Interactive game Altai region is 80 years old. Class hour "80 years of the Altai region"

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80th anniversary of the Altai Territory class hour My native Altai Territory September 1, 2017 Classroom teacher 11th grade MBOU "Ustyanskaya secondary school" Dikalova Nadezhda Ivanovna

From the history of the region, Altai has long been known as a metal mining region. The largest Ural factory owner, Akinfiy Demidov, took advantage of this - on September 21, 1729, the first-born of Altai metallurgy, the Kolyvano-Voskresensky plant, started working. The depths of Altai were also rich in silver. In 1744, Demidov's clerks began silver smelting production. The result of Akinfiy Demidov’s activities in Altai was the creation of a feudal mining industry based on serf labor assigned peasants and artisans. Land map of Demidov's possessions in Altai.

In 1747, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna issued a decree by which Altai was transferred to the personal property of the Russian tsars - the former Demidov enterprises came under the jurisdiction of the Tsar's Cabinet, under whose leadership the subsequent industrial exploitation of the region's silver deposits was carried out. Over the next five years, over 750 pounds of silver and more than 20 pounds of gold were smelted in Altai, which was estimated at 150 thousand rubles - a huge amount at that time. The tomb of Alexander Nevsky weighing 90 pounds, which is now in the Hermitage, was made from Altai silver. Barnaul plant Akinfiy Demidov. 1747 Reconstruction by M.A. Yudina.

By the end of the 18th century, 8 mining and metallurgical plants operated in the region. The annual smelting of silver reached 1 thousand poods. In the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, the Zmeinogorsk mine was the main supplier of silver ores. The tomb of Alexander Nevsky, made of Altai silver. Leningrad, Hermitage. TsHAF AK. Photopositive No. 721.

Formed in the second half of the 18th century, the Kolyvano-Voskresensky (from 1834 - Altai) mountain district is a huge territory that included the modern Altai Territory, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo, part of the Tomsk regions and part of the East Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with a total area of ​​over 500 thousand sq. km. The reigning monarch was the owner of Altai factories, mines, lands and forests; their main management was carried out by the Cabinet, located in St. Petersburg. The backbone of the local administration consisted of mountain officers. The Kolyvano-Voskresensk mining administration was located in Barnaul, the administrative center of the district. Plan of the Barnaul plant and its surroundings, indicating the location of the main buildings, roads, arable land and meadows, compiled by Unterschichtmeister I.I. Polzunov and geodesy student P. Popov.

At the end of the 18th century, all the most important deposits of ornamental stones were discovered in Altai, which brought him world fame: Korgonskoye, Revnevskoye, Beloretskoye and Goltsovskoye. Since 1786, the stone-cutting industry has been developing in the region (grinding mill at the Loktevsky plant, since 1802 - a grinding factory in the village of Kolyvan). She specialized in the production of large things: vases, candelabra, fireplaces and other products. Here the famous “Queen of Vases” was made from Remnev jasper, decorating one of the halls of the Hermitage. Drawing of a candelabra made of gray-violet jasper. The author of the project is architect Galberg.

From 1766 to 1781, the mint of the Suzun copper smelter produced Siberian copper coins, which were circulated only in Siberia; from 1781 to 1847 – all-Russian. Siberian copper coins minted at the Suzunsky plant All-Russian copper coins minted at the Suzunsky plant

XVIII-XIX centuries Agriculture is the basis of the region's economy In the first half of the 19th century, Altai ranked first in Russia in the production of silver, second in copper, and third in gold. It has turned into the second industrial region in the east of the country after the Urals. In 1806, Barnaul, along with Yekaterinburg, was officially recognized as a mountain city. Drawing of the coat of arms of the city of Barnaul, approved by Emperor Nicholas I on May 8, 1846.

