Primary school news of methodological literature. Presentation: "New items in methodological literature"

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Assortments of Videos Cambridge ESOL BEC Cambridge ESOL CAE Cambridge ESOL CPE Cambridge ESOL FCE Cambridge ESOL IELTS Cambridge ESOL YLE English for Specific Purposes Happy Hearts I type Idioms II type IV type Practice Exam Papers Prepare and Practice for the TOEFL iBT Readers Resource Books Skills Books Upstream VIII view. V.V. program Voronkova VIII species. I.M. program Bgazhnokova Welcome Academic school textbook Academy English in focus Archimedes Teacher's library Quickly and efficiently Extracurricular activities Magic workshop Meetings Prodigies Horizons State final certification Rake of history Grammar in tables Preschool world United State exam Behind the pages of the textbook Problem books Star English Golden series of French fairy tales From childhood to adolescence History in faces. Time and contemporaries So, German! Final control in elementary school Final control: GIA Final control: Unified State Exam To the A grade step by step Classic course Tiny Labyrinth Vocabulary in pictures Linguistic simulator Life Line Literature for educational organizations with Russian (non-native) and native (non-Russian) languages ​​Lomonosov MSU-school Mosaic On edges of the world German language. Preparing for the exam Perspective Polar Star Speech therapist's portfolio Programs Specialized school Five rings We work according to new standards We work according to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education Rainbow Tutor Solving non-standard problems Russian culture Blue bird Coming to school Complicated Unified State Exam topics Second generation standards Literacy levels Fate and creativity Spheres 1-11 Your friend French Your outlook Current control Universum Russian language lessons Success Successful start (Mathematics) Educational cards Encyclopedic dictionaries I live in Russia “English” author. Kuzovlev V.P. et al.

Select UMK line

UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 9th class. Speech development, preparatory class. V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 4th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 3rd grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 2nd class. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 1st class. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkova) Educational and educational complex M. Ya. Pratusevich, 11th class. (depth). UMK I. L. Bim, 2nd class. UMK V. P. Zhuravlev, 11th class. (bas/prof). D. Alexandrov, 10th class. (bas/prof). , 10 grades (depth). Educational complex "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 7th grade. A. Pinsky, 9th grade. (in-depth) Educational and training complex "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 8th grade. (in-depth) Educational and training complex "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 7th class. (In-depth) Educational complex "Life Line". V.V. Pasechnik, 9th grade. E. Vaulina, 5th grade.

(Responsible: Associate Professor Tatyana Ivanovna Pavlova)

Dear Colleagues!

This section in the teacher’s system of work in preparing for the final certification can become a navigator in the multifaceted and variable world of new educational and scientific-methodological literature on current issues for the State Examination and the Unified State Examination.

List of teaching aids developed with the participation of FIPI

Russian language

  1. GIA-2013. Russian language: standard exam options: 12 options / Ed. I.P. Tsybulko. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
  2. GIA-2013. Russian language: standard exam options: 36 options / Ed. I.P. Tsybulko. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
  3. Unified State Exam 2013. Russian language: standard exam options: 10 options / Ed. I.P. Tsybulko. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (Unified State Examination-2013. FIPI-school)
  4. Unified State Exam 2013. Russian language: standard exam options: 30 options / Ed. I.P. Tsybulko. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (Unified State Examination-2013. FIPI-school)
  5. Unified State Exam 2013. Russian language: active training: completing tasks A, B, C / Ed. I.P. Tsybulko. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (Unified State Examination-2013. FIPI-school)
  6. Unified State Exam 2013. Russian language: thematic collection of tasks / Ed. I.P. Tsybulko. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (Unified State Examination-2013. FIPI-school)
  7. Unified State Exam. Russian language. Tasks, recommendations, common mistakes / Ed. I.P. Tsybulko. - M.: Publishing house "National Education", 2012. - (Unified State Exam. FIPI-school)
  8. Unified State Exam-2013: Russian language / FIPI authors-compilers: A.Yu. Biserov - M.: Astrel, 2012.
  9. GIA-2013. Exam in a new form. Russian language. 9th grade / FIPI authors-compilers: L.S. Stepanova - M.: Astrel, 2012.
  10. Unified State Exam. Russian language. Thematic test tasks/FIPI authors: Yu.N. Gosteva, V.V. Lvov - M.: Exam, 2011.
  11. Excellent student in the Unified State Exam. Russian language. Solution complex tasks/ FIPI authors-compilers: Gosteva Yu.N., Zvereva E.N., Kuryatova V.M., Vasiliev I.P., Tsybulko I.P. – M.: Intellect-Center, 2012.


