Our multinational state is orxe. Lesson summary "we are a multinational people"

There are 160 peoples living on the territory of Russia. Avars Adygeans Azerbaijanis Altaians Armenians Balkars Bashkirs Belarusians Buryats Dargins Jews Ingush Kabardians Kazakhs Kalmyks Karachais Karelians Kirghiz Komi Komi-Permyaks Kumyks Lezgins Mari Mordovians Germans Ossetians Russian Tatars Udmurts Ukrainians Circassians Chechens Chuvash Chukchi Yakuts

Avars Where they live, numbers, languages, religion, culture and customs. 1.04 million people inhabit most of the mountainous part of Dagestan. The Avar language belongs to the Nakh-Dagestan group of the North Caucasian Az family, it has dialects. The vast majority of the Avarian believers are Sunni Muslims of the Shafiite persuasion. The Avars are engaged in animal husbandry, gardening and viticulture; Carpet weaving, cloth making, leather processing, copper minting, stone and wood carving are developed.

Adygea Adyghe (Circassian) flag Adyghe (Circassian) flag Where they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs 713 thousand people Languages ​​- Adyghe and Kabardino-Circassian. Believers are Sunni Muslims. Folklore. The Adyghe Nart epic is an outstanding monument of the spiritual culture of the people. Mythology of the Circassians. Development of language and writing among the Circassians in the 17th – 19th centuries. History of the formation of the Adyghe language. Development of writing.

Azerbaijanis Where do they live? Number of languages; . Traditional activities rural population agriculture, cotton growing, gardening, viticulture, sericulture, cultivation of industrial crops, transhumance sheep breeding, cattle breeding.

Altaians Where they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs live in the Altai Republic people Altai language Believers profess Christianity and shamanism. In the mountain-steppe and steppe regions (southern Altaians), nomadic and semi-nomadic cattle breeding predominated; in the mountain-taiga regions (northern Altaians) the main species economic activity there was hunting and other forestry activities.

Armenians Where they live Number of languages ​​Religion Culture and customs 532 thousand people Language Armenian and Indo-European family of languages. ChristianArmenians are engaged in highly developed agriculture and diversified industry. Cooperation and specialization made it possible to effectively use the specifics natural conditions Armenia, directing agriculture towards the primary development of viticulture, fruit gardening and alpine livestock breeding

Balkars Where they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs occupy the gorges and foothills of the Central Caucasus along the valleys of the rivers Kuban, Zelenchuk, Malka, Baksan, Chegem, Cherek and their tributaries 108 thousand people Language Karachay-Balkar Turkic group Sunni Islam Already in early XVIII centuries, the Balkars and Karachais had a written language based on the Arabic alphabet, as eloquently evidenced by the so-called Kholam inscription of 1715, found in the village of Kholam, the inscription of 1709, etc. Currently, the Balkars and Karachais use the Russian alphabet.

Bashkirs Where they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs Live in the Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Samara and Saratov regions and the Perm region people Bashkir, Tatar, Russian Sunni Muslim believers Many Bashkirs owned fairly large flocks of sheep, herds of cattle, but preferred herds of horses, who served them at the same time as horsemen, harnessers, and draymen; animals gave them meat, milk (from mare's milk they made kumis, a medicinal and alcoholic drink) and leather, from which they made clothes, tents, blankets, belts, bags, or tursuks

Buryats Where do they live? Numbers Languages ​​Religion Culture and customs Buryats - indigenous people Republic of Buryatia, Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug of the Irkutsk Region and Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug of the Chita Region 445 thousand peopleBuryat Buddhism, shamanism The basis of the life of the Buryats was cattle breeding, semi-nomadic in the western and nomadic in the eastern. tribes; Hunting and fishing played some role in the economy.

Dargins Where do they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs Republic of Dagestan 425.5 thousand people Language Dargin Nakh-Dagestan group of the North Caucasian family Sunni Muslims Traditional food - flour and meat and dairy, as well as vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries. Folk art and folklore (traditions, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, heroic songs, ballads, etc.) are developed. Traditional calendar and family rituals are preserved, reflecting remnants of pre-Islamic ideas

Jews Where they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs The largest communities in Moscow (and St. Petersburg (106), In the Far East there is a Jewish Autonomous Region with a center in Birobidzhan 230 thousand people Hebrew language (Hebrew), Judaism Rich song and dance folklore. Hasidic songs have been preserved , dramatic performances and carnivals.

Kalmyks Where they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs 178 thousand Kalmyk Kalmyks profess Buddhism (Tibetan Buddhism, Lamaism). The main genres of folklore: drawn-out songs, well wishes, sayings, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, the heroic epic "Dzhangar", performed by Dzhangarchi storytellers.

Karelians Where they live number languages ​​religion Culture and customs live mainly in the Republic of Karelia, Tver region 130.9 thousand people Karelian Orthodox Christians Lyrical, ritual (wedding, etc.) songs, lamentations, spells, fairy tales (magical, about animals, etc.) were widespread. ), proverbs, sayings, riddles. In the 19th century rhyming songs and short songs like Russian appeared. ditties.