After the reforms of the 60–70s of the 19th century, feudal remnants remained in Altai to a greater extent than in the center of the country and other regions of Siberia. The ownership of the mountain district by the kings remained intact, and this determined many features of the development of Altai in the post-reform period. The mining industry, which was the main branch of the district's economy, entered a period of crisis after 1861. From the beginning of the 1870s, the unprofitability of factories began to increase uncontrollably, and by the end of the century almost all of them were closed. Panorama of Barnaul. Second half of the 19th century.

In post-reform Altai, private gold mining was most developed. Most large companies in gold mining were “Altai gold mining business” and “South Altai gold mining business.” By the end of the 19th century, 70 mines were in operation and up to 100 pounds of gold were mined annually. The private manufacturing industry was represented by flour and coarse mills, distilleries, sheepskin and sheepskin workshops. Black sheepskin coats made in Barnaul were famous throughout Russia. Map of the Altai Okrug showing the locations of mineral resources. 1908 At the Karakachinsky mine. [Early 20th century]

Gradually, agriculture becomes the basis of the Altai economy. Along with the cultivation of grain crops (wheat, oats, rye), potato planting expanded, and beekeeping received significant development. At the beginning of the twentieth century, dairy farming and butter production came to the fore. Altai oil was even exported to Western European countries. Sheepskin degreasing workshop at a private sheepskin and fur factory. 1912 TsKhAF AK. Photo positive No. 2137. By 1915, the Altai Railway, connecting Novonikolaevsk, Barnaul and Semipalatinsk. Water transport also improved.

Beginning of the 20th century Stolypin agrarian reform and Altai P.A. Stolypin and A.V. Krivoshein in the village. Slavgorod in the fall of 1910. From the book: Asian Russia. St. Petersburg, 1914. T. 1. P. 488. Outstanding Russian statesman, Minister of Internal Affairs, Chairman of the Council of Ministers (since 1906) Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin (1862-1911) in 1910, together with the head of the Main Directorate of Land Management and agriculture A.V. Krivoshein visited Siberia and Altai in order to familiarize himself with the practice of resettlement. During the trip P.A. Stolypin, in addition to other areas, crossed the territory of the entire Altai District, covering hundreds of kilometers. The ceremonial foundation of the resettlement village of Slavgorod was held, it developed quickly and four years later received the status of a city.

The implementation of Stolypin’s resettlement policy in Altai began with the publication of the decree on September 19, 1906 “On the provision of free lands for resettlement in the Altai Okrug.” The colonization fund of the Altai Okrug was formed from free lands, land plots from old-time peasants and the indigenous population, and cabinet quitrent articles. The bulk of the resettlement sites were allocated in areas of the district that were previously not affected or slightly affected by agricultural colonization, including in arid areas (Kulundinskaya and Belagachskaya steppes). The lands allocated for settlements, farmsteads and cutting plots were sufficient to accommodate no more than 2/3 of all migrant families who arrived in the Altai Okrug. The rest of the settlers settled in old-timer villages. Compared to 1897-1906. The geography of resettlement of migrants in the district expanded from 162 to 211 volosts.

Most Active participation immigrants from the central black earth provinces, Ukraine, Novorossiya and the Volga region were accepted into the resettlement. During the Stolypin period, the share of immigrants from the Urals, Baltic states and western provinces decreased. With a certain isolation in the cultural and everyday sphere, agricultural labor and the desire for survival contributed to the establishment of cooperation in the economic and production sphere between settlers and old-timers, as well as foreigners. Agricultural work in the pre-revolutionary Altai village of GAAC. Photopositive No. 8819.

The Stolypin resettlement became an important milestone in the development of the Altai Okrug, which became the site of the most massive resettlement of migrants. This process contributed to the wider involvement of the Siberian region in all-Russian economic and sociocultural processes. Many new ones have appeared in the region settlements, where in the most difficult natural conditions new methods and techniques of organization arose economic life, industries that have glorified our region far beyond its borders (grain production, butter and cheese making, beekeeping, deer breeding, etc.)

