Phrasal verbs. Vocabulary for passing the exam in English

The lesson will present a list of the most frequently used phrasal verbs. We'll look at strategies for remembering them. Theoretical material will be reinforced by performing training and testing exercises.

Lesson summary "Phrasal verbs."

Lesson notes24

Hello, dear students! Today we will review phrasal verbs of the English language. We bring to your attention information that complements the material discussed in the lesson, as well as training proposals for translation.

English phrasal verbs- these are idiomatic expressions that combine verbs and prepositions, and thus form new verbs, whose meaning cannot always be understood by looking up each word of the phrasal verb in the dictionary. English phrasal verbs widely used in both oral speech, and in writing. A preposition within a phrasal verb determines or modifies the verb it refers to. We present to your attention a list of the most common phrasal verbs.

ask for – ask, ask, demand

ask round – invite home

be out - to be absent (not to be at home, in place)

be about – going to do something

break down - break down, stop working

break into – break in, break in

burst out – to exclaim, burst out (with laughter), suddenly begin

clean up - to clean, put away, put in order

check in – register (at the hotel)

check out – check, check out (from the hotel)

callback - call back

callfor – demand, need, come for someone

call off – cancel

calm down - calm down

carry on – continue

come from – to be from

come in – to enter

come on - Come on!, Let's go!; Drop it!, come, arise, advance

end up – finish, end up

figure out – figure out, understand, figure out

fill in – fill out (form, questionnaire)

find out - find out, find out

follow through – bring to the end

follow out - pursue to the end, complete

fool around – play, fool around

get along - to get along, to be on good terms

get back - return

get in – to enter, sit down (in a car)

get out – get out (of the car)

get up - get out of bed

give in – give in, surrender, admit

give up - refuse, quit, give up

go after – to achieve

go back – return

go on – continue, happen

go away – leave, leave

grow up - grow up, become an adult


hand in – hand over

hand out - to distribute

hang up - hang up the phone, disconnect

hold on – wait on the telephone line, do not disconnect

keep away - Don't come near! Keep away, keep at a distance, don't allow to approach

keep on - continue

keep up with – keep up, keep up

lay off - fire

let in – let in (into the house)

let out – release, release

look after – to look after, look after, take care of

look for - search

look forward - to anticipate, to expect with pleasure, to wait impatiently

look out - Beware! Carefully! Look out, pick up

look up - search (in a book)

make up - make up, come up with, make up, make up (paint),

mount, layout (in printing)

pay back - return money (pay), take revenge (repay)

pay off - pay off in full, pay off a debt, pay off (be profitable), take revenge

pick out – choose, understand, decorate

pick up – pick up, drop in (come in), find out, get acquainted (pick up)

play around - have fun, have fun

point out - point out

put off - postpone, defer, cancel, discard,

go (on a trip)

run into - run into, stumble upon, accidentally meet

run out - run away, end, run out, flow out

set up – put, install, found (business), formulate,

prepare, set up, set up (for work)

show off – present in a favorable light, brag

sign up - sign up, enroll (at work),

sit down - sit down

straighten up – to put in order, straighten (clothes)

switch on – turn on

switch off - turn off

take away/off – to remove, take away, take away, select, remove,

take off, take off

take back - take back, take back

take on – take to work, take (form)

try on – try on (clothes)

try out – test, test, check

turn down – reject, reduce (sound, light)

turn into – turn into

turn off – turn off (radio), turn off (lights), turn off (motor)

turn on – turn on (radio), put into action

turn up – appear, come, arrive, intensify (sound),

search, find

use up – completely use up, use up, deplete, exhaust

wake up – wake up, wake up, stay awake

watch out - be careful! Be alert, on guard

write down – write down (on paper)

write up - add, give a finished look

This exercise will help you practice translating sentences containing phrasal verbs.

If you want to stay at this school, you mustabide bythe rules.
Iagree withyou. I think she deserves the award too.
When he saw the dog, hebacked away.
The terrorists said the bomb wouldblow upat 9 o"clock.
Pedrobumped intohis English teacher at the supermarket.
The police have asked any witnesses tocome forward.
An agreement wasdrawn upand signed by the two parties.
The advertising campaign willfocus onthe quality of the product.
Bill walks so fast it"s difficultto keep upwith him.
The old lady dresses so strangely that the kidsmake fun of her.
The meeting wasput off because of the strike.

We wish you good luck!

Tasks on the topic for independent solution

Exercise 1

(2 points)

I have to……. my notes once again to make sure I have learned all important details before the exam.

a) stand for

b) put up with

c) take after

d) pull down

Phrasal verbs.

