Development of a university advertising campaign. Creating a script for a radio commercial Principles of creating texts for radio advertising

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The history of radio begins on May 7, 1895, when the Russian physicist Alexander Popov (1859–1905/06) first publicly demonstrated the radio receiver he had invented. In the West, the inventor of radio is considered to be the Italian Guglielmo Marconi, who sent the first wireless message only in 1901. Initially, radio communication took the form of “wireless telegraph” - transmitting information using Morse code. Then radiotelephone communications appeared, and even later - modern radio broadcasting.

In many countries of the world, for example in the USA, where radio has been commercial since its inception, the penetration of advertising messages into the airwaves was quite natural. The first commercial radio broadcast in the United States aired on a Pittsburgh radio station. KDKA in 1920. Soon a real radio boom began in America. Thus, the number of licensed stations increased from 30 at the end of 1920 to 576 by the beginning of 1923.

Initially, the most popular form of radio advertising was sponsorship. Advertisers financed music, comedy and talk shows. In the 1930s, which became the “Golden Age” of radio, radio series, the so-called “soap operas” (as television series later became known), gained particular popularity. With the advent of television, such programs ceased to exist. By the 1950s, radio stations became more specialized, targeting specific audiences based on geography, age, musical preferences, etc. Advertisers began to look for new forms of radio advertising.

History of Russian radio broadcasting begins in 1918, when the Council of People's Commissars adopted a Decree on the centralization of radio engineering in Russia. The first experimental radio broadcasts for a wide audience took place in 1919 in Nizhny Novgorod, and since 1920 - in Moscow, Kazan and other cities. In October 1924, daily radio broadcasts began from the Sokolniki station named after. A. S. Popova in Moscow. At the same time, the first periodicals dedicated to radio were published: the newspaper “Radio News”, the magazine “Radio Everyone”, etc.

Until 1990, only state centralized and local radio broadcasting existed in Russia, and about 95% of the country's population had radio receivers. In 1990, the first private radio station “Europe plus Moscow” appeared and from that moment the number of private radio stations began to grow. By the beginning of 1997, the Federal Television and Radio Broadcasting Service Russian Federation issued about 500 licenses for radio broadcasting, most of them to private individuals.

To date, in Russia there are radio stations of various thematic orientations: music, for car enthusiasts, women, informational and political, etc. (Fig. 6.16). Basically, most private radio stations are music.

Radio is an indispensable part Everyday life person. Unlike print media, radio cannot show consumers the “product face”, so you have to “take their word for it.” Radio advertising should be a short radio play, necessarily accompanied by music, and all means - music, text, sound effects - should make up for the missing, but absolutely necessary, visual image.

Radio advertising is distributed through mainstream radio and satellite radio channels. Radio advertising distribution channels are local, regional and international radio stations. In turn, radio stations (radio channels) have public, private And mixed subordination.

Radio is one of the most attractive means of advertising distribution due to its wide reach of the population, in which it is ahead of other media. Currently, there are two main approaches (forms) to advertising on radio: commercials and the so-called "live advertising" The last form of advertising includes a jingle (a specially created song with an original “branded” melody); humorous mini-stories; advertising couplets; musical phrases; game dialogues; quizzes; games, etc.

  • radio advertisements, which are transmitted in the form of short advertising texts of an informational nature, are read out by an announcer and are most often transmitted with musical accompaniment;
  • a radio commercial (radio commercial) is a specially prepared staged (informational, game, musical) radio story of a fairly short duration (30–60 s). It may be included in various radio broadcasts or shown as an advertising block before, during or after a radio broadcast;
  • independent advertising radio programs (radio reports, radio magazines) are thematic radio programs of an informational and advertising nature, which are broadcast with musical accompaniment, often in a witty, entertaining form or in the form of objective information. Sometimes they take the form of a dialogue, report, interview or song with advertising content. Such a program informs about new types of goods, advantages and benefits associated with their acquisition, and about any prestigious events;
  • financed (sponsored) radio programs, which, just like on television, are purchased by companies and are interrupted by the transmission of short advertising texts or are entirely devoted to the products or activities of the company financing (sponsoring) this radio program.

