Working with a dictionary entry. Vocabulary work in reading lessons

Vocabulary work on the reading lessons

Annotation: This article reveals techniques for working with words in reading lessons, which promotes speech development and improves spelling literacy in students.

Annotation: This article reveals techniques for working with words in the reading lessons, which contributes to the development of speech and spelling to improve literacy among students.

Keywords: reading lesson, vocabulary work, dictionary, word analysis

The keywords: reading lesson, vocabulary work, vocabulary, analysis of words

One of the main tasks of a primary school teacher in reading lessons is the development of students' speech. Working on a group of words from a text will help students understand the text and enrich their vocabulary; clearing the speech of schoolchildren from non-literary words.

When preparing for a reading lesson, the teacher needs to analyze the text being studied in advance from the point of view of its lexical features, write down from it all the words that may make it difficult for students to understand, as well as non-literary words and expressions, if any. When selecting words for vocabulary work in a reading lesson, it is necessary to establish which of them can only be briefly explained in order to facilitate the perception of the text, and which need to be thoroughly worked on in order for these words to be included in the active vocabulary of schoolchildren.

The teacher needs to think through the features of the methodology for working with words, namely, develop methods for explaining unclear words and vocabulary exercises. As a result of lexical analysis of the text, the teacher compiles a list of difficult words and develops a methodology for studying them.

Existing forms and methods of dictionary work are varied and their choice is determined by specific conditions; the nature of the material, the level of preparedness of the class, the availability of dictionaries and reference guides.

To reveal the lexical meaning of words, it is advisable to use such techniques as, for example, replacing a word with a synonym, replacing words with a descriptive phrase, and analyzing a word by composition.

The most common method of explaining the meaning of a word is the selection of synonyms. It is more economical than other techniques and more effectively contributes to enriching students’ vocabulary.

However, not in all cases the technique of selecting synonyms can be used. So, when explaining a word of a terminological nature, it is unacceptable, so here we have to use another technique - replacing the word with a descriptive phrase. Using this technique when explaining the meaning of words helps children learn the logic of speech and develops their thinking and speech.

An equally effective method of explaining the lexical meaning of a word is to analyze the word by composition. This technique helps to consolidate knowledge of morphology and improve spelling skills.

In order to more economically explain difficult words in reading lessons, we can recommend the use of wall tables - dictionaries prepared in advance by the teacher.

We should not forget that when explaining words, the teacher must take into account the peculiarities of the context and give such an interpretation of new words that will reveal their meaning in the given text.

Mastering vocabulary material is a long and labor-intensive process that requires constant and painstaking work on words that are lexically and spelling difficult.

It can be summarized that the most rational types of tasks are the following:

1) replacing these words with synonyms or descriptive phrases;

2) inclusion of new words in sentences;

3) composing phrases or sentences with these words;

4) compiling short stories using these words;

5) inclusion of new words in dictations.

Based on the principle of connecting reading lessons with grammar and spelling lessons, the teacher should work on all difficult words found in the texts of the textbook.

Thoughtful and well-organized vocabulary work contributes to the development of speech and increased spelling literacy in students.

Unfortunately, the literacy of the younger generation leaves much to be desired. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that today's schoolchildren are reading classic works less and less. And literacy, as you know, largely depends on the quantity and quality of what you read.

Many people believe that literacy is an indicator of a person’s intelligence and intelligence. And literacy schools pay a lot of attention to writing. School teachers, using various advanced techniques, put a lot of effort into helping students quickly and easily remember the correct spelling of vocabulary words. But, as you know, memorizing them is a difficult task for almost all students. To remember difficult words that are not regulated by rules, you need to repeat them repeatedly, and repetition is a very monotonous and tiring task.

Of course, it is easier for students with good memory to cope with such a problem. But still, if the learning process in such an area is also made fun, then achieving success in remembering the correct spelling of difficult words will be much easier and faster.

As is known, children whose active vocabulary is relatively rich show better results in test papers in the Russian language. But any student, with regular classes and systematic implementation of vocabulary and spelling tasks, is able to activate his vocabulary and, over time, make fewer and fewer mistakes when reflecting vocabulary words in writing.

The Russian language program involves working on complex words from the primary grades. And in order for younger schoolchildren to master the program proposed to them and learn all the difficult words provided for in the curriculum, their teacher has to put a lot of effort and approach the learning process creatively.

The teacher is faced with the task of not only introducing his students to grammatical phenomena, but also consolidating the acquired knowledge. The purpose of regular tasks and exercises for mastering complex words is to consolidate and apply the acquired knowledge and developed skills and abilities in practice. Practical classes help develop independent work skills, as well as strengthen thinking skills.