Tables of the 170 most frequently occurring English phrasal verbs by alphabet and frequency of occurrence with examples of their use.

Most common English phrasal verbsTOP 170 with examples of their use from modern novels and feature film scripts. To go to the examples page, click on a word in the list of verbs.

In alphabet order. By frequency of occurrence.

1 . A brief description of the meanings of English phrasal verbs.( small page - 100 Kb)

2. A description of the meanings of verbs is given in full form(Only in Russian). (quite large page - 330 KB)

3. A description of the meanings of verbs is provided in Russianke. Plus verb meanings in English according to . Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs Plus other necessary comments.

(The most informative page, but very large - 565 KB) AND

from the book by Alexander Vasiliev "English: rules of pronunciation and reading, grammar, spoken language.":

Note Table of frequency of occurrence of English phrasal verbs"TOP 170" I received it in 2005. based on the analysis of modern literary texts. The working database was selected 200 novels/stories and 500 scripts

Of course, it is absurd to insist on such a sequence. Even if you work with the same database again, the specific distribution locations in the list will be slightly different. Here it is possible to talk only about an approximate order. We can only say with certainty that the leaders of the list are approximately 30 times more often than outsiders.

The column “Meanings of verbs” presents not just a translation into Russian of words from the corresponding dictionary entries, but exactly thosethe meanings in which these phrasal verbs occurred most often in the texts under consideration.

“This... little jackdaw... stole an Olympic ruble from me! He needs to be taken to the clinic immediately for experiments!”

And the question is about how to prepare for tasks 32-38 from the “Grammar and Vocabulary” section on the Unified State Examination English language, stole a lot of nerve and brain cells from me. And in this article I will explain who is to blame, why and what to do with this very task. I will also give advice on preparation and recommend textbooks that will help carry out this preparation.

general information

After reading it, it is clear that although is used to contrast two ideas within a sentence and is not separated by a comma. However, however stands at the beginning of a sentence and is separated by a punctuation mark. Obviously, answer #1.

IN task 34 You will need knowledge of the synonymous series say, speak, talk, tell (these synonyms are becoming classics; I have seen them in tests more than once). This difference is well explained Sergey Chernyshev. In addition to the information he shares in the video, I make students learn a few common combinations with these verbs (like tell the difference, the clock says). They can be taken from Muzlanova’s Unified State Examination book. Section “Grammar and Vocabulary”.

Now let's look at the meaning of the sentence with a gap and the meaning of the sentence looks at us - “the experts told the engineer to forget about this idea.” After familiarizing yourself with the difference between synonyms, it is clear that say or tell are suitable in meaning. But if the gap contained said, then after it there must be a preposition before the addition - said TO Roebling. Therefore, we choose No. 2, told.

IN task 35 the student is “caught” knowing or not knowing the idiom “deep in his heart”. How would we translate it into Russian? Probably its equivalent is the expression “deep in the soul,” so the adjective deep suggests itself as a pass. The idioms far, full, long - “far, full, long in the heart” would not inspire confidence in me.

IN number 36 again synonyms, with two groups – join/unite, share/divide. They have different meanings - the first two mean unification, the last two mean separation. Let’s pay attention to what comes after the gap – “... his dream with someone else.” It is unlikely that I will unite the dream, rather I will share it with someone. Consequently, the choice is narrowed down to share and divide. Here you will need knowledge of the compatibility of words (I will tell you how to acquire this secret knowledge below, in the paragraph about preparation).

By the way, you can google compatibility (alas, not during the exam). Type divide a dream into the search field. The only query that appeared was divide a dream into syllables, literally - divide the word “dream” into syllables.

Roebling was unlikely to engage in philological examinations, so let’s dig further and look at the word share. As soon as we enter the first letter of the word dream, a hint from Google appears, where the desired combination of share a dream is in first place. The correct answer is No. 3.

Task 37 again tests knowledge of the control of the verb, moreover, the verb after which to can come. Open the dictionary – succeded IN, handled smth, maintained smth, managed TO. The correct option is No. 4.

And in number 38 again a stable phrase - ... the first time. “Like a virgin, hey! touched for the very first time…” Madonna sang in my head and I found the correct answer. And for those who didn’t sing, you’ll have to remember or guess! Answer #4, for.

