The most accurate prediction for the year. Predictions of Schemamonk John from the village of Nikolskoye

Prediction of Nostradamus

The most famous of all the soothsayers who lived on Earth, Nostradamus left many puzzles to his descendants, which not everyone can solve.

His quatrains or centuries contain information that concerns and 2017 of the year.

Around the prophecies of Nostradamus, concerning specifically 2017 year, there is a lot of controversy. Some argue that Nostradamus did not write about our time, and all this is drawn "by the ears". Others vehemently insist that there are quatrains that describe the events of our day and the near future.

The first prediction of the inevitability of the Third World War, which will affect all major states, including Russia. The confrontation between countries must end precisely in 2017 year.

During the war, new chemical weapons will be tested, the consequences of which will result in severe skin diseases. Europe will suffer the most from the war.

The population here will be significantly reduced and the European continent will become empty. The second prediction of Nostradamus on 2017 the year confirms a serious confrontation between Islam and Christianity, but China will intervene in time and be able to resolve the existing conflict.

According to Nostradamus, in the near future a freak (ugly baby) should be born. This will be a sign of the onset of dark days for all mankind.

The beginning of darkness will come from the East. People in turbans will unleash a brutal war.

Nostradamus wrote about the military conflict between two Arab countries. Rivers of blood will flow.

Other states will not be able to stand aside and will also take part in the bloodshed. Subsequently, two worlds will clash in a deadly battle - Christian and Muslim.

And then Russia will take the first place, where the remaining European population will begin to move and settle in Siberia. Russia will accept everyone and become new "cradle of civilization". Later, it will be joined by China, which 2018 year will become an absolutely independent power, claiming world leadership.

Acting as a peacemaker, Russia will prevent a global redistribution of the world, which will add serious political weight to the state, given the global economic crisis. The United States will be hit hard by this crisis. Some countries will rebel against US aggression, and at the same time, a powerful coalition will arise on the planet, led by Russia and countries that have joined it, possibly India and China.

This alliance will become the main military and political force on Earth for the next few years. 50 years. In addition, in his forecasts, he connects 2017 year with the rise of the world economy. The energy revolution associated with the improvement of solar energy storage methods will provide people with cheap electricity, for the transportation of which nothing is required.

The energy will spread through the air. The population of the planet will begin to actively explore the depths of the sea.

The active development of cities will continue, and scientists will transplant cloned human organs to prolong life. And finally, what exactly 2017 In 2009, mankind will face for the first time in direct confrontation with an alien civilization.

Leonardo da Vinci's prediction

Everyone without exception knows about Leonardo da Vinci and his brilliant paintings.

But few people know that the great artist was also quite a talented inventor, as well as a predictor.

He left to his descendants "Predictions", which contain many interesting mysteries, many of which remain unsolved until now. Predictions, most likely, were written as entertainment, and not as a serious study. You can find many humorous moments in them. Leonardo da Vinci left several vivid prophecies as a legacy to his descendants, among which the upcoming 2017 year. A man who had unique versatile abilities and was passionately fond of astronomy, already in his distant times foresaw a serious threat to the planet against the backdrop of significant climate change.

Many countries will have to experience the consequences of a neglect of the Earth and the riches bestowed by nature.

Edgar Cayce's prediction

One of the most revered visionaries of all time is Edgar Cayce.

The American medium lived and worked in the first half of the last century, but interest in his prophecies has not dried up to this day. Casey was able to foresee two world wars, an economic crisis 1929 and the rise to power of Adolf Hitler.

In his prophecies, the medium was rarely tied to specific dates, especially such distant ones as the beginning of 21 century. So all articles about Cayce's prophecies on 2017 year are an invention of scammers.

However, the real predictions of the medium seem quite realistic and are worth our attention. One of the topics that worried Casey was climate change on a planetary scale.

The medium was sure that in the new century the coastal territories of America, Northern Europe and Japan would go under water. New York and San Francisco, as well as most of Greenland, will disappear from the face of the earth.

