Reasoning about the right choice of profession. Essay choice of profession reasoning

Essay “Choice of a profession” (Var 1)

Throughout life, a person often has to make choices, be it a clothing manufacturer, a dish for dinner, a book before bed, or extra activities for a child.

Choice future profession - one of the most important decisions to be made, because it will largely determine future fate person.

Currently, there are many types of work, each of which requires professional their own business, and higher education institutions offer many specialties for study.

Labor market is constantly changing, and the age of technology gives rise to the emergence of ever new industries and types of activities. How to choose the most suitable direction from such a huge number of options?

When determining a profession, you need to pay special attention to the skills and hobbies, because it’s always nice to combine your favorite activity with good income.

Thus, having the talent of an artist, young people often give preference to the work of a designer. A guy or girl who is interested in cooking is more likely to choose profession cooks A girl who loves children will connect her life with children's preschool or school.

It often happens that children go in the footsteps of my parents, so the dynasties of doctors are replenished with one more specialist. The child watches his mother or father, who are an undeniable authority in his eyes, and the type of their activity is so mysterious and necessary for humanity.

In addition, there is a certain convenience in this choice, because relatives who have experience in this field can always help in studying in their specialty and give their valuable advice.

Defining your life path , it is worth paying attention to the state of affairs in the country, because in the age of active introduction of technology into human life, some professions may disappear completely in a few years.

And the places of specialists will be replaced by mechanized structures that do the hard work. Therefore the greatest in demand will be used by workers who know how to handle innovations.

The most important thing in choosing a future profession is not to follow anyone’s lead; this decision must be independent and well thought out. This factor will become decisive for the course of the rest of life, and to make a choice it is better to be guided by the words of the wise Confucius: “Choose for yourself work to your liking, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Essay “Choice of a profession”

Choosing a future occupation is a responsible and complex process. This decision can determine the entire future fate of a person. There are a lot of difficulties in this. Fate is translated as “to judge.” Previously, it was believed that a person’s path was determined from above. But these are all fairy tales. Man is the creator of his own life. Much may depend on his family. But before, many believed that it was impossible to change fate, everything had been decided long ago. Such opinions can be found even in our time.

Features of choice

Children often learn a profession from their parents. Also in early age they begin to learn, which makes it easier for them to improve their skills at a more conscious age. IN modern world The list of professions is quite long. You can master any activity you like. At the same time, everything in the labor market is constantly changing. Therefore, parenting professions can be considered obsolete.

New areas of activity

Nowadays the existence of many professions is surprising. Take the shopper, for example. It's hard to imagine that he could have worked 30 years ago. At that time, people were not able to choose their own style with the help of professionals. And now this is a popular and highly paid occupation.

The evolution of professions can be seen using the example of a PR specialist. He promotes various brands and interesting personalities. In order for the world to know about people or a product, high-quality advertising is needed. But PR people appeared not so long ago. Previously, people had different needs. But the world is changing and we need to adapt to it.

The names of the new professions are quite unusual. This is how a plasticizer works in the beauty industry. He helps create compositions for fashion shows.

If we analyze the labor market, it becomes clear that traditional professions remain the most in demand. The list is headed by computer specialists. There is always a need for different kinds of managers. Many vacancies are presented for drivers. The profession of lawyer remains popular. Medical and educational workers will always be needed. Builders, engineers and accountants will also be able to find work.

When choosing a profession, you need to be guided not only by your desires, but also look to the future. If we analyze the market, we can conclude that in the future, workers in new technologies and engineers will gain popularity.

Also in junior classes schoolchildren begin to worry about the question: “What will I become when I grow up?” At this age, we can already observe what preferences we have in the type of activity. But then the child cannot yet accurately and consciously say what profession he will choose.

Already in high school, a clearer understanding of this problem comes, since the teenager develops personal hobbies, hobbies, whether it be visiting a theater studio, a music club. fine arts or music school. There may be incredible interest in one of the subjects, and a lot of free time will be devoted to it; knowledge will go beyond the school curriculum.

The choice of profession should be treated with special attention; it depends on whether a person will be passionate about his work and whether he can consider it his life’s work. After all, working without pleasure, looking at the clock every half hour, the time on which seems to stand still or drags on painfully long, in the end you can become disillusioned with life, realizing that you have devoted yourself to the wrong thing. Work should be enjoyable and done conscientiously, every minute of activity should be completed with ease.

When choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account the person’s character, his mobility, perseverance and type of temperament, because an overly irritable person will find it difficult to cope with the position of a doctor or psychologist; he reacts violently to any irritant, flaring up like a match. People with creative minds find it difficult to concentrate while working as an economist or accountant. Where prompt customer service is necessary, working with a cash register is not suitable for slow people; they will slow down the entire work process.

I know remarkable story about how a person can radically change his life and change the type of activity that does not bring joy. My mother’s friend spent eleven years of her life working at a factory. She worked hard and did not receive any moral satisfaction. She performed it as expected, honestly, but returned home tired, fell from weakness, and realized with bitterness that she would have to go there again tomorrow.