By completing certain tasks, children learn to analyze, compare, generalize, abstract and compose phrases and sentences. Thanks to exercises, students systematize and automate their knowledge.

Teachers regularly carry out vocabulary and spelling work, which is a set of exercises carried out on an ongoing basis and aimed at students mastering the spelling, grammatical, lexical and pronunciation norms of the literary Russian language.

To summarize, we can say that a teacher can teach children to write correctly and not make mistakes when using vocabulary words, using various teaching methods and a variety of methods and techniques to make the learning process as effective as possible.

Lesson on the topic “Explanatory dictionaries. Working with a dictionary entry" 5th grade

Planned result: they know the purpose of explanatory dictionaries and know how to use them to define and clarify the lexical meaning of words, they know the structure of a dictionary entry and know how to navigate it.

They master the ability to use comparisons, extract necessary information, analyze studied phenomena, and develop the ability to freely and correctly express their thoughts.

(Presentation for the lesson is attached)

During the classes:


One day, the young (and later famous) French poet Charles Baudelaire came to another poet, the venerable Théophile Gautier; Gautier asked him: “Do you read dictionaries?” Baudelaire replied that yes, he reads willingly. And Gautier began to tell him how necessary this activity is for a writer, how much useful information can be gleaned from reading dictionaries.

And yet, Gautier was right: without constant work with dictionaries, a writer cannot have a true philological culture. And such work is necessary not only for the writer: every cultured person constantly turns to the dictionary! After all, you can glean a lot of important and interesting information from them.

Slide number 1

The dictionary is the entire universe in alphabetical order! If you think about it, a dictionary is a book of books. It includes all the other books, you just need to extract them from it.

A. France


Indeed, if you think about it carefully, a dictionary is a book of books. LEXICOGRAPHERS are engaged in creating dictionaries. They've created a whole range of dictionaries for you guys. Among them are encyclopedic and philological.

Slide number 2

If you want to learn about different countries, states, representatives of culture, art, if you are interested in natural phenomena (eclipses, earthquakes, etc.), if you want to learn more about the planets, the history of civilizations, etc. – refer to ENCYCLOPEDIC dictionaries. Philological dictionaries contain information about the word.

TOeach of the dictionaries performs its specific function, provides information about the word according to its purpose.

We dedicate this lessonExplanatory dictionaries.

1. Explanatory dictionary. Why do you think it is called that?

So, dictionaries that serve to explain the meanings of words are calledsmart.

2. Working with text. Determine the main idea of ​​the text.

slide number 3

For a long time, people began to use dictionaries. The tradition of creating dictionaries arose when there were many books. A person reading encountered unfamiliar words in texts, the meaning of which he could not understand.

The work of interpreting words is difficult. A linguist must study what meanings a particular word has in different texts, and write about the word in a way that is understandable to a person for whom the word is unfamiliar. You need to write briefly, otherwise the dictionary will grow to such a size that it will be inconvenient to use.

Yes, creating dictionaries is a difficult, painstaking and time-consuming task.

On his “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” V.I. Dahl worked all his life.

Slide number 4

(short messages from students about the creators of explanatory dictionaries, prepared with the help of the encyclopedic dictionary of a young philologist)

The first message “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl"

Slide No. 5

Second message “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by D.N. Ushakova

Slide number 6

Third message “Russian language dictionary”S.I. Ozhegova

Slide number 7

4. But for the dictionary to become our friend and assistant, we need to learn how to use it.

Working with a dictionary entry and diagram.

Slide number 8

Look at the diagram of the dictionary entry, tell us how it works

We explain the concepts of “marks”, “context”

Conclusion: if you learn to navigate a dictionary entry, how much information about a word you can learn from it!

5. Practical part

1) Look at the dictionary entry, tell us how it works

Slide number 9

Courage , -A,Wed Bravery, presence of mind in danger.Show courage in battle.

Knight . -I, m. Poet., obsolete . Brave warrior, hero.And thirty beautiful knights emerge from the clear waters in succession. Pushkin. Ruslan and Ludmila.

Jury . – several . A group of specialists who decide on the award of a prize or award at competitions and exhibitions.Jury's decision.

2) look at the dictionary (if it is possible to put it on everyone’s desk), choose a dictionary entry, tell us how it works.

3) Compare two definitions of the same word. Which of them can be read in the dictionary, and which can be given by the interlocutors in a conversation?

Slide No. 10

Kitten - baby cat

The kitten is a nice fluffy ball.

Rose is a plant with beautiful large fragrant flowers and a stem usually covered with thorns.

Rose is a beautiful prickly flower.

