Is it possible to study at two universities at the same time? How to get a second higher education? Obtaining two higher educations

Is it possible to get a second higher education for free? No. In accordance with Art. 5 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, a citizen has the right to a free tower on a competitive basis only if the citizen receives education at this level for the first time.

Federal law makes exceptions only for military personnel, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 19 Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel.” Higher education received at a military university retains your right to enter the budget place at a civilian higher education institution.

It is also worth clarifying what “second higher education” means. In the vast majority of cases, this refers to undergraduate programs in a shortened (3 years) or full (4 years) form. Some universities retained the right to enroll applicants for traditional specialty programs with a 5-year period of study until 2009 (for example, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University or TPU).

International education

A reasonable question arises: if you can’t study for free in Russia, is it possible abroad? The answer is yes, but it's not that simple.

By the way, everyone who entered the university before 2008 inclusive has the qualification of a certified specialist. Those who later become specialist students, unfortunately, cannot receive a master's degree for free.

However, if you have a master’s degree, then you have no right to apply for education at the expense of the state. It doesn't matter whether you studied for free for those two years or not. The fact is that in this case, in fact, you already have an education of this level and receiving it a second time will only cost money.

Studying at two universities

There is also an option for a second education, such as combining studies at two universities. In one you will be listed as a student (where your original documents are located), and in the other as a student (if you provide the university with a certified photocopy of your certificate and certificate from your main alma mater). As in the case of a master's degree, it follows that you receive the same level of education twice, and education at the second university will be paid.

Studying in different countries:

  • Germany. Tuition is free, but you need to pay semester fees and health insurance;
  • Holland. Scholarships for Russians: Orange Tulip Scholarship – scholarship program for Dutch universities;
  • France. Foreign students state universities they pay a symbolic few hundred euros per year;
  • Czech Republic. Education is free provided that you receive education in Czech.

A second higher education is now more relevant than ever, but the process of obtaining it raises many questions. The legislation explains to future students how to obtain a second higher education.

Second higher education: features and advantages

Additional education provides an opportunity improve qualifications and professional level any citizen, and also contributes to broader inclusive development. Therefore, obtaining a second higher education has predominantly advantages. The only disadvantage is financial losses, since this type of education does not involve a budget-funded form of education. At the same time, receiving additional education has a number of advantages, including the following:

  • less time spent: instead of 5 years, it will take 3.5 years to complete the program;
  • opportunity to work and study at the same time with other activities;
  • higher status and professional level of a specialist having two higher education, accordingly, wages will be higher;
  • gaining new knowledge and skills has a positive effect on the graduate’s self-confidence and self-esteem.

Before as get a second higher education, it is important to decide what professional priorities the applicant currently faces. This can be either a radical change of profession or mastering a new branch of an already familiar specialty.

Nuances, important points

It is important for applicants to know that the length of study often depends on how radically the new specialty will differ from the one already obtained. In most cases this time is about 3 years.

An important feature is that, despite the exclusively paid basis, the cost of the second education is still lower than when receiving the first education on a contract basis.

You can enroll for a second time at any university in the country, the rules are basically the same. So, after choosing a specialty, an applicant needs to find out from the dean’s office of the chosen university how to get a second higher education, all the nuances of admission and the list of necessary documents. After this, the applicant must pass the required entrance examination and, having waited for its results, conclude a contract with the university, paying part of the agreed amount.

Student schedule, receiving a second higher education, is often compiled taking into account individual wishes And student opportunities. This may include training in the evenings or weekends, as well as by correspondence or externally.

Editorial "site"

Nowhere today. Few people decide to receive two higher educations at the same time. First you need to determine the goal - why it is needed. It is important to think about what other specialty is needed in order to understand whether it is possible to apply the knowledge and see the future.

Also for this it is important to monitor, study the labor market and assess your strengths. Will there be enough psychological and material resources to obtain two higher educations at the same time? Are you ready to spend twice as much time studying?

First you need to understand why you need two higher

Studying in two directions at the same time is suitable if:

  1. I enrolled in one, completed my studies to the 2-3rd year and was disappointed because the chosen education was not suitable.
  2. I would like to receive additional education to the main thing that will benefit.
  3. It is necessary to improve knowledge and skills.