  1. GIA-2013. Literature: standard exam options: 10 options / Ed. E.A. Zinina. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
  2. GIA-2013. Literature: standard exam options: 25 options / Ed. E.A. Zinina. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
  3. Unified State Exam 2013. Literature: standard exam options: 10 options / Ed. S.A. Zinina. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (Unified State Examination-2013. FIPI-school)
  4. Unified State Exam 2013. Literature: standard exam options: 25 options / Ed. S.A. Zinina. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (Unified State Examination-2013. FIPI-school)
  5. Unified State Exam-2013 Literature / FIPI authors-compilers: S.A. Zinin – M.: Astrel, 2012
  6. GIA-2013 Exam in a new form. Literature. 9th grade / FIPI authors-compilers: Fedorov A.V., Novikova L.V. Zinina E.A. - M.: Astrel, 2012
  7. Unified State Exam. Literature. Thematic test tasks/FIPI
  8. Excellent student in the Unified State Exam. Literature. Solving complex problems / FIPI authors-compilers: N.A. Popova, O.B. Maryina - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012.

Foreign languages

  1. Unified State Exam 2013. English language: standard exam options: 10 options / Ed. M.V. Verbitskaya. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - + CD. - (USE-2013. FIPI-school)
  2. Unified State Exam 2013. English language: thematic and standard exam options: 25 options / Ed. M.V. Verbitskaya. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - + CD. - (USE-2013. FIPI-school)
  3. Unified State Exam 2013. English language: active training: completing tasks A, B, C / Ed. M.V. Verbitskaya. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (Unified State Examination-2013. FIPI-school)
  4. Unified State Exam-2013 English + CD/ FIPI author-compiler: M.V. Verbitskaya – M.: Astrel, 2012
  5. GIA-2013 Exam in a new form. English language. 9th grade / FIPI authors-compilers: Trubaneva N.N., Babushis E.E., Spichko N.A. - M.: Astrel, 2012

Publishers' benefits

Rogovik T.N. Russian language. GIA. Educational and reference materials for grade 9. - M.: Education, 2013.

The manual is intended for graduates to practice the basic knowledge and skills necessary for successfully passing the State Examination. It will help to systematize knowledge on the subject, focus on the most important issues of the course submitted for the exam, and also correctly build a strategy and tactics for preparing for the State Examination.

Rybchenkova L.M., Aleksandrova O.M., Lvova S.I. Russian language. Collection of tasks for the state final certification in 9th grade. - M.: Education, 2013.

Pavlova T.I., Gunina L.N. Practice of forming linguistic knowledge in grades 5-8. Essay-reasoning on the final certification in the Russian language in grade 9 (C2): textbook. – Rostov/D: Legion, 2012. – (Master class).

The manual will provide practical assistance to language arts teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, methodologists, and school administrators in the implementation of the activity aspect of the targeted and step-by-step preparation of students in grades 5-8 for the GIA. The materials in the manual will also be useful to schoolchildren both in acquiring practical skills in mastering terminological vocabulary, linguistic theory, and in developing creative individuality when writing an argumentative essay for the exam.

Zagorovskaya O.V., Grigorenko O.V. Russian language. We are preparing for the Unified State Exam. Part B: Syntax. Punctuation. A culture of speech. - M.: Education, 2013.

The practical orientation of the manual is supported by concentrated theoretical information. Each section has a sufficient number training exercises, questions for self-testing, test tasks that help determine the student’s initial level of preparation on a particular topic, the scale of his capabilities and the prospects for mastering the material.