    Write down the names of the objects shown in the pictures. Find the lexical meaning of each word in the explanatory dictionary.

Slide No. 11

5) Let’s read an excerpt from a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

Slide number 12

We were in a firefight for two days.

What's the use of such a trifle?

We waited for the third day.

Speeches began to be heard everywhere:

“Time to get to the buckshot!”

And here on the field of a terrible battle

The shadow of the night fell.

I lay down to take a nap by the gun carriage,

And it was heard until dawn,

How the Frenchman rejoiced.

Write down the words whose meaning you do not know or find difficult to determine (buckshot, whip, gun carriage) How will you solve this educational task? (let's turn to the explanatory dictionary!) Students determine the meaning of words with the help of an explanatory dictionary.

6) Write down 5 unfamiliar words and their meanings from the explanatory dictionary. Compose a coherent text with them

6. results Teacher:

Words words words.

Everything has a name -
Both the beast and the object.
There are a lot of things around,
But there are no nameless ones!
And all that the eye can see is
Above us and below us, -
And all that is in our memory is
Signified by words.
They are heard here and there,
On the street and at home:
One thing has long been familiar to us,
The other is unknown...
Language is both old and eternally new!
And it's so beautiful -
In a huge sea - a sea of ​​words -
Swim every hour!
They will help you not to “drown” in this sea DICTIONARIES

Slide number 13

Assistant Tips

If you don't remember or don't know the meaning of a word, consult a dictionary:

V.I. Dal “Dictionary of the Great Great Russian Language”

D.N. Ushakov “Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language”

S.I. Ozhegov “Dictionary of the Russian language”

Homework: Make up an oral statement

Vocabulary work in discipline classes "A culture of speech. Rhetoric", of course, should be given a significant place, especially in that part of the course that is associated with the study of the norms of the modern Russian literary language. This provision is determined by the fact that, based on work experience, it can be noted that modern non-philological students lack the necessary lexicographic competence.

There are a number of problems that a speech culture teacher must solve when trying to introduce students to the competent use of dictionaries.

The main problem that is usually encountered when turning to dictionary work with non-philological students, is that after the school course, students know a very limited set of dictionaries, which they prefer to turn to in any difficult cases. The “leader” here is “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova, with whom they managed to work in most cases at school. Accessing this dictionary is usually not particularly difficult for most students. They imagine its structure and ways of presenting information in it, they know that in this dictionary you can not only find out the meaning of a word, but also get additional, accompanying information: spelling, some grammatical forms, the correct placement of stress. But at the same time, reaching the level of awareness of the dictionary as “a whole world in alphabetical order” does not occur.

The second dictionary that students call is “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” IN AND. Dahl, but their idea of ​​the method of presenting information and the structure of a dictionary entry in this dictionary is quite vague. But the concept of this dictionary was not only to demonstrate the lexical richness of the Russian language, but also to the desire of V.I. Dahl “to show the “spirit” of the Russian language, i.e. word production relations, which corresponds to the nesting principle of the arrangement of words, as well as reflect the spiritual and moral views of the Russian people, their character traits, customs and mores.”

Thus, in the course “Culture of Speech. Rhetoric" for non-philology students, it seems important not only to introduce students to various types of dictionaries, teach them to extract the required information from a dictionary entry, but also to form their idea of ​​the linguistic picture of the world of the Russian people.

In connection with this approach, the problem arises of selecting those types of dictionaries that the teacher will consider in class. You cannot grasp the immensity, and no matter how much you would like to introduce students to dictionaries that are unusual for them and the information they contain, you still have to select those dictionaries that students will actually refer to in the future. Of the variety of dictionaries, students should be introduced to dictionaries that reflect the lexical composition of the Russian language (explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, etc.), dictionaries of difficulties (grammatical, pronunciation, etc.), historical dictionaries. Working with the “Russian Associative Dictionary” is well received by students. In principle, almost any type of dictionary can be used in speech culture classes, the main thing is that the algorithm for working with it is explained by the teacher, and the analysis of its material is organically included in the content of the lesson.

Familiarity with dictionaries usually begins in the first lesson. The ways of working here may be different. This can be a comparison of the information presented in encyclopedic and explanatory dictionaries, and a review of different types of dictionaries (difficulties, synonymous, antonymous, historical, etc.). It should be noted that, for example, a review of various types of dictionaries can be carried out not only under the primary guidance of a teacher or as homework, but also take place in the form of creative work, as a competition for the best presentation of one’s dictionary. The teacher brings several dictionaries of different types (6-7) to class.