[edit] Nameedit Kyrgyz Where do they live number languages ​​religion culture and customs Kyrgyz Sunni Muslims

Komi Where do they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs The Komi Republic (Komi: Komi Republic) is a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the North-Western Federal District. The capital is the city of Syktyvkar. They speak the Komi language. Komi believers are Orthodox, there are Old Believers. Currently, traditional hunting and fishing are preserved

Komi-Permyaks Where they live, numbers, languages, religion, culture and customs. 125 thousand people live in the north-west of the Perm region. The Komi-Permyak language belongs to the Permian group of the Finno-Ugric branch of the Ural family. Believing Komi-Permyaks profess Orthodoxy, there are Old Believers. Currently, hunting and fishing are preserved, but do not play a noticeable role in the economy. At the beginning of the twentieth century. Handicraft trades received significant development: blacksmithing, furriery, cooperage, carpentry, tar smoking, etc. Home crafts were represented by the processing of fiber crops (flax, hemp, wool), spinning and weaving, and the production of wood and birch bark products.

Kumyks Where they live in numbers, languages, religion, culture and customs in Dagestan - in Chechnya, in North Ossetia. 422 thousand Kumyks speak the Kumyk language. Kumyk believers are Sunni Muslims. Traditional occupations: arable farming, cattle breeding, also gardening, vegetable gardening, viticulture, fishing, beekeeping, trade, salt and oil extraction, hunting. Home trades and crafts: cloth making, cotton weaving, carpet weaving, leather, metal, wood, stone processing

Lezgins Where they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs south-east of the Republic of Dagestan 500 thousand Lezgin language Believers - Sunni Muslims, there are Shiites The basis of the economy of modern Lezgins is agriculture, gardening and livestock breeding. Some Lezgins are employed in industry. In the 20th century the national intelligentsia has grown, the national fiction, theatrical art.

Mari Where they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs Mari-El, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Kirov region about 600 thousand Russian, Mari, Mountain Mari Orthodoxy Home crafts - spinning, weaving, embroidery - with the development of commodity-money relations acquired the nature of a trade. Woodworking, wicker weaving, tar, resin, turpentine, and coal burning were developed.

Where people live in numbers, languages, religion, culture and customs live in the Saratov, Penza, Ulyanovsk, Gorky, Orenburg regions, in the republics of Tatarstan, Chuvashia and Bashkortostan, in Siberia, and in the Far East. 1,111,492 people. Languages ​​are Erzya and Moksha of the Ural family, but the main language of communication is Russian. They profess Orthodoxy. Arable farming has long played a leading role in the traditional economy of the Mordovians; the main field crops were barley, millet, rye, peas, hemp, flax, and garden crops were also grown. Mordva

Nenets Where do they live in numbers languages ​​religion culture and customs inhabiting the Eurasian coast of the Arctic Ocean from Kola Peninsula to Taimyr Nenets, RussianOrthodoxy, shamanism, atheism. Fishing, waterfowl hunting, and fur trade are of seasonal economic importance.

Ossetians Where they live Number of languages ​​Religion Culture and customs 402,000 people Almost all Ossetians are bilingual (Ossetian-Russian bilingualism, less often Ossetian-Georgian or Ossetian-Turkish). The majority of Ossetian believers profess Orthodoxy. The traditional practice of Ossetians is agriculture. There is a rich national cuisine.

Where people live in numbers languages ​​religion culture and customs (2002 census) Russian language Mostly Orthodoxy, much less Old Believers, Protestantism and Catholicism. Atheism is widespread. Russians

Tatars Where do they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs in Bashkortostan Udmurtia, Mordovia, the Republic of Mari El, Chuvashia 5554.6 thousand people Tatar, Russian Islam, atheism among the Tatars - Kryashens Orthodoxy Among the crafts of the Tatars, woodworking played a significant role, high level craftsmanship was distinguished by leather processing, gold embroidery, weaving, felting, blacksmithing, jewelry and other crafts were developed.

Udmurts Where do they live in numbers language religion Culture and customs in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, the Republic of Mari-El, in Perm, Sverdlovsk and Kirov regions, in Siberia According to the 2002 census, 637 thousand Udmurts lived in Russia. They speak Russian and the Udmurt language of the Finno-Ugric group of the Ural family of Orthodoxy and shepherds. The auxiliary occupations were varied: hunting - squirrel, ermine, hare, fox and other animals, fishing, beekeeping, forest-related crafts - wood harvesting, charcoaling, tar smoking, woodworking, crafts such as spinning and weaving, leatherworking, blacksmithing

Ukrainians Where they liveNumbersLanguagesReligionCulture and customs Ukrainian language, Russian language Predominantly Orthodoxy, also Greek Catholicism and minor Protestantism. There are people who adhere to Rodnoverie.

Circassians Where do they live? Number of languages; Sunni Muslims. A central place in folklore is occupied by tales based on common Adyghe subjects and the Nart epic. The art of storytellers and song performers has been developed. Songs of lamentation, labor and humor are common.

Chuvash Where do they live in numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs Live in the Middle Volga region Russian, Chuvash Orthodoxy Animal husbandry was poorly developed due to lack of food conditions; sheep, cows, pigs, and horses were bred. Beekeeping played a significant role. There were numerous trades and crafts, many of them were associated with woodworking - wood carving, matting, rope weaving, and kulette weaving. Crafts such as wheelwork, cooperage, carpentry, as well as pottery, weaving, and embroidery were developed.

