Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Navy – Russian Navy Navy countries of the world comparison

The Russian naval forces were created to ensure the security of the state's maritime borders and demonstrate military power in the international arena. The possibility of political influence in the world depends on how seriously other countries take our fleet. That is why the country's leadership has always paid special attention to the development of the fleet.

Peter I, who was a great admirer of the sea and ships, made a great contribution to the development of the fleet of the Russian Empire. During his reign, the first large military ships appeared, equipped at that time with modern weapons. Thanks to this, Russia was able to defend many of its lands, both from the north and the south.

During the existence of the Soviet Union, a large number of heavy warships were built, many of which continue to perform their functions today.

Structure and deployment of the Russian Navy


Submarines are divided into the following types:

  • Multi-purpose diesel-electric submarines - the Halibut, Varshavyanka and Lada types - currently have 18 ships in service. They carry Kalibr cruise missiles, ZM-54 and Onyx anti-ship missiles, and mine-torpedo weapons.
  • Strategic missile submarine cruisers of the "Squid" and "Dolphin" type - 10 units, which are equipped with R-29R and R-29RM ballistic missiles, SET-65, SAET-60M and 53-65K torpedoes, Vodopad anti-ship missiles.
  • Nuclear torpedo submarines, including those equipped with cruise missiles, of the following types: “Pike”, “Akula”, “Barracuda”, “Condor”, “Antey”, “Shchuka-B” and “Ash”. The total number of vessels in service is 17 units. It is armed with Kalibr cruise and anti-ship missiles, S-10 Granat and Oniks, and USET-80 homing torpedoes.
  • SSBN "Borrey" - 3 vessels, including solid-fuel ballistic missiles "Bulava", torpedoes 533 mm and 324 mm, cruise missiles "Oniks" and "Caliber", etc.


The Russian fleet includes 6 escort destroyers of the "" project, which carry the following weapons:

  • P-270 “Moskit” missiles, “Uragan” air defense system;
  • Anti-submarine RBU-1000;
  • SET-65 torpedoes.


The last battleships were in service with the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century; with the advent of Soviet power, this type of ship was not produced due to lack of need.


Russian Project 22350 frigates are under construction. At the moment, 8 ships have been ordered, 2 of which have already been launched and are being tested. Planned weapons: Broadsword air defense system, ZM55 anti-ship missile system, Redut air defense system, PLR 91R2, PTZ Planet-NK and others.


When talking about missile boats, which are also called light corvettes, we mean the types 12411T Molniya-1 and 12411 Molniya-1. The total quantity is 26 units. The missile armament includes the P-15 Termit anti-ship missile launcher, the P-120 Moskit anti-ship missile launcher, the Strela-3 MANPADS and the Kortik air defense system.


Russian minesweepers are gradually leaving Russia's arsenal, as their functions are performed by modern submarines. The ships currently in service include RBU-1200 launchers, Igla and Strela-3 air defense missile launchers.


Project 20380 corvettes began to be produced in 2001; currently there are 5 ships in service, which include the Uran anti-ship missile system, the Kortik-M air defense system, and the Redut air defense system. The Project 20385 amphibious corvette is scheduled to be commissioned at the end of 2018.

Many believe that in the future the military will use vehicles that are not limited to use in the elements alone. These will be a kind of amphibians, capable of moving on land, air and water. Others, in turn, believe that military operations will completely move into virtual space. After all, does it make sense to discuss the navy in the age of drones? It is unlikely that humanity will ever see a full-scale military conflict on the high seas again.

Warships, especially their predecessors that now lie fast asleep on the ocean floor, are impressive symbols of humanity's past, present and future military conflicts. As an example, a few weeks ago China sent three of its vessels to patrol the area adjacent to a small Japanese island, whose ownership has long been disputed by China. At the same time, in April last year, China unexpectedly seized a Japanese cargo ship as repayment of Japan's outstanding debt from 1936. As can be seen, today the navy carries the image of a symbolic military force rather than actually possessing it. However, one cannot say, for example, that 45 destroyers are not capable of anything. One way or another, today the possession of a large navy gives countries power and increases their authority in the eyes of other states. China and Japan, whose military conflicts have been going on for millennia, know this firsthand.