Students are divided into working groups, and the teacher sets the parameters for analyzing the information presented in the dictionary (the destination of the dictionary, the number of units, the structure of the dictionary and dictionary entry, the goals and objectives of the dictionary, additional information in the dictionary entry, etc.). The choice of dictionaries for this type of work can only be limited by the material resources of the institute and taking into account the specifics of the audience - non-philologists. It is probably better to select several explanatory dictionaries, phraseological, synonymous and other dictionaries that reflect the paradigmatic connections of vocabulary. The analysis of historical and educational dictionaries seems interesting. Based on the results of the analytical work, students of each group must make a brief presentation of their vocabulary.

You can make the task more difficult. The teacher selects one word, and students, in addition to a general overview of the dictionary, tell how this word is presented in the dictionary and what features of the phenomenon or object named by this word are recorded in the dictionary. The more diverse the composition of dictionaries in a given lesson, the more interesting the results. To complete the picture, you can use spelling and even spelling dictionaries. Thus, summarizing the results of work with different types of dictionaries, students create a lexicographic portrait of a single word. The result of this work is:

  • familiarization with various types of dictionaries;
  • acquisition of primary, elementary skills in working with a dictionary;
  • description of fragments of the linguistic picture of the world according to Russian language dictionaries.

The most interesting words for this type of analysis are words that may have an ideological component or connotation in their meaning (for example, footman, proletarian“homeless, homeless, homeless” by Dahl), or words denoting abstract concepts ( true, Truth, honesty etc.), i.e. words that have been influenced by time or cause difficulties in their precise definition.

If we talk about working with dictionaries of grammatical difficulties, quite a lot of them have appeared recently, and the purpose of dictionary work in this case is more of an informational rather than an analytical nature. When studying section “Grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language” More attention should be paid to working with reference books and reference manuals, where not only the correct options are given, but also the patterns in the development of this or that norm are revealed. For example, this concerns the choice of plural endings of the Nominative and Genitive cases, determining the gender of unchangeable nouns, where it is important to outline a trend in the predominance of one or another option. Otherwise, you have to face the fact that, having determined the gender of a word from the dictionary pony as a man, a student often finds it difficult to determine gender in similar cases, for example kangaroo, grizzly, cockatoo.

Working with different types of dictionaries is important when studying the topic “Difficult cases in the system of word usage norms.” The types of work with dictionaries and the choice of dictionaries here are varied. Depending on the topic of the lesson or exercise performed by students, synonymous, antonymic, phraseological dictionaries, dictionaries of foreign words, etc. are used. As a rule, using these types of dictionaries does not cause difficulties for students, so working with them usually takes the form of homework with the wording: “when performing this exercise, refer to the dictionary of synonyms, paronyms, foreign words, etc.” .

One of the interesting components of dictionary work on the topic “Lexical Norms” is an analytical-search type of work, when students, based on an analysis of the material in a dictionary entry, are asked to draw a conclusion that deepens their understanding of the language and overcomes the stereotype of perceiving the dictionary as a reference book that exists separately from the living, everyday speech.

For example, from the school curriculum, students know that some words have a pronounced stylistic affiliation. These are words such as neologisms, archaisms, dialectisms, etc. They also confidently operate with the concept of lexicon, but they often find it difficult to answer what words make up the lexicon of a modern Russian person, including their own lexicon.

When introducing students to the concepts of active and passive vocabulary, you can invite them to analyze the page of any explanatory dictionary and distribute all the words into three groups:

  1. I know and use
  2. I know, but I don’t use it,
  3. Don't know.

Thus, after completing this task, it becomes obvious to students what the modern lexical system of the language is, what areas of life it serves, what is included in the active vocabulary of a modern native speaker, and which words and for what reasons belong to the passive vocabulary. In addition, this work is also creative in nature, based on the desire of students to learn their vocabulary, compare it with the results of the work of other students, which increases their interest in working with the dictionary.

To summarize, it should be emphasized that vocabulary work in speech culture classes not only teaches students to use dictionaries correctly and consciously, but also increases their linguistic competence, helping to penetrate the language itself and see its close connection with human life, its culture and way of life.