Authors: Anna Anatolyevna Tretyakova, English language teacher of the highest qualification category, MAOU Secondary School No. 6 with in-depth study foreign languages, Severodvinsk; Nina Mikhailovna Solkova, English language teacher of the first qualification category, MAOU Secondary School No. 6 with in-depth study of foreign languages, Severodvinsk

The purpose of the manual is to systematize practical educational material on phrasal verbs of the English language and help students prepare for passing exams in English in the 9th grade. This material can be used as an initial stage of preparation for passing the final exam in 11th grade in the Unified State Exam format.


Phrasal verbs are stable combinations of a verb and an adverb or a verb and a preposition “or a verb with an adverb and a preposition at the same time,” forming an idiomatic expression whose meaning differs from the literal translation of its constituent parts.

Without exaggeration, we can say that phrasal verbs are one of the most complex lexico-grammatical aspects of the English language, due to their great diversity and the presence of often several lexical meanings - from literal to idiomatic. As a result, translation problems often arise. Therefore, we consider this topic relevant.

Phrasal verbs are widely used in everyday speech, many of them have become an integral part of the language of means mass media, jurisprudence and economics.

Phrasal verbs provide unlimited possibilities for expressing almost any concept; they expand lexicon and enrich speech with expressions, without which free communication in English is impossible.

Take any book in English, newspaper, magazine, film, song, etc. and you will certainly come across phrasal verbs. Statistically, a native speaker’s speech consists of 40% phrasal verbs, which is almost half.

The study of phrasal verbs in English is of practical importance, since there are no similar verb formations in the Russian language, which causes difficulties in the use of phrasal verbs among English language learners.

The widespread use of phrasal verbs is typical for colloquial speech(this includes, of course, films, novels, etc.), and in strictly official speech they are, as a rule, avoided by choosing other words or constructing sentences differently.

We offer you five tests with keys to practice using common phrasal verbs.

carry on

send off

turn down

cross out

point out

read out

turn over

write down

get in(to)

get on(to)

get out (of)

go back (to)

take off

eat at a restaurant

stop doing sth you do regularly

participate, take part

make a player leave a game (eg, football)

start (a hobby, sport, etc)

lower the volume of

increase the volume of

draw a line through sth written

try to find information in a book, etc

tell sb important information

say sth out loud which you are reading

tear into pieces

remove with a rubber

turn sth so the other side is towards you

write information on a piece of paper

leave a bus / train / etc

enter a bus / train / etc

leave a car / building / room / etc

leave a place/sb

leave the ground


    You should take ___________ a sport and then you would get more exercise.

a) off b) up c) down

    I'm trying to work! Could you please turn your music ___________ ?

a) down b) in c) out

    Just ask him and I’m sure the other children will let you join ___________.

a). out b) up c) in

    The referee sent David ___________ for arguing with him.

a) off b) down c) up

    This is my favorite song! Turn it _____________!

a) off b) out c) up

    A mobile phone rang, but the musician just carried _________ playing.

a) on b) up c) in

    We can’t afford to eat ____________ very often.

a) off b) up c) out

    I’ve decided to become a vegetarian and give _________ meat.

a) up b) off c) out

B Fill in the blanks using the given verbs in the appropriate form. One verb can be used twice.

carry eat give join send take turn

    Now, everyone knows this song, I want you all to ___________ in with me!

    It's so noisy in this restaurant. Could you ask them to __________ the music down?

    There was a fight during the match and the referee ___________ two players off.

    We __________ out about once a week and we cook at home the rest of the time.

    I love this song! ___________it up!

    I used to play the trumpet, but I __________ it up last year because I didn’t have time.

    We stopped playing because of the rain, but when it stopped we ___________ on.

    A good way of getting more exercise is to ____________ up a sport, like basketball.

C Write one word in each blank.

24 th June

We had an English exam today. It was a disaster! We sat there nervously, waiting for Mrs Jennings to say we could start. Finally, she told us to turn our exam papers 1) __________. Then she read 2) ____________ the instructions to make sure we all understood. We had to write three essays in three hours! We weren't allowed to look 3) ____________ any words in the dictionary, and we had to write in pen. That meant we couldn’t rub anything 4) ________ if we made a mistake. We had to cross it 5) _________ neatly or just rip 6) _________ the whole piece of paper and start again. So, I read through the three questions very carefully and thought about what I was going to write. I'd just written my name 7) _________ at the top of the first piece of paper, and was about to start writing the first essay, when Mrs Jennings pointed 8) _________ that there were only five minutes left. Oh dear!

DFill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of phrasal verbs.