Below you will find out the approximate tonnage and number of ships owned by the largest countries in the world.

15. Royal Netherlands Navy: 116,308 tons

Once the most powerful navy of its time, it single-handedly made 17th century history. Today, he is assigned the role of a peacekeeper in the NATO bloc, however, the presence among the 23 ships of such monsters as the frigates De Zeven Provinciën, worth $800 million each, as well as support ships Karel Doorman, worth $400 million each, makes this peaceful the flotilla is quite threatening.

14. Indonesian Navy: 142,094 tons

The Indonesian fleet is much larger than the Dutch one. As of 2009, it has 150 units and is one of the largest in the Southeast Asia region. Indonesia's military units include various modern Chang Bogo-class submarines, corvettes and frigates. Like the Netherlands, Indonesia has quite a number of defensive frigates of impressive tonnage.

13. Turkish Navy: 148,448 tons

The origins of the Turkish Navy go back far to the Ottoman Empire, however, the official date of the organization of the Turkish national navy is considered to be 1920, when the War of Independence ended. Initially, the Turkish flotilla consisted mostly of classic cruisers and destroyers, which were subsequently decommissioned. Turkey currently boasts frigates, patrol boats and mine-resistant tankers, as well as fourteen military submarines, making Turkey a leading global power in undersea control.

12. Spanish fleet: 148,607 tons

A powerful maritime power, which once gave us the voyages of Christopher Columbus and other discoverers, currently owns only 42 ships, mainly of a transport and defensive nature. But among its small fleet, Spain also hides several modern attack ships Juan Carlos I, named after the former king of Spain. These ships are valued at $600 billion and are among the heaviest and most powerful ships of our time.

11. Republic of China Navy (Taiwan): 168,662 tons

Founded in 1924, the Republic of China Navy exists solely to deter a potential invasion by the People's Republic of China. It consists primarily of massive Tian Dan class defensive frigates equipped with the latest intrusion detection capabilities. The total number of Taiwan ships is 50 units.

10. Brazilian Navy: 172,190 tons

In this photo you can see the Brazilian Navy frigate Bosisio (F 48) opening fire on an unmanned aerial vehicle launched during US testing of military drones. But even this giant will look like a toddler next to the NAe São Paulo's flagship aircraft carrier, weighing 32,800 tons. By the way, the most powerful fleet of South America even managed to take part in military operations during the Paraguayan War in the 19th century, during the First and Second World Wars, as well as Operation Big Lobster in 1962.

9. Italian Navy: 184.744 tons

Partially disbanded after defeat in World War II, the Italian Navy today consists of 63 warships. Among them you can find the flagship aircraft carrier Cavour (550), weighing 27,000 tons, missile frigates of the Maestrale and Bergamini classes, as well as several submarines. Among the achievements of the Italian Navy is the sinking of the Austro-Hungarian battleship SMS Szent Istvan during the First World War.

8. Republic of Korea Navy: 195,910 tons

Along with its northern neighbor, the Republic of Korea competes with its neighbors for the territory of a number of islands in the East China Sea. It currently has 80 active military vessels, many of which are due to be decommissioned soon. The Republic of Korea's military assets also include Son Wonil-class submarines and twenty Hyundai-built Incheon-class defense frigates, each costing $230 million.

7. French Navy: 321,855 tons

In the photo you can see the Rubis Amethyste class submarines belonging to the French Navy. The French Navy has a long history of triumphs at sea, as well as participation in key naval battles during World War II. Today, you can see here the 14,335-ton Triomphant-class nuclear submarine, the flagship R91 Charles de Gaulle-class aircraft carrier, with a displacement of 37,000 tons, as well as a number of modern frigates, destroyers, landing ships and even a few ancient schooners.