However, to obtain two higher educations at the same time you need:

  1. Seriousness and readiness for a double academic load. It’s worth thinking about whether you’ll be able to keep up everywhere and completely change the rhythm of your life.
  2. Good studies. Getting a second diploma just like that is stupid. If you don’t need knowledge and skills in another field, you shouldn’t even try.
  3. Time, patience, supply of nerve cells.
  4. Procedure.

You can study in two directions in parallel, one course at a time. Or get a second education after the first/second/third year. In the second option, it is easier to study, since the easier subjects and the diploma do not need to be written at the same time. In the first case, it is more difficult to study, since there are two sessions in a row, the diploma is written year after year.

If you enroll immediately in the first year in two different areas, you must provide Unified State Exam results to the admissions committee. And if you enroll after the second or third year, you can pass entrance tests or send the results of the Unified State Exam (at the discretion of the university).

It is beneficial to receive two higher educations at the same time. The training time is reduced, and you can become a specialist in various fields.

In Russia you can receive two higher educations at the same time. But according to the laws, you can only study for free once. You can get two educations at the same time, either in one or in different ones. You can get two educations for free only by studying simultaneously at a college/technical school/school and a university.

You can study at one university or at different ones. In order to enroll in a second specialty, you must submit a copy of your certificate and Unified State Examination results to the university/pass the entrance examination at the university.

What forms of training can be combined

You can study in two specialties at once in various ways:

Of all the offered forms of training, the most popular is the combination of full-time and correspondence forms. However, at the same time, the best and most convenient form is a combination of full-time and remote forms.

Pros and cons of such training

People with multiple degrees are more competitive

The advantages of two higher educations obtained simultaneously are:

  1. Having two diplomas after graduation.
  2. Competition. The level of competitiveness in the labor market is increasing. More employment opportunities.
  3. Expanding the scope of employment.
  4. get the desired specialty immediately, and not in a few years.
  5. Saving money, since obtaining a second higher education after completing the first costs several times more than simultaneous training in two specialties.
  6. Variety of study options: in one university in different faculties or in completely different universities, which may be located in different cities, evening form of education combined with full-time or part-time with full-time.
  7. The opportunity to move up the career ladder faster than with just a diploma in hand.
  8. Saving “future” time. After your first education, you don’t need to spend another 4-5 years again, take time off from work for the period of the session, etc.

You will also have to be doubly tired

The disadvantages of two higher educations obtained simultaneously are:

  1. Two sessions per semester at the same time, if studying in parallel. There is a risk of not having time to attend two exams at once.
  2. Psychological and moral tension, stress. The exam may take place on one day, and the workload can be very heavy both in the first and second years of education.
  3. It takes a lot. You will have to study twice as much. Evenings are spent doing laboratory tests, tests, coursework, and computational and graphic work, multiplied by two. Sometimes you can't count on weekends.
  4. Tuition payment. The second education, even if received simultaneously with the first, must be paid every semester. The correspondence course does not cost as much as the full-time course.
  5. Physical fatigue.

But still, the advantages of a second higher education significantly outweigh the disadvantages, which you should go through without fear of difficulties. As a rule, a second higher education pays off.

Students' opinions on this matter

Many guys do not welcome two higher educations at the same time. This is motivated by:

  • there is no point in getting a second “tower” by repeating after others. You need to understand yourself and determine your own motivation. If you are satisfied with working in a clothing store, then you should not even get your first higher education;
  • if you want to become a real pro, you don’t have to get a second one. You can successfully develop in the field of your first education. Enroll in master's, postgraduate, and qualifying courses. Highly qualified specialists do not always have two diplomas;
  • Obtaining higher education in itself is associated with certain pressures. In combination with work or a second education it will be even more difficult. The university requirements for all students are the same. You need to be prepared for such difficulties.

But there are also a lot of guys who are in favor:

  • It’s better to immediately get a second higher education than, after working in one place for 10-15 years, to understand that you should do something else. It’s never too late to think about getting a second education, but the sooner the better;
  • The peculiarities of the modern labor market are that new industries are emerging every day and highly qualified specialists with knowledge and skills in the required field are required. It is not necessary to enroll in another specialty at the university in the first year. Having realized your motivation and the needs of the labor market, you can choose a university and specialty while studying in your second/third/fourth year;
  • great employment opportunities. Looking for work in two specialties at once provides a greater chance of finding a job.

