How you can learn English with your child. Learning English with a child at an early age

How to effectively teach English to your child?

Today, many parents strive to provide their children with conditions for early learning of foreign languages. Traditional English has been supplemented by more exotic languages, such as Chinese. Many people are studying it now; Chinese language courses in Yekaterinburg will help you not only learn it from scratch, but also improve your language proficiency if you already have some kind of knowledge base.

As for children, not all parents manage to start education from an early age. At what age can children be taught English? How to help your child learn a language faster?

How to help your child learn English without knowing it

You can often hear the phrase in everyday life: “He speaks foreign languages ​​perfectly.” The “Common European Framework for Assessment of Foreign Languages” does not use this concept. There are six levels of language knowledge: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 (in ascending order).

Most of the materials for learning English by children aged 6-11 years are at level A1-A2. If an adult studied a foreign language at school, college, or university, then the vocabulary and grammar of a children's textbook will be clear to him. Moreover, the parent will be able to explain the material to the child.

It won’t be long before you have to turn to the vocabulary and grammar of levels B2 and C1. At the time of passing the final exams, it would be nice for the child to have level B2. Enough time to improve your English with a native speaker via Skype, for example. After all, you need to go one step ahead of your child.

Other problems may be more difficult to deal with.

Correct pronunciation

The child copies the pronunciation of the teacher and parents. A good teacher should not have problems with pronunciation. If you help your child at home, then you will have to work on this aspect.

Listen to audio materials, watch videos, copy the speakers' speech. You need to try to eliminate errors in your speech before the child adopts them. Remember the transcription. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words that you will learn with your child.

Learn a few expressions of greeting, farewell, approval and try to use them in your speech. Just to the spot!


For many graduates of the nineties, this is a huge problem. It can be explained by the imperfection of tape recorders and the lack of high-quality educational materials. Nowadays, when there are so many English-language films, cartoons, educational videos, lectures, only the lazy cannot cope with listening. Catch up in between. In addition, you can “infect” your child with your interest.

Watch English cartoons with your child, play computer educational games, discuss what you see and hear.


What should you pay attention to?

  1. Even the most accessible and interesting adult textbooks are not suitable for children. The rules are the same, but the situations for discussion do not correspond to age. That's why we buy teaching aids designed for children. Markings - Primary, A1, A2, B1, Starter or Elementary.
  2. When choosing, you should prefer the British version of English. Most likely, the Russian examiner will subsequently regard the peculiarities of American English as an error. Signal to buy - British English.
  3. It is not recommended to use textbooks by Russian authors. There are no errors in British textbooks, there are practically no typos, the language is presented in its modern state. These textbooks are built on the basis of effective methods, have been piloted, and are released in series (having completed a textbook of one level, you can move on to the next; they are interconnected, there will be no confusion).
  4. The textbook is the basis. But you shouldn’t focus only on it. Beyond the printed pages is a living and vibrant language. Watch video materials with your child and write short stories in basic English. Find instructions for a craft and follow it with your child.

Useful video courses:

  • Muzzy in Gondoland and Muzzy comes back (cartoon characters fight, fall in love, plot and defeat villains; each episode is an interactive exercise for memorizing new words, speech cliches, and pronunciation).
  • Wizadora (video course to reinforce the material covered; the main character is a sorceress who often makes mistakes in her “tricks”).
  • Oxford English Video (four educational discs with fairy tales, songs and applications with tasks).

You need to learn English with your child through games, cards with pictures, poems, and songs. Reading a textbook and solving grammar problems is not enough. Learning should be fun. Only then will there be a result.

The school year has begun, and many parents are wondering: “How to get a child to learn English?” Today we will try to answer it, but we will tell you not “how to force”, but how to motivate and interest a child in learning English.

If you are reading our article, you probably had to face difficulties and “insurmountable differences” in the process of teaching your child English. Do you think it’s difficult to get children to learn anything? We cannot agree with you, they are wonderful students. But even experienced parents cannot always interest their child in English; sometimes they make common mistakes in motivation. Let's look together at what prevents children from learning a language and how to help them cope with the difficulties.

Common mistakes in motivation for learning English

1. Negative attitude towards English and the teacher

For children, the authority of their parents is a significant thing that can work wonders or discourage them from studying anything. Remember that you are talking about English and the English teacher. Do you think that learning a language is incredibly exciting, and the teacher is an excellent mentor? The child will think similarly. But he won’t want to learn English if mom or dad say that “they live wonderfully without knowing a foreign language.” Children imitate their parents and strive to be like them in everything. If your student does not want to study because he wants to be “like his parents,” the situation needs to be corrected.