1917-1941 Industrialization of the Altai Territory The events of 1917-1919 led to the establishment in Altai Soviet power. In June 1917, the Altai province was formed with its center in Barnaul. It existed until 1925. Map of the Altai province indicating the boundaries of counties and volosts, superimposed on the map of the Altai district.

From 1925 to 1930, the territory of Altai was part of the Siberian Territory, from 1930 to 1937 - into the West Siberian Territory. On September 28, 1937, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decided to divide the West Siberian Territory into the Novosibirsk Region and the Altai Territory with the center in Barnaul. Throughout the 1920s, Altai remained an agricultural region and therefore the main political and socio-economic processes were associated with the development of the village. By the early 1930s, the collectivization of peasant farms was completed. On economic development The Altai province at the end of the 1920s was affected by the completion of the construction of the Turkestan-Siberian railway. To process Central Asian cotton, the Barnaul melange plant is being built - the first large textile enterprise in Siberia. Its construction began in June 1932, and the first stage of the plant came into operation in November 1934. In 1940, the enterprise reached its designed capacity. Construction of the main building of the Barnaul melange plant in 1933.

Elevators were built in Barnaul, Biysk, Kamen-on-Obi; in Biysk and Aleysk - sugar factories; in Biysk, Rubtsovsk and Pospelikha - meat processing plants. Metalworking and the production of building materials grew rapidly, and the transport network improved. By the end of the 1930s, Altai had turned into one of the large agrarian-industrial regions of Siberia. Filling finished butter into barrels at the butter and cheese factory of the Altai Butter Artel, village. Altai.

1941-1945 Altai Territory during the Great Patriotic War The Great War began Patriotic War required a restructuring of everything National economy. The Altai Territory received more than 100 evacuated enterprises from the western regions of the country, including 24 factories of all-Union significance, including agricultural engineering factories, tractor factories, tractor equipment factories, mechanical presses, hardware and mechanical factories, carriage manufacturing plants, two boiler houses, etc. The war fundamentally changed the economic landscape region, giving a powerful impetus to the development of its industry. The evacuated enterprises were located in Barnaul, Biysk, Slavgorod, Rubtsovsk, Chesnokovka (Novoaltaisk). At the same time, the region remained one of the main breadbaskets of the country, being a major producer of bread, meat, butter, honey, wool and other agricultural products and raw materials for industry.

1945-1990 The formation of the region as an agrarian-industrial region The first post-war decade was a period of mass development of new equipment and technology. The growth rate of the region's industry was six times higher than the Union average. Altai diesel engines were presented at world industrial exhibitions in Berlin, Leipzig and other cities, where they received high marks and awards. At Altaiselmash in the mid-1950s. The country's first automatic line for the production of ploughshares came into operation. For the first time in the history of boiler manufacturing, the Biysk Boiler Plant used a production line for the production of boiler drums. The Barnaul mechanical press plant introduced the design of new coining presses with a pressure of 1000-2000 tons. Meeting of virgin lands at the station. Topchikha. 1954

By the beginning of the 1960s, Altai produced more than 80% of tractor plows, over 30% of freight cars and steam boilers produced by that time in the RSFSR. The priority development of industry, characteristic of the post-war decades, affected the state of agriculture, which continued to develop using extensive methods. The grain problem remained key for the region. A temporary way out of the situation was provided by the development of virgin and fallow lands. Collective and state farms of the region developed 2,619.8 thousand hectares of virgin and fallow lands, and 20 virgin state farms were organized in the region. For the successful development of virgin lands and an increase in grain production, the Altai Territory was awarded the Order of Lenin in October 1956 (the second Order of Lenin was awarded to the Altai Territory in 1970). Subsequently, the development of virgin lands resulted in the loss of cultivated areas as a result of soil erosion. Under these conditions, the need to intensify agricultural production and transform it into a complex closely connected with processing industries became urgent.

