The importance of finances in human life. The place and role of finance in economic life

Finance is one of the most important economic categories, reflecting economic relations in the process of creating and using funds.

Their emergence occurred during the transition from a subsistence economy to regular commodity-money exchange and was closely related to the development of the state and its needs for resources.

One of the main features of finance is its monetary form of expression and reflection of financial relations with real cash flows.

The real movement of funds occurs at the second and third stages of the reproduction process - in distribution and exchange.

At the second stage, the movement of value in monetary form occurs separately from the movement of goods and is characterized by its alienation (transition from the hands of some owners to the hands of others) or the targeted separation (within one owner) of each part of the value.

In the third stage, the distributed value (in monetary form) is exchanged for the commodity form. There is no alienation of value itself here.

Thus, at the second stage of reproduction there is a one-way movement of the monetary form of value, and at the third there is a two-way movement of values, one of which is in monetary form, and the other in commodity form.

Since at the third stage of the reproduction process there are constantly ongoing exchange transactions that do not require any social instrument, there is no place for finance here.

The area of ​​origin and functioning of finance is the second stage of the reproduction process, at which the value of the social product is distributed according to its intended purpose and business entities, each of which must receive its share in the produced product. Therefore, an important feature of finance as an economic category is the distributive nature of financial relations. Finance differs significantly from other economic categories that operate at the stage of value distribution: credit, wages and prices.

The initial sphere of emergence of financial relations is the processes of primary distribution of the value of the social product, when this value breaks down into its constituent elements, and various forms are formed cash income and savings.

Further redistribution of value between business entities and specification of its intended use also occurs on the basis of finance.

The distribution and redistribution of value with the help of finance is necessarily accompanied by the movement of funds taking a specific form financial resources.

They are formed by business entities and the state through various types of cash income, deductions and receipts, and are used for expanded reproduction, material incentives for workers, and satisfaction of social and other needs of society. Financial resources act as material carriers of financial relations, which makes it possible to distinguish finance from the general set of categories involved in cost distribution. This occurs regardless of the socio-economic formation, although the forms and methods by which financial resources are generated and used have changed depending on the change in the social nature of society.

The use of financial resources is carried out mainly through monetary forms for social purposes, although it is possible that they are not used in a stock form. The advantages of the stock form include: the ability to more closely link the satisfaction of any need with economic opportunities, ensuring the concentration of resources on the main directions of development of social production, the ability to more fully link public, collective and personal interests.

Based on all of the above, the following definitions can be given: finance is monetary relations arising as a result of the distribution and redistribution of the value of the gross social product and part of the national wealth in connection with the formation of cash income and savings among business entities and the state, as well as their use for expanded reproduction , material incentives for workers, satisfaction of social and other needs of society.

The condition for the functioning of finance is the availability of money, and the reason for the emergence of finance is the need of business entities and the state for resources that support their activities.

Finance is indispensable because it makes it possible to adapt the proportions of production to the needs of consumption, ensuring in the economic sphere the satisfaction of constantly changing reproductive needs. This occurs through the formation of special-purpose monetary funds. Development public needs leads to a change in the composition and structure of monetary (financial) funds created at the disposal of business entities.

With the help of public finance, the scale of social production is regulated in sectoral and territorial aspects, protection environment and meeting other social needs.

Finance is objectively necessary, as it is determined by the needs of social development.

The state can, taking into account the objective need for financial relations, develop various forms of their use: introduce or abolish different kinds payments, change the forms of use of financial resources, etc.

The state cannot create something that is not objectively prepared by the course of social development.

It establishes only the forms of manifestation of objectively mature economic relations. Without finance, it is impossible to ensure the individual and social circulation of production assets on an expanded basis, regulate the sectoral and territorial structure of the economy, stimulate the rapid implementation of scientific and technological achievements, and satisfy other social needs.

Finance is an integral part of monetary relations, therefore their role and significance depend on the place monetary relations occupy in economic relations. However, not all monetary relations express financial relations. Finance differs from money both in content and in the functions performed.

