Is a bachelor's degree a complete higher education or not? Levels of higher education. Bachelor's education: how does it differ from a specialist, is it considered higher Qualifications after graduation

Education in modern society is an inseparable right of every person. Boys and girls graduate from school, deciding on their future profession. Whatever it is, you need to understand the features modern universities. Since 2011, most of them have switched to a stepped education system. And now applicants and their parents are concerned with the question: is a bachelor’s degree a higher education or not? And what is his difference from the already rare specialist and the recently emerged master?

The essence of higher education reform

Russia joined the so-called Bologna process in 2003. This gave impetus to further modernization of the system of higher professional education towards bringing it closer to European standards. This also made it possible to begin the transition to new rules and requirements in student education. In 2011, a new state educational standard was adopted higher education. The Bachelor has now become the main qualification for graduates. From now on, a specialist as academic degree ceased to exist for almost all educational areas. The only exceptions were doctors and some engineering specialties.

Nevertheless, applicants and their parents continue to doubt: is a bachelor’s degree a higher education or not? This feature of teaching contradicts the Soviet school with its simpler and more understandable approach. However, the time has come to change habits and fit into European and international education standards.

The essence of a bachelor's degree is that it is a stepped higher education. During the first two years, students study general subjects, then narrow specialization begins. Studies end with a state exam and the award of a bachelor's degree. After this, the graduate receives a diploma of completed higher education. He can continue his studies in a master's program, which provides greater theoretical and scientific base, and can begin professional activities.

Is a bachelor's degree a complete higher education or not?

For a long time, there was an opinion among ordinary citizens and employers that a bachelor’s degree is a step between secondary specialized and higher education. Thus, students studying in these areas were disoriented and doubted their future relevance in the labor market.

Currently, the question of whether a bachelor’s degree is a complete higher education or not is no longer worthwhile. Specialists were abolished in 2011, and in 2015, universities graduated the first mass intake of students studying under the new system. And most of them found worthy use of the acquired knowledge. According to regulations, higher education is considered incomplete when the student has been at the university for half the allotted time. Previously, for specialists this period was two and a half years. Now for a bachelor it is exactly two years. But after studying for four years, they receive a diploma of completed higher education and can either enroll in a master’s program or go to work.

Higher education: bachelor, specialist, master. What is the difference?

In addition to doubts about whether a bachelor’s degree is higher, applicants are concerned about one more question. Namely: how do the new names of qualifications differ from each other? What is a master's degree and what are its advantages? Where is the specialty left and how to apply for it?

The main differences in terms of training and level of training:

  • Bachelor's degree is the first stage of professional higher education, according to the Bologna process. The duration of training is four years.
  • Master's degree is the second stage of higher education and involves a deeper theoretical approach and further scientific activity. The training period lasts two years, after which a person defends a dissertation.
  • The specialty has been preserved only for a small number of professions that do not involve a change in activity. The duration of training is five years.

Bachelor's degree advantage

Despite the constantly arising question whether a bachelor’s degree is a higher education or not, its great advantages should be highlighted:

  • The stepped form of education allows young people to more effectively respond to the demands of the labor market and choose a specialization in the learning process.
  • The opportunity to receive actually two educations for free - a bachelor's and a master's.
  • The opportunity to interrupt your studies for several years, and then continue it at any university not only in the country, but also in the world.
  • Possibility of transfer to any university in the world that trains students in a similar program.
  • Chance to find a job in Europe.

Bachelor's degree

Upon completion of training, students prepare and pass State exam, defend their final qualifying work. This was the case with specialists, and now bachelors do the same. All four years of study they actually prepare for the final certification.

Upon completion of training, graduates receive a document of higher education - a diploma, which contains the entry: “awarded bachelor's degree” followed by the name of the specialty. Of course, this is a sign of completed and full-fledged higher education and confirms sufficient qualifications for the occupation. professional activity. A graduate can confidently apply for a decent job. And the question of whether a bachelor’s degree is a higher education or not should no longer worry either applicants or employers.

Options for further bachelor's education

Despite the fact that a bachelor's degree in Russia is a full-fledged and complete higher education, many students are concerned about the possibility of further education. How to get an additional profession, advanced training or scientific degree?