    Simon r ____ ____ the wrong answer and wrote the right one. (removed with a rubber )

    Why do you r____ _______ that piece of paper? (tear into pieces )

    If you make a mistake, just c_______ it _______ (draw a line through )

    You should l_____ _____ words you don’t know in a dictionary. (find information about )

    Carol, will you r______ _____ your poem to the class, please? (say out loud )

    Our teacher p ________ ________ that we only have five minutes left. (said )

    Have you all w_______ _______ what the homework is? (made a note of )


    As the plane took A away and come back again later.

    The door is open, so you can get B back there the following day.

    We were in a hurry when we got C off, I held my mum's hand tightly.

    The man selling the tickets told us to go D off the bus and couldn’t walk properly.

    It was raining when we set E off on our walk, but it soon stopped.

    We loved the hotel so we went F in the car if you like

    Ray fell as he was getting G out on the right because it was safer.

    The taxi driver asked us to get H on the bus, I realized I didn’t have a ticket.

FFill in the blanks using the appropriate form of the phrasal verbs from exerciseE.

    Before Darren _________ on his journey, he packed some boots and plenty of warm clothes.

    Why don’t you ____________ and think about what I’ve said to you?

    We should __________ the train at the next station and then find a taxi.

    The helicopter _________ and suddenly we were in the air.

    There was a fire alarm and we all had to ___________ of the hotel.

    Without saying anything, the man ___________ his car and drove up the road.

    We ran to the train and ____________ just before it started to move.

    My parents ____________ to the little Spanish town where they first.

bring up

fall out (with)

get on (with)

go out with

let down

look after

split up

come back (from)

give away

hurry up

pay back

save up (for)

take back

take down

break down

come across

find out

pull off

throw away

turn off

take care of a child until he or she becomes an adult

have an argument with sb and stop being friends

have a good relationship (with)

be the boyfriend/the girlfriend of

become older (for children)

end a relationship

find the total of

give sth free of charge

do sth more quickly

return money (to sb)

save up money (for a specific purpose)

return sth to the place it came from

remove (from a high place)

stop working (for a machine, etc)

find sth by chance

discover information, etc

invent an explanation, excuse, etc

break by pulling

put sth in a rubbish bin

stop a machine working

start a machine working

AChoose the correct answer.

    Do you get on/in well with your sister?

    I thought I could trust you! You've really let me off/down.

    As children grow off / up , they want more independence from their parents.

    Dave has fallen off/out with Jason and they’re not talking to each other at the moment.

    Ed was brought in/up by his aunt because his parents lived abroad.

    I used to go out/by with Tony but we split off / up about a year ago.

    I hate looking after/over my baby brother.

B Advice for parents of teenagers

You've always 1) __________ up your children to come to you when they’re in trouble. You feel it’s your job to 2) __________ after them when they’re having problems. But now, as your children are 3) ___________ up, they often don’t want to share their problems with you. That’s perfectly normal, so don’t worry! Of course, you want to 4) ___________ on well with your children, but that means you have to give them some freedom.

Maybe they've 5) ____________ out with their best friend and feel upset and angry. Maybe they've just 6) ___________ up with the boyfriend or girlfriend they’ve been 7) ___________ out with. Maybe they've been 8) ___________ down by a friend who they trusted. Teenagers go through all these problems. If they want to talk to you about it, then that’s fine. But if they don’t, don’t force them. They'll come to you when they're ready.

C Fill in the missing word.

    Could you look ___________ our rabbit when we are on holiday?

    Tim was Sandy’s boyfriend but they split ___________ last month.

    Kim and Kathy have fallen ___________ with each other, so Kim isn’t going to invite Kathy to her party.

    Phil was brought ____________ by his uncle and aunt.

    Is Gareth really going __________ with Liz?

D Choose the correct answer.

    Let me just add _________ what I’m buying to see if I’ve got enough money.

A on B up C over D in

    I’m saving all my pocket money ________ to buy a new Play Station.

A out B down C up D away

    The old man took the book _______ from the shelf and looked at the price.

A up B down C out D back

    I couldn’t sell my old magazines, so I gave them ___________.

A over B off C up D away

    Why don’t you take the sweater __________ to the shop you got it from.

A down B in C back D up

    We need to hurry ________ or the shops will be closed.

A on B to C towards D up

E Choose the correct answer.

    I ____________ across the book about the moon in the library. It's really interesting!

A went B found C came __________D looked

    Jenny pulled ___________ the handle so we can’t open the cupboard now.

A off B away C in D over

    I’d like to find ______ more about being a computer programmer.