Fixing the error: There is no need to suddenly change the negative to the positive, the child will easily sense a lie, and you will lose the most valuable thing - his trust. It’s better to say: “Yes, I really get by without knowing English, but now there are so many in which there is nothing to do without knowing the language. I also feel uncomfortable abroad: I don’t understand foreigners. Knowing the language will open up so many opportunities for you (specify which ones depending on the child’s interests).” You don’t like your school English teacher, do you think he uses old textbooks and outdated teaching methods? Do not criticize the teacher, it is better to send your child to language courses, where you can choose the most suitable teacher, in your opinion.

2. Wrong goals

Setting goals is the first important step you need to take with your child. Parents often say: “If you know English, you can become a successful manager or supervisor. You will be able to work in a prestigious company.” Great goal... for a high school student. What if the child is only 7-10 years old? Does he want to work as a manager? Does the mysterious word “supervisor” understand? Who are these people, and why should he want to work for a prestigious company? Maybe a child at this age wants to sell ice cream or perform in the circus. Don't rush your childhood.

Fixing the error: You shouldn’t talk about how good it is to be a top manager, have a high salary, etc. Let’s set a more achievable and attractive goal for the child. For example, you will be able to watch the most interesting cartoons in English, read the latest fairy tales, which will not soon be translated into Russian. If finances allow, promise your child a trip abroad to a language camp. Teenagers can be told that they will be able to understand what a popular performer is singing about, watch interviews with their favorite actor, broadcast international competitions, find pen pals from the USA and European countries, etc. Find something that is really interesting to the student at the moment.

When choosing a goal, focus on the child’s current interests, and not on distant, vague prospects.

3. Wrong motivation

Some parents intimidate their child instead of telling him how useful and healthy it is to learn English. Possible remarks: “If you don’t study, you will become a janitor!”, “Do you want to seem like the stupidest person to everyone?” Yes, children do not always behave well, but can negative emotions motivate them?!

Fixing the error
: As already mentioned, focus not on the negative, but on the positive aspects of the issue. “You will learn your lesson easily. You are my smartest!” It is after such words that the little student will feel capable and begin to gnaw on the granite of science with renewed vigor.

4. Reluctance to understand the child

Do you think that a child must study excellently and must not make mistakes? The pursuit of perfection is not always justified. There is no need to scold your child for mistakes; it is better to try to find out what caused the mistake. Perhaps he did not understand some rule, but is embarrassed to ask the teacher to explain it? Maybe you felt bad during the test? Or maybe he was nervous, afraid of making a mistake?

Fixing the error: Mistakes in learning are not always the child’s fault. Try to remember yourself at his age, we all made mistakes. But this did not stop us from growing up as successful and smart people. After you have found out the cause of the failure, try to eliminate it. Don’t forget to praise your children even for small victories, because success is built on just such small “building blocks.” You will see, the child will become diligent and attentive, receiving praise is so nice!

In the end, the only people who fail are those who don't try.

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.

5. Comparison with other children

Many parents stumble over this “stumbling block.” Remember, have you ever said something like: “Petya knows English better than you. He's such a smart boy"? Based on this, the child concludes: “Petya is smart, and I’m stupid. Petya is better than me, they don’t like me.” Agree, this is not an inspiring conclusion at all.

Fixing the error: Remember the popular saying that you shouldn’t compare yourself to others, it’s better to compare yourself to your past self? Let this be your motto. Don’t forget to celebrate your child’s successes, say: “You learned two more words today than yesterday, well done!” Has your child started making mistakes more often? And here you can avoid criticism, it’s better to say: “A week ago you made fewer mistakes, you can study well! Is there something you don’t understand, can I help you?” This way, the child will not feel stupid or uncomfortable; rather, he will be imbued with the conviction that he can do anything. Self-confidence is the best assistant in learning.