Despite the relative decline in the importance of radio advertising, it is still a fairly effective means of advertising and in some respects has a number of advantages, in particular over television. Advantages radio advertisements:

  • the high prevalence of radio receivers (due to their relatively low price);
  • most often, 24-hour broadcasting to almost the entire country, many regions and cities;
  • a wide variety of programs, each of which is designed for a specific category of listeners of the radio station’s general target audience;
  • profitability (has the lowest costs per thousand people compared to any media), simplicity and efficiency compared to advertising in the press or on television;
  • preparation and transmission require significantly less time, and the tariffs for it are significantly lower than for television advertising;
  • the imagination of the listener, since radio advertising uses carefully selected sounds associated with the product and its advantage over other products, forcing the listener’s imagination to work in the desired direction;
  • radio's ability to repeat advertisements big number times during the day and strongly motivate consumers to purchase goods;
  • the timbre of the human voice, which brings a personal character to advertising, imparts to the words an emotionality unattainable in printed text;
  • enormous persuasive power, since scientists have found that many people remember a list of words spoken out loud better than the same list presented in printed form. Auditory perception lasts 45 times longer than visual perception (the visual image fades in less than 1 s), so it is easier to convince people of the merits of a product with words spoken out loud;
  • effective in combination with other means, in particular with TV advertising. Research has shown that 75% of radio listeners instantly “complete” the plot of an advertising video if the music and text of a television advertisement are heard in the radio advertisement.
  • the transience of radio advertising;
  • does not allow establishing the desired two-way communication with the consumer, since often, after listening to an announcement on the radio, the listener is not always able to remember it or record it on paper;
  • The maximum effect is often brought only by image advertising;
  • restrictions related only to the audio presentation of advertised goods;
  • indicators of radio listeners' concentration on advertising are quite low, since a person listening to the radio, as a rule, is doing something else. To concentrate listeners' attention in radio advertising, it is necessary to use techniques such as humor and frequent repetition.
  • 1) the format of the radio station, since radio is the most specialized means of advertising. When choosing a radio station, you must follow the following criteria: portrait of the target audience by gender and age, signal quality of the transmitting equipment, coverage halo, preference rating of the target audience;
  • 2) the timing of advertising, since the broadcast network will be individual for each target audience, as well as for each group of goods or services. Advertisements (videos) must correspond to the context of the program in which they are included and must take into account the audience of listeners of this program. It is necessary to take into account the tactics for releasing the advertising message (for example, it is more advisable to broadcast advertisements of nightclubs and restaurants in the evening, especially on Friday or Saturday). Time of active radio listening by a group of potential consumers aged 30–39 years (this is the most active group listeners of the radio station, since most of them travel by car) begins in the morning and ends at approximately 19:00;
  • 3) methods for creating a memorable video. It is necessary to create the perfect advertising video that will help increase sales many times over. The creative component of the video is important here - its idea, form, content, technical side. The optimal length of a spot should be approximately 30 seconds, but in general, the most effective is considered to be the most effective release of a video in an advertising block 1 - 1.5 minutes long with 2-3 spots. In order to be remembered by the listener, the video must be broadcast 4-5 times a day for at least two months in a row if it is an informational video, and at least 4 weeks in a row if it is an image video.

Selecting radio stations and optimizing placement on them carried out according to the principle of four-stage selection:

  • 1) selection of a list of publications by target audience - assessment Cover, Affinity Index, CPT. Based on the analysis of data from the first stage, specific radio stations are selected;
  • 2) study of the intersection of audiences of selected radio stations over a certain period of time. Based on the analysis of data from the second stage, specific tasks of tactical planning are solved - maximizing coverage or maximizing the frequency of contacts of the target audience with the advertising message;
  • 3) analysis of duplicate audiences of radio stations selected at the second stage;
  • 4) selection of the most appropriate time intervals for the target audience.

Movie reel – This is a sound film shot on film, intended for subsequent “distillation” into video, broadcast or demonstration using a film installation.

Advertising and technical films are filmed about industrial goods, technologies, high-tech products, licenses and have a duration of 5 to 20 minutes. As a rule, they are used in foreign trade practice; they are not shown at exhibitions, negotiations, presentations or on television.

Advertising and prestige films(duration 5–10 minutes) – have become quite widespread due to the enormous possibilities of cinema and its great popularity. The objects of prestigious advertising films can be goods (one or several), various services, prestigious events. They are most often used in foreign trade practice.

The basis of any advertising video and film is a good script, written by a professional cinematographer in close cooperation and under the guidance of an advertising specialist who finds motives for use in advertising, develops a plot idea, and highlights points that should be emphasized.

The production of all types of commercials is an expensive, complex and quite lengthy process that requires the participation of highly competent specialists - marketers, producers, screenwriters, cameramen, actors, singers, composers, etc.

