Reading the Quran is a way to learn Arabic quickly and easily. Online school for learning Arabic Learn to read the Quran slowly

Koran– The word (Speech) of Allah, its superiority over the words (speech) of creation is similar to the superiority of Allah over His creations, and reading the Koran is one of the best activities for a person.
There are many benefits to learning the Quran and teaching it to others:
Reward for reading the Quran: The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever reads one letter from the Book of Allah will have one good deed written down, and the reward for doing good deeds increases tenfold” (At-Tirmidhi).

Another hadith says: One day the Messenger of Allah ﷺ asked his companions: “Who wants to go to Buthoy or Alik ( settlements, located near the Medina. – Approx. author) and, without quarreling with anyone, without sinning, return with two large camels?” The Companions replied:“Oh, Messenger, we all want it!”

Then the Prophet said: “Why then don’t you go to the mosque and learn two verses from the Book of Allah or read it? This is better for Him than a camel. If you read three verses, they are better than three camels, four - four, no matter how many verses you read, they are all better than camels” (Abu Dawood, Muslim). Reward for teaching the Quran: The Prophet ﷺ said:“The best of you is the one who studied the Quran and taught it to others.”

The merits of studying the Quran, memorizing it and reading it according to all the rules: The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever reads the Quran, knowing it by heart, is with noble, humble messengers (angels), and whoever reads the Quran with difficulty and at the same time makes great efforts ( wanting to read it correctly), a double reward awaits him” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

How to start memorizing surahs of the Koran? 1. Sincere intention.

2. One must learn to read the Holy Quran with correct pronunciation and also in accordance with the rules of Tajweed.

If a person can read one page fluently and correctly (meaning that if a page is difficult, he can read it in 1.5 minutes, and if it is easy, in 1 minute), he can confidently begin hifz (memorize the Quran). But, if a student does not yet read the Quran fluently, it is not advisable for him to immediately begin hifz as he may encounter great difficulties. In many cases, such students do not complete their studies, except for those who have a very strong desire to learn. 3. Consistency.

The more often you memorize the verses, the easier the memorization process will become. It is very important not to miss a single day. There are no days off in worship. At the very least, if you have no time at all, learn 3-5 lines a day. If you are consistent, insha Allah, you can become a hafiz in 5 - 6 years. 4. Atmosphere.

Sit in a quiet place so that you can concentrate only on the Quran and not be distracted by other thoughts. Turn off distractions (such as mobile phones, TV, etc.)

5. Remember the verses with meaning: read the translation, before you start learning the verse, understand the meaning of what is written. 6. Before learning, it is useful to listen to the verse you want to learn.

This will help you overcome pronunciation problems and improve the quality of your memorization. 7. Read what you have learned in your daily prayer.

If you have forgotten any piece, you will immediately correct your mistake by looking in the Qur'an, and will never make that mistake again. 8. Have a good teacher (friend, family member) who has knowledge of surahs.

The most serious problem in this great matter is the lack of desire on the part of the student. In this case, the final result will depend on the experience of the teacher. Having an experienced mentor is very important, so start your training by finding a teacher. Let him check your memorized verses every day. Or test each other with a person who also learns the Quran. 9.Read the surahs out loud.

Reading out loud helps not only to speak, but also to listen to yourself. 10. Dua.

Ask Allah to make it easier for you to memorize the Quran.

Of course, everyone wants to be a strong hafiz. To achieve your goal, you need to follow some rules.
Taking into account the capabilities of their memory, everyone should choose a suitable memorization method for themselves, for example:
Learn one verse, then the second, connect them together, then the third and so on.
Learn by words, that is, learn one word, then the second, connecting them until you complete the verse completely.
Divide the page into three or four parts, learn them separately, and then connect them.
Learn the page from the end, that is, first memorize the lowest verse, then the next one and connect the verses gradually until you reach the top.
Remember by writing.
Memorize by listening, that is, choose one reader and, listening to his recording many times, try to memorize it. Mainly to this method the visually impaired come running.