The thought of changing her place of employment did not even occur to her until chance helped. All her friends always admired the culinary dishes during family feasts, calling them masterpieces. And then one day, on one of these holidays, a friend of this woman came not alone, but with her sister, who is the owner of a restaurant. She was amazed that a man who had not received special education, knows how to cook like this, saying that she has never eaten anything tastier than this food in her life.

And it so happened that she was looking for a suitable person for the position of chef, and since she herself was convinced of her mother’s friend’s professional suitability, she offered her the job. It took her a few days to think about it, then she quit the plant and agreed to the offered position.

From that moment on, a bright streak came in her life, she began to get up in a good mood, worked enthusiastically, receiving wonderful reviews from clients, and dishes according to her own recipes were included in the menu as the signature dishes of the restaurant. From now on, work began to bring a lot of positive emotions, and this woman went home without feeling tired.

Work should give inspiration, have the opportunity to express creativity, and not just be a source of income. There we must take a mental break from life's troubles and at the same time perform our job duties efficiently. So you need to choose a profession with the most serious approach, otherwise you can lose the most valuable thing a person has - time, which cannot be returned for any amount of money.

Career guidance: the profession of the future.

“If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own”

K.D. Ushinsky

Who to be? This is a question that every person asks himself at a certain stage of his age. Someone at the age of 5 dreams of becoming an astronaut, someone, going to first grade, decides to save cats and dogs, and someone only at the end of 9th or 11th grade, when final tests await them.

It is really important what to associate your future profession with so as not to make a mistake and understand that this is “my cup of tea,” as the English say, “my cup of tea.” That's it, once and for all, until retirement... Although, in our modern world it is difficult to stay in one place in the constantly changing conditions of the development of the economic market, and therefore the state's needs for workers in certain professions: in demand, less in demand and not in demand.

College or university, hairdresser or engineer, teacher or car mechanic? “All works are good, choose according to your taste,” says an old Russian proverb. But to your taste and desire you also need to add your intellectual abilities, organization in work, responsibility, performance discipline, ability to work with a team and, finally, the results of the State Examination and Unified State Exam.

Psychologists say that modern children find it difficult to decide on plans for the future. Few school graduates know for sure what to be. And most often this choice is determined by the opinion of parents, society, or simply fashion. Sometimes it brings satisfaction, sometimes disappointment. This means that you need to delve into the secrets of the profession, the sooner the better.

In fact, the problem of choosing a path after 9th grade is currently not so clear. Increasingly, children who are less successful at school remain in grades 10-11, while excellent and good students storm prestigious colleges. And this has its advantages.

Entering a college is easier than entering a university; you don’t need to take exams - you just need to submit documents, with the exception of creative schools; receiving general education, in parallel, in 2-3 years you become a certified specialist; there is an opportunity to “try on” your chosen profession to see if it suits your interests; There is an opportunity to enter a university and study under a shortened program. College graduates have better chances in the labor market, since the country needs craftsmen, workers capable of creativity, creating a new product, and not theorists. But many parents consider studying at college not prestigious, not noticing the sparkle, liveliness in the child’s eyes, talking about car parts or preparing a delicious cake, or the desire to work on a new generation CNC machine, creating parts with their own hands, or maybe sewing a stylish dress for themselves Envy of friends?!

Nowadays, it can be said that colleges can compete with universities. The College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering is extremely popular, where you can acquire specialties that are in demand in the labor market and are quite highly paid. This Information Security And software computer technology, automated systems management and others. Medical schools are also gaining popularity. The prestige of the physician is also growing. And it’s probably great to have your own doctor in the family, who can come to the rescue at any moment.

According to sociologists, today only every fifth graduate knows what he wants to become. Four of them choose higher education educational institution and no matter how successful he is in his studies. And only one is focused on training in the secondary vocational education system.

Forecast of personnel needs in St. Petersburg for 2016-17.

The Committee on Labor and Employment in St. Petersburg made certain forecasts of the demand for certain professions.

“Among specialists with higher education in the forecast period, high demand is expected for specialists in the field of education, healthcare, and in the service sector. Among specialists with primary and secondary vocational education will be in greater demand: paramedical personnel, physical and engineering technicians, builders and builders, installers, builders, finishers, metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking professions, transport professions, chemistry, petrochemical, manufacturing professions organic compounds, metal machine operators, machine tool operators in metalworking, mechanics, fitters, repairmen, welders and gas welders, electricians, electromechanics, electrical equipment specialists.”

Now let’s ask graduates of grades 9-11 from St. Petersburg schools what they want to do as a job.

“I want to continue my studies in the 10th grade at a physics and mathematics school, because... these subjects are related to computers, and information Technology“This is our future.”

“I would like to choose a humanities major in college, for example, English or another language. The main thing is to study well in subjects that are needed in the future.”

“I’m going to enter the 10th grade, go to drama school or, like dad, to the FSB Academy. I haven’t decided yet.”

“I decided to enter Leningrad State University. Pushkin for the specialty “personality psychology”. I like predicting people’s behavior in different situations.”

“I haven’t decided yet, I need to choose something that brings joy and satisfaction.”