The purpose of advertising films is to openly convince the viewer of the high qualities and advantages of the advertised product and persuade him to make a purchase. Depending on the nature of the advertised goods and the circle of people for whom they are intended, purely advertising films can be divided into are common And special.

Modern advertising technologies occupy a special place in cinema advertising. "product placement"(product placement – PP), i.e. placement of a product (service) in a scene of a feature film as an attribute of action. In the US, PP technology dates back to the 1930s, when a cartoon character was created as part of a government health campaign "Poreue the sailor". The cartoon character Popeye the sailor was a big fan of canned spinach. And, although he ate spinach for free (the creators did not receive any money), sales of the product in the United States increased several times. However, in reality, the founder and icon of PP was James Bond. Producer Albert Broccoli recalled: “After Dr. No, the first film about agent 007, was released, real Bondomania began. Men all over the world wanted to imitate James Bond. Drive the same cars, drink the same cocktails, wear suits, watches , shoes, like a superhero. So we had to create certain habits for Bond. For two more films, the hero drank and dressed completely free of charge, and then advertisers slowly came to the film studio with proposals: “Why shouldn’t Bond wear suits from our company? We'll pay!" The further life of agent 007 was one continuous advertising contract. For example, concerns stood in line for the right to let Bond crash a car of his own brand. As a result, he drove Lotus, Aston Martin, Bentley, BMW - and that's not yet full list. As a result, producers' incomes also increased. For example, the film "Tomorrow Never Dies" 1997, even before its release on one product placement earned $240 million with production costs of 200 million (Figure 6.17).

Rice. 6.17.Exampleproduct placement from James Bond films

PP technology is associative connection product or trademark with a film character. For example, in the American film "Basic Instinct" with Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas, there is a plot with whiskey Juck Daniels. Company Seagra's paid $1.2 million for this plot (Fig. 6.18). After the film's release, the company increased sales of these whiskeys by 70% and made profits of $5 million, which was four times its costs. This example (and there can be many such examples) clearly shows the mechanism of influence of advertising technologies product placement

Rice. 6.18.Exampleproduct placement from the movie "Basic Instinct"

Reception development product placement in Soviet cinema it is presented in Fig. 6.19–6.22.

Rice. 6.19. Exampleproduct placement from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession"

Robber Georges Miloslavsky from L. Gaidai's film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession" with the famous slogan: "Citizens, keep your money in a savings bank! If, of course, you have it."

Wolf in the Soviet cartoon "Well, wait a minute!" I preferred Cider.

In the film “Adventures of Electronics,” both the “Java” motorcycle (the dream of every teenager!) owned by the dashing guy Uri and the “Verkhovina-4” moped (what boy would refuse?) were clearly advertised. The sight of Uri-Karachentsov racing on a Java was the best advertisement for Czech motorcycles.

In the film “Beware of the Car,” Yuri Detochkin promoted Volga cars on the market in an original, but very effective way, he stole them!

Rice. 6.20. Exampleproduct placement from the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!"

Rice. 6.21. Exampleproduct placement from the movie "The Adventures of Electronics"

Rice. 6.22. Exampleproduct placement from the movie "Beware of the Car"

In Russia in the mid-1990s. These advertising technologies began to spread due to the almost complete refusal of the state to finance the film business. One of the first projects using PP technology was the film “Operation Happy New Year” by A. Rogozhkin. There were episodes with beer in it Red Bull, vodka "Dovgan", a radiotelephone from the cellular company "Delta Telecom" and other goods. Next were his films “Peculiarities of National Hunting”, “Peculiarities of National Fishing”, etc. (Fig. 6.23).

Rice. 6.23. Exampleproduct placement from the movie

A. Rogozhkina "Features of national fishing" (advertising for vodka "Urozhay")

The record holders for both the number of brands used in a film and the amount of advertising revenue in cinema are the films “Day Watch” and “Night Watch” by Timur Bekmambetov (Fig. 6.24).

Main brands used in the film "Night Watch": Nescafe, Nokia, dumplings "Sam Samych", search engine "Rambler", MTS. In the film "Day Watch" you can see advertisements for "Old Miller" beer and cars Mazda, Nokia, MTS, "Kind" juice (in the film it was called "Evil"). But the Watch's record is unlikely to stand for long.

Currently, a film adaptation of Victor Pelevin's novel "Generation P" has been released, where, as you know, there is advertising on almost every page.

