The forest house project is our friend. Ecological project “Forest is our home”

Project passport

Full project name

“Our green friend is the forest”

Target group

Students of grades 4-B and 4-A, class teachers, parents.

Pinaev Denis, Seryakov Arseny, Druzhkova Milena, Koshkarova Anastasia, Besklinskaya Kristina


Tatishcheva I. A.

Creation of the Green Book

Collect waste paper.


Subject-content area


Number of participants

5 students



Main resources and sources of their financing

The basis for the implementation of the project is the information and material resources of the school library, Bilimbaevsky forestry enterprise, and Internet resources.

Expected Result

Presentations for class hours: “Who will save the forest?”, “Forests of our region”

Article for the school newspaper “Help the Forest”;

Creation of the Green Book.

Period and stages of implementation

January - March 2014


"Green Book".


    Ivchenko. A book about trees.

    Kozak. To the forest to pick mushrooms.

    Krutogorov. Stories about trees.

    Menninger. Bizarre trees.

    Petrov. World of forest plants.

    Petrov. Forest secrets.

    Petrov. Stories about forest plants.

    Shimanyuk. Dendrology.

    Forest encyclopedia. In 2 vols.






“The green world, the living world, gives joy to you and me!”

Topic: “Our green friend is the forest”

Team: "Lesovichki":

Pinaev Denis

Seryakov Arseny

Druzhkova Milena

Koshkarova Anastasia

Besklinskaya Kristina

students of 4th and 4th grades


Tatishcheva I. A

primary school teacher

tel: 64-15-52


The country has considerable wealth,
The depths of the earth do not take into account miracles,
But more important than many, perhaps,
For the breath of the Earth - forests


In the lesson about the surrounding world, we studied the ecosystem - the forest. We learned how important forests are for life on Earth. This includes air purification and animal habitats. The forest protects the soil from erosion, retains precipitation, creates a favorable microclimate for agricultural plants, and prevents water pollution. Forest is used in various sectors of the national economy; it serves as a source of chemicals obtained from the processing of wood, bark, and pine needles. The forest supplies raw materials for the production of over 20 thousand products and products. Almost half of the world's wood is used for fuel, and a third is used to produce building materials.

We live in a forest area. Therefore, we were interested in the question of what role the forest plays in our lives.

We wondered what would happen if all the trees disappeared? What trees grow in the forest? What trees are most often planted in the city and why?

We asked our classmates with these questions and conducted a survey among students in grades 2-4. 100 students were surveyed.

The survey revealed the following results:


Difficult to answer

Which tree holds the record for producing oxygen and protecting the city from dust and harmful emissions?

What trees grow in the city of Pervouralsk and its environs?

How do people use the forest?

What damage do fires cause?

How does a forest appear?

How many years must pass for the restoration of a dead forest?

What organizations are there in Pervouralsk that are responsible for preserving the forest and greening the city?

What can I do that is useful for the forest?

Most of the guys found it difficult to answer several questions.

Thus, the main Problems:

Living in a forest area, the children know little about the forest ecosystem;

Most of the guys left the last question: “What can I do that is useful for the forest?” without an answer, not understanding how they can help the forest, whether the forest needs human help, and what this help can be expressed in.

Conclusion: We live in a forest area. Therefore, we must know and protect the forest. It is necessary to promote caring attitude towards our green friend among classmates, acquaintances, and neighbors. Tell us how we can benefit the forest now.

Objective of the project: the creation of the Green Book.

Project idea: rational use of forest resources is, first of all, caring for our planet Earth, and the use of recycled paper is a great saving of forests.


Find out which organizations are involved in forest protection;

Find out what is being done in our district to restore deforested forests and protect endangered plant species;

Find out which trees purify polluted air better;

Hold a poster competition “Take care of nature”;

Write an article for the school newspaper “Help the Forest”;

Select materials to create the “Green Book”;

Collect waste paper.