  1. Show interest in learning. Be sure to ask what the child has learned today, what he can do well, and what causes difficulties. He needs to understand that you care whether he studies or not. It is important to show children the importance of their work; avoid indifference.
  2. Choose a good teacher. The attitude towards teaching depends greatly on the personality of the teacher. If your child is taking courses or with a tutor, choose a teacher who loves children and has experience working with them. After several lessons, be sure to ask your child if he likes the teacher and the classes. By the way, don't forget to read our detailed guide "".
  3. Use interesting teaching methods or choose a teacher who uses such methods. This advice is relevant for parents of the youngest students. Children love to sing, dance, and draw. Why not use it for good?! Is your child hyperactive and has difficulty sitting still? Let him learn words on the move. For example, he runs and says the word “run”, jumps and repeats the word “jump”. After half an hour of such active learning, he will remember 7-10 new words and throw out the accumulated energy. Children who love to draw can be encouraged to sketch new words; this develops their imagination and makes it easier to memorize.
  4. Don't forget about games. Computer games in English will also be useful if used no more than half an hour a day. It is desirable that these be educational games or special educational programs presented in a playful form. You can find a lot of similar applications on the Internet; they are great for helping you learn new vocabulary. Pay attention to them, they will help you get your child interested in learning.
  5. Choose good literature. A textbook doesn't have to be boring. Bookstores sell wonderful English language textbooks for children; they are presented in an easy, entertaining way and are well illustrated. Such books can be used as a main textbook for classes with a tutor or for additional work at home.
  6. Look for new information. Most often, children are asked to read “The Three Little Pigs” or “Cinderella” in English - something that they have already seen, heard, read dozens of times. Not all children are interested in this. Perhaps they want to learn something new. Try to buy a book of modern fairy tales in English, download educational stories, funny stories for children on the Internet. The child will be happy to study new material and learn words, because he will not find this work in Russian.
  7. Translate cartoons. This method can be used by both children and adults. The characters of classic English-language cartoons speak in simple language that a child can understand. Read about where to find animated films in English and how to learn the language from them in the article “”.
  8. Parse the lyrics. Teenagers are probably interested in knowing what their favorite performer sings about. If it is difficult to understand the text by ear, find it on the Internet and translate it. There is no need to impose your musical tastes; work with the songs that your child loves. This will help you improve your relationship with your teenager and become a little closer to him. Of course, it may seem to you that the work of Marilyn Manson is pure obscurantism, but you will enjoy the songs of Metallica together. How about karaoke? Pay attention to the techniques and resources from the article “”, they will help you have fun and usefully spend time, and both you and your child will like it.
  9. Change activities often. The child quickly gets tired of the same type of activities, so it is advisable to change the type of activity every 10-20 minutes. For example: watch a cartoon for the first 15 minutes, then discuss it for 10 minutes, then read a fairy tale for 15 minutes, over the next 10 minutes the child can try to retell what he read.
  10. Make your child feel important. Have you purchased new equipment? Ask a student to help you translate the inscriptions on the gadget. Have you gone abroad? Let him ask for directions to a hotel or buy something at a store using English (of course, this should happen under your supervision).
  11. Reward correctly. We hope you remember to praise and encourage your young student? And this moment can be used for learning! For example, you bought candy for your child, say that in English it is “candy”. You can buy your child stickers with your favorite characters as a reward, let him decorate his notebooks with them (and at the same time decorate the wallpaper in his room :-)). Have you decided to go to the zoo? Try learning the names of animals in English together while you walk.
  12. Learn together. This is advice for those parents who did not learn English at school. It is still difficult for you to use the above methods. But don't be discouraged, there is always a way out. Why not start learning English with your child? A good example is contagious!

We hope our article got you thinking. Listen to the advice, let English for your children become not a painful waste of time, but a fun and productive pastime.

Habitual memorization while sitting at the table will discourage the child from studying. Offer him alternative options for learning the language:

  • while walking or exercising;
  • in an unusual environment (for example, in a cafe);
  • learn new words by singing or drawing them;
  • come up with associations to complex rules and exceptions;
  • find new interesting options for studying the material, based on which method of obtaining information is most comfortable for the child (visual, auditory).

Combine English and your child's hobbies

Let learning a new language become part of what the child already loves, understands and, most importantly, accepts! If this is handicraft, find out what all the necessary devices for it are called in English; if it is a child, read how this type developed in other countries (in English, of course). In this way, you will be able to do a very big thing - remove the student’s rejection of the new and unusual (and therefore frightening).

Criticize using the " sandwich"

This method is often used by managers and marketers in their work. The idea is that you praise your child first, then tell him where he went wrong, and end on a positive note. Then criticism will be like a filling between two layers of approval, and the child (especially if we are talking about teenagers) will not have the desire to argue with you and defend yourself.

