Funny stories about animals from life. Funny stories about children and pets

I have a cat named Dunya at home. She loves to eat, sleep and guard the refrigerator.

Dunya is a whole year older than me. And that’s why I call her Evdokia Petrovna. One day she was sitting on the windowsill and a sparrow flew past. In surprise, she fell to the floor. Dunyashka was in SHOCK. And we play like this - when I tell Duna: ball, ball, then she runs with her long belly, grabs a small ball in her teeth and brings it to me.

This is my cat Dunya.

My pets

I have 2 cats and a dog: the eldest cat Athena is 2 years 3 months old, the second Smurfette is 1 year 2 months old, and the dog Misty is 8 months old. Athena was the first to come into our house when she was no more than 2 months old. We took Athena from the street, we caught her for a week, when I carried her home she hissed and scratched, now she is already a calm and quiet cat. We adopted Smurfette from the shelter, her dad often called her “Pate” and it stuck. We gave Pate the nickname “Catdog” because if you throw a felt-tip pen or pencil into the hallway, she will bring it back in her teeth. Misty is a purebred Golden Retriever, we took her from the kennel. To this day, Misty has become very friendly with Pate and they have become real best friends. Well, these are the girls who live in my house.


We have a white cat, Weiss. He's very calm. Likes to take a nap. When he asks for food, he sits on a chair and hits the table with his paw. This is a very smart cat. He opens the door with his paw. He is wonderful!

Our black cat

We have a cat. His name is Drone. He loves to sleep very much. He is very fluffy, does not bite, does not scratch. He is very old and kind. He has green eyes and a snub nose. In the summer he rests in the village. He only comes into the house to eat. I saw him fight with other cats and get his paw hurt. My grandmother and I smeared the cat’s paw with green paint.

My furry happiness

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At my house there lives a small, white cat named Laska. She has blue eyes, black ears and a black tail. She is very similar to the Siamese cat breed.

The weasel loves to run and jump in trees. Weasel is a very smart cat, she can open the refrigerator with her paw and steal something tasty, and then close it, no one would have guessed about it. On New Year we put up a Christmas tree at home.... The weasel jumped to the very top of the tree and fell asleep!!!

This is my cat...

Save a kitten from the street

I was returning home with my mother. Suddenly the door opened and a kitten fell out of the crack. He came up to us and started purring. We realized that they had thrown him out onto the street and took him in with us. Our cats immediately started hissing at him. We locked them in the hall, and in the kitchen we fed, watered and stroked the kitten. Soon we placed 2 plastic cups, one with water and the other with food.

The neighbor left him in good hands. I hope he is happy and that he forgets his fear.

The story about my cat Musi

My cat's name is Musya. She is beautiful, her fur is gray and white, she loves to play with a fluffy dog, with a ball of paper. But most of all she loves to play with a fluffy stick. She loves to eat a lot - she eats whiskey, meat, sweets, sausages, sour cream, and much more. I take good care of my cat; I brush her 5 times a week (and even sometimes I do her hair). She is kind to me, but sometimes she bites, which means she is playing!!! She is afraid of water, the wood sucker(...

One day, this sad story, it was May 9 and my cat fell out of a 5th floor window... I really felt sorry for her, we took her to the hospital and the doctor said that her leg was injured and he prescribed injections. We gave injections, but she scratched, but then she became accustomed to it. And everything went away) We bought it at the market where various animals were sold, and everything was for animals, clothes, plates and much more. She loves me very much).

On White Silks

Not long ago I was walking with my friends in the yard and went home to change clothes. Mom told me that she couldn’t find our cat and thought that he was in the entrance. A simple red cat named Bucks. We started fussing and looking for Bucks. I ran out into the entrance, my mother went out onto the balcony to see if he had fallen out of the window again. Mom's friend Tanya was visiting us, she looked into the closet and saw that Bucks was sleeping on the White Silk Curtains, we are looking for him and he is enjoying himself lounging on the White Silks! =)

How come?

We had a cat, Sambuca. One day we gave them food, we looked, but Sambuca didn’t eat. We were racking our brains - “what’s wrong with her?” We took her to the vet. She said there was no illness.

