What are the conditions for setting between the subject and the predicate. Russian Spelling and Punctuation Rules (1956)



§ 164. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate expressed by the noun in the nominative case (without a link). This rule is most often applied when the predicate defines the concept expressed by the subject, for example:

    Oak is a tree.
    Optics is a branch of physics.
    Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Baku - Largest cities USSR.
    The older brother is my teacher.
    My older brother is a teacher.

Note 1. If a predicate expressed by a noun in the nominative case is preceded by a negation not , then the dash is not put, for example:

    Poverty is not a vice.

Note 2. In an interrogative sentence with a main member expressed by a pronoun, a dash is not put between the main members, for example:

    Who is your father?

§ 165. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if the subject is expressed in the nominative form of the noun and the predicate is in the indefinite form, or if both of them are expressed in the indefinite form, for example:

    The purpose of each person is to develop in himself everything human, common and enjoy it.


    To live life is not a field to cross.

§ 166. A dash is placed before this, this is, this means, here if the predicate, expressed by a noun in the nominative case or an indefinite form, is attached to the subject through these words, for example:

    Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country.


    Poetry is the fiery gaze of a young man, seething with excess strength.


    Romanticism is the first word that announced the Pushkin period; nationality is the alpha and omega of the new period.


Section 167. A dash is placed before the generalizing word after the enumeration, for example:

    Hope and swimmer - the whole sea swallowed.


    Neither the cries of a rooster, nor the sonorous rumble of horns, nor the chirping of early swallows on the roof - nothing will call the deceased from the coffins.


§ 168. A dash is placed before an application at the end of a sentence:

1. If you can insert it before the application without changing the meaning namely , for example:

    I don't like this tree too much - aspen.


    In relations with outsiders, he demanded one thing - the preservation of decency.


    Paying tribute to his time, Mr. Goncharov also brought out an antidote to Oblomov - Stolz.


2. If the application has explanatory words and it is necessary to emphasize the shade of independence of such an application, for example:

    I had a cast-iron teapot with me - my only consolation in traveling around the Caucasus.


§ 169. A dash is placed between two predicates and between two independent sentences if the second of them contains an unexpected attachment or sharp opposition to the first, for example:

    I went out, not wanting to offend him, to the terrace - and was stunned.


    I'm in a hurry to go there - and there is already the whole city.


    I wanted to travel the whole world - and did not travel a hundredth.


    I wanted to draw - the brushes fell out of my hands. Tried to read - his eyes glided over the lines.


Note 1. To enhance the shade of surprise, a dash can be placed after coordinating conjunctions linking two parts of one sentence, for example:

    Ask for a calculation on Saturday and march to the village.

    M. Gorky

    I really want to go there to meet them, but I'm afraid.

    M. Gorky

Note 2. To express surprise, any part of the sentence can be separated by a dash, for example:

    And they threw the pike into the river.


    And ate the poor singer - to the crumbs.


§ 170. A dash is placed between two sentences and between two homogeneous members of a sentence, connected without the help of unions, to express a sharp contrast, for example:

    I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am a god.


    It’s no wonder to cut off your head - it’s smart to put it on.


    Here they do not live - paradise.


§ 171. A dash is placed between sentences not connected by conjunctions if the second sentence contains a result or conclusion from what is said in the first, for example:

    Praises are tempting - how not to desire them?


    The sun has risen and the day has begun.


§ 172. A dash is placed between two sentences if they are connected in meaning as a subordinate clause (in the first place) with the main clause (in the second place), but there are no subordinating conjunctions, for example:

    Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
    They cut the forest - the chips fly.
    You yourself are entangled - and unravel yourself; knew how to brew porridge - know how to disentangle it; if you like to ride - love to carry sleds.


§ 173. A dash is placed to indicate the place where a simple sentence splits into two word groups, if this cannot be expressed by other punctuation marks or word order, for example:

    I ask you: do the workers need to be paid?


Such a split is often observed when some part of the sentence is omitted (why the dash in this case is called elliptical), for example:

    Pustoroslev for faithful service - Chizhov's estate, and Chizhov - to Siberia forever.

    A. N. Tolstoy

    We sat down - in ashes, hailstones - in dust, in swords - sickles and plows.


    Everything is obedient to me, but I am nothing.

    § 175. A dash is placed as an additional decimal point before a word that is repeated in order to connect a new sentence with it (more often a subordinate, reinforcing, supplementing or developing the main clause) or a further part of the same sentence, for example:

      I knew very well that it was my husband, not some new, unknown person, but a good person, my husband, whom I knew as myself.

      L. Tolstoy

      Now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that without exception, the most important, self-satisfied people, everything was in his hands.

      L. Tolstoy

    § 176. A dash is placed as an additional sign after a comma, which separates the main clause from the group of subordinate clauses preceding it, if it is necessary to emphasize the splitting of a single whole into two parts, for example:

      Who is to blame among them, who is right, is not for us to judge.


      Whether Stoltz did anything for this, what he did and how he did it, we do not know.


    § 177. A dash is used as an additional decimal point to indicate a transition from an increase to a decrease in a period, for example:

      Oh if it's true that in the night
      When the living rest
      And moonbeams from the sky
      Gliding on gravestones,
      Oh if it's true, what then
      Silent graves empty,
      I call the shadow, I'm waiting for Leila:
      To me, my friend, here, here!


      In the 1800s, at a time when there were no railroads or highways, no gas or stearin light, no spring sofas, no unlacquered furniture, no frustrated young men with glass, no liberal female philosophers, nor the lovely ladies-camellias, of which there are so many divorced in our time - in those naive times, when from Moscow, leaving for St. and believed in fire cutlets, Valdai bells and bagels - when tallow candles burned on long autumn evenings, illuminating family circles of twenty and thirty people, wax and spermaceti candles were inserted into candelabra at balls, when furniture was placed symmetrically, when our fathers were they were still young not only because of the absence of wrinkles and gray hair, but they shot for women and from the other corner of the room rushed to pick up accidentally and not accidentally dropped handkerchiefs, our mothers wore short waists and huge sleeves and solved family affairs by taking out tickets when the lovely camellia ladies hid from the daylight - in the naive times of the Masonic lodges, Martinists, Tugendbund, in the times of the Miloradovichs, Davydovs, Pushkins - in the provincial town of K. there was a congress of landowners, and ended nobility elections.

      L. Tolstoy

    Section 178. A dash is placed between two words to indicate spatial, temporal or quantitative limits (in this case, the dash replaces the meaning of the word "from ... to"), for example:

      Flights USSR - America.
      Manuscripts XI - XIV centuries.

    § 179. A dash is placed between two or more proper names, the totality of which is called any doctrine, scientific institution, etc., for example:

      Boyle's physical law - Mariotte.