The destruction will not bypass the central regions of the United States. There will be rifts all over the world the earth's crust, in the Caribbean Sea, new lands are formed. Most of South America will suffer from devastating earthquakes, which will also redraw the map of the planet.

The fight against the elements will radically change the political and economic situation in the world. The earth is threatened global warming.

Regions with a temperate and subtropical climate will turn into tropics. At the beginning of the new millennium, the Fifth Root Race will appear on Earth.

Its representatives will have a more perfect form of DNA, a high level of energy and the ability to self-heal. Also, their body will contain a high amount of phosphorus.

The name of this element is translated from ancient Greek as "luminiferous", which hints at the special mission of the new race. In their "readings" the medium often affects the fate of Russia.

Thanks to a lucky geographic location the state will suffer from natural disasters less than other countries. According to Casey, the expanses from the Urals to Baikal will become Noah's Ark for their inhabitants.

The medium calls Western Siberia a place of accumulation of clean energy, which will protect the region from natural disasters. Casey was sure that it was in the Slavic countries that a new worldview based on the freedom of each person and mutual assistance would be born.

The Seer emphasizes that this philosophy will not be communism or Bolshevism. Casey sees the main task of the Slavs in changing the essence of human relations, giving up pride and passion for material wealth.

Vanga's prediction

Vanga's prediction 2017 the year for Russia is more negative and the clairvoyant prophesies the country a new war, which will be able to destroy many.

Initially, a struggle for power will break out, but over time it will all develop into a struggle for food - as in many countries in 2017 famine will begin.

People will forget about what justice and law are, and those who are stronger will win in an unequal struggle. But the qualities acquired at this time will help Russia get up from its knees, as many people will develop strong personal qualities that will be useful to them in the future.

Vanga's predictions on 2017 do not give consoling forecasts. For Russia, this year will be bloody, somewhere the wars will be short-lived, and in some regions of Russia it will drag on for a long time.

But as the great clairvoyant said, it is Russia that will lead countries out of hostile relations and achieve peace on earth. And this means a lot - after all, many states are striving for peace, and far from all succeed in achieving this.

Vanga said that in 2017 year there will be religious conflicts that cannot subside for several years in a row. Vanga never hid that she loves Russia, and to her happiness in 2017 year this country can become the main state of the whole world.

But the country will not conquer power, the world will come to this on its own, since Russia will radically change to 2017 year. Also on the territory of this country there should be unification of Slavs from all over the world.

The psychic also spoke about the fact that in 2017 Russia will help many countries, including America, this year. Also by this time, the country should unite with India and China.

There are disputes about this today, and experts say that there are all prerequisites for this. Vanga believed that 2017 Russia will not be spared by the global crisis, which will affect many states.

But the long-suffering country is used to crises, and this will not be such a blow for it, like Vanga’s other prophecies on 2017 year for Russia. As for the government, as Vanga said, Vladimir will again be in power.

Prediction of the Holy Matrona of Moscow

Matrona predicted hard times.

This woman was canonized as a saint.

In her visions, she saw for Russia a huge test that would happen 10 February next year. There is no clear description of the event in the presentations of Matrona.

We can say that the saint predicted the end of the world, which should supposedly happen in February. Most likely, she meant that the morality of people who are becoming more embittered and more bitter is being lost.

Humanity itself is engaged in the extermination of each other, morality disappears, terrible addictions are devouring more and more of the population. According to the seer, the coming period is destined to be decisive for all mankind.

It is difficult to say exactly what the prophecy left to posterity means. Meanwhile, specialists in the field of secret knowledge came to the conclusion: we are talking about some kind of global catastrophe or epidemic.

Pavel Globa's prediction

Pavel Globa, a well-known astrologer from Soviet times, pays more attention to the economic and political atmosphere on the planet in his forecasts.

However, ordinary people will have to face the consequences of recession and desolation for a long time, which will affect a far from decent standard of living. Pavel says that Russia will enter into new trade alliances with the countries of the former USSR.

The main countries will leave the EU community, it will slowly disintegrate. This means that Russia's position in the world market will be strengthened, and the EU coalitions will be weakened.