The most obvious prospect for further study for a bachelor's degree is a master's degree. This is the second stage of education. At this stage, students study their chosen field in depth and receive a diploma.

The advantages of such two-stage training are that the scientific and applied specialty can be changed. After all, this often happens: in the process of studying, other interests may arise and the chosen specialty begins to be of little interest. A master's degree will come to the rescue.

Job prospects

Another exciting question is what to do with future work? Where should a bachelor go to work after defending his diploma? Is it necessary to complete a master's degree? And how will employers react to a young specialist?

Practice shows that employers value in employees, first of all, the ability to perform assigned duties efficiently. In addition, dedication and understanding of the company's strategy are valued. All this is absolutely accessible to a bachelor’s graduate. Don't be afraid to keep up with the times. Get perspective and current education. If the need arises, complete your master's degree. Your career will only benefit from this.

Currently, in the generally accepted system of Russian higher education, there is a division of graduates into bachelors, specialists and masters. It turns out that there is a noticeable difference between these three academic titles. It lies primarily in the duration of training.

It is generally accepted that students study for exactly 5 years. This is relevant for graduate specialists. For bachelors, the duration of study is only 4 years. The master must study at a higher educational institution for 6 years.

Not every specialty has a choice of duration of study and, accordingly, academic title. To find out which method of training you can choose for the specialty you are interested in at your chosen university, you need to contact the dean’s office. There you can find out for yourself all the questions you are interested in.

Upon admission to educational institution the student is not required to immediately decide on the duration of study and its focus. The final decision will need to be made at the end of the 4th course. It is at this time that the student can either graduate with a bachelor's degree or continue studying at a university. If a student wants to study to become a specialist, he will have 1 more year to study. If he wants to become a master, then he will have to spend another 2 years within the walls of his native university.

Quality and specificity of knowledge of bachelors, masters and specialists

A bachelor cannot be considered a person who has received higher education. Most likely, completing a bachelor's degree will be equivalent to incomplete higher education. Despite this, some students prefer to get a bachelor's degree and finish their studies there.

A specialist is a person with completed higher education. He is in his specialty, but his knowledge is not enough to carry out scientific work. The duration of training for a specialist is shorter than for a master's degree, but the quality of knowledge is no worse. Such graduates are better suited to work in production. The knowledge gained in the master's program will be useful for further work in the field of science. As a rule, master's degree graduates go on to graduate school.

A master's degree will be useful when applying to some foreign educational institutions. In accordance with the laws of a number of other states, only the completion of a master's degree is counted as higher education.

Back in 1997, Russia joined the single European educational space. This happened after the signing of the Bologna Convention, which involves the transition to the so-called two-level educational system. Starting this year, all universities in the country offer future students bachelor's and master's programs and specialist training. At the first level there is a bachelor’s degree and its “basic” knowledge, at the second level there is a master’s degree and a specialty. What is the difference between these levels of education?

Definition of degrees of education

Modern students have a very difficult time after graduating from school (or technical school). Not only are they often required to decide future profession“here and now” and pass the appropriate number of exams, and there is also some confusion with educational programs. Someone shouts that a bachelor’s degree is an incomplete higher education and it is necessary to complete a master’s program, someone claims that a specialty as a training program has long been excluded, someone does not understand all these educational levels at all and carries their treasured documents with their eyes closed to the first university you come across.

To prevent this from happening to you, let’s try to figure out what is the difference between these mysterious educational levels.

Bachelor's degree

Initially, the academic cap was intended for master's students, but then bachelors began to use it as well.

Let's start with the simplest (and for some the most difficult) - with a bachelor's degree. Bachelor's degree is the initial stage of higher education. A bachelor's degree is a full-fledged higher education with all the ensuing consequences.

Bachelor degree:

  • A bachelor's degree (qualification) confirms receipt of higher professional education;
  • the program is designed for four years of study;
  • upon completion of training, the student must undergo final certification (pass state exams) and/or defend a diploma;
  • After completing a bachelor's degree, a student has the right to enroll in a master's program.

Now let's look at all the provisions in more detail.

Graduates of schools, colleges, technical schools and colleges can apply for a bachelor's degree. Of course, for this you need to pass the appropriate Unified State Examinations(they will depend on the specialty you would like to obtain).

A bachelor's degree means that a university graduate has completed four years of study and received a basic higher education. Employers around the world understand this statement, since the bachelor's degree is part of a two-level European education.

