How many universities can you apply to? What documents are needed to enter the university? Admission procedure for Olympiad winners

I have a certificate in foreign language, can I not take the exam in this subject?

Yes, we can re-credit a number of certificates, not only in English, but also in German and French. A list of certificate compatibility and benefits provided for them will be available later.

I have a diploma in translation, can I count this as a foreign language exam?

Is it possible to take a language other than English as a foreign language?

Only for some programs. In addition, most programs can be credited with a language certificate in German or French. A list of certificate compliance and the benefits provided for them will be posted later.

I have diplomas and certificates for various achievements. Can they influence admission?

Only if the entrance examination for your program includes a portfolio competition and its criteria allow you to count points for such achievements. The composition of the entrance examinations (including portfolio criteria for those programs where there is a portfolio competition) has already been published, you can familiarize yourself with them.

What admission benefits are available to the winners and prize-winners of the HSE Olympiad for students and graduates (as well as winners and prize-winners All-Russian Olympiad students “I am a professional”)?

I have a diploma as a winner or prize-winner of the HSE Olympiad for students and graduates (or the All-Russian Olympiad for Students “I am a Professional”), but not this year, but one of the past. Will this provide any benefits?

Yes. The 2019 admissions campaign accepts not only the results of this year, but also those of 2018.

Can I pass entrance tests remotely?

Only if you need to participate only in the portfolio competition (for example: there are benefits of 100 points for all other tests; the second test is in a foreign language and it is confirmed by a certificate; the entrance tests include only the portfolio competition and nothing else)

What should I do if I cannot pass the entrance examination on the appointed day? Is there a spare day?

There is a reserve day. But keep in mind that you can take it on a reserve day only if the reason for missing the exam is valid. A valid reason is considered to be, for example, documented illness or a business trip at work. But, for example, taking an exam at another university (or even at another HSE campus) cannot be considered a valid reason.

Unless the portfolio criteria states otherwise, it only means that you will not receive points for that particular criterion.

In 2019, the submission of documents to universities stopped on July 26. However, many higher educational institutions, for admission to which, in addition to the Unified State Exam, additional exams were required, completed accepting documents even earlier, at the beginning of July.

Now every applicant in Russia has the right to apply to several universities at once, thereby significantly increasing their chances of admission. In addition, the process of enrollment in educational institutions today takes place in two waves. This was done precisely in order to increase the chances of applicants to take a budget-funded place at a university if they submitted documents to several educational institutions at once.

Deadlines for submitting documents for admission to the university

In 2019, the start of accepting documents for admission was scheduled for June 20. It was allowed to begin accepting documents earlier than this date, but not later. Let us also note other key dates that are very important for applicants this year:

  • No earlier than July 7, it was allowed to complete the acceptance of documents from persons who, in addition to the Unified State Exam, are also taking additional creative or professional tests;
  • Not earlier than July 10, the acceptance of documents from applicants was completed, who, together with the Unified State Exam, also took various entrance tests conducted by the university on its own;
  • July 26 - deadline for accepting documents at universities (if the applicant is admitted only based on the results of the Unified State Exam). Before this date, all universities were also required to complete entrance examinations, which they conduct independently;
  • Until July 27 inclusive - publication of lists of persons entering the educational institution;
  • July 28 and 29 - enrollment in the university of those applicants who are admitted outside the main competition, that is, based on the results of olympiads or in targeted areas of training (or on the basis of other benefits);
  • July 29 - publication of lists of students who are recommended for enrollment at the university. This is the so-called first wave, in which 80% of all budget places are filled (together with those who have already entered outside the main competition);
  • From August 1 to August 3 - the first wave of enrollment within the main competition (80% of budget places);
  • From August 6 to 8 - the second wave of enrollment in the main competition (the remaining 20% ​​of budget places);
  • Until August 15 inclusive - publication of information about the remaining places (if any), the beginning of additional admission to the university.

All these terms apply only to full-time budget education. Deadlines for accepting documents (and other important dates) for part-time students and applicants wishing to study on a paid basis, the educational institution establishes independently.

How many universities can you apply to in 2019?

Applicants who wish to enroll in higher educational institutions under bachelor's or specialist's programs have the right to submit an application for admission, as well as transfer admissions committee all necessary documents for no more than 5 universities. But there is one important nuance: each university allows you to submit documents for 3 areas of training (or 3 specialties) at once.