As for memorizing by reading a page from beginning to end, the page when memorizing in this way should be read one hundred, one hundred and fifty or more times. In general, it will be better if the hafiz teacher chooses the method of preparing lessons for the student himself. And in general, only under the strict control of the teacher the student achieves his intended goal faster. The secret to a well-learned page is constant repetition - the more you read a page when memorizing, the more firmly you will know it.

If, having learned a page or at least half a page, you can read it by heart without hesitation or read it slowly, pronouncing each letter, then know that you have memorized it well, you can confidently continue to memorize it further and do not worry - such a hifz will not be easily forgotten.

You shouldn't worry if you have a weak memory, because... educational institutions in hafiz training, nine out of ten students have below average memory. And also, don’t worry about the fact that you can’t immediately recite the page you just learned by heart, because many people need one night or even two days to pass before the memorized surah sticks, and this is normal. For most students, memory is revealed only after memorizing ¼ of the Qur'an, and for some it is not revealed until half of the Qur'an has been memorized.

So don’t worry, friend – you can become a hafiz! Ask Almighty Allah for this and be sincere. Amen!!!

For the first time in all the time I have been blogging, I will allow myself to greet you the way it is done throughout the Muslim world - Assalamu Aleikum! Today there will be a very unusual format article about how I learned to read the Koran at the age of 9, but then successfully forgot everything. A few years later he made another attempt to learn to read the Holy Scriptures, and later he taught people himself.

For those who have long wanted to learn to read Arabic, I have prepared a nice gift at the end of the article. In addition, only for readers of my blog - a special and very profitable offer! But, see all this below, and now, with your consent, I will begin my story...

Not to say that I had a dream since childhood - read quran. It all started very funny, back in 1994, my grandmother sent me, a seven-year-old boy, to buy bread from a nearby stall. According to the law of meanness, the bread had just sold out, and I had to head to the market. At the entrance, I noticed an old aksakal, who had laid out some books on the table and was twirling them in his hands.

The old man turned out to be a humorist and decided to make fun of the little boy (that is, me), called him over and asked: “Baby, I don’t know what you’re looking for, but it’s not that important. Better buy the Koran from me - it will feed you all your life.” I confess that before this I knew exactly as much about the Holy Book of Muslims as the leader of the Ubra-Kuku tribe from Rwanda knows about you and me.

Despite his venerable age, this old man could give a head start to many modern marketers. Imagine, from a huge crowd, accurately identify someone who might be interested in the Koran, call him over and correctly click on the “sick” button, so that the desire to buy here and now will prevail over all objections. However, he could not sell me anything, since I only had enough money in my pocket for bread. But he gave me a strong desire to convince my granny of the need for this much-needed purchase.

It didn’t take me long to persuade my grandmother to buy the Holy Scriptures. It turned out that she herself had been thinking for a long time about how to hand me over to the mullah “on bail.” So, with the light hand of that elder, on one of the most beautiful days I walked with a confident gait to old woman, who taught children to read the Koran. At first everything went smoothly and orderly, I was reputed to be a successful student, but then it turned out that either I was not quite smart, or the woman had a methodologically illiterate approach to teaching children. In a word, I soon lost interest in learning.

As they say, I called myself a milk mushroom - get into the basket, I had to grit my teeth and study. By the way, there is such a tradition: after a person finishes studying the Koran, they conduct “guran-chykhan”. Like a graduation party in a modern way, relatives bring all sorts of “goodies”, gifts and money, but the mullah gets it all. I didn’t quite like this arrangement, I strained and studied (no matter how) - but the mullah was in chocolate.