Where they live numbers languages ​​religion Culture and customs Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Chukotka people, Russian Orthodoxy, shamanism economic sectors: reindeer husbandry, fishing, hunting fur and sea animals, mining (non-ferrous metals, coal, gold) and fishing industries. Chukchi

Development of a lesson for the course

"Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics"

(module “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”).

Developed by teacher primary classes: Gnezdilova Larisa Ivanovna

MODULE: Fundamentals of world religious cultures.

GRADE: 4 (lesson 1.)

TOPIC: Russia is our Motherland.

    Education of citizenship and patriotism.

    Formation of spiritual culture of the individual.

    Popularization of state symbols of the Russian Federation.

    Fostering a sense of national unity.

    Development of cognitive interest in the study of modern symbols of Russia and the Kurgan region (regional component).

    Formation of the ability to use knowledge in creative activities.

    Formation of the spiritual essence of a schoolchild’s national culture.


    Motherland, patriotism, citizen, anthem, coat of arms, flag, symbols, Russian Federation, constitution, multinational state, capital, president, traditions.

TYPE OF LESSON: lesson-story.

TRAINING METHOD: information-receptive.

TYPE OF LESSON: learning new material.

FORM OF TRAINING: frontal, individual, independent work

students with game elements.


    Organizing time.

    Organization of student activities.

    Explaining new material using ICT.

    Working with the epigraph of K.D. Balmont "Long live Russia";

    Russia is a multinational state;

    Capital of Russia;


    The president;

    Symbols of the Kurgan region;

    Religions on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Updating basic knowledge.




    Organizing time.

Hello guys! Today we have our first lesson on a new subject - the foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics.

The topic of our lesson: “RUSSIA IS OUR MOTHERLAND.” (slide number 1)

And we will begin our lesson with the poems of the poet Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont “Long live Russia”; (slide No. 2)

The free element is destined to be great!

A mighty power, a boundless ocean!

Glory to the fighters for freedom who have dispelled the fog!

Long live Russia, a free country!

Free element, destined for greatness!

Forests, fields and fields, and steppes, and seas,

We are free and happy, the dawn is burning for us all!

Guys, let's discuss the poem.

Questions for students:

What does the poet say about our country, how he sees it?

What is the main idea of ​​this poem? (students' answers)

Today guys, we will learn a lot of new things, remember everything we know, try to make our lesson interesting, memorable, and you will help me with this.

Each of you has a guide map for our lesson on your table. With the help of which we will take a journey into the world of new and interesting things. Look carefully, at each stop you have blank lines that you must fill in as you learn new material. Our country is special, it has its own symbols, traditions, and customs.

And so guys. We are starting our journey! (slide No. 3)

First stop: “Russia is a multinational country.” This means that many different peoples live in our country.

Autumn is dearer to one,

For others, spring is dearer.

And Motherland Russia

We all have one.

Now let's write down what does a multinational country mean? (student registration)

Let's continue our journey! Do you guys know which city is the capital of our state?! (slide number 4).

Each state has its own symbols - a flag, coat of arms and anthem. (slide No. 5)

The flag is one of the most important symbols of the state, expressing unity and independence. The flag is used to judge affiliation with a particular state.

(slide No. 6) Our flag is also called the tricolor, because it is tricolor (color description)

(slide No. 7) COAT OF ARMS - the coat of arms of the Russian Federation depicts a double-headed eagle - a symbol of power, supremacy, strength, wisdom. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and above them one large crown connected by a ribbon. In the right paw is a scepter, in the left is an orb, on the eagle’s chest on a red shield is a silver horseman in a blue cloak slaying a dragon with a spear.

ANTHEM - (slide No. 8) a solemn song adopted as a symbol of state and national unity. The Russian anthem is always listened to silently and standing. The anthem is played only on special occasions:

    When the President takes office;

    During ceremonies of meeting and seeing off heads or representatives of foreign states:

    During military rituals;

    At special events and holidays, etc.


You guys are all doing a good job, now let's take a rest.

On Monday I swam

And on Tuesday I painted,

On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face,

And on Thursday I played football,

On Friday I jumped for a long time,

ran, danced for a very long time,

And on Saturday and Sunday I rested all day.

CONSTITUTION.- (slide No. 9) the basic law of the Russian Federation by which our entire state lives.

    On December we celebrate Constitution Day.

(slide No. 10)

The head of our state is the president. Whom the people choose. Do you guys know who the president of Russia is?

Our Kurgan region also has its own symbolism. This is the flag and coat of arms. (slide No. 11)

FLAG - represents three stripes of green and white, with two hills depicted on the white stripe. The hills were called mounds in another way; this is where the city of Kurgan takes its name.

The coat of arms of the Kurgan region is a green shield in the center of which there are two silver mounds (hills). A marten is depicted against the background of a silver wall. The coat of arms is decorated around the edges with a golden wreath of oak branches.

At the beginning of the lesson, we talked about the fact that our country is multinational. Every nation has its own customs and traditions. In our state, peoples profess different religions:

    Orthodoxy (slide No. 12)

    Islam (slide number 13)

    Judaism (slide No. 14)

    Buddhism (slide No. 15)

We guys are going to study Buddhism in this course.