In the 1970–80s, there was a transition from separately operating enterprises and industries to the formation of territorial production complexes: agricultural-industrial hubs, production and production-scientific associations. With centers at major cities Rubtsovsko-Loktevsky, Slavgorod-Blagoveshchensky, Zarinsko-Sorokinsky, Barnaul-Novoaltaysky, Aleysky, Kamensky, Biysky agro-industrial complexes were created. Coke and chemical plant in Zarinsk: workshops for collecting and processing coke oven gas. 1989 In February 1972, construction of the Altai Coke and Chemical Plant began, and in December 1981 the first coke was produced.

Time for change Since the late 1980s, in the region, as well as throughout the country, signs of an approaching crisis began to appear in all sectors of society. 1990-2000 were the years of acute budget deficit and decline in the construction industry. The regional economy turned out to be unadapted to the new conditions. On the other hand, elements of self-development began to take shape in the economic environment. There is an opportunity to enter the international market. Economic policy region was focused on improving the quality and competitiveness of the region's products and increasing the export of Altai goods. In the early 1990s, instead of collective and state farms, farms were organized, many of which received government support. By the end of the 1990s. The Altai Territory was among the top ten regions of Russia in terms of population. In 1991, the Administration of the Altai Territory adopted a resolution “On the opening of a regional medical diagnostic center,” the construction of which was completed in 1993. The main objectives of his activities were to provide highly qualified consultative, diagnostic and therapeutic assistance to the population of the region using the most modern, complex hardware and instrumental methods.

The building of the Altai Regional Diagnostic Center During this period, territorial changes occurred in the Altai Territory: in 1991, the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region (currently a subject of Russian Federation- Altai Republic).

With the beginning of market reforms, the situation in the social and cultural spheres is changing. The region's leadership adopted resolutions on preventing unemployment, allocating land plots for gardens and vegetable gardens, developing measures to assist refugees and internally displaced persons. This time was marked by attempts to preserve the system of public education and medical care for the population, to minimize the costs of the transition to the market in the field of culture, etc. On July 20, 1993, the Regional Administration adopted a resolution “On the transfer of religious buildings and other property to religious organizations,” and in 1994 a program for the revival of the Kumandin people was developed. In 1993, the Joint Stock Company for Energy and Electrification of the Altai Territory - Altaienergo JSC - was created as part of RAO UES of Russia. The structure of the enterprise included: CHPP-1, CHPP-2, CHPP-3, Barnaul heating plant, as well as branches of electrical networks and energy sales. New projects and enterprises that emerged in the early 1990s are moving to the forefront of the economy. In 1991, on the basis of the Federal Research and Production Center "Altai", the company "Evalar" was created, which later became one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Russia, specializing in the production of natural preparations for the preservation and promotion of health, and medicinal cosmetics.

In 1992, a joint stock company was organized on the basis of a grain processing enterprise open type"Aleyskzernoprodukt" is a powerful agro-industrial complex with a full technological cycle for growing and processing grain, manufacturing and packaging products. In 1993, the Rubtsovsky Bakery Plant was transformed into the Melnik Joint Stock Company, which produces flour, pasta, cereals, sunflower oil and feed for farm animals. In order to revive the mining of polymetallic ores in the Altai Territory, the Regional Administration in 1998 created OJSC Siberia-Polymetals, which is engaged in the extraction of polymetallic ores, gold, and the production of copper, zinc, and lead concentrates. In order to preserve in natural state valuable natural complexes On December 15, 1998, the resolution of the regional Legislative Assembly “On State nature reserve"Tigireksky". And on January 21, 1998, in order to prevent the loss of the gene pool and preserve rare and endangered species of plants and animals, a decree was issued on the publication of the Red Book of the Altai Territory.