Globa claims that starting from 2017 d. thanks to new alliances, trade and political ties, Russia will gain great influence on the world community. It will become an influential power and there will be no one to impose sanctions on it, since it is meaningless.

Prediction by renowned climate scientist James Hansen

James Hansen, who specializes in natural anomalies, draws information about the future from more mundane sources.

The professor predicts the rapid melting of glaciers, which will entail dire consequences.

According to an American researcher, part of Australia, as well as the coast of Denmark and Italy, is at risk of going under water. Many countries with a territory adjacent to the seas and large rivers will face large-scale flooding of settlements due to strong overflow of waters.

At the same time, in conditions of abnormal heat, Siberia will be overwhelmed by fires that destroy everything in its path.

Prediction of Tamara Globa

Tamara Globa promises 2017 year to become a turning point in the development of many states, including Russia.

In general, her forecasts are more optimistic.

A stable economic growth is expected, leading to an improvement in the well-being of many people. As for the negative phenomena - bloodshed, catastrophes, natural disasters, natural cataclysms - they will not decrease.

However, the understanding that comes to mankind about the fragility of life and the planet will allow more to prevent deplorable and tragic consequences.

Wolf Messing's prediction

Wolf Messing is a great soothsayer who was born 10 September 1899 year in the city of Gura Kalvaria (at that time this city was in Russian Empire).

This man is one of the most mysterious mysteries of the last century.

The ability to see the future appeared in his early childhood. It was Messing who at one time foresaw the death of Stalin during the great Jewish holiday called Purim.

According to the information found, 2017 There will be many changes in the year: new types of diseases will appear, the world will be transformed and will reach a new level of development. Also, according to Messing's records, it can be said that in 2017 a certain person will appear who will save everyone.

What this means is unknown. Perhaps everything will become clear next year.

But that's not all. 2017 the year will be the period that will arrange many tests and trials for humanity: state policy, the structure of the economy, power and people will change. Russia will be one of the countries that will play a major role in the execution of the coup.

All changes will bring development, prosperity and improvement.

Prediction of Paisius Athos

In addition to astrologers and clairvoyants, many people believe in the predictions of the elders, one of those whose visions came true is Paisius of Athos.

One of the most famous seers sees that a terrible war is coming, as a result of which a state like Turkey will completely disappear, and Istanbul will again become a Greek city.

According to his prediction, a third of all mankind will die, a third will become Christians, and another third will leave their homes and seek refuge. Paisius sees Russia as a stronghold of Orthodoxy and a world peacemaker.

Prediction of Alexander Sheps

Famous psychic Alexander Sheps being the winner "Battles of Psychics", made his statement regarding the upcoming 2017 of the year.

According to a promising predictor, Russia's influence in the geopolitical arena will begin to grow rapidly, and powerful countries will begin to seek support from Russia.

According to Sheps, next summer the European Union and the United States will completely lift sanctions from our country and stop returning to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea. These positive changes will have a beneficial effect on the economy of the country.

The Russian ruble will gradually begin to strengthen against the dollar, although it will never reach its previous positions.

What awaits Ukraine in 2017

The events taking place in Ukraine leave few people indifferent.

Residents of the country, and not indifferent citizens outside of it, cherish hopes for soon favorable changes.

For this reason, the forecasts of people with the gift of foresight in relation to the development of the situation in various spheres of life on Ukrainian lands in the coming 2017 year are of great interest. Turning to the predictions of the great soothsayer Vangelia Pandeeva, known as Vanga, a not very rosy picture emerges, but not without positive prerequisites.

According to Vanga, the coming period for Ukraine will turn into a still difficult time. Fundamental shifts in the direction of positive changes are not expected.

Only decent, conscientious leaders can somehow influence the situation. But try to find them, and it will not be easy for individual representatives to settle in the conditions of the authorities mired in corruption.

Survive a difficult 2017 the belief that the current situation will someday come to an end will help Ukrainians for a year. Tangible shifts for the better will begin only when a person ceases to think exclusively about himself and save himself alone, but begins to act for the good of his neighbor.