Guys, our journey on the map is not over. Please note that in the center of the map there are very important keywords MOTHERLAND - CITIZEN - PATRIOT. - answer the question: “What do we call Motherland?

(students' answers).

What do we call Motherland?

And the birch trees along which

The house where you and I live,

We walk next to mom

H then we call it Motherland?

Our holidays and songs,

A field with a thin spikelet,

Warm evening outside the window.

Each of us has our own small homeland - this is the place where you and I live. But all these places are united into one Motherland. For us, this Motherland is RUSSIA.

We are citizens of our country, we have rights and responsibilities. Your main responsibility is to study! For the benefit of our country - RUSSIA.

People who love their country, are proud of it, admire it, serve for the good of our Motherland - such people are called Patriots.


Now guys, let's see what you remember from today's lesson. Try to answer my questions.

    What country do you live in?

    What does a multinational state mean?

    What is the capital of our state?

    What symbols of the Russian Federation do you know?

    Who is the head of our state?

    What is the name of the most main document our country?

    Why is our regional center called Kurgan?

    What religions are practiced on the territory of our state?


Guys, now we will listen to what the Russian Anthem sounds like.

(children’s reaction to what was previously learned is assessed by listening to the anthem standing and silently.)

Working with emoticons.

Children, there are smiley faces on your tables. If you liked the lesson, then draw a smile on the emoticon, and if not, then it will frown.


Guys, you will have an unusual homework today. Imagine that you are correspondents and you need to interview your family. Listen to what questions you might ask:

    What heroes of Russia do you know and what is their service to the Fatherland?

    What books about our Motherland - Russia would they advise you to read?

    Are there any among your relatives who have done a lot for their Motherland? Who is this? What are their merits?

“Lessons on secular ethics” - The child develops an active life position and self-expression occurs. The principle of orientation towards universal moral values. Expected results: 5. Actualization of the moral potential of the individual. A distinctive aspect of the content of a course in secular ethics. Secular ethics. 1. Introducing the younger generation to humanistic values.

“Course of Ethics” - The doctrine of the moral standards of society. Presentation materials for the course “Ethics”. Fundamentals of humanistic ethics. Structure. Self-test tasks. Item. Ethics of political activity. Educational material. History of morality. Key concepts. Ethics. Knowledge requirements. Humanistic ethics. Political ethics.

“Ethical morality” - Ethical culture. Topic 2 Ethics of merchandising activities. Translated from Greek, “ethics” means custom, morality. The purpose of ethics. Highest moral values. Features of morality. The task of ethics. Ethical culture of service. Moral standards. The concept of morality. The concept of ethics.

"Ethics" - Organizations (mission). Socio-cultural factors. The difference between values ​​and reality in individual and organizational ethics. Practical implementation. What should I be? What am I like as an employee? Activity Behavior Action. Expectations from the profession. Ethics ultimate goal(teleological). What kind of worker am I?

“Secular ethics” - How to make people's lives better? C) Rules of behavior at school. How to reward a person who has done good? Recording terms and concepts in a notebook. Who was the founder of the science of Ethics? How not to do evil? IN Ancient Greece all sciences were called philosophy. Every person has positive and negative traits.

“Fundamentals of secular ethics” - Multimedia installation. Assignment “Emphasize the nationalities of the Tomsk region.” Preliminary preparation. Lesson outline. Rules for the speaker. Predicted results. Pronounce the text clearly. Present visuals in an aesthetically pleasing way. Strengthen the connection between the concepts “Motherland”, “clan”, “parents”.

There are 15 presentations in total

Abstract ORKSE lesson in 4th grade on the topic:

"Our multinational state"


Zemlenukhina Olga Viktorovna,

ORKSE teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 1

Essentuki, Stavropol Territory


Lesson Objectives




Formation of concepts: Russia, a multinational state, nationality, cultural traditions, traditions, customs, the spiritual world of man based on the systematization of students’ previously acquired knowledge.

To promote the development of cognitive interest, mental activity, creativity students.

Organization of joint activities through work in pairs and groups.

Formation of skills to work with information, conduct dialogue, reason, and draw conclusions.

To promote students' awareness of the value of the material being studied.

Contribute to the formation of a caring attitude towards the traditions and culture of your multinational country, pride in your Fatherland, respect for the state and its symbols.

Lesson type

Learning new material

Planned results

Fostering a tolerant attitude towards representatives of different peoples and cultures.

Acquaintance with various nationalities, traditions, languages, and cultures of the peoples of Russia.

Developing interest and respect for the culture of other peoples.

Development of speech and social-communication skills.

To promote the development of tolerance and correctness in communicating with others, to encourage students to become kinder and more attentive to each other.

Basic Concepts

Russia. Homeland. Fatherland. Multinationality. Material and spiritual values. The spiritual world of man. Cultural traditions of the country.

Interdisciplinary connections

The world, literary reading, Russian language


- basic

- additional

Textbook, workbook.

Multimedia projector, computer, presentation

Dictionary, geographic map, Handout.

Organization of space

Frontal, group, steam room.

(desks in the classroom are arranged in such a way that it is convenient to change seats)

During the classes:

1. Organization of the lesson.

Teacher's opening remarks:

Oh, you, my Rus', many-sided!

There is bright sunlight above you!

And the waters in your rivers are clean,

And in your mountains the snow is white!

