Mini-essay “How I spent my summer” (5 options). How I spent my summer holidays Message how I spent it

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Perhaps summer is the most favorite time of the year for schoolchildren, because it’s time for the holidays. We study for nine months so that in the summer we can enjoy beautiful weather and a break from classes. This summer has become special for me.

In June I went to my grandmother’s dacha. My grandmother is at the dacha almost all year round. It’s easy to get there even in winter, and she doesn’t miss this chance. Probably, like most grandmothers, she loves to plant a variety of plants and grow flowers. I went to see my grandmother with my brother, so I wasn’t bored. Fortunately, the weather was sunny and not rainy at all throughout June. In the morning we rode our bikes to the grocery store. Granny delighted us with various delicious breakfasts: she would bake pancakes or pancakes, then buns or croissants with ham and cheese, sometimes just scrambled eggs, but incredibly tasty, with tomatoes and fresh herbs. In general, in one month at the dacha, my brother and I gained two kilograms each. During the day we went to the river to sunbathe and swim, and in the evening we sat down with grandma to watch the news and some movie on TV. I loved sitting on the porch with my brother at sunset with a cup of strawberry tea and talking. These moments of unity with family and nature mean a lot to me.

In July, our parents decided to surprise us and told us that we were going on a trip to Italy! We couldn't believe our ears! The vacation was planned for two weeks; mom and dad rented a house on the seashore. We went on many excursions and swam in the sea. To be honest, everything that the guide said was difficult for my brother and me to understand, so our parents simply briefly explained to us what was in front of us and why it was a landmark. We were told about the Arch of Constantine, the Borghese Gallery, the Vatican Museum complex and many other historical places. We took a lot of photographs, and when we arrived home, my mother arranged them in a separate beautiful album. Before leaving home, the whole family wandered around the shops looking for gifts for family and friends. This trip was very memorable for me, because it was my first vacation abroad!

I spent the whole of August in the city. Since most of my friends and classmates, even if they went somewhere on vacation, returned home in August, so we spent time together. Many films premiered this summer, so I managed to go to the cinema four times in a month. Every weekend the park held all sorts of events for children and adults, my parents and I enjoyed it. There are many interactive platforms and various master classes are held for both adults and children. My friend Dima and I also went to an amusement park on August 12th. I will never forget this day! It was very fun and scary at the same time. At the end of August I was preparing for school: I bought textbooks, clothes and school supplies.

This summer has been very busy for me. I hardly sat at home and barely found time for the works that we were assigned to read over the holidays. I am grateful to my parents and friends, because without them my holidays would not have been so wonderful.

Even more essays on the topic: “How I spent my summer”:

The difficult school year has finally ended and the long-awaited summer holidays have begun. The hot, long summer days have arrived. We spent time in the courtyards until late in the evening. We played football with the guys from neighboring yards, I was a goalkeeper, and I was very good at it.

My parents and I went on picnics to the shore of an unusually beautiful lake. It was a very pleasant time there. They swam in clear water, fried meat and vegetables, and played badminton. This summer I learned to swim. I decided to sign up for the pool.

My father and I went fishing early in the morning. I really enjoyed spending time near the river. The beauty and silence of nature is mesmerizing. We cooked delicious fish soup from the caught fish.

For a month I went to a children's camp on the Black Sea coast. There I met many boys and girls, we exchanged addresses and phone numbers, we will keep in touch and be friends.
In the morning, after breakfast, we went to the beach, sunbathed, swam in the water and collected beautiful shells on the shore. I brought them home and arranged them beautifully on a shelf as a memory of the camp.

After lunch I went to clubs. We burned various drawings onto the board. Wonderful crafts were made from cardboard and paper. They painted with paints on glass. They made toys and clay plates. I brought these crafts as souvenirs to my family and friends. They were very pleased.
In the evening we spent time around the fire, sang, danced, and played a variety of exciting games. It was a pity to part with new friends.

At the end of summer I had a birthday, my parents gave me and my friends a wonderful holiday. In the cafe on the summer terrace, tables were set for us with very tasty dishes. Everything was decorated with balloons, and various interesting competitions were held. It was a lot of fun.
It was a good holiday, I'm looking forward to the next one.