How to act in a given situation is up to you to decide for yourself. The main thing is to correctly assess your strengths, think through plans for the future and study your needs.

In this video you will learn how to get two degrees abroad:

In the Law “On Education” Russian Federation” it is said that there is no free education in Russia, except for budget revenues. However, there are benefits under which an applicant can receive higher education for free.

Tuition is paid both by the students themselves and by organizations that send employees to study in order to improve their skills.

The payment amount depends on:

Individual training plan. To obtain a second higher education, the student retakes some disciplines. If the number of exams is high, then a fixed amount is paid, which is initially specified in the contract, regardless of the number of disciplines. Also depending on the number of hours (how many hours the student studied, how much he paid). Such rules are also prescribed in the contract.

The proposed form of training. These could be: daytime; correspondence and evening.

All of the above factors have different tuition costs. For many applicants, the payment process is important, since you can pay the entire amount at once, by semester or for each month of study.

Citizens who:

  • received their first diploma in the military educational institution. Then you can enter the university on a budgetary basis, and this is stated in the law “On the Status of Military Personnel.”
  • signed a contract and served in the army for at least 15 years. Such citizens have the right to a second higher education, and it does not matter what profession or specialty they had before.

In addition, many preferential categories have the right to write an application for a reduction in fees for a second higher education. These could be combatants (in hot spots); citizens who took part in the liquidation of the consequences Chernobyl accident(Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant); some people who received honors.

Important! Citizens who have benefits for free education, do not have the right to shorten the period of study. It is possible to obtain a diploma only after passing full course training.

How to get a second higher education for free without benefits

If you are not one of the beneficiaries mentioned in the law, do not despair, as there are other ways to obtain a free second higher education. To do this, consider two guaranteed methods:

Method one: payment by the employer. Often, an enterprise lacks valuable personnel and therefore, if an employee has proven himself to be a highly qualified specialist in a certain field, he is sent to extra education. After all, then the management will be able to offer the employee more promising job with appropriate payment. At the same time, the employer takes full responsibility for financing the training. However, the employee must work for the company for at least 5 years.

Important! It is worth considering the fact that if the employer pays for training for an employee, an agreement is concluded that states how many years after receiving the diploma the person must work for the company. If a student leaves the university on his own initiative or is expelled from the university, the student is obliged to pay compensation to the authorities in the amount that was paid for training.

Method two: receiving a grant. There are many funds where you can receive a grant for study, regardless of the number of diplomas that the student already has. However, you will need to prove that you are worthy of the grant.

Admission to master's programs on a budget basis

A master's degree is a level of higher professional education that comes after a bachelor's degree, that is, the level of qualifications increases based on the first education. The student has the right to enroll in a master's program on a budget basis.

If a student has incomplete higher education (only three courses have been completed), then you can enroll in another specialty for free, but studies begin from the first year.

Backup options for obtaining a second higher education

If for some reason the above methods do not suit you, then you can “cheat” a little. There are two options for this:

First: It is necessary to show the admissions committee a diploma of first education, and simply submit the documents that are required from schoolchildren, this also includes a certificate. Now you can apply to the budget on the same basis as other applicants.

Second: receive two degrees at the same time. Study full-time at one university, and part-time at another. Thus, the student will receive two diplomas almost at the same time.

Second higher education at half price

If you still can’t study for free, try to at least reduce the amount. There are the following options for this:

  1. Payment for training in half with the employer. If the company really needs such specialists, the management will make concessions and help them obtain a specialty in a certain area.
  2. Studying is part-time, since its cost is much cheaper than full-time study.
  3. Studying in another city. As a rule, in each city or region, the amount of tuition for the same specialty differs significantly.


As you can see from the article, it is quite possible to get a second degree for free. It is not necessary to have special benefits or seek a grant. It all depends on the student himself, his desires and capabilities.

Free second higher education – benefits and opportunities for Russian students updated: October 29, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

It is believed that a second higher education in our country can only be obtained for money. But some savvy students manage to get several real, not fake, diplomas - and completely free of charge.


Master of Other Sciences

You can get a state diploma of higher education for free, already having one in your pocket, in several legal ways (many, sadly, take the illegal route, but more on that later).

