Conversation we are future schoolchildren goal. Afrizunova E.V.

Goal: summarize and systematize the knowledge gained;
Develop cognitive processes children, creative and intellectual abilities.
Foster respect for each other, interest in learning, and instill a sense of camaraderie.
Equipment: printed magnetic letters, cards with tasks for speech development and mathematics for each child, pictures of animals, insects, birds, pictures on the topic: “nest”, “forest”, “flowers”, envelopes with tasks, simple pencils each child, easels, soft modules, red and green circles, pictures cognitive development about nature.

Progress of the lesson:
Q: I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other and think: how good it is that we are here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate.
Today we will conduct our last lesson with you. Over the course of the year, we learned letters, learned to read, became acquainted with geometric figures, and learned to compare and solve examples.
- Look who came to us? (Malvina)
- Hello, Malvina!
-M.: Hello! Who are you?
V.: - We are from a kindergarten, children in a preparatory group for school.
M.: Are you going to go to school?
V.: Yes.
M.: - Have you learned to count? Read?
V.: Do you want to check our children?!
M.: Okay! I have tasks for you. For each correct answer or completed task, you will receive one letter. At the end of the tests, you will be able to compose and read a word from them. Ready?
Envelope No. 1 “Fun Math”
1. Problems: a) Nine bunnies eat 1 carrot each. How many carrots does it take to feed all the bunnies?
b) Three fish were flying over the forest. Two landed. How many flew away?
c) Katya and Masha went mushroom picking. Katya found 9 mushrooms, and Masha found 2 more. How many mushrooms did Masha find? How many mushrooms did they find together?
d) There were 3 glasses with berries on the table. Vova ate 1 glass of berries and put it on the table. How many glasses are there on the table?
3. (sitting on soft modules) complete the task:
a) - insert the desired shape into an empty cell;
b) - enter the missing numbers;
c) – put the correct signs between the numbers<, >or =.
M.: Well done! You completed the first task, you receive the letter H
Envelope No. 2 “Nature”
Q: What is nature? (everything that surrounds us - forests, air, sun, earth, animals...).
- What applies to “ inanimate nature? - houses, stones, sky, sun, wind...
- What refers to “wildlife?” - animals, insects, plants, people, fish, birds.
- What is the name of the book in which endangered species of animals, birds or plants are listed? (Red Book)
Task: distribute the representatives in the pictures according to their habitat. Wild animals in the forest, birds in the nest, insects in the flowers.
V.: Well done! Everyone was distributed correctly.
You get the next letter N.
Q: - What do you think should be done to prevent animals, plants or birds from disappearing from our planet? (to care about them).
Now we will play the game “Good Deeds”. If the picture shows a good deed, you raise a red circle, if a bad deed, you raise a green one.
Envelope No. 3 “Speech development”
1. The names of the fairy tales are written here, but they are all mixed up. Errors need to be corrected.
“Fedorino Sea” (K. Chukovsky).
“Mole in Boots” (C. Perrault).
"Smooth Duckling" (H.H. Anderson).
“The Bite” (H.H. Anderson).
"The Gentle Queen" (H.H. Anderson).
“Little Mac” (V. Gauf).
“Grey Lake” (D.N. Mamin - Sibiryak).
“Little Flower” (S.T. Aksakov).
“Silver Trough” (P. Bazhov).
2. Finish the sentence:
- The hare is white in winter. And in the summer...(gray).
- The squirrel lives in a hollow, and the hedgehog - ... (in a hole).
- The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog is ... (prickly).
- If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair is ..(below the table).
- If summer is warmer than winter, then winter is ... (colder than summer).
- If a suitcase is heavier than a bag, then the bag is ... (lighter than a suitcase).
- The fox has a little fox, and the squirrel has... (little squirrel). Letter U
Envelope No. 4 Fizminutka
I invite everyone to stand near their seats. And repeat after me the words and movements:
How are you? - Like this! (show thumb)
How do you swim? - Like this! (imitate swimming)
How are you going? - Like this! (walking in place)
Are you looking into the distance? - Like this! (put palm to forehead)
Are you waving after me? - Like this! (waves hand)
How are you being naughty? - Like this! (hit puffy cheeks with fists)
Are you sitting? - Like this! (sit quietly in their seats). Letter I
Envelope No. 5 (at tables)
Task: put the letters in order using counting skills.
Nelan kurcha ginak eretdat drashakna katsil
32541 42135 43261 7423651 63784152 624351
Pencil case pen book notebook pencil eraser
What words did you come up with? How to call them in one word? ( school supplies). What school supplies do you know? Letter E.
M.: - and here are my questions:
Envelope No. 6 (orally)
1. How many days are there in a week?
2. What is the name of the state in which we live?
3. Main city our country?
4. Last name of the president.
5. What river is our city located on?
6. What cities do you know?
7. What is our region famous for?
8. What is the name of the book in which rare and endangered species are listed?
animals and plants?
9. What is the name of the model of the globe?
10. What holiday did our country celebrate most recently? LETTER I
Q: What letter are we missing? (TO)
V.: Malvina, we completed all the tasks.
Q: What word did you come up with? (students).
M.: Well done. You have coped with all the tests, I have gifts for you that will be useful to you at school.