§ 5.1

Dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a link, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the form of the nominative case: Loneliness in creativity - heavy thing(Ch.); Next station - Mytishchi; Moscow games - beautiful academy sports creativity(gas.).

Usually, dash put:

1) in sentences that have the character of a logical definition: Geometry - department mathematicians, studying the spatial forms and relations of bodies;

2) in sentences of book-writing styles (scientific, journalistic, official business) containing a description, assessment of an object or phenomenon: Matter - objective reality, existing outside and independently of human consciousness; Disarmament - decree time;

3) in sentences of identity (subject and predicate express the same concept): Moscow is the capital Russia;

4) after homogeneous subjects: Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan - the largest cities the Volga region;

5) with structural parallelism of parts of the sentence: Diligent in the brigade treasure, lazy - heavy burden;

6) to clarify the meaning of the proposal; compare: Older his sister - teacher; Older sister is his teacher.

Note. In some cases, the dash is usually not put:

1) in sentences of a colloquial style of speech that are simple in composition: My mother is an engineer; My brother is a schoolboy;

2) if comparative conjunctions act as a link as, as if, as if, exactly, as if, as if etc.: speeches as speeches(Furm.); The stars are like small diamonds; The clouds are like fabulous monsters; Today the sky is like a sea.

Deviations from this position among classical writers and modern authors are associated with the previous punctuation norms or with the desire to emphasize the shade of comparison contained in the predicate: Your words are like a sharp knife(L.); Such a phrase is like a big helmet in jumble(T.); This girl is like a holiday!(Azh.); The duration of the war - what is the life of a century(TV);

3) if the predicate is preceded by negation not: This officer is not like you(Fed.); … The Ussuri tiger is not a fairy tale at all, almost reality(March.); Poverty is not a vice(line); The heart is not a stone(line); Analogy is not proof.

Setting a dash in this case aims to logically and intonationally emphasize the predicate: But an explanation is not an excuse(M.G.); His views on family etiquette - is it not a prejudice ?;

4) if between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word, sometimes an adverb, union, particle: Dubava seems to be a friend of Korchagin(AND ABOUT.); Risk, as you know, is a noble cause; Totally reckless act step dangerous; Sergeev now famous painter; Fir too wood resinous; March only Start spring. Wed the presence or absence of a dash, depending on the specified conditions: Ivanov - good chess player; Ivanov, seems to be good chess player(the presence of an introductory word); Ivanov now experienced chess player(the presence of an adverb); Ivanov also a famous chess player(the presence of a union); Ivanov just a beginner chess player(presence of a particle);

5) if the predicate is preceded by a minor member of the sentence related to it: Stepan us neighbor(Sh.); Kolya to me friend;

6) if the predicate precedes the subject: Beautiful man Ivan Ivanovich!(G.); glorious place this valley!(L.); Picturesque Indian people(Gonch.); not bad student this boy. The setting of the dash in this case emphasizes the intonational division of the sentence into two compositions: glorious people are neighbors my!(N.); amazing a business - dream(T.); Psychological curiosity - my mother(Ch.); Nimble little thing - umishko human(M.G.); coffin - road(TV);

7) if the subject in combination with the predicate forms an indecomposable phraseological phrase: penny price theory that captures some patterns(Goal.); Two of a Kind(pom.).

§ 5.2

Dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if both of them are expressed in the indefinite form of the verb (infinitive) or if one of the main members is expressed in the nominative form of the noun, and the other in the indefinite form of the verb: About what was decided talk - only confuse(M.G.); Our duty is to protect a fortress until our last breath(P.); Of course it's big art - wait(Inc.); Tea drink - not firewood chop(last); force turn me off the right path - pipes!; Write mediocre things it doesn't take any talent(infinitive in the function of the nominative topic, the predicate is expressed in a whole sentence); It would seem that, which is easier to write response letter(cf.: Writing a letter is easy).

But (with inversion and no pause): Which happiness son hug!(dolm.)

§ 5.3

Dash placed before words it, it is, it means, it means, here, adding the predicate to the subject: To catch ruff or perch - this is bliss!(Ch.); Sports and culture - here are two keys to joy, beauty(gas.); To understand is to forgive; Latest autumn - this is when the rowan shrivels from frost and becomes, as they say, "sweet"(Prishv.) - the whole sentence acts as a predicate.

§ 5.4

Dash is put if both main members of the sentence are expressed by cardinal numbers or if one of them is expressed by the form of the nominative case of the noun, and the other by the numeral or turnover with the numeral: twenty years - good thing(Sim.); Partings and meetings - two main parts, from which someday there will be happiness(Dolm.); Three times five is fifteen; The speed is sixty kilometers per hour.

§ 5.5

Dash is placed between the subject, expressed in an indefinite form of the verb, and the predicate, expressed by the predicative adverb (state category) on -o, if there is a pause between the main members of the sentence: Giving in is shameful(Tendr.); This is very unbearable - move(Gonch.); it awful - scare at the last moment; It's fucking fun - ride on the boat[cf. without pause: Ride on the boat fun; Judge a man in disfavor easily(L.T.)].

§ 5.6

Dash is placed before the predicate, expressed phraseological phrase: Both woman and man nickel couple(Ch.); And the porch God bless another prince(A.T.); He now earns be healthy; Seryozha - seventh water on jelly for you and me.

§ 5.7

With the subject expressed by the word this is, dash is put or not put depending on the logical selection of the subject and the presence or absence of a pause after it. Wed:

This is the beginning all beginnings. - It's not bad Start; This is loneliness(Ch.). - This is home Zverkova(G.).

§ 5.8

A dash is usually not put if the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by the nominative form of the noun: He is a corruption, he is a plague, he is an ulcer local places(Cr.); I'm honest human and never compliment(Ch.).

Dash in this case put:

1) with logical underscore: I am page to your pen. I will accept everything. I am white page. I - the keeper your good...(Color);

2) in opposition: I am a manufacturer, you are a ship owner(M.G.); She is complete clew nerves, and he - embodiment Olympic tranquility;

3) in case of structural parallelism of sentences or parts of a sentence: Without you I - star without light. Without you I - creator without peace(Br.); We - people restless because we - in reply for the planet, Two people, he and she, walked side by side: he is young human in a dark suit, she is young, very pretty young woman in a flowery dress;

4) with the inversion of the main members of the proposal: Hero this performance - I ; Example to that he.

§ 5.9

A dash is not put if one of the main members is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun in the form of a nominative case or a personal pronoun: Tell me, who your friend, and I'll tell you who are you; This whose book? Who are you?