Money is a universal equivalent, with the help of which the labor costs of associated producers are primarily measured, and finance is an economic instrument for the distribution and redistribution of gross domestic product (GDP) and national income, an instrument for controlling the formation and use of funds of funds. Their main purpose is to ensure, through the formation of cash income and funds, not only the needs of the state and enterprises for funds, but also control over the expenditure of financial resources.

Finance expresses the monetary relations that arise between:

  • - enterprises in the process of acquiring inventory, selling products and services;
  • - enterprises and higher organizations when creating centralized funds of funds and their distribution;
  • - by the state and enterprises when paying taxes in budget system and financing of expenses;
  • - by the state and citizens when making either taxes or voluntary payments;
  • - enterprises, citizens and extra-budgetary funds when making payments and receiving resources;
  • - individual parts of the budget system;
  • - property and personal insurance authorities, enterprises, the population when paying insurance premiums and compensation for damage, upon the occurrence of an insured event;
  • - monetary relations mediating the circulation of enterprise funds.

The main material source of monetary income and funds is the country's national income - the newly created value or the value of the gross domestic product minus the tools and means of production consumed in the production process.

The volume of national income determines the possibilities of meeting national needs and expanding social production. It is by taking into account the size of the national income and its individual parts - consumption income and the accumulation fund - that the proportions of economic development and its structure are determined. That is why in all countries it is given important national income statistics.

Without the participation of finance, national income cannot be distributed. Finance is an integral link between the creation and use of national income. Finance, influencing production, distribution and consumption, is objective in nature. They express a certain sphere of production relations and belong to the basic category.

Finance reflects the level of development of production forces in individual countries and the possibility of their impact on macroeconomic processes in economic life. The state of the country's economy determines the state of finances. In conditions of constant economic growth, an increase in GDP and national income, finance is characterized by its sustainability and stability, it stimulates further development production of life for the country's citizens.

Finance as a scientific concept is usually associated with those processes that are on the surface public life manifest themselves in various forms and are necessarily accompanied by the movement (cash or non-cash) of funds.

Are we talking about the distribution of profits and the formation of intra-economic funds at enterprises, or the transfer of tax payments to income? state budget, or about depositing funds into extra-budgetary or charitable funds - in all these and similar financial transactions there is a movement of funds. If we ignore the numerous specific forms in which financial processes take place, we can see the common thing that unites them - the underlying relationships between the various participants in social production, or social relations, that underlie financial transactions.

These relations are production (economic) in nature, since they arise directly in social production.

Since its inception, money has played an important role in people’s lives, often acting as a trigger for evil. Over the course of many centuries, the history of mankind has left many bloody traces: wars started over money, and in order to obtain wealth, people are often ready to make various sacrifices and crimes. Because of this, money is more associated with evil, and this attitude towards it is fundamentally wrong, because the meaning these things will bring into their lives depends on how people relate to the things around them. If you see only evil in money, then it will bring negative emotions, and it is unlikely that someone who has such an attitude towards money will be able to become a financially successful person. Just as a coin has two sides, the role of money in a person’s life has both positive and negative aspects, each of which should not be forgotten.

People often go to extremes, choosing an exclusively one-sided attitude towards money. A successful millionaire is unlikely to think that money is evil, no matter how he uses his finances. But there is no truth in extremes. By putting money at the forefront of everything in their lives, people are often able to lose all other, sometimes much more valuable, benefits of life. In pursuit of money, their earnings, people do not notice how the time that they so rarely spend with loved ones is flowing away, they do not notice how they are separated from them, and as a result, they lose important friendships and family relationships. Having found themselves at the financial heights, such people suddenly realize that they were left there completely alone, and the whole race for money, in which they saw the main source of their happiness, turned out to be nothing more than a chase for a ghostly castle, and money itself became their curse, not a rainbow a dream. Others, having a lot of money that they got easily and without hassle, sometimes waste it so mediocrely that they also remain deprived of the feeling of happiness, because the pleasures they receive with ease quickly become boring and do not bring any joy.

Many people see money as the main means of achieving any goals, but extremes should also be avoided in this regard. Probably everyone remembers well the popular phrases that money can only buy medicine, but not health, and certainly not love or happiness. But the availability of money and a neutral attitude towards it can largely determine the degree of a person’s freedom and his ability to conquer new horizons. Wealth lies not so much in accumulated financial capital, but in the ability to manage it wisely, in the ability to live the way you want, and not the way it is necessary to conquer high financial heights. It is unlikely that the pursuit of money is the only important life goal can bring joy.