Larisa Klopova
Conversation “We are future schoolchildren”

Conversation: " We - future schoolchildren".

Educator: Guys, do you know what day it is today?

Educator: Correct - September 1st. Today the children, your brothers and sisters went to school on ceremonial line. Elegant, beautiful, with bouquets of flowers.

Guys, it's started academic year. And next year you will also go to school. ,

Why do you think children should go to school?

Children: IN school we will learn to read, write, count, we will learn a lot of interesting things about our country, about native nature, about children's lives different nations, O different countries, about seas and oceans, and much more.

Educator: IN school you will gain knowledge, skills and abilities.

Guys, we also work in children's garden: we draw, sculpt, construct different buildings, count, learn to pronounce sounds correctly.

During classes, we must be attentive, diligent, listen carefully to the teacher in class, not be distracted, and not talk to friends.

Guys, now listen and guess riddle:

Everyone has been to this establishment

Bad students and geniuses received marks.

Artists, singers, and artillerymen studied here.

Me and all my friends will go there.

Children: School.

Educator: Guys, how did you guess what it was? school?

Children's answers.

What associations do you have with the word? school?

(briefcase, textbooks, notebooks, pen, etc.)

Soon you will go to school. If children go to school for the first time, what are they called?

First graders.

What they carry behind their back pupils?

Children: backpack or satchel, briefcase.

Vos-l: What is in schoolchildren in briefcases,backpacks?

Children: pencil case, textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, eraser, colored paper, ruler.

How can you call these objects in one word?

Children: shkvitsu olnye if appropriate.

Vos-l: Well done guys, you know what you need to take with you school.

Now, guys, let's play with you.

Physical education minute.

IN I'll go to school in the fall(children walk in place)

I'll find friends there (extend your arms forward, clench and unclench your fingers in a fist)

I'm such a scientist will(turns head right, left)

But I don’t have my own kindergarten I'll forget("hug" themselves and raise their hands up).

Vos- ll: Guys, now I suggest you listen to proverbs about the benefits of knowledge, the need to learn.

1. It is good to teach someone who listens.

3. It's never too late to learn.

Guys, listen to one more proverb and tell me how you like it you understand:

The bird is red in its feathers, and the man is in his learning.

Children's answers.

Guys, now I see that you have learned to speak beautifully and explain your answers. This will be useful to you in school.

And now, guys, please watch a puppet show of how Barsik went to school.

Publications on the topic:

The group had leisure time dedicated to the Army's birthday - February 23. Children read poems, glorifying strength and power Russian army. Boys.

authors: Kashirina E.V. and Parusova O.I. We thought for a long time how to hold this holiday so that it would be fun and everyone could participate. These children.

