Basic words on the topic “Nature” in English. Let's talk about nature in English? Weather and natural phenomena

Considering various topics in English, we note that descriptions of nature are rare. In one form or another, a description of nature in English will be useful to students of all grades.

But if in elementary school a child is required to describe the weather in a nutshell, then in high school they are required to write a detailed description. We will consider both options.

  • Text for the little ones

The description of nature in elementary school is reduced to a story about the weather and seasons and does not require deep knowledge of vocabulary. For example:

“It is summer now. The weather is hot and sunny. The trees are green and the sky is blue. I like summer very much"- "It is summer now. The weather is hot and sunny. The trees are green and the sky is blue. I like summer very much".

As can be seen from this mini-description, vocabulary on the topics “seasons”, “weather”, “colors” was used here. Naturally, such a text is no longer suitable for a student in grade 5 and above.

  • A sad time, the charm of the eyes, or How to write a beautiful description of nature?

If you need a beautiful and “catchy” description of nature in English, you will have to arm yourself with a dictionary of adjectives and use your imagination. You can try to describe an abstract place in equally abstract terms, but this is not as easy as it might seem. It is much more convenient to use the description method, namely, take a beautiful picture and describe what is depicted on it. For example, almost any picture depicting autumn can be accompanied by the following text:

“What is nature? It’s a mystery, it’s a tale, it’s magic as it is. And I think autumn is one of the greatest examples of nature magic. If you look at these trees, covered with multicolor leaves – red, orange and still green here and there, you will surely agree with me. The leaves are still on the trees but in a few days the fall will begin and all the pavements will be covered with a reddish carpet made of leaves. They seem extremely bright because of the sky. In autumn it turns gray or sometimes deep blue. This background makes the leaves look bright and fresh. Looking at all the beauty we can forget about cold, wind and rain. They say, there’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes. So even rain in autumn is a good and magic thing if it is treated as a part of the nature” – “What is nature? This is a mystery, a mystery, a miracle in every sense. And it seems to me that autumn is one of the most striking examples of the magic of nature. If you look at the trees covered with multi-colored leaves - red, orange, sometimes even green, you will definitely agree with me. The trees are still covered with leaves, but in a few days all the sidewalks will be covered with a brown carpet of leaves. They appear especially bright because the sky alternates between gray and bright blue. Against this background, the leaves look especially bright and festive. Looking at all this beauty, you can forget about the wind, rain and cold. But, as they say, nature has no bad weather. Even autumn rain is something magical if you perceive it as part of nature.”

This text mainly focuses on describing the nature and attributes of autumn using a large number of adjectives. There is also some degree of hyperbolization, that is, exaggeration. The most important thing in texts of this kind is the opportunity to make a minimum of grammatical errors and use maximum vocabulary. We even used the proverb “There’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes”- "There is no bad weather". That is why this description of nature in English can be used by middle and high school students.

Nature - nature

Tree (trees) - tree (trees)

Tree branches - tree branches

Leaves - tree leaves

Flower - flower

Stalk - stem

Grass - grass

Lawn- lawn

Bushes - bushes

River - river

Riverbank - river bank

Lake - lake

Pond - pond

Water basins - bodies of water

Waterfall - waterfall

Sea - sea

Ocean - ocean

Shore - shore

Coast - coast

Stones - stones

Pebble - pebble

Sand - sand

Desert - desert

Waves/tides - waves

Sky - sky

Clouds - clouds

Overcast - clouds

Thunder - thunder

Thunderstorm - thunderstorm

Lightning - lightning

Fog - fog

Wind - wind

Sun - sun

Moon - moon

Field - field

Forest / wood - forest

Valleys - valleys

Mountains - mountains

Rocks - rocks

Hills - hills

Meadow - meadow

Berries - berries

Herbs - herbs

Mushrooms - mushrooms

Birds - birds

Animals - animals

Weather - weather

Climate - climate

Seasons - seasons

Summer - summer

Winter - weather

Spring - spring

Autumn/fall - autumn

Natural disasters - natural disasters

Hurricane - hurricane

Tornado - tornado

Typhoon - typhoon

Earthquake - earthquake

Volcano - volcano

Volcano eruption - volcanic eruption

Tidal wave (tsunamin) - tidal wave (tsunami)

Flood - flood

Drought - drought


- What a wonderful weather!

Yes, really great! Look at these beautiful trees and flowers

I want to go to the sea

Such a good idea

Let me think. May be Spain?

Yes, sounds good

Such a great weather!

Yes, wonderful! Look at these beautiful trees and flowers

I want to go to the sea

What a great idea

Let me think. Maybe Spain?