It is worth always remembering the main commandment regarding money, which determines its true meaning. Money is not the main goal in life, and wealth is not a fixed idea. This is only part of the possibilities for achieving other goals, and only those who have enough of what they have to be happy are truly rich, and do not require millions.

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Many people think about the role of money in life. modern man and the question is it possible to be happy with a small income? A modern person cannot deny himself the pleasures that life offers. Everyone wants to dress well, eat delicious food, live in a nice apartment and drive a nice car.

Many guardians of morality, repeating the hackneyed truth that money does not buy happiness, are somewhat disingenuous.

It is surprising that this position is especially zealously defended by those who or from whom:

  • The salary is not lower than 70,000 rubles/month, and they do not agree to anything less.
  • Believes that they need an enormous amount of money for very important matters, the feasibility and usefulness of which is a big question mark.
  • We are sure that other people can get by with little or are worthy of much more modest means than them. An extremely idiotic attitude, which at one time greatly flourished in society, and now, fortunately, has weakened the grip of human brains - the opinion that someone is obliged to do something for free, while it is not even necessary to say “thank you”.
  • They have a bunch of movable and immovable property, they fatten, get high, having fun with money earned in dubious ways. Such people (if they can be called people) have gotten it into their heads that only they are the navel of the earth, worthy of living well, and the rest are people from a “lower” society. So they tell people from the “lower” society that happiness does not lie in material goods, although they themselves cannot imagine their happiness and their life without these goods.
  • Deeply religious people.

This article will not be about the above categories of citizens. Here are discussions about the meaning of money in modern society and for an individual in the context of vital necessity. It is told that there is money for the average person, what opportunities it gives and how you can manage it rationally. So.

Money. What is known about them?

The history of money begins before our era, during the heyday of great civilizations. Previously, people simply exchanged the necessary things according to the principle “you - for me, I - for you,” but then banknotes appeared, for a certain amount of which you could become the owner of the desired thing.

Money is a system of measures designed to establish the material, moral or intellectual (scientific) value of something or someone. Nowadays you can become the owner of anything for money: everything is sold and everything can be bought. It’s impossible to say for sure whether this is good or bad. On the one hand, remembering the recent Soviet past, it is clear: people lived by communist principles and fought for the idea, believed that socialism would destroy evil on Earth, that everyone should have an equal share of everything, etc. Yes, under the Soviet economic system it was permissible and even necessary to think like this and propagate these dogmas in society.

But times have changed: communism has been replaced by market, and sometimes gangster capitalism (unfortunately). There is no money here, as they say, neither here nor there. It’s just that the problem with society now is that there is a huge gap (and even an abyss) between the rich and the poor. There is a middle class, but it is small. Either insanely rich or broke. Two extremes. It shouldn't be this way. When all people will be able to live with dignity, but without excesses, and officials will stop stealing - this is a philosophical and rhetorical question.

The meaning of money for a modern person

Some people find it very difficult to prove that money and moral qualities are compatible. It all depends on upbringing and on the values ​​that were instilled in a person, as well as on hard work and perseverance. If a person has earned money through many years of hard work and was able to acquire some material goods, there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, it is wonderful that a citizen achieves everything on his own and does not expect help from anyone, including the state. But human envy is a bad and unprofitable thing.

Money is given to a person:

  1. Prosperity: you can buy everything you need and want.
  2. Independence: acquire and do what you want.
  3. Opportunities: live within your means, allowing yourself a little or a lot more.
  4. Status: certain money allows you to purchase and do certain things, enter certain circles.
  5. Confidence: there are all sorts of situations and difficulties in life, but 95% of them can be solved with money.
  6. Freedom: choice, desires, aspirations.