Competition "Future Housewives" Goals: Educational – to teach girls correct speech; Developmental – expand lexicon, develop memory, thinking, artistic.

OO Cognition-FEMP with integration OO Speech development (preparatory group) Participants: children of the seventh year of life Goal: Ability to maintain visual.

KVN "Future railway workers" PLAN – SYNOPSIS of classes in the preparatory speech therapy group for school MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 19 of a combined type in Kanash on cognitive.

On the eve of the Cosmonautics Day holiday, the children in our group talked about space, looked at illustrations about space, and studied.

We are the future defenders of the Motherland Purpose: 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War(its beginning and end); 2. To form in children an idea of ​​purpose.

Relevance of the project Preparing for school is a difficult period in the life of a preschooler, his first social conflict. What is “learning”? Is it fun or boring? Difficult or easy? First of all, it is responsible. Small man is in a state of anticipation: something very significant and attractive is coming, but is still uncertain. The child's entire lifestyle changes radically. The main thing a child needs is positive motivation to learn. A child's attitude towards school is formed before he goes there. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers plays an important role.

Project objectives: Expanding the knowledge of children and parents about learning at school. To form the volitional and motivational components of the future schoolchild; The orientation of each child towards independence, self-confidence, success and self-efficacy (confident in his actions).

Principles of project planning: Distribution of methods and techniques in project work, taking into account different types activities: Implementation of integration of different educational areas. In the selection of material, it is essential not to deviate from the organized educational process.

Expected result: Formed “internal position of a schoolchild” in children of the preparatory group for school; Accumulation of a large amount of knowledge about the school; Changing children's motivation to schooling; Increasing the competence of parents on preparing children for school;

Model of three questions What do we know? What do we want to know? Where can we find out? That we will soon be schoolchildren. What is school? How do they teach at school? Who teaches at school? What you need to study at school. Why do we go to school? Ask adults. Learn from literature (encyclopedias, magazines). Look at illustrations, watch cartoons about school, talk with the teacher.

Project implementation plan: 1. Selecting a topic. 2. Statement of the problem. 3. Determination of project participants. 4. Setting goals and objectives. 5. Selection of methods and techniques of work. 6. Joint and independent activities of participants to implement the project. 7. Summing up.


“Soon to school!”

Relevance Preparing for school is a difficult period in the life of a preschooler. Entering school and the initial period of education cause a restructuring of the child’s lifestyle and activities. The little man is in a state of anticipation: something very significant and attractive is coming, but is still uncertain. The child’s entire way of life changes radically (routine, change in communication with adults and peers, increase in the amount of intellectual workload).

A child's attitude towards school is formed before he goes there. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers plays an important role.

Practice today is primarily aimed at preparing children intellectually for school; little attention is paid to the formation of the student’s internal position. Considering that in Lately in the practice of preschool education, preference is given to the project method, preparing children for school based on this method seems to be the most effective.

Hypothesis School-oriented projects help improve social and cognitive activity children, the purposeful formation in them of integrative qualities necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Implementation deadlines: long-term (September – May)

Project type : educational – creative, playful

Children's age : preparatory group (5-7 years)

Project participants: teachers, children, parents, teachers and primary school students.


Formation of psychological readiness of preschoolers for school


Form ideas about the school (introduce children to the school - the building, the library, the gym and the profession of a teacher).

To foster a positive attitude towards school life in older preschoolers

Promote the development of mutual understanding and friendliness;

Increase parental competence in preparing children for school.

Project implementation plan:

Preparatory stage:

1.Develop a plan for working with children to prepare for school.

2.Develop a plan for working with parents of future first-graders.

3.Create a subject-development environment to familiarize students with the school (didactic and role-playing games, visual material, a card index of finger games and exercises, riddles, proverbs, poems on the topic).