6. British Royal Navy: 345,400 tons

No world power owes its status to the navy more than the United Kingdom. Until the outbreak of World War II, the Royal Navy remained the most powerful in modern history. During the Cold War, it regained its former glory by conducting a number of successful submarine missions against the Soviet Union. Today it is one of the most versatile fleets in the world. There are Albion-class amphibious transporters, Vanguard-class ballistic submarines, and the latest guided missile destroyers, costing $1.7 billion per unit.

5. Indian Navy: 381,375 tons

The Indian fleet is similar in composition to the Indonesian fleet, where small-tonnage ships predominate: although slightly larger than the British fleet in tonnage, it has three times as many combat units. Mostly lightweight ships are found here, however, a special pride of the Indian fleet can be a modified Russian aircraft carrier with a displacement of 45,400 tons. Despite its surface successes, the Indian Navy has faced significant challenges in guarding its undersea borders. According to analysts, updating the submarine fleet could take a decade.

4. Japanese Navy: 405,800 tons

The Japanese Navy has about 100 ships in service and has the second largest number of destroyers in the world. Japan has two 10,000-ton guided-missile destroyers, as well as one 27,000-ton Izumo-class helicopter carrier. At the current date, the Japanese naval forces are considered peacekeeping forces and specialize in anti-submarine and air defense.

3. People's Liberation Army Navy: 896,445 tons

Surprisingly, China's naval forces not only have a huge number of combat units, but also their superior quality. In total, China's squadron numbers 377 vessels, most of which have only recently entered service. Among them, an aircraft carrier with a displacement of 59,500 tons stands out, as well as 15 corvettes, destroyers and submarines.

2. Russian Navy: 927,120 tons

And although the Russian Navy was officially founded in 1991, most of its constituent ships previously belonged to the USSR. The newest of the destroyers of the Russian Navy is about 20 years old, and the oldest is almost 50. At the same time, the submarines are more modernized and equipped with the latest military developments. Despite the impressive number of ships, most of them are expected to be decommissioned in the near future.

1. US Navy: 3,378,758 tons

Looking at the US Navy catalog, you will most likely be amazed that at least one ship was launched every year, continuously, from 1970 until the present day. The US Navy currently numbers 270 units. Thus, it is not surprising that most US spending went to military needs. At the moment, America has an impressive lead over its closest competitors, and its position is unlikely to change in the next few years.

Dominance at sea has always allowed powerful countries to dictate their terms. States discovered and conquered new territories, carried their own customs and faith. Things are a little different in the 21st century, but a large fleet remains a huge advantage.

Let's find out which powers have the largest fleet in the world, how many ships they have, and what is the history of the development of shipbuilding.

The largest fleets in the world for 2019

Statistics on the number of ships changes annually. Some countries, due to lack of funds for modernization, are reducing their fleets, others are building new ships. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the Soviet Union could boast of the number of warships. There were 1,053 units of marine equipment guarding the state borders. This figure today can be compared with the number of ships of modern maritime powers of the world.

Changes in the size of the Russian submarine fleet after the collapse of the USSR and over the course of 25 years

In addition to the navy, merchant ships are important, which should also be discussed. First, let's present an assessment of the largest fleets in the world.

1. US Navy

As of the beginning of 2019, the number of ships in the US fleet is 289 units. In addition, the United States is the world leader in the number of aircraft carriers, there are 11 of them. The Navy flag features white and red stripes and a snake with the words "Don't Tread on Me."

The largest and most technically equipped fleet belongs to the United States.

In the US Navy:

  • Nimitz-class aircraft carriers – 10;
  • aircraft carrier "Gerald R. Ford" - 1;
  • destroyers of the URO squadron - 69;
  • missile cruisers "Ticonderoga" - 22;
  • patrol and other vessels – 31;
  • submarines - 71 and others.