Moral values ​​have been and will remain so, but it is better when you have something to buy food, an apartment, clothes, medicine, than to be hungry, homeless, naked and without vital treatment. Worthy and smart person money can provide the opportunity for self-realization and self-improvement, opportunities for development and self-affirmation (in in a good way). You can engage in charity work, sports, and purchase equipment and consumables for your hobby. For example, according to the most conservative estimates, it costs 10,000 Russian rubles to start skiing for one person: this includes the skis themselves, poles for them, bindings, ski boots, i.e. the most necessary equipment. If an employee has a salary of 20,000 rubles, then it is unlikely that he will give half of it to a sporting goods store for the sake of his desire to be a skier. So the poor guy only has to dream about skiing, sighing heavily at night and feeling inferior.

It is clear that the question of a salary of 20 thousand should rather be asked to politicians than to ordinary people, but only with such a sad example about skiing is the need for money (and, preferably, not very little) in life understood.

And how many marriages have broken up due to lack of money! For example, a family has nowhere to live. If it is not possible to buy a separate apartment and you have to live with your parents, many conflict situations can arise and be provoked: both between spouses and between parents and spouses. So, love is good, but you must have a financial basis before starting a family.

Spending money wisely

Rationality and prosperity are different concepts for everyone. For some, 500,000 a month is not enough, while others manage to live on 30,000 and save for something they want. However there is general principles rational use of monetary benefits:

  • Clearly understand how much money you need for basic necessities. Such items include food, rent, travel expenses, medicines, tuition fees (if any);
  • How much money can you spend on your favorite activity?
  • How much is it possible to save per month for the thing you want (when you need to save and can’t buy something right away).

You can end the article with the phrase with which it began: “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” Only with the obligatory continuation: “but with them it’s somehow easier to realize that happiness is not in them.” Money will not bring 100% happiness, but it can make a person a little happier.

Finance has been ingrained in our lives for a long time. Many people don’t even think about the meaning of this word. If you ask someone to explain what it is, many will thoughtfully purr some kind of speech or simply wave it off, saying “there’s no time now.”

The word finance translated from Latin means order to pay. The concept is not only economic, but philosophical and even psychological nature. When a person is left without finances, all aspects of his life suffer.

Almost every one of us strives for financial independence (stability, prosperity - call it what you like). For many, this is the work of a lifetime: some spend their whole lives hunching over their “rich guy,” some are building a career and humbly waiting for a promotion every five years, some are trying their hand at entrepreneurship and trembling unsteadily over their business. And someone is simply saving money and an overview of Sberbank deposits is important to them in order to choose the best one for investing their savings.

Whatever one may say, everyone wants to become rich, live in abundance and raise children, or so that work and leisure do not interfere with each other. Yes, not everyone succeeds. Even if they manage to earn good money, very few people know perfectly what to do with it and how to make their savings work wisely, bringing income and joy to their owner. It’s easy to spend every penny or use it for family needs, but making your finances work is a completely different matter.

True power in the world of finance is knowledge. But this is not the knowledge that will be given to you at the university or at your school desk. To understand the true essence of finance, you will need to become a true master of your funds. For this you only need personal experience or the experience of others. The second is, of course, better.

IN modern world there is no greater power than money. Money starts wars and ensures the well-being of entire countries and regions. The vast majority of crimes are committed because of money or with the use of money. And at the same time, thanks to money, people create the greatest inventions, perform feats, discover new lands and conquer new worlds.

Money organizes modern society and the state. The lives of modern people, states and the entire world community are subordinated to money.

Money is an outstanding achievement of humanity. They created modern civilization. Without money, a person would still dress in animal skins, and would use animals or their own kind turned into slaves as labor.

Could a person go into space, create artificial intelligence and other wonders of modern civilization if there was no money?

Two greatest invention humans created modern civilization. The first is writing, which separated man from the animal world and created the possibility of accumulating experience and knowledge and transmitting it to descendants and other people without direct human contact. The second is money. Money has created the ability to control the activities of man and society in terms of ensuring their benefits without direct influence of people on each other.

The role of money in history has constantly increased, and now our civilization has reached a state where its importance has become completely decisive. A hundred, even fifty years ago there were large human communities that did not know money or used it in their Everyday life extremely limited. The end of the 20th century - the era of complete and total “moneyization” of everything human community. In the modern world, a person cannot do without money just like without water, air and food. In today's society, a person who does not have money is literally doomed to death, and in the shortest possible time. He can walk around the city, where the shops are full of food, and die of hunger if he has no money.