In 2003, the draft program for the development of the city of Biysk as a science city of the Russian Federation for 2003-2007 was approved. In 2005, the Government of the Russian Federation supported the initiative of the Governor of the region, Alexander Karlin, and the administration of the city of Biysk to assign the status of a science city to the second largest city in the Altai Territory. In 2011, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the status of a science city of the Russian Federation was retained for the city of Biysk for another 5 years. On January 19, 2017, a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was adopted, which preserved the status of a science city for Biysk for 15 years

Our region Altai lesson of the surrounding world, 4th grade, educational complex “School of Russia”

  • primary school teacher
  • Municipal budgetary educational institution
  • Secondary school No. 23
  • Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory
  • Lesson topic:
  • Our region is Altai
  • “I love and know. I know and love. And the more fully I love, the better I know.”
  • What do I know about the Altai region…………….
  • What would you like to know……………
  • Altai (Alatun, Alty-ay, Alin-tu)
  • golden, motley, high - (al), mountains - (tai).
  • In 1937, the Altai Territory became an independent region.
  • The length of the territory from west to east is about 560 km,
  • from north to south - about 500 km.
  • Altai Territory is located in the southeast
  • Trap of the Siberian Plain
  • The territory of the region is 168 thousand km²
  • There are 60 districts, 12 cities in our region,
  • 14 urban-type settlements and 1621 rural settlements.
  • Population - 2,496.8 thousand people. (2009)
  • The nature of the Altai region is amazing
  • variety of landscapes.
  • These are endless steppes,
  • hilly foothill plains, mountain ranges.
  • Birch groves and pine forests,
  • mighty cedars and larches
  • Large mountain rivers and the wide Ob River.
  • This is the largest river in the world and crosses the flat part of Altai for 453 km.
  • On the plains of the region there are many lakes (more than 5000) - the largest are Kulundinskoye (728 sq. m.), Bolshoye Yarovoye.
  • The Altai region is rich in minerals.
  • They mine from us copper ores, non-ferrous metals: gold, copper, lead, zinc, silver.
  • There are deposits of gypsum, marble, and building materials (lime).
  • Stone-cutting and colored ornamental stones brought world fame to Altai
  • (porphite, quartzite, malachite, marble).
  • Pine ribbon forests are unique natural formations found nowhere else in the world.
  • Larch is considered the champion of our forests - it forms park forests.
  • A real miracle - cedar . This tree is a plant that produces nuts whose nutritional properties are not inferior to cream.
  • There are significant reserves of medicinal raw materials. Used in scientific medicine
  • about 60 plant species.
  • About 90 species of mammals live in the region,
  • 270 species of birds, a large class of insects.
  • 36 reserves
  • 143 natural monuments
  • Tigireksky reserve
  • Our Altai land has nurtured many famous people
  • Main industries: mechanical engineering, metalworking, chemical, petrochemical, food, light, woodworking
  • Altai is the largest agricultural region of the country. It ranks third in grain and milk production, fifth in meat production. Huge areas are occupied by sunflower, soybean and sugar beet plantations.
  • There are several resorts in the region that use healing springs with radon waters and healing mud.
  • Belokurikha, which has amazing radon-silicate springs, is a resort of world importance.
  • Is there such a corner in the world, Wherever I am, I don’t know, Only, perhaps, I couldn’t find one better than the Altai Territory...
  • K. Far
  • Today in class:
  • it was interesting…
  • What did this lesson teach me in life?
  • I thought it was important...
  • Through my work in class I:
  • satisfied…
  • I'm unhappy because...
  • List of sources used
  • Revyakin V. S. Geography of the Altai Territory, textbook, Barnaul: XXI century, 2004
  • http://ru.wikipedia.
  • song
  • “For me, my region is my homeland! And the Motherland is Altai!”, M. Evdokimov.
  • Video (independently) created in the Muvee autoProducer program
  • – slide background
  • - coat of arms
  • – flag
  • – administrative map Russia
  • - physical map Russia
  • – map of the Altai Territory
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Slide 16
  • kraja_fauna/17-1-0-51
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Altai Territory

Relevance: This class hour was developed for the 80th anniversary of the Altai Territory, with the goal of giving students as much information as possible about their native land in an interesting, entertaining form using a slide presentation.