The composition differs not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively. US ships are equipped with modern equipment. There are 332,507 people serving in the navy. They have dominant positions in the Pacific Ocean, which were secured in World War II by displacing Japan.

US Navy Guys

2. Chinese Navy

The fastest growing fleet in the world belongs to China. Every year the state provides an increase in units of marine equipment. Mao Zedong first spoke about the construction of this type of troops in 1949. Today the structure is divided into three fleets:

  • Northern;
  • Southern;
  • Oriental.

China's fleet ranks first in the world in terms of growth

China today confronts Japan and also raises legitimate concerns for the US government. The number of ships of various types at the end of 2018 is about 465, troops - more than 324,000 people. It ranks first in the world in a number of population parameters:

  • diesel submarines;
  • missile and patrol boats (100 units of each type);
  • landing ships.

It is important to note here that US landing craft are superior to Chinese ones in terms of tonnage and capacity. To ensure uninterrupted supply of fuel to the fleet, China is creating external bases in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Thus, for refueling under a special agreement, Chinese ships call at the ports of Gwadar (Pakistan), Victoria (Seychelles), Yangon (Myanmar) and so on.

3. Russian Navy

The USSR and its successor, Russia, were considered the main adversary of the United States at sea. The total number of ships of the Russian Navy at the end of 2018 is 270, but this includes those that are in reserve and undergoing modernization. Half of them are actively used. By the end of 2020, additional delivery of 54 military vessels is planned, and after 7 years - more than 100 more. The priority direction is submarines carrying modern missile weapons.

Russian submarine “Dmitry Donskoy” is the largest in the world

The main problem of the Russian Navy is the lack of ships for long-distance voyages, and this gap should be filled by 2020. Russia also claims its rights to the Arctic, considering it a zone of future development. Projects of Mi-38 and Mi-26 helicopters for harsh weather conditions are being developed.

The main headquarters is located in the Admiralty complex in St. Petersburg.

4. Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force

The maritime self-defense forces first appeared in Japan in 1954. It consists of 4 groups:

  • educational;
  • escort;
  • underwater;
  • aviation.

New Japanese Shiranui-class destroyer

The Japanese fleet has 70 warships, including 17 submarines, 3 light aircraft carriers, and about 40 destroyers. The main purpose of creating troops is to ensure the security of the country, but today the law allows the armed forces to act differently if necessary.

Japan's MSS has 45,000 officers and sailors. The Coast Guard is a separate branch and is not under the direction of the Secretary of Defense.

5. Indian Navy

Today India has one of the largest and most powerful navies in the world, although 5 years ago its place was occupied by the once great maritime power Great Britain. The composition includes 50 ships, including:

  • aircraft carrier – 1;
  • diesel submarines – 13;
  • frigates – 14;
  • light aircraft carrier – 1;
  • destroyers - 11 and so on.

In India, a battle group of ships is divided into 3 parts: surface, underwater, auxiliary. The number of regular troops is 58,350 people.

New Indian corvette “Kiltan”

In 2012, the military department laid down 6 Scorpene-class submarines; they will soon join the naval forces.

Navy of the Russian Federation

Let's talk in more detail about the Russian fleet. In addition to a clear division into submarine, surface forces, naval aviation and coastal forces, there is a division along territorial lines. Each fleet has its own headquarters, subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Let's look at the list of naval formations, their combat power and tasks. Commander-in-Chief of the Navy - Admiral Evmenov M.A.

Red Banner Northern Fleet

The largest of the five military maritime districts in terms of composition is the Northern. The headquarters is located in Severomorsk, the troops are commanded by Vice Admiral A.A. Moiseev.

“Peter the Great” guarding the northern shores of the country

The history of the northern naval forces began in 1933, although Peter I was building ships in cold conditions at the end of the 17th century. This is the youngest association. The combat force is based on torpedo and nuclear submarines, anti-submarine, missile and aircraft carriers with the flagship "Peter the Great", which is a heavy missile cruiser.