Pavlova T.I., Belousova T.V. Argumentation of one’s own opinion based on the reader’s experience in an essay-reasoning on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language: educational and methodological manual. - Rostov/D: Legion, 2013. – (Master class).

The manual presents material for argumentation for completing task part C on the Unified State Exam. Preparation for essay-reasoning is based on written creative works of students of various genres in the process of studying the school course of the Russian language in grades 10-11. A systematic approach to teaching essay writing is reflected both in the genre specificity of written works and in their thematic unity. The basis for the development of independent thinking and the ability to argue one’s own opinion based on reading experience are literary and critical materials about the work of A.P. Chekhov and his works of art. The manual is intended for language arts teachers, but it will also be useful for high school students in successfully completing an exam task with a detailed answer: writing an argumentative essay based on the text they read.

Bagge M. B., Belova M. G., Sherstobitova I. A. Literature. Unified State Exam. Educational and reference materials. M.: Education, 2013.

The manual is intended for graduates to practice the basic knowledge and skills necessary for successful passing the Unified State Exam on literature. It will help to systematize knowledge on the subject, focus on the most important issues of the course that will be taken for the exam, and also correctly build a strategy and tactics for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Each section of the manual is accompanied by examples of typical tasks in various test forms and different levels of complexity, taking into account the specifics of the main existing curricula by subject.

  • The Catalog will help you navigate through a variety of resources. educational resources Internet network - - where more than 650 Internet resources on education are collected and classified.
  • The Russian educational portal - - provides open access to resources for students, teachers and parents.
  • Portal " Russian education- contains information about Internet resources, links to laws, standards and documents regulating educational activities.
  • Unified collection TsOR http://schoolcollectionedu – a basic component of the ISO project. Here you can find any material on a topic that interests you in various formats - texts and illustrations, sound files and video clips.
  • Regional collection of digital educational resources – digital educational resources developed by teachers of the Perm region.
  • Repository of methodological materials of the Samara Regional Center for Distance Education - - materials for methodological support for teachers primary classes in mathematics, reading, Russian language, the environment, music education, technology, rhetoric, educational standards, author's programs, exemplary lesson plans, guidelines;
  • On the website of the Moscow Center of the Federation of Internet Education - - in the "Primary School" section, author's and work programs on subjects are posted primary school.
  • Electronic versions of the newspaper “Elementary School” of the Publishing House “First of September” are located on the website Here are all the sections of the newspapers “Traditional School”, “Note for the Teacher”, “Zankov System”, “D.B. System”. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova”, “Correctional and developmental education”, “Learning by playing”, etc.
  • On the Open World server in the “World of Knowledge” section, full-text versions of the “Primary School” magazine are posted.
  • The website of the Center for System-Active Pedagogy “School 2000...” of the Academy for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation provides information about the scientific psychological and pedagogical base of the center’s work, course preparation system, teaching aids, etc. The team of authors works under the leadership of the director of the center L.G. Peterson.
  • The materials on the website are dedicated to the educational system “School 2100”.
  • Federal Scientific and Methodological Center named after. L.V. Zankova and the Association of Professionals Promoting the System of Developmental Education L.V. Zankov, located on the website Here you can find regulatory documents, training course programs, lesson materials, advice on specific issues, online tests on raising children, entertaining tasks, an annotated catalog of textbooks on reading, the Russian language, mathematics, labor, music and other subjects. There is a possibility for other items. It is possible to place an order for the purchase of literature.
  • - website of the International Association "Developmental Education" MARO (D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov system) - contains materials on this training system.
  • - the website of the magazine “Obruch” (“Education, child, student”) contains materials on the topics “Continuity of kindergarten and primary school”, “Children and health”, “New programs for children kindergarten and primary school”, “Cognitive development and developmental education”, “Scenarios for holidays and entertainment”, “Information about new books”, “Methodological aids for teachers and teachers”, “Developmental books and textbooks for children”.
  • The popular children's literary and art magazine “Murzilka” also has its own website - The magazine publishes fairy tales, short stories, plays, and poems. Its issues contain competitions, quizzes, homemade products, as well as materials that complement the primary school curriculum, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The Fedorov Publishing House has released new teaching aids.