It turns out that applicants in 2019 can submit documents to take entrance examinations simultaneously in 15 different areas (5 universities with 3 areas of training in each). This is quite enough to get a budget place, that is, it practically guarantees admission to one of the universities (if you score good points in the Unified State Examination).

How to submit documents for admission?

Since today the overwhelming majority of applicants are admitted to universities only based on the results of the Unified State Exam (that is, they do not take any exams at the educational institution itself), submitting documents is possible in a variety of ways:

  • Personally to the admissions committee. If an applicant is admitted to a budget-funded place, then he has the right to submit the documents himself, providing a passport. If he is a minor and at the same time applies for paid education, then the documents are submitted together with his parents. That is, parents (one of them) must give their written consent to paid education. They are the ones who guarantee that the money will arrive in the bank account of the educational institution in a timely manner;
  • By mail. Copies of documents required for admission to a university can be sent by mail throughout the Russian Federation. But in this case they will need to be certified by a notary (certificate of school education, photocopies of passport and some other documents). If an applicant enters a university, he will need to take the originals of all previously sent documents there;
  • Through the Internet. A modern and very convenient way to submit documents, which is now used by many institutions higher education. In this case, scanned copies or simply high-quality photographs of all documents are sent by e-mail to the address of the admissions committee.

What documents are needed to enter the university?

The exact list of documents for admission to the institute must be obtained from the specific educational institution where the applicant wishes to enroll. Although there is a general list of documents required for admission to almost any university, there are many institutions that impose special requirements for applicants to submit documents.

The main documents for submission to a university in case of studying both full-time and part-time are:

  • A statement expressing a desire to take entrance examinations to a university. Sometimes it is written by hand, but in most cases the applicant is given a ready-made application form, in which it is only necessary to fill in some empty fields, and then put a date and signature;
  • Passport or other document that confirms the identity of the applicant. For example, a temporary identity card in case of loss of your passport;
  • Documents confirming the current level of education. This can be a school certificate of basic or complete secondary education, a diploma from a college or other university, a certificate from a college confirming the termination of studies there (confirms completion of the basic school curriculum) or other documents;
  • Certificate of passing the Unified State Exam with the number of points for each subject;
  • Medical certificate for applicants to a university, form 086-u. It is received in a children's clinic, if the applicant is not yet 18 years old, or in a private paid clinic;
  • Photos measuring 3 x 4 cm (usually 6 are required, but more may be needed).

Additional documents may be attached to these documents. For example, a certificate of disability or a medical and social examination report (for applicants with disabilities who have benefits upon admission) or a certificate stating that the applicant is an orphan (a court decision on deprivation of parental rights or a certificate from an orphanage).

If there are any special benefits, applicants must also attach certificates confirming their right to these benefits to the main package of documents.

First wave of enrollments

On July 29, the first lists of students are formed, who have so far only been recommended for enrollment in an educational institution. They contain beneficiaries of various categories who enter the university outside the main competition, as well as other applicants in an amount that allows them to fill 80% of all budget places at the institute.

Preferential applicants (winners of Olympiads, “target students”, orphans and other categories) must submit the originals of their documents within one day after enrollment, and applicants of the general competition - within 5 days. Direct enrollment of first-wave applicants to the university takes place from August 1 to August 3 inclusive. If someone did not manage to bring the original documents to the educational institution in time within the allotted period, then he loses his right to be enrolled in the first wave.

If the student still does not bring the original documents within the specified period after enrollment, then he is not deleted from the lists forever, but can try to enroll in the university later, as part of the second wave of enrollment.

Second wave of enrollments

The second wave, designed to fill those remaining at the university budget places(20%), runs from August 6 to 8. In the second wave, there are no longer any benefits; admission occurs only based on the results total points Unified State Exam. The deadline for submitting documents for applicants enrolled in the second wave is only 2 days. If they are not provided within the specified period, the applicant will be permanently deprived of the right to enter the university in the current year.

However, the number of budget places in the second wave may be more than 20%. This happens, for example, when one of the applicants did not bring the originals of their documents on time. Or he was enrolled in the institute in the first wave, but then he changed his mind about enrolling and took away his documents.