We thought - “the cat wanted to become a model?” And after 2 days my appetite returned!

Kitty Dusya

Well, I love cats! In our entrance, mostly in the attic, there lives a cat that everyone feeds. But when she gave birth to kittens in Once again, I found them killed and laid out, as if for our edification, on our site. But one of the kittens was still alive! Naturally, I dragged her home to nurse her. But my cat didn’t pretend “I have nothing to do with this.” Koschenka screamed in a thin voice, and my cat grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, like a mother, and brought her to me.

I went out and cured her. But I can’t feed two cats anymore - so I asked the sleazy mechanic, while he’s still kind, to put this cat - Dusya - in the drivers’ quarters... The drivers dote on her! And two purebred dogs too - it’s amazing how they were able to immediately love and recognize this creature!

The magical properties of cats

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My cat Syoma has been living with me for two more years, but during this time he has helped me so many times. Many people do not believe that cats have the ability to heal. But strangely enough, they have this property!

I often get sick: headache, nausea, severe weakness, but when Syoma appeared at home, I began to get sick less often, and if I got very sick, then when the cat came to me, everything went away instantly.

You can talk to cats, trust them with secrets, and when you talk to them you have the feeling that you are heard and understood and that you are not talking to air. Your soul becomes lighter when talking with them and you calm down.

These are the magical properties cats have.

My favorite

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My cat is the most beautiful! She has a wonderful breed "Nevsky Masquerade"! This is a very rare breed! This cat is blue-eyed! She has long fur. She cleans herself as soon as she gets dirty!

My cat named Masya loves us very much. And he loves to play tag with me! We know how to communicate with each other - using gestures. Even though we picked her up on the street, she got very used to us.

I also love her very much and will not give her to anyone in the whole wide world! Isn't she really beautiful?!

People, please don’t offend these creatures! This is some kind of miracle!

The smartest...

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Our cat is six months old, but she is very smart....

After watching us open the door several times and knowing that she could run out for a walk on the balcony, she learned to open it herself. She does this easily, jumps up, hits the handle with her paw and runs wherever her eyes look =).. that's it!


"My Favorite Pet"

Alisa Osipova

My favorite pet is a cat. She is beautiful, fluffy and very affectionate. The cat Musya lives in our house. I love her very much, but I'm afraid. She loves to scratch and bite.

Lantsova Sofia

My favorite pet is a dog. My parents bought her for me when she was still a puppy. We named the dog Charlie. He was so small and cute and quickly got used to me. Charlie would wake me up early in the morning by licking my face, and we would often play together. I hand-fed him, and when he ate everything, he licked my hand, which made me very ticklish. Charlie looked at me tenderly with kind eyes.

Blinov Vova

I have a cat in the village, her name is Tomka. She is dark gray in color and loves to fawn. My cat loves milk very much, but especially loves sausage and catching mice. And he loves to sleep. I want to get a dog and I’ll call him Barsik. I will look after him, I will walk with him, play, teach, train.

Skvortsov Valera

My favorite animal is a kitten. His name is Ryzhik. We bought it and took it home in a box. At home I gave him food to eat, I stroked him. When I went to bed, Ryzhik came to me. Became its owner.

Gavrilova Nastya

My favorite pet is a cow. The cow lives in a barn. The cow eats grass and gives milk. Milk is healthy. The cow gives birth to a calf. The calf sucks milk from its mother. I also drink milk and will always be healthy.

Afanasyev Egor

I don't have a pet. However, I love animals and often go to the petting zoo with my mother. If I lived in a big house, I would get a big dog - a German shepherd. She will protect me and my house from robbers. I will build a house for her - a booth, I will feed, water, educate, train. I'll call her Tyapa.

Iritkov Yasha

My godmother Nadezhda has a cat. The cat's name is Ondine, and we call her Una. She is 6 months old. Ona is gray with black and white stripes, and her breed is British. She loves chicken and fish, and most of all, Whiskas. When we come to visit, Una always greets us and caresses us. She is a very smart cat and knows not to scratch. And when she meows loudly, I understand that she is angry, and Sofia and I move away from her, retreat. When we sit and feel sad, Una comes to cuddle, purrs, and we pet her. She is very funny because she loves to climb and sit in the bag. As soon as we get ready to go home, she sits and sees us off along with everyone else.