Historian and astrologer of our days - Pavel Globa, a few years ago made forecasts for Ukraine up to 2020 of the year. As for the coming period, according to his predictions, hostilities will not subside, the economy will continue to slide into the abyss, and prices will rise at an incredible pace.

Only one thing reassures: despite the difficult living conditions, people will not have to starve. It will be possible to stabilize the situation only after a few years and under the conditions of creating a coalition of Orthodox countries that will take Ukraine under their wing.

Some of Globa's predictions echo Vanga's predictions. The astrologer also believes that only a strong leader can resolve the conflict situation, including the one that has swept over the southeastern part of the country.

A person with the abilities of a persuasive speaker and negotiator will achieve authority and trust with his good deeds, which will allow Ukraine to set a course for a better future. The words of the psychic and numerologist Lyudmila Zhukova sound not very encouraging forecast, who believes that in 2017 year the Ukrainian people will have to face new revolutionary upheavals.

Vague moods will overwhelm most of the country, which will negatively affect the development of all aspects of the internal and external life of Ukraine. One of the strongest participants in the Ukrainian "Battles of Psychics"- Yakov Shneerson did not make loud statements, limiting himself to some recommendations for compatriots on 2017 year. He advises to hold on tight to your jobs, for a while "tighten your belts", start saving and think about savings.

According to the young talent, the coming period will still bring some stabilization. However, it is not possible to hope for serious positive shifts before 2019 of the year.

Speaking of Ukraine, the winner "Battles of Psychics" Alexander Sheps predicts another coup for this country, though this time without street clashes and bloodshed. The country's parliament will announce its dissolution, and after that, the head of state will also resign.

The new political force that will lead Ukraine will begin to build relationships with both Russia and the European Union.

Alas, the development of technology does not greatly affect the general life of people in our time. Therefore, it is not surprising that the predictions for 2017 for Russia from a French girl, who was recently officially recognized as the heiress of Vanga, are gaining popularity.

Russia, 2017

This is a very worrying time for the planet as a whole. The world is shaken by either terrorist attacks, or a new crisis, or an epidemic breaks out, or a flood or a strong fire. People are tired of falling asleep with anxiety, not knowing what is in store for them tomorrow. The topics of Russian news rarely please with something good. Moreover, ordinary people cannot somehow influence the course of the crisis or price changes. Reductions, reduction of salaries, negative changes in the pension system. What's next?

Interestingly, the Bulgarian clairvoyant especially liked Russia. Vanga has repeatedly made detailed and accurate predictions, helping to deal with complex, sometimes confusing situations. Alas, the world said goodbye to her in 1996. However, already at her death, Vanga encouraged people by saying that the world would soon learn about the heiress, a girl with no less powerful gift.

The clairvoyant described the place of birth of the heiress, what will happen there then, what is nearby.
Of course, a dozen curious journalists immediately rushed to look until they came across a short message about a girl living in a small town in Montellier, France. Like she can predict. The journalists collected more information, analyzed it and quickly realized that Vanga was talking about her.

Since that time, Kaede Uber has been recognized as the only heiress of Vanga, because the clairvoyant had no students. Alas, the gift is not easy for a girl. Her coordination in movements is deteriorating, her vision is falling. Previously, Vanga herself sometimes cursed her gift, saying that the price for it was prohibitively high. Maybe now young Kaede is paying as well. However, she is already actively helping people by giving new predictions.

Kaede Uber about Russia

Russia will be able to solve all the urgent problems that are now standing. The ruble will continue to fall, but soon the situation will stabilize, the country will come to prosperity.

The sanctions once imposed against Russia will continue, although some countries are already agreeing to lift these restrictions in order to trade freely, as before.

Alas, the threat from Islamic terrorists will continue to grow. Kaede sees a sea of ​​blood following the terrorists from the East. The soothsayer also mentioned personal threats that she would also be threatened. Germany and the United States should prepare for new, large-scale terrorist attacks. America is facing a big one, with explosions.