Saying goodbye to the walls of the school is not easy last call, beautiful costumes and , latest line and a school ball, but also the beginning of an important stage in the life of every graduate. The doors to adulthood open before him, but in order to feel confident and reliable in it, he first needs to obtain a higher education, achieving a diploma.

Last year schooling is the period when eleventh graders and their parents begin to study innovations related to the regulations that determine the rules for submitting documents to universities and academies. You need to understand what exams you need to take for your chosen specialties, look at the availability of benefits and bonus points at the selected universities. There is no need to rely on information from previous years in this matter.

In 2018, you can choose 5 universities (or 15 specialties) for admission.

Every year, education officials supplement, reform and make changes to regulations and procedures, clarifying the deadlines, opportunities and rules for enrollment in educational institutions. An important point is how many universities and specialties one graduate can “storm”, because the choice of educational direction affects the opportunity to receive and insure oneself in case of not too high. Let's figure out what rules will apply to applicants in 2018.

Rules for admission to Russian universities

It is worth recalling that in 2018 Russian Ministry Education has subjected the rules regarding admission to universities to the following changes:

  • for persons who apply for bachelor's or specialist's degrees, amendments have been made regarding priority beneficiaries. Now applicants who are children of employees have been added to this category national guard Russia, as well as those who are among the employees and military personnel of this unit;
  • Universities must now inform potential applicants regarding the current admissions campaign earlier than last year. If back in 2016 the management of higher educational institutions published admission news until November 16 of the current school year, then in 2018 a new rule will apply, according to which all information for applicants must be available no later than October 1. It is expected that this reserve of time will provide an opportunity to better study the requirements put forward by universities and prepare for their implementation;
  • new rules come into force for children from Crimea. For several years, they had the right to apply to mainland universities within a special quota. In 2016-2017, they could also apply without the Unified State Exam, or rather, make a choice in favor of all-Russian testing or the admission rules of a specific university. Many schoolchildren tried to avoid the Unified State Exam—for several years, only 38-45% of all Crimean eleventh-graders decided to take the difficult test. From 2018, most likely, Crimeans will be subject to a presidential decree, according to which they are required to take the Unified State Exam.

How many universities can I apply to?

The rules for submitting documents to universities and specialties have not changed: graduates of 11th grade have the right to submit certificates to five institutions of higher education. At the same time, in the selected universities you can check the boxes next to three specialties or areas of training. As a result, the applicant will have the opportunity to get into a budget place in one of 15 specialties, which is not so little for realizing his chance of success.

The points received for the Unified State Exam will show whether it is worth aiming at a prestigious university

The main thing is to track the ratings of previous years and realistically assess your chances based on the points given in the Unified State Examination certificates. Another important point: documents can be sent to any of the existing forms of training. If you are not sure that you can take a budget place at a hospital, it may be worth playing it safe and submitting certificates for correspondence or evening faculty. In this case, the competition will be much lower, and the scores of applicants will be lower. The university will accept documents in two stages:

  • 1st – selection takes place for 80% of the places financed from the state budget;
  • 2nd – this is where the remaining budget places are filled and the documents of applicants are moved to the vacant places. This happens due to the fact that students with a high rating submit originals for one specialty in the first wave, freeing up places for the 14 remaining positions in university rankings. So if you're in 21st place out of 20 budget positions available, it's worth waiting. There is a good chance that you will be included in the second wave of enrollment.

Benefits when submitting documents

It should be noted that some categories of graduates continue to enjoy benefits:

  • winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads in subjects from the school curriculum receive +10 points to the applicant’s rating. However, it is worth remembering that the winner’s diploma can only be provided in one educational institution, and to four more universities you should submit documents according to general rules, so you should choose your priority university responsibly. By the way, the results of the Olympiads are valid for 4 years, so you can take advantage of the achievements that were obtained in the 8th-9th grade;
  • Possession of a gold TRP badge and documented volunteering can also bring benefits in the form of a maximum 10 points, Golden medal or excellent. The weight of these achievements in point terms is determined by the leadership of universities. You should not neglect the opportunity to receive additional points, so carefully read the admission rules to become familiar with the rector's policy on this issue.