Across B up C off D out

    Our car has broken___________ again.

A off B down C off D in

    Dean was late for physics so he _________ a story about being attacked by a cat.

A took B wrote C created D made

    The TV off. This show is boring.

A Put B Set C Turn D Make

    I’m going to throw these old shoes _________. I never wear them anymore.

A off B away C down D back

    I turned _________ the tap but no water came out.

A over B up C round D on


    I found the photo by chance when I was tidying my room. across

I _________________ the photo when I was tidying my room.

    Scientists should never invent their results. made

Results should never _____________________________ scientists.

    Don’t put those plastic bags in the bin-use them again! away

Don’t _________________________________-use them again!

    Our car stopped working on the motorway, so we had to call a mechanic. down

We had to call a mechanic when our car _____________ on the motorway.

5 . Why don’t you return the jacket to the shop you got it from? back

Why don’t you __________________ to the shop you got it from?

6 . You need to go quickly or the shops will be closed. up

We need to _________________ or the shops will be closed.

call back

come out

log on(to)

print out

break in(to)

catch up (with)

get away with

put away

call off

give back

take away

take over

ring again on the phone

disconnect (phone, electricity, etc)

add information in the spaces on a form, etc

put the receiver down to end a phone call

disconnect from the Internet / a website

connect to the Internet / a website

make a copy of sth on a computer

reach the same point / level as

escape punishment for

start living in a new house, etc

return sth to where it belongs

stop being asleep

wash plates, cups, cutlery, etc

return sth you have taken/borrowed

delay to a later time

start (a business, organization, etc)

take control of (a business, etc)

AFill in the blanks using the appropriate form of the phrasal verbs given in the box..

call back come out cut off fill in hang up log off log on(to) print out

    I’ve got an e-mail from Mick! Wait a second and I’ll _________ it ___________ so you don’t have to read it on the screen.

    I was talking to Matt on the phone when the train went into a tunnel and we were __________.

    You just have to __________ this form and we’ll send the money for you.

    My favorite magazine, Teen Scene, ___________ every Friday.

    Len was talking on the phone, but when I entered the room he _____________.

    I can’t ___________ because I can’t remember my password.

    I'm afraid Mr Brown isn't here. Could you _________ in an hour?

    Tom surfed the Internet for hours and __________ at three in the morning.

B Enter nRomitted word.

    When does Steven King’s new book come ____________ ?

    We didn’t pay the bill, so they cut our phone ___________.

    Could you ask Mr Jones to call me ___________ later today.

    The woman on the phone started shouting at me, so I hung ________.

    I’d like to print this e-mail _________. Is that possible?

    I logged ___________ my favorite website and started reading the latest news.

    You have to fill _________ a form to enter the competition.

    I finished reading the web page, logged __________ and then went to watch TV.

CConnect the parts of the sentence.

    I think I'm going to take

    As our plane took

    Mr and Mrs Davies have split

    I hope we manage to find

    I often had to look

  1. My grandmother brought

A off, I held my dad's hand tightly.

B after my younger sister when she was small.

C out when the concert is going to happen.

D off the TV and find something to do.

E up me and my brother because my parents worked

F up a musical instrument, maybe the violin.

G out with Kelly because she hurt my feelings.

H up after more than twenty years together.

D Fill in the missing word.

    Why won’t this dog just go __________ and leave me alone.

    When does the new Movie Magazine come __________?

    If you’re not sure how to spell a word, look it ___________ in a dictionary.

    I was trying to open the door when I pulled the handle _________. Oops!

    Could you please read ___________ what you’ve written so that everyone can hear?

    I was looking for something when I came _________ a very old picture of my dad.

    What do you want to be when you grow __________?

    Did you really see an alien, or are you making it __________?


    Someone has broken

    I missed a few lessons but I’m catching

    You'll never get

    I didn't want to get

    Our new neighbors moved

    Do you want me to help you put

  1. You're going to wash

A up with the rest of the class quite quickly.

B those plates up, aren’t you?

C up when the alarm clock rank this morning.

D up, I realized I was late for school.

E into my car and stolen the CD player.

F all these clothes away?

G away with this!

H in the next door today.

F Complete each second sentence so that the meaning matches the first. Use two to five words, including the highlighted word.

    They'll find out that you've lied to them about your age. away

You won’t_________________ lying to them about age.

    It’ll be difficult to reach the others as they’re a long way ahead. up

It’ll be difficult to ______________ the others as they’re a long way ahead.

    The magazine is published every Friday. out

The magazine ___________ every Friday.

