Deductive process. How to learn deductive thinking

Thinking - complex mental process, with the help of which we understand the world around us.

Deduction is a method of thinking in which conclusions are derived by logic from the general.

For example, the sun is always in the sky, therefore it is in the sky every day. When using the deductive method, our thinking becomes more accurate. It is based on a particular conclusion, which is made from general premises. The deductive method makes it possible to make correct conclusions based on accurate and indisputable facts.

Now almost every person develops and uses it. Using the deductive method of thinking, you can think through your actions many steps ahead down to the smallest detail.

The benefits of deductive thinking

The education system tries to equate high and low intelligent children, because the former pose a considerable danger to the entire system. It is impossible to control them; they will not look for someone who would tell them what to do.

The advantage of the deductive method is that you grow above yourself, the ability to think in new ways, and you:

  • learn to quickly find the right solutions and cope with the task faster;
  • gain original, out-of-the-box thinking;
  • you can find an approach to any person, problem, situation;
  • you will have flexibility of mind, well-developed intuition;
  • Learn to better understand the behavior and motives of other people.

By developing the method of deductive thinking, you will not only develop all the functions of your brain, but it will also be easier for you to work in life. No one is born an intellectual, you need to learn this and constantly work on yourself.

Intuition and the deductive method

Deductive thinking is important in every person's life. But in order to avoid mistakes in its application, it should be understood that everyone isolated case has a generalization. To do it correctly, you need to continuously acquire new knowledge, look for details and connections between events, i.e. develop observation skills. Of course, at first there may be difficulties, because the brain is aimed at searching for little things. However, when mindfulness becomes a habit, you will notice details automatically.

Though this method thinking is a search for solutions using logic, but intuition is also important. Because it is unconscious, it is a “gut feeling” that knows for sure and remembers much more than the conscious.

Presentation: "Basic concepts of logic. Inference"

Intuition also needs to be developed. It should work without failures. For example, the well-known Sherlock Holmes used deductive thinking, but he also used intuition. When a couple of clues are available, the investigation can be turned in any direction, and there are many of them, and each can be justified logically. You need to spend a lot of time on this.

Development of the deductive method of thinking

It has been proven that mechanical activity slows down brain performance. Our task is to make it work actively, which means it is necessary to attract new events that require analysis.

By performing various techniques listed below, you can learn to look for non-standard solutions to posed questions using the deductive method of thinking.

  • Use of sensors. For example, while eating food, close your eyes and inhale its smell. Think about it, and then touch it with your hand if the dish allows it.
  • Development of flexibility of thinking. There are no hopeless situations. Therefore, it is recommended to consider the problem from different angles. For example, you can listen to other people's points of view, look at your experience in solving these issues, and then combine the data using the method of deductive reasoning, i.e. construction of logical chains.
  • A prerequisite is to find a connection not only between events, but also between thoughts.
  • Learning and development. Regardless of age and occupation, you need to constantly develop, learn new hobbies or sports interests. Even attempts to understand the operation of some mechanism help develop deduction abilities. Important rule– do not stop the learning process, because Your goal is to develop a brain function such as analysis.
  • Changing the course of events during the day. For example, when returning home after a hard day, take a different road. When visiting a cafe, choose a dish that you previously did not dare to try.
  • Traveling is another useful hobby. Exploring the world, a person learns a lot of new things, communicates with different people living in a different culture and having a different temperament from yours. The purpose of each trip is to immerse yourself in the culture of another people and adapt to their living conditions. At such times, brain functions such as analysis, memory, and perception are involved.

With the help of these exercises, you will not only learn the method of deductive thinking, but also have a pleasant time doing interesting things. To achieve good results, continuous training is needed.

Anyone can develop this method. This requires a sincere desire, systematic repetition of tasks and the will to reach the end.

Exercises to develop deduction

Deduction cannot be acquired without systematic training. Below is a list of effective and simple methods on the development of deductive thinking.

  1. Solving problems in the fields of mathematics, chemistry and physics. The process of solving such problems increases intellectual abilities and contributes to the development of such thinking.
  2. Expanding your horizons. Deepen your knowledge in various scientific, cultural and historical fields. This will not only allow you to develop your personality from different angles, but will also help you gain experience, rather than relying on superficial knowledge and guesswork. In this case, various encyclopedias, trips to museums, documentaries and, of course, travel will help.
  3. Pedantry. The ability to thoroughly study an object of interest to you allows you to comprehensively and thoroughly gain a complete understanding. It is important that this object evokes a response in the emotional spectrum, then the result will be effective.
  4. Flexibility of mind. When solving a task or problem, it is necessary to use different approaches. To choose the best option, it is recommended to listen to the opinions of others, thoroughly considering their versions. Personal experience and knowledge, combined with outside information, as well as the availability of several options for resolving the issue, will help you choose the most optimal conclusion.
  5. Observation. When communicating with people, it is recommended not only to hear what they say, but also to observe their facial expressions, gestures, voice and intonation. Thus, one can recognize whether a person is sincere or not, what his intentions are, etc.