I’m really looking forward to Una having kittens, because Nadezhda promised to give me one. I will call him Vaska and will look after him, and I will definitely teach him not to offend Lisa.

The country in which we live. Our capital

  1. Talk about our Motherland, look at a map of Russia, tell us about the capital of our country, Moscow.
  2. Think and answer the questions:

What is the name of our Motherland, our country? (Russia or Russian Federation)

What peoples live in Russia? (Russians, Chuvash, Tatars, Ukrainians, etc.)

What is the name of main city(capital) of our country?

On which river is the capital of Russia located?

What other Russian cities can you name?

What is our country rich in?

Almost every owner of a tailed friend can tell funny stories about animals. Animals living next to us show miracles of intelligence and constantly delight us with their unusual behavior.


Funny stories about animals for children demonstrate that our little brothers can be very smart. Here is one of them.

The girl has two cats. The animals are mongrel, but they have fantastic intelligence and cunning. Both love to steal a piece from the table. She took the sausage out of the refrigerator, put it on the table, and then the mobile phone in the room rang. She walked away for a while, because both cats were sleeping.

Returns - no sausage. The youngest cat sits under the table and looks with honest eyes. The old cat is sleeping. The one who was awake received a scolding. But there was a decent piece of sausage, and the cat couldn’t eat it all. God bless him, the sausage, but if he hid a piece somewhere under the refrigerator and couldn’t get it out, the stench would be all over the apartment.

The girl looked for sausage for about 20 minutes. She looked all over the kitchen, not a trace. The cat sits in the same place, as if nothing had happened. She was tired and decided to drink tea. He removes the sleeping cat from the chair - and under it lies a sausage! The cunning beetle heard that the hostess was returning to the kitchen, lay down on the prey and pretended to be asleep. And the girl believed that such cases only happen in the humorous sections “funny stories about animals.” It is quite possible that the younger cat entered into a conspiracy with the older one and distracted attention.


A family with two children, a 6-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl, came to visit distant relatives. Children are quite noisy, often argue, play around, and scream. Upon arrival, they were warned that there was a cat in the house, but he did not like affection very much and could scratch, so the children should be careful with him.

While the parents unpacked their things, the children played in the large room. At first they were playing around and started laughing loudly. After a while the house became very quiet. The parents decided to see what their offspring were so busy with.

The guys were sitting on the windowsill, hugging each other and crossing their legs, and below, a cat was walking with a menacing look. It turned out that he really doesn’t like it when they scream, so he starts “educating” - he runs up and bites his legs. There was silence in the house all week.


Funny stories about animals from life can also happen with a commercial filming. According to the script, a guest animal was needed, namely a hedgehog. The prickly actor had to run up to the apple and sniff it with gusto. But no one familiarized the hedgehog with the script, so after appearing on the site, he curled up into a ball and froze.

Attempts to lure the hedgehog with an apple were unsuccessful. The assistants called a naturalist they knew, who advised them to blow on the hedgehog. They brought a hairdryer from the dressing room and blew it on. Indeed, the hedgehog turns around and begins to run away from the hair dryer. But past the apple. The fruit has been pricked and cut, but the smell does not attract the animal.

The naturalist was called again. He said that apples and mushrooms only tempt cartoon hedgehogs, while real animals eat insects and meat. So, in order for the hedgehog to be interested in our apple, we need to at least coat it with minced meat.

As a result, the shooting looked masterpiece. An assistant with a hairdryer was pushing the hedgehog towards an apple, which was glistening with greasy minced meat. The hedgehog tried to lick it as he walked, but ended up hiding under the nearest closet. He was removed, and everything started all over again. And the video came out very touching.


Funny stories about pets can happen due to a coincidence. One woman's husband quickly became rich. They made good repairs and bought a car. A neighbor on the site visited them quite often and was openly jealous of their wealth.