Features of submitting documents to military universities

It is quite natural that among Russian eleventh-graders there are children who do not consider civilian professions for themselves, but want to become career military personnel. Their choice is institutes and academies of the corresponding profile, which differ from ordinary universities not only in the characteristics of their studies, the list of specialties and disciplines, but also in the conditions of enrollment. Here you need to focus on two points.

To enter a military university, it is not enough to pass the Unified State Exam – physical training is also important
  • Unlike civilian higher educational institutions, for admission to which it is enough to provide Unified State Examination certificates with high scores, admission to a military university requires an additional examination in physical training, passing psychological testing and obtaining a certificate from a medical board. The commission must certify that the graduate’s health will allow him to study at a military university;
  • Military universities do not require submitting documents to five institutions and three specialties in each. In this case, you can select only one educational institution and send certificates, an application and related documents to it.

Taking into account the second rule, it is important to insure yourself in case you do not succeed in becoming a military servant this year. You probably don't want to lose a whole year. The graduate has the right to apply to four more civilian universities. Choose universities that have military department to then work in military structures and law enforcement agencies on a contract basis.

Another opportunity is provided

The start of accepting documents for universities is approaching. Today we will talk about how not to miss your chance because of little things.

The admission rules are quite simple. Don’t miss deadlines and have time to submit original documents; study additional conditions chosen educational institution, pass a medical examination, if necessary, and everything will work out. Now let's look at each stage in more detail.

Don't panic! If you comply with all deadlines, there will be no problems with admission.

The most important thing about documents

If you have prepared for admission in advance, then the meeting with the admissions committee will take you 10-15 minutes, not counting the possible queue of people who want to become your classmates and friends at the university. For regular public and private universities, a standard package of documents is required:

  • statement;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the certificate with an attachment.

In 2019, the Unified State Exam results of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 will be valid.

Some universities may require a medical certificate 086/у. The need to provide it, as well as the list of other documents, can be found on the official website of the university.

Also collect documents that will confirm your benefits upon admission, if any. You must bring the originals of these papers to your chosen university. This rule applies to all beneficiaries, target recipients, winners of Olympiads and specialized professional competitions.

  • winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren;
  • gold medalists of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games;
  • world or European champions in any sport;
  • members of Russian teams of international Olympiads in general education subjects (specialized areas).

Athletes can only enroll in areas of study related to physical education and sports without entrance examinations.

Applicant calendar: application deadlines and other important dates

Applicants to military universities, academies of internal affairs and educational institutions that have special requirements for the physical training of students need to prepare much earlier. Have a standard medical examination in November or December. This will save you time.

Below are the dates current for 2019 admissions.

Approximate date (check with your chosen university for the exact date)


The acceptance of documents from applicants is completed, the primary right of admission is based on the results of additional creative or professional tests

The acceptance of documents is completed at universities that conduct additional entrance examinations

✓ The acceptance of documents from applicants who do not pass additional exams (standard admission according to the Unified State Exam) is completed.

✓ Universities are required to complete their own entrance tests for all applicants

Appears full list applicants according to the standard protocol (information stand, university website)

Acceptance of original documents from applicants entering without exams (athletes and winners of creative, professional, intellectual competitions)

An order is ready for the admission to the university of applicants entering without quota exams

"First wave of admissions." The university registers applications from applicants who have agreed to study (80% of competitive places are filled)

Order on the admission of applicants of the “first wave”

"Second wave of admissions." The university registers consent to study from applicants (the remaining 20% ​​of competitive places are filled)

Order on the admission of applicants of the “second wave”

After July 27, all your attention should be focused on the university website. You cannot miss the moment when you will need to submit an application for consent to enrollment and original documents. Without these papers, even with the best Unified State Exam results, the university will not consider you as a future student. You see that you are passing the rating, run to submit your documents.

The main admission tool is the university website, where the ranking of applicants will be regularly updated

Changes 2018

This year has not brought global changes to the procedure for admission to higher education institutions, but some amendments are worth taking into account when preparing. What's new?