OBJECTIVES of the class:

1. Increasing the level of students’ knowledge about the Altai Territory - their small homeland.

2. Cultivating a feeling of love for the Altai region.

3. Fostering patriotism, pride and love for ancestors and the Motherland.


1. Giveinitial information about the Altai region.

2. Introducesymbolism of the region.

3. Develop a sense of pride in your region.


Computer, multimedia installation, presentation.

Class progress


Hello guys! Today our class hour is dedicated to the anniversary of the Altai Territory, its eightieth anniversary.

Today we will remember the history of the formation of the Altai Territory, consider and study in detail the flag and coat of arms of our region, get acquainted with famous people Altai region.


From forgotten centuries, from time immemorial
This land of gold
The land of unprecedented mountain generosity.
What is Altai?
Now you ask the trapper,
And you will hear - gold,
You will hear the same word.
These are foxes and otters, stoats and sables
It's soft gold
What the earth gives.

( Alexander Gavryushkin )

Teacher: Guys, do you know where our Motherland is located - Altai Territory?

The Altai Territory is located in the southeast of Western Siberia, occupies part of Altai and the parts of the West Siberian Plain adjacent to it in the north. It borders on Kazakhstan, the Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions, and the Altai Republic. Area 169.1 thousand square meters. km. Population more than 2755 thousand people. There are 11 cities and 30 urban-type settlements in the Altai Territory. Barnaul is the capital of the Altai Territory. Founded in 1730, the cityRlocated on the left bank of the Ob River, at the confluence of the Barnaulka River. Junction of railway lines and roads. It has a river port and an airport. Population 666.3 thousand people

People first appeared on the territory of Altai about one and a half million years ago. At the end of the 6th century BC. e. groups of newcomers appear on the territory of Altai. The culture of the newcomer population was called “Afanasyevskaya” - after the name of the mountain in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, near which the first burial ground dating back to this period was excavated. The Afanasyev tribes settled throughout the Altai along the Biya and Katun rivers in the south and along the Ob in the north.

In the 1st century BC. e in Altai there was a culture of the Scythian type, which left a huge number of unique monuments. The main occupation of the population of Altai at that time was cattle breeding. People roamed the plains and foothills in the summer, and with the beginning of winter they drove their cattle to the mountain valleys.

From the end of the 3rd century - beginning of the 2nd centuries BC. e. Altai was in the sphere of influence of the Xiongnu tribal union - the ancestors of the Huns, who subsequently conquered many European peoples in the process of the “Great Migration of Peoples”.

The settlement by Russians of the Upper Ob region and the foothills of Altai began in the 2nd half17th century . The development of Altai began after the Beloyarskaya (1717 ) and Bikatunskaya (1718 ) fortresses . For this purpose, prospecting parties were sent to Altai to explore valuable ore deposits. The father and son Kostylevs are considered to be the discoverers; later, a Ural breeder took advantage of the discoveriesAkinfiy Demidov .

In parallel with copper production, silver smelting also began. The result of the activities of Akinfiy Demidov and his clerks in Altai was the creation here of a feudal mining industry based on the serf labor of assigned peasants and artisans.

Formed by 2nd half18th century Altai mountain district - this is a territory that included the current Altai Territory, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo, part of the Tomsk and East Kazakhstan regions, with a total area of ​​over 500 thousand km and a population of more than 130 thousand souls of both sexes.Emperor was the owner of Altai factories, mines, lands and forests, the main management of them was carried out by the Cabinet, locatedV . The backbone of the local administration consisted of mountain officers. But the main role in production was played by non-commissioned officers and technicians, from whose ranks came talented craftsmen and inventors I.I.Polzunov , K.D.Frolov , P. M. Zalesov, M. S. Laulin.

IN late XIX century, a section of the Siberian Railway passed through the northern part of the district; by 1915, the Altai Railway was built, connecting Novonikolaevsk, Barnaul and Semipalatinsk.