§ 5.10

A dash is usually not put if the predicate is expressed by an adjective, a pronominal adjective, a prepositional-nominal combination: The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the driver is stubborn ...(P.); The earth is great and beautiful(Ch.); Cherry my garden!(Ch.); Sky without unified cloud; People here extraordinary kindness.

Dash before the predicate-adjective is placed:

1) with logical or intonational division of a sentence: Pupils - feline, long(Sh.); Height near the scattered houses of the farm - command(Kaz.);

2) in the presence of homogeneous predicates: Rhythm Suvorov School - clear, fast, military (gas); He has changed a lot: gait, movements, facial features, even look - softer, calmer, simpler;

3) with structural parallelism of parts of the sentence: The night is warm, the sky is blue, the moon is silver, the stars are brilliant.

§ 5.11

In footnotes, a dash separates the explained word from the explanation, regardless of the form of the predicate: Poseidon - in ancient Greek mythology, the god of the seas; Pegasus - considered a symbol poetic inspiration.

§ 6. Dash in an incomplete sentence

§ 6.1

Dash is put in the presence of a pause in the so-called elliptical sentences (independently used sentences with a missing predicate): To the left, in the corner, at the door, on a stool - a bucket of water for those who are thirsty(Rem.); Behind the gate - the third parade ground, drill, of extraordinary size(Cupr.); Men - for axes ...(A.T.); And you are with your daughter?(Fed.); And in the door - jackets, overcoats, sheepskin coats ...(M.); Behind the night window - fog(Bl.); Olympic flame - on our land!(gas.); In the role of offended - small children; And then - a moment's silence; Watermelons and melons - mountains; Cows - two; In response - complete silence; Ahead - A. Karpov.

In the absence of a pause in elliptical sentences, a dash is not put: And in the house there is a knock, walking ...(Gr.); Suddenly there is a deep rut in front of me(L.); The creak of steps along the white streets, the lights in the distance(Fet); Khokhol is on fire! (M.G.); Revolver on the table!(Tr.); On the right is the door to the next room, on the left is the exit to the terrace(this is how remarks are made in plays); This is the whole point.

§ 6.2

Dash is put in incomplete sentences with parallelism of constructions (sentences or parts of a sentence): Her[literature] beauty is in truth, its main meaning is in truth(Kor.); In all the windows - curious, on the roofs - the boys(A.T.); Instead of bread - a stone, instead of teaching - a mallet(S.-SH.); Here - ravines, further - steppes, even further - desert, at the other end - forests, swamps, moss(Fed.); Turkin - further. Author - after(TV); And above this plow - all the dreams, and under this plow - the whole earth, and the soul - as in the first moment of goodbye, and the soul - like the sail of a ship(Bl.); Oh, I want to live insanely, to perpetuate everything that exists, to humanize the impersonal, to embody the unfulfilled!(Bl.); Fence - no. Gate - no. There are no borders. In front of the house - a flower garden, a fence, behind - a square courtyard strewn with fresh sand(Cat.); Milk soup - for the first, pancakes with cottage cheese - for the second.

§ 6.3

Dash is put in incomplete sentences of a special structure, the basis of which is formed by two nouns - in the forms of the dative and accusative cases, without a subject and a predicate, with a clear intonational division into two parts: Skiers - a good base; Massam - culture; Youth - education. Usually such sentences are used as slogans and newspaper headlines.

§ 6.4

Dash is put in dissected (two-term) headings, which are incomplete verbless sentences, in which there are words with the meaning of the subject of the action, object, circumstances, answering the questions “who - what?”, “Who - where?”, “What - where?” , “what - how?”, “what - where?” etc.: Masters of Arts - Youth; Tourism is for everyone; Detachments - on the road; Heroes - nearby; Cares and joys - in half; New books are hot.

§ 6.5

Dash is put in an incomplete sentence, which is part of a complex sentence, when the missing member (usually a predicate) is restored from the previous part of the phrase and a pause is made at the gap: Yermolai fired, as always, victoriously; i am pretty bad(T.); A hummocky plain floated outside the car window, bushes ran, the distant ones slowly, the near ones racing(A.T.); The voices of the officers were getting louder every minute, the words were sharper, the arguments were more irreconcilable.(Goal.); The world is illuminated by the sun, and man - by knowledge(last); Pick up a few more examples, which ones - it doesn't matter; In his eyes - how to get rid of me as soon as possible; Now I understand why he attracts everyone - inflexibility; We set to work cheerfully, they - even with enthusiasm; It was difficult to determine which of them was right and which was wrong.(cf. without auxiliary verb: It was difficult to establish who was right and who was wrong); Some voted in favor of the proposed resolution, while others voted against it.(cf.: Some voted for, others against.); It was dangerous to go further through the quagmire, to stay too; Only steel alloys can withstand such a temperature, and from light metals - only titanium alloys; Great construction work was ahead, and most importantly, the construction of a water supply system; You have been here for a long time, and I - only a few days; Some work, understanding their business as common to all, others - trying to benefit only for themselves; Passengers ... stuffed suitcases, bags, bundles, carried pillows, some - to lie with their heads away from the window, some - to head to the window(Ros.); The pockets were double: inner - made of linen, outer - made of gray calico(South.); One sodium atom replaces one hydrogen atom, one zinc atom replaces two hydrogen atoms, and one aluminum atom replaces three hydrogen atoms.

In the absence of a pause, a dash is not put in the place where a sentence member is skipped: Yegorushka looked at him for a long time, and he looked at Yegorushka.(Ch.); From our battery, only Solyony will go on a barge, while we with a combat unit(Ch.); Alyosha looked at them, and they at him(Dost.); The thief has one sin, and the owner and I have ten(Sharp); …You make things long and I make things short(Leon.).

§ 6.6

Dash is put in parts of a complex sentence of the same type when a member is omitted and even without a omission: They looked at each other: Paradise - with cold curiosity, she - with audacious triumph(Gonch.); In everyone's life there was such a girl. One met his in the laboratory, the other - in the radio room, the third - in the geological party, the fourth - at sea, the fifth - in the sky, at the intersection of air roads(Hump.); Witnesses spoke in the hall - hastily, in discolored voices, judges - reluctantly and indifferently(M.G.).

§ 7. Intonation dash

§ 7.1

Dash is put to indicate the place where a simple sentence breaks up into verbal groups, in order to emphasize or clarify the semantic relationships between the members of the sentence, when the desired meaning cannot be expressed by other punctuation marks or word order. Wed:

I couldn't walk for a long time(i.e., was deprived of the opportunity to move for a long period, for example, after a serious illness). - Walk for a long time - could not(i.e., could not engage in long walking);

In case of need, please(i.e., if necessary, please contact me). - In case of need, please(i.e. I make a request when I am in need).