“You started writing English very carefully! True, I made five mistakes in spelling... But in the rest of the words everything is fine!”

Let your child become his own teacher

No matter how sad it is to state, but one parent in a thousand is able to convey knowledge to a child. It's another matter if you let your child teach you.

For example, you secretly admit to him that you don’t understand in which case you should use the present tense and in which case you should use the present continuous, and ask your daughter or son to explain to you what the difference is. First, explaining something to someone is the best way to understand a complex topic on your own. Secondly, such an approach will allow the child to try himself in a new adult role. This will certainly be a pleasant experience for him and will allow him to consolidate a stable association: “English - being treated like an adult - success.”

Make English useful now

If you have a daughter, she loves Disney princesses, tell her a terrible secret: the voices of cartoon heroines in Russian dubbing are not at all as good as in the original! Especially the little mermaid Ariel, it’s not for nothing that the prince was so immediately captivated by her voice. And after that, invite your daughter to watch your favorite cartoon with you in the original or, at worst, in a one-voice translation by Alexei Mikhalev, in which the songs are not duplicated.

If you have a son, and he, for example, is interested in computer games, invite him to play not the adapted Russian, but the English version of his favorite game. Agree that in this case the time he spends at the computer can be increased by half an hour.

Expand his vocabulary with gaming apps

Install on your child's phone, which will help you learn new words in English at a time convenient for the student.

It can be:

  • AnkiDroid
  • Memrise
  • Lingualeo
  • Aword
  • Remember
  • Easy Ten

Teach him not to be afraid to make mistakes

The main reason why the majority of Russian residents do not speak English is the habit developed during school years of being afraid of making mistakes in speech.

Therefore, when traveling abroad, try to partially shift the responsibility for communicating with representatives of another country onto him. You can say in a cafe: “I’m embarrassed to ask what kind of dessert this is, can you find out for me?” Or, while shopping abroad, your child liked this or that toy, tell your son or daughter that you will be happy to give money for it, but the child must ask the price from the seller on his own.

What techniques do you use to motivate your child to learn a foreign language? Tell us in the comments.

The logic of the English question

If you have explained to your child what “is”, “am” and “are” are, you can easily explain how to ask a general question in English. It is enough to use a simple example to show how words change places. The logic of the explanation could be something like this:

Say in Russian that the cat is white.
- The cat is white.
-Now ask.
- Is the cat white?
- How will I understand whether you are saying this or asking?
- (The child tries to explain that using intonation).
- Now write that the cat is white.
- (Writes: “The cat is white.”)
- Now ask me in writing.
- (Writes: “The cat is white?” If he forgets to put a question mark, you need to ask what is missing.)
- How will I understand where you just said and where you asked?
- (Here it’s easier for the child: he points to the dot and the question mark).
- Is there any other way to understand? Suddenly you forgot to put a period or a question mark... I can somehow determine what you wanted: to tell me that the cat is white, or to ask me if the cat is white.
(Usually it is obvious to the child that there are no other differences in the sentence).
- And in English it is very easy to understand, even if you don’t put periods and question marks. Because the sentences turn out to be completely different, and if they are not made different, then no one will ever understand whether you are asking or just speaking.
- (How to do it?)

It’s easy to explain this to an adult: you need to say, for example, that the linking verb changes places with the subject. However, a child is rarely ready to easily perceive information through abstract categories and terms (although this does happen). Usually you need to look for a "workaround".

Write in English that the cat is white.
- (Writes: “A cat is black.”)
- Is this a question?
- No.
- Let's learn to ask a question.

Before telling a child exactly how an English question is asked, you need to prepare him so that he perceives the information clearly and structuredly, so that he can easily summarize the information and easily remember the rule. To do this, I usually circle the subject and linking verb in a common frame and enclose them in separate cells.

Then I draw the same frame, only not filled with words, and after the frame I put a dot and draw the child’s attention to it.

To make it clear to the child what happened, I use arrows to show that the cells have swapped places:

Is a cat black ?

What happened? Read it.

With the help of such a simple explanation, you can avoid explaining the need for terms and concepts, but at the same time help the child understand the rule precisely at the level of abstraction. Then, based on what concepts your child knows, you can describe the formation of the question: “Verb and noun switched places. Verb became the first. The verb became at the beginning of the sentence."