To solve these problems, we must:

Visit the school library and use Internet resources;

Meet with Ildar Fanzalievich Akhmetov, forest foreman from the Bilimbaevsky forestry enterprise;

Announce a poster competition “Take care of nature”;

Select material for an article in the school newspaper “Help the Forest”;

Select materials to create the “Green Book”;

Collect waste paper

Stages of work on the project.

Istage. Theoretical

Target: studying literature and Internet resources on a topic of interest. Finding answers to problematic questions: “How much oxygen does one tree produce per year? How much oxygen does the average person need per year to breathe? What is the area of ​​forests on the planet? and others.

Having visited the school library, we got acquainted with books about the forest, which T. N. Chalova, the librarian of our school, helped us select.

From books we learned that deforestation began at the dawn of human society and increased as it developed, as the need for wood and other forest products quickly increased. Over the last millennium, 2/3 of the forests on Earth have been cleared. Therefore they say: forests precede man, deserts accompany him. During this historical time, about 500 million hectares have turned from forests into barren deserts. Forests are being destroyed so quickly that the area of ​​deforestation significantly outweighs the area of ​​tree planting. To date, about half of the original area in the forest area has been cleared. Due to deforestation, the water flow of rivers is reduced, lakes are drying up, groundwater levels are falling, soil erosion is increasing, the climate is becoming more arid and continental, droughts and dust storms often occur.

We also turned to Internet resources. Worked with the Internet on sites:

viki rdf/ru,,,,,

We found out from the Internet that one tree produces on average 2.5 kilograms of oxygen per day, and 912.5 kilograms of oxygen per year. One person needs 0.83 kg of oxygen per day to breathe; 302.95 kg of oxygen per year.
The approximate forest area on the planet is about 3 billion hectares, approximately 0.8 hectares per person. It's not that much. 14-15% are occupied by northern coniferous forests (Russia, Canada and the USA), 55-60% are tropical forests. Canada has the most forests per capita - 9.4 hectares. More than 6 billion people live on the planet. When burning 1 kg of coal or wood, more than 2 kg of oxygen is consumed. This is approximately the oxygen produced by one tree. One passenger car burns 1825 kg of oxygen for every 100 km of travel. This is approximately the oxygen produced by 734 trees. Every year, a car absorbs an average of more than 4 tons of oxygen from the atmosphere, emitting approximately 800 kg of carbon monoxide, about 40 kg of nitrogen oxides and almost 200 kg of various hydrocarbons with exhaust gases. If you multiply these figures by the 400 million units of the global car fleet, you can imagine the extent of the threat hidden in excessive motorization. The number of trees is constantly decreasing. The reduction of forest areas as a result of increased wood consumption is a sad fact.

WWF, FSC and Greenpeace, with the participation of civil activists, formulated the 5 most pressing problems of Russian forests.

    The need to adopt a forest policy in Russia.

    Forest fires.

    Illegal logging and sale of timber.

    Lack of an environmentally sensitive market in Russia.

    Low civic activity.

On the website of the magazine “Living Forest” we were interested in several questions that were answered by a specialist from the forestry department.

Who is the record holder for oxygen production? And is it also true that one tree emits as much oxygen during its life as one person needs, and a car at a speed of 120 km/h absorbs all the oxygen emitted by a tree in just two hours?

Forestry specialist. The most active suppliers of oxygen are poplars. 1 hectare of such trees releases 40 times more oxygen into the atmosphere than 1 hectare of spruce plantations. Over the course of one year, an ordinary tree emits the amount of oxygen required for a family of 4 people over the same period, and one car in 2 hours of operation will absorb as much oxygen as 1 tree will emit in 2 years!

Could you name several tree species that are most productive in producing oxygen? And how productive are the tree species in our forest, such as birch, linden, pine, aspen.

