Social studies translation of primary scores. Scale for converting primary scores into grades (USE in mathematics, profile level)

Since 2015, the USE in mathematics has been divided into two levels: basic and specialized. The USE of the specialized level is intended for graduates who plan to enter technical and economic universities and further study higher mathematics.

If the graduate does not pass the profile exam, passing the USE at the basic level is mandatory! Without a positive mark for this exam, it is impossible to get a school certificate.

Naturally, the examination options for the basic and profile levels differ greatly both in the level of complexity of the proposed tasks and in their subject matter. The basic level involves familiarity with the basic concepts of algebra, geometry, arithmetic at the level of the school "four". Among the tasks of the profile level, there are serious tasks (for example, parametric ones) that require knowledge that goes beyond the scope of the school curriculum.

The USE variant in basic mathematics includes 20 questions that require only a short numerical answer. The student is not required to give a complete solution, is not required to substantiate the answer. For each correctly solved task, you can get 1 primary score. Thus, the maximum primary score is 20.

The scores obtained are translated into "traditional" grades according to the table below. For example, a graduate who scores 14 primary points, is rated "good".

USE in mathematics (basic level). Scale for converting primary scores into grades

Please note: a student who scores less than 7 points receives an "unsatisfactory" grade for the exam. In this case, the USE in mathematics will have to be retaken, otherwise the graduate runs the risk of being left without a certificate.

The above table was used at the USE in mathematics in 2015. The probability of any changes in 2016 is low, but the situation will finally become clear after the exam. It is still premature to make any forecasts for 2017.

The video course "Get an A" includes all the topics necessary for a successful passing the exam in mathematics for 60-65 points. Completely all tasks 1-13 of the Profile USE in mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic USE in mathematics. If you want to pass the exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

Preparation course for the exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve part 1 of the exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Examination, and neither a hundred-point student nor a humanist can do without them.

All the necessary theory. Quick solutions, traps and secrets of the exam. All relevant tasks of part 1 from the Bank of FIPI tasks have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the USE-2018.

The course contains 5 large topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

Hundreds of exam tasks. Text problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember problem solving algorithms. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of USE tasks. Stereometry. Cunning tricks for solving, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch - to task 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Visual explanation of complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. Base for solving complex problems of the 2nd part of the exam.

How many tasks do you need to complete in order to score a certain score on the exam? This question can be answered with the help of scales for converting primary scores into test scores.

The scale indicates the correspondence between primary and test scores.
Primary scores- this is preliminary points before transferring to a 100-point scale (for example, in Russian for task No. 1, you can score 2 primary scores, for task No. 2 - 1 primary point). You can get acquainted with the distribution of points for tasks in this article. Primary scores are converted into test scores.
Test scores- this is final points after transfer to a 100-point scale, with which applicants enter the university. For one item you can get no more 100 test points.

Purple points are allocated, which are not enough to pass the exam.
in redhighlighted minimum scores confirming the passing of the exam.

The maximum number of primary points (USE 2016):
Russian language - 57 (+1) ;
Mathematics - 32 (-2) ;
Social studies - 62 (0) ;
Physics - 50 (0) ;
Biology - 61 (0) ;
History - 53 (-6) ;
Chemistry - 64 (0) ;
Foreign languages ​​- 100 (0) ;
Informatics and ICT - 35 (0) ;
Literature - 42 (0) ;
Geography - 47 (-4) .
In parentheses, the change in primary scores compared to 2015 is indicated.

If the number of primary points does not change, then the scale for transferring points remains unchanged. Therefore, we can say that the scale social science, physics, biology, chemistry, foreign languages, informatics and literature for 2016 is 100% accurate. The greatest ambiguity is the scale in mathematics, because. in 2015 this scale taken "from the ceiling", it defies any logic; it is not clear what the math scale will look like in 2016.
Scale for converting points into grades by mathematics (basic level) presented below:

According to many experts, the USE 2016 will be the last in the history of modern Russian education. In the next graduation year, students will take Soviet-style final exams.