The Stolypin land reform gave impetus to the resettlement movement to Altai, which generally contributed to the economic recovery of the region.

In July 1917, the Altai province was formed with its center in Barnaul, which existed until 1925. From 1925 to 1937, the territory of Altai was part of the West Siberian Territory, and on September 28, 1937, the Altai Territory was formed.

The outbreak of the Great Patriotic War required a restructuring of the entire economy. Altai received more than 100 evacuated enterprises from the western regions of the country, including 24 factories of national importance. The war fundamentally changed the economic appearance of Altai, giving a powerful impetus to the development of its industry. At the same time, the region remained one of the main breadbaskets of the country, being a major producer of bread, meat, butter, honey, wool and other agricultural products.

The first post-war decade was a period of massive development of new equipment and technology. The growth rate of the region's industry exceeded the all-Union rate. By the beginning of the 60s, Altai produced more than 80% of tractor plows, over 30% of freight cars and steam boilers produced by that time in the RSFSR.

In the 70-80s, there was a transition from separately operating enterprises and industries to the formation of territorial production complexes: agricultural-industrial hubs, production and production-scientific associations.

Today, the Altai Territory is one of the largest agricultural regions in the Siberian Federal District and in the Russian Federation.

It ranks third in grain and milk production, fifth in meat production. Huge areas are occupied by sunflower, soybean and sugar beet plantations.

Altai region- one of the most interesting, in terms of tourism, corners of Russia. Over the past three years, tourists from 60 countries have visited it.

Symbols of the Altai Territory - flag and coat of arms

The flag of the Altai Territory is a rectangular panel of red color with a blue stripe at the pole (mast) across the entire width of the Flag and a stylized image of an ear of corn on this stripe yellow color as a symbol of agriculture - the leading sector of the economy of the Altai Territory. In the center of the Flag the image of the coat of arms of the Altai Territory is reproduced.

The coat of arms of the Altai Territory is a heraldic shield of the French form, which is horizontally divided into upper and lower parts of equal height.
At the top of the shield in an azure (light blue, light blue) field there is a silver smoking blast furnaceXVIIIcentury.
In the lower part of the shield, in a scarlet (red) field, the Kolyvan “Queen of Vases”, kept in the State Hermitage, is depicted in a greenish color (the natural color of green jasper). The shield is framed with a wreath of golden ears of wheat intertwined with an azure ribbon.

The coat of arms contains an image of the unique “Queen of Vases”, kept in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. This vase is 2.5 meters high, 5 meters in diameter and weighs 19,200 kg. Over the course of 8 years, from 1825 to 1833, it was made from a single monolith of green jasper at the Kolyvan stone-cutting and grinding factory.

In accordance with the official descriptions in these laws, the following symbolic meaning of the colors and images on the coat of arms and flag of the Altai Territory is established:
red color symbolizes dignity, courage and courage; blue (blue) - greatness;
Ears of wheat represent agriculture, the leading sector of the economy of the Altai Territory.

Presentation “Our fellow countrymen are the pride of the Altai land”

Slide-1. Title of the presentation.

Slide 2. The Altai region has become famous for its famous actors, directors, poets and artists. We are well familiar with the names of Mikhail Evdokimov, Vasily Shukshin, Valery Zolotukhin. The cosmonaut German Titov, the scientist Ivan Polzunov, and the inventor of weapons Mikhail Kalashnikov were from Altai.

Slide-3. German Stepanovich Titov was born in 1935 in the village of Polkovnikovo, Altai Territory. When he grew up he became a military pilot. On August 6, 1961, our fellow countryman flew into space on the Vostok-2 spacecraft. German Titov spent about a day in space.

Slide-4. Vasily Makarovich Shukshin.

Slide-5. Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov.

Slide-6. Mikhail Sergeevich Evdokimov.

Slide-7. Valery Sergeevich Zolotukhin.

Slide 8. Alexander Vasilievich Pankratov-Cherny.