Forestry specialist. You touched on a really interesting topic. It does not allow unambiguous interpretations. The oxygen productivity of a tree depends not only on the species, but primarily on the size of the tree and the season; it differs for trees from different types of forest. But trees emit biologically active substances - aromas, phytoncides, technogenic dirt is deposited on their leaves, and this is actually extremely important, so don’t change your attitude towards trees, they already do everything they can for us, they can do it without us we cannot grow without them.


We learned: - about the most pressing problems of Russian forests;

About trees that most actively release oxygen and purify the air in the environment;

About how much oxygen is produced by trees.

Stage II. Collection of information.

Meeting with Ildar Fanzalievich Akhmetov, forest foreman from the Bilimbaevsky forestry enterprise.

Target: find out how forest protection and restoration is carried out in our Pervouralsk district.

Ildar Fanzalievich told us a lot of interesting things about our forests. He said that the main task of forest protection is their rational use and restoration.

The forest master noted that with proper forestry management, felling in separate areas should be repeated after 80-100 years, which is exactly how long it takes for the seedlings to become full-fledged trees again.

Another important measure for forest conservation is the fight against forest loss.

wood The greatest losses occur during timber harvesting. In places

felling leaves a lot of wood and needles that can be used for

preparation of essential oils.

The most important condition for preserving forest resources is timely

reforestation. Only a third of forests cut down annually in Russia

is restored naturally, the rest require special measures to

their resumption. In clearing areas where natural forest regeneration does not occur, after loosening the soil, seeds are sown or seedlings grown in a nursery are planted. Ildar Fanzalievich spoke about how seedlings are grown in the nursery at the Bilimbaevsky forestry enterprise to restore deforested forests.

Among forest protection measures, fire control is important.

A fire completely or partially destroys a forest biocenosis. Fires cause

great damage, destroying plants and animals.

Up to 97% of forest fires are caused by humans. Therefore, among the measures

fire prevention occupies an important place in the fight against fires

among the population. In our forestry enterprise and in Yekaterinburg there is a sentinel service to detect fires. When extinguishing forest fires, aviation brigades are used, and sometimes military units and the entire population are mobilized to fight fires.

Diseases and pests cause great harm to forests. Mass outbreaks

Pest populations cover vast areas.

To combat pests of forest plants, it is useful to attract insectivores

birds. They can regulate the number of insects by keeping them away

mass reproduction. To attract birds, foresters create favorable conditions for them: they hang artificial nesting boxes and feed them.

Biological methods of pest control are cheap, harmless and the most

effective. They should be combined with other methods so that together they

represented a unified system of forest protection.

Result: we learned about the work being done in the urban district of Pervouralsk to protect and restore the forest.

IIIstage. Research

Target: research how much paper accumulates in the classroom and at home; how many trees we saved from cutting down thanks to our participation in waste paper collection.

Practical research.

We asked our classmates to measure the weight of the waste paper that they accumulated during the week. The data was entered into a table. As a result of our research, we came to the conclusion that up to 5 kg of paper accumulates at home per week, which can be reused.

In the first half of the year, a collection of waste paper “Save a tree - save a forest!” took place.

First half of the year

3 quarter

quantity kg

quantity kg

All students of our school took part in collecting waste paper and together collected 1070 kg.

In the second half of the year, we decided to take part in collecting waste paper every quarter. In February, from the very beginning, we again took part in collecting waste paper and we got the following results.

On the Internet site we found information that to make 1 ton of paper you need 5.6 m 3 of wood. If we consider that the average volume of one log (tree) is 0.33 m 3, then 17 trees are required to produce 1 ton of paper. And from 1 ton of paper you can make about 30 thousand ordinary student notebooks. As a result of recycling waste paper, the same paper is obtained as from fresh cellulose, which is obtained from wood. Only the production of paper from waste paper is 2 times cheaper. And from 1 ton of waste paper the same amount is obtained from 12 trees. Therefore, from an economic and environmental point of view, recycling paper from waste paper is very profitable. Unfortunately, in Russia only 0.1% of paper is produced from waste paper. In Europe, this figure reaches 50%, and in Japan, even 65% of new paper is made from old waste paper.