Russian and foreign companies mentioned in the novel did not want to miss the chance to appear on the screen.

In 2004, Video International and Vid created the agency Video Way, which is engaged in this relatively new service for the Russian advertising market. Total costs Western companies PP costs about $1 billion a year, and in Russia about $500 thousand are spent on this. Prices for PP in Russia are approximately three times lower than for regular advertising. In addition, the concept of PP is not defined in Russian legislation. The potential of this market in Russia is quite large and has advantages: such advertising is easier to produce; it is perceived less critically, since many do not realize that they are watching advertising; increases consumer demand because viewers want to be like their favorite characters. The main problem of Russia is the lack of a developed film industry. So far, the main testing ground for PP in Russia is television series, an abundance of which is available on any TV channel. So, for example, a company LG Electronics placed an advertisement for a special device for reading information from the membrane of the eye in the TV series “Kamenskaya-2”, a Mars- in the TV epic "Birthday of the Bourgeois". The growth of television advertising in Russia in last years– more than 40% per year – will allow the development of technology product placement more active.

Rice. 6.24. Exampleproduct placement from T. Bekmambetov's film "Day Watch"

The advantages of product placement (indirect, hidden advertising) over direct advertising include:

  • less direct ways to promote products, since direct advertising often irritates consumers;
  • absence of competitors in the frame;
  • the product must be associated with the movie; it must become part of the character or mood of the film, carrying a plot weight much greater than what could be created for it in a regular television commercial;
  • development storyline, memorability and recognition.

The highest achievement of cinematic skill is to make a film without the viewer realizing that they paid to watch a giant commercial. Technology product placement is currently a stable trend in the development of modern commercial cinema in the world. So, for example, a company AT&T annually pays for about 500 placements in films; Mercedes – 650; Ford 350. General rule- secrecy of work. Film critics are not supposed to know about the nature of the agreement between the advertiser and the producer.

Currently receiving product placement used in television and radio programs, in books, in computer games, songs. For example, TV shows benefit from the practical benefits of using products that are provided free of charge by manufacturers - saving money on props. Most viewers assume that this is simply a way to outline characters, not realizing that the inserts are carefully thought out and discussed.

Reception today product placement practice over half of all evening programs on national TV in the United States and every hour they feature 20–30 inserts. Popular series are ideal not only for one-time placement, but also for permanent placement; series run for years, and often, along with the development of the destinies of the heroes, you can follow the evolution of the brand. Reception product placement permeates entertainment programs, talk shows and reality shows, even news programs. Speaking about veiled advertising by placing a product in a video sequence, it is difficult to ignore cigarettes and other tobacco products. For this category of goods, almost all traditional media are closed and cinema (partly television) becomes the only advertising opportunity.

Reception product placement– this is both hidden advertising within the boundaries of what is permitted, and one of the areas of “public relations”, i.e. systems of measures to create a corporate image.

Slide films (transparencies or transparencies), which are a program of automatically changing color slides projected onto one or more screens, usually shown during pauses of 5–10 s and accompanied by a narration of 10–15 words. Slide films (strips) are shown with musical accompaniment. Their advantage is that they are very cheap and can be easily made. Slide films (strip films) usually contain graphic image advertised product, price, name of the manufacturing company and address of the retail outlet where this product can be purchased.

Buzin V.N. Fundamentals of media planning: a course of lectures. M.: Publishing house International Institute Advertising, 2002. pp. 159–160.
  • Dedyukhina A. They will hide even more advertising // Expert. 2004. No. 5. P. 45.
  • Fall in love with yourself in 25 seconds! It’s funny, but this is exactly the task facing almost any video. Therefore, perhaps the most important component of radio advertising! Most often, customers pay attention to the timbre of the announcer’s voice, to the presentation, to the music, to the sound effects... This is all undoubtedly important, but this will all come later, but first we need to lay the rails along which this “creative train” will travel, lay the foundation , and such a basis is certainly competent and professionally written text for advertising video on the radio!

    We know how to write really bright text!

    It sounds a little presumptuous, but we've really spent a lot of time over the last ten years of our work debriefing, finding new ideas and great people to provide each of our customers with truly brilliant copy options for a radio commercial. The mechanism for working on text in the Ecoroll studio is extremely simple:

    • You fill out the order form on the website in detail; you can find out how to fill out the form correctly.
    • We will contact you by mail or phone to clarify all the details.
    • You choose a payment method and pay for the order
    • Within 24 hours, you will receive an email radio commercial text, from the specialists of the Ecoroll studio (minimum 3 options)
    • Next, you choose the best option, or we finalize the text you like (3 revisions are included in the price of the script)
    • As a result, we create an audio clip based on the option you choose.

