Hour battle fb2. “The Battle of the Hour” Natalya Shcherba

Hour-long battle Natalya Shcherba

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Title: Clock Battle
Author: Natalya Shcherba
Year: 2015
Genre: Heroic fiction, Children's fiction, Books about wizards

About the book “The Battle of the Hours” by Natalya Shcherba

Natalya Shcherba is a children's writer who has taken first place in various competitions and won the Grand Prix. From her pen came the famous “Sorcerers” series. The book “The Battle of the Hours” is its sixth part. In it, extraordinary situations will happen to the main characters that will force them to act as quickly as possible, otherwise they will not be able to fulfill their vows and save their friends.

Natalya Shcherba’s book “The Battle of the Hours” will continue the story about the main characters of the series, Vasilisa and Fesh. This time they will have to overcome incredible challenges. Moreover, the fateful hour is very close. Soon they will have a battle for the throne of Time. They don't know how it will end or what skills will be needed to win it, so they try to gain as much knowledge as possible. One day Vasilisa announces to the Architect's Circle that she is becoming a student of the great and terrible Astragor. He is the sworn enemy of all Eflar watchmakers, so they may have serious problems if the heroine finally defects to his side.

These are not all the negative situations that have arisen in the kingdom. Suddenly Fesh disappears, the key holders are trying to find him, the best warriors are sent to search, but the hero has disappeared without a trace, and no one knows where he might be. There is an opinion that he is no longer alive, but the majority simply do not want to believe it, so no one expresses this theory out loud. When Vasilisa finds out that her friend has disappeared, she also rushes to look for him. The girl believes that he is alive, but cannot find an explanation for his disappearance.

All this turmoil turned out to be in Astragor’s favor; he is confident that he will be able to defeat his rivals and take the coveted throne. For this purpose, he crushes his enemies, disregards his friends and gathers more allies. Only Vasilisa can stop him, but for now she is busy searching for her friend. Will she be able to save him? Or has Flash already died a long time ago? Where is he hiding and what forced him to take this step at such a difficult time for everyone?

Natalia Shcherba’s book “The Battle of the Hours” is the latest part of the “Sorcerers” series. In this work, the secrets and mysteries of all the characters will be revealed. Some of them will appear to readers in a completely different light, so you should be prepared for unexpected plot twists.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online the book “The Battle of the Hours” by Natalya Shcherba in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Natalia Shcherba’s fantasy novel “The Battle of the Hours” is the final one in the “Chasodei” series. These are the very books that help you immerse yourself in childhood. They will be interesting to both teenagers and adults, who sometimes lack lightness. The final book is as beautiful as all the previous ones, wonderfully written characters, already so dear and beloved, an amazing magical world. There are few villains here, but there is much more goodness and love here. And the love in the book is so naive and bright that your soul becomes light. But the trials the heroes face are not at all easy.

The crucial moment of the battle for the throne of Time will soon come. Astragor confidently moves towards his desired goal, gaining more and more allies and sweeping away enemies on his way. He is the enemy of all watchmakers, and now Vasilisa is learning from him. This confuses the Architect's Circle. Flash has disappeared, no one knows where he is. What future awaits the key holders? What secrets are hidden behind the walls of the Shattered Castle? Will Vasilisa be able to save her friend? Will the decisive battle be won?

The writer summed up all the events, putting everything in its place. All questions are answered, the ending of the story leaves a pleasant impression. It’s just a pity to part with our favorite characters, although nothing prevents us from returning to “Wizards” again after a while.

On our website you can download the book “The Battle of the Hours” by Natalya Vasilievna Shcherba for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Clock key:

ISBN: 978-5-353-05333-0

The first novel in the Chasodei series.
Vasilisa, an ordinary earthly girl living with her grandmother, unexpectedly learns that her father is an influential magician of Eflara, a world built on special watch magic. Finding herself in the land of watchmakers, fairies and lutes, Vasilisa finds herself in the center of a dangerous game. Even her friends can’t understand who she is? A bum who knows nothing about her origins? A spy sent by her father to take the throne? Or a powerful watchmaker who knows how to manipulate time and can save the Earth and Eflara from the coming collision?