Result: we decided , What can we do to save paper:

    Write not very important texts and notes on the other side of the written sheet of paper;

    Hand over old magazines and newspapers to waste paper collection points.

    Buy paper made from recycled materials, such as paper with the FSC or Nautilus logo.

    Leave unused sheets of your workbooks at the end of the school year (sheets for testing, drafts);

    Handle all paper products (notebooks, textbooks) with care.

IV stage. Creative activity

Having learned a lot about the forest, its benefits and the need to preserve it, we decided to conduct class hours for our classmates together with the teacher:

“Who will save the forest?”, “Forests of our region.”

After the class hours, we decided to hold a poster competition “Take care of nature.”

Based on the information received, we jointly created the Green Book.

It includes our classroom hours, forest legends, reminders, natural monuments of the Pervouralsk urban district, a green pharmacy, quizzes and much other entertaining material.


In the process of working on the project, we studied a lot of information about forests in our country and in the world, and got acquainted with what work is being done in the urban district of Pervouralsk to protect and restore the forest.

We took an active part in collecting waste paper to save natural forest resources. We used the knowledge gained during the work on the project during class hours: “Who will save the forest?”, “Forests of our region.” The poster competition “Take care of nature” aroused interest among most of our classmates.

As a result, many children from our classes learned about the importance and problems of the forest.

The project goal has been achieved. We have created a “Green Book” that can be used by teachers and schoolchildren in the future.

All in our hands…

Slide 2

Objectives of the event:

To form students’ ideas about the role of forests in the lives of humans and nature; Familiarize yourself with the environmental problems of the forest that have arisen due to human fault, with the protective activities of people in the forest; Develop cognitive interest; To cultivate respect and love for nature, cultural behavior.

Slide 3

Poem by S. Nikulina “Russian Forest”

There is nothing nicer Fragrant raspberries Wander and think here. On dense bushes. Heals, warms, I look for mushrooms in the clearing, and feeds the Russian forest. I, not sparing my legs, And the thirst will torment me - And if I get tired, Then I’ll sit down on a tree stump. Among the thorny thickets, the Forest is very fond of pedestrians, A fontanel will show you. For them he is completely his own. I’ll bend down to get a drink - There’s a goblin wandering around here somewhere And you can see everything to the bottom. With a green beard. Water flows, Life seems different, Tasty and cold. And the heart does not hurt, Rowan trees are waiting for us in the forest, When there are nuts and flowers overhead, The forest is noisy like an eternity.

Slide 4

Questions and riddles

A herb that even the blind know. (Nettle) The tree is a symbol of our Motherland. (Birch) Do birds winter in a birdhouse? (No) Who changes their fur coat twice a year? (Fox, squirrel, hare) What happens to the bee after it stings? (Dies) Which berry is black, red and white? (Currant) Is the penguin a bird or not? (Yes) What animals sleep in winter? (Bear, hedgehog) What bird throws its egg into other people's nests? (Cuckoo) How can you call trees, shrubs, and herbs in one word? (Plants) Flower balding in the wind. (Dandelion)

Slide 5


"The role of forests in human life."

Slide 6

Meaning of forest

House for animals, plants, mushrooms; Protection of air, water bodies and soils; Place of rest for a person; Source of berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants; Wood source

Slide 7


"Ecological problems of the forest."

Slide 8


  • Slide 9

    You should know it!

    Paper decomposes in 3-4 years, an iron can decomposes and rusts in 6-10 years, plastic film will decompose in 60-100 years, and glass will lie in the ground for 600 years. Therefore, if you throw out all this garbage today, then in 3 years the paper will rot. When you graduate from school, the iron can will rust and fall apart. When you grow old and become ancient grandfathers and old women, only then will the plastic bag disappear into the ground, and the broken glass or bottle will lie in the ground for many years after you and only then will it turn into sand.