Quiz “The land in which I live”


Teacher: Unfortunately, in one lesson it is impossible to tell about everything that our native land is famous and good for.I think you love your homeland not for anything, but simply because you were born and raised here.And no matter how your life turns out in the future, no matter where fate takes you, and no matter where you live, you will always keep a piece of native land. And maybe your names will appear, because we are the present and future of our region, our country, the history of which we are writing together.

We would like to end our event with verses from the Altai poet Yuri Knyazhentsev:

Altai region is the soul of Russia!

It’s not for nothing that people say.

Here are the domes of churches, saints,

In the sun, they burn like gold.

And sails into the distance on the patronal holiday,

Crystal ringing bells

Above the fertile land,

Soaring up to the clouds.

Love you! My region is Altai,

I'm proud of you, I live for you!

And all from edge to edge,

You are dear to my heart.

With your grain fields,

You are glorious from time immemorial.

And to the military feat of heroes,

Russia's devoted sons.

I love your meadows expanse

And your limitless space.

Your forests, fields and rivers,

And the sadness of brooding lakes.

I love birch groves

When the nightingales sing in them.

I'm ready to listen all night long,

Their serenades are about love.

Inexplicable, bright sadness,

On a spring night, among the birches.

Suddenly it squeezes the heart and lets go,

My chest hurts and brings me to tears.

Unique sunrises

I like to meet people by the river.

And every day for this happiness,

I thank you, my land!

You are a glorious son of a great country,

I'm proud of you, I live for you.

With a generous and open soul,

You are dear to my heart.

And let them shine over you,

Churches, golden domes.

Altai region is the soul of Russia!

It’s not for nothing that people say.

On Thursday, June 8, a presentation of the portal dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the region took place in the Altai Territory. Simultaneously on the site80.alregn.ruThe “100 days before the anniversary” campaign was launched. The culminating day of the celebration will be September 16th.

The presentation of the anniversary portal with the symbolic launch of the countdown was held by Vitaly Snesar, Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government, Head of the Governor’s and Government Administration. One click of a button and the site opened its pages in the virtual space. You can now access it from computers and tablets. The developers promise that over time there will be a version for smartphones.

The portal is divided into many thematic sections that contain a wide variety of information about the Altai Territory. This is information about the history of the development of the region, news, interesting figures and facts, photo albums and documentary videos. Among other things, on the portal you can find a report on how the 80x80 program works. Let us remind you that for the anniversary, 80 socially significant facilities are being built or overhauled in cities and districts of the region.

The creation of an anniversary website dedicated to the history of the region became one of the points in the extensive program of preparation for the 80th anniversary of the Altai Territory, said Vitaly Snesar, opening the presentation. - Congratulations to all of us on reaching the hundred-day period before the anniversary of the Altai Territory. The region's birthday is not only a holiday full of events, it is an occasion to talk about our fellow countrymen who live, work, give birth to children and all together create the glory of our region.

According to the head of the department for the implementation of federal programs and projects of the Department of Communications and Mass Communications of the Altai Territory, Dmitry Chegrov, the new resource was the result of fruitful collaboration between the relevant department, the executive authorities of the region and municipalities. The website presents a plan for upcoming anniversary events, the most complete information about the life of the region, taking into account that users can get necessary information from different sources.

Thus, the section “Books about the Altai Territory” deserves special attention, in which magazines, newspapers and works of Altai writers are collected and available for downloading.

The developers plan to develop the new portal and are waiting for proposals from residents of the region. According to Vitaly Snesar, the proposed virtual product does not pretend to be perfect. “We propose to consider it as a living, growing organism,” said the deputy chairman of the regional government. - We are not going to rest on our laurels and present our project as perfectly finished.

Taking into account all constructive suggestions and critical analysis, we will, as far as possible, bring this plastic material to perfection. Vitaly Snesar recalled that the culminating day of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Altai Territory will be September 16. An extensive program is planned for this day, in which guests and residents of the region will be able to take part.

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