Such simple techniques have repeatedly proven that in order to successfully use deduction skills one must have a great deal of knowledge and experience.

This is an inference about a particular subject, logically deduced from the general. Many of us have read novels about an English detective who solved even the most complicated crimes. And the method that the famous Sherlock Holmes successfully used is precisely the deductive way of thinking. The development of deductive thinking is a long-term process that requires special concentration and diligence. To do this, you will have to learn to analyze the subject of study thoroughly, in depth, without making hasty conclusions.

How to develop deductive thinking?

  1. Oddly enough, ordinary school problem books will help you develop deduction. Take textbooks on several different subjects and solve all the exercises given there.
  2. Train your thinking flexibility. Don't rush to conclusions, even when the answer is obvious. Try to find several alternative solutions for each situation.
  3. Reading fiction, analyze the characters, try to calculate events in advance, based on their characters and even surrounding objects. Remember the famous phrase: “If in the first act there is a gun hanging on the wall, then in the last it will definitely go off.”
  4. Read a short educational article and retell it in your own words. Do this systematically. Try retelling the same article several times, but using different words.
  5. Be curious. The world is constantly evolving, so finding something interesting for yourself is not difficult. Don't neglect new knowledge.
  6. When walking down the street, watch people carefully. Try to determine their character, place of work or position, age and marital status. Pay attention to non-verbals: facial expressions, gestures, gait.
  7. Follow the Laws logical thinking(identity, excluded middle, non-contradiction, and the law of sufficient reason), and do this consciously, remembering each of them, and not automatically.
  8. Learn to build logical chains. The most common example is the question of whether Socrates is mortal. One can, of course, argue that his wisdom is eternal, but logically everything is a little different: all people are mortal. Socrates is a man, which means he is mortal.
  9. Listen carefully to your interlocutor. Try not to miss a single detail of the conversation. Over time, try to learn to remember not only, but also all the events that happen along the way. That is, pay attention to the big picture: what the interlocutor is saying, who is passing by at this time and what he looks like, what sounds you hear.

Special exercises and tasks will help you develop deductive thinking, for example, try solving Einstein's famous riddle. Based on the time spent solving it, you can assess your level. Only about 5% of people can solve it in their heads. The answer can be seen at the bottom of the article.

Tasks for the development of deductive thinking.

  1. A person lives on the 15th floor, but the elevator takes him no further than the ninth. He makes the rest of the journey on foot. A person travels to his floor in an elevator only in rainy weather, or when he is accompanied by one of his neighbors. Why?
  2. A father comes home from work and notices that his child is crying. When asked what happened, the child replies: “Why are you my father, but I am not your son?” Who is this child?
  1. The man is still small and cannot reach the 15th floor button. In rainy weather, he reaches the desired button with an umbrella.
  2. It's a girl. Accordingly, daughter.

Have you long wanted to try yourself as a famous detective, but lacked the skills? Get your nicest coat out of the closet. Today we'll show you how to learn to use deduction without playing the violin and eating oatmeal in the morning.

Deductive reasoning

Deductive and inductive types of reasoning help not only in catching criminals. The ability to use logical conclusions will allow you to sharpen your attentiveness and improve critical thinking. First you need to understand the difference between deduction and induction.

By resorting to the deductive method of inference, we draw a conclusion starting from the general to the specific.

For example:

Predators eat meat.

Wolves are predators.

Wolves eat meat.

One of the most important elements deduction - its indisputability. The logical chain flows from small facts to a natural, logical conclusion.

While inductive inference allows you to draw conclusions from specific elements of information to general ones.

For example: every person I have met has a head. Accordingly, all people have a head.

Now we understand what exactly logical conclusions are, and in words they sound quite simple, but we have a different goal. We want to successfully put deduction into practice, whether it's to find out who's stealing pencils from your office desk or to impress others. What skills do you need to develop to successfully use the deductive method?

Attention to details

It is impossible to build correct logical chains if you are too inattentive. In books and movies, detectives can tell all the necessary information about a person by looking at him and drawing conclusions based on his appearance. Naturally, one is not born with such an ability, and only with the help of training can such a result be achieved.