Or another example. Let's imagine a large plant equipped with modern equipment, where qualified workers and other specialists, raw materials, and consumers expect the products of this enterprise. And yet the enterprise stands still and does not work. And the only reason is that there are no numbers in some mysterious bank computer - there is no money in the company’s account.

Even a desert, “watered” with money, will bloom and turn into the Garden of Eden. And the most beautiful place to live, devoid of money, will become a vale of sorrow and suffering.

What life becomes like for people in the modern world without money can be clearly seen in the example of Kampuchea during the time of Pol Pot. Three million dead - this is the price of the experiment to eliminate money.

Society can be controlled either by force or by money.

About how the mechanism of social and economic life when the monetary system is disordered, we know well from our own experience. The consequence of this was the general crisis of the country, which affected the state, economic, social, legal and other spheres of life.

Money for us is a way to express our aspirations, fulfill obligations, achieve revenge and retribution. The secret power of money binds all of us - brothers and sisters, young and old - with bonds of love and envy, pity and malice.

Money leaves no one indifferent. Some people are convinced that if they had more money, their life would be much better and they could find happiness. Others who have a lot of money seem to be constantly concerned about how to get even more of it, how to spend it and not lose it. Money leaves no one indifferent, and you can hardly find a person who would be satisfied with how much money he has and how he uses it.

The poor have very different concerns than the rich, but family conflicts caused by money are often very similar across socioeconomic strata. For most of us, money is so woven into our lives that problems associated with it affect our health, our intimate relationships, and our relationships with our children and parents. This is a problem that is always with us.

Money is not just cash that allows us to buy different things. Having money, you can buy education, health, safety. You can buy time to enjoy beauty, art, the company of friends, adventure. With money, we help those we love and provide greater opportunities for our children. Having money, you can buy goods and services or save this opportunity for the future or for your descendants. Money is an instrument of justice with which we compensate for the harm done to others. Fair distribution of money in the family and in society ensures equal opportunities for everyone. Money can serve as a symbol of all the good things in life: material wealth, education, health, beauty, entertainment, love and justice.

Although we know how many good things in life come from money, each of us is well aware of the problems that it creates. Money worries can cause a lot of grief. Wealth often seems to bear the mark of a curse and brings more misfortunes than joys. Many of us give ourselves over to the bitterest despair because we earn too little, or are afraid that lack of money will make us or our children ill. Money is not only a symbol of everything good in life, but also the root of all our problems.

Everyone understands that money is often the cause of happiness or sorrow, but in almost all sectors of society there is a general taboo against any conversation about our personal relationship with money. It is considered bad manners to talk about what it costs, who earns how much, and who has how much money. Therefore, money is very rarely a topic of open discussion between parents and children, husband and wife, brothers and sisters, friends, or even between a therapist and his patient.

Money is a type of energy, the driving force of our civilization. A similar situation arose in the course of human development only recently; It wasn't always like this. In the past, the source of energy that fueled interactions between people was land or livestock, or slaves, or natural resources (water, salt, iron), or weapons. And although people have always used one thing as the main source of energy - one thing or one natural resource- none of these things or resources could turn into that colossal mechanism that money is in our time - the only thing that permeates all sides human life and constitutes a fundamental element of modern culture. Today money is the energy that moves the world.

Money is something dirty. The first who realized that money is hidden in itself hidden meaning, was Freud. However, he only saw their negative side. For him, money symbolized excrement and was associated with something disgusting and despicable. Perhaps this is why it is not customary to talk about money in most strata of society.

Freud rebelled against the hypocrisy of the mainstream religion of the Victorian era with its condemnation of what was considered the "base" part human nature: body, sexuality and material desires. He broke the taboo that prohibited viewing sex as an important part of human life. However, Freud did not do the same with money - perhaps because he believed that the desire for money is not an original, infantile impulse, or perhaps because in Freud's time money had not yet become the universal source of energy that it is today, - the only symbol that personifies any desires.