The most obvious way is a master's degree. Students who have received a specialist or bachelor's degree can go to any other university for a master's degree. On the websites of absolutely all universities and institutes that have a master’s department, it is emphasized that a master’s degree is an opportunity to obtain a second higher education for free. “Applicants who have received higher education and have a bachelor’s or specialist’s degree can apply for places financed from the federal budget,” says, for example, on the website of the Russian University of Economics them. G. V. Plekhanov. At the same time, it is clarified that when entering a master’s program, you can choose any direction of training, regardless of the profile of your first higher education. “The opportunity to change the direction of study and master a new specialty is one of the key advantages of the “4+2” system (bachelor’s degree + master’s degree),” the Higher School of Economics emphasizes.

This path is good from all points of view, including the fact that enrolling in a master's program at some universities can be easier than enrolling in the same university as a first-year student.

"I dreamed of entering High school economics from school,” says 24-year-old Ruslan Pekhov. “But I knew for sure that I couldn’t get into the free department, the requirements were too high and the competition was big. And then I went to MIIT, received a bachelor’s degree there, and with it I already entered the master’s program at the Higher School of Economics. Entrance exams much simpler, and the competition is minimal."

Despite the fact that you only need to study for a master's degree for two years, students who decide to radically change direction during their studies actually receive two full-fledged professions. “I studied for four years at the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University,” says 25-year-old Nastya Mironova. “I learned Japanese well, received a bachelor’s degree. However, then I realized that knowing the language is not yet a profession, it will be difficult to find a job. So I decided that I will receive a master’s degree at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. I passed the documents, passed the competition, received a budget place, and two years later I received a second diploma of higher education. Now I am working as a special correspondent in Japan and am quite pleased with the start of my career.”

But what should those who have already become a master do, but still want to study?

At someone else's expense

Then there is only one legal way left - grants. Compared to the West, in Russia the topic of grants does not seem very relevant, however, if you have the desire and ability, education with their help can be obtained not only in Russia, but also abroad. There are actually quite a lot of public organizations that provide such grants; you just have to set out to find them. There is, for example, the Ford Foundation, which annually announces a competition for a grant for master’s or postgraduate studies at any university in the world, including Russian ones. There is the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), thanks to which grants for a second higher education can be obtained in more than 2 thousand specialties, and the training will not necessarily take place in German.

This year the British Council in Russia revived the well-known scholarship program Chevening, which provides young professionals not only with free education at any selected UK university for 12 months, but also with residence in this country. In addition to the opportunity to take a training course, the program provides sponsorship of specialists working on short-term research projects. Applicants are required high level possessions English language, a higher education diploma with excellent and good grades, as well as at least two years of work experience in the chosen specialty. Particular emphasis is placed on the intention of the scholarship applicant to continue working in Russia.

The foreign ministries of all countries with which Russia has established diplomatic relations are trying to allocate similar grants. Therefore, in essence, you should choose a country, go to the website of its embassy and carefully study the section describing cooperation in the field of education. Thus, the website of the French Embassy published a list of programs for which grants are issued, and it seems that they reflect the entire spectrum of human activity. There is the Copernicus program, which is designed for young economists, lawyers and engineers, scholarships intended for Russian students wishing to continue their studies in the second cycle (master), grants for university graduates who would like to enroll in public service, and much more.

Most of these grants assume that upon completion of training, specialists will be issued diplomas that are equivalent to official documents confirming higher education.

Without a diploma, but with knowledge of the matter

It has long been clear to everyone that having a diploma does not always indicate knowledge. Therefore, it often occurs to those who want to improve their level of education that it is much more logical to choose some advanced training courses or acquire new skills not related to your profession. The number of paid offers in this area generally breaks all records, but it’s worth working hard to find free options.

The Strelka Institute of Media, Architecture and Design, founded in 2009, looks unique here. The institute's goal is to "educate a new generation of architects, designers and media specialists who will shape the shape of the world in the 21st century."

The creators of the project call the institute a postgraduate program, which is intended for graduates of higher education educational institutions- young professionals. "The program provides the opportunity to work with the authors of brilliant projects in the field of urbanism, architecture and communications from different countries world - an experience that is invaluable for any young specialist,” says Alexander Ostrogorsky, director of communications at the Strelka Institute.