If you spend a lot of time on public transport, try to use this seemingly useless pastime. Stop your gaze on any passenger and try to mentally get to know him. Ask yourself a few questions:

How old is he?

Where he works?

What is his hobby?

Is he married or single?

Try to recreate a complete picture of the life of the observed person. To answer these questions, you will have to notice the smallest details: scuffs on shoes, the presence of jewelry, and if he is talking on the phone, note for yourself with whom exactly.

Constant training with logic and attentiveness tasks will also help you.

Old Soviet picture. Look at it carefully, and then try to answer nine questions:

How many tourists live in this camp?

When did they arrive here: today or a few days ago?

What did they use to come here?

How far is it from the camp to the nearest village?

Where does the wind blow from: north or south?

What time of day is it now?

Where did Shura go?

The name of the person who was on duty yesterday.

What day is it today in what month?

If you use similar methods every day, you will quickly learn to draw conclusions from the specific to the general.

Memory and the palaces of the mind

Constantly expand your horizons. Be interested in learning new topics that are unfamiliar to you.

At the same time, you should use your “loft of knowledge” carefully. By filling it with insignificant topics, truly important information will begin to leave your head. In order not to lose the accumulated knowledge, you should use the “palaces of the mind.” This method of recording information was invented in ancient times and is still studied in psychology and neurobiology.

How to proceed?

Create a room in your mind. Imagine that it has many shelves, cabinets and chests. Having become familiar with a new unit of information, then try to compress it using an associative series. Start simple. Suppose you need to remember important date. Compress this date like a file on a computer, creating visual associations with it in your memory. the right number and put it in the chest. You should decide in advance under what image each number is encrypted, for example, seven can be imagined as a pistol, and one as a match.

This simplest example application of the memory palace, but now, knowing how the mind palace works, you can prepare the foundation for further expansion of your “room”.

Am I now Sherlock?

No! But by regularly using deductive reasoning in everyday life and training your logical thinking, you will quickly achieve high-quality results. Be critical, constantly question the next theory, try to look at the situation from different positions. Expand your mind palace, starting from a small room to a multi-story palace. As you admire the endlessly sharp minds of your favorite book detectives, remember that achieving similar abilities is a very real idea.

If you ask a person what guides him when making decisions, looking for answers to important questions life or on the simplest everyday issues, you often hear two polar opinions. Some people claim that they rely on their own sensations, feelings, intuition, while others trust only “common sense” and logic. This means that the first category of people is guided by experience emotional sphere, and the second draws conclusions using the intellect, through logical conclusions.

A person is beautiful in his integrity; “cold” logical thinking in interaction with bright emotional colors makes a person’s experience unique and gives the ability to be creative.

Therefore, in the process of personal development, it is worth evenly developing both the ability to empathy, intuition, and logical thinking.

In the process of logical analysis, a person uses various operations and methods of thinking, among which the inductive and hypothetico-deductive method of thinking are important. They are parts of one holistic process of testing put forward hypotheses in order to find the most optimal solution to the problem.

True inference

You can give examples: you noticed that your teenage sister loves watching TV series, her friend watches them too, and then you found out that their entire class is passionate about this series. Based on this, you conclude that most teenagers are addicted to TV series. This means that with the help of induction you observe different objects, and then proceed to put forward a general hypothesis.

The scientific definition of induction states that inductive reasoning is built on the basis of factual premises, which ultimately lead to the formation of a general conclusion that contains unconfirmed information. That is why the induction method very often influences the formation of thinking stereotypes. Everyone knows how some women, based on several unsuccessful relationships, like to conclude that “all men are assholes.” Or the common conclusion in our society that all politicians are liars because previous experience has confirmed this hypothesis many times.

Unlike induction, the hypothetico-deductive method is entirely based on logic. Its definition seems very simple, but in order to understand its meaning and learn to use it in everyday life to solve problems of different levels of falsity, you should study it in detail and provide examples.

The deductive method makes our thinking more accurate and effective. Its essence is that a particular conclusion is made on the basis of general premises. Simply put, it is reasoning based on confirmed general data that leads to the same confirmed factual conclusion. To give examples: if it rains, then one can argue that the ground is wet; all people will die someday, you are a human, therefore, you are also doomed to death. It is obvious that deduction, unlike induction, makes it possible to draw competent conclusions based on verified and irrefutable facts.

What is the genius of Sherlock Holmes?