  • Universities will independently determine the requirements for applicants with vocational education diplomas (college, technical school). Applicants will undergo entrance tests at the educational institution.
  • The total number of competitive places will decrease by correspondence form training.
  • For various achievements during schooling and sports career you can now get up to 10 points (in 2017 - up to 20).
  • Victories and prizes in All-Russian Olympiads will provide benefits for 4 years. Win the Olympiad in the 9th or 10th grade and don’t think about future admission at all.
  • For another year, Crimeans can take the all-Russian test or undergo special entrance tests at universities upon admission. In 2019, Crimean schoolchildren will also begin taking the Unified State Exam.
  • One of the main changes in the process of admission to higher education institutions will affect target students. Now the contract will be concluded between the applicant, the university and the employer. Previously, only the applicant and the university were involved in this scheme. After successful training, the applicant is required to work for three years in the organization that issued the referral.
  • Universities will themselves determine how many additional points an applicant will receive for an essay (1-10).
  • Applicants who have chosen the direction " Intelligent systems in the humanitarian field”, will take mathematics for any chosen period of study.

Typical mistakes and questions for applicants

So, now you have complete information about when and how to apply to universities. But not always and not everyone succeeds perfectly, so we have selected several examples of typical mistakes of applicants and options for correcting them.

There is another situation that sometimes fails applicants who prefer “bird in hand”.

What should you do if you entered the university of your dreams in the second wave, but have already transferred the originals to another educational institution?

So, you entered one of the universities, took the original documents there and calmed down. But it’s a bit of a pity that it’s the same one best-prestigious-popular-convenient-interesting The university did not accept you to study. You open the website of the desired educational institution and see that your name is already on the list of those recommended for admission. What to do?

Assess the deadlines for submitting originals and your position in the ranking. Filling out the expulsion order and collecting documents from the first-wave university will take about a day, after which you need to transfer the original documents to the new university and have time to submit an application for consent to study. You should have at least 2-3 days for the re-entry process.

Take action! Some universities deliberately, although they do not admit it, delay the issuance of originals. Especially if the educational institution is not very popular, and you have good results. Therefore, do not tell the admissions committee about your dream. Say that there are family circumstances, that’s why you are taking the documents.

Very soon you will become students and start a new life, but in the meantime, prepare for several weeks of stress. Good luck and may everything work out!

If you enter a university after the 11th grade of school, then in most cases you must pass the Unified State exam(USE). What subjects are needed for admission to the direction or specialty you have chosen can be found in the list of entrance tests in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated September 4, 2014 No. 1204, as well as in the list of entrance tests in the admission rules established by the university you plan to enroll in.

In some cases, along with the Unified State Exam, you may need to pass additional entrance tests:

  • upon admission to budget-funded training in specialties and areas included in the list approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 17, 2014 No. 21, for example, “architecture”, “journalism” or “medicine”;
  • upon admission to Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU). The list of specialties and areas for which additional entrance tests must be taken is determined by MSU independently;
  • if you are enrolling in a university where studies require access to state secrets or public service, for example, to the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The rules for admission to such universities are determined by the federal authorities that supervise them.

2. Is it possible to enter a university without the Unified State Exam?

You don’t have to take the Unified State Exam and enroll based on the results entrance exams which the university conducts independently if you belong to one of the following categories:

  • disabled people and disabled children;
  • Foreign citizens;
  • applicants applying on the basis of a secondary or higher diploma vocational education;
  • applicants who have received a certificate The certificate must be received no earlier than a year before the deadline for accepting documents at the university.">no more than a year ago and have never taken the Unified State Exam. For example, those who passed the state final exam (GVE) instead or received education abroad. If the applicant passed some Unified State Exam subjects, and for the rest - GVE, he can take an internal exam at the university only in subjects for which he passed the GVE.

3. When do I need to submit documents for admission?

Universities begin accepting documents for budget-funded full-time and part-time undergraduate and specialist degrees no later than June 20. Document acceptance ends no earlier than:

  • July 7, if upon admission to your chosen specialty or field of study, the university conducts additional creative or professional tests;
  • July 10, if upon admission to the specialty or field of study you have chosen, the university conducts any other additional entrance tests;
  • July 26, if you are applying only based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

For all forms of paid education and for correspondence forms of budget education, universities determine the deadlines for accepting documents independently. Application deadlines can be found on university websites.

You can simultaneously submit documents for admission to a bachelor's or specialist's degree to five universities. In each of them you can choose up to three specialties or areas of training.