    Slide 10


    "Our help to the forest"

    Slide 11

    Poem by I. Trofimova “So that the joy of tomorrow”

    So that the joy of tomorrow is difficult for us to discern, You manage to feel, All the suffering that the earth Should be clean, the earth has to endure! And the sky will be clear. How long will we have enough water, And this land, without sparing, If poison is dissolved in it? He tormented century after century. How long will those forests last? And he took everything only for himself. Where are the axes knocking? "Man of sense. To save fields, forests, meadows. Now they rushed to save And the clean expanse of rivers - the entire Earth Natural environment. Only you can, Through the smoke of factories and factories, A reasonable person!

    Slide 12

    Our results

    Expanded the range of environmental knowledge; Learned environmental culture skills; Understood the need for harmonious communication with nature; An attitude of stable interest in the ecological situation of one’s area appeared; They have developed the need to maintain their own environmental health as individuals.

    Slide 13


    Monthly scientific and methodological magazine “Primary School”. 2004 No. 6, No. 12. The world around us. Textbook for 4th grade of primary school in 2 parts. A. A. Pleshakov, E. A. Kryuchkova. - Education, 2005. Lesson developments for the course “The World around us”: 4th grade. - M.: Vako, 2006.

    View all slides

    The world

    Topic: project “The Forest is Our Friend”

    Students should know: the main inhabitants of the forest, representatives of the forest flora; types of forests; the importance of forests in human life; dangers that await a person in the forest; the impact of human activities on the state of forest resources; rules of behavior in the forest.

    Students should be able to: perform partial search activities, analyze its results, and draw conclusions; compose coherent stories based on the materials of the work performed; work in groups; use the products of joint project activities.

    Equipment: handouts for each group to complete tasks; album sheets for designing project sections; reference literature; glue, markers.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    1. Distribution of children into groups.

    The teacher organizes several initiative groups according to the number of pages of the proposed project.

    In each such group, roles are assigned: analyst, experimenter, illustrator, tester.

    Children are moved according to new groups.

    2. Clarification of the features of work in the lesson using project activities.

    II. Formulating the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    The teacher invites the children to take part in the project “The Forest is Our Friend.” The teacher asks you to remember the features of project activities. (Children list)

    The teacher talks about the differences between the project activities in this lesson and the previous ones: the distribution of roles among project participants will not occur in groups, but within each group.

    As a result of collective discussion, changes are made to the main stages, taking into account the new distribution into groups.

    Plan on the board:

    Group activities

      Discussion of the task (collectively).

      Carrying out a practical task (“experimenters”).

      Design of the assignment (“illustrators”).

      Formulation of conclusions (“analysts”).

      Application of results (“researchers”).

    Collective action: testing the entire project.

    The teacher invites the children to discuss the goals of the lesson.

    As a result of the discussion, the following goals are named: to learn new information about the forest, to derive rules of behavior in the forest, to find out what depends on a person in preserving forests on Earth.

    III. Preparatory stage.

      Thinking about the project. It takes place in the form of a brainstorming session.

    (“Analysts” from each group select the best sections of the project.”

    As a result, a blank appears on the board with the main sections of the project.

      Distribution of tasks.

    IV. Development of project components and illustration.

    To complete practical tasks, we used the material from the problem book

    The work is carried out in groups.

    Children work with a high degree of independence, the teacher provides individual assistance.

      Section "Types of forest"

    This group is offered cut cards depicting twigs and fruits of various trees.

    The “experimenters” arrange the cards into two groups. “Analysts” draw conclusions about the existence of coniferous and deciduous forests. The “testers” prepare a story based on visual material.

      Section “Forest Inhabitants”

    Children receive a blank for an applique from the series “What grows where, who lives where?” and a set of subject pictures for this blank.