Article for primary school teachers "Vocabulary work in Russian language lessons in primary school"

The article summarizes the experience of working with dictionary words.
Topic: Vocabulary work in Russian language lessons.
Target: Development of memory in children. Identification of the most rational teaching methods
when working with dictionary words.
Tasks: 1. Develop students’ visual and auditory memory in every lesson.
2. Consider new approaches to vocabulary and spelling work.
3. Improve students’ oral and written literacy.
4. Work on developing attention, thinking, speech, and observation skills.
5. Instill a love for the native word, for the Russian language.
Expected results: Achieve error-free writing with difficult spelling,
using memorization techniques that are varied and interesting
unconventional methods when working with dictionary words.
“The problem of mastering words with untestable and difficult-to-check spellings is close to all primary school teachers. Special exercises for working with such words have to be prepared for almost every lesson. Teachers use many interesting and effective methods of conducting vocabulary work. But children continue to make mistakes. Why can't children learn the spelling of such words? While working on this problem, I identified several reasons:
1. Low level of memory development.
2. Insufficient development of the presentation of a new word.
3. Work is sometimes carried out in a formal, monotonous manner.
4. There is no single purposeful process that would provide a complex of knowledge in a certain sequence and relationship, as well as the formation of practical skills on this basis.
In my opinion, when studying tested and untested unstressed vowels, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of students’ phonetic hearing, attention, thinking and memory. It is known that the memory of elementary school students is in the formative stage. The degree of its development even among students of the same age is not the same. Memory types are also not the same for everyone. Therefore, in the process of teaching children, the teacher must not forget about the development of various types of memory in students and maximally contribute to facilitating the formation of spelling skills through the most developed type of memory.
At the beginning of the school year, I conducted a simple test in order to have information about the volume and main type of memory of the students in my class. The test showed that the level of memory development in the class is low, especially in the visual type (only three students are normal, and the remaining students are lower). In most children, motor memory predominates. To memorize, they need to say each word out loud, syllable by syllable. This method is the most effective because it involves a combination of three factors: vision (the child looks at the words), motor skills (the words are spoken) and hearing (the child hears what is spoken).
For students with auditory memory, you need to pronounce the words syllable by syllable to your neighbor at your desk or listen to your neighbor pronounce the words. With visual memory - silently look at the words, reading them to yourself syllable by syllable; then close your eyes to imagine it written; open your eyes again and check yourself.
The information obtained can be used in other lessons. To develop memory, I conduct special exercises in every lesson.

Main part
There are many different methods for studying unverifiable spellings. There are many techniques for working with difficult words. All techniques are well known in the methodology and are widely used in elementary school. I believe that all the variety of techniques can be divided into groups.
At the first stage primary perception of a word or group of words, you can use techniques aimed at:
-to remember the spelling form of a word
PENCIL This word is easy to remember - pencils and a box for them.
And HER There is no alley without trees.
B R B N What's a drum without sticks?
- Grouping by spelling( for example, by the initial letter o: father lunch nut; or class, Saturday, Russian; month, hare, tongue, strawberry)
This stage of primary perception of a group of words is, of course, the most important because
an erroneous entry upon first acquaintance makes subsequent work with the text meaningless.
I carry out this work in the following stages.
1. Orthoepic reading of the word out loud.
2. Brief spelling analysis.
3. Memorization based on the main type of memory (30-60 sec.) It is at this moment that short-term memory is activated and put into operation.
4. Recording from dictation.
5. Spelling self-control (test using a sample with mandatory spelling pronunciation).
Stage of primary word perception
Traditional approach.
At the first stage of introducing a new word, you can use the following types of work.
Riddles: I catch bugs all day
I eat worms.
I’m not flying to a warmer land
I live here under the roof
Chick - tweet! Don't be timid
I'm experienced (sparrow)
Proverbs: Moscow is the mother of all cities.
Sayings: The magpie brought it on its tail.
Tongue Twisters. Soon, no doubt.
The crow missed the little crow.
Poems: Suddenly from my mother's bedroom
Bowlegged and lame......
Songs: It's fun to walk together...
Item description: a weapon with a long, usually wooden handle and a wide flat
(metal or wooden) end for digging the ground,
pouring, raking (shovel)
But such work often gives us a ready-made word. Meanwhile, the presentation of a new word is designed to form an interested attitude of students towards the upcoming activity. At the same time, the proposed exercises and tasks should ensure the simultaneous development of a number of intellectual qualities of the child: attention, memory, various types of thinking, speech, observation.

New approach
I found a very interesting form of working with dictionary words in the railway. Primary school No. 3 2000 in the article A new approach to vocabulary and spelling work in Russian language lessons by G. A. Bakulina and in the book by the same author Intellectual development of younger schoolchildren in Russian language lessons.
All exercises for presenting a new word can be combined into several groups. Within each group, from lesson to lesson, the tasks change and become more complex.
For 2nd grade I divided the words into three groups:
1. Identifying a new word through working with its constituent letters. When they are performed, children develop stability, distribution and volume of attention, short-term voluntary memory, speech, thinking, and intelligence.
2. Identifying a new word through symbols, ciphers, codes. Such exercises allow you to form abstract thinking and, along with it, improve a number of other qualities of intelligence.
3. Identifying the search word through exercises related to linguistic material.
The first group includes exercises:
Try to guess what words I have encrypted.
N D R E V E YA (village)
L M I E S D I V C E A D (fox, bear)
P O A D E L W D T A O (coat, clothes)
A E Y T R B (Guys)
The second group includes exercises like:
Each letter corresponds to a specific number.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...... 7 3 5 3 1 (frost)
Z A O S R G M P U D..... 8 3 4 9 10 2 (dishes)
.... 4 2 8 3 6 (boot)