And free people live here,

People are honest, heroic,

Illuminated by true friendship

And warmed by holy love!

And your land is fertile

The cradle was given to us by our mother!

We are the sonorous songs of our fathers

We sing widely - let's sing!

Stand thus, Great Rus',

Many years and even centuries!

And different nations under your wing

They take care of you - they are famous throughout the world!

During the reading of the poem, photos depicting our Motherland are shown.

2. Updating students’ knowledge.


Guys, let's discuss the poem.

Questions for students:

Guys, which words sounded louder?

What is the main idea of ​​the poem?

What is our Russia famous for?

Student answers.

Each of you has a route sheet for our lesson on your table. Look carefully, it contains tasks that you must complete as you get acquainted with the new material.


What does the word Motherland mean to you? Select an answer.

(the country in which the person was born;

the country of which the person is a citizen;

the place where a person was born, where his relatives and friends live;

a place that is dear to a person.)

Questions for discussion: For those who think this is a country, complete the following task:

Three of the seven pictures below depict state symbols of Russia. Write down the required numbers and indicate which symbol of Russia is depicted under this number.

For those who think this is the place:

Choose words with the same root for the word “homeland”. You can use "cluster".

Checking completed tasks.


Russia is not only largest country world, but also a great state. People of different nationalities, nationalities, and ethnic groups live on its lands.

What do you think we will talk about today?

Students determine the topic of the lesson.


Right. Today we will learn what a multinational state is.

How do people of different nationalities differ from each other?

Students: Firstly, people of different nationalities differ from each other in their national or native language.

Secondly, national clothing, traditions, customs, national holidays, songs, cuisine, i.e., its culture.

Thirdly, character, appearance.

Students appear dressed in clothes with elements of national costumes.

1 student

Hello, friends!

2 student

We will call you all friends!

3 student

It is no coincidence that we have gathered today. We have a serious conversation ahead of us.

4 student -

Our multicultural city.

And our class is multinational.

5 student

There are both Kazakhs and Tatars in the class,

And, of course, there are Russians too.

6 student

We are all friendly. The secret of friendship

1 student -

We won’t tell you our secret right away,

Just listen with an open mind.

2 student -

We believe that you will soon understand everything yourself,

And you will take our secret with you forever!

3. Discovery of new knowledge.


Our state includes: 21 republics, 7 territories, 9 autonomous districts, 1 autonomous region. According to the census, the population of Russia is about 143 million people. These are more than 180 nationalities, nationalities and ethnic groups.

Read the poem and find in the text (underline) what nationalities it talks about.

Read the text. Try to find main idea text.

How can we call all the people living in our country Russians or Russians? Why?

4. Physical education minute. Movements to the song “I, you, he, she - together the whole country...”

5. Updating basic knowledge.


In proverbs and sayings different nations there is confirmation of this. Folk wisdom is an international phenomenon and we find the same proverbs and sayings among different nations.

A kind person brings peace - the Abkhazians say.

If you do good, you will find good - they say the Karachais.

The light is not without good people - Russians say

Goodness and a dog does not forget - say the Ossetians.

The feeling of patriotism, love for the Motherland and people are the unshakable values ​​that every citizen of his country should honor.

Let us now complete the following task: we will assemble a whole proverb from two parts.


Every nation has its own native language. In Russia, people speak 100 national languages.

What helps people of different nationalities understand each other?


The Russian language helps people of different nationalities in the territory

RF communicate with each other.


The peoples of Russia can be divided in this way:

Peoples of the Far North,

Peoples speaking Finno-Ugric languages

The peoples of the Volga region and the Urals, speaking Turkic languages,

Peoples of Siberia and Far East,

Peoples North Caucasus.

You and I live (shows on the map) in the territory with the most numerous nationalities. Here live: Chechens, Kabardians, Circassians, Balkars, Ossetians, Ingush, Avars and other peoples.

6. Application and consolidation of new knowledge

Your homework was to prepare for the Round Dance of Friendship.

Round dance of friendship

1 group. Traditional clothing of the peoples of the Caucasus.

2nd group. Folk art of the peoples living in the North Caucasus. (parables, fairy tales, riddles, songs).

3rd group. Presentation of national dishes.

7. Summing up the lesson.

So what secret did you learn today?

Student answers.

- Russia- a friendly multinational country of equal peoples.

Its territory is inhabited by Russians, Mordovians, Bashkirs, Buryats, Tatars, Kalmyks, Chuvashs, Karelians, Yakuts, Khanty, Mansi and many others.

Each nation is unique, has its own culture, and makes its own contribution to the development of Russia.

It is very important to strengthen the friendship of the peoples of Russia.

Respect the national feelings of each of them.


Every person feels a sense of pride for their Motherland, for its history, for its people. Russia has united people of different nationalities. They all love her, are proud of their country, and wish for its prosperity.

Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. 4th grade. Saplina E.V., Saplin A.I. Moscow: Astrel, 2012

Danilko E.S. Peoples of Russia / Moscow: ROSMEN, 2015.

Klyushnik L.V. Our Motherland - Russia / L.V. Klyushnik - Moscow: ROSMEN, 2015

Methodological development of lesson notes

according to ORKSE

“Russia is a multinational state”


Karpova Evgenia Sergeevna,

Primary school teacher

GBOU School No. 2083

(JV "Erino"), TiNAO

Moscow 2015

Topic: “Russia is a multinational state”

Target: create in students an image of Russia as a great multinational state.