    Examples of texts for radio commercials from the Ecoroll studio

    We can write hundreds more advertising words about ourselves, because this component our work☺). But it will be much more effective to simply introduce you to our work! You can hear examples of scripts in sound, but below are 7 successful, in our opinion, texts from the huge portfolio of the Ecoroll studio.

    Example 1: text of a radio advertising video for a furniture store "4 rooms"

    Exclusive furniture at half price! Isn't this wonderful?

    The furniture center “Four Rooms” offers holiday discounts of up to 50%!

    Bedrooms, kitchens, sofas for individual projects.

    High-voltage, 48 "a"

    Four rooms. Items of your pride.

    Example 2: advertising text for a radio commercial for the "Dream market" fair

    Powerful lion's roar

    Yes, it's a lion. And he is unhappy. Lions are simply not allowed into the Dream Market.

    But why aren’t you there yet?

    Fair "Dream Market"

    Dream Market. Dream shopping.

    2nd floor, opposite the escalators.

    Example 3: text for a radio commercial for water "Yugorskaya Rosa"

    Humans are 80% water.

    And if it’s “Ugorskaya Rosa”,

    then this is a completely different person!

    "Ugorskaya dew"

    Natural, exclusively natural water.

    Without impurities and preservatives!

    Water that makes you a different person.

    the sound of water being poured into a glass

    Filling with pure energy. Every day!

    Delivery phone:

    6-999-6, 6-999-6

    "Ugra dew". The taste of clean water!

    Example 4: advertising text for the radio commercial “Alexandrian Doors”

    It's easy to become your fan

    Our meeting is a happy occasion,

    You are elegant, beautiful, reliable,

    What kind of hands do you have!!!

    Alexandria Doors. Entrance and interior.

    Mesmerizing performance.

    255-4-234 code 4-9-5

    Example 5: text for a commercial for air conditioners from Thermo Center

    The brilliant deductive abilities of Sherlock Holmes did not fail him this time either. The house is pleasantly cool, he thought, although it’s hot outside, that means there is air conditioning in the house.

    It certainly wouldn’t be possible here without the Thermo-Center! Case solved!

    Thermo Center

    A wide range of air conditioners from the world's leading brands.

    Operational service maintenance, professional express installation.

    Thermo Center

    Generala Seidov, 100 "a"

    Controlling the climate in your home is easy!

    Example 6: text of a radio advertising video "Pet supplies"

    The first remark from the face of the domineering cat.

    They are completely in my clutches, doing whatever I want. And only two things can make me lose control, when they scratch me behind my ear and umrr... shopping!!!

    Everything for his tailed majesty and furry splendor in the Pet Supplies store

    Food, vitamins, cosmetics, accessories and much more.

    Free delivery for orders over 1.5 thousand rubles.

    Fluffy prices! Brutal discounts!

    Second floor of the shopping center.

    Your pet will be happy with you!

    Example 7: text of a radio advertising video for the children's park "Kid place"

    The scriptwriters of the Ecoroll studio will, of course, be able to write text of the radio commercial for you too! The prices for scripts will please you, and the task completion time will not exceed one day! Contact us, we will be happy to help!

    In the context of current trends, all the attention of both promotion specialists and businessmen themselves is focused on advertising on the Internet. Only a few remember that there is a radio used for advertising. But is it as relevant as it was in the 19th century - at the time of its invention? To answer this question, you need to dive a little deeper into niche research.

    Features of radio advertising

    Radio advertising is a term that refers to all types of advertising broadcast on radio stations. It belongs to the types of audio advertising, which is its main feature. Consumers perceive radio advertising exclusively through the auditory canal.

    It is believed that most people have the most developed visual type of perception, and the percentage of auditory ones is negligible. Here's what the statistics say:

    • Visuals – 80–85%.
    • Auditory - 10–12%.
    • Kinesthetics – 3–5%.
    • Digials – 1–2%.

    Naturally, statistical data give an approximate idea of ​​the proportion of a certain type of personality perception. After all, it is impossible to interview every person on the planet. But even with an error of ±20%, there are incomparably more visuals among consumers.

    The radio is most often turned on for background sound in a car, at the dacha or at work. And this is both the complexity and the peculiarity of radio advertising - it must attract a person’s attention from the first seconds. Otherwise, due to the evanescence and transience of contact, its broadcast will not have a positive effect.