4. What documents are needed for admission?

When applying to a university, you will need to fill out an application for admission. As a rule, it can be downloaded from the university website. The application must be accompanied by:

  • passport or other document proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant;
  • document on previous education received: school leaving certificate, diploma of primary, secondary or higher vocational education;
  • information about the results of the Unified State Exam, if you took it;
  • 2 photographs if upon admission you will take additional entrance tests;
  • registration certificate or military ID (if available);
  • medical certificate form 086/у - for medical, pedagogical and Their list was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 No. 697.">some others specialties and directions;
  • if your representative will submit documents instead of you, you will additionally need a notarized power of attorney and a document proving his identity;
  • If at the time of submitting documents you are under 18 years old, take with you a consent form for the processing of your personal data, signed by a parent or guardian - without it, documents will not be accepted. Download the form on the university website or ask the admissions staff to send it to you by email;
  • documents confirming individual achievements; documents confirming special rights and benefits.

You can submit both original documents and their copies. It is not necessary to have copies certified by a notary. You can submit documents in person at the university admissions office or at one of its branches, if there are any. In addition, documents can be sent by registered mail.

About all methods of submitting documents, including Some educational institutions may accept documents on-site: in this case, you can hand over the documents to a university representative at mobile document collection points. In addition, the university, at its discretion, may accept documents sent by email.

">alternatives, check with the admissions office of a particular university.

5. What do you need to apply for a budget?

To apply to the chosen university, you must score a number of points equal to minimum score or exceeding it. The university itself determines the minimum score for each specialty and direction, but cannot set it below the level approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

A competition is being held among applicants who have submitted documents for admission. The first to be admitted will be the applicants with the most total points for For some individual achievements, the university can add points to the applicant - no more than 10 in total. Such achievements can be school medal, certificate or diploma of secondary vocational education with honors. The full list can be found in paragraph 44 of the admission procedure for training in educational programs higher education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147.

With a list individual achievements, which are taken into account at a particular university upon admission, can be found in the rules of admission to the university. Admission rules are published by the university on its official website no later than October 1 of the previous year.

">individual achievements and for the Unified State Exam - only in subjects that are needed for admission to the chosen areas or training program.

Based on the results of the competition, it is determined passing score- the smallest number of points that was sufficient for enrollment. Thus, the passing score changes every year and is determined only after enrollment. As a guide, you can look at the passing score for the selected areas or the training program for the past year.

Applicants who are admitted under quotas have the right to take part in the general competition, if they did not qualify for the quota, but participate in the competition within their quota. To do this, they must also score a number of points equal to or exceeding the minimum value set by the university.

You can get a higher education in Russia for free once. But it is worth considering that after completing a bachelor’s degree, you can enroll in a master’s program in a budget department.

6. Who can enter without exams?

The following people can enter the university without entrance exams:

  • winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad, if they enter specialties and directions, "> corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad - for 4 years following the year of the Olympiad. The university independently determines which areas and specialties the profile of the Olympiad corresponds to.
  • members of the national teams of the Russian Federation and Ukraine (if they are citizens of the Russian Federation) who participated in international olympiads in general education subjects, if they are enrolled in directions and specialties, The university independently determines which areas and specialties the Olympiad profile corresponds to.">corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad in which they participated - for 4 years following the year of the Olympiad;
  • champions and prize-winners of the Olympic, Paralympic or Deaf Olympic Games, world or European champions and athletes who took first place at the World or European Championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic, Paralympic or Deaf Olympic Games, can enter specialties and areas in the field without exams physical culture and sports.

Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads from the list approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2019 N 658, can count on admission without exams for 4 years following the year of the Olympiad. However, the university itself determines which Olympiad winners and prize-winners are accepted from the list without exams (or provide them with other benefits upon admission), in which class the applicant should have taken part in them, and what areas and specialties the Olympiad profile corresponds to.

In addition, in order to take advantage of the benefit, the winner or prize-winner of the Olympiad from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science must score a certain number of points on the Unified State Exam in a core subject, which the university also sets independently, but not less than 75.