    “Experimenters” place plants and animals against a forest background.

    “Analysts” explain the characteristics of each plant and animal using materials prepared in advance from reference publications and popular science books.

    “Illustrators” paste pictures, as well as riddles that the children of this group prepared in advance at home.

    “Testers” are preparing a story for this album page.

      Section “The importance of forests in people’s lives”

    Children receive a “scattered” poem by S. Marshak “What are we planting when we plant forests?” and a picture depicting a forest, as well as a set of subject pictures from the series “What does the forest give us?”

    “Experimenters” compose a poem from lines.

    “Illustrators” combine the image of the forest with pictures and paste it onto the album page.

    “Analysts” explain the meaning of the connections established between the forest and its products.

    “Testers” compose the text of the message.

      Section “Rules of conduct in the forest”

    Children receive a set of cards consisting of two groups:

    1) conventional signs prohibiting any actions in the forest;

    2) verbal formulations of the rules of behavior in the forest.

    Separately, they receive a set of cards telling about the impact of human activity on the forest. The “experimenters” lay out the cards in pairs, matching the sign and the rule.

    “Illustrators” design the album page.

    “Analysts” work with the second set of cards. Their task is to use the drawings to determine the harmful effects of human activity on nature.

    The “testers” prepare reports based on the group’s work.

    5 Section “What is useful and what is harmful.”

    Children receive a set of paired pictures depicting useful and dangerous plants and mushrooms growing in the forest.

    “Experimenters” create two groups called “Edible mushrooms and plants” and “dangerous mushrooms and plants.”

    “Illustrators” design the album page.

    “Analysts” find signs that can be used to confuse plants and fungi of these two groups.

    Testers are preparing a message

      Section "Red Book"

    Among the proposed photographs and drawings of animals, children must find those listed in the Red Book.

    “Experimenters” select the necessary photographs and drawings.

    “Illustrators” design the album page.

    “Analysts” and “Testers” in this group are represented by the same children. They speak a message using pre-prepared material.

    V. Testing of the entire project.

    The teacher attaches the pages of the album “The Forest is Our Friend” prepared by the children to the board.

    The “testers” of each group make a report on the topic of their section.

    VI. Self-analysis of project activities

    Children tell what they liked, what difficulties they encountered, and analyze the reasons for these difficulties.

    VII Lesson summary.

    Summarize the overall result of project activities and determine the significance of the project.

    The world around us, 3rd grade

    Brief summary of the project

    In the process of working on the project, children’s cognitive abilities develop in the process of joint research activities. Working on a project helps satisfy students' cognitive interest, encourages them to search for additional information, contributes to the acquisition of computer skills, and enriches their life experience. It also helps to develop students’ environmental literacy. Children learn new information about the forest, deduce rules of behavior in the forest, and learn what depends on a person in preserving forests on Earth.

    Questions guiding the project

    Fundamental question: Is man the king of nature?

    Problematic issues of the educational topic:

    Wanting to help the forest, does a person always help it?

    Why should forests be protected?

    Will there be enough forest for our descendants?

    Study questions:

    What does the forest give us?

    Who lives in the forest?

    What grows in the forest?

    What impact does the forest have on human life?

    How to behave in the forest?

    Project plan

    Project business card

    Teacher publication

    Teacher presentation to identify student ideas and interests

    An example of a student project activity product

    Formative and summative assessment materials

    Materials for support and support of project activities

    Other documents

    Resources: Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around us: Textbook for 3rd grade - Samara: Publishing house "Educational literature": Publishing house "Fedorov".

    In union with nature: Ecological and natural history games and entertainment with children: Educational and methodological manual. - M.: TsGL, Stavropol: Service School, 2003.

    Familiar strangers. The world. 2-3 grades: club work, classes in extended day groups / author. - comp. E.M. Elizarova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

    The world. Grades 2-4: Olympiad assignments/auth. - comp. G.T.Dyachkova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

    Project activity in primary school/authentication - comp. M.K.Gospodnikova and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

    Savenkov A.I. Methods of research teaching for junior schoolchildren. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - Samara: Publishing House "Educational Literature", 2007.