Encrypt the words: hero, homeland, victory
3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. 10
1.. V.. L.. T.. R.. Y.. A.. S.. P
2.. M.. O.. E.. N.. U.. X.. K.. B

1-3, 2-4, 1-6, 2-4, 2-10, 2-5, 1-7 (SPARROW)
or you can give the children the task of encoding the following words: rooster, crow, magpie, dog, fun, Moscow.
1.. M.. X.. L.. P..
2.. R.. O.. A.. D..
3.. K.. L.. W.. W..
4.. T.. C.. G.. I..
The third group includes exercises like:
1. Cross out the letters indicating the unvoiced consonant sounds in this chain, and you will recognize the word P B K T H E S H S R H E SCH Z T A (birch)
2. Find the syllables in the following order: sg, sgs, sgs- k l m n st t k a c d sch shran x z s b c f p d a sh n n (pencil).
3. Read the words written on the board: ex.vit, guard.nyat, b.illness, kr.sitel, value, multiply, ab.zhur, sl.malsya, l.skat. Connect the first letters of words that have the vowel a at their roots, and you will learn a new word. (railway station)

Training and consolidation stage.

The second stage of the system of working on vocabulary words is training and consolidation.
Its goal: correctness and awareness of the spelling of the word. It takes 3-4 days. At this stage, it is necessary to use multiple, short-term repetition of words with clear articulation. In this case, visual, manual motor, and auditory articulatory sensations are of great importance. This means that the exercises should be quite varied. For example: It dried out in the hot sun
And it bursts from the pods... (peas)
I ask you to name all the words
Where -oro- should be written

You can also use humorous questions and tasks.
What words are the notes hidden in? Tomato, guys, road...
In what words does spruce grow? Monday, teacher...
A game. What words are intended? Each of them has three syllables, the third syllable is ta.
Make two proverbs from these words: to, will bring, Kyiv, .zyk., master, everyone, praises.