    Advertising Features

    • Marketing. If advertising performs a marketing function, its task is to influence the buyer’s choice, stimulate him to buy and convince him to buy more. In other words, she must sell.
    • Communicative. Communication function expresses the possibility of communication between the seller and the consumer through advertising. With its help, you can tell about the product: its advantages, uniqueness and originality.
    • Cognitive. With the help of advertising, a person learns about new products on the market, the cost of goods, their properties, and in some cases even about important political events. This knowledge constantly accumulates and allows you to make informed choices when making a purchase.
    • Economic. Advertising is a stimulator of sales growth. This growth directly affects the company's economic performance.
    • Social and cultural. When performing a sociocultural function, advertising acts as a mechanism for creating a healthy lifestyle - a happy family at the table, a carefree company of friends, a serene couple in love.

    Types of radio advertising

    It would seem, what types of advertising can we talk about when only speech, noise and music are available to create it? In fact, if you turn on any popular radio station and listen to its daytime broadcast, the classification emerges by itself. But in order not to waste your time, we will list all types of advertising on radio here.

    • radio spots (spots);
    • sponsorship of radio programs;
    • interviews with brand representatives;
    • mentions in radio broadcasts;
    • competitions;
    • advice and expert advice about a specific product.

    The most accessible way to promote your business on the radio has been and remains short videos. They are cheaper than TV advertising, and their creation only involves writing suitable text. But in reality, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

    Types of radio spots:

    • simple information spots - reading of advertising text by an announcer (with or without music) during breaks between programs;
    • game videos - a drawing of an imaginary scene where a dialogue is conducted between several characters;
    • image videos - a short presentation of the company about its goals, objectives and advantages to strengthen the brand in the market (branding);
    • musical logos - the sung name of the company, its slogan or message to the target audience;
    • jingles - short but catchy and catchy advertising songs;
    • company anthems – some companies have their own signature song that they don’t mind giving to the radio station.

    Duration of commercials

    Different radio stations use different mechanisms for calculating airtime sales. It can be determined:

    • in minutes;
    • in seconds;
    • in strict duration of playing time.

    The advertiser can be given a maximum of 60 seconds or 1 minute of airtime, which he uses in whole or in part. But when the video is tied to a strict audio duration, it must last exactly as long as specified in the contract - no more and no less.

    Based on average indicators, the duration of radio advertising in Russia and the CIS countries is 20–40 seconds. In contrast, we can cite data from Europe and the USA. There, approximately 60–120 seconds of airtime are sold per advertiser.

    Possibilities and limitations of radio advertising

    If you consider the possibilities of radio advertising, at first glance they look impressive. Large coverage, low cost and efficiency of placement are strong arguments in its favor. You can place an advertisement on the radio in literally 1 day. If you need to announce some upcoming event, you can immediately broadcast information about it on the radio.

    The main limitation associated with radio advertising is the disadvantage expressive means transfer of information to the consumer. Due to the lack of pictures, it is difficult to convey the visual image of the product. Plus, due to the background perception of radio noise, it is difficult to attract the listener’s attention and force him to listen to the radio video.

    Advantages and disadvantages of radio advertising

    The whole essence of radio advertising has already been described in general outline. All that remains is to systematize all its characteristics and present them in a clearer form, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of radio advertising. After all, it depends on who it will suit and who it will not.


    • large audience reach;
    • unobtrusive, background transmission of information;
    • low cost compared to TV advertising;
    • the consumer's motivation to buy at the moment when he is most likely to make a purchase (in the car approaching the point of sale);
    • precise impact on the target audience;
    • efficiency and availability of accommodation;
    • long-term impact effect (information perceived by ear is retained in memory 45 times longer);
    • high consumer loyalty to radio advertising.


    • the difficulty of conveying the visual image of the product;
    • evanescence and transience of contact;
    • When playing in the background, there is a high risk of getting lost among other information.

    Who is suitable for radio advertising?

    When choosing platforms for advertising, it is impossible to cover everything - the budget is not rubbery. From all the variety, choose exactly those where it will be most profitable to advertise your product. Based on the specifics of the company and the characteristics of its target audience.