If it seems to you that the child is not yet ready to perceive this information with the help of such signs, you can make the explanation even more clear. Write the sentence “A cat is black” on a separate sheet of paper, and then cut it in front of the child. Don’t forget that the result should be four fragments: “A cat” - “is” - “black” - “ . (dot)". On the back of the piece of paper with a dot, write a question mark. Fold the resulting leaves into a sentence, and then swap “a cat” and “is”, and turn over the card with a dot. After this, you can again put together an affirmative sentence and again show how the question “adds up.”

In the future, you need to make sure that when performing exercises related to the English general question, the child has a simple sign in front of his eyes:

... .
... ?

It will help the child visualize the differences between a question and a “non-question” and construct questions, clearly understanding their structure.


After the explanation, you can move on to the exercises.

    Make a question out of an affirmative sentence, and an affirmative sentence out of a question.

    If you suspect that it may be difficult for a child, exercises to make an affirmative sentence from a question, and a question from an affirmative sentence, can be done at first by cutting the sheet into fragments and “folding” the sentences: this will make it easier for the child to understand “ mechanism of the question.

    After you make sure that this mechanism is clear to the child, write a sentence and ask the child to write a question under it, or write a question and ask to write an affirmative sentence (in order not to overload the child with the term “affirmative sentence,” I often resort to the phrase “regular sentence” “just a suggestion”… “not a question”, etc.).

    Finally, say a sentence and ask your child to say a question.

    Ask your child to determine whether he read (heard) a question or a regular sentence. As an independent task that your child can do in your absence, you can invite him to place periods and question marks at the end of the sentences you write.

    If you have already told your child about the forms “am”, “is”, are”, exercises on word order in an English question can be combined with exercises on the ability to use these three forms. For example, an exercise when you say a question in Russian and the child pronounces the first word from an English sentence can be very “giving”:
    - Is this dog striped?
    - Is...
    -Are we on the second floor now?

    The child’s vocabulary is still too small to fully translate sentences, but he is absolutely ready for numerous grammar tasks, while the absence of restrictions on the subject matter of the “translated” sentences creates the illusion of diversity.

    This exercise can also be done in writing, in the form of a kind of dictation: the child writes down his answers, and you then check them.

    Do not forget that the English translation of Russian sentences should not contain a semantic verb. Do not allow your child to mistakenly “translate” questions like “Is Tolik running?” or “Is the dog squinting?”

    The next step could be an exercise in translating the first two words of the question you are saying. In this case, the subject should be either a word very familiar to the baby, or a pronoun that does not cause him any particular difficulties:
    - (Pointing to something) Are they pink?
    - Are they...
    - Is the pig green?
    - Is a pig…

    This exercise is also good because it removes the fear of speaking English and translating sentences from Russian into English. The child is not faced with the task of translating the entire question, and that is why, when pronouncing the first two words, he is often surprised to discover that he has already translated the question almost completely. If he knows all the words, after a pause he often tries to translate the rest of the question:
    - Is a pig … … … green?

    In this case, you can alternate “very simple” questions, which the child can fully translate, with complex ones, the complete translation of which he is clearly unable to translate. At the same time, it is important that the child’s attention does not “slip” from the grammatical task. If the child “translates” the first two words of a sentence with errors, do not rush things and say questions that the child cannot fully translate, only then will he return to the task of correctly translating the first two words.

    If the previous exercise is successfully completed, you can move on to having the child learn to choose between the order of words in an affirmative sentence and in a question. You say “ordinary” sentences or questions, and the child says the same first two words, but now he must understand in time in what order to pronounce them:
    - Are they chocolate?
    - Are they...
    - They are very tasty.
    - They are...

    As with the previous exercise, the child may want to translate the entire sentence. In this case, you need, of course, to give him such an opportunity, however, I remind you that it is important not to miss the main goal of the exercise: to learn to make a choice between the order of the first two words.

    Only after it becomes obvious that the child can translate the first two words in a sentence can one proceed to the targeted translation of specially composed sentences and questions containing those words whose translation the child is familiar with. This can be done both orally and in writing.

    Write short dialogues for your child containing both questions and affirmative sentences. Some of them can be read aloud to the child (for example, act out a dialogue between toys), others can be read to the baby.

    Try talking to your child, asking him basic questions and teaching him basic answers.