During my work, I have accumulated quite a lot of exercises for working with words with difficult spelling. I believe that it is advisable to organize the learning process so that work on phonetics, spelling, word formation, morphology, vocabulary and syntax is carried out in a certain relationship, so that all aspects of the word are considered in unity.
The main point of phonetic exercises is for children to learn to easily hear spoken words and to be able to analyze the sound form of words when they are spoken internally. All this contributes to the formation of phonemic hearing and speech motor skills.
For example:
1. Write down words that have soft consonants: ber.g, v.kzal,, g.rokh, .sina, uch.nik, pl.tok,, k.empty.
2. Write down the words in two columns: in the first with voiceless consonants at the end of the word, in the second with voiced consonants at the end of the word: breakfast, people, address, drawing, carrot, portrait, luggage, pencil.
3. Write down the words, arranging them in alphabetical order: g.roy, adr.s, ur.zhay, r.keta, apple.k.,, t.por, p.suda,
4. Give examples of words that have stress on the first, second, third syllable.
5. Game. What words have vowels dropped from?, m.l.t.k, k.nk., p.rtr.t, s.l.m., t.l.f.n.
6. Game: Guess the word.
The teacher shows a card on which the first syllable of the desired word is written (city, peas, burn, horizon)
And vice versa, you can give the end of the word, and the children come up with the beginning (..suda, ..reza, ..squa)
7. Game. Collect the words.
Pus, ka, ta; roses, mo; same, in, ner; torus, truck,
8. Chinaward.
In the cells of a square, circle, etc. In the direction indicated by the arrow, write in the vocabulary words. The last letter of the previous word is the beginning of the next one.
9. Write out words from the dictionary in alphabetical order on the topic: Birds, Vegetables, Clothes, Animals.
10. Find vocabulary words for a given letter of the alphabet, remember their spelling and write them down from memory in a notebook.
11. Game. Who can come up with more words?
L e s i g o a i r
12. Game. Decipher the words.
Replace the numbers with letters of the alphabet and read the word.
2 10 13 6 20 26 16 22 7 18
(ticket) (driver)
13. Puzzles.
Rona ma 40a koro
14. The letters fell apart.
KYYAZ (tongue) AZYATS (hare) T E R E V (wind) M O Z O R (frost)
Working on word composition is of great interest to students. Children improve their ability to recognize and select words of the same root, parse words according to their composition, and accurately use dictionary words with prefixes and suffixes in written speech. These skills are developed through a variety of exercises.
For example:
1. From the words birch, holiday, straw, apple, form related words. Indicate how they were formed.
2. Match the words to the diagrams:
3. Game. Find the extra word.
Birch, birch, birch, boletus, birch, birch, birch trees.
Goose, goose, caterpillar, goslings, goose.
4. Make up phrases.
The guys are happy.., the holiday calendar.., the street is crowded.., the birch tree is curly...
5. Make up words according to the schemes: fox..a, ...nick.
6. Charade. Find out the word that is intended.
The intended word has the same root as the word beautiful. Prefix as in the word turn, suffix as in the word colored, ending as in the word carrot.
7. Restore sentences. Which part of the word will help?
My dad advertised in (newspaper).
8. Find words with the same root.
The station is the city gate. If the city is small, it has one or two train stations. There are cities where there are many train stations. Luggage storage facilities are available at the stations. You can send a telegram from the station post office.
Morphological exercises.
1. Select vocabulary words denoting objects, signs, actions.
2. Write out five words of the 1st declension, 2nd declension, and 3rd declension from the dictionary.
3. Write down the words in three columns: g. R., M.R., Wed. R.
4. Insert prepositions.
The car stopped ...... (house).
The hare rushed quickly... (forest).
5. Answer in one word.
- Who lives in the forest?
- Where are pens and pencils stored?
Syntactic exercises.
1. Make up sentences with these words: wind, cabbage, aspen, comrade.
2. Using dictionary words, make up sentences with different purpose statements: narrative, interrogative, exclamatory.
3. Replace the sentences with one vocabulary word. Make up your own sentence using this word.
Study room at school.
4. Make a sentence from the words: vegetable garden, grows, into potatoes.
5. Write down a phrase with a vocabulary word.
Andryusha took a handkerchief out of his pocket.
6. Make a proposal based on the diagrams: Who? ……what are they doing? …… In which? …..what? (Sparrows gather in noisy flocks.)
Lexical exercises.
Children explain the meaning of words, both direct and figurative, find out the polysemy of words, and understand the relationships between synonyms and antonyms.
1. Find the extra word.
Car, crop, tram, plane.
Cabbage, tomato, straw, carrots.
Pencil case, notebook, phone, pencil.
2. Complete the sentences with suitable words from the right column.
On the shore rises an ancient stand
The apartment was closed for a while
Theater ticket….. ten rubles castle
Phone……..lock on the nightstand
3. Group the words by topic:
Raspberry, fox, strawberry, hare, notebook, pencil case, cow, pencil.
4. Using the supporting words, compose a short story on the topic: School. Apartment.
5. For the words luggage, together, road, choose synonyms.
6. Game. Who gives what voice?
P.tuh tweets
S.roka barks
S.baka moos
K.rova crows
V.rona chirps
V.robey croaks
7. For the words fun, girl, choose good antonyms.
8. Choose the most suitable word.
We made a bucket from (decrepit, old, ancient) iron.
The M. Dvedi were very frightened and (went, ran, rushed) towards the forest.
. 9. In this text, insert the most appropriate words that are similar in meaning: splash, pour, pour.
The waves are quiet......near the shore.
Milk…….. from a bucket.
The worker continues...... steel.
10. Explain the meaning of the highlighted words.
And the king of that side, the sovereign, enters the room.
And the princess found herself in a bright upper room.
11. Do you know?
Do you know the origin of the word library?
12. This is interesting!
How did the word agronomist appear in our language?
13. When do they say this?
Disappear from the horizon, appear on the horizon, the bear stepped on your ear.