“My parents advise me to choose an engineering profession, but I am weak in mathematics and physics. So I don’t know yet.”

“I wanted to be a sports commentator since the 8th grade; I love football. My dad says this is not a serious profession and hired me a tutor in mathematics and physics. Now I'm almost in politechnical University, I will be an energy specialist. Probably dad was right."

One gets the impression that the guys are initially aimed at entering a university and know little or have no idea that there are a lot of specialties that are no less interesting and well paid in the field of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, robotics, metalworking, electrical equipment maintenance, etc.

To do this, it is necessary to carry out explanatory work at school, in the family, to create vocational education laboratories, where specialists will conduct testing and be able to identify the teenager’s inclinations. Parents must guide their child to make the right choice based on his character, health, temperament, talent, success of acquired knowledge and skills, and job prospects after graduation. You need to be able to analyze the need of society for the chosen specialty in 3-6 years.

Here it is also important to talk about the development of artificial intelligence, which in 10-15 years can displace the human mind. And then the need for drivers, firefighters, rescuers, emergency workers and even childcare workers may become a thing of the past.

What profession is the future: in demand or fashionable? The Internet has rapidly burst into our lives, informing us about new and equally important professions with an English accent. PR-manager (public relations), Art-design, Art-director, DJ-DJ (disc jockey), HR-manager (HR manager), Fashion-editor (head of the fashion department), blogger, business coach, etc. .d. The diagram shows how widespread the introduction and development of service sector professions, especially the beauty and health industries, have appeared on the labor market.

It is difficult to say which profession is important, which is secondary, fashionable or in demand. The choice is yours, dear graduates!

Magazine of caring parents “Schoolchildren’s Health”, No. 4, No. 5, 2016

After finishing school, millions of young people begin independent lives. They can start working or continue studying to get higher education. Everyone knows what it means to choose a profession, because sooner or later it affects everyone. Some people, when choosing a profession, pay attention to earnings, some to demand, and least of all, they choose for the soul what is closest to them.

As usually happens, the problem of choosing a profession worries not only ourselves, but also relatives, friends, and more often, of course, parents. They are worried, looking for an educational institution, preparatory courses, tutors

Of course, in life it’s good to find “your” profession, the one that is closest to you, to your soul, so as not to suffer and kill yourself for the rest of your days. But often we choose not what we want, but what we have to: despite the opportunity to learn, we boldly follow our friends and thereby unknowingly ruin our lives.

What are the main criteria for choosing a future profession? Firstly, it should be interesting and should not be associated with the words from one little-known song: “... your rebellion against dad and mom will end in an office chair, a flickering blue screen and tedious, useless work, protest and screaming will be replaced by silence and fatigue , your life is not a movie or a book, what a pity.” An exciting activity that you really enjoy - this is important component happiness in life. Then you should consider the need to earn a living. The most amazing job won't bring you satisfaction if you're starving. In addition, there is a very pressing problem of unemployment: you need to choose a profession so that you can later find a job. And most importantly, always be able to listen to knowledgeable people (parents, teachers), and then make a decision on which your future life depends.

Choosing a profession is a complex and responsible step in the life of every person, requiring preparation and knowledge, time to think, and not tolerating frivolity, since we all want the work to correspond to our interests and capabilities, bring joy and be decently paid , because people devote most of their time to work.

The choice of profession is one of the crucial moments that determines the entire future path of a person’s life. Since everything in life is interconnected, the right profession has an impact on all other areas of life. The right choice of profession means confidence, peace of mind and material well-being in adult life. The better the choice is made, the more interesting, eventful and successful the life path will be; the earlier, the more time will be left for career growth.

Currently, there are about 6 thousand professions in Russia, and for many it is very difficult to navigate such diversity.

Alena Tkachenko
Essay “Choice of a profession”

There are thousands in the world professions, they are all necessary and interesting. But each person must choose the one that best matches his natural abilities and inclinations, that is, find his calling. I, a teacher, did not choose this profession by chance. I have always loved children, I spent all my time with little ones – both at school and during my childhood. re: I came up with entertainment for them, held games, organized various competitions, believed that among the many different professions on earth, this profession is the most interesting and attractive.

But why exactly the teacher? Yes, because it’s never boring in kindergarten no: every day there is news, a new discovery. Not a day without adventure. But seriously, we become second mothers for children. I am very pleased when a child, seeing me, goes to kindergarten with joy, without tears, and when leaving home, he says rit: - “What fun we had today!”

To be an educator means to have patience and compassion. This means loving, understanding and feeling the child, accepting him as he is, without suppressing personality, independence, activity, in a word, respecting the child’s right to be himself. After all, in essence, these are children who are not relatives, but about whom you start talking - "my children", you rejoice at the achievements of each child, albeit small, but their personal victories. You see the smiles of children and the happy faces of their parents. And I want to believe that by giving a piece of myself, putting a piece of my soul and heart into each child, I make this world kinder and better...

K. Helvetius said: “A teacher is a wizard who opens the door to the world of adults for children. And what and how he teaches his students depends on what the teacher knows and can do.”

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