    You'll be caught! away

You won't _______________ it!

    I was talking to Jo on the phone when we were disconnected. off

Jo and I ______________when we were talking on the phone.

6 Could you complete this application form, please? in

Could you _____________ this application

cut down on

fall down

get over

lie down

sit down

stand up

leave out

take off

build up

clear up

keep out

put down

do less of sth (smoking, etc)

recover from (an illness, etc)

no longer be fresh

start lying (on a bed, etc)

(start to) stand

completely remove by cutting

button / zip up a piece of clothing

make sth completely full

wear (a piece of clothing)

start wearing (a piece of clothing)

remove (a piece of clothing)

put on (a piece of clothing) to see how it looks and if it fits

prevent from entering

make something stop burning

put sth on a wall (eg, a picture)

AFill in the missing word.

    A Japanese company has __________ over the place where I work and might lose my job.

    My boss came into the office when we were laughing and wanted to know what was __________ on.

    Do you think we could __________ the meeting off until next Thursday?

    The computer in my office broke down so they ___________ it away to fix it.

    Many of the staff were ill with flu that week, so the director decided to __________ off the meeting.

    I’m tired because I had to ___________ up last night to finish some work.

    My car belonged to the company, so when I lost my job I had to __________ it back.

    Janice is thinking of ____________ up her own restaurant.

BFill in the missing word.

    If you work in an office, you spend most of the day sitting __________.

    If you are a teacher, you spend a lot of your time standing __________.

    I fell ____________ on the way home from school and hurt my knee.

    My dad has put __________ two kilos since he gave up smoking.

    Do you think I should cut __________ on how much sugar I have tea in tea and coffee?

    I’ve got a headache so I’m going to lie ___________.

    My mum has had flu but she’s getting ___________ it now.

    The chicken smells awful. It must have gone __________.

C Write one word in each blank.

Dress to impress

Do you think carefully about what you 1) ____________ on each morning when you get dressed? What do the clothes that you 2) ____________ on say about you? If you want to make the right impression, try these easy tips.

When you buy clothes, always 3) ________ them on. Ask a friend’s opinion if you’re not sure. And check that what you buy is the right size! If it's the jacket, for example, make sure that you can 4) ___________ it up properly. And make sure it's easy to put on and 5) _________ off.

Clear your wardrobe. Take everything out and only put back those things you actually like. 6) ____________ out the things you never wear. It will create space for new clothes and you’ll be able to 7) __________ it up with things that suit you.

Finally, try making your old clothes more fashionable. You could 8) ____________ the sleeves off an old shirt or change the color. Have fun, and always dress to impress!

D Connectpartsoffers.

    They're going to blow

  1. I'm going to put

    There's a sign saying 'Keep

    How long did it take to put

    I'll just put this box

    the traffic has built

    The fire will go

A up a sign to tell people not to drop any litter.

B down and then I’ll help you with the tent.

C up to the old bridge with dynamite.

D up a lot round here over recent years.

E Out' on the gate.

F up this rubbish and put it in the bin.

G out unless we put more wood on.

H out the forest fire.

E Complete each second sentence so that the meaning matches the first. Use two to five words, including the highlighted word.

    I think I’ve gained a few kilos over the last few months! on

I think I’ve __________a few kilos over the last few months!

    You should reduce the amount of fast food you eat. down

You should___________ the amount of fast food you eat.

    This milk isn’t fresh, I’ll throw it away. gone

This milk _____________, so I’ll throw it away.

    I hope your mum recovers from her illness soon. over

I hope your mum ____________ her illness soon.

F Complete each second sentence so that the meaning matches the first. Use no more than two words.

      You should eat less chocolate!

You should ___________ on the amount of chocolate you eat!

      If you are tired, have a rest on the sofa for half an hour.

If you are tired, ___________ down on the sofa for half an hour

      I think I’ve gained weight in the last few months!

I think I’ve ____________ weight in the last few months.

    I hope James recovers from illness soon.

I hope James __________ over his illness soon.

    This milk isn’t fresh any more.

This milk _____________ off.

calm down

cheer up

run away (from)

speak up

put back

run out (of)

share out

sort out

watch out

work out

become / make calmer

become / make happier

continue happening or doing sth

escape by running

stop talking, stop making a noise

talk more loudly so sb can hear you

put clothes in a wardrobe

lift sth from the floor, a table, etc

return sth to where it was

don't have any left

give a part of sth to a group of people

find a solution to a problem

AReplace the highlighted words with phrasal verbs in the appropriate form.