4.Develop notes for classes about the school, excursions to the school, consultations, seminars, trainings, booklets, educational sheets for parents

Main stage. Project implementation

School excursion

Cultivate interest in school learning. Getting to know the traditions of school life


"Profession - teacher"

Expand children's knowledge about the teaching profession, cultivate respect for the work of adults

Intellectual game"I know everything"

Develop the ability to work in a team, encourage children to be intellectually active creative activity

Plot- role-playing game"School"

Reinforce the rules of behavior at school in the game. Foster friendships between children

Meeting with first-graders (former preschool students)

Show preschoolers the difference between school and kindergarten, their similarities and relationships

Exhibition of children's works "I draw a school"

Develop the imagination and creativity of preschool children, improve the fine muscles of the hand

Didactic game"Pack your briefcase"

Consolidating knowledge about school supplies. Development of attention

Physical education entertainment for children of preparatory groups and first graders

Foster friendships between children

Intellectual game "Clever and Clever"

To train preschoolers in the ability to reason in various topics. Learn to independently find a solution to a problem

Memorizing the poem “Reader” by V. Berestov

Develop expressive speech. Encourage preschoolers to


Conversation about the school library

To form preschoolers’ knowledge about the library and its purpose

Excursion to the school library

Cultivate interest in books careful attitude to them. Learn to choose books based on your interests

Evening of riddles “Soon to school”

Cultivating interest in school life. Development of attention and thinking

Conversation about lessons, breaks and the school bell

Continue to introduce the school routine and the rules of conduct at school. Cultivate interest in school learning

Game-competition between children of preparatory groups “How ready we are for school”

Develop attention, memory, thinking. To develop children’s ability to consciously obey established rules

Reading poems about school

Continue to cultivate a desire for schooling, a desire to learn more about school

Entertainment “Farewell, d/c! 3hello, school!

Arouse positive emotions in children and support the desire to go to school

Cooperative activity


    Cognitive development

"What is school?"

« School professions»

“Work in a checkered notebook”

Math Quiz

    Speech development

“Why do I want to go to school!” (monologue story),

“Fables teach!”

“What will my first day of school be like?” (fantasy story)

Reading fiction

    Artistic and aesthetic development


"Making letters"

"We are school boys!"


"I am at school!"

"Who I want to be!"

"My future portfolio"

    Manual labor


"Books - babies"

“Notebooks”, “Pencil cups” (origami)

    Social and communicative development

“Who are first graders?”

“Soon to school!”

“The beginning of wisdom” (analysis and memorization of proverbs)

Communication“I’m at school!”, “My first teacher!”, “What kind of first-grader will I be?”

Conversation “School uniform”, “What items are useful at school?”,

“I want to play!”, “Rules of behavior with peers”, “School of the past and present”

Life safety situations “Help Phones”, “I Fell!”, “Magic Words”

    Story-based role-playing game "School life", " School library", "Physical education lesson", "Mathematics lesson" (drawing...)

    Director's games "School break", "Our class"

    Artistic creativity on school theme, personal exhibitions.

Days of the week

Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activity children

Interaction with parents


Exhibition of illustrative books on school subjects and reading of the work

"Filippok" by L.N. Tolstoy

Conversation “Be Kind”

(polite words in the life of a future student)

Goal: to teach children to self-control their behavior.

Review of illustrative books.

Watching the cartoon “The Little Goat Who Could Count to 10”

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the importance of numeracy.

Help for parents in selecting cartoons and board games about school.


Conversation with children

“How is school different from kindergarten? What do we know about the school"

Goal: creating positive attitudes towards school.

"Be ready!"

(emphasis on organizing routine moments, getting ready for a walk, preparing for a game, joint activities, etc.)

Watching the cartoon “Island of Errors”

Reading books about school at home with your children.


Game - competition

"Soon to school"

(games, relay races, etc.)

Asking riddles, reading proverbs about school.