One day a woman was preparing for some holiday, and on the occasion she bought a jar of red caviar. I opened it - and the product was clearly spoiled, the smell was unpleasant, there was a gray coating. Just then the doorbell rang and the jar was placed on the table. A neighbor came. After exchanging a few words in the corridor, the women entered the kitchen, and the cat had already managed to reach the calf.

The hostess, not the least bit upset (the product was hopelessly spoiled anyway), calmly took Muska off the table and put a jar in front of her, and even with the words: “Let her eat, she loves fish.” Since then, the neighbor has not visited.

Physicist cat

Parents bought a cat for a three-year-old girl. Of course, the little girl loved him very much and did not let go of him. She pushed me around in a stroller and dressed her up in doll clothes. The cat was not happy, but he could not hide from the little mistress, she got him everywhere.

One day, the parents noticed the strange behavior of the cat - he lay on the carpet for a long time, wriggled, and spun. The mystery was resolved very quickly. When the girl wanted to take the cat, its electrified fur gave an electric shock to the little girl’s fingers. She immediately moved away from the animal. The cat often used this technique.


Funny stories from real life about animals can show how well dogs understand people. The driver picked up the dog lying on the side of the road. Apparently he was hit by a car, his hind legs are dragging. Either shock or trauma. I felt sorry for the animal, so I brought it to my garage and made a bedding for it. He fed me almost with a spoon. The dog lies down, eats reluctantly, and looks pitifully.

Every day the man worried about the dog, especially because it didn’t walk or even move its paws. I spent a whole week visiting her garage, morning and evening. And then at work I remembered that I forgot to close the garage and ran to lunch. He opens the door, and the dog is jumping around like a puppy, playing with a rag. As soon as she saw her virtue, she froze right in the jump. And then the hind legs gave way, and the “paralyzed” animal, quietly whining, crawled back to its bedding.

Funny stories about animals can tell you that even dogs lie. Everything ended with a happy ending. The sufferer was sent to the village, in the company of two more dogs, and not a trace remained of the mysterious illness.


And animals demonstrate that children are much more attentive to little things than adults. There lived a cat in the family, an ordinary white nobleman with a gray spot on his side. He was a lover of walks, but he didn’t stay for more than a couple of days, he only popped in to eat and sleep. And then he disappeared for almost a week, his wife and son were worried, they went looking for him, but it was useless.

The father took the child to his grandmother for the weekend, returned home and saw the cat Vaska on the porch of the nearest store. I took the gulena home. The cat ate and slept all weekend.

The child came home and went straight to the cat. He takes him in his arms and asks his mother and father: “Where is Vaska?” The parents were so dumbfounded. It turns out that Vaska’s spot should be on the other side. And this cat is one to one, a mirror image. The changeling regularly went to the litter box for 2 days, ate from someone else’s bowl and even slept in the same chair! Vaska showed up in person the next day. He treated his neighbor normally, and now the family has two identical cats.


Funny animal stories can happen if your pets are very similar in appearance. The girl Marina lives with “knitwear”, that is, three cats. Or rather, 2 cats and a female cat. She inherited the Black Marquis from her roommate, who went to another city and did not want to take the cat with her. Marina didn’t mind at all, since she was used to him, and she loves animals. The girl’s husband got married with his “baggage” in the form of the same coal-black cat Masha.

Both animals are neutered and get along great. The couple also joked that they at least have the same taste in cats. And then they found Bucks, a dark gray teenager with a serious paw injury, near the entrance. They couldn’t pass by, they cured him. Where there are two cats, a third one won’t hurt.

But the whole point is that Marina’s mother is categorically against animals in the house. They make noise, dirt, smell, and so on. The girl heard a lot of lectures about the appearance of the Marquis, although she already lived separately from her parents. Mom began to visit Marina more often after marriage and the cat charmed her. The woman even brought him treats, stroked him and called him an intellectual.

When Marina got married, she was simply afraid to tell her mother that there were already two cats in the apartment. But it turned out that the woman does not see the difference and strokes Masha in the same way as Marquise. And she couldn’t even tell Bucks apart, despite the slight difference in color. I just noted that the cat had gained weight and lost weight. The main thing was to expel the two animals into the bedroom, where the woman never went.