  • To acquaint students with the nationalities of the peoples living on the territory of Russia, with their national traditions, culture and languages;
  • Expanding the horizons of students;
  • To create in students a feeling of involvement of each person in the fate of their homeland.


  • Develop interest in Russian history;
  • Develop self-educational skills;
  • Develop initiative and creativity.


  • Raising worthy citizens of their country;
  • Cultivate respect for people of other nationalities.

Formation of UUD:

  • Personal actions:be able to accept and understand such values ​​as “Motherland”, “people”. Feel pride in your Motherland, show respect for state symbols, the national language and traditions of the Russian people. Develop educational and cognitive interest in new material, self-analysis and self-control.
  • Regulatory Actions:be able to formulate a goal educational activities, draw up a plan for completing tasks, express your opinion with reason,analyze, reason, draw conclusions and conclusions.
  • Cognitive actions:be able to obtain information from textual media and additional sources, be able to navigate it, pose a problem and solve it.
  • Communication actions:be able to work in a group, participate in dialogue, listen and understand others, develop educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates.

Lesson type: a lesson in discovering new knowledge.


  • Physical map of Russia;
  • Table “Peoples of Russia”;
  • Dolls in national costumes or photographs of folk costumes;
  • Children's presentations on the topic;
  • Audio recording of the song “My Motherland”;
  • Audio recording of national songs and dances of the peoples of Russia “Round Dance”.


  • Selezneva E. I explore the world. – M.: Astrel, 2003.
  • What's happened? Who it? – M.: Pedagogy – Press, 1992.
  • All for class teacher. – M.: Osnova, 2012.

Internet sites:

  • -http://www.1september.ru/ru/ (Publishing house “First of September”)
  • - http://vkids.km.ru/ (children's page “Cyril and Methodius”)

During the classes

An excerpt from the song “My Motherland” sounds:

I you he she-

The whole country together

Together a friendly family

In the word "we" -

One hundred thousand “I”s!

Big-eyed, mischievous,

Black, red and linen,

Sad and happy

In cities and villages.

Against the background of this song, the teacher and prepared students begin the story.

Teacher: Russia is the largest state in the world (I show it on the map(Slide 2) ). Its area is 17,098,246 square kilometers. To fly over Russia from east to west and get from the shores of the Pacific Ocean to the shores of the Baltic Sea, the plane will need at least 11 hours. When at one end of Russia they say “Good night!”, then at the other end of our homeland they answer: “Good morning!” From north to south the path is also long. From the cold Kola Peninsula(Slide 3) It takes three days to get to the North Caucasus by train, and you can meet people everywhere!

According to the latest census, about 142 million people live in the Russian Federation. All citizens living in our country are called Russians. But their nationalities are different.

Russia is a great multinational state. More than 180 nationalities, nationalities, and ethnic groups live on its lands.(Slide 4)

85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation became part of Russia on a voluntary basis.

These are 22 republics, 9 territories, 4 autonomous districts, the Jewish Autonomous Region, 46 regions and 3 federal cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol.

Yes, many peoples live in our country, and they all form one friendly family. All people in our country have equal rights: women and men, young people and old people, people of any nationality and religion. This is how it is written about in the Constitution of the Russian Federation:(Slide 5) “The state guarantees equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, or membership in public associations.”

- Now let's all think together why peoples united into one big state?

  • Students' responses are heard.

Teacher : I suggest you listen to L. N. Tolstoy’s fable(Slide 6) , and then, I think, everything will become clear to you.

“One old man had three sons. And they could not get along together. The old man really wanted his sons to live in peace after his death. He decided to teach them this.

One day, their father called them to him and asked them to break a broom in half. First the eldest son tried, but no matter how hard he tried, nothing worked. The same failures befell the middle and junior ones. Then the father untied the broom and asked each son to break several straws. This, of course, they succeeded with ease.

Then the father said:

It’s the same in life. If you are together, then no one will break you, but separately you are as easy to defeat as breaking a couple of straws.”

Teacher: How do you understand why peoples united into one big state?

Students : Peoples united into one big state in order to become a powerful country, so that no one would want to attack and enslave them. And if something like this happens, like during the Great Patriotic War, then it will be easier for everyone together to defeat the enemy and cope with the disaster.

Teacher: How do people of different nationalities differ from each other?

Students: Firstly, people of different nationalities differ from each other in their national or native language. Secondly, national clothing, traditions, customs, national holidays, songs, cuisine, i.e. its culture. Thirdly, character, appearance.

Teacher: Do you know how it happened that all people, including in our country, speak different languages?

There is this biblical legend:

“One day people got together and said to each other: “Let us build ourselves a city and a tower, its height reaching to heaven...” Proud and wanting to glorify themselves, people zealously began construction. But the Lord did not like this. He looked at the city and the tower that they were building and said: “Behold, there is one people and they all have one language... and they will not deviate from what they are planning to do. Let us go down and confuse their languages ​​there so that one does not understand the speech of the other.”