7. What is “targeted learning”?

Some universities provide admission to targeted training in specialties included in the list determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

An applicant entering within the target quota is sent to study by the region of the Russian Federation, government agency or a company with which the university has entered into an agreement on admitting applicants for targeted training. You can find out whether such agreements have been concluded at the university of your choice by contacting the admissions office. Applicants entering under the target quota do not participate in the general competition.

When submitting an application for admission to targeted training, in addition to the main documents, you will need to provide a copy of the contract certified by the customer targeted training or present the original later. Sometimes information about the contract concluded with you comes to the educational institution directly from the organization that orders the training.

Information about applicants within the target quota is not included in the general list of applications for admission, and is not posted on official websites and information stands in the interests of state security.

8. What other benefits are there when entering a university?

Most admission benefits can be divided into 4 groups:

  • admission under a special quota* - the passing score for these applicants is usually But not lower minimum score established by the university.">below than for the rest. Applicants with disabilities of groups I and II, children with disabilities and those disabled since childhood, disabled people due to a military injury or illness received during military service, orphans and children without parental care (retain the right to admission) can apply under a special quota under a special quota up to 23 years old), Categories listed in the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans” (see Article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1–4).">veterans military operations. Within the framework of a special quota, the university allocates at least 10% of budget places from the volume of control figures for each set of conditions for admission to study in bachelor's and specialty programs;
  • right to 100 points - if an applicant has the right to admission without exams, but wants to enroll in a program or field of study that does not correspond to the profile of his Olympiad, he can receive 100 points for one of the entrance tests automatically, if it For example, the winner of the All-Russian Physics Olympiad does not want to enter the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and chooses astronomy, where he also needs to take physics - in this case he will receive 100 points for physics without passing it.">corresponds profile of his Olympics. In addition, in order to take advantage of the benefit, the winner or prize-winner of the Olympiad from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science must score a certain number of points on the Unified State Exam in a core subject, which the university also sets independently, but not less than 75);
  • benefits for individual achievements - medalists, winners of Olympiads (which the university does not accept without exams and does not provide the right to 100 points) and
  • champions and prize-winners of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games and other sports competitions;
  • applicants with a certificate with honors;
  • gold and silver medalists;
  • volunteers;
  • winners of the championship professional skills among disabled people and people with disabilities health "Abilimpix".
">other categories of applicants may receive additional points - but not more than 10 - or the right to preferential admission. The university independently determines for which achievements and what benefits to provide;
  • right preferential admission- if two applicants score the same number of points upon admission, then the one who has the right of preferential admission will be admitted. This right is available to applicants who can enter under a special quota, and A complete list is given in Article 35 procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147.">some others categories.
  • If there are more people willing to enroll than there are quota places, then these categories of applicants participate in a competition among themselves based on the points they score. At the same time, applicants within the quota can simultaneously submit an application to participate in the general competition. When entering a general competition, the priority right of admission is retained - if other conditions match, priority is given to those who have this advantage.

    9. How is enrollment done?

    Until July 27 inclusive, on its official website, the university publishes lists of applicants applying for a bachelor's or specialty degree in a budget department of full-time or part-time study and who have passed the minimum score threshold.

    The lists are ranked by the number of points, that is, higher positions are occupied by applicants whose total number of points for the Unified State Examination, additional entrance tests and individual achievements are higher. The sum of points without taking into account individual achievements is considered, then the profile subject and then in descending order of priority. If two applicants have the same entire list, priority is given to the one who has the preemptive right.

    After this, enrollment begins. It takes place in several stages:

    • priority admission stage - enroll applicants who enter without exams, within the framework of a special or targeted quota. These applicants must, by July 28, submit to the university where they decided to enroll and where they passed the exams, the original document on previous education and an application for consent to enrollment. The enrollment order is issued on July 29;
    • Stage I of admission - at this stage, the university can fill up to 80% of the budget places remaining free after priority admission, for each specialty or direction. Applicants are admitted according to the position they occupy on the list of applicants - those who occupy a higher position are admitted first. At this stage, you must submit the original document on previous education and an application for consent to enrollment no later than August 1. The enrollment order is issued on August 3;
    • Stage II of enrollment - the university fills the remaining budget places. Applicants who will be admitted at this stage must submit the original document on previous education and an application for consent to admission no later than August 6. The order is issued on August 8.

    The university determines the deadlines for enrollment in paid departments and correspondence courses independently.

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