My summer holidays this year turned out to be interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events. Which one should I start with?

At the beginning of summer, my classmates and I went to a summer labor camp. I had to work a lot: weed the field from weeds, plant seedlings, remove dead wood from the forest. But the main thing for me was time free from work. We played a lot sport games, competed in various types sports, held various competitions. I liked coming up with and organizing competitive programs - I was good at it, and the guys began to ask me to do it. The evenings usually ended with discos, which everyone also liked. We became friends with each other, got to know each other better than at school.

When I returned home after the camp, my parents started their vacation, and we went on vacation to Crimea, to Feodosia. Rocky beaches, wonderfully gentle sea, numerous excursions - I really liked all this. Mom and Dad allowed me to scuba dive. And I got the opportunity to study life on the seabed. We also visited a water park, rode a catamaran, took boat trips, and rode horses. A holiday at sea brought an unforgettable experience!

Upon returning from Crimea, I went to visit my grandparents. This is not the first time I come to them in the summer, and I have many friends in the village. We swam and fished all day long, and in the evenings we gathered in large, cheerful groups. Now that everyone has gone home, friends call, write messages and arrange new meetings.

Summer holidays, although the longest in duration, fly by surprisingly quickly. Now the school year has just begun, but I’m already looking forward to new holidays, new experiences, new friends, travel, classes.


The last bell of this school year rang. The grades were posted in the diaries, and summer greeted me with the onset of the holidays. I spent the first month of summer in the city with friends. We played in the yard from morning to evening, and only bad weather gathered at someone's house to play on the computer or any other games available at home.

Then I went on vacation to a children's camp. I very quickly made friends with the guys from my squad. We also quickly became friends with the counselors; they came up with different tasks and entertainment for us. Interesting events took place every day at the camp: war game"Zarnitsa", manager's day, Neptune's day, as well as many, many concerts and competitions. I arrived from the camp feeling rested and even slightly fatter.

After resting in the camp, I went to the village to visit my grandmother, where my cousin was already waiting for me. How long have I dreamed of this meeting! My brother and I best friends, but since we live in different cities, then we can see each other only during the holidays.

Of all the summer activities, I liked staying with my grandmother the most. Every day we came up with new games and entertainment. We played baseball own rules, using homemade bats and a tennis ball, they built huts, played war, in the forest, and even managed to make a real raft that could float on the local lake, calmly supporting the weight of me and my brother.

After all the summer adventures, it was nice to be home again. A few days were just enough to transition to a quiet city life. And then the first of September crept up unnoticed, as always, and here I am again at school.


Summer holidays always bring pleasant experiences. Lessons, school bells and breaks are left behind, and ahead is the expectation of something good.

My sister and I take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radishes grow in our green bed. We are happy to water and weed our green bed. And it’s very pleasant to hear the following words from my mother at dinner: “What an amazingly delicious salad your vegetables turned out to be!” How smart you are, my girls!”

In the summer there is enough time: you can go for a walk with your girlfriends, go on a visit, and play different games. But most of all I was looking forward to a trip to the sea with my parents. I finally learned to swim this summer and I'm very happy about it.

I really like the sea. It is so deep and wide, and so mysterious that sometimes it even frightens with its unpredictability. The sea can be both close and distant, warm and cool. How nice it is to plunge into fresh, cool water on a hot summer day! And swim, dive, splash!

Upon arriving home, I laid out sea shells on the table and, putting them to my ear, I could hear the sound of the surf. You can even feel the power of the sea wave that flies and, hitting the stone, throws a lot of bright salty splashes into my face.

The summer flew by quickly, but that’s not bad, because I saw my classmates and shared my summer impressions with all my friends and girlfriends.

I think that next summer I will say with complete confidence: “Hello! Come and we will relax and have fun together! After all, we deserve it!”

Children's stories about “How I spent my summer”

Yakovleva Yana, group "Joy"
-This summer I vacationed in the village with my brother. Our old grandfather lives there. There are a lot of different animals in the village. I helped my grandfather pick berries. I also really liked swimming on the Volga. It was a lot of fun.