It’s embarrassing to admit, but one thing made me happy – now everything was behind me. Everyone was a winner - the mullah received gifts and money, my grandmother fulfilled her dream, and I thought I could read quran. Although, I really could read, only my mother’s laziness took over over time. The fact is that you had to constantly read so as not to forget the language. But make the little tomboy sit and read for two hours every day while your friends are playing football outside the window. But, as it turned out later, it was not about me, but about teaching. The teaching methodology was built fundamentally incorrectly. But the understanding of this came later. After two or three years, I “safely” forgot everything.

How to learn to read the Qur'an correctly?

At about 14 years old, the muse visited me again, and I wanted to master the language of my forefathers. Oh yes, let me clarify – I am Persian by origin and my ancestors spoke Farsi. Probably, it was genetics that contributed to my good endeavors. So I ended up with a very respected teacher who taught reading the Koran - Hajj Vagif. I just recently found out that he passed away...

A few words about your teacher - there are few who are so responsive and good people met in life. It felt like he put his whole self into our teaching. A man of respectable age went to the mountains every day, worked in the garden for 10-12 hours, and came home in the evening and began studying. He was a most worthy man!

I still remember the words of my mentor, which he said on the first day of my training: “I will teach you to read the Koran so that you will never forget the rules of reading. Even if 20 years pass and during that time you never look at Arabic writing, you will still be able to read the Holy Scriptures freely.” Considering my sad experience, his words were perceived with irony. Subsequently it turned out that he was right!

So, learning to read the Quran consists of four main components:

  • Learning the alphabet (in Arabic the alphabet is called “Alif wa ba”);
  • Learning to write (unlike the Russian language, everything is much more complicated here);
  • Grammar (Tajweed);
  • Direct reading.

At first glance, everything may seem simple, like one-two-three. In fact, each of these stages is divided into several sub-stages. The main point here is that you definitely need to learn to write CORRECTLY in Arabic. Note, not correctly, but correctly. Until you learn to write, you cannot move on to grammar and reading. It was this aspect that was missed in the methodology of my first mentor. You already know what this omission led to.

Two more important points: first, using this method you will only learn to write and read in Arabic, but not to translate. For in-depth training, people go to Arab countries, where for 5 years they have been gnawing on the granite of science. Second, immediately decide which Quran you will use to study. Yes, yes, there is a difference in this too. Many old teachers teach in the Qur'an, which is popularly called "Ghazan".

I don’t recommend doing this, since then it will be difficult to “switch” to the modern Koran. The meaning of the text is the same everywhere, only the font is very different. Of course, “Gazan” is simpler, but it is better to immediately start learning with a new font. I know that now many people do not quite understand the difference. To make it clearer, the font in the Quran should be as shown in the picture below:

Profitable proposition!!!

By the way, you can also choose your favorite case and stand there. Yes, the number of Korans is limited, since they are simply not allowed to be carried across the border anymore.

Let's assume that you have the Koran (or you), it's time to move on to the alphabet. Here I recommend starting a notebook right away and remembering your 1st grade. Each letter will need to be written out in a notebook 100 times. The Arabic alphabet is not as complex as the Russian alphabet. Firstly, there are only 28 letters in it, and secondly, there are only two vowels: “alif” and “ey”.

On the other hand, it can complicate the understanding of the language. After all, in addition to letters, there are also sounds: “a”, “i”, “u”, “un”. Moreover, almost all letters (except for “alif”, “dal”, “zal”, “ray”, “zey”, “uau”) are written differently at the beginning of the word, in the middle and at the end. Many people find it very difficult to read from right to left. Everyone is used to reading “normally” - from left to right. But here it’s the other way around.

Personally, this made me uncomfortable when learning to write. It is important here that the bias in handwriting is from right to left, and not vice versa. It took me a long time to get used to this, but in the end I brought everything to automaticity. Although, sometimes it also happens that I forget about the slope. By the way, here is the Arabic alphabet (yellow frames highlight letter writing options depending on their location in the word):

At first, it is very important that you write as much as possible. You need to get better at this, since during this period the foundation of your training is built. In 30 days, it is quite possible to memorize the alphabet, know the variants of writing letters and learn to write. For example, your humble servant did it in 18 days. Although, then the mentor noted that this was a record! I found all this very interesting, and learning was easy.