The hypothetico-deductive method in our time has long gone beyond the scope of science and has become widely used in all spheres of human life. With its help, you can think through your actions in more detail and deeply, plan them several steps ahead, and also better understand the motives and behavior of other people. To understand the power of deduction, you can study the genius of the famous character in Arthur Conan Doyle's books, detective Sherlock Holmes. His insight amazes readers, and his talent for solving the most complicated crimes is simply shocking.

Deduction with “humor”:

How to independently develop deductive thinking?

In our society, there is a tendency among people to generalize, which often leads to negative consequences not only for a specific person, but also for the entire society as a whole. Based on generalizations, people are capable of blaming and ruining relationships. A person who builds relationships based on facts, not versions, commands respect. To develop deductive thinking, which, among other things, helps in difficult life situations, use the following tips:

  • Dig Deeper. If you take on the study of any material, fact, subject, then try to become interested in it so as to study it in all details. For example, when reading a book, do not just follow the main events, but carefully study the characters of each hero in their interrelation. This way, you can predict the outcome of the story well before its end. This is especially true for books in the detective genre. The same can be said about cinema.
  • Expand your horizons. Try to become a well-rounded person. Improve your knowledge all the time, because the pace modern life dictates the conditions for constant development, stopping which even for a while can cost you a lot. This is a loss of professional and personal guidelines, as well as mutual understanding with other people. Expand your social circle, read a lot, try yourself in new areas of activity, cast aside doubts. Deep theoretical and practical knowledge will help you solve problems based not on guesswork, but on the basis of your experience.
  • Develop flexibility of thinking. It consists of always looking for different options and examples of solving a problem, even if you go for, at first glance, the obvious correct answer. Don't reject other people's opinions, listen to different versions. Having different options, other people's opinions plus being rich personal experience And deep knowledge will help you come to a competent deductive conclusion.
  • Observe your interlocutor. Use the examples of Sherlock Holmes in your daily interactions with other people. Try not only to delve into the general meaning of what was said, but also to pay close attention to individual repeated words, to non-verbal means communication: facial expressions, intonation, timbre, gestures, tone of voice. At first it will be difficult for you to grasp all these points, but over time you will learn to read the message of your interlocutor “between the lines” and draw more accurate conclusions about the person, and recognize lies.
  • Solve problems. Now there are a lot of books with tasks and puzzles for the development of logical thinking. Buy yourself such a book and get to work. But keep in mind that it is better to start with easier tasks, gradually increasing their level of difficulty.

And remember that to achieve results you need regular training. Our brain needs it just like our muscles. Good luck!

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Our most beloved heroes are talented detectives or lawyers. We all know such authors as Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie, who in their books created images of brilliant people using the famous deductive method. Perhaps, among all the great detectives, such as Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple and others, Sherlock Holmes is a kind of pinnacle of a person who can reason correctly and accurately, subtly observe and analyze facts.

The deductive way of thinking is widely used not only in popular works literature and cinema, but also in our everyday life.

It is extremely important to be able to draw correct conclusions. To learn how to develop deduction, you first need to understand what it is and how it works.

What is the deductive method and how does it work?

Deduction is a way of thinking in which the main conclusion is obtained from general reasoning to specific ones. Let us recall the situation described in the famous story about Sherlock Holmes, “The Sign of Four.” The plot was as follows: Sherlock Holmes' friend, Dr. Watson, decided to test what conclusions he could draw by observing fairly simple things. Watson gives Sherlock Holmes his watch and says: “What can you tell by analyzing such an object as a watch?”:

  • seeing an antique watch with the initials "G." engraved on it. W.”, the detective understands that they are family and, most likely, were acquired by Watson’s father;
  • At that time, watches were considered a precious thing and were passed on by inheritance, according to the rules - to the eldest son. But Watson got the watch recently, although his father died many years ago. So Watson had an older brother;
  • there are dents on the watch cover, therefore, the brother was sloppy (especially considering the importance of such a gift as a memorial watch from his deceased father), etc.

As you can see, the famous detective simply analyzed general facts and applied them to a specific situation, to Dr. Watson's watch. Interestingly, after the detective shared his conclusions with a friend, he was so shocked by the exact answer that he accused Sherlock of being a spy. They say he knew everything in advance and is now taking advantage of the situation.

The reason for this reaction is quite simple. In his mind, Holmes did a fairly large analysis and produced an equally huge logical conclusion. Therefore, knowing only the initial step of inference (“What can you tell by analyzing such an object as a watch?”) and the final result (which Holmes voiced to Watson), but without seeing each individual, intermediate step (the process of forming the inference: engraved initials - Watson's father, dents - sloppiness, etc.), you can really be amazed at the final conclusion.