    “Design and research work “The forest is my friend” The work was completed by: Petrova Alina Nikolaevna, student of 1st “A” class Scientific supervisor: ...”

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    "Gymnasium No. 140" Sovetsky district of Kazan

    Design and research work

    "The forest is my friend"

    Work completed:

    Petrova Alina Nikolaevna,

    student of 1st "A" class

    MBOU "Gymnasium No. 140", Kazan

    Scientific adviser:

    Pakhomova Nadezhda Vladimirovna,

    teacher of the first qualification category

    MBOU "Gymnasium No. 140", Kazan

    Kazan 2016

    Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

    1. What is a forest……………………………………………………………… 4

    2. The importance of forests for humans ………………………………………………… 5

    3. Forest conservation measures ………………………………………………… 8 Conclusion …………………………………… ……………………………........ 11 References …………………………………………………………………………………. 12 Introduction Relevance of the topic. Forests act as one of the main natural mechanisms that maintain and restore living conditions on Earth. They normalize the gas composition of the atmosphere, purify water, protect all living things from radioactive dust, have great recreational value, and are also a source of raw materials (wood, resin, seeds, berries, medicinal plants, etc.). Forest is the most important component of the biosphere, preserving biological diversity and balance in nature.

    Forests very often suffer from fires, which cause great harm to forestry: tree growth decreases, forest composition deteriorates, windbreaks increase, soil conditions and windbreaks deteriorate.

    Forest fires contribute to the spread of harmful insects and wood-destroying fungi. In addition, the forest is greatly influenced by people. When visiting the forest, people treat it carelessly, sometimes even like a poacher. They break branches, cut down trees to set up tents, and litter the forest with various waste. As a result, the forest has turned into an object in need of urgent assistance.

    Our republic belongs to sparsely forested regions (the region's forest cover is 17%), and therefore the problem of forest conservation and restoration is relevant for it. People should not forget that the forest is our friend, selfless and powerful. But he, like a person whose soul is wide open, demands both attention and care from a careless, thoughtless attitude towards him. Life without a forest is unthinkable, and we are all responsible for its well-being, responsible today, always responsible.

    The purpose of the study is to form an idea of ​​the forest and its significance for humans.

    To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

    Study information about the forest;

    Determine the importance of forests in human life;

    Suggest measures for the conservation and restoration of forests.

    –  –  –

    Forest is one of the main types of vegetation cover on the Earth, represented by numerous life forms of plants, among which the main role is played by trees and shrubs, and the secondary role is played by grasses, shrubs, mosses, lichens, etc. The forest is home to a large number of living organisms, ranging from soil bacteria invisible to the eye to large animals.

    It is important to know that a forest is not only plants and animals, but also forest soils, ground and underground waters, air, sunlight, and solar energy. All components of the forest are closely interconnected.

    The forest is a unique formation that has the ability to self-sustain, thanks to which the forest lives much longer than each of its individual components. The forest creates a special microclimate that supports the full life of all its inhabitants.

    Forests are the “green lungs” of our planet. Scientists have found that forest air contains many light (negative) ions, which characterize the purity of the air. Almost all tree species contribute to the formation of light ions and, as a result, in forest air the degree of oxygen ionization is up to 10 times higher compared to city air. Negatively ionized air has a beneficial effect on the body, improving well-being, increasing overall tone and performance. It has been noted that among the population living in neighborhoods with polluted air, the incidence of respiratory diseases is almost twice as high as in neighborhoods with clean air.

    2. The importance of forests for humans

    The role of forests in human life is very great. We have identified the following main areas of forest use by humans:

    Source of food (mushrooms, berries, animals, birds, honey);

    Construction material;

    Energy source (wood);

    Raw materials for production (paper production);

    Regulator of natural processes.