The Lord, as punishment, confused the language of people, making the speech of one incomprehensible to the other. People were unable to continue building the tower. Therefore, that place began to be called “Babylon”, i.e. "mixing". Then God scattered people throughout the whole earth.”

Every nation has its own native language. In Russia, people speak 100 national languages. For example, about 30 small nations live in Dagestan. Each nation speaks its own language, completely different from the language of its neighbors. But they can understand each other well if they speak Russian. It is the Russian language that helps people of different nationalities in the Russian Federation communicate with each other.

Peoples of the Far North,

Peoples speaking Finno-Ugric languages

The peoples of the Volga region and the Urals, speaking Turkic languages,

Peoples of Siberia and the Far East,

Peoples of the North Caucasus.

On physical map In Russia, the teacher shows the places of residence of each group of peoples.

The national melody of the peoples of the Far North sounds, performed on tambourines.

Student 1: (Slide 7) In the harsh conditions of the Arctic, where the polar night lasts six months, where the air temperature even in summer does not rise above zero degrees, the Chukchi and Nenets have lived from time immemorial. They are classified as the small peoples of Russia.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the place of these peoples. On the street - 40. And in the dwelling, which is called a chum, there are no electrical appliances, no gas stove, no running water. The walls of the house are poles forming a dome, covered with animal skins. There is a fire burning in the middle of the house. People sit, lie, and sleep around him.

Students show photographs about the life of the peoples of the Far North.

Students 2: The Nenets and Chukchi travel either on reindeer or on dog sleds. Most often they eat stroganina (frozen fish meat). Despite the harsh conditions of the Arctic, they find the strength to be creative. Various amulets and amulets are carved from animal bones. Both peoples are Orthodox.

Dog sleds,

Reindeer sleds,

They sparkle on maltsy (malitsa - clothes made of deer skins)

Copper plaques.

The hunter shouts to the fisherman:


My team

Yours quickly!

They hover over the plagues

Smokey fidgets,

Housewives bake here

Flatbread for lunch.

Teacher: thanks for interesting story. We give the floor to the expedition “Peoples speaking Finno-Ugric languages.”

The melody is performed by an ensemble of folk instruments.

Student 3: (Slide 8)

Peoples who speak Finno-Ugric languages ​​include the Mari, Udmurts, Mordovians, Khanty, Mansi, Karelians, and Komi. They live in the Urals, in the northeast and north of Russia. All these peoples profess Christianity.

The most numerous people among them are the Mordovians. There are 1073 thousand of them, followed by the Udmurts - 747 thousand, the Mari - 644 thousand. The Komi are in fourth place - 336 thousand, the Khanty are in fifth place, 22 thousand. The Mansi have the smallest population, there are only 8 thousand of them.

Although the people are small, they are rich in traditions. This is what we managed to find out about one of the national holidays of the Mansi people.

The Mansi people have a holiday called “Bear”. Everyone is preparing for the celebration: women dress up in festive malitsa, embroidered with national patterns and multi-colored beads, men put on long shirts, belted with braid, and soft boots made of deerskin.

Students show illustrations of the national costumes of these peoples.

Student 4: (Slide 9) The roots of this national holiday go back centuries.

Once upon a time, many years ago, when people did not yet know how to make fire, a bear and his son looked at them from the sky. The bear son, wanting adventure, begged his father to let him go to people. Bear - the father agreed to let his son go, but on the condition that he would not rely on his father’s help, would overcome all difficulties himself, and would be fair with people. To make it easier for him, he gave him a bow, arrows and fire.

The young bear disobeyed his father. He brought a lot of trouble to people. And one hunter killed him.

Since then, people have been using fire, bows and arrows. And they feel guilty before the bear’s father. Therefore, every year in the fall they organize a holiday for him. The celebration begins with dances and songs. An ensemble of national instruments is played, consisting of kusle, shuvyr, tumyr, shushpyk. Next comes a carnival of masks made from birch bark and fur. The celebration ends with a festive table, the main dish of which is venison cooked over a fire.

Teacher: Which interesting material collected and told us by the expedition “Peoples speaking Finno-Ugric languages.” Undoubtedly, other peoples who speak Turkic languages ​​also have holidays.

Tatar dance music sounds.

The floor is given to the expedition “Peoples of the Volga and Urals speaking Turkic languages.”

Student 5: (Slide 10) To the peoples of the Volga region and the Urals ( working with a map ), speakers of Turkic languages ​​include the Tatars, Bashkirs, and Chuvashs. These are numerous nations. Tatars and Bashkirs profess Islam, and the Chuvash are adherents of the Christian faith.

Students demonstrate dolls in Chuvash, Bashkir and Tatar national costumes.

We want to tell and show in a presentation the holding of such a Muslim holiday as Sabantuy.

Student 6: (Slide 11) Sabantuy, or the plow festival, is held in June, after the end of field work. On the day of the holiday, everyone tries to dress up. Even the horses that will participate in the races are decorated with bells and flowers, and ribbons are woven into their manes.

Above the place where the holiday will take place, there is a pole with a tied patterned towel fluttering in the wind. This is the flag of Sabantuy.

The holiday begins with horse racing, then there are races in which children can also compete. Then the batyr Sabantuy is chosen - the winner among men in the national sash wrestling. As a gift, the batyr is given a ram, which he must carry away with raised arms. An obligatory part of the holiday is fighting with bags and climbing on a high smooth pole. And then folk festivities begin with songs and dances.