3rd edition, revised
Methodological recommendations include the course program, weekly thematic planning, explanations, solutions and answers to tasks in the textbook and notebooks, didactic material. This manual is a direct continuation of the manual for the first grade, which examines in detail the fundamental positions of the system and the main approaches to teaching mathematics in the L.V. system. Zankova.
The main part of the manual was written by I.I. Arginskaya - the author of the concept of the “Mathematics” course for elementary school in the L.V. system. Zankova. The material for the notebook assignments was prepared by E.P. Benenson. The co-author of the 2nd grade textbook S.N. took part in the work on the new edition of the manual. Kormishina and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences O.V. Fedoskina.
Format: 143x200 mm
Soft cover
Volume - 144 pages.

A.I. Vorogovskaya. Lesson notes for the textbook by V.A. Lazareva “Literary reading” for 3rd grade. In 2 parts

The publication will help the teacher to better prepare for conducting lessons on literary reading in grade 3, to fully reveal the ideas and intentions of the author of the textbook aimed at educating students. junior schoolchildren love of literature, high moral qualities, formation of theoretical knowledge on the subject. Lesson planning corresponds in detail to the content of the textbook and the course program, designed for 102 hours. In addition to detailed developments of lessons, the book provides methodological recommendations for studying topics, conducting tests and implementation of projects provided in the textbook, Additional materials for the teacher, examples of work completed by students are given.
Format: 143x200 mm
Soft cover
Volume - 224 pp., 160 pp.

Review of new products methodological literature correctional and developmental education

Dundenkova Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher of KGKSKOU SKSHI 5 VIII type.
Description of material: This material is intended for teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, defectologists of correctional schools, correctional preschool institutions.

Correctional and developmental education is education that provides for the timely identification of adaptation problems that arise in children in educational institutions, and the provision of adequate psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with such problems.
There are a large number of magazines about pedagogy, education, and, in particular, about correctional and developmental education. This article examines the most popular magazines in this field, which serve as a huge supply of material, both theoretical and practical content, necessary for work in this field of education.

Journal "Correctional and Developmental Education"
The name of the journal reflects the direction of educational practice, which today is in great demand against the backdrop of a general noticeable decline in indicators of children's well-being and health.
The space of correctional and developmental education should find its place in all parts of the system of general and, possibly also, primary and secondary vocational education. Starting from preschool educational institutions, up to professional lyceums and colleges. There are problem children everywhere. Psychological and pedagogical assistance should be provided everywhere for them to master educational programs.
The magazine is aimed at teachers of mass secondary schools, as well as correctional schools of all types, teachers and students of the pedagogical education system (secondary, higher and postgraduate), who work in sample programs academic disciplines “Correctional pedagogy” and “Correctional and special pedagogy”.
On the pages of this magazine you will meet leading experts in the field of pedagogy, developmental and social psychology, and neuropsychology. Practicing teachers and parents of problem children will share their experience with you. You will learn about the latest advances in the field of prevention, diagnosis and correction of children's adaptation problems at the most important stages of their development and personal growth.

“Correctional pedagogy: theory and practice” Scientific and methodological journal.
A magazine for people interested in solving problems in the field of pediatric and adult defectology. The following issues are addressed on the pages of the journal:
technologies for working with children with developmental disabilities,
features of working with preschoolers,
capabilities of special educational institutions in the correction of development and
education special children,
exchange of experience of the best teachers and defectologists in the country.
Addressed to specialists working in the field of special pedagogy and psychology: speech therapists, teachers, kindergarten methodologists and parents raising a special child. Covers the tasks and prospects for the development of a system of compensatory and correctional-developmental education.

“Defectology” Scientific and methodological journal.
articles by leading experts in the field of correctional pedagogy and special psychology on the study, training and education of different categories of children with developmental disorders of early, preschool and school age;
reviews of new books and teaching aids;
official materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
answers to questions from specialists, parents, students, university teachers, special education organizers.
Addressed to teachers-defectologists, speech therapists, psychologists.