To obtain the correct final result, it is necessary to justify each individual step of the conclusion so that upon careful examination it is clear that it was done correctly.

Ways to help you develop deduction

Developing deductive abilities as good as any professional detective (fictional or real) is quite simple. Deduction is not something transcendental, it is simply a logical method. Therefore, for its development, it is necessary to keep the entire brain in good shape, and, therefore, not only logic, but also attention, memory, and imagination. Following some tricks will help you learn to think quickly and compare facts.

  • Solve puzzles

Download or borrow any problem book from the library. It is important that these are not some complex tasks By physical chemistry that you don't understand. Regular children's puzzles will do. Remember that intelligence involves knowledge in various areas of life. Solving seemingly simple puzzles will teach you to think quickly, think outside the box, and solve problems.

Sherlock Holmes skillfully used not only the method of deduction, but was also very educated and smart person. And, therefore, in order to develop deduction like the famous detective, you also need to know and remember a lot. By the way, this is one example of inductive inference. To train your memory, learn the poems of your favorite poet, learn the main capitals of the world, the number pi... Yes, whatever you have enough imagination for!

  • Solve problems

If you are good at math, start with simple arithmetic or geometry problems. Well developed analytic skills will greatly facilitate the process of inference. Was biology your favorite subject at school? It doesn’t matter either, there are a lot of simple biological problems. The main thing is that you find it interesting, not too easy, but not too difficult. In addition, refreshing your school knowledge will never be superfluous, and a broad outlook is a faithful companion of deduction.

  • Observe, study, analyze

Attention to detail, to every little detail, will help you understand the deduction method. Try to always pay attention to things that seem insignificant. When communicating with friends, try to guess their emotions and mood. All people lie: some embellish reality just a little, and some abuse trust. To learn to think like a detective, become a detective. Ask your friends for details, but not just like that, but really listen to them carefully. Compare facts you already know with new information. Just don’t bring everything to the point of paranoia!

  • Expand your horizons

To use the deduction method correctly, you need to learn how to draw conclusions. And this is not the most simple task, especially when you don't know much. Try to read as many books, articles, magazines as possible. But remember, your horizons differ not in the number of books you read, but in the quality. If you mindlessly absorb information, it will be of little use. Read slowly and carefully, weigh every sentence, every argument or thought expressed by the author. A great way to expand your horizons is to solve crossword puzzles or scanword puzzles.

  • Watch the news

For example, you can choose a famous politician or other media personality and completely start following her. What do they say about this person on one channel? And on the other? What information does he publish on his official blogs and social pages? Ask yourself, what happens next? What actions will be taken?

  • Learn to think critically

Never take things for granted. To develop the method of deduction, you must question every link in the logical chain. Your main trump card is the truth. If in your conclusions you draw deliberately false information, then no deduction will help you. IN modern world, where deception reigns all around, to get to the truth, you will have to make a lot of effort. This method will keep your brain in constant tone, and will also develop intelligence.

  • Use not only deduction, but also induction

The method of induction is the opposite of deduction. Its essence is to come to a general conclusion from particular conclusions. In order to master one instrument, you need to fully master its opposite. Although calling induction and deduction opposites would not be entirely correct. Rather, they are different parts that make up a whole.

You heard right. Although, of course, some points should be clarified. Watch intellectual TV shows, documentaries, biographies famous people. Play computer games that make you think: with a detective component, puzzles, quests. In addition, you can learn a lot of new things from video games, useful information. By the way, there are a lot of games based on works in which you are invited to try on the skin of the famous Holmes.

Why develop the method of deduction?

Every day we have to deal with proving the truth of statements in a wide variety of situations. The deduction method is widely used in all areas of our lives and has great value on the truth of certain judgments. Suppose you or someone you know gets into a very unpleasant situation. An investigation is underway, there is a crime, there is a defendant, detectives, lawyers, prosecutors, judges. One conclusion must be drawn: is the person guilty or innocent? To do this, you must be able to both substantiate a person’s guilt and prove his innocence.

The outcome, and, most importantly, the correctness of the final conclusion, is of great importance for a person who finds himself in such a difficult situation. Therefore, it is extremely important to draw conclusions about his guilt or innocence from the available facts, convincingly, conclusively and correctly. And this is just one example. There are many situations in which the truth of certain statements is important. This is why knowledge and understanding of how to develop deduction is useful to anyone.

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