After graduation, a student applying for a bachelor's degree is required to pass a final certification and/or defend a final qualifying thesis (popularly a “diploma”). Having adopted European education standards, Russia did not bother with rewriting educational programs and revising the certification of future university graduates. In fact, many students are now studying in the same programs that operated successfully until 1997 and were designed for 5 years of study.

This system does not apply to all specialties. Some still only require examination certification without any written confirmation.

For those who do not want to limit themselves to basic knowledge, a master's degree is provided. After completing a bachelor's degree, a graduate can, with a clear conscience, apply for a master's degree. Moreover, it is not necessary to choose a master’s program in your own specialty; you can choose something completely different and end up with two different specialties.

Let's highlight the advantages and disadvantages of a bachelor's degree.

  • short training period;
  • the degree gives the right to employment both in Russia and abroad;
  • the degree entitles you to continue your studies;
  • After a bachelor's degree, there is the possibility of enrolling in a master's program even at another university and in a different specialty.
  • low demand for bachelor's degrees among leading employers in the Russian Federation (the whole point here is confusion due to the simultaneous existence of bachelor's and specialist's degrees in our country, because of this, many employers think that a bachelor's degree has a more limited set of knowledge than a specialist, although this same training program);
  • limited number of budget places in the master's program (due to the transition to a two-level education system, the number of free places in the master's program was significantly reduced, and the competition was tightened).

Many also mistakenly think that the level of knowledge and the stringency of requirements at a bachelor’s degree are much lower than at a specialty and master’s degree. Most often this is not the case. It depends on the university where you will study, on the specialty you have chosen, as well as on the teaching staff of the educational institution.

Master's degree

A master's degree is an obvious plus on a resume

People who have a bachelor's or specialist's degree can go to master's programs.

Obtaining a master's degree requires six years of study at a university. These six years include undergraduate studies (four years) and direct Master Program training (two years). It is assumed that this degree is chosen by those students who plan to continue their scientific career.

Studying in a master's program involves a narrower educational focus. If a bachelor’s degree is considered the basic level of education, during which students receive general (initial) knowledge about a specialty, then a master’s degree is designed for a more conscious attitude to the subject of study (the student must clearly know what is interesting to him and direct his efforts to more deep study subject of scientific research).

During two years of master's study, a master's student is required to work on a master's thesis.

Upon completion of his studies, he will have to defend his master's degree, which will allow him to receive a “crust” corresponding to his scientific degree.

  • Let's highlight the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining a master's degree.
  • After completing a bachelor's degree, it is not necessary to immediately enroll in a master's program. You have time to rest a little and think about your future;
  • Master's programs allow you to dramatically change your specialty. If, for example, you have a bachelor's degree in one specialty, but you have always dreamed of another, then a master's degree is an excellent tool for realizing your dream; Bachelor's and Master's degrees can be obtained at different universities. And this applies not only to domestic educational institutions


In many CIS countries, the specialty has already been abolished

Let's move on to the most incomprehensible educational course - the specialty. This direction is a dying stage of higher education, since after the transition to European system in our country (for some reason) they did not want to abandon this format of obtaining higher education.

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to find an educational institution that would provide the opportunity for students to choose a specialty as a program of study, but some universities (especially in the provinces) provide such an opportunity, which causes even more confusion among already frightened future students.

Specialist qualification is also the highest professional education. The confusion begins at the moment of final certification. Here, many begin to confuse bachelor’s and specialist’s degrees, and when comparing them, they discover that studying for a bachelor’s degree takes only four years, and for a specialty, five years (provided that everything else about these qualifications is the same). This discovery makes many people think that a bachelor’s degree is an incomplete higher education, while a specialty is full-fledged and complete.

Let's dispel the myths: both a bachelor's degree and a specialist's qualification are higher professional education.

The only problem is that in Russia they did not bother to rework the curricula and the certification system for university graduates, so they left everything as it was and added a two-level education system to this.

Ideally, we should not have a specialty at all; students should immediately enroll in a bachelor’s degree, and then, if desired, continue their studies in master’s and postgraduate studies. At the same time, future bachelors must pass only state exams at the end of their studies (without defending scientific work). In reality, we still have two almost identical stages of higher education, one of which was simply taken away from one year of study (which, by the way, is most often not “spread out” from the point of view of the curriculum over the remaining 4 years, but is included in). Therefore, bachelor's students are required to master everything that specialist students master in four years and during this time manage to write a qualifying scientific work and prepare for state exams.