Ukraine is waiting for the third Maidan, which will eclipse the two predecessors. It will take many victims, the country will continue its fall down. Poroshenko will have to step down, he will soon be forgotten (politically). As for the Ukrainian leadership, the places will be taken by American proteges, which will not bring anything good to the country yet. Donbass itself is increasingly moving away from Ukraine, trying to establish closer cooperation with its neighbor Russia.

As for the elections, the girl predicted the victory of the “sick woman”. Although, like Trump won, but, firstly, not all of Vanga's predictions came true, and secondly, who knows, maybe this is not the final decision.

Well, if you look at the words concerning Russia, they are quite encouraging. The country will soon prosper and strengthen its positions. Problems are being solved little by little, quite successfully. Yes, the dollar may continue to fall, but soon everything will stabilize. Even the sanctions implemented against Russia a few years ago may turn out to be a temporary measure. What only pleases.

The future in 2017 does not seem very rosy, according to the predictions and prophecies of famous clairvoyants. If you have to deal with far from positive and even frightening portents, you should always look for the right keys to interpret these words.

We tried to collect the prophecies of the most famous and reliable clairvoyants, whose words were always worth listening to. What conclusions to draw from this and whether to believe in general is up to you, we only give our personal thoughts and comments about this.

Prophecy of Saint Matrona for 2017

"The end of Russia is the end of the world."

However, Sergei Smirnov, a representative of the Pulkovo Observatory, frankly admits that he has not even heard anything about this theory. The scientist also believes that a large simplification of reality is inherent in each hierarchical theory:

“Usually, in natural processes, 3-4 steps show similar patterns, but then something else is sure to turn on, and the whole order is violated. Therefore, all hierarchical models for predicting catastrophes, and even more so such responsible ones as the end of the world, are not suitable.”

2017 promises a new era for humanity

As you know, humanity, akin to a single individual, develops according to certain laws. Just like a person, all of humanity must cease to exist at some point. However, in nature, the end of one stage does not always represent the end as such, most often it marks the beginning of another stage. In a word, evolution.

If we turn to astrological views, then each stage of an individual's life is controlled by a heavenly body:

  • childhood - the moon;
  • adolescence - Mercury;
  • youth - Venus;
  • adulthood - the Sun;
  • maturity - Mars, etc.

In the same way, all of humanity goes through all these stages. lunar period- this is the "infancy" of mankind and the first rudiments of society. At this stage, a Neanderthal man appears, who has no home, but only a shelter, his speech is slurred and incomprehensible, like baby talk. However, just a few hundred roots of these words will form the basis of the languages ​​of all mankind.

At the Mercury stage, the language becomes more perfect. In astrology Mercury associated with dexterity, intelligence, cunning. A person in this period already knows how to sew clothes, hunt, and get food. Nature ceases to dominate man. A Cro-Magnon man appears, almost a modern person in appearance.

In "youth" humanity is led by Venus. It is associated with love, housework, crafts and of course art.

solar period humanity is associated with the appearance of God in people's lives. This is the period of the beginning of the reign of kings, kings, deputies of God on earth. The golden era of mankind begins.

Saturn is the next planet farthest from Earth. This stage of humanity is associated with a totalitarian type of society. That is, each person is a single cog in one colossus, which stands strictly in its place and performs specific functions. In astrology, Saturn is also Satan. That is why the period of power of Saturn brought us two world wars, the destruction of churches, concentration camps and general anti-God. Russia is the land of the Holy Spirit. And it was Russia that suffered a crushing blow.

After Saturn it's time uranium, which means the rights and freedom of the individual. Unfortunately, along with this, Uranus is a supporter of nationalism, extremism and anarchy. If you look at what's going on in the world, that's the way it is.

As you can see, time is unusually compacted, each subsequent period runs faster than the previous one. So, behind Uranus, which ruled for 19 years, comes Neptune, in honor of which spiritual values. Governing body Neptune lasted 5 years and in 2015 Neptune was replaced by Pluto. This heavenly body means unification, a new birth. It can be assumed that an extraordinary reunion of all mankind will take place, after which the end of the old world will come and a new one will begin ...