Once you have learned the alphabet and you can write, you can move on to grammar. In Arabic it is called “tajwid” - the rules of reading. Grammar can be learned directly while reading. There is only one nuance - in the Koran the beginning is not where we are used to. The first mentor began training “from the end” of the Quran (in ordinary books this is the beginning), and the second did the right thing - the training began with surah 1 of the Quran “Al-Fatiha”.

Then you will need to read 1-2 pages every day, 10 times each. This takes about an hour or two at first. Then the number of pages can be increased. The maximum I read was 15 pages. We came to class, read a passage from the Koran - homework, received feedback from the mentor, he pointed out mistakes and gave a new assignment. And so for almost 3 months! After you are already perfect read quran, you can try to learn “avaz” - reading by singing. I didn’t succeed completely, but still...

Friends, of course, it is impossible to convey everything that can be told through an article. Therefore, if you have a desire to learn to read Arabic, look for madrassas or tutors in your city. Today this is no longer a problem. I am sure that live training will be 100 times more effective. If you do not have such an opportunity, then here is the promised present at the beginning of the article - download and install the Zekr program on your computer. It will help you learn to read and listen to the Scriptures. The program is absolutely free. Wikipedia article about the program, there is also a download link.

Let me finish my thoughts here. I really hope that the article was useful to you. I will be glad to read your thoughts in the comments, write whatever you think (within reasonable limits), I am ready to discuss everyone’s opinion. In conclusion, I want to show you a very interesting documentary film “The Koran” from National Geographic:

P.S. I remind you once again about the 15% discount in our online store.

The importance of the Koran in the life of a Muslim cannot be overestimated. The text of this Holy Book is the uncreated Word of Allah in form and content. It is around the Koran that the entire life of a believer is built. This is a unique Scripture addressed to all humanity. The path of spiritual liberation and moral purification outlined in it is so perfect that the Koran has not lost its relevance to this day and will not lose it until the End of the World. Reading this Holy Book is one of the most worthy and beloved forms of worship of Allah Almighty. Therefore, every Muslim should strive to study and memorize the Quran.

1. Sincerity in intention

The purpose of studying and memorizing should be the desire to gain the pleasure of Allah, otherwise our aspirations will not be overshadowed by the grace of God, and therefore there will be no help from the Almighty on this path.

2. Manifestation of ethics (adab) to the Qur'an

It is very important to comply ethical standards(adab) when handling the Holy Scriptures. Here are some of them: do not turn your back; touch only in a state of ritual ablution and read it only in this state; before reading, the oral cavity should be clean of food particles; it is recommended to brush your teeth with a siwak; the reader is recommended to be at his best, in good clean clothes; when reading, sit upright, without leaning on anything; sit in a clean place, facing the Qibla; do not leaf through with fingers moistened with saliva; must be placed above all other books; placing another book on it is not allowed; It is recommended to start reading by saying: “Auzubillahi mina-shaytani-rrajim” (“I resort to the help of Allah against the machinations of the damned shaitan!”), and then “Bismillahi-rrahmani-rrahim” (“In the name of Allah, the Merciful in this world to everyone, and in the next world - only to those who believe"); the reader should be as focused as if he were quietly talking in a whisper with Allah, confident that he is in front of Him and reading His Word; read calmly, slowly, even if its meaning is unclear; do not interrupt reading to talk, except emergency; if there is a pause while reading, then before starting to read again, you should say “Auzu billahi mina-shshaytani-rrajim”, brush your teeth and gums with a siwak; it is better to read by following the text with the eyes: this is valued more than reading by heart, for here there is worship of Allah with the eyes; Reading in a state of drowsiness is not recommended, since in this case there is a high probability of making mistakes, etc.

