Face-to-face learning is considered the most effective due to daily attendance and close interaction with teachers.

Correspondence studies

Training is divided into alternating phases: obtaining knowledge (introduction session) and testing the material (test and examination session). There are quite large periods of time between phases, which are allotted for independent study. For all students there is a single educational plan, which includes deadlines for passing sessions, tests and coursework.

Distance learning allows you to combine classes with work and family. However, it should be understood that the material is presented in a condensed form, and students must study most of the information on the subjects themselves.

This form of education is chosen not only by those who receive their first higher education. Distance learning is also preferred by people who are receiving a second higher education or improving their qualifications without interruption from work.

The cost of distance learning is significantly lower than full-time study, which is also important.

Evening training

Allows you to combine study and work. At the same time, a person who chooses this form of training must understand that there will be very little free time. You will have to attend classes after work in the evening.

Some educational institutions provide flexible class hours, so those who work in the evenings have the opportunity to study in the morning.

This form of training is chosen, as a rule, by those who receive additional higher education or improve their qualifications.

The cost of evening study is lower than full-time study.

Distance learning

This is an independent form of learning, which is carried out using modern means of communication: mail and the Internet.

You can choose any educational institution that suits you, regardless of what city it is located in. Distance learning is affordable. There is no need to spend money on traveling to sessions. Students have the opportunity to independently plan their time and study when it is convenient for them.

This form of training is in great demand among adults interested in advanced training or obtaining a second higher education. It is popular among corporate clients because it allows employees to be trained on the job.

Such forms of organizing the learning process are used as chat classes (students have simultaneous access to the chat), web classes (webinars, distance lessons, conferences, business games, etc.), teleconferences (sending out the necessary material by email)

The assimilation of theory and the formation of practical skills are carried out through the assimilation of material on audio or video media.

Test work is carried out independently. Final control over the assimilation of the material is carried out using DET (distance educational technologies).

Due to its democracy and simplicity, distance learning is becoming increasingly popular.


The essence of this form of education is the opportunity to get an education without attending an educational institution every day. The material is studied independently. Educational institutions carry out intermediate and state (final) certifications.

The convenience of this form of training is that the necessary material can be covered much faster than with other forms of training.

The student attends the educational institution only to take exams. This form of learning cannot be considered superficial. After all, the acquisition of knowledge is controlled and assessed by the teacher.

Externship allows you to study on an individual schedule. In addition, it provides an opportunity to combine study and work. Or with classes at another educational institution.

Application for a job

At the same time, they have the opportunity to either attend classes together with graduate students, or independently prepare for passing the candidate minimum exams. The supervisor supervises the applicant’s work on the dissertation.

Unlike graduate students, applicants do not receive a stipend. As a rule, applicants are university teachers who seek to make a career in the field of education and science.

Attachment as an applicant is possible only if the university has postgraduate or doctoral studies in the chosen specialty.

An applicant for a candidate of science degree can be a specialist with a higher professional education. Only a candidate of science can become an applicant for the degree of Doctor of Science.

There are time limits for remaining as applicants. To prepare a candidate's dissertation, the application period is 3 years.

To prepare a doctoral dissertation - 4 years.

Targeted training based on individual requests

This form of training is popular among people interested in professional retraining or advanced training.

Educational organizations engaged in training adults often create programs based on individual requests for targeted training of employees of a particular organization. The program includes certain disciplines based on the needs of corporate clients.

Targeted training based on individual requests contributes to the quick and most effective implementation of the tasks of specific companies.

However, anyone can undergo training in one or another program if they have such a need. To do this, you should find out at the educational center when a group will be formed that will undergo training in a specific program in order to join it.

Upon completion of training, educational centers provide corporate clients with a detailed report.

In modern conditions, in the context of the development of ideas of lifelong education, the system of additional education is becoming increasingly relevant. Additional education is the most flexible and effective form of education, which allows you to realize the ideas of “lifelong education” and “lifelong education”. Today it is one of the integral forms of education.