Since 2014, it has become part of the fifth military district of the Russian Federation - “North”, under its protection the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Komi Republic and the Murmansk, Arkhangelsk regions. The priority task is to protect the country’s interests in the Arctic.

Red Banner Black Sea Fleet

Ensures the country's security in the Black and Mediterranean Seas and has existed since 1783. After the annexation of Crimea, Empress Catherine II issued a decree on the creation of a military formation in the region. In the same year, 11 ships of the Azov flotilla entered Akhtiarskaya Bay, where the city of Sevastopol was later founded.

The flagship ship “Moskva” left Sevastopol for scheduled repairs in 2018

Today, the naval forces are commanded by Vice Admiral I.V. Osipov. Number - 25,000 sailors and officers. The headquarters is based in Sevastopol. It is part of the Southern Military District. The troops are currently awaiting additional deliveries of ships. The flagship of the Black Sea crew is the missile cruiser Moskva. Also includes:

  • diesel submarines of the Varshavyanka type, which showed excellent performance in the combat operation in Syria;
  • large landing ships of projects 775, 1171;
  • minesweepers and anti-submarine ships and others.

By 2022, the Kozelsk small missile ship, five patrol vessels, and fuel tankers will be additionally delivered.

The headquarters of the Pacific Fleet is located in Vladivostok, it is commanded by Admiral S.I. Avakyants. Includes:

  • flagship of Project 1164, cruiser “Varyag”;
  • anti-submarine ships of project 1155;
  • destroyers;
  • corvettes;
  • small missile and anti-submarine ships, etc.

The main task is to ensure the security of the Russian Federation in the Pacific Ocean. According to the results of the 2017 inspection, the Pacific Association was recognized as the best in the quality of combat training.

Missile cruiser “Varyag” in the Mediterranean Sea

The first sailing of Russian ships from the Far East dates back to the 17th century. In 1716, a port was founded in Okhotsk, which served as a shipbuilding base. The first explorer of the eastern shores and nearby territories was the Cossack Ivan Moskvitin. Later, Siberian fur merchants began to use the route.

Today the fleet is being modernized and replenished.

Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet

The twice-Red Banner Baltic Fleet, based in Kaliningrad, is of great strategic importance. Commander - Admiral A.M. Nosatov The first ship was laid down in 1703 by order of Peter I and bore the name “Standart”. Kronstadt was considered the base.

Destroyer “Nastochivy”

The history of the Baltic Fleet knows hundreds of victorious battles. The current state is a large association, which includes both coastal and naval forces, as well as naval aviation. The flagship is the destroyer "Nastoychivy".

The Baltic Fleet actively interacts with the Sever forces; 33,200 people serve here.

Caspian flotilla

In Astrakhan, under the command of Rear Admiral S.M. Pinchuk flotilla is based on the closed Caspian Sea. This is the most powerful association in this area of ​​responsibility. Includes:

  • patrol vessels;
  • small combat boats;
  • landing and large combat boats;
  • minesweepers.

Powerful Caspian flotilla

There is a terrorist threat in the Caspian Sea area, so soldiers must always be ready. 85% of the flotilla is represented by new technical equipment. Hovercraft have two bases: in Kaspiysk and in Makhachkala.

The largest merchant fleet

Trade in the ocean is also actively developing, the number of ships with large displacement is growing: container ships, tankers and others. When legally registering a new ship, the home port is important. Sailors are well aware that strict registration and taxation conditions at home take a lot of effort, time and money. Therefore, it turned out that the largest merchant fleet in the world belongs to Panama.


A small state in America owns the Panama Canal and does not build large ships. Moreover, Panama is the owner of a huge fleet. It's all about the "flag of convenience". When registering a vessel in Panama, the owner pays a small tax and can recruit a crew for little money. Registration is often done online. Initially, the flag of Panama was chosen by American ships who wanted to sell alcohol to passengers during Prohibition. If in 2005 the number of Panama ships reached 4,688, today the figure has exceeded 9,000.