Goal: to teach children to reflect their impressions in speech and drawing. Publication of the book “Riddles from the Briefcase”

Story-based role-playing game


Goal: to expand and consolidate children’s ideas about the content of the labor actions of kindergarten employees.

Folder design - moving for parents

“Which aspects of school readiness are especially important”


Integrative lesson

"School day".

Design of the exhibition of children's drawings “What did you like at school” (based on personal knowledge - excursion)

Goal: reflect your impressions in a drawing, the ability to develop a desire to study at school.

Looking at school supplies.

Goal: to introduce children to school paraphernalia and its purpose.

Game "Collect a briefcase"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the purpose of school subjects.

Game “What's extra? » (school supplies and other items)

Goal: activation of vocabulary, classification of objects, development of speech.

Story-based role-playing game


Goal: to cultivate the desire to accept the position of a schoolchild - a student, to be able to subordinate one’s desires to collective ones.

Watching a cartoon

"Our friend Pishichitai"

Goal: to form in children a desire and understanding of the need to study at school.

Preparing a consultation for parents

"Preparing children for school"

“Advice for parents whose children are preparing for school


Looking at the painting


Goal: expand children's ideas about school.

“We are future schoolchildren”

Goal: to form attitudes towards responsible implementation of the rules of behavior of schoolchildren, mastered during the week.

Didactic and board-printed school-themed games:

- “Syllable houses”

- “Number houses”

- “Logical Train”

- “Easy counting”, etc.

Meeting with kindergarten graduates. (Looking at a briefcase, books, notebooks, pencil case, etc.)

Joint event for older children preschool age and 1st grade students. KVN "Magic Sun"

Goal: improve the ability to play team games.

Plan for working with parents

1. Parent meetings

"On the threshold of school"

2. Consultations

“Psychological portrait of a child 6-7 years old”

"Motivational readiness of children of senior preschool age to study at school."

“Study without problems - intellectual readiness for school.”

“Your child is going to school.”

3. Seminars

Getting ready for school with the whole family

4. Trainings, business games

“We go to school with joy”

5.Portfolio collection


Psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic “First time in first grade”

7.Information stand

"The child goes to school"

8. Movable folders

Preparing an older preschooler for school (test for self-determination of parents’ readiness for their child’s schooling)

9.Memos, booklets, educational leaflets

“The influence of adults’ attitudes on children’s development”

“The main psychological characteristics of a future first-grader”

“Psychological readiness for schooling”


Are parents ready for school?

Components of school maturity.

Interview “Future first-graders speak”

The final stage.

Project presentation

Creating an album with children “Riddles from the Briefcase”.

Presentation of children’s creative drawings “What did you like at school.”

KVN "Magic Sun"

Making a portfolio for a preschooler.

Expected result:

The formed “internal position of a schoolchild” in children of the preschool group of preschool educational institutions.

Increasing parental literacy in matters of raising and educating senior preschool children

    The children sit on the carpet.


    - Listen to the riddle:
    Not a bush, but with leaves,
    Not a shirt, but sewn,
    Not a person, but a storyteller.
    (I take out a book).

    This book has for you " Entertaining puzzles"

    Grandmother Dasha has a granddaughter Masha
    Fluff the cat, Druzhok the dog.
    How many grandchildren does grandma have? (1)


    Vadim found 9 mushrooms,

    And then another one.
    You answer the question:
    How many mushrooms did he bring?

    What time of year is it now?
    - If today is Thursday, what about tomorrow?
    - If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...?

    How many months are there in a year?
    - Name the spring months.
    - How many ears do three mice have?
    - How many ends do two sticks have?
    - If a sister is older than a brother, then the brother...?



    (I take out my pencil case)
    - What kind of zipper wallet is this? Maybe it's for money? (Children's answers)


    Open your notebooks and look at the assignment.
    If you find it difficult, raise the red signal.
    (During independent work I give instructions for landing: “Even the briefcase frowned, because you are not taking care of your health. "Please sit down correctly."