    • mobile communication services, Internet;
    • sales of consumer products (furniture store, points of sale of plumbing fixtures, household appliances, etc.);
    • fitness centers, sports sections;
    • places of leisure and recreation (karaoke bars, saunas, night clubs);
    • car repair and maintenance, sale of auto parts, car loans;
    • medical services;
    • children's development centers, entertainment areas;
    • services of mass demand (banking, insurance, real estate);
    • announcement of events, film screenings, concerts, etc.

    Other factors can affect the effectiveness of radio advertising. For example, if you advertise a nightclub on a morning show, it is unlikely that anyone will remember it when choosing a place to hang out. If a business fits one of the areas, but there is no result from running advertising on the radio, you should check the rules for its placement.

    5 “golden” rules for placing radio advertising

    For radio advertising to resonate with the target audience, it is not enough to simply broadcast it on a radio channel. Otherwise everything would be too simple. There are rules that can eliminate common mistakes when placing it. For a positive result, strictly follow them.

    Posting rules:

    1. Selecting a radio station.

    To reach your target audience, choose a thematic radio station. Each product or service has its own typical buyer persona. Advertising should not be placed on those stations where it is cheaper. And where there is the highest probability of meeting a consumer. For example, the audience of the dance music radio station “RECORD: CLUB” is boys and girls aged 18–25 years, for “Retro FM” – men and women aged 35–50 years, “Road Radio” and “Avtoradio” – all drivers (mostly men).

    1. Radio text.

    Convey information to the listener simply and concisely. Ideally, the message should be memorable. This is how a good rhyming or musical advertisement remains in the memory after 3-4 listenings. Moreover, it can turn out to be so catchy that a person will involuntarily hum it for a long time.

    1. Placement time.

    The highest cost of advertising occurs in the evenings and on weekends/ holidays. This is due to the increase in listener activity, which occurs precisely at this time. In order not to miscalculate when to place your advertisement, you can order a broadcast for the whole day with a break of 1 hour. And after the test period, study the behavior of the target audience.

    1. Return contact.

    When promoting narrow-profile products that are difficult to find on store shelves, the main goal of radio advertising is to gain contact with the target audience. If the listener is driving or busy with something, due to the fleeting nature of the contact, he will not have time to get a pen and paper to write down the phone number. It should be short and contain repeating numbers.

    If the company does not have one, you will have to spend money on so-called “gold” or “silver” numbers. You can also use the address of the company's official website if it is easy to remember.

    1. Duration of the advertising campaign.

    The effectiveness of the radio spot is tested through short test periods. So, if advertising has not produced any positive results in 1 month, you should reconsider the format of the radio commercial, its text and broadcast time.

    If you follow these rules, the return on radio advertising will be maximum. But you need to understand that using only it to promote a product, you will not be able to achieve dizzying results. The effect will only be multiplied if you combine radio advertising with other types of advertising, for example on TV or in the press.

    How to advertise on radio?

    • through an advertising agency;
    • directly through the radio station's marketing department.

    Through an advertising agency, you can launch a video on air on several radio stations at once. Moreover, you can also order the text of the message there, discussing the conditions and specifics of interest to the customer. As an intermediary, the agency will take a commission for its services; it is cheaper to order advertising directly.

    Go to the website of the radio station you are interested in, in the “Radio Advertising” section. If this is not the case, the phone numbers of the marketing department will open via the “Contacts” link. By contacting the manager, the terms of placement are discussed (duration of the video, broadcast time, cost of services), an agreement is concluded, and money is transferred to the radio station’s account. After transmitting the text, the announcers record an audio clip and broadcast it on air approximately 2 days later.

    Principles of writing text for radio advertising (+ examples)

    To write the text of a radio commercial yourself, samples alone will not be enough. First, study the principles of creating radio advertising text and view ready-made scripts. Indeed, in practice it turns out that a message that works great in the press or on the Internet is completely ineffective on the radio. The reason lies in the difference in the perception of information. On radio, the main thing is to differentiate advertising from total mass well-read text.

    Basic principles:

    • Simplicity and ease of expression.

    Not only do people need to listen closely to what is happening on the air, but also some people make them think with their advertising texts. This won't work. As soon as they begin to be voiced Difficult words, comparisons, allegories, long sentences, auditory perception is immediately turned off. Information should be presented concisely, clearly and as simply as possible.

    • Video duration.

    The optimal length of a radio spot is 20–35 seconds. During this time, he does not have time to get bored and can easily contain all the necessary information.

    • No stamps.

    Stamps must be removed everywhere: in radio commercials, in contextual advertising, and in print press advertisements. During the existence of advertising, the consumer has already heard these meaningless phrases millions of times, so the consciousness has learned to block them, turning off the perception of useless information.