    You’ll have to ____________, I can’t hear what you’re saying. talk more loudly

    Let’s try to ________ Jimmy ______by having a surprise party! make happier

    Could you please tell the children to ________? I'm trying to sleep! stop making a noise

    If you are upset, try taking long, deep breaths to ___________. become calmer

    Roger first _________ from home when he was only thirteen years old. escaped by running

    After drying her eyes, Molly ________ telling us why she was so unhappy. continued

    And then the man said ….oh, ____________ a second! I’ve forgotten the ending to the joke!

8 ________________ and get ready or we’re going to be late. be quicker

BFill in the missing word.

    Come _______, or we’re going to be late!

    Just hang _______ one second while I find my mobile phone.

    Peter is so noisy! I wish he would just shut _________!

    It annoyed me that Jason just went _________ talking when he could see I was crying.

    Try to calm __________ and tell exactly what has happened.

    You’ll have to speak __________ because I can’t hear what you’re saying.

    Did you know that Sarah ran ___________ from home when she was fourteen?

    I was feeling sad, but seeing my cousins ​​really cheered me _________.

C Connect the two parts of the sentence.

  1. What time did you get

    When are you going to give me

    Has this milk gone

    Why don't you take

    Has the fire gone

    How did the burglars break

A up this morning

B off your jacket

C out or is it still burning?

D on here

E into the building

F back my book

G up until the film finishes.

H off or is it okay?

D Fill in the missing word.

    I wonder who’s going to move ___________ next door.

    We'll have to put the match __________ until next Saturday.

    I’ going to cut _________ on the amount of coffee I drink.

    We filled the car __________ with petrol before leaving.

    Excuse me, can I try these shoes _________,please?

    I’m going to put that poster ____________ on my bedroom wall.

    Hang________! I'm not quite ready yet.

    Watch ________! There's a car coming!

E Complete each second sentence so that the meaning matches the first. Use two to five words, including the highlighted word.

    You should solve that problem as quickly as you can. sort

You should __________________ as quickly as you can.

    I’m afraid we haven’t got any sandwiches left. run

I’m afraid _____________ sandwiches.

    If you are not careful, you’ll fall! watch

If you don’t ___________, you’ll fall.

    I can’t understand why Jake would have said that. work

I can’t ___________ why Jake would have said that.

    Why don’t you start a youth club? set

You should _____________ a youth club.

    How long did it take you to recover from your illness? over

How long did it take you to _____________ your illness?

    They haven’t got any bread at the supermarket. run

They ________________ bread at the supermarket.

    We had to cancel the meeting because Paul was ill. called

The meeting had to _______________ because Paul was ill.

    I can’t hear you, so can you talk more loudly, please? up

I can’t hear you, so can you ____________, please?

    ‘Alex, hurry up or we’ll be late!’ on

‘Alex, _______________ or we’ll be late!’

A 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 a

B 1 join 2 turn 3 sent 4 eat 5 Turn 6 gave 7 carried 8 take

C 1 over 2 out 3 up 4 out 5 out 6 up 7 down 8 out

D 1 rubbed out 2 rip up 3 cross out 4 look up 5 read out 6 pointed out 7 written down

E 1C 2 F 3 H 4 A 5 E 6B 7 D 8G

F 1 set off 2 go away 3 get off 4 took off 5 to get out 6 got in(into) 7 got on 8 are going back

A 1 on 2 down 3 up 4 out 5 up 6 out, up 7 after

B 1 brought 2 took 3 growing 4 get 5 fallen 6 split 7 going 8 let

C 1 after 2 up 3 out 4 up 5 out

D 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 C 6 D

E 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 D 6 C 7 B 8 D

F 1 came across 2 be made up 3 throw those plastic bags away/ away those plastic bags 4 broke down 5 take back 6 hurry up

A 1 print out 2 cut off 3 fill in 4 comes out 5 hung up 6 log on 7 call back 8 logged off

B 1 out 2 off 3 back 4 up 5 out 6 onto 7 in 8 off

C 1 F 2 A 3 H 4 C 5 B 6 D 7 G 8 E

D 1 away 2 out 3 up 4 off 5 out 6 across 7 up 8 up

E 1 E 2 A 3 G 4 C 5 H 6 F 7 D 8 B

F 1 get away with 2 catch up with 3 comes out 4 get away with 5 were cut off 6 fill in