The taboo that prevents money from taking its place in our understanding of human nature still remains in force. Even therapists who don't hesitate to touch on all sorts of issues related to sex and power rarely touch on anything to do with money. They expressed almost no wise thoughts on how to approach the important role of money in personal development. Most people never think to consult a therapist when they are overwhelmed by financial conflicts. However, perhaps more marriages fail due to disagreements over money than for any other reason. Money resentment is probably the most important of all the problems that create alienation between parent and child, brother and sister.

For today's world, money means the same thing that in the Middle Ages it meant the salvation of the soul. The most important wars of the 20th century were fought not over religion, but over money. The question remains: is there in our modern concept about people a place for spirituality. And if so, how does spirituality relate to money?

In the past, organized religion regulated the relationship between our spiritual commitments and material desires. As spirituality ceased to be an important element of our self, our sense of self became increasingly determined by material desires, greed and addictions. The balance was upset, and material motivations got out of control.

Today money is the main reflection material world, that “low” world, the roots of which go back to the physical needs of our body, to lusts and fears. Spirituality is a reflection of our best qualities, the ability to feel sorry for others, the “higher” world of searching for the meaning of life, the desire for unity and community.

Money can also be one of the elements that makes manifestations of spirituality possible. They allow us to have compassion, to give back, to “love our neighbor.” However, the pursuit of money for selfish purposes is contrary to spiritual values. Where is the line between self-love and love for others? The answer to this question means the resolution of the dilemma of our dual nature.

In today's society, money - the energy that moves the world - acts as a bargaining chip that serves to satisfy all desires. The desire for money is reflected in the desire to own a Porsche (a Porsche, not just a car to drive); the need to own a country house (namely a country house, and not just a roof over your head); the need to enjoy cakes and sweets (and not just satisfy hunger). The thirst for money is an artificial need that personifies all other artificial needs - to be slim and beautiful, and not just healthy and strong; to be influential and admired, not just to have Good work; the need to communicate deeply, not just have a good time.

All these are artificial needs, and the symbolic thirst for money personifies the irresistible desire to satisfy them. To acquire all these things, we offer in exchange our bodies, our time, our love and our peace of mind.

In the lives of many people, money turns out to be the main bargaining chip of love. When we love someone, we try to get something from him and at the same time give something to him. This duality of purpose is what gives the problems of love such complexity. Money also influences our character, making us either selfish or altruistic. But if you can love and be loved at the same time, then when we're talking about about money, we often have to choose between selfishness and altruism.

For each of us, money is special. inner world, a hidden life that may not appear outwardly. There may be a secret miser or philanthropist inside each of us. We are tormented by painful feelings of guilt or unfulfilled desires. Happiness and sorrow are part of the secret meaning of money. Everyone approaches money differently, and for many of us, this attitude determines the nature of all our other relationships. We have seen that the secret meaning of money can be refracted in various dimensions and has a wide range of manifestations, even to the most extreme. For example, money can be used to express hostility or love, to help people or to exploit them. The nature of our relationships with others depends on what exactly we want to express through money.

What is now being talked about at all meetings of parliament and government, at meetings with the president, in tens of thousands of newspaper articles, in numerous television programs... about the lack of money.

But if you think about it, this cannot but cause surprise. Ten years ago, the country’s budget was characterized by amounts of tens of billions of rubles, and at the same time there was constant talk about the lack of money. Now the budget bill runs into hundreds of trillions. And again we hear about a catastrophic lack of money. And if the budget is millions of trillions. Interestingly, then they will say that there is enough money. Until recently, we received salaries of one hundred or two hundred rubles and were happy. Now even a pensioner receives thousands of rubles and complains about the lack of money. And if he receives a hundred million, are we sure that he will become richer?

Thus, the point is not at all in the amount of money, but in something completely different. The point is, first of all, in the system of functioning of money. But the amount of money in itself is a secondary issue.

This is why it is important to know and understand how money functions in modern society.

Unfortunately, this knowledge is often hidden from society. People who control society through money are not at all eager to share their knowledge in this area with the public. On the contrary, in this area myths are deliberately created and misinformation is prepared, public attention is diverted to all sorts of secondary issues from truly important points.

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