14. Insert words.
The tractor made noise like….. . The aspen fell with a crash, as if... .
At the training and consolidation stage The most common type of vocabulary orthographic exercises are dictations (visual, with commentary, explanatory, selective, warning, picture, from memory, creative), puzzles, creative works.
Introduction of a new word into the active vocabulary of students.
Third stage of work– introducing a new word into the active vocabulary of students. At this stage, I include exercises that improve a certain aspect of the child’s thinking.
1. Compare the words with each other. Find common essential and non-essential features.
For example the words: pencil and pencil case.
A pencil and a pencil case are school supplies. Pencil and pencil case do not sink in water. The pencil and pencil case can be made of wood.
2. Name objects that are opposite to the word bear in different ways. Give a complete answer.
The bear and the bird are opposite in their mode of movement: the bear walks and the bird flies. The bear and the stone represent living and non-living objects. A bear and a snake are opposite in terms of their bodily characteristics: the bear has shaggy fur, and the snake has smooth skin.
3. Make up a sentence in which the words student and notebook are connected to each other using any third word.
The student took the notebook.
The student writes in a notebook.
The notebook is with the student.
The student hid the notebook.
4. What is the semantic similarity between the words cow and dog.
The cow and the dog are domestic animals.
5. Read the written proverbs and sayings. Insert in them the missing word that matches the meaning. Explain these expressions.
Like…… licked it off with my tongue.
Sits like on a…..saddle.
…….barks, the wind blows.
Bodlivaya….. God doesn’t give horns.
6. Make up sentences with the words cow, dog, fox, highlighting the common feature in two of them and the reason for excluding the third word from this group.
A cow and a dog are domestic animals, a fox is a wild animal. A fox and a dog are predatory animals, and a cow is a herbivore. The dog and the fox do not have horns, but the cow does.
7. Compose a sentence that simultaneously includes two or three studied words.
Good in cold weather outside.
8. Match the meaning of what is written on the left and right.
Starve, eat poorly. The bear stepped on my ear.
Remote wilderness place. Suck paw.
Lack of hearing for music. Disservice.
Trying to do something good with
Bad result. Share the skin of an unkilled bear.
It’s too early to talk about results
A task that is not yet finished. Bear corner.
9. Come up with examples of a fantastic nature.
The coat can be used as an airplane carpet. You can make a self-assembled tablecloth from a coat.
The rational use of these techniques serves for the intellectual development of younger schoolchildren.
Lexico-spelling exercises are important at this stage as a means of enriching, clarifying and activating students’ vocabulary, as well as developing a culture of speech and nurturing a love for their native word.
Accounting and control stage.
The fourth stage of the system is accounting and control. Its purpose: to test students’ ability to correctly write learned words in written work.
I conduct control vocabulary dictations as the number of words studied by the program (for such a dictation) is accumulated. In 2nd grade - 8-10 words, 3rd grade - 10-12 words, in 4th grade - 12-15 words.
Thanks to systematic, targeted work with vocabulary words, almost all children in my class cope with control dictations. On average at 4 and 5 – 70-80%.
My children really like vocabulary dictations based on associative connections. For such dictations, I select the required number of words, arranging them in pairs.
For example: cow - milk work - shovel
Factory – worker crow – sparrow
Student - notebook clothes - coat
Class – teacher frost – skates
I pronounce each chain consisting of two words once, about which I warn students in advance; I pause, during which the children write down what they remember. After finishing the dictation, children count the number of words and check the spelling.
Gradually, the word order can become more complex.
1. Increasing the number of words in the chain while maintaining the associative connection.
For example: collective farm - village - milk
Bear – hare – fox
City - factory - car
Rooster – dog – cow
Pencil case – pencil – notebook
2. An increase in the number between which the associative connection is weakly perceptible or not visible at all.
For example: duty officer - Moscow - shovel
City - rooster - worker
Work in thematic groups.
By the beginning of the 3rd quarter of the second grade, we had studied all the words provided by the program. For further work, I combined them into thematic groups (blocks) as follows.
1. pencil.. 2. Moscow.. 3. berry
notebook.. Homeland.. cabbage
pencil case.. city..
Russian.. village.. birch
language.. surname.. aspen
4. good 5. class 6. duty
fun comrade
fast guys teacher
soon girl student
all of a sudden
7. plant 8. rooster 9. wind
car forty frost
work crow skates
worker sparrow saturday
nightingale people
10. dishes 11. cow
milk dog
clothes bear
bear coat
fox scarf
boots hare
At the beginning of each subsequent lesson for one school week, repeated perception of the studied group of words is ensured. Each perception is carried out under new conditions, i.e. in the process of solving phonetic, lexical, speech problems.

Thus, to successfully master the correct spelling of words with difficult-to-check and unchecked spellings, you need to:
1. Develop auditory and visual memory in students.
2. Diversify work with words with exercises that develop the intellectual qualities of children.
3. Carry out work in the system in stages.
4. Use rich illustrative material.

G. A. Bakulina Intellectual development of younger schoolchildren in Russian lessons
language M., 2001
V. P. Kanakina Work on difficult words in primary school.
M., Education 1991
G. E. Okulova Vocabulary work in class
Wasp 1993
O. V. Uzorova Vocabulary work
M., 2002
O. A. Andreev Train your memory
M., Education 1994
Newspaper Primary school No. 4 2000, No. 5 2000
Magazine Primary school No. 3 2000, No. 3 2000
Magazine A B C D E No. 4, No. 5 1998
126 effective exercises to develop your memory M., Teacher 1993

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