A 1 taken 2 going 3 put 4 took 5 call 6 stay 7 give 8 setting

B 1 down 2 up 3 down 4 on 5 down 6 down 7 over 8 off

C 1 put 2 have 3 try 4 do 5 take 6 leave 7 fill 8 cut

D 1 C 2 F 3 A 4 E 5 H 6 B 7 D 8 G

E 1 put on 2 cut down (on) 3 has gone off 4 gets over

F 1 cut down 2 lie 3 put on 4 gets 5 has gone

A 1 speak up 2 cheer up 3 shut up 4 come down 5 ran away 6 went on 7 hang on 8 come on

B 1 on 2 on 3 up 4 on 5 down 6 up 7 away 8 up

C 1 D 2 A 3 F 4 H 5 B 6 C 7 E 8 G

D 1 in 2 off 3 down 4 up 5 on 6 up 7 on 8 out

E 1 sort that problem out/ sort out that problem 2 we’ve run out of 3 don’t watch out 4 work out 5 set up 6 get over 7 have run out of 8 be called off 9 speak up 10 come on


        Malcom Mann, Steve Taylore –Knowles Grammar and Vocabulary, 2008.

        Mitroshkina T.V. Phrasal verbs, Minsk “Tetralit”, 2011

        Luke Prodromou. Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate. Longman, 2007

In this article we will talk to you about the “Vocabulary and Grammar” section in the Unified State Exam in English. When completing tasks in this section, the level of language competence of students is checked - knowledge of the rules of English grammar, the ability to apply them in practice, knowledge of English vocabulary, knowledge of the compatibility of words and their stylistic markings.

Time to complete the task is 40 minutes.
The maximum score is 20 points.

Contents of the “Vocabulary and Grammar” section of the Unified State Examination in English

This section includes three tasks:
1. Tasks 19-25 (maximum score – 7 points).
2. Tasks 26-31 (maximum score - 6 points).
3. Tasks 32-38 (advanced level).

Tasks from 19 to 25

An example of tasks 19-25 on the Unified State Exam in English is as follows:

This task tests the skills of forming grammatical forms, that is, it is necessary to change the form of a word and fit it into a sentence. Part of the speech remains unchanged. For example, if a verb is written, then the verb remains; if it is a noun, the noun remains, etc.

The case may change from nominative to indirect (world-world’s, friends-friends’) and the number from singular to plural. And, of course, an exception word to the rules of education will probably be proposed plural, as well as words that have special spellings (wife-wives, wolf-wolves, etc.).

  • in English
  • / Possessive

Adjective and adverb
Determine the degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb. For example, if after the omission there is the word “than” (than), we form a comparative degree. If the gap is preceded by the definite article “the” or a phrase like “one of the”, we form a superlative degree.

  • / Adjective
  • in English
  • / Adverb

The voice may change from active to passive, as well as the tense. It is imperative to pay attention to the person to whom the verb refers; the form of auxiliary verbs depends on this. And don’t forget about irregular verbs that are learned by heart!

Note: More information about verbs and tenses of the English language can be found in the ““ section.

The rank may change (the cardinal number changes to an ordinal number).

Pronoun (pronoun)

  • / Possessive pronouns
  • / Personal pronouns
  • / Demonstrative pronouns
  • / Indefinite pronouns (some, any)
  • / Reflexive and intensifying pronouns

Tasks 26 to 31

An example of tasks 26-31 on the Unified State Exam in English is as follows:

Tasks 32-38

Knowledge of English vocabulary and its compatibility depending on the communicative situation are tested:

  • knowledge of phrasal verbs;
  • knowledge of the difference in the use of words that are similar in meaning, i.e. synonyms;
  • knowledge of the difference in the use of words that are similar in sound and/or spelling;
  • knowledge of verb control using the formula “verb + preposition”.

Note: Examples of words that are similar in sound and/or spelling can be found in the ““ section.

An example of tasks 32-38 on the Unified State Exam in English is as follows:

Recommendations for successful completion of the “Vocabulary and Grammar” section

To successfully pass the English exam in the “Vocabulary and Grammar” section, you need to learn grammatical rules and be sure to consolidate them in practice.

To reinforce grammatical topics, you can choose special grammar manuals, which contain a lot of exercises. For example,

  • Round-Up (series where all tasks are in English and theory too)
  • Grammarway
  • New Grammar Time
  • Muzlanova E. S., Fomenko E. A. English language. Full Express Tutor
  • Milrud R.P. English language. Unified State Exam. Vocabulary and grammar
  • and etc.

Section “Vocabulary and Grammar” in the Unified State Examination in English

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