“It is still impossible to perceive studying at our institute as an ordinary second higher education. The educational program is designed for a year, during which students work on projects, the ideas of which are related to some global and Russian issues, for example, the future of energy or the preservation of historical heritage. After students receive certificates, but we do not issue state diplomas either according to the Russian or Western systems,” Ostrogorsky noted.

At the same time, getting into Strelka is no easier than getting into any Western university. Upon admission, students must submit a portfolio, explain why this education is important to them, and undergo a serious competitive selection: 12 candidates applied for a place last year. Upon admission, all students are provided with a scholarship and, if necessary, accommodation.

The training is absolutely free. “Yes, we have summer schools for everyone, where some workshops are paid. But for our students, the entire course of study is absolutely free,” Ostrogorsky clarifies.

According to him, not only those children who have already received an architectural or design education can enter the institute. “Our main task is to find ways to solve problems that are important for Russia and the whole world. Therefore, if not an architect, but, for example, a physicist comes to us and says that he dreams of applying innovative approaches in the field of energy in Russia, we will only be happy,” - Ostrogorsky emphasized.

However, in his opinion, for those who want to combine study with work, this is not the best option. “The training schedule is very tight. During the year, students will have to master an extensive program, which consists of lectures, events and educational trips. Therefore, we are against combining training with serious work, and this is unlikely to happen,” says Ostrogorsky.

If the task is to combine education with a work schedule, you can try to force your employer to pay for your education. Some companies provide on-the-job training to their employees. This is called a corporate university. For example, Beeline, Severstal, Ingosstrakh, Rostelecom, Wimm-Bill-Dann, McDonald's, Coca-Cola and many others have these. These institutions are good because students are given practical knowledge in a narrow specialty without interrupting their work. As a rule, teachers are invited from leading business schools and large companies, and the learning process is based on completing business tasks.

hope for the best

It is possible that in the future it will be easier to study for free at a university a second time. In any case, discussions on this topic are ongoing among legislators. In 2008 in State Duma A bill was introduced in which deputies propose to allow free second higher education in some specialties in the field of culture and art. In particular, it was intended to give the opportunity to study for free once again for those people who wanted to choose as a second profession such areas as theater directing, film and television directing, composition, conducting and some others. However, the number did not go through.

“Then the Ministry of Finance simply felt sorry for the money,” believes one of the authors of the bill, deputy from the A Just Russia party Elena Drapeko. “Of course, they explained this to us with a more noble reason: if we were to allow free second higher education, then it would be for everyone.” However, she is confident that all is not lost and intends to reintroduce the bill in the near future. “Many years of experience objectively show that in some professions, for example in the profession of a director or conductor, success was achieved only by those who entered these professions at the age of 23-25. A conductor is a second education by definition, since a person must at least get a musical education and become, for example, an excellent violinist,” the deputy noted.

She tells a revealing story about a young man who, while studying at the theater department, discovered a rare talent as an animated film director. “Tell me, how many directors of animated films do we have? Yes, almost none! But the guy is really talented. And everyone recognizes it. The teachers are happy to train him again for free in a new specialty, but this is not required by law. So we have to collect money from sponsors,” says Drapeko. “We are trying to find money for talented guys, but such grants are few and far from everyone who wants and deserves it manages to get them.”

“And besides, there is no system in this,” the deputy continues. “This is some kind of manual control. We must finally admit that there are specialties that only adults need to learn.”

Bypassing the law

In the meantime, the bill is waiting in the wings, cunning students are solving the problem of the second higher education in their own way. According to the federal law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, every citizen of Russia has the right to receive free professional education on a competitive basis and only if he receives education at this level for the first time. However, the law does not provide for liability for obtaining a second higher education free of charge. There is also no provision for checking data on whether an applicant has completed professional education. And some people take advantage of this. As is known, the applicant is required to submit admissions committee identity document, citizenship, state document on education and photographs. That is, in theory, you need to present a diploma of higher professional education, if you have one. Moreover, each applicant signs that he is receiving higher professional education for the first time.

“The legislation does not provide for liability for providing false information or failure to provide certain documents when entering a university,” says Maria Smirnova, a specialist at the Federal Center for Educational Legislation. “And judicial practice on the application to such cases of Part 3 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the provision of knowingly forged documents have not yet been formed." In theory, liability in the form of expulsion from a university can be enshrined in the university’s charter, but this also practically never happens.

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