In 2016, the minimum passing scores will increase, and an additional number of retakes will be introduced.

Changes in the USE 2016

According to forecasts, creative written assignments in exams in such subjects as history, Russian language, and literature will be expanded. The number of test tasks will be significantly reduced, which will avoid elementary cheating on the part of graduates, and will allow assessing the real level of their knowledge, since in test tasks they could simply guess the correct answer without knowing it.

Compulsory subjects, as before, will remain mathematics and Russian. To get admission to the Russian language exam, you will need to write, which will now be assessed in the pass / fail form. At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Science does not exclude that in the foreseeable future the list of mandatory exams will be replenished with a foreign language, physics and history.

Discussions on the subject of certificates

Despite the fact that many people find the innovations for the Unified State Examination in 2016 radical, experts from the Ministry of Education and Science have a different point of view on this matter, while not excluding the possibility that in the future exams will become mandatory only for applicants and become a tool for entering a university. Regarding graduates of schools and lyceums, now everyone will have certificates. Even unsatisfactory grades will be marked in the certificates. Thus, experts believe, a graduate will be able to study at a university in those specialties where the subjects in which he received an unsatisfactory grade are not profile ones.

A similar initiative has already been discussed in the State Duma at the round table. The reason for such a discussion was the appeal of Professor Rukshin from the Herzen Pedagogical University, in which he asked to consider his proposal to issue certificates to everyone without exception, without regard to his performance in exams. The condition will be only completed 11 classes high school. It is highly likely that this initiative will be approved. Its supporters believe that such a reform in the education system will give more chances for realization to people with a special mindset and will become an impetus for the true development of the individual.

In addition, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2016 graduates, when submitting documents to the selection committee, will have to take additional entrance exams in mathematics and foreign language if the chosen specialty contains such exams in the list of required exams. Moreover, after the ninth grade, a student can find out about his chances of passing the entrance exams and whether he will be admitted to them.

The USE 2016 and its possible abolition next year put an end to the debate about the imperfection of the system. Rumors about a new form of final exams do not subside, but until the result of the reforms carried out is visible in practice, it is too early to say whether they are right or wrong.

Table of assessments of the minimum passing score of the Unified State Examination 2016 in all subjects

Subject Minimum passing score
Russian language (mandatory) 36
Mathematics (required) 27
Biology 36
Story 32
Literature 32
Informatics 40
Foreign languages 22
Social science 42

The assessment system for the USE in mathematics at the profile level is much more complicated. Firstly, exam tasks have a different "price". Tasks from the first part (with a short answer) are the most "cheap"; the most "expensive" are the last two problems (an equation or inequality with a parameter and a number theory problem).

In 2016, the perfect solution of all nineteen tasks can bring 32 primary scores. The maximum number of points has decreased by two compared to 2015, since the first part now offers not 14, but 12 tasks.

Primary scores are converted to test scores. The translation scale changes slightly from year to year. Below is a table that was used at the USE in mathematics in 2015. Please note that the corresponding function is very different from the linear one: the rapid growth in the area of ​​low ratings is replaced by a smoother one in the middle of the scale.

USE in mathematics (profile level). Scale for converting primary scores into test scores

Primary score Test score
0 0
1 5
2 9
3 14
4 18
5 23
6 27
7 33
8 39
9 45
10 50
11 55
12 59
13 64
14 68
15 70
16 72
17 74
18 76
19 78
20 80
21 82
22 84
23 86
24 88
25 90
26 92
27 94
28 96
29 97
30 98
31 99
32 100
33 100
34 100

To enter the university, you must score a minimum 27 points(i.e., solve 6 simple tasks from the first part). Naturally, admission to serious educational institutions requires significantly higher results.

I would like to emphasize once again: the above table is only a guideline! When setting a test score, not only the number of primary points is taken into account, but also the relative complexity of the tasks solved, as well as the number of students who completed a particular task. Thus, the final "formula" for the transfer of points will be known only after passing the exam - 2016 in mathematics by all graduates.

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