“Education and training of children with developmental disorders” Scientific, methodological and practical journal.
The magazine covers issues related to the education and upbringing of children
with mental retardation,
with intellectual disabilities,
blind and visually impaired, deaf and hard of hearing,
With speech disorders,
musculoskeletal system,
early childhood autism, etc.
The magazine has a color insert with materials for diagnosing child development.
Addressed to teachers, speech therapists, speech pathologists,

“Speech therapy today” Scientific and methodological journal.
Articles presented:
about current issues in the theory and practice of speech therapy
about the problems of correctional work with children suffering from RDA;
O modern approaches correction of delayed speech development;
on the introduction of a person-oriented approach to speech therapy;
about foreign experience in the field of speech therapy.

“School speech therapist” Scientific and methodological journal.
The magazine covers the following issues:
preparing children for school,
diagnostics and prevention of violations oral speech, writing and reading.
It also introduces methods of teaching children with speech disorders.
The publication is addressed to school speech therapists, teachers, and parents.

"Speech therapist in kindergarten» Scientific and methodological journal.
The magazine covers effective technologies for identifying and correcting speech disorders in preschoolers.
Presented here:
notes on speech therapy sessions with children,
various exercises for speech development,
didactic games,
methods of speech development of children.
For speech therapists and speech pathologists.

“Special Psychology” Scientific and methodological journal.
The journal publishes articles on the problems of studying children with developmental disorders.
The following sections are presented here:
Actual problems special psychology.
Technologies of psychocorrectional work, etc.

“Practical psychologist and speech therapist in schools and preschool educational institutions” Scientific and methodological journal.
The magazine covers:
current issues of correctional pedagogy, psychology and speech therapy,
implementation of an interdisciplinary approach in organizing psychological and pedagogical assistance.
Has a practical orientation. Publishes the most effective techniques.
Headings presented:
Child development in normal and pathological conditions,
Problems of personality development,
Methodical piggy bank, etc.
For speech pathologists, speech therapists, students and university teachers.

Almanac of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education
ALMANAC IKP - online publication about correctional pedagogy and special psychology: scientific and methodological journal. This publication is methodological and informational support for specialists, parents and public organizations.

Magazine "The Seventh Petal"
The magazine addresses various issues that concern parents of special children: protection of rights, medical, psychological advice to parents, resources for children and parents, and much more.

Journal "Autism and Developmental Disorders"
The subject of the magazine is childhood autism, developmental disorders of children.
Main headings:
methodological manuals
from parental and teaching experience
organization of assistance to children with developmental disorders
creativity of special children

Magazine "Take a Step"
Designed for families raising children with Down syndrome.
Regular columns:
From the administration
Teacher's view
Doctor's advice
Parents' Tribune
The world around us
Stories and conversations
News. events, plans
Our photo gallery

Journal "Down Syndrome XXI Century"
Interdisciplinary scientific and practical journal of the Charitable Foundation "Downside Up" about modern scientific research, highlights the world experience of social rehabilitation and integration into society of people with Down syndrome, publishes materials reflecting the stages of formation and prospects for the development of the system of social services and psychological and pedagogical assistance to people with Down syndrome in our country. The magazine covers in detail the content of important events taking place in the world in the field of Down syndrome, and publishes information useful for establishing new professional contacts.

Magazine "Life with cerebral palsy. Problems and solutions"
The magazine "Life with Cerebral Palsy. Problems and Solutions" is the only print media in Russia and the CIS that provides close contact and feedback with people involved in the field of cerebral palsy: families raising children with cerebral palsy, practicing doctors, teachers and social workers, public foundations assistance to disabled people and children with cerebral palsy, organizers and managers of specialized medical and rehabilitation institutions.
The main objectives of the journal:
Provide qualified information support to families raising children with cerebral palsy, as well as adults with cerebral palsy, tell them authoritatively and clearly about the disease, diagnosis, rehabilitation treatment, prevention, socio-psychological adaptation, specialized institutions where they can receive help. To provide an information space for public discussion of the most pressing and pressing issues for specialists and all people professionally dealing with this issue: practicing doctors and social workers, public funds for helping disabled people and children with cerebral palsy, organizers and managers of specialized medical and rehabilitation institutions. Become a means of marketing communications for the specialized business community.

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