Teacher: The next expedition will tell us about the peoples of Siberia and the Far East.(Slide 12)

The national song is played.

Student 7: Listen to this song. Nowhere else will you hear it except in the Far East. Only there people master throat singing, imitating animals and birds.

Only a hero can

Walk Siberia:

Get over the mountains

To get through the thick forest,

Overcome the river flow

And return home on time.

Siberia and the Far East are occupied by Altaians, Khanty, Mansi, Yakuts, Buryats, and Tuvans. Nanai and other peoples. They profess Christianity. But Buddhism is widespread among the Buryats and Tuvans. And along the outskirts of the seas in remote villages you can also meet shamans.

Student 8 : It is impossible to imagine the peoples of Siberia and the Far East without deer. As one of the songs says: “The steamer is good! Steam locomotive - good! The plane is good! But deer are better!” Reindeer are running, carrying passengers and cargo. It would be difficult for people without these animals. This is why deer are held in such high esteem and respect in Siberia. The national holiday is the holiday of reindeer herders.(Slide 13) The first competition is racing, followed by speed jumping over sleds. Next is skiing. In Siberia, skis are wide so as not to fall into the snow and glide easier. At the end of the holiday there is lasso throwing. Thanks to agility, speed, and strength, reindeer herders lasso a wild deer and replenish their herd.

  • Students show a presentation (photos) about this holiday.

Student 9. And in Yakutia the horse is revered. And all because, according to an ancient legend, the first animal to appear on Earth was a horse. From the horse came half-horse - half-man. People in Yakutia love the Ysyakh holiday.(Slide 14) It is carried out at the end of a long and cold winter. People gather in a circle in a large clearing. In the center of the circle is a fire, and next to it is a shaman. The shaman opens the holiday with a song that asks the gods to bless the holiday. After the song, the Yakut national dance “Osoukhai” begins. It is very similar to the Russian round dance. And then comes the time for competitions: jumping on one and two legs, squeezing weights, pulling a stick and, of course, horse racing! Many traditions are associated with this holiday, for example, burning the old to start a new life.

By the way, dumplings, beloved by many of us, are the national dish of the peoples of Siberia.

Teacher: The latest expedition will tell us about the peoples of the North Caucasus.(Slide 15)

  • A mountain song sounds.

Student 10.

In the Caucasus they love

Music and dancing.

Dzhigits on horseback

They jump without fear.

In the Caucasus they love

Make decorations.

Famous for their minting

Local villages.

In the Caucasus they love

Drink kefir - ayran.

Puts on a burka

Shepherd on a long journey.

In the Caucasus they love

Sweet grapes.

Here the owner is a guest,

I'm so glad for my family.

North Caucasus (shows on the map) the most numerous by nationality. Chechens, Kabardians, Circassians, Balkars, Ossetians, Ingush, Avars and other peoples live there.

  • Students show dolls in national costumes.

Student 11: Very often they are called highlanders. Temperamental people in whose veins hot blood flows. But any dispute will always be resolved by the council of elders, which is respected from young to old. Caucasians are famous for their hospitality. Caucasian cuisine is considered one of the oldest in the world. They love spicy food here. It is unlikely that there is at least one among us who has not tried barbecue, kharcho soup or lula kebab. And such sweets as halva, kozinaki and sherbet are simply delicious!

The Caucasus is beautifully beautiful native nature. Anyone who saw the sunrise, mountains and rocks illuminated by its rays, will not forget this! This is how M. Yu. Lermontov, who served there, sang the Caucasus.

Excerpt from the poem “Morning in the Caucasus”:

It's dawning and swirling like a wild veil

There is night fog around the forested mountains;

There is still silence at the feet of the Caucasus;

The herd is silent, the river is the only one murmuring.

Here on the rock is a newborn ray

It suddenly began to glow, cutting through the clouds.

And pink along the river and tents

The shine has spread and shines here and there...

Teacher: Well done! Each expedition prepared wonderful stories, illustrations, and presentations. It's time to take stock.

Russia is a friendly multinational country of equal peoples. Its territory is inhabited by Russians, Mordovians, Bashkirs, Buryats, Tatars, Kalmyks, Chuvashs, Karelians, Yakuts, Khanty, Mansi and many others. Each nation is unique, has its own culture, and makes its own contribution to the development of Russia. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the friendship of the peoples of Russia. Respect the national feelings of each of them.

Schopenhauer said: “The most common type of pride is national pride.” Each of us, each person feels a sense of pride in his homeland, in its history, in his people. Russia has united people of different nationalities. They all love her, are proud of their country, and wish for its prosperity.

Students perform the song “My Russia” to the words of N. Solovyova, music by G. Struve.

My Russia has long braids,

My Russia has light eyelashes.

My Russia has blue eyes,

Russia, you are very similar to me.


The sun is shining, the winds are blowing,

Showers are pouring over Russia.

There's a colorful rainbow in the sky,

There is no more beautiful land.

For me, Russia is white birches,

For me, Russia is morning dew,

For me, Russia, you are the most precious thing,

How much you look like my mother.


You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth,

You, my Russia, can sing songs,

You, my Russia, are inseparable from us,

After all, our Russia is us and our friends.

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