The only significant advantage and difference between a specialty and a bachelor's degree is the fact that upon completion of the specialty, the student can immediately apply to graduate school. This is very convenient for those who intend to build a scientific career.

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of the specialty.

  • advantage when applying for a job within the Russian Federation. The new system of higher education has not yet been fully adopted in Russia, so many employers believe that a specialty is a full-fledged higher education, while a bachelor's degree is incomplete or insufficient;
  • opportunity to immediately enroll in graduate school. Good news for those who are planning to connect their lives with science - obtaining a specialist qualification will allow you to immediately enroll in graduate school;
  • Master's degree is considered the second higher education. For those who want to learn something new, the specialty will also be very convenient - after completing the specialty, you can enroll in a master's program in another specialty. Upon completion of the master's program, you will be considered the owner of two higher educations.
  • a specialist diploma is not quoted abroad. Foreign employers do not know who a specialist is and what they eat with him. They are accustomed to a two-level education system, and something similar to a bachelor’s degree, but at the same time different from it in some criteria, does not suit them;
  • Many universities have already practically gotten rid of the specialty. Despite the fact that such a phenomenon as a specialist qualification still exists in our country, it is difficult to quickly find a university that provides the opportunity for a five-year study;
  • Bachelor's degree and specialist's degree are equivalent. This should have become clear even at the moment of comparing bachelor’s and specialist’s degrees. These two levels provide the same curriculum, the same certification, so the diplomas here will be the same in terms of weight.

Postgraduate studies

In some countries, postgraduate study is already considered a full-time job rather than training

Postgraduate study is the first step towards a scientific career. She is not mandatory element when receiving higher education and is considered as a separate educational block.

Candidate of Science degree (postgraduate student):

  • Time of study in full-time graduate school is 3 years, in correspondence 4 years;
  • upon completion of postgraduate studies, a postgraduate student is required to defend a dissertation, which will allow him to obtain a candidate of science degree;
  • During the entire period of postgraduate study, the future candidate of science is required to pass three candidate exams, as well as prepare several scientific publications;
  • Postgraduate study gives the right to teach classes at universities, as well as take exams;
  • After completing postgraduate studies, you can enroll in doctoral studies.

Postgraduate study requires the student to have a desire to engage in scientific activities, as well as teach at higher educational institutions.

What is the difference between bachelor's, specialist, master's and postgraduate degrees?

The difference can be seen in comparative table given below.

Table: differences between educational levels

Comparison points Bachelor's degree Specialty Master's degree
Selection criteria for applicants Applicants with secondary general education Bachelor's degree/specialist qualification
Studying time 4 years 5 years 2 years
Degree (qualification) Scientific degree (bachelor) Professional qualification (specialist) Scientific degree (master)
Educational base Basic training (no focused study provided) General training, which is aimed at obtaining practical knowledge in the chosen specialty In-depth study of specialization, designed to continue scientific activity
Final certification form Passing the state exam and defending your diploma Master's degree defense
Next level of training Master's degree Master's or postgraduate studies Postgraduate studies
Professional perspectives Opportunity to apply for any position requiring higher education

Summing up what has been said, I would like to note once again: despite the fact that the system of obtaining higher education in Russia is quite confusing, it is not so complicated. All three levels of the two-level European education system are full-fledged higher education. Bachelor's and specialist's degrees are almost identical levels, so they are often confused or not differentiated. Both bachelor's and specialist's degrees are the first (basic) level of the higher education system. The specialty is almost completely excluded from the offered options for obtaining higher education; its place is taken by the bachelor's degree.

The master's degree is the second optional stage of higher education and is designed for those students who want to study their specialty in more detail.

Postgraduate study, in turn, is the first stage of a research career. A student can enroll after completing the first two levels of higher education.

Modern system Higher education, with its levels and options, can baffle applicants and their parents. They often ask representatives of the university administration a question: is a bachelor’s degree a complete higher education or not? Let's understand the modern education system, its nuances and features.