    - Whoever got the same image, pick up the green signal cards.
    - I am very glad that the green signal cards have been raised. This means that all the tasks were completed correctly.
    - What does it look like?
    - Think about how you can complete the image so that it looks like a portrait of our guest.
    Dear briefcase, do you like your portrait?
    Guys, the briefcase says that he really likes the portrait, and he really liked you, real future schoolchildren.
    I am very happy for you today, you completed all the tasks correctly, although they were not easy.


    What did you learn today?
    - What did you especially like? What was difficult? And now I invite you to evaluate your work. The one who thinks that he completely coped with the tasks - let him take a star, and the one who thinks that he did not succeed in everything today - let him take a flag. (Children make their choice).

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“Constract of educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts “We are future schoolchildren””

Summary of GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations“We are future schoolchildren”

Compiled by: teacher senior group Bodrova M.F., MBDOU kindergarten combined type, Achinsk, 2014

- Strengthen knowledge of numbers and mathematical symbols. Systematize and expand knowledge about school, create positive motivation for learning at school through a specific situation. Promote development logical thinking through solving entertaining problems, involuntary attention using a gaming technique. Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes. Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square. Promote the development of friendly relations and communication skills.
Preliminary work with children: guessing riddles, solving logical problems, individual sessions, conducting graphic dictations with children.
Demo material: Briefcase with school supplies.
(on one side with a sad expression on the face, and on the other with a cheerful expression), cards with numbers
Handout: notebooks for each child, pencils, flashcards

Methods and technologies used: motivational mood, surprise entertainment, elements of TRIZ technologies, problem-based search method and socio-game technologies.
Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

Children and their teacher stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see,
All my friends stood up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go left
Let's gather in the center of the circle,
And we will all return to our place.
Let's smile, wink,
And let's start playing again.

(Children perform exercises in accordance with the text).

II. Main part


Guys, it won’t be long before you become schoolchildren.
When will this happen? (Children's answers).


Now, in kindergarten, we talk a lot about school. And at school you will probably remember kindergarten.
Let's think and say how a kindergarten differs from a school:
- In kindergarten, children sleep, but at school?
- In kindergarten, the nanny brings lunch to the group, and at school?
- Do children go to kindergarten with handbags, or maybe without them, but do they have to go to school?
- In kindergarten they don’t give grades, but in school?

Well done guys, I'm glad you know so much about the school.
An unusual guest came to our kindergarten.

And what kind of guest this is, you will find out if you guess the riddle:
The girl, the boy,
It contains notebooks, books,
Pen, brush, album,
There's just no place for dolls in it!

Of course it's a school bag!
(I show the children a school bag with a sad face painted on it)
Here he is! Oh, what is this? What do you think our guest's mood is? Why did you decide so?

- Dear briefcase, why are you so sad? (the briefcase “whispers” in the teacher’s ear). Everything is clear, there was a problem with the briefcase. He cannot find his owner. Guys, do you think it’s possible to leave him alone in such a difficult situation? Let's cheer up our guest and show him that we also want to become schoolchildren. Dear briefcase, may I open it for you?
(I open my briefcase)


- Guys, listen to the riddle about what I will be the first to take out of my briefcase.
I'm either in a cage or in a line,
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
What am I? (Notebook).

You also have notebooks on your tables, sit down at your tables and take them. Look at the first page of the notebook? What task do you think the briefcase has in store for us? (children make assumptions)

That's right, you need to cross out the numbers with a red pencil and mathematical signs. (Children complete the task).
- Well done guys, you all coped with a difficult task.
What's left uncrossed? ( Geometric figures) List them. (Children's answers).


Look, guys, even the briefcase began to smile, he is also happy about your success.
(The bell rings).

- Guys at school, the bell calls students to class and to recess. What do students do during recess? (Children's answers). And you and I will have a little rest.