    • Creativity of presentation.

    Due to limited time, it will not be possible to describe all the delights of the promoted product. It's better to come in from the other side. Think about how to present information to your target audience. You can use pearls, poems, illogical but funny metaphors and phraseological units that the Russian language is rich in.

    • Hook phrases.

    A hook phrase is usually a rhyming phrase that is easy to remember. It must contain the name of the product, brand, company. For a short video, 1–2 phrases are enough for the entire text. But, starting from the 35th second, their number increases to 3 or more.

    Stationery store radio spot

    “Comrades! Stationery for everyone! The Stationery store offers a wide range of stationery and high-quality printing at low prices. We invite organizations and enterprises to cooperate. Stationery store. Our address ****".

    Game video of the installation center.

    “- Man, I have something “knock-knock” there.

    - Let's listen.

    “And I also want it to sound “boom-boom.”

    - Let's put it in.

    - And do it like the pussy, “fa-fa.”

    - We'll install it.

    Installation center "Speed ​​of Sound". Over 10 years of work, we have learned to understand our clients in any language.”

    “There are men who look like a boring leather briefcase. There are men who look like fake Rolex. And there are men who are not like the masses - they have taste, I have my own opinion, who value freedom, individuality and dress in ***"

    Cost of placement

    The final cost of radio advertising includes the costs of its preparation and placement. Budgets for advertising campaigns may differ depending on what strategy the company has chosen and what goals it sets for itself. The cost of radio commercial production services includes:

    • writing a text or script for an informational/game video – from 500 to 3000 rubles;
    • writing text for image advertising – from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles;
    • recording “minus”, background sounds, melodies - from 1000 to 10,000 rubles;
    • audio recording installation – from 1000 to 2500 rubles;
    • recording an audio clip at a radio station studio (announcer services) – from 3,000 rubles.

    Show business “stars” can also record an audio clip, but their price list is much higher than that of radio announcers. Moreover, you will additionally have to pay for the rental of studio equipment.

    Unfortunately, the cost of accommodation is many times higher. Moreover, calculating the exact budget will depend on several factors. For example:

    • broadcast time (hours, days of the week);
    • duration of the commercial;
    • season;
    • broadcast location (region, city);
    • radio station pricing policy.

    Here are the rates for posting a thirty-second video on two well-known radio stations:

    Airtime Humor FM Autoradio
    06:00–07:00 23 000 77 000
    07:00–08:00 45 000 120 000
    08:00–12:00 70 000 165 000
    12:00–16:00 53 000 120 000
    16:00–20:00 65 000 160 000
    20:00–22:00 39 000 85 000
    22:00–00:00 22 000 72 000
    00:00–06:00 14 000 30 000

    The prices are impressive, but not in Moscow. By contrast, the cost of placement according to the price list at the very peak of listener activity on Radio Vanya in Bryansk is 1,350 rubles.

    The final cost will be calculated taking into account special coefficients depending on the duration of the audio clip. They are usually the same for all radio stations:

    • Up to 10 seconds – 0.4.
    • Up to 11–15 seconds – 0.6.
    • 16–20 seconds – 0.8.
    • 21–30 seconds – 1.
    • 31–45 seconds – 1.6.
    • 46–60 seconds – 2.2.

    For large customers, some radio stations provide a system of discounts of up to 25%. Plus, marketing departments systematically organize various seasonal promotions and airtime sales. The advertising budget may end up being significantly lower than expected.

    Effectiveness of radio advertising

    • The study lasts for at least six months and no more than 2 years.
    • During this period, no significant changes should occur in the company's work (neither expansion of the range, nor change of the address of the point of sale, nor modification and improvement of production, etc.).
    • Data for the study is monitored daily.
    • The model for analysis should take into account changes on weekends and holidays, the compatibility of the time of year with the seasonality of product consumption.
    • For the accuracy of the research, it is necessary to distinguish customers who came through radio advertising from other sources of consumer flow (banner advertising, advertising on TV, in the press).

    For analysis, special programs are used that can take into account all key indicators, measure their dynamics and compile the obtained data into a single model. The results are displayed graphically in the form of graphs, diagrams, diagrams.

    No specialist can calculate even the approximate effectiveness of radio advertising. Because even a radio station with high ratings cannot guarantee high conversions. Efficiency can only be assessed if information about many factors is available. So the behavior of the target audience can be predicted only with a small degree of probability.

    Not really

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