The flag of Panama turned out to be the most convenient for commercial and passenger ships around the world


Liberia followed Panama's example and began providing simplified registration. It has been talked about for a long time that the number of merchant fleets will grow. Liberia is one of the poorest countries in the world; an important source of its income is the use of a “flag of convenience”.

Incidents involving ships flying the flag of Liberia are increasingly occurring around the world.


China is strengthening its position at sea. The number of trade transactions in the Pacific and Indian Oceans is growing. The shipbuilding sector is controlled by the state. The industry began to grow in 1999. Today, China's total tonnage exceeds 170 gross tons.

China owns the world's largest ore tanker


After 2010, there was an increase in cargo transportation in Japan. The number of ships flying the country's flag increased from 673 to 2070 units. The main route lies in the Pacific Ocean.

A large number of orders for the construction of ships are carried out by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries


Fifth place on the list is occupied by the economic leader of Southeast Asia, Singapore. The number of dry cargo ships, tankers, container ships, and refrigerators increases every year. The reason for registering in Singapore is the convenience of the flag. It is noteworthy that even landlocked Mongolia, Bolivia and Moldova provide maritime registration and have a fleet.

Port of Singapore


  1. The largest fleet in the world belongs to the United States. It is equipped with 289 units of marine equipment, as well as aviation groups. The top five also includes naval forces from China, Russia, Japan and India.
  2. The largest association of the Russian naval forces is the Northern Fleet.
  3. Panama, Liberia and China have the largest merchant fleets in the world.

The Russian Navy has 203 surface ships and 71 submarines, including 23 nuclear submarines equipped with ballistic and cruise missiles. Russia's defense capability at sea is ensured by modern and powerful ships.

"Peter the Great"

The heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great" is the world's largest non-aircraft-carrying attack ship. Capable of destroying groups of enemy aircraft carriers. The only afloat cruiser of the famous Soviet project 1144 Orlan. Built at the Baltic Shipyard and launched in 1989. Put into operation 9 years later.

Over 16 years, the cruiser covered 140,000 miles. The flagship of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy, home port is Severomorsk.
With a width of 28.5 meters, it has a length of 251 meters. Total displacement 25860 tons.
Two nuclear reactors with a capacity of 300 Megawatts, two boilers, turbines and gas turbine generators are capable of providing energy to a city with a population of 200 thousand. It can reach speeds of up to 32 knots, and its cruising range is unlimited. The crew of 727 people can sail autonomously for 60 days.
Armament: 20 SM-233 launchers with P-700 Granit cruise missiles, firing range - 700 km. Anti-aircraft complex "Reef" S-300F (96 vertical launch missiles). Anti-aircraft system "Kortik" with a reserve of 128 missiles. AK-130 gun mount. Two Vodopad anti-submarine missile and torpedo systems, and an Udav-1M anti-torpedo system. Bombing rocket launchers RBU-12000 and RBU-1000 “Smerch-3”. Three Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopters can be deployed on board.

"Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov"

Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" (project 11435). Built at the Black Sea Shipyard, launched in 1985. He bore the names “Riga”, “Leonid Brezhnev”, “Tbilisi”. Since 1991 it became part of the Northern Fleet. Carried out military service in the Mediterranean, participated in the rescue operation during the sinking of the Kursk. In three years, according to the plan, it will go for modernization.
The length of the cruiser is 302.3 meters, the total displacement is 55,000 tons. Maximum speed - 29 knots. A crew of 1,960 people can stay at sea for a month and a half.
Armament: 12 Granit anti-ship missiles, 60 Udav-1 missiles, 24 Klinok (192 missiles) and Kashtan (256 missiles) air defense systems. It can carry 24 Ka-27 helicopters, 16 Yak-41M supersonic vertical take-off aircraft and up to 12 Su-27K fighters.