    Speaking about the significance of the forest, first of all, it should be noted that the forest is a source of various material benefits. Almost everything that grows in the forest can be used as food - mushrooms, berries, nuts; Forest game and animals are also consumed by humans (Fig. 1, 2). The forest is rich in medicinal plants that are used in traditional medicine. Trees are of the greatest value - wood is used in the manufacture of furniture, paper, construction of houses and other structures, and as solid fuel.

    The ecological significance of the forest is also great. Trees and plants saturate the air with oxygen, creating a favorable atmosphere around the forest. A person’s stay in the forest is also associated with a beneficial psychophysiological effect caused by the color green, which is a strong sedative. A new direction has emerged in medicine – landscape therapy, which is receiving increasing attention. This is explained by the fact that the perceived healing effect observed in the forest is facilitated by coolness, silence, soft lighting, harmony of sounds and colors, and a pleasant smell. Even after spending several hours in the forest, your health improves, your body rests, and stress goes away.

    Figure 1 - Berry harvest Figure 2 - Porcini mushrooms Modern research has established different degrees of influence on human health from different types of plantings and biologically active components of the forest environment, including air ions, the lack of which contributes to increased fatigue, depression and even mortality of people suffering from heart disease and lungs. Many sanatoriums, health resorts and recreation centers are located in the forest. This is due to the beneficial effect of the forest on people’s health and its picturesqueness (Fig. 3).

    Figure 3 – Picturesque forest landscape

    As we have already said, forests are the “lungs” of our planet. The better forests grow, the more oxygen they release and the faster they absorb carbon dioxide. It has now been established that more than half of the oxygen in the atmosphere comes from forests. In addition to affecting the carbon balance, forests are able to clean the air from soot, dust and other particulate matter. Trees and shrubs with rough leaves, such as elm, rowan, elderberry, etc., have the greatest collecting ability. It is known that one square meter of leaf blade area retains up to 10 g of dust.

    Therefore, under the forest canopy the air is always cleaner, containing on average 42% less dust particles. As a result, during the year, the crowns of 1 hectare of spruce forest retain up to 30 tons of dust, pine - up to 39 tons, elm - up to 43 tons. The forest is an excellent biological air filter. The gas purifying ability of woody plants is well known, that is, the ability of plants to maintain their viability in conditions of atmospheric air pollution. This ability reaches a maximum in middle-aged plantings, 1 hectare of which is capable of absorbing up to 400 kg of sulfur dioxide and up to 100 kg of chlorides during the growing season. Forests, especially coniferous ones, release phytoncides that kill pathogenic microbes. In certain doses, phytoncides have a positive effect on the human nervous system, enhance the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, help improve metabolism and stimulate cardiac activity.

    Phytoncides play a big role in the fight against pathogens of infectious diseases, so there are much fewer such pathogens in the air of forests than in treeless areas. For example, 1 m3 of air in a cedar forest contains up to 700 units of microorganisms.

    The microclimatic role of the forest is very important.

    Woody and herbaceous plants have heat-moderating properties. On a hot summer day, the air temperature in the forest is several degrees lower than in the city. The refreshing effect of one mature tree corresponds to the effect of several air conditioners in room conditions. In winter, on the contrary, the forest is warmer in comparison with an open place by up to 0.5 degrees, which is directly related to the decrease and even absence of air movement under the forest canopy, even in a leafless state.

    The social or cultural significance of the forest is as important as any other.

    The proximity of the forest to populated areas largely determines the activities of local residents. Timber extraction or hunting are becoming almost the main occupations of village residents.

    Forests play an important role in the water cycle and have soil protection value. Thanks to moisture evaporating from forest soil, air humidity increases.

    3. Forest conservation measures

    As we have found out, the forest plays an invaluable role in human life, and therefore a person must take care of it. Forests must exist for the sake of human existence