But one day my mother came without calling. In the hallway, she almost sat down on the floor when three cat faces rushed toward her from the kitchen, expecting treats. But there is no use in being indignant - in three years the woman has not noticed any increased noise, smell, or dirt, and she has come to love the cats, even if they are all in one person.

Hunger is not a thing

Natalia has a Basset Hound dog. This dog with a long body and short legs looks awkward and lazy, but in fact the dog is a hunting dog, active and agile. The character, however, is not the simplest. Basya simply takes note of all commands; it is not easy to get obedience from her. But she has an excellent appetite and eats everything that is bad. I'm ready to sell my soul for an extra piece. It’s simply impossible to keep Basya on a leash while walking, especially if she smells a dead crow or a rotten fish head nearby.

Natalya lives near a large park. In the fall, it’s simply wonderful to walk there, which she often does in the company of her dog. On one of the walks, Basya rushed as fast as she could to the pond. The weather was good, there were quite a lot of people on the bridge, children were feeding the ducks with bread. And then a basset jumps out of the bushes and rushes into the water.

Dogs of this breed do not swim very well, but Basya tried her best. She burst into a group of ducks and began to take their bread. The birds quickly retreated, people laughed and threw bread to the funny dog. Basya became the star of the evening. And its owner has been going around the pond in a wide arc ever since.


In one family there lived a very smart cat. He independently learned to relieve himself in the toilet, unless he flushed it. Just like a person. People were proud of the cat and often boasted that they didn’t have to strain at all when cleaning the litter box.

Only once did trouble happen. Suddenly, a poorly secured toilet lid fell on the cat, and since he did not expect such a turn and was in a relaxed state, he was very scared. But the cat is smart, he continued to use the toilet. He just started to sit down with his face towards the insidious lid.

It's about the symbol of the year - the red earthen dog. She came to me from foster care. Its owner died, and his relatives locked the dog alone in the apartment for three days, and then decided to take it away and leave it in the garden.

This is how the dog came to me in 2011. She was a little over three years old, she had health problems due to poor nutrition, and also a whole set of funny cat habits, because she was raised with a cat. About Zhulka in “ Mouse stories“There are two stories: “about the red-haired Zhulka” and my favorite - “Beauty”.

I think this year should be especially successful, because its symbol lives with me - a red earthen dog.

About the red-haired Zhulka

Chapter 1. Finding

One warm autumn day, Nadya and Vadik went for a walk in the neighboring yard. A crowd of kids gathered in the very center of the site. Nadya came up too, but she couldn’t see anything. Then she asked the little girl with the doll:

- What's happened?

— Inna and Zhanna are there. They are crying.

In the middle of the crowd of children stood a tear-stained girl and a small red dog that looked like a fox. She was so sad that she seemed to be crying too.

“Zhanna is the dog of our janitor Grandfather Stepan,” explained a tall, dark-haired boy named Fedka. Last week Grandfather Stepan died, and yesterday his relatives arrived and kicked Zhanna out onto the street.

“The janitor also had a cat, but it immediately ran away somewhere.” But Zhanna sits by the door all the time and doesn’t go anywhere. “He doesn’t eat anything we bring,” said another younger boy.

“I wanted to take her home, but my mother sent her away.” I feel sorry for her! Who will take her now? — Inna stammered, choking with tears.

- We will take! - said Nadya. “Our dad is kind, he won’t let her go away.” Come join us! “Nadya took a short leather leash in her hand, stroked the dog’s head and led her home.

Vadik followed. He was silent. He wanted to object that mom would also drive them away before dad returned from work, but he didn’t. He always really wanted a dog.

Mom was not at home. Nadya brought the dog a sausage, but it didn’t eat it and curled up on the rug by the door.

Soon mom and dad brought Grisha from kindergarten. At first they didn’t even notice the red ball in the hallway. Grisha immediately ran up to Zhanna:

- Dog! Af-af!

- What is this? All we needed was a dog! - Mom was indignant.

- Mommy, don’t be angry, this is Zhanna. Her owner died. She can't live outside, winter is coming. It won't bother you at all!

- I already have three children and a rat!

Dad scratched his head:

- That's it, mom. We have three children and a rat. Why can't we raise a dog?