3. Stick to the plan in memorizing the Quran

You should draw up a learning plan, decide in advance on the number of verses to be memorized per day, and then stick to this plan, no matter what difficulties arise.

4. Consistency in studying the Quran

The main thing in learning is to maintain consistency. Don't miss a single day! Missing a day will set you back and you will regret it. Repeat the verses you memorize as often as possible, because repetition is the basis of learning.

5. Concentration on memorizing the Quran

Try to ensure that nothing distracts you from the process of reading and memorizing. If possible, find a quiet place to fully concentrate on your studies.

6. Reading the Quran out loud

Read the verses out loud so that you can hear yourself reading. This will help consolidate what you read.

7. Listening to a Quranic verse before memorizing it

Before you start memorizing a verse, try to listen to it from the teacher or in a recording. This will contribute to better memorization and pronunciation of this verse.

8. Learn the meaning of the memorized verses of the Koran

Before memorizing the next verse, try to study its general meaning. Memorizing with understanding of what is written is more effective than simple cramming.


The Koran is the holy book of Muslims. From Arabic it is translated as “reading aloud”, “edification”. Reading the Koran is subject to certain rules - tajweed.

World of the Quran

The task of Tajweed is correct reading letters of the Arabic alphabet are the basis for the correct interpretation of divine revelation. The word “tajweed” is translated as “bringing to perfection”, “improvement”.

Tajweed was originally created for people who wanted to learn how to read the Quran correctly. To do this, you need to clearly know the places of articulation of letters, their characteristics and other rules. Thanks to Tajweed (orthoepic reading rules), it is possible to achieve correct pronunciation and eliminate distortion of the semantic meaning.

Muslims treat reading the Koran with trepidation; it is like a meeting with Allah for believers. It is important to prepare properly for reading. It's better to be alone and study early in the morning or before bed.

History of the Quran

The Quran was revealed in parts. The first revelation to Muhammad was given at the age of 40. For 23 years, verses continued to be revealed to the Prophet ﷺ. The collected Revelations appeared in 651, when the canonical text was compiled. The suras are not located in chronological order, but remained unchanged.

The language of the Quran is Arabic: it contains many verb forms, it is based on a harmonious system of word formation. Muslims believe that verses have miraculous powers only if they are read in Arabic.

If a Muslim does not know Arabic, he can read a translation of the Koran or tafsir: this is the name given to the interpretation of the holy book. This will allow you to better understand the meaning of the Book. The interpretation of the Holy Quran can also be read in Russian, but it is still recommended to do this only for familiarization purposes. For deeper knowledge, it is important to know Arabic.

Surahs from the Koran

The Koran contains 114 suras. Each one (except the ninth) begins with the words: “In the Name of Allah, the Gracious and the Merciful.” In Arabic, basmala sounds like this: The verses from which the suras are composed, otherwise called revelations: (from 3 to 286). Reading surahs brings many benefits to believers.

Surah Al-Fatihah, consisting of seven verses, opens the Book. It praises Allah and also asks for His mercy and help. Al-Bakyara is the longest sura: it has 286 verses. It contains the parable of Musa and Ibrohim. Here we can find information about the unity of Allah and the Day of Judgment.

The Quran ends short sura Al Nas, consisting of 6 verses. This chapter tells about various tempters, the main struggle against which is the pronunciation of the Name of the Most High.

Sura 112 is small in size, but according to the Prophet ﷺ himself, it occupies the third part of the Koran based on its significance. This is explained by the fact that it contains a great meaning: it speaks of the greatness of the Creator.

Transcription of the Koran

Those who are not carriers Arabic, can find a translation at native language using transcription. It is found in different languages. This is a good opportunity to study the Quran in Arabic, but this method distorts some letters and words. It is recommended to listen to the verse in Arabic first: you will learn to pronounce it more accurately. However, this is often considered unacceptable, since the meaning of the verses can change greatly when transcribed into any language. To read the book in the original, you can use a free online service and get a translation in Arabic.