In 2017 a new man, a new humanity will be born. Everything that the Old Testament saints and prophets spoke about will be fulfilled by 2017: the Second Coming of the Savior will take place, Paradise will find its embodiment on Earth.

Attention, this video contains shocking materials. Not recommended for children under 16 years of age, as well as persons with a weakened psyche! Watch the movie now, family content with restrictions (no violence). Stalin on the icon and another exclusive!

The task of the film, which was filmed back in 2011, 6 years before the terrible future events, is to tell a wide range of Russian-speaking people about Matryona, to think for a moment about spirituality and one's attitude to the world.

The last prediction of the Matrona of Moscow for 2017. You will learn the exact date - day and month in this film!

And also you will see: an icon with Stalin, a comparison of Matrona with Vanga, the predictions of the Holy Matrona that came true, denials and arguments of the Orthodox Church. The authors from the Russian Central Television are trying to understand the non-obvious facts.

From ancient times to the present, people believe in fortune-telling, and they especially revered and listened to the words of soothsayers and clairvoyants who open the veil of secrecy over the future. Despite the fact that science and technology have advanced far ahead, in our age of the Internet and the high-tech generation, people still believe the prophecies of the great psychics.

Knowledgeable people especially respect the prediction of the Matrona of Moscow for 2017, because. even in the last century, the saint spoke about the future, and it always came true with frightening accuracy. Saint Matrona Matrona Nikonova was born on November 22, 1881 in the village of Sebino-Epifansky district (now Klimovsky district) of the Tula province. The future clairvoyant was already born with a terrible defect - blindness. Matrona's parents were no longer young and even before birth they wanted to leave the girl (who was already the fourth child) in an orphanage, but the mother had a dream-sign with a white, beautiful, but blind dove, and the God-fearing woman gave up the idea of ​​giving up her daughter. Matrona also had a small bulge in the shape of a cross on her chest, which was perceived as a sign of God.

At the age of seven, the God-chosen girl had the gift of healing and divination. Even then, the little Matrona began to heal people and help in grief and trouble. At the age of seventeen, Matrona lost the ability to walk and remained in a sitting position until the end of her days. Every day people came to Matronushka seeking help and found it in the prayers of the saint. The clairvoyant predicted her death in three days, continuing to receive the suffering in her last time, allotted to her by God on earth. Matrona died on May 2, 1952 in Moscow. The miraculous old woman Matrona of Moscow is remembered and loved to this day. After herself, the saint left many prophecies that continue to come true.

What the Matrona of Moscow predicted for 2017: The Great Prophetess predicts the end of all mankind, which will come very soon, already in this 2017. Saint Matrona said that in the evening all people would fall to the ground, and they would fall dead. In the morning, everything will go underground. “Without war, you will all die, there will be many victims, all the dead will lie on the ground. In the evening everything will be on the ground, and in the morning you will rise - and everything will go to the ground. There is war without war."

A large number of people are seriously concerned about this prophecy, because it comes from a holy man. But, on the other hand, we have already passed through the possible and predicted by many clairvoyant doomsdays so many times that you treat the next one with great distrust. And it may be that the words of the divine old lady Matrona just need to be correctly interpreted.

It is quite possible that the Matrona's prediction of 2017 tells us that humanity will kill itself. If we take into account the increasingly aggravated political and economic situation in the world, the state of the planet as a whole, everything is heading towards that.

The prophecy about 2017 concerns, first of all, Russia. It says that the death of people will not be blamed scary war or an epidemic, but something else. It is quite possible that the words of the clairvoyant do not mean the physical end, but the finale of the spiritual struggle and the coming of God's truth, the rebirth of human souls.

This film is by no means an online fortune-telling, but a study within the framework of a TV program and an online film of the phenomenon of Matrona and in particular her predictions.

Matrona spoke about the end of the world in 2017 with particular confidence. Her words begin to come true and it becomes really scary...

The film was attended by: Hieromonk Job (Gumerov), Hegumen Evstafiy (Zhakov), headman of the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God in the village of Sebino and others...

Director: Ekaterina Churikova
First channel
Russia, 2011

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