Such a dash is called an intonational dash, it can separate any part of a sentence: ... Unstoppable, irretrievably gushing life. Bring bowls and plates! Every plate will be small, the bowl will be flat(Color); Let's go to the club - read, play checkers, dance - a dash before homogeneous circumstances of the goal emphasizes their connection with the predicate (cf. also: I take binoculars - observe); Everyone loved him - for his inherent perseverance, willpower, for the full-bloodedness of his whole being; Pedestrians were approaching the station - with bundles, bags, suitcases - homogeneous members of the sentence refer to the predicate and have the meaning of an addition, and in the absence of a dash, they could be perceived as inconsistent definitions for the subject: I - what, you are a major specialist(cf.: Does he not agree to leave?).

§ 7.2

There is also intonation dash, which is placed between the members of the sentence to express surprise or to indicate a logical stress: And they threw the pike - into the river(Cr.); A few minutes later the chains rattled, the doors opened, and Shvabrin entered.(P.).

§ 8. Connecting dash

§ 8.1

Dash is placed between two or more words to indicate limits ("from ... to"):

1) spatial: non-stop flight Moscow - Khabarovsk; Through this village it was possible to go to the big road Uralsk - Lbischensk - Sakharnaya - Guryev(Furm.);

2) temporary: Crusades XI-XIII centuries; The theater's repertoire January March;

3) quantitative: Manuscript volume ten - twelve copyright sheets(same in numbers: 10 - 12 ); Cargo weighing 300 - 350 tons; 5 - 7-fold superiority.

§ 8.2

Dash is placed between two or more proper names, the totality of which is called any doctrine, scientific institution, etc.: physical law Boyle - Mariotte; Match Karpov - Kasparov; Match Torpedo Moscow - Metalist Kharkiv.

§ 8.3

Dash placed between individual words to show the internal connection between them: The congress of the International Union of Architects, held under the motto "Architecture - human - environment"(gas.); Yesterday Today Tomorrow.

A dash, as a rule, is used in non-union complex sentences to indicate the nature of the semantic connection between its parts. However, there are other uses of this punctuation mark.

The setting of the dash is governed by the following rules of Russian grammar:

1. A dash is placed in sentences with a compound nominal predicate, between the subjects and the predicate. In sentences of this kind, the predicate, as a rule, is a generic concept in relation to the subject. For example:

  • The tiger is a predator;
  • Cow - artiodactyl;
  • Birch - tree;
  • My older sister is a teacher;
  • My older sister is my teacher.

Note 1. However, if the subject and predicate is the negative particle “not”, then the dash is not put:

  • Poverty is not a vice;
  • The goose is not a bird.

Note 2. A dash between the subject and the predicate is not put if they are used in an interrogative sentence, and the subject is expressed by a pronoun, for example:

  • Who is your mother?

2. If the subject in the sentence is expressed by a noun , and the predicate is an indefinite form of the verb (infinitive), or they are both expressed in infinitive, then a dash is placed between them, for example:

  • To love you is to wag your nerves;
  • The desire of every person is to love and be loved.

3. A dash is placed before words “this”, “means”, “this is”, “here”, etc. in sentences where the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case or infinitive. As a rule, these words serve to attach the predicate to the subject, and also indicate that a comparison or definition will now follow, for example:

  • Desire is the need of a person in spite of all adversity to make his life better;
  • Romance is moonlit walks and admiring eyes;
  • Loyalty is the stronghold of true human relationships, trust is the stronghold of a strong family.

4. A dash is placed in sentences with enumerations before a generalizing word. For example:

  • Dreams, hopes, beauty - everything will be swallowed up by the inexorable course of time;
  • Neither her tears, nor her pleading eyes, nor sadness - nothing could make him come back.

5. A dash is placed before the application at the end of the sentence in two cases:

a) If it is possible to put the construction “namely” before the application without distorting the meaning of the sentence, for example:

  • I don't like this animal too much - a cat.
  • In conversation, he demanded one thing - correctness.
  • I obey only one person - my father.

b) If explanatory words are used in the application, and the author needs to additionally indicate the independence of this construction, for example:

  • I had a cast-iron teapot with me - my only consolation in traveling around the Caucasus (Lermontov).

6. A dash is placed between two predicates or between parts of a complex sentence if the author needs to unexpectedly attach or sharply oppose them in relation to each other. For example:

  • I went into the room, not thinking of seeing anyone there, and froze.
  • I'm more likely to Petka - and that's all there.
  • I wanted to travel around the whole world - and did not travel around the hundredth part (Griboyedov).
  • I wanted to sit down to sew - and the needle pricked my fingers, I wanted to cook porridge - the milk ran away.

Note 1. In order to enhance the shade of surprise, a dash can also be placed after coordinating conjunctions that link parts of one sentence. For example:

  • Make out vacation - and go to the family.
  • I really want to go there to meet them, but I'm afraid (M. Gorky)

Note 2: In addition, for even more surprise, a dash can separate any part of a sentence, for example:

  • And she ate the poor singer - to the crumbs (Krylov).
  • And the grandfather threw the ruff into the river.

According to the rules of the Russian language, there is no need to put a dash in these sentences. However, it is put only in order to better convey the meaning and reflect what really happened.

7. A dash is placed between the parts of a non-union complex sentence if the second part contains the result or conclusion from what was said in the first, for example:

  • Praises are tempting - how not to wish for them? (Krylov).
  • The moon has drawn a path across the sea - the night has laid a light veil.

8. A dash is placed between the parts of a non-union complex sentence if between them there is a type of connection "subordinate part - main part":

  • Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
  • They cut the forest - the chips fly.

9. A dash is placed in order to indicate the boundary of the breakdown of a simple sentence into two verbal groups. This is done only if it is impossible to isolate this decay by other means. For example:

  • So I say: do the guys need it?

Very often, such a decay is observed when one of the members of the sentence is omitted, for example:

  • Marinka for a good study - a ticket to the sea, and Egorka - a new computer.
  • I will - into a fist, my heart - from my chest, and I rushed after him.
  • Everything is obedient to me, but I am nothing (Pushkin).

10. In addition, with the help of a dash, they distinguish:

a) Sentences and words used in the middle of a sentence and serving to explain what was said, but only if the brackets can weaken the connection between the insert and the one being explained, for example:

  • Here - there is nothing to do - I got into his cart and sat down.
  • How suddenly - a miracle! oh shame! - the oracle spoke nonsense (Krylov).
  • And only once - and then by accident - I spoke to him.

b) A common application if it comes after the noun it defines and needs to emphasize its own independence, for example:

  • The senior sergeant - a gallant aged Cossack with stripes for extra-long service - ordered to "build up" (Sholokhov).
  • In front of the doors of the club - a wide log house - workers with banners (Fedin) were waiting for the guests.

c) Homogeneous members of the sentence, if they are in the middle of the sentence and need special emphasis, for example:

  • Usually, from the riding villages - Elanskaya, Vyoshenskaya, Migulinskaya and Kazanskaya - they took Cossacks to the 11-12th army Cossack regiments and to the Life Guards Atamansky (Sholokhov).
  • And again, the same picture - crooked houses, road potholes and dirty puddles - opened up to my eyes.