Dad's word in the house was always the last.

Chapter 2. Education

On the first night in Nadya's house, Zhanna decided to leave. She tore the door trim and all the wires that ran nearby. But over time, the dog survived its loss and began to play happily with its new owners.

Contrary to expectations, there was no need to foster a foster dog. She was already well brought up.

True, Zhanna turned out to be a cunning animal, which corresponded to her fox appearance, and slightly roguish. For which she was gradually renamed Zhulka. The name Zhanna somehow didn’t stick; it didn’t suit the dog.

During the first month of her life with her new owners, she recovered significantly, managing to convince each member of the household to feed the dog.

When Nadya came home from school, Zhulka licked her from head to toe. “Poor Zhulka, you’re probably hungry,” Nadya said and hurried to the kitchen to pour a couple of bags of dog food into a bowl.

Then, after playing with the boys in the yard, Vadik came home. He was greeted with ringing barks and high jumps, so high that Vadka grumpily wiped his licked nose with his sleeve: “Didn’t anyone feed you this morning? Let’s go, I saved you some cartilage from lunch.”

In the evening, my mother came home from work and brought Grisha from kindergarten. When she sat down to undress the baby, Zhulka stood up on her hind legs, put her graceful front paws on her shoulders and looked soulfully into her eyes for a long, long time. And mom gave up: “Well, let’s go, I’ll give you something.”

Dad came home later than everyone else. He placed large bags of groceries on the floor, Zhulka first of all checked their contents, sticking her nose into each bag, and then, looking straight into her dad’s eyes, she let out such a drawn-out roar, howl, grunt, or maybe even a whole speech. in an unknown language. “The house is full of people, but there is no one to feed the dog,” Dad was indignant and went to the kitchen to unload the groceries and feed the dog one by one.

And then one day, when Zhulka’s sides were already fairly rounded, the truth about increased nutrition came to light, and dad hung a dog feeding schedule on the refrigerator, where each breadwinner had to mark a cross in special boxes.

In addition to all her cunning, Zhulka was observed to have many other unusual habits.

In the mornings she licked herself, washed her face with her paw like a cat, before lunch she took balls of dry dog ​​food out of the bowl, tossed them, and rolled them with her paw. In general, she played the way a kitten plays with a ball or a cat with a mouse. If he doesn't play, he won't eat. But she didn’t know how to chew bones.

Zhanna also loved cats very much, as if she recognized them as relatives, but she was afraid of dogs.

One day the guys were playing on a bench at the entrance. Nadya and her friends were preparing a doll's dinner, and Vadik and the boys were repairing a bicycle. Zhulka was dozing, curled up in a ball on the grass. And then my mother called from the window:

“Children, let’s quickly eat cutlets with pasta.”

Zhulka was the first to respond to the call: she jumped up, perked up, in two leaps ran to the closed door of the entrance (and their old house still had wooden doors), opened it and ran inside.

- Stupid Zhulka, where are you in such a hurry? You won't reach the bell! - Vadik laughed.

“I didn’t understand something, but how did she open the door?” — Vadka’s classmate Tyoma was surprised.

“She picked it up on the side with a claw, she always does that,” said Nadya.

“But dogs don’t open doors like that!”

- How do dogs open it?

“They stick their nose into the gap and squeeze through,” Tyoma explained.

“Sometimes it seems to me that our dog behaves not like a dog at all, but like a real cat,” Vadik said thoughtfully.

- So she is your real cat! Her cat raised her! - said Fedka, who was sitting next to him. — When grandfather Stepan picked up your Zhulka on the street, he already had an adult cat, Marfa. So Martha raised the puppy as best she could.

“Dad always says that education makes a man out of a monkey!” - Nadya said.

“You learn that it can even turn a dog into a cat.” So much for education! — Vadik scratched the back of his head.

Chapter 3. Caring

Dad strictly ordered that Bug was not allowed into the nursery, and the door to it was always kept closed.

Dad said this:

— A dog by nature is a predatory animal, and a rat is a small animal, although it can bite. Our duty is to take care of everyone and not allow anyone to offend anyone.

But one day Nadya and Vadik found the door to their room ajar.