Features of modern higher education

Modern society is characterized by high mobility and a steadily increasing information flow. To successfully fit into new world, young people must have certain qualities. First of all this:

  • ability to quickly switch between tasks;
  • ability to receive and filter information;
  • the ability to use knowledge mobilely and, if necessary, acquire new ones.

Unfortunately, the higher education system has lagged behind progress for quite a long time. Once having received a specialist diploma, the graduate became a professional in a rather narrow field. However, this does not imply a change in profession.

To overcome the problem of low mobility, a system of graduated higher education was developed. And a problem immediately arose: is it considered that a bachelor’s degree is a complete higher education or not? After all, the training time was reduced by a year, but at the same time a master’s degree was added as the next step.

Differences between bachelor's and master's qualifications from the specialty and from each other

With the advent of new names of specialties, many questions arise, first of all, about how they differ. What was wrong with the specialty? And the most main question: Is a bachelor’s degree a complete higher education or not? New things are often scary, but progress cannot be stopped.

The main difference between a bachelor's and a master's qualification is the level. Both are full-fledged qualifications. Despite questions from some employers about whether a bachelor’s degree is higher education or incomplete higher education, the first option will be correct. However, there are significant differences:

  • Bachelor's degree is the first stage of education. The diploma most often has an applied nature and is aimed at practical activities;
  • Master's degree is the second stage of education. It may continue in the undergraduate direction, or it may differ significantly;
  • Master's program involves in-depth study of the theoretical program and subsequent scientific or leadership activities;
  • The standard training time for a bachelor's degree is four years, and for a master's degree is two years.

Specialization stands a little aside in modern higher education. The list of professions that do not involve graded education is very small. First of all, these are all medical specialties, as well as some engineering ones. these professions have not changed.

Incomplete higher education with bachelor's degree

According to there are two levels of education - master and bachelor. Complete or incomplete higher education? This depends on the timing and availability of a supporting document.

A student who has completed more than half of his studies, but has not received a diploma of completed higher education, is considered to have an incomplete higher education. For a bachelor's degree, this period is two years, subject to passing at least four consecutive sessions with positive grades.

To confirm incomplete higher education, a student can request an academic certificate from the dean’s office. strict accounting. It indicates the number and results of the disciplines studied. This certificate can be presented to the employer to obtain a job that requires certain qualifications.

An academic certificate of incomplete higher education of a bachelor is required for transfer to another educational institution or to another faculty. This will save the student from re-studying the completed disciplines and allows the Bologna system to be implemented in practice.

Modern complete higher education - bachelor's and master's degrees?

IN modern world It's hard to get a good job without education. This truth, although hackneyed, pushes young people to universities. Often, admission to a particular specialty is dictated by the desire to simply get a diploma, appease parents, and do something.

Some are lucky and find their life's work, while others realize that they are in the wrong place. Such situations often lead to the fact that the student stops studying, loses interest in learning new things, and begins to look for other options for activity.

In the graduated education system, this problem is solved very simply. The disciplines studied require the formation of certain competencies, which is very easy to transfer to any related specialty. In addition, in the first two courses there is extensive theoretical training at the beginning of training. It allows you to change direction in senior years. The modern education system assumes mobility and interchangeability within the level.

Master's degree as a stage of higher education

If you have received it, but there is an urgent need to have another education, knowledge and a different specialty, a master’s degree will come to the rescue as the second stage of education. If the question (a bachelor is a complete higher education or not) puzzles some, then everything is clear regarding the second stage.

Master's degree is the second stage of higher education. The corresponding degree can be obtained only on the basis of an initial (bachelor's) or specialist degree. However, not all students who have studied for four years at the first stage can study further. Magistrate presupposes strong basic knowledge, good preparation in all subjects and a desire to engage in scientific activities.

Advantages of a master's degree:

  • the opportunity to change the direction of education according to your priorities;
  • the opportunity to continue education after a few years;
  • in-depth study of disciplines allows you to subsequently occupy leadership positions and conduct scientific activities.

Employer benefits from step-by-step education

Employers still doubt the benefits of a bachelor's degree. This is despite the fact that it currently makes up the vast majority of graduates of universities, academies and institutes.

You should not be afraid to hire a graduate with a “Bachelor” in his diploma. This is a full-fledged completed higher education. An employee with such a diploma has undergone comprehensive theoretical and practical training and ready for work.