11. A dash can be used as an additional punctuation mark after a comma in sentences where there are two repeated words. , and this repetition is necessary in order to connect one part of this sentence with another. For example:

  • I knew very well that it was my husband, not some new, unknown person, but a good person, my husband, whom I knew as myself (L. Tolstoy).
  • Now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that without exception, the most important, self-satisfied people, everything was in his hands (L. Tolstoy).

12. A dash is placed after a group of subordinate clauses before the main part of a complex sentence in order to emphasize the split into two semantic parts. For example:

  • Whether it was worth it or not is not for me to decide.
  • Whether Stoltz did anything for this, what he did and how he did it, we do not know (Dobrolyubov).

13. A dash is placed in paired constructions, meaning any temporal, spatial or quantitative framework , and in this case it is synonymous with a pair of prepositions "from ... to", for example:

  • Flight Novosibirsk - Moscow,
  • 1991 – 2001,
  • Ten to twelve grams.

14. A dash is placed between two proper names if collectively they name any teaching or discovery:

  • Boyle's physical law - Mariotte.

§ 5.1

Dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a link, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the form of the nominative case: Loneliness in creativity - heavy thing(Ch.); Next station - Mytishchi; Moscow games - beautiful academy sports creativity(gas.).

Usually, dash put:

1) in sentences that have the character of a logical definition: Geometry - department mathematicians, studying the spatial forms and relations of bodies;

2) in sentences of book-writing styles (scientific, journalistic, official business) containing a description, assessment of an object or phenomenon: Matter - objective reality, existing outside and independently of human consciousness; Disarmament - decree time;

3) in sentences of identity (subject and predicate express the same concept): Moscow is the capital Russia;

4) after homogeneous subjects: Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan - the largest cities the Volga region;

5) with structural parallelism of parts of the sentence: Diligent in the brigade treasure, lazy - heavy burden;

6) to clarify the meaning of the proposal; compare: Older his sister - teacher; Older sister is his teacher.

Note. In some cases, the dash is usually not put:

1) in sentences of a colloquial style of speech that are simple in composition: My mother is an engineer; My brother is a schoolboy;

2) if comparative conjunctions act as a link as, as if, as if, exactly, as if, as if etc.: speeches as speeches(Furm.); The stars are like small diamonds; The clouds are like fabulous monsters; Today the sky is like a sea.

Deviations from this position among classical writers and modern authors are associated with the previous punctuation norms or with the desire to emphasize the shade of comparison contained in the predicate: Your words are like a sharp knife(L.); Such a phrase is like a big helmet in jumble(T.); This girl is like a holiday!(Azh.); The duration of the war - what is the life of a century(TV);

3) if the predicate is preceded by negation not: This officer is not like you(Fed.); … The Ussuri tiger is not a fairy tale at all, almost reality(March.); Poverty is not a vice(line); The heart is not a stone(line); Analogy is not proof.

Setting a dash in this case aims to logically and intonationally emphasize the predicate: But an explanation is not an excuse(M.G.); His views on family etiquette - is it not a prejudice ?;

4) if between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word, sometimes an adverb, union, particle: Dubava seems to be a friend of Korchagin(AND ABOUT.); Risk, as you know, is a noble cause; Totally reckless act step dangerous; Sergeev now famous painter; Fir too wood resinous; March only Start spring. Wed the presence or absence of a dash, depending on the specified conditions: Ivanov - good chess player; Ivanov, seems to be good chess player(the presence of an introductory word); Ivanov now experienced chess player(the presence of an adverb); Ivanov also a famous chess player(the presence of a union); Ivanov just a beginner chess player(presence of a particle);

5) if the predicate is preceded by a minor member of the sentence related to it: Stepan us neighbor(Sh.); Kolya to me friend;

6) if the predicate precedes the subject: Beautiful man Ivan Ivanovich!(G.); glorious place this valley!(L.); Picturesque Indian people(Gonch.); not bad student this boy. The setting of the dash in this case emphasizes the intonational division of the sentence into two compositions: glorious people are neighbors my!(N.); amazing a business - dream(T.); Psychological curiosity - my mother(Ch.); Nimble little thing - umishko human(M.G.); coffin - road(TV);

7) if the subject in combination with the predicate forms an indecomposable phraseological phrase: penny price theory that captures some patterns(Goal.); Two of a Kind(pom.).

§ 5.2

Dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if both of them are expressed in the indefinite form of the verb (infinitive) or if one of the main members is expressed in the nominative form of the noun, and the other in the indefinite form of the verb: About what was decided talk - only confuse(M.G.); Our duty is to protect a fortress until our last breath(P.); Of course it's big art - wait(Inc.); Tea drink - not firewood chop(last); force turn me off the right path - pipes!; Write mediocre things it doesn't take any talent(infinitive in the function of the nominative topic, the predicate is expressed in a whole sentence); It would seem that, which is easier to write response letter(cf.: Writing a letter is easy).

But (with inversion and no pause): Which happiness son hug!(dolm.)

§ 5.3

Dash placed before words it, it is, it means, it means, here, adding the predicate to the subject: To catch ruff or perch - this is bliss!(Ch.); Sports and culture - here are two keys to joy, beauty(gas.); To understand is to forgive; Latest autumn - this is when the rowan shrivels from frost and becomes, as they say, "sweet"(Prishv.) - the whole sentence acts as a predicate.

§ 5.4

Dash is put if both main members of the sentence are expressed by cardinal numbers or if one of them is expressed by the form of the nominative case of the noun, and the other by the numeral or turnover with the numeral: twenty years - good thing(Sim.); Partings and meetings - two main parts, from which someday there will be happiness(Dolm.); Three times five is fifteen; The speed is sixty kilometers per hour.

§ 5.5

Dash is placed between the subject, expressed in an indefinite form of the verb, and the predicate, expressed by the predicative adverb (state category) on -o, if there is a pause between the main members of the sentence: Giving in is shameful(Tendr.); This is very unbearable - move(Gonch.); it awful - scare at the last moment; It's fucking fun - ride on the boat[cf. without pause: Ride on the boat fun; Judge a man in disfavor easily(L.T.)].