- Zhulka entered the room! She probably wants to eat Tattoo. She's like a cat. She probably knows how to catch mice!

The guys ran into the room: there was no rat in the box. There was neither a dog nor a rat in the room.

Hurry up, we need to find them! — the guys rushed to look for Zhulka, ran to her rug in the hallway and saw this:

Zhulka was lying on her rug under her chair. Tata lay curled up between her paws. And Zhulka… licked her. She also willingly allowed the rat to touch her nose with its paws and even look into her mouth.

Vadik called his dad.

Dad squatted down near the animals and said quietly:

“It seems that our Zhulka really wants to become a mother: she has a nest here,” and he pointed to his socks rolled up into a ball, neatly laid out around Zhulka on the rug. The socks were clearly taken from the dirty laundry basket.

— Girls play with dolls, and dogs sometimes nurse socks and soft toys. But Tata seems to be her first living puppy.

— It turns out that Tata also likes to play mother-daughter with Zhulka?

“Rather, she just enjoys this kind of care.”

- Mom and Dad take care of us, we take care of Zhulka, Zhulka takes care of Tata... Probably everyone in the world should take care of someone, right? - said Nadya.

“Of course, because without this it is impossible to become happy,” dad answered.

There is a cat in our family. His name is Masik. He will soon turn one year old. He is like a member of our family. When we sit down to dinner, he’s right there. He hits the tablecloth with his paw and asks for food. It turns out funny. He loves fish and bread. He also loves it when I play with him. And during the day, if no one is home, he basks on the balcony in the sun. Masik sleeps with me or his older sister Christina.

I love him so much.

Tymin Anton, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

I have a feathered pet at home - Kesha the parrot. He came to us two years ago. Now he knows how to talk and feels quite confident with people. My parrot is very cheerful, smart and talented.

I love him very much and am very glad that I have him.

Varfolomeeva Ekaterina, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

My friend

My mother and I went to the market, bought a kitten and brought it home. He began to hide everywhere. We named him Tishka. He grew up and began to catch mice. We soon found out that it was a cat, and now we are expecting kittens.

Belevich Ksenia, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

My turtle

I have a little turtle living at home. Her name is Dina. We go for a walk with her. She eats fresh grass outside. Then I take it home. She walks around the apartment and looks for a dark corner. When he finds it, he sleeps in it for an hour or two.

I taught her to eat in the kitchen. Dina loves apples, cabbage, soaked bread, and raw meat. Once a week we bathe the turtle in a basin.

This is my turtle.

Miroshnikova Sofia, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

My favorite rabbit

I have a little rabbit. He is so cute, he has tiny red eyes. He is the most beautiful in the world! When I saw him for the first time, I could not take my eyes off his beauty.

The rabbit never runs away from me, but on the contrary, as soon as he sees me, he immediately asks to be held in my arms. Well, just like my little brother! He is very smart. Likes to eat grass and corn.

I love my bunny!

Bobylev Denis, 7 years old

Kitty Samik

I don’t have any animals at home, but my friend the cat Samson lives with my grandmother in the village. Beautiful, fluffy, black with white spots on the chest.

Usually houses are guarded by dogs, and at my grandmother’s house Samik is the guard. First, he drove all the mice out of all the sheds and out of the basement. And for several years now, not a single mouse! But that is not all. He doesn’t let other people’s cats or dogs into the garden, or the garden, or the yard, and this helps my grandmother! Even if someone approaches the house, Samik begins to meow loudly, and the grandmother already knows that someone stranger has come!

Granny pampers her guard with milk, fish, and sausage. After all, he is so smart! He deserves it!

Baidikov Vladislav

When I was little, we lived in the North in the city of Noyabrsk. Mom, dad and I were at the market and bought two rabbits. One was white and the other was gray. I was very happy! We bought food for them. They lived in a cage on the balcony. I fed them carrots and cabbage every day and cleaned their cage. I really loved rabbits and played with them.

When we left the North, we were unable to take rabbits into long journey. They were afraid that they would die. Mom took a photo of me with them. I think about them often and miss them.

Eremeeva Sabina, 7 years old, 2 "A" class, school No. 11, Belgorod

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