"Moskva", guards missile cruiser. Multipurpose ship. Built at the shipyards of the plant named after 61 Communards in Nikolaev. Initially it was called “Slava”. Commissioned in 1983. The flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
Participated in the military conflict with Georgia, in 2014 he carried out a blockade of the Ukrainian Navy.
With a width of 20.8 meters, it has a length of 186.4 meters and a displacement of 11,490 tons. Maximum speed 32 knots. Cruising range up to 6000 nautical miles. A crew of 510 people can stay in “autonomy” for a month.
Armament: 16 P-500 “Basalt” mounts, two AK-130 artillery mounts, six 6-barreled AK-630 artillery mounts, B-204 S-300F “Reef” air defense systems (64 missiles), “Osa-MA” air defense system launchers (48 missiles), torpedo tubes, RBU-6000 rocket launchers, Ka-27 helicopter.
A copy of the Moscow, the cruiser Varyag is the flagship of the Pacific Fleet.


The patrol ship "Dagestan" was commissioned in 2012. Built at the Zelenodolsk shipyard. In 2014, transferred to the Caspian Flotilla. This is the second ship of Project 11661K, the first - Tatarstan - is the flagship of the Caspian Fleet.
“Dagestan” has more powerful and modern weapons: the universal Kalibr-NK missile launcher, which can use several types of high-precision missiles (the firing range is more than 300 km), the Palma air defense missile system, and the AK-176M AU. Equipped with stealth technology.
With a width of 13.1 meters, the Dagestan has a length of 102.2 meters and a displacement of 1900 tons. Can reach speeds of up to 28 knots. A crew of 120 people can sail autonomously for 15 days.
There are four more such ships laid down at the shipyards.


The flagship of the Baltic Fleet, the destroyer Nastoichivy, was built at the Zhdanov Leningrad Shipyard and launched in 1991. Intended for the destruction of ground targets, air defense and anti-ship defense formations.
With a width of 17.2 meters, it has a length of 156.5 meters and a displacement of 7940 tons. The crew of 296 people can sail for up to 30 days without entering a port.
The destroyer is carrying a KA-27 helicopter. Equipped with twin AK-130/54 gun mounts, six-barreled AK-630 mounts, P-270 Moskit mounts, six-barreled rocket launchers, two Shtil air defense systems and torpedo tubes.

"Yury Dolgoruky"

The nuclear submarine “Yuri Dolgoruky” (the first submarine of Project 955 “Borey”) was laid down in 1996 in Severodvinsk. Commissioned in 2013. Home port - Gadzhievo. Part of the Northern Fleet.
The length of the boat is 170 meters, the underwater displacement is 24,000 tons. Maximum surface speed is 15 knots, underwater speed is 29 knots. Crew 107 people. It can carry out combat duty for three months without entering a port.
“Yuri Dolgoruky” carries 16 Bulava ballistic missiles, is equipped with PHR 9R38 “Igla”, 533-mm torpedo tubes, and six REPS-324 “Barrier” acoustic countermeasures. In the coming years, six more submarines of the same class will be built on the Russian shores.


The multipurpose nuclear submarine Severodvinsk became the first submarine of the new Russian project 855 Yasen. The quietest submarine in the world. Built in Severodvinsk. In 2014, it became part of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy. Home port – Zapadnaya Litsa.
With a width of 13.5 meters, a length of 119 meters, an underwater displacement of 13,800 tons,
The surface speed of the Severodvinsk is 16 knots, and the underwater speed is 31 knots. Navigation autonomy – 100 days, crew – 90 people.
It has a modern, silent nuclear reactor of a new generation. The submarine is equipped with ten torpedo tubes, P-100 Oniks, Kh-35, ZM-54E, ZM-54E1, ZM-14E cruise missiles. It carries Kh-101 strategic cruise missiles and can hit targets within a radius of up to 3,000 kilometers. By 2020, Russia plans to build six more Yasen-class submarines.

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