Filatov Kirill, group "Joy"
-This summer I went to North Caucasus. I was in the city of Stavropol visiting relatives. Stavropol is a very beautiful city. I lived in a big house. Swimmed in the large pool and sunbathed. And then I went by car to the mountains of Dombay. They are very beautiful and big. We stopped at the Teberda Nature Reserve, which is 30 years old. I saw live bears, bison, wild boars. I liked it all very much.

Egorova Sasha, group "Joy"
-Summer flew by quickly. I often went to playgrounds with my grandmother. I like to swing on swings and merry-go-rounds, go down slides and climb on gym equipment. Three times I went with adults to the grove, where I picked flowers. I was visiting. I went with my grandmother and grandfather to their garden. She was sunbathing there. I went to the Volga with my dad. There I sunbathed and ate kebabs. Good in summer!
Now I go to kindergarten. The group is fun. The teachers and assistant are the same - Irina Aleksandrovna, Vera Valentinovna and Tatyana Platonovna.

Rymakov Sasha, group "Joy"
-Every summer, my family and I try to go to the village to visit my great-grandmother, usually for a week, but this time my brother and I persuaded my mother to stay for another week.
The most interesting and favorite pastime that my brother Egor and I have is fishing. If we catch grasshoppers, we go to the river, and when we dig up worms, we catch crucian carp on the lake.
But one day Egor and I overslept while fishing. Since the fish bite early in the morning, grandma did not wake us up, felt sorry for her and left without us. And when we woke up, one large carp was already fried in a frying pan, its tail sticking out over the edges of the frying pan. On the one hand, we were offended, but on the other, we were proud of our grandmother, because no one had caught fish on a river of this size for a long time.
And our neighbor Uncle Andrey tied us a net each and we ran along the street and tried to catch butterflies. The older kids did better than me. We put butterflies in glass jars and admired them, and then released them into the wild.
This is how I spent my time with my grandmother in the village. I was sad to part with the village children, and most of all with my great-grandmother.

Zemlyanskaya Anya, group "Joy"
-In the summer, my mother, father and I went to the village to visit my grandparents. They were very happy to see us. My grandfather and I went fishing and caught several fish. At home, I washed the fish under the tap, because it was very slippery, and gave it to the cat Puska. I love her so much.
I also have a favorite dog, Tobik. He always whines and waits for me when I treat him with bones or sausage.
My grandmother loves to take care of her chickens, there are a lot of them. When I gave them grain, they ran to me and started pecking. I was very afraid, so I gave the grass through the net.
We also went to the dacha, through the village. Our grandmother Lyuba lives there and she has a bull. He walks tied on a rope, and I brought crackers and water for him.

Mom's story about how Andryusha Karpov spent the summer
group "Joy"

This summer Andryusha went to the dacha in Pushchino.
The weather was hot. The whole family went to the Volga through a pine forest. Our nature there is very beautiful. We have herons there. Andryusha watched their nests. Herons sat in nests on the tops of pine trees. The birds were very large and screamed loudly.
On the banks of the Volga, Andryusha saw a live crayfish and watched a sailing ship. Sunbathed, swam in the Volga, collected shells and stones, built a fortress out of sand. When we returned from a walk, we saw a hedgehog near the house and fed it milk.
Andryusha also went to the village of Elbarusovo. I saw domestic animals there: cows, piglets, geese, chickens. He helped his grandfather with his work: he carried buckets of water and picked berries. He really liked the village.
We recently bought Andryusha a turtle. He was very happy and called her Pasha. He looked after her, fed her, walked with her on the street.
Andryusha loves to play chess, checkers, and dominoes. He loves when people read to him. Over the summer he listened to “The Wizard of the Emerald City” and “Dunno on the Moon”. He liked them.
Favorite place in the city is Cathedral Square. In the summer he often walked there, rode on swings, ATVs, and inflatable trampolines.
He also likes to walk on the Walk of Fame, where there are tanks and cannons.
In the summer I visited exhibitions at the art museum, saw monkeys, parrots, butterflies, and snakes.
He liked visiting the circus: bears riding bicycles, monkeys, dogs, clowns.
Andryusha has a lot musical instruments: button accordion, harmonica, drum, piano, guitar, pipe. In the evenings he likes to sing karaoke, play instruments and dance.
He went to the Atal cinema and watched children’s cartoons “Panda Kung Fu” and “Cars”.
Andryusha also loves to walk in the Elnikovskaya Grove, plays football in the meadow there, rides ponies and cars.
He has many school friends in his yard. They ride bicycles and scooters together and play different games.

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Hooray! Another school year has ended, which means that the long-awaited summer awaits me. What is summer? Of course, the longest vacations, which last for three whole months. I will tell you how I spent these holidays in my essay.

Composition "How I spent summer"

Summer holidays always bring pleasant experiences. Lessons, school bells and breaks are left behind, and ahead is the expectation of something good.

My sister and I take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radishes grow in our green bed. We are happy to water and weed our green bed. And it’s very pleasant to hear the following words from my mother at dinner: “What a delicious salad your vegetables turned out to be!” How smart you are, my girls!”

An essay about "How I spent summer"

This summer it was interesting. The first month of vacation was very similar to previous summer vacations, since I stayed in the city. However, the next two summer months turned out to be incredibly interesting for me - I spent them in the village with my aunt. It is with these days spent outside the city that the most striking events and indelible impressions of my summer are associated with me.

Composition "How I spent my summer holidays"

In my opinion, summer is the most wonderful time of the year, because it is very warm, everything is beautiful around, and we have an excellent opportunity to relax. Summer is also a time of holidays and holidays. We can go anywhere, have a wonderful time by a pond, in the shade of emerald greenery, splash in warm water. Or you can go to the mountains, ride a bike or play all kinds of games.

Essay on the topic “Summer at sea”

I just love summer! Summer is always a lot of fun, because you can walk with friends in the yard almost all the time, ride on swings, high slides, and also eat ice cream and drink cold lemonade. In the summer, parents always take their children somewhere on vacation, some go to the villages to visit their grandmothers, others to the sea.

I don’t have grandparents who live in the village, so I spend most of the summer in my city, and then go to the sea for two weeks.

Mini-essay for grades 3, 4, 5 - How I spent summer

2nd grade I love summer for its beauty and warmth. In summer everything is so beautiful: beautiful flowers, colorful butterflies, amazing insects. I spent this summer fun and interesting. At the beginning of summer I went to Bashkiria. I swam in the lake and took part in Sabantui games. The visit to the Bird Park was very memorable. There I saw different birds and animals, rode in a carriage, walked along a suspension bridge. I'm looking forward to next summer!

4th grade Summer- an amazing time. I was looking forward to the holidays with great impatience, and now they have finally arrived.

In the first week of the holidays, I and the guys from art school I went to the open air. We depicted flowers, trees, grass, and much more there. After the open air I went to the village several times. We went there as a family to help our grandparents. Sometimes I stayed in the village overnight. And when I returned home, I visited my girlfriends and went for walks with them.

And then the sultry beach time began. My sister and I went to the beach almost every day, where we swam and sunbathed. Alas... Summer flew by very quickly! And it's time to go to school again.

3rd grade Summer is my favorite time of year. I go to school, in third grade, and I have the longest holidays in the summer. I know that every season has its merits. In winter I like to decorate the Christmas tree, make a snow angel and visit people for Christmas. It often rains and I can walk in my favorite rubber boots. And in the fall we celebrate fun party Halloween – I love dressing up in spooky costumes. Spring is also good: many flowers, young leaves on the trees and my birthday. But still in the summer interesting activities most. It’s not for nothing that they say that summer is a time of happiness and fun.

Did not you find what you were looking for? here's another

Summer is coming and I’m looking forward to it. It’s my favorite season, of course, because the weather is great and you don’t have to go to school. After a long and difficult school year you get really tired of studies, so I’m going to enjoy my summer holidays and have a lot of fun. I hope they will be as exciting as my last summer holidays were. I already have a lot of plans for them.

I would like to spend the first summer month in the country, at my grandparents’. My friends and cousins ​​will be waiting for me there. I miss them so much. We shall go fishing, sunbathing, swimming, horse-riding and playing football. And I’m going to help my grandparents about the garden. So I will be outdoors all the time.

I can’t wait for July because our family will travel to the seaside. We shall stay in a rented house for 2 weeks. I really enjoy the clean air and the beautiful scenery with beaches and mountains near the warm sea. I am going to swim and dive a lot. And I want to try the national cuisine, rich in fruit, vegetables and fish.

As for August, I would like to stay in the city and spend the time with my friends walking around, going to the cinema and cafes, playing computer games. My dream is to sleep as much as I like and to do what I like. I will ride my bike, go skateboarding or roller-skating in the park.

I hope that the summer of 2016 will be the best summer in my life and I will start my new school year happy, suntanned and refreshed!


Summer is approaching and I'm looking forward to it. This is my favorite time of year, of course, because the weather is wonderful and I don't have to go to school. After a long and difficult school year You get very tired from studying, so I'm going to really enjoy the summer holidays and have a lot of fun. I hope they will be as exciting as my last holidays. I already have a lot of plans for them.

I would like to spend my first summer month in the village, with my grandparents. My friends and cousins they will be waiting for me there. I really miss them. We will go fishing, sunbathe, swim, ride horses and play football. And I'm going to help my grandparents work in the garden. Therefore, I will be outdoors all the time.

I can’t wait for July either, because my family is going on vacation to the sea. We will be living in a rented house for two weeks. I really like the clean air and beautiful landscapes with beaches and mountains near the warm sea. I will swim and dive a lot. And I also want to try the national cuisine, rich in fruits, vegetables and fish.

As for August, I would like to stay in the city and spend time with my friends, walking the streets, visiting cinemas and cafes, playing computer games. I dream of sleeping as much as I want and doing whatever I want. I will ride a bike, skateboard or rollerblade in the park.

I hope that the summer of 2016 will be the best summer of my life, and that I will start the new school year happy, tanned and rested!

All schoolchildren love summer holidays: both those who do not really like school, and even excellent students. This is due to the fact that although you can learn a lot of new things while studying, you can still get much more pleasure by spending time simply relaxing. That’s why children always look forward to the weekend, the red days of the calendar. Moreover, they are looking forward to the summer holidays - they are much longer than any weekend.

For me, holidays are...

For me, summer holidays are more than just a time to take a break from school. I love this time of year because that’s when the most interesting events happen. This is not strange, because we spend all our free time with family and close friends.

What do you remember?

What I remember most about these holidays was the trip to the sea. We live far from the sea, so I was looking forward to finally seeing a place where the sky seemed to fall to the ground.

I really enjoyed playing in the sand and swimming. But most of all I remember the day when we had to leave. Then, although we felt a certain sadness from parting with the sea, the feeling of joy that we were returning home was much stronger.

Essay No. 2

I was looking forward to the end of the school year, and now the long-awaited summer has arrived. Our family had many plans in mind, and the summer holidays promised to be eventful and varied. I spent the month of June in the city. My friends and I visited several museums, went to a wax exhibition, and visited the circus. I especially liked our trips to the shooting range, I went there many times, and even won a prize, a large soft toy.

Then I was sent to the village, to my grandparents. There was no dull moment in the village either. My grandfather and I went fishing, and he taught me how to catch perch. My grandfather is an avid fisherman, he told me many fishing stories. I also helped weed the beds, water the garden and vegetable garden. We went swimming in the river with the village kids, and I learned how to dive from a springboard. It was fun and cool.

Well, our most important vacation this summer was on Lake Baikal. My parents and I went to Baikal in August, because only by this time the water in the lake begins to warm up. The weather was wonderful, we rode around the lake on catamarans and boats. We also went on an excursion to the mountains and went to hot springs.

I liked Baikal the most. Our holiday home was located in the most beautiful place, almost on the very shore of the lake. There are huge cedar trees growing everywhere, with squirrels running around all the time. Squirrels are not at all afraid of people; they take nuts directly from their hands. Also on the territory of the holiday home lived a tame deer, Romka, he was very small and funny.

Many kids my age vacationed on Lake Baikal, and now I have a huge number of friends all over the country. When the time came to return home, it was very sad to part with new friends and the lake. To remember our vacation, I collected a lot of colorful pebbles and shells on the shore of Lake Baikal. There were also a lot of photographs to remember our wonderful trip. We rode home by train, and for a long time we passed near Lake Baikal, such a huge lake.

I had a great summer vacation, learned a lot and learned a lot. I saw the extraordinary beauty of the nature of the famous lake, met different people. It's a pity that summer flew by so quickly. But I still have a lot of impressions and photographs, which I, of course, will share with my classmates. Honestly, I missed my friends so much!

Yes, whatever you say, summer is the best time of the year, and I will remember these summer holidays for the rest of my life.

I had a great summer, had a good rest, and received a huge boost of energy for the entire school year.

I, like most people on the planet, think that summer is the best time of the year. The weather and nature in summer are conducive to relaxation and active sports. But, most importantly, in the summer there are holidays for all students, which last for three whole months. During this time you can swim, fish, walk, ride a bike, or play football. It is difficult to list all the things that can be done in the summer.

I spend my summer holidays with my grandparents in the village. Many people consider such a vacation boring. I don't agree with their opinion. The village has many of the most interesting and exciting activities that are not available in the city.

Near the village where I spend the summer there is a beautiful lake with clear water. The sandy shores of the lake are clean and there is always enough free space to relax. When the heat of the day subsides, all the guys go to the lake. Here you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also boating and fishing. Local residents made a sports ground for playing volleyball. I am happy to take part in beach volleyball competitions.

In the evening we often make fires on the shore of the lake and bake potatoes or fry sausages. Everything seems so delicious in the fresh air! Then the older guys go to the club for a disco. The younger ones arrange games of “Catch-Up” or “Cossack Robbers”. Our parents also played these games. The most important thing is that the thought of playing on the phone or chatting on social networks does not even arise. Live communication replaces the desire to constantly surf the Internet. My friends who spend their summer holidays in the city don’t understand why I appear so rarely on social networks. It is difficult for them to imagine that they can do anything else other than sit on the computer.

In addition to relaxing, I help my family in the garden. In the evening I have to water the beds. It's actually a lot of fun. You can douse yourself with water. This is especially nice when the weather is hot outside.

Fresh air, natural products and constant movement are the main advantages of living in the village.

I believe that my summer holidays only bring benefits to my body and provide an excellent opportunity to have a good rest so that I can begin my studies in the next school year with renewed vigor.

Option 4

What a wonderful way to relax on summer days! Summer is the warmest and greenest time of the year. Everything around is enjoying the warmth after the cold winter. There are many opportunities to be outdoors during this time. Go with friends to the river, sunbathe on the beach, swim and ride a boat. Go on an excursion. Play sports on the playground, your favorite activities. There is no need to wake up early and run to school.

Help mom plant pumpkin, zucchini, dill, and parsley at the dacha. Collect different varieties of currants: with white, red, black berries. Pick up unnecessary grass, water the plants, eat cucumber and tomato salads. You can cook kebabs and fry sausages over a fire. Start collecting butterflies, rare plants, and just walking along forest paths. Play football with the guys, go to camp and find new friends. Sign up for clubs and learn something new. Sing songs around the fire, participate in various contests and competitions.

I love the summer months! There is no need to rush or be nervous about a bad grade or unfinished homework. Calmly pick flowers in the meadow, go to visit the village, play computer games, read books, ride a bicycle, moped, skateboard, roller skates, run kite. Go to a cafe with the guys and eat delicious ice cream and drink cold fruit juice.

On weekends, sometimes my parents and I go to entertainment centers, and I win prizes. We love to wander through the forest and pick mushrooms: porcini, boletus, russula, chanterelles. Listen to the nightingale sing as the cuckoo crows. We saw a hedgehog, a squirrel, and a woodpecker knocking its beak on a tree trunk. Sometimes the boys and I go into the forest. We build a hut, play pirates, hide and seek, football.

The moon comes to the city center - a park and a zoo. We go and spin on different attractions, win prizes, buy unusual, tasty things. We look at animals at the zoo, study what they eat and where they live.

Summer is a small life. Everything is fine, calm. Gives us a wealth of vegetables and fruits. Lots of vitamins and a variety of colors and tastes. Every moment of summer is an unforgettable delight of feelings and sensations.

5th grade, 3rd grade, 4th, 2nd, 6th grades.

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