§ 5.6

Dash is placed before the predicate, expressed phraseological phrase: Both woman and man nickel couple(Ch.); And the porch God bless another prince(A.T.); He now earns be healthy; Seryozha - seventh water on jelly for you and me.

§ 5.7

With the subject expressed by the word this is, dash is put or not put depending on the logical selection of the subject and the presence or absence of a pause after it. Wed:

This is the beginning all beginnings. - It's not bad Start; This is loneliness(Ch.). - This is home Zverkova(G.).

§ 5.8

A dash is usually not put if the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by the nominative form of the noun: He is a corruption, he is a plague, he is an ulcer local places(Cr.); I'm honest human and never compliment(Ch.).

Dash in this case put:

1) with logical underscore: I am page to your pen. I will accept everything. I am white page. I - the keeper your good...(Color);

2) in opposition: I am a manufacturer, you are a ship owner(M.G.); She is complete clew nerves, and he - embodiment Olympic tranquility;

3) in case of structural parallelism of sentences or parts of a sentence: Without you I - star without light. Without you I - creator without peace(Br.); We - people restless because we - in reply for the planet, Two people, he and she, walked side by side: he is young human in a dark suit, she is young, very pretty young woman in a flowery dress;

4) with the inversion of the main members of the proposal: Hero this performance - I ; Example to that he.

§ 5.9

A dash is not put if one of the main members is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun in the form of a nominative case or a personal pronoun: Tell me, who your friend, and I'll tell you who are you; This whose book? Who are you?

§ 5.10

A dash is usually not put if the predicate is expressed by an adjective, a pronominal adjective, a prepositional-nominal combination: The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the driver is stubborn ...(P.); The earth is great and beautiful(Ch.); Cherry my garden!(Ch.); Sky without unified cloud; People here extraordinary kindness.

Dash before the predicate-adjective is placed:

1) with logical or intonational division of a sentence: Pupils - feline, long(Sh.); Height near the scattered houses of the farm - command(Kaz.);

2) in the presence of homogeneous predicates: Rhythm Suvorov School - clear, fast, military (gas); He has changed a lot: gait, movements, facial features, even look - softer, calmer, simpler;

3) with structural parallelism of parts of the sentence: The night is warm, the sky is blue, the moon is silver, the stars are brilliant.

§ 5.11

In footnotes, a dash separates the explained word from the explanation, regardless of the form of the predicate: Poseidon - in ancient Greek mythology, the god of the seas; Pegasus - considered a symbol poetic inspiration.

§ 6. Dash in an incomplete sentence

§ 6.1

Dash is put in the presence of a pause in the so-called elliptical sentences (independently used sentences with a missing predicate): To the left, in the corner, at the door, on a stool - a bucket of water for those who are thirsty(Rem.); Behind the gate - the third parade ground, drill, of extraordinary size(Cupr.); Men - for axes ...(A.T.); And you are with your daughter?(Fed.); And in the door - jackets, overcoats, sheepskin coats ...(M.); Behind the night window - fog(Bl.); Olympic flame - on our land!(gas.); In the role of offended - small children; And then - a moment's silence; Watermelons and melons - mountains; Cows - two; In response - complete silence; Ahead - A. Karpov.

In the absence of a pause in elliptical sentences, a dash is not put: And in the house there is a knock, walking ...(Gr.); Suddenly there is a deep rut in front of me(L.); The creak of steps along the white streets, the lights in the distance(Fet); Khokhol is on fire! (M.G.); Revolver on the table!(Tr.); On the right is the door to the next room, on the left is the exit to the terrace(this is how remarks are made in plays); This is the whole point.

§ 6.2

Dash is put in incomplete sentences with parallelism of constructions (sentences or parts of a sentence): Her[literature] beauty is in truth, its main meaning is in truth(Kor.); In all the windows - curious, on the roofs - the boys(A.T.); Instead of bread - a stone, instead of teaching - a mallet(S.-SH.); Here - ravines, further - steppes, even further - desert, at the other end - forests, swamps, moss(Fed.); Turkin - further. Author - after(TV); And above this plow - all the dreams, and under this plow - the whole earth, and the soul - as in the first moment of goodbye, and the soul - like the sail of a ship(Bl.); Oh, I want to live insanely, to perpetuate everything that exists, to humanize the impersonal, to embody the unfulfilled!(Bl.); Fence - no. Gate - no. There are no borders. In front of the house - a flower garden, a fence, behind - a square courtyard strewn with fresh sand(Cat.); Milk soup - for the first, pancakes with cottage cheese - for the second.

§ 6.3

Dash is put in incomplete sentences of a special structure, the basis of which is formed by two nouns - in the forms of the dative and accusative cases, without a subject and a predicate, with a clear intonational division into two parts: Skiers - a good base; Massam - culture; Youth - education. Usually such sentences are used as slogans and newspaper headlines.

§ 6.4

Dash is put in dissected (two-term) headings, which are incomplete verbless sentences, in which there are words with the meaning of the subject of the action, object, circumstances, answering the questions “who - what?”, “Who - where?”, “What - where?” , “what - how?”, “what - where?” etc.: Masters of Arts - Youth; Tourism is for everyone; Detachments - on the road; Heroes - nearby; Cares and joys - in half; New books are hot.

§ 6.5

Dash is put in an incomplete sentence, which is part of a complex sentence, when the missing member (usually a predicate) is restored from the previous part of the phrase and a pause is made at the gap: Yermolai fired, as always, victoriously; i am pretty bad(T.); A hummocky plain floated outside the car window, bushes ran, the distant ones slowly, the near ones racing(A.T.); The voices of the officers were getting louder every minute, the words were sharper, the arguments were more irreconcilable.(Goal.); The world is illuminated by the sun, and man - by knowledge(last); Pick up a few more examples, which ones - it doesn't matter; In his eyes - how to get rid of me as soon as possible; Now I understand why he attracts everyone - inflexibility; We set to work cheerfully, they - even with enthusiasm; It was difficult to determine which of them was right and which was wrong.(cf. without auxiliary verb: It was difficult to establish who was right and who was wrong); Some voted in favor of the proposed resolution, while others voted against it.(cf.: Some voted for, others against.); It was dangerous to go further through the quagmire, to stay too; Only steel alloys can withstand such a temperature, and from light metals - only titanium alloys; Great construction work was ahead, and most importantly, the construction of a water supply system; You have been here for a long time, and I - only a few days; Some work, understanding their business as common to all, others - trying to benefit only for themselves; Passengers ... stuffed suitcases, bags, bundles, carried pillows, some - to lie with their heads away from the window, some - to head to the window(Ros.); The pockets were double: inner - made of linen, outer - made of gray calico(South.); One sodium atom replaces one hydrogen atom, one zinc atom replaces two hydrogen atoms, and one aluminum atom replaces three hydrogen atoms.