Great book

The miracles of the Koran, about which much has already been said, are truly amazing. Modern knowledge has made it possible not only to strengthen faith, but now it has become obvious: it was sent down by Allah himself. The words and letters of the Koran are based on a certain mathematical code that goes beyond human capabilities. It encrypts future events and natural phenomena.

Much in this sacred book is explained with such precision that you involuntarily come to the idea of ​​its divine appearance. Then people did not yet have the knowledge that they have now. For example, the French scientist Jacques Yves Cousteau made the following discovery: the waters of the Mediterranean and Red Seas do not mix. This fact was also described in the Koran, what was the surprise of Jean Yves Cousteau when he learned about it.

For Muslims, names are chosen from the Koran. The names of 25 prophets of Allah and the name of the companion of Muhammad ﷺ - Zeid were mentioned here. The only thing female name– Maryam, there’s even a sura named after her.

Muslims use suras and verses from the Koran as prayers. It is the only shrine of Islam and all the rituals of Islam are built on the basis of this great book. The Prophet ﷺ said that reading surahs will help in various life situations. Reciting Surah ad-Duha can get rid of the fear of the Day of Judgment, and Surah al-Fatiha will help in difficulties.

The Koran is filled with divine meaning, it supreme revelation Allah. In the Holy Book you can find answers to many questions, you just have to think about the words and letters. Every Muslim must read the Koran; without knowledge of it, it is impossible to perform namaz - an obligatory form of worship for a believer.

After finishing 10th grade at summer holidays I went to Dagestan. Usually you are constantly surrounded by relatives there. But one day I was left in Makhachkala, left to my own devices. And he went for a walk around the city. This was probably my first independent walk through a foreign city. I walked along Gamidov Avenue towards the mountains. And suddenly, I saw a sign “Islamic shop”. No matter how strange it may seem, my first acquisition in Dagestan was an Arabic script.

Arriving at my uncle's house, I opened it. There were all types of writing letters and their pronunciation was explained in relation to Dagestan alphabet“The letter ع roughly corresponds to the Arabic gI,” “The letter ح is similar to the Avar xI.” Together with ظ, these were the most difficult letters for me, because... it was hard to imagine how to pronounce them, and the others were mostly in my language. So I began to learn to read Arabic on my own. An ordinary Russian teenager, far from religion. Then I went to my grandfather’s mountain village. It was a time filled with the events of adolescence, when you try a lot for the first time. Along with all this, I tried to learn Arabic. What moved me when I bought this recipe is still mystical for me.

I recently found my first attempts to write in Arabic, which I began just that summer in the village with my grandfather. (If you click on the screenshots, they should enlarge. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, I warn you).

Then, already in my 4th year at university, I started doing namaz, started going to the mosque, and met Muslims. One Friday in the mosque I said hello to one of my friends:

Assalamu alaikum! How are you? What are you doing?
- Wa alaikumu piss! Alhamdulillah. Here, I’m studying Arabic.
- How do you study? Are there any courses?
- No, on your own, using the textbook “Learn to read the Koran in Arabic.”

Then this brother went to Kazan to study and there he got new textbooks, and he sold Lebedev’s books “Learn to Read the Koran in Arabic” to me for 500 rubles when he returned from Kazan on his first vacation.

I worked as a night security guard in a store and took this book with me on duty. I started reading it in my free moments between the fights of the local drunks and until I fell asleep. As soon as I started getting acquainted with the book, I thought: “Subhanallah, this Arabic language is so easy to learn.”

My delight knew no bounds. I finished the first book in a month. I didn’t even memorize the words there - I just carefully studied the new rules and read the exercises for them.

Then I got my hands on another textbook (I already wrote about it in the post “A pencil that writes in the brain”). I began to simply study a lesson a day (they are very small). I simply learned new words in the morning - and then repeated them all day (on the bus, while walking, etc.) After a couple of months, I already knew almost 60 lessons by heart - all the words and figures of speech that were found in them.