Physical education minute:
We work with our hands
We're flying under the clouds
Hands down and hands up
We fly the fastest (Flapping their arms like wings).
So that your legs don't hurt,
1- sat down, 2- sat down,
3, 4, 5 and 6
Together we walk together (walking in place)
And then we sit down (sit down at the tables)
Even though the charge is short,
We rested a little.

Look what else is in the briefcase. (I take out the numbers). Why are they here, do you think? Please take one number each, look carefully at the numbers and tell me into what groups we can divide them? (Even - odd, large - small, red - blue, etc.) Let's decide on what basis we will be divided into groups? (Children speak out and divide into two groups).

-Teachers at school are very fond of order. Look, there are numbers in the briefcase, they are mixed up, let's put them in order.

Game "Get in order"


Our guest prepared for us "Geometric figures". Here they are in front of you. Let's look at them. (Children look at the figures). The portfolio has prepared difficult questions for you and let each group agree among themselves how you will answer them. Someone will answer one by one, or in turn. (Children offer their options). For each correct answer, the team will receive a chip.


    How many figures are there that have no corners?

    How many red pieces?

    How many triangles?

    How many small figures?

    What is the name of the single figure?

    How many non-yellow figures?

    By what criteria can all figures be divided?

    How many groups can these figures be divided into by color? Which?

    How many groups can these shapes be divided into? Which?

The children sit on the carpet.


Do you want to know what else is in the portfolio?
- Listen to the riddle:
Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller.
(I take out a book).

Of course, there are definitely books in the briefcase. Schoolchildren learn from them and they are called textbooks. Repeat this word.
This book has for you " Entertaining puzzles". Do you want to show ingenuity and intelligence? Then we listen very carefully.

Grandmother Dasha has a granddaughter Masha
Fluff the cat, Druzhok the dog.
How many grandchildren does grandma have? (1)

There are 4 birds sitting on a tree: 2 sparrows, the rest are crows. How many crows? (2)

Vadim found 9 mushrooms,

And then another one.
You answer the question:
How many mushrooms did he bring?

What time of year is it now?
- If today is Thursday, what about tomorrow?
- If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...?

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair...?

If the road is wider than the path, then the path...?

How many months are there in a year?
- Name the spring months.
- How many ears do three mice have?
- How many ends do two sticks have?
- If a sister is older than a brother, then the brother...?


Want to know whose team earned more chips? (Chips are counted).

Guys, do you want to see what else schoolchildren have in their briefcase?
(I take out my pencil case)
- What kind of zipper wallet is this? Maybe it's for money? (Children's answers)

Well done, of course - this is a penalty. A pencil case is a very convenient and necessary thing. What would happen if there were no pencil case?

To complete the next task, we will also need a simple pencil and a squared notebook. Please take your seats. But before we complete the task, let’s stretch our fingers.

Finger game “In our group”

In front of you is a piece of paper, and on it are numbers. By connecting the numbers in order, we will find out who it is. And our guest and I will see how you can work independently.
Open your notebooks and look at the assignment.
If you find it difficult, raise the red signal.
(During independent work, I give instructions for landing: “Even my briefcase frowned because you are not taking care of your health. “Please sit down correctly.”)


Look at the image you were supposed to get.

(Children compare their image with the image on the board)
- Whoever got the same image, pick up the green signal cards.
- I am very glad that the green signal cards have been raised. This means that all the tasks were completed correctly.
- What does it look like?
- Think about how you can complete the image so that it looks like a portrait of our guest.
Dear briefcase, do you like your portrait?
Guys, the briefcase says that he really likes the portrait, and he really liked you, real future schoolchildren.
I am very happy for you today, you completed all the tasks correctly, although they were not easy.


What did you learn today?
- What did you especially like? What was difficult? And now I invite you to evaluate your work. The one who thinks that he completely coped with the tasks - let him take a star, and the one who thinks that he did not succeed in everything today - let him take a flag. (Children make their choice).

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