In the absence of a pause, a dash is not put in the place where a sentence member is skipped: Yegorushka looked at him for a long time, and he looked at Yegorushka.(Ch.); From our battery, only Solyony will go on a barge, while we with a combat unit(Ch.); Alyosha looked at them, and they at him(Dost.); The thief has one sin, and the owner and I have ten(Sharp); …You make things long and I make things short(Leon.).

§ 6.6

Dash is put in parts of a complex sentence of the same type when a member is omitted and even without a omission: They looked at each other: Paradise - with cold curiosity, she - with audacious triumph(Gonch.); In everyone's life there was such a girl. One met his in the laboratory, the other - in the radio room, the third - in the geological party, the fourth - at sea, the fifth - in the sky, at the intersection of air roads(Hump.); Witnesses spoke in the hall - hastily, in discolored voices, judges - reluctantly and indifferently(M.G.).

§ 7. Intonation dash

§ 7.1

Dash is put to indicate the place where a simple sentence breaks up into verbal groups, in order to emphasize or clarify the semantic relationships between the members of the sentence, when the desired meaning cannot be expressed by other punctuation marks or word order. Wed:

I couldn't walk for a long time(i.e., was deprived of the opportunity to move for a long period, for example, after a serious illness). - Walk for a long time - could not(i.e., could not engage in long walking);

In case of need, please(i.e., if necessary, please contact me). - In case of need, please(i.e. I make a request when I am in need).

Such a dash is called an intonational dash, it can separate any part of a sentence: ... Unstoppable, irretrievably gushing life. Bring bowls and plates! Every plate will be small, the bowl will be flat(Color); Let's go to the club - read, play checkers, dance - a dash before homogeneous circumstances of the goal emphasizes their connection with the predicate (cf. also: I take binoculars - observe); Everyone loved him - for his inherent perseverance, willpower, for the full-bloodedness of his whole being; Pedestrians were approaching the station - with bundles, bags, suitcases - homogeneous members of the sentence refer to the predicate and have the meaning of an addition, and in the absence of a dash, they could be perceived as inconsistent definitions for the subject: I - what, you are a major specialist(cf.: Does he not agree to leave?).

§ 7.2

There is also intonation dash, which is placed between the members of the sentence to express surprise or to indicate a logical stress: And they threw the pike - into the river(Cr.); A few minutes later the chains rattled, the doors opened, and Shvabrin entered.(P.).

§ 8. Connecting dash

§ 8.1

Dash is placed between two or more words to indicate limits ("from ... to"):

1) spatial: non-stop flight Moscow - Khabarovsk; Through this village it was possible to go to the big road Uralsk - Lbischensk - Sakharnaya - Guryev(Furm.);

2) temporary: Crusades XI-XIII centuries; The theater's repertoire January March;

3) quantitative: Manuscript volume ten - twelve copyright sheets(same in numbers: 10 - 12 ); Cargo weighing 300 - 350 tons; 5 - 7-fold superiority.

§ 8.2

Dash is placed between two or more proper names, the totality of which is called any doctrine, scientific institution, etc.: physical law Boyle - Mariotte; Match Karpov - Kasparov; Match Torpedo Moscow - Metalist Kharkiv.

§ 8.3

Dash placed between individual words to show the internal connection between them: The congress of the International Union of Architects, held under the motto "Architecture - human - environment"(gas.); Yesterday Today Tomorrow.

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Dash between subject and verb

§ ten. Between the subject and the nominal predicate in place of the missing link put a dash, if the subject and predicate are expressed by nouns in the form of the nominative case: The wing near the house on Sadovaya, designed by Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel, is the only building from the Mamontovs' possessions that has almost retained its appearance to this day.(Kis); Pushkin region - the land of stones(Geych.); This portrait is the only pictorial representation of the daughter of Anna Petrovna Kern(Geych.); …My ability to keep the past to myself is an inherited trait(Nab.); And the woman leaning over the fence is your second cousin aunt(Shcherb.).

Note. A dash may not be put if the written speech reflects the pronunciation with a logical stress on the predicate: My sister teacher (cf.: My sister is a teacher - stress on the word sister, and on the word teacher). The dash is mandatory: 1) if there is a match: My sister is a teacher and my brother is a livestock specialist; 2) if syntactic or semantic ambiguity is possible; compare: Brother is my teacher and My brother is a teacher.

§ 11. A dash is placed before the predicate, attached to the subject by words here it is: "Respect for the past - here's the line that distinguishes education from savagery,” Pushkin once said(rasp.); Pushkinogorye - it is not only a monument historical and literary, this is and peculiar botanical and zoological garden, a wonderful monument of nature(Geych.). As a link, a combination is also possible it is: hypotenuse - it is a side right triangle lying opposite the right angle(from the textbook).

§ 12. A dash is placed when expressing both the subject and the predicate (or only the subject, or only the predicate) by the infinitive: In this city know three languages ​​is an unnecessary luxury(Ch.); Nothing compares to the feeling hear them[rooks] for the first time since six months of winter death!(Boon.). The presence of negation does not remove the sign: Tea drink - not firewood chop (last); Life live- not field go (last). The same if the predicate contains words means, it means: Wait for permission - means lose time(gas.); Leave the institute now - this means lose everything(gas.); And to understand a person - means already sympathize with him(Shuksh.).

§ 13. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate, if they are expressed by numerals (or a phrase with a numeral), and also if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by the numeral: So nine forty - three hundred sixty, So?(pis); Depth there from the boat - four primaries, that is, six meters(Shol.).

Note. In the special literature, it is not customary to put a dash in the digital designation of the numeral: The mass of such a rangefinder 23 kg; The maximum range of the considered laser radar 10 km .

When using a particle not before the predicate-numeral (cf. the same when expressing the predicate as a noun, § 15, paragraph 3), a dash is not put: A man can, for example, say that twice two not four but five or three and a half; and the woman will say that twice two is a stearin candle(T.).

§ 14. A dash is placed with a predicate expressed by a phraseological phrase: Pie - real jam; His talent is God bless everyone; Mother shed tears of joy, and father - whatever! (Cool.); Hut - so-so, barn(Shuksh.); Yefim himself - don't put your finger in your mouth (Shuksh.); And Victor - neither father nor mother (Cool.); Night - gouge out your eye! (A. Color.).

The presence of a particle not, as well as introductory words with stable combinations as a predicate, prevents the setting of a dash (but does not prohibit): This officer not like you, mister gendarme(Fed.); He is a scientist with us, and he plays the violin, and cuts out various things, in a word, jack of all trades (Ch.).