The motivation for adult learning is indicated in increasing the level of qualifications, also in cognitive interest, updating or promoting the educational level and self-development.

The functions of lifelong education are developmental, compensating, adaptive and integrating functions.

The results of continuous education are:

  1. Literacy (a socio-pedagogical characteristic of a person, which reflects the ability to adequately process and integrate sociocultural information, characterizing the measure of a person’s adaptability to the conditions of existence.
  2. Competence (an integral personal characteristic, including professional training, developed personal professional qualities, installation efficiency and motivation, which allow you to effectively perform professional functions and solve professional problems).
  3. Culture.

The importance of educational programs for adults is manifested in the influence of the level of education on the development of society, culture and the economy; it acts as a means of ensuring democratic freedoms, a system-forming moment of state security, and a condition for effective social development.

The importance of additional education in Russia is confirmed by the creation of the Draft Concept for the Development of Continuous Education of Adults in the Russian Federation until 2025. The goal of this project is to create conditions for the realization of the right to education throughout life for the adult population of the Russian Federation. This Concept enshrines the concept of lifelong education.

This concept reflects three main types of lifelong education:

  1. Formal education consists of mastering educational programs in those organizations that carry out educational activities.
  2. Non-formal education is associated with advanced training, the main forms of which are courses, seminars, trainings, etc.
  3. Spontaneous education is an individual cognitive activity aimed at a person’s self-development, to obtain new knowledge not related to professional activities (informal education).

The main directions of implementation of the Concept include:

  • Creating ample opportunities to acquire the necessary qualifications throughout the working life of the adult population;
  • Creating conditions for the formation of key competencies and increasing the functional literacy of the adult population;
  • Development of infrastructure and technologies in the field of adult education to ensure personal growth and self-realization of various categories of the adult population.

To implement this Concept, a corresponding Action Plan is being formed. An action plan is developed and approved for each stage of the Concept implementation.

The Concept also reflects the concept of continuous informal education, which includes the following areas:

  1. Development of an assessment system and recognition of qualifications acquired formally and informally (recognition of online courses, additional educational programs, etc.);
  2. Development of corporate education (distance learning, mentoring, networking of educational and information technologies);
  3. Development of modular schemes for obtaining qualifications;
  4. Improving the execution of financial mechanisms;

Exploring the perception and need of students for additional education, we conducted a sociological study in March 2016 on the basis of the NSPU named after. K. Minin in the form of a questionnaire survey.

The purpose of the study was to determine students' knowledge of continuing education and their readiness to attend continuing education courses.

The objectives of the study were:

  • identifying students’ interest in receiving additional education;
  • determining the needs of students for additional education;
  • identification of goals for obtaining additional education.

The sample consisted of 30 people aged from 20 to 22 years, it included full-time and part-time students. The average age of the respondents was 21 years.

As a result of the study, the following results were obtained:

More than 86% of students previously took part in additional education programs.

All survey participants, when answering the question about the need to attend additional education courses, indicated that for them additional education courses are an integral part of professional education.

For the majority of respondents (85%), the purpose of attending courses is to improve their professional qualifications, while a minority of respondents (15%) remained of the opinion that they need additional education courses for development and self-development.

Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

  1. in general, students adequately understand the essence of additional education and consider it in the context of lifelong education;
  2. realize the importance of additional education in ensuring the quality of professional training of a future specialist;
  3. Students have identified a need for additional education.

Thus, we can conclude that additional education provides:

  1. development of thinking, communication skills, attitudes and changes in self-esteem;
  2. development of students' creativity by solving educational, scientific, professional and social problems;
  3. promotes secondary social and professional orientation of students;
  4. ensures effective adaptation in the modern information society.

In conclusion, we can conclude that in modern society the highest goal is to obtain new knowledge. With the rapid development of modern technologies, society needs to quickly adapt and master them. Additional education greatly simplifies the current situation.


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