After 2 months of classes, I was visiting an Arab and was surprised to discover that I could communicate in Arabic without speaking a word in Russian!!! It started out as a joke. I said hello in Arabic and my friend answered. Then I asked something else and he answered in Arabic again. And when the dialogue began, it was as if there was no turning back. It was as if we didn’t know Russian. My knees were shaking with happiness.

Previously, I needed to learn the Koran “photographically” - stupidly remember the order of all the letters in words. For example, it took me several days to memorize Surah An-Nas. And after I have learned the basics of grammar, I can read Krachkovsky’s translation and the Arabic text of the verse once (matching the translation to each Arabic word), repeat it a couple of times - and the verse is remembered. If you go through a small surah like this (like An-Naba “The Message”). After half an hour of studying, I can look at Krachkovsky’s translation and read the sura in Arabic (essentially from memory). The most difficult thing is usually to remember the order of the verses.

My tragedy is that having learned to read (it took about two months on my own and unsystematically), I simply did not imagine that it was possible, after spending the same amount of time, to learn the basics of grammar and, if I made an effort and developed an active lexicon- you can speak Arabic very soon.

The biggest problem for many people is that they think of language as impregnable fortress, the assault and siege of which will take many years. And only after that you will master it. In fact, learning a language is better thought of as a small cottage that you build piece by piece. Having studied basic grammar (changing verbs according to persons and tenses, changing cases, etc. - this is a brochure of 40 pages in length) - consider that you have laid the foundation. Next, an opportunity arose - we built a room where we could live and moved there. Then - the kitchen. Then they built a living room, a children's room, and all the other rooms. I saw how houses were built in this way in Dagestan. Instead of renting an apartment, they buy an inexpensive plot of land, pour the foundation and build at least one room where they move. And then, as far as possible, they continue to build the house on the already poured foundation.

If suddenly someone wants to follow my path, which I consider optimal for those who do it mainly on their own, for example, in their free time from their main studies or work, I have prepared a selection of materials (now they have become more accessible and better).

→ (self-instruction book on reading and writing with voiceover of each word and many tips)

2. Basics of grammar. To study grammar, it is better to arm yourself with many books and choose the one that suits you best. The same rule can be given in different words V different books- so you can look at incomprehensible moments from different angles. Start with one book and download others as needed.

→ Lebedev. Learn to read the Koran in Arabic - an unobtrusive explanation of the basics of grammar using the example of verses from the Koran (I personally went through the first volume. I hated studying foreign languages ​​all my life, but I read this book as fiction, and I realized that Arabic is my language).

→ - a compressed volume of 40 pages gives all the basics (a brief summary of any textbook).

→ . A new thorough textbook, containing the basics of grammar with numerous examples, as well as the basics of morphology. Very accessible language and sparing volume.

→ (I haven’t tried it myself, but I’ve heard reviews from friends).

→ (Classics of the genre. Usually it is used as a reference book where you can find any question on grammar).

I think these books should be enough to spare. If you are not satisfied, google Kuzmina, Ibragimov, Frolova and others.

3. Develop an active vocabulary.

→ . - read the preface to this book carefully and you will understand everything. I actually lived with this book for several months until I learned 100 lessons (I wrote about this in the article “A pencil that writes into the brain”). If you repeat “my feat”, you will feel your closeness with Arab world- jokes aside.

4. Language practice.

→ Get to know the Arabs, try to communicate with them. For example, you can look for students in the mosque who have just arrived in Russia and speak Russian poorly. If you are hospitable and not intrusive, you can develop very warm and friendly relations. You can learn the language directly from a native speaker.

→ Learn to type in Arabic (). This way you can Google materials that interest you, your favorite nasheeds on YouTube, etc. You will be able to plunge into the Arabic Internet, participate in their forums, discussions, make friends on FaceBook, etc.

You can bookmark the second part of the article, here is the link

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