§ 15. Dash between subject and nominal predicate not put:

1. If the subject is expressed by a personal or demonstrative pronoun: She is his daughter. He wants to understand her(Shcherb.); it cabinet? it bedroom?(Ch.)

Note. A dash is possible: a) if the whole sentence contains a question accompanied by surprise: Is she his daughter?!(both members of the sentence are stressed); b) when emphasizing an indication of a given subject: This is an office (And this is an office.); c) in opposition: I am a teacher and you are an engineer.

2. If one of the main members is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun or personal pronoun: Who your protector? What is study? Who she is?

3. If there is a negation with the predicate-noun: Landscape not a appendage to prose and not decoration (Paust.); Russia not Petersburg she is huge(Shv.); Old age not joy (last). However, when contrasted, the predicate with negation requires a dash (not ... but): And at the same time he noticed that he was not a master in his house, but only an integral part of it.(M. G.) (cf. without opposition: He is not master in his house).

4. If the predicate is expressed by an adjective or participle: And your room so good for a child(Ch.); I have a lot of good people, almost all good ones (Sim.); He had two wounds. Wounds easy but the man lost a lot of blood(Paust.); log cabin pink, peeling, country-style small, covered with a green iron roof (Kav.); harsh autumn sad late view(Ill.); At the dining feasthotand ardent (Ill.).

However, with a predicate-adjective, a dash is placed with a structural parallelism of parts of a sentence, accompanied in oral speech by intonational emphasis (stress) of both members of the sentence: Everything in her appearance attracted attention: sight - spicy, hairstyle - boyish, clothes - modern, fashionable; cf. with emphasis on only the predicate: Weather unbearable, road bad, coachman stubborn, the horses are not driven, but the caretaker is to blame(P.). A dash is also possible in the presence of several (homogeneous) predicates: Her son is yellow, long and glasses (M. G.).

5. If the predicate is expressed by a turnover with comparative particles like, like, that, exactly, sort of like and etc.: Life like a legend; Sky like an open tent; Brooch looks like a bee (Ch.); Forest like a fairy tale; A week that one day. Passes quickly; Pond like shiny steel (Fet). Do not put a dash and how, introducing a predicate that lexically matches the subject: Ice like ice, desert like deserts (Kav.); Village like a village; small house like a house- old, dark(Shuksh.).

Note. When emphasizing the predicate (usually for stylistic purposes), a dash is possible: This lonely and maybe completely random shot - like a signal (Furm.); His mouth is bitter from self-sad tobacco, his head is like a weight(Shol.); Blackening glades - like black islands in a white snowy sea (Boon.); Milky Way - like a big society (B. Past.); moon in the sky like a Central Asian melon (Current.).

6. If between the subject and the predicate-noun there is an introductory word, circumstance or addition, as well as a conjunction or particle: Rook, certainly, the bird is smart and independent, but it has no voice(Paust.); My father for me friend and mentor; Moscow now port of five seas; My brother too engineer; This stream only beginning of the river.

From the book Mythology of the British Isles author Korolev Konstantin

Chapter 10 HALLOWEEN: BETWEEN WORLDS, BETWEEN TIMES Samhain. - Christianization of pagan holidays. - Day of the Other World. - Witches. - Bonfires of the Druids. - "Burning the Witch." - Dressing up. - Games and entertainment. - Divination and divination. - Recipes. In the middle of the table - pumpkin: top


A dash between the members of a sentence A dash between the subject and the predicate § 10. A dash is placed between the subject and the nominal predicate in place of the missing link if the subject and predicate are expressed by nouns in the form of the nominative case: Outbuilding at the house on Sadovaya on

From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Handbook author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

A dash between the subject and the predicate § 10. A dash is placed between the subject and the nominal predicate in place of the missing link if the subject and predicate are expressed by nouns in the form of the nominative case: Outbuilding at the house on Sadovaya, designed by Mikhail Alexandrovich

From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Handbook author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Dash between subject and predicate between subject and predicate, expressed nouns § 10 before the predicate with the words here, this is § 11 when expressing the subject and the predicate (or only the subject, or only the predicate) with the infinitive § 12 when the predicate has words

From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Handbook author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

A dash in the function of emphasizing between members of a sentence to emphasize their meaning for stylistic purposes § 21, paras. 12;

author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

XXI. A dash between the members of a sentence § 79. A dash between the subject and the predicate 1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a link, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, for example: Man is the blacksmith of his happiness;

From the book Spelling and Style Guide author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 79. A dash between the subject and the predicate 1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a link, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, for example: A man is a blacksmith of his happiness; The meeting point is the train station. Usually,

From the book Spelling and Style Guide author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

XLIII. Agreement of the predicate with the subject § 183. Predicate with a subject that has a collective noun in its composition With a subject that has a collective noun with a quantitative meaning (majority, minority, series, part, etc.),

From the book Spelling and Style Guide author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 185. Agreement of the predicate with the subject, which has an application with it 1. As a general rule, the predicate agrees with the subject, and the presence of an application in the form of a different kind or number in the latter does not affect agreement, for example: The pilot girl skillfully drove the car; Roast -

author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

XXI. DASH BETWEEN SENTENCE § 79. Dash between subject and predicate 1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a link, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, for example: Moscow is the capital of Russia. Place

From the book A Guide to Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 79. A dash between the subject and the predicate 1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a link, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, for example: Moscow is the capital of Russia. The gathering place is the parade ground (Sholokhov). As a rule,

From the book A Guide to Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 82. Connecting dash 1. A dash is placed between two or more words to indicate the limits: a) spatial, for example: train Moscow - Irkutsk - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok; b) temporary, for example: Crusades of the 11th-13th centuries; mass holidays in July -

From the book A Guide to Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 133. Comma and dash When a comma and a dash meet inside a sentence, a comma is first placed, and then a dash, for example: The history of discoveries, inventions, the history of technology that makes life and work easier for people - this is actually the history of culture (Gorky); Alas! My casket, checker with

From the book A Guide to Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

XLIII. CONSOLIDATION OF THE PREDICT WITH THE SUBJECT § 183. Predicate with a subject that has a collective noun in its composition With a subject that has a collective noun with a quantitative meaning (majority, minority, series, part, etc.),

From the book A Guide to Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 185. Agreement of the predicate with the subject, which has an application with it 1. As a general rule, the predicate agrees with the subject, and the presence of an application in the form of a different kind or number in the latter does not affect agreement, for example: The pilot girl skillfully drove the car, Roast

From the book Handbook of the Russian language. Punctuation author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

SECTION 2 Dash between members of the sentence § 5. Dash between the subject and the predicate 1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a link, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the form of the nominative case: Loneliness in creativity -

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