The question of whether a bachelor's degree is considered higher education worries many applicants. Moreover, despite the fact that the legislation of the Russian Federation clearly gives a positive answer to this question, in fact, when starting their working career, many bachelors may encounter refusals from personnel specialists who consider a bachelor’s diploma to be a certificate of incomplete higher education. In the article, we will look at how a bachelor’s degree differs from a specialist’s degree and a master’s degree in Russia.

U Table of contents:

Bachelor in Russian and World Legislation

Traditionally in Soviet and post-Soviet educational system There was only one degree of higher education - specialist. Even after the end of the USSR, such a system was used in Russia until 1996, when the concept of a bachelor's degree was introduced.
Subsequently, with the adoption Russian Federation the main provisions of the Bologna education system, since 2003 a master's degree and corresponding higher education have also been introduced.

In Western countries, at the moment, almost everywhere, only two degrees of general higher education are used - bachelor's and master's degrees. At the same time, there is a basic fundamental division of these training options, declared and applied in practice. Thus, bachelor's education aims to provide the student with practical professional skills for subsequent employment, while master's education, first of all, pursues the goals of the graduate's subsequent scientific activity. In Russia, this division is not so strictly expressed and is interpreted in practice according to different principles.

Now issues of higher education, including those with a bachelor's degree, are considered by the provisions of Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012. In particular, bachelor's education, according to the provisions of this law, is clearly considered higher and entails all relevant legal consequences.

The main one of these consequences is the direct possibility of employment for vacancies that require higher education.

note Due to the fact that the law clearly defines a bachelor's degree as a higher education, refusal of employment on the basis of having an incomplete higher education with a bachelor's degree is entirely illegal. Incomplete or incomplete higher education means solely the absence of a diploma with the confirmed fact of passing at least one training course

programs of a higher educational institution.

Differences between specialist, bachelor and master's education

  • One of the main differences between a bachelor, specialist and master is the duration of study. Thus, the minimum terms for obtaining each of the relevant degrees of higher education are established by law. Namely:
  • Bachelor - 4 years of study;
  • Specialist – 5 years of training;

Master - any previous degree and at least one year of study.

Important fact These restrictions apply to the minimum duration educational program . IN in some cases

However, there are other differences. In particular, having a bachelor's degree does not provide the right to subsequently enter graduate school. However, having a bachelor's degree gives you full rights to enter a master's program without training to become a specialist. Moreover, a bachelor has the right to enroll in a master’s program and in any other university in a similar specialty, including several years after completing his studies and receiving a diploma.

Master - any previous degree and at least one year of study.

The specialist degree in Russia is becoming an increasingly limited education program every year. In particular, its preservation at the legislative level is provided only for strategically important for national and state security directions. At the same time, an increasing number of universities in practice cease to train specialists in most areas.

Another significant difference between a bachelor and a specialist and a master is the absence of the need to write and defend a dissertation. Bachelors and specialists perform only diploma theses. At the same time, proof of effective completion of a master's course is the defense of a master's thesis. The difference between a dissertation and thesis should be expressed in the strictly expressed practical usefulness of such work and the disclosure of new issues not previously considered by science.

Finding a job with a bachelor's degree - possible problems

In practice, in Russia, some employers, as mentioned above, practice refusal to hire bachelors due to incomplete higher education. It is believed that a four-year bachelor's degree does not provide the necessary set of practical skills in comparison with a specialist and master's degree. However, this practice is illegal. A bachelor's degree in Russia is considered a higher education, absolutely complete and complete. Thus, if a refusal to hire is due to the lack of higher education and a bachelor’s degree, this refusal can be challenged in court.

The main one of these consequences is the direct possibility of employment for vacancies that require higher education.

The opportunity to challenge a refusal to hire in the situation described above is present only if the requirements for the vacancy only mentioned the presence of a higher education in the specialty, and only when the wording of the refusal included non-compliance with the requirements for the presence of such education.

In addition, individual employers may clearly indicate in the requirements for a vacancy the presence of a master's or specialist degree. This practice is absolutely legal and the employer cannot be held liable on the basis of such requirements. In fact, today the misconception about the “inferiority” of a bachelor’s education is becoming less widespread, but it does occur among personnel specialists in some cases.

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