Yes fine

- Let's go to the forest

I don't know

Come on! We'll pick up berries and mushrooms

I want to stay at home

Don`t be silly.


Let's go to the forest

I don't know

Let's! We will collect berries and mushrooms

I want to stay at home

Don't be stupid


- What are you thinking about?

I`m dreaming about sun, sea and hot weather

When are going on holiday?

In two weeks

But you can enjoy the great weather now

Yes. You're right. Let's go out

What are you thinking about?

I dream of sun, sea and hot weather

When will you go on vacation?

In two weeks

But you can enjoy the great weather now

Yes you are right. Let's go for a walk

Weather, natural phenomena, flora and fauna. Learn to talk about the nature of your native places or the beauties of distant countries and you will become an interesting conversationalist!

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Weather and natural phenomena

Breeze light wind, breeze Climate climate
Cloud cloud Dew dew
Drizzle light rain Earthquake earthquake
Flood flood Fog, mist fog
Frost freezing Hail hail
Heat heat Hoarfrost, Rome frost
Humidity humidity Hurricane Hurricane
Icicle icicle Indian summer Indian summer
Lightning lightning Pressure pressure
Puddle puddle Rain rain
Rainbow rainbow Raindrop rain drop
Rainfall precipitation Rainstorm rainstorm
Shower shower Sleet slush
Snow snow Snowfall snowfall
Snowflake snowflake Storm storm, thunderstorm, gale
Sun Sun Sunshine sunlight
Temperature temperature Thaw thaw
Thunder thunder Thunderstorm storm
Tornado tornado Tsunami tsunami
Weather weather Wind wind

Weather epithets

Bright bright, light Chilly cold, cool
Clear clear, cloudless Cloudless cloudless
Cloudy cloudy Cold cold
Damp damp, damp Drizzly drizzling
Dry dry Dull cloudy, gloomy
Foggy fog Freezing freezing
Hot hot Humid wet
Mild soft, moderate Misty fog
Rainy rainy Scorching scorching, sultry
Showery rainy, torrential Snowy snow
Stormy stormy Stuffy suffocating, stuffy
Sunny solar Warm warm
Wet wet, damp Windy windy
To blossom blossom To snow go (about snow)
To freeze freeze, freeze To hail go (about hail)
To melt melt To pour pour (about rain)
To rain go (about rain) To shine shine, shine


Beach beach Boulder boulder
Cape cape Cliff rock
Coast coast Desert desert
Dirt, mud dirt Dust dust
Field field Glacier glacier
Grassland meadow, pasture Ground ground (hard surface)
Hill Hill Island island
Land land; a country Massif massif (mountain, forest)
Mountain mountain Peak peak, top
Peninsula peninsula Prairie prairie
Ridge mountain range, ridge Rock, stone stone
Sand sand Shore shore
Silt silt Soil the soil
Terrain terrain, relief Valley valley
Volcano volcano

Water bodies

Flora and fauna

Animal animal Beast beast
Bird bird Branch branch
Bush bush Conifer conifer tree
Evergreen evergreen Flower flower
Foliage foliage Forest forest
Gossamer autumn web Grass grass
Insect insect Lair lair, lair
Leaf sheet Log log
Mammal mammal Meadow meadow
Mushroom mushroom Nest nest
Organism organism Predator predator
Root root Seed seed
Tree tree Vine vine
Wildlife wild nature

Atmosphere and space

And here’s how one of the teachers from named Adam talks about natural phenomena (English speech; English subtitles available):

Or maybe you know something else interesting on the topic of nature in English? Then share your knowledge in the comments!

Let's continue learning English and today we are waiting for the topic “Nature. Nature". People who live in the city have long been unaccustomed to such luxuries as green grass, shady alleys, and fragrant flowers. By the way, I took this photo in, which are located behind a high brick wall, away from people. A vacation spot for those who appreciate beauty.

English words for beginners on the topic “Nature”:

English words for beginners on the topic “Nature”

I. Nouns:

1. the sun – sun
2. sunset - sunset
3. sunrise - dawn
4. the stars - stars
5. the moon - moon
6. the sky (in the sky) – sky (in the sky)
7. cloud - cloud
8. ground (on the ground) – earth (on the ground)
9. road (along the road) - road (along the road)
10. river – river
11. bank - shore
12. lake – lake
13. sea – sea
14. beach - beach
15. seaside (at the seaside) – coast (on the coast)
16. ocean – ocean
17. water – water
18. air - air
19. wind – wind
20. hill – hill
21. mountain – mountain
22. stone – stone
23. field – field
24. grass - grass
25. flower – flower
26. forest – forest
27. garden - garden
28. tree – tree
29. plant
30. leaf – leaves – leaf (leaves)

II. Adjectives:

1. bright (brightly) – bright (bright)
2. cloudless - cloudless
3. cloudy – cloudy
4. strong - strong
5. deep - deep
6. high - high
7. thick - thick
8. big - big
9. small - small
10. quiet - quiet
11. fresh - fresh
12. different - different
13. beautiful – beautiful
14. wonderful – wonderful

Adjectives 1-17 are adjectives expressing fact(fact adjectives). Exist adjectives expressing opinion(opinion adjectives), for example, different, beautiful, etc.