In conclusion, it should be clarified that the study of general issues should only begin from the present time. Even if the child, as it seems to you, quickly grasped the structure of the question, take your time and do not complicate the task by using future and past tense forms. Even if at first glance he quickly copes with this task, later, as experience shows, he will begin to get confused, different structures will become confused for him. And, on the contrary, if he has mastered the form of the present tense to the point of automatism, then it will help him quickly and reliably master other tenses.

And the last, but by no means unimportant note. Children, as a rule, quickly grasp the proposed grammatical structures, and therefore the illusion may arise that the child has already mastered everything and in the next lessons this topic can be touched upon only in passing, as if it is already known to the child. But practice shows that in reality everything is a little more complicated. The next day it may turn out that the child is not able to cope with tasks that yesterday he solved very easily. Don't be surprised or annoyed. It’s enough to do all the exercises with it again, but faster. The child will remember and recognize them. After a while, the answers will become self-evident to him. Then you can move on to explaining the next grammatical material (the auxiliary verb “do”).

And so we taught our child, with the help of fun lessons (games, flashcards, videos, cartoons, songs), to speak simple English. He is already 6-7 years old, he can read and write in Russian and has a firm grasp of Russian letters. Now is the time to start learning to read English and master the first rules. Of course, the abilities of children are different: for some, the optimal age for learning may be 8 years old, and for others, 5. Parents themselves should identify the abilities of their children and in no case try to forcefully mold them into child prodigies just because the neighbor a child is already a polyglot at three years old.

Teaching children to read in English should begin in two stages.

First: we learn the English alphabet, and it is possible not in alphabetical order, but starting with the letters used in words that the child has already learned and learned to pronounce well. For example, the words:

  • table, dog, cat, apple, water, tiger, lion, car, house, etc.

It is very important to start learning with understandable and familiar words: knowing the pronunciation and seeing the word itself, the brain learns to make analogies, and the child’s brain works intuitively and twice as fast as an adult.

How to teach the English alphabet

It is easier to teach the alphabet using a card, which additionally provides a transcription of the sound of each letter.

How to remember the alphabet:

  1. We learn several letters a day and use them in words
  2. We note that the phonetic sound of a letter in the alphabet and a word can be completely different
  3. We reinforce the letters we have learned with fun lessons:
    kids can learn with this fun “pig” family.

I think they will enjoy the lesson below:

Older children can have fun with entire songs composed for each letter of the alphabet. Such dynamic and entertaining learning gives an amazing effect in memorizing the alphabet and reading the first words

Children learning the rules of English phonetics

The second stage begins at the very beginning of learning to read and runs parallel to it all the way. Children will learn the following rules:

  • the same letters and letter combinations in words can be pronounced differently
  • some letters are written but not readable
  • one letter can be read with two sounds, and vice versa: a letter combination can have 2-3 letters read with one sound

All this is called phonetics, and in order to master it, you need to master the rules of transcription and know:

  • What's happened long vowels sounds:
    these are the ones that are pronounced drawlingly
  • What's happened short vowels sounds:
    pronounced briefly, sometimes their sound corresponds to the Russian sound, and sometimes to a special, so-called neutral, intermediate between two neighboring (-o and -a, -a and -e) sounds
  • What are diphthongs and triphthongs:
    these are sounds consisting of two or three elements
  • What are voiced and voiceless consonants:
    English voiced ones are pronounced more energetically than Russian ones and are not stunned at the end

Reinforcement techniques for learning to read

To explain phonetic rules, it is advisable to have cards with transcriptions of sounds in these categories.
By showing the card, we learn the rules of pronunciation of each sound, in accordance with Russian sounds. If there is no Russian equivalent, then the pronunciation of the sound is described in detail, indicating the location of the tongue or the location of a similar sound

For example, this rule for pronouncing the sound [θ]:

  • When pronouncing the sound [θ], you need to position your tongue as if you were going to pronounce the sound “s”, only place the tip between your teeth.

Or the following rule for pronouncing the sound [ə]:

  • The sound [ə] is pronounced as a mean between -o and -a, or unstressed -o and -a in the words “water” and “room”.

In the process of teaching phonetics, we reinforce the rules of reading using examples of words.

Such not very interesting lessons can be diversified with visual videos:

I can’t help but remind you of the wonderful technology of color reading, which greatly simplifies children’s intuitive memorization of the rules of phonetics in practice.

Also look at a very informative and useful lesson on English reading lessons:

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