Clock heart

ISBN: 978-5-353-05547-1

The second novel in the “Chasodei” series.
“There is a commotion in the watch world: the key holders have ended up in an earthly summer camp. Will they be able to find the Scarlet Color on their own and make the right wish? The spirit Astragor, in the past the biggest enemy of the watchmakers, unexpectedly agrees to look after the guys. But no one knows what he was up to...
The summer camp is also restless: everyone is preparing for the big military sports game. A struggle flares up between the key holders, which turns into a confrontation - not for life, but for death. Dangerous adventures and solutions to terrible secrets, difficult choices, and a noble deed of a friend await Vasilisa Ogneva in the second book, “The Heart of a Clock.”

Clock tower

ISBN: 978-5-353-05784-0

The third novel in the Chasodei series.
All key holders must get into the Time Rift and find the Shattered Castle. Vasilisa is ready to do anything to prove her ability to manage time. But Elena Mortinova will definitely stand in her way. Will the girl be able to resist her father's friend? But Vasilisa also needs to have time to save the fairy Diana, enroll in a watchmaking school and... find the key to the heart of the person closest to her.

Author's abstract: The Keykeepers travel to the Time Rift to return time to the mysterious Shattered Castle. A terrible enemy came against Vasilisa and her friends - Astragor, the great Spirit of Ostala. It is not easy to resist such a powerful clock-maker, so Vasilisa will have to enroll in the Eflar school of clock-making, make a dangerous journey to the field of old clock flowers, and even create her own secret community with her friends. But the main test awaits the guys at midnight on New Year's - they need to make an important decision before the twelfth strike strikes...

Watch name

ISBN: 978-5-353-05956-1

The fourth novel in the Chasodei series.
The adventures of Vasilisa, her friends and enemies continue in the amazing magical world created by the talented modern writer Natalya Shcherba.
Will Vasilisa unravel the mystery of the Black Key? Will he find the Black Room? Will she finally learn the truth about her mother? Who will be possessed by the Spirit of the terrible wizard Astragor? Will the two people dearest to Vaselise be able to reconcile? You will find the answers to these questions in the book “Clock Name” - the fourth fantasy novel in the “Chasodei” series, which has already become a new domestic bestseller.

Hour chart

ISBN: 978-5-353-06572-2

The fifth novel in the Chasodei series.
The watchmaking world is worried: Astragor, the enemy of the Eflar watchmakers, has returned and wants revenge. Norton Ognev challenged him, Vasilisa wants to help her father. Together with her friends, she tries to unravel the mystery of the rusty fragment found in the Shattered Castle, learns new magical wisdom and discovers the unknown secrets of managing Time. The key holders will face dangerous and exciting adventures, first losses, tough struggles and encounters with real evil.
Vasilisa will have to make a difficult choice, unravel the most important secret in her life. Will she cope with the incredible responsibility that suddenly fell on her young shoulders?

Added 05/12/2017

Genre: Books about wizards

Year of publication: 2015

Series: Chasodei

Rating: 0.0

Reviews in Pilot: no reviews


In the book of WITCHERS, the heroes of the saga Vasilisa and Fash face incredible trials. The fateful hour is approaching - the decisive battle for the throne of Time is beginning. The Architect's Circle is in turmoil: Vasilisa Ogneva became a student of Astragor, the sworn enemy of all Eflar watchmakers, Fesh Dragotsy disappeared without a trace, and it is unknown what awaits the key makers in the future. And only Astragor is confident in his destiny and quickly moves towards the most important goal, acquiring allies and crushing enemies. Will Vasilisa be able to save her friend? What fate awaits her father, Norton Ognev? Who really is Rodion Hardius and what other secrets does the Shattered Castle keep? In the last book of the hourly story, all the most important secrets will be revealed, and we will finally find out whose side Time itself is on!

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How wonderful it is to be young and carefree - there is so much time ahead that you don’t have to worry about the future, don’t remember the past too often, but just live, live and live in the present... Well, another wonderful cycle is over. I have a lot of impressions on this matter, from which it will be very difficult to single out just one. The entire cycle is a rare exception among our literature. I would like to recommend Chasodeev, the books are a pleasure to read, they delight at the same time with a good plot, well-thought-out characters and atmosphere.
There is no flirting with readers, as, for example, recently it has become fashionable to shove hot stuff into teenage books or banter, or it is completely out of place to intersect with “acute” problems of society, which neither children, nor teenagers, nor often adults care about . This is the purest, most magical fairy tale. This is exactly what a fairy tale should be. What should young adult be like in general? You open a book and know that for a while you will return to childhood. Into something pure, somewhere naive, but so alluring. There is an amazing world here, thought out to the smallest detail. Impossible? As in all fairy tales, impossible-possible. It is recognizable, it has clocks and time at its core, a bit of steampunk, a few villains, a lot of magic and, most importantly, friendship. The true, the most real, which you will not meet in reality and which is precisely why it is so pleasant to meet on the pages of books. The characters are delightful. There are no repetitions in their characters. The characters are alive and live their own lives. Perhaps they can be identified without names. Vasilisa, brave and sometimes quick-tempered, but with a pure heart. Fash, with his secrets, is a very contradictory, but extremely loyal friend. Nick, Zaharra, Nicole, Ognev, Astrogor, Rock, Primaro, Maar... The most important thing is that the characters are memorable. You won’t forget them so easily. The atmosphere is fabulous and magical, but without being cloying. This is especially pleasing. No baby talk or age discounts. Problems are often adult, but still the feeling of magic does not leave. Just like with Harry Potter.
Finally, the language is very literate and beautiful - in a word, the cycle can only be praised. I still don’t want to scold, just as I don’t want to find fault. I put off the sixth book for a long time. Because dessert and the last piece of delicious cake. How can you not hide it for a rainy day? And yet, still... the last page is over, the cake is over. Now it’s very sad - sad to part with the heroes, with the world, with our beloved Vasilisa and Fash. I will miss them. Their adventures will be missed.
I wonder what will happen to them next. At the end of the sixth book, the veil over the future was slightly lifted, but it seems very little...
And yet, sometimes stories have to end, no matter how sad it is to part with them. That's what fairy tales are for - always like fleeting memories that warm you in real life.

It's a good story. Harmonious. Beautiful. Very warm. With soul. I highly recommend at least trying to read it - I’m sure you’ll read two books and won’t put it down until the end of the story. The story is amazing - a rare find.
Well, I... well, I put the book on the shelf with the other books in the series. Sooner or later I will definitely re-read Chasodeev from the very beginning. Good books can be read endlessly, that’s why they are good. After all, now Time is always on our side.

Well, that's the end. You know, it becomes so sad when you finish a series like this and realize that all that remains is to re-read, because they are unlikely to tell us about further events (although what a basis, mmm). I think I read the first 3 or 4 books in one gulp, and waited for the rest with everyone else. So, now I really want to read it in order to put together a complete picture, not torn apart by decent periods of time. In the meantime, the last book has been read.
A worthy ending. Indeed, tense (compared even to the previous part). The puzzle began to take shape, the reasons for some actions became clear. Everything is quite logical, at least I didn’t find any mistakes. All the same heroes, only a little matured in this whole situation. They learned to make choices. Understand what they want. This is cool.
I only got bored at one point - in the part where they talk about the kidnapping. Ooooh, this is a terribly-dreary-descriptive part that I wanted to quickly scroll through. Somehow, in my mind, she was taken out of the book.
The finale of the finale - well, it was supposed to be, just a little less realized. That is, even predictable moments turned out to be twisted in such a way that they cannot be called predictable.
And yet I will not call this series a book for children. For teenagers, somewhere near the upper limit of adolescence - maybe. It’s generally wonderful for adults - to plunge into magic, into the interesting and thoughtful world of watch magic - it’s wonderful!

Completing a book cycle is always, to some extent, a summing up. For both the reader and the writer. Here the author faces many tasks: he needs to answer all the questions that were posed in the previous parts, not get confused, not forget anything, put the puzzle together - something that JK Rowling did exceptionally masterfully in her time, and that Yemets failed to do; defend the integrity of your idea to the end, despite the possible misunderstanding of readers, like Lewis, or complete everything, albeit not with the most logical happy ending, like Kerstin Geer; approach each book with the same high responsibility, like Tolkien, or merge the plot, like Veronica Roth; force the characters to become serious over time, as in “Tanya Grotter,” or leave everything just as childishly direct, as in “Drafts”; put an end to it by closing the story, as Narnia was “collapsed,” or leave an open ending, like “Twilight”; whether to place a romantic line at the center of everything, which was not done in Artemis Fowl, and was done in most books written by people. I remember how, a little over a year ago, I picked up The Clock Key with skepticism, how I was sure that I wouldn’t like it, and how then I couldn’t put it down, how I again discovered the ability to read a book in 24 hours, how I was able to believe again into a fairy tale, how it seemed to me that my life was over when I found out that I had to wait a year for the next part. No, of course, I didn’t die, yes, I managed to compensate for this expectation with other events - bookish and not only - of my life. When I got “The Battle of the Hours” in my hands, I examined it for a long time, tactilely studied every centimeter of its cover, and kept thinking whether it could now capture me and give me that joy again. She became different for me. It seems that nothing has changed - the characters are the same, the style is the same, the tempo is lower - so, on the contrary, it’s good, it was the too high tempo that was my only complaint about the previous parts. Maybe my distracting life circumstances are to blame, but this time reading was different. But in the last chapters, I still got my eyes glued to the book.
I don't understand why everyone doesn't like the ending. Everything is correct, everything is happy, everything is ideologically motivated, and at the same time there is not a ton of happiness that falls on your head for nothing, for nothing, without sacrifice. In general, I expected this, in particular, no. Did Natalya Shcherba cope with her serious task? Certainly. Could it have been better? She could. There were blots, but no white spots. She managed to put together a single picture, she remained true to her idea and logic, the same heroes are recognizable in her images, they still have a lot ahead, perhaps the most responsible and serious achievements are still waiting for them - there is no “they lived happily ever after and died in one day" - but the story does not require continuation, we know: they will cope with everything, because Time is now always on their side.
There is love here. Romantic love. Natural and unobtrusive. Mutual and unselfish.
“You can never tell by Fash’s appearance when he’s mocking and when he’s giving compliments.” Remember how it all began? He is a self-satisfied, smart, savvy, freedom-loving handsome man, with feigned cynicism and playful dimples on his cheeks. Well, it was simply created to win the love of young (and not so young) readers. She is not just another worthless gray mouse, but a confident, brave, inquisitive, pretty girl, perceived by Fesh at first in the spirit of:
She's a stranger
She's a spy
There's something wrong with her
She needs to be sent home
But Vasilisa gave him and everyone else surprise after surprise. The skeptic's incredulous surprise grew over and over again. Of course he resisted. What else should a boy do with such a serious problem as Astragor? He could end up worse than anyone; he had no need to depend on the girl. But love does its love things: in the final book, everything, absolutely everything, with the exception of the choice made in the Ruby Room, their actions were somehow done for the sake of each other. At the same time, Shcherba does not try to write about some great love, she does not make her completely holy fool, does not make her inappropriately passionate, no one hangs on each other’s necks, does not crawl at each other’s feet, does not speak loud words, and there is healthy competition for attention from both sides is available. A perfect balance for children's and teen literature. I was pleased that there was quite a lot of Rodion Hardius in the last part. Personally, I find an interesting and likeable character. I was pleased with the new hero Primaro, and the already familiar Rock, revealing himself from other sides.
There was a feeling that Natalya Shcherba was in a hurry with the release of this book, every time Mark is mentioned, invariably followed by different variations of the same characteristic - “a victim of his own ambitions”, no matter who talks about him, everyone says he is a “victim of his own ambitions” ". I came across a tautology, I don’t know, maybe before I just didn’t notice the rough edges in the feverish turning of the pages, but the author’s style always seemed on point to me. As a result, we got a very good ending to a very good story, the world of which is complete and original, the heroes of which are alive and simple, the feelings are natural, the atrocities are sometimes exaggerated and brightened up, as probably should be in children's books, all this is well written and wrapped in a wonderful cover.
I don’t even regret that I came across “Chasodei” not when I was a teenager, but when I was already quite an adult. Previously, there was enough fabulousness in my life without them, but now it really wasn’t enough.

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