III. Verbs:

1. shine - shine
2. rise - get up
3. set - to set (about the sun)
4. be covered with - to be covered (with something)
5. be full of - to be full (of something)
6. be beautiful with - to be beautiful because of (something)
7. grow - grow
8. blow - blow
9. smell - smell
10. fall down - fall ( eg about leaves)

IV. Collocations with prepositions on the topic “Nature” (set- expressions):

1. by day - during the day
2. at night - at night
3. in the sky - in the sky
4. at sunset - at sunset
5. at sunrise - at sunrise
6. on the ground - on the ground
7. in the field - in the field
8. at the seaside - on the coast
9. in the forest - in the forest
10. in the tree - on the tree

Let's summarize. So you've learned English words for beginners on the topic “Nature. Nature", namely 30 nouns, 14 adjectives, 10 verbs and 10 phrases with prepositions. Now let's practice and use them in practice: in exercises and describing pictures. First, try to hear some words in song in English “When trees are green”.

V. Song about nature in English “When trees are green”

When trees are green and forests are green
And grass is green and long
It is good to walk in the forest
And listen to little bird's song.

When trees are white and forests are white
Because they are covered with snow
It is good to be out of doors and play.
Oh, I love it so!

The term “nature” includes all around us: trees, lakes, mountains, seas, animals, flowers, etc. So, nature is something special not controlled by humans. How marvelous and rich nature is!

Human beings have been closely attaching to nature since time out of memory. In period of paganism people were frightened of such natural sources as storm, thunder, earthquake and downpour. That’s why they made some sacrifices to the mother-nature because ancient people believed it could gain nature’s favor and make their life easier and better.

In our century the attitude to it has been changed. People learned to read the sky, avoid dangerous results of “nature’s rage” and explain all the phenomena scientifically. Now people know how to deal with nature for personal use - they created hydro-electric power stations, solar batteries, lighting conductors, successful agriculture systems and other interesting things. We use natural resources permanently and it helps us survive, but they are not endless and we should not forget to take care about it.

Sometimes we forget about the beauty and richness of nature around us because we are just used to thinking about ourselves and vested interests. You can notice many miracles if you pay attention to them: twitter of birds, sounds of rain and wind, great mountains, green hills and bright sunlight.

I guess that the nature can be compared with a piece of art or even a master who creates all these beautiful and fantastic things around us. Nature is responsible for our mood and can make us happy and inspired or sad and depressed. Probably, indescribable waterfalls, eye catching meadows with flowers, mysterious mountains attract people’s attention because human being is just a small part of nature and can’t exist separately from it.

The concept of “nature” includes everything that surrounds us: trees, mountains, seas, animals, flowers, etc. So, nature is something special that man cannot control. How beautiful and rich she is!

Man has been closely connected with nature since time immemorial. During pagan times, people were afraid of natural phenomena such as storms, thunder, earthquakes and rain. That is why they made sacrifices to mother nature, because they thought that this would appease her and make their lives easier and better.

Nowadays this situation has changed. People learned to predict the weather, avoid the dangerous consequences of “natural anger” and explain all phenomena from a scientific point of view. Today, people know how to use nature for their own purposes - people have come up with hydroelectric power stations, solar panels, lightning rods, successful agricultural systems and other interesting things. We use natural resources constantly and it helps us survive, but they are not endless and we should not forget to take care of them.

Sometimes we forget about the beauty and richness of nature because we think only about ourselves and personal interests. If you look closely, you will notice a huge number of wonders around: the chirping of birds, the sounds of rain and wind, majestic mountains, green hills and bright sunlight.

It seems to me that nature can be compared to a work of art, or even to a creator who creates all these beautiful and fantastic things around us. Nature influences our mood and can make us happy and inspired, or make us sad and despondent. Perhaps these indescribable waterfalls, mesmerizing meadows with flowers, mysterious mountains attract people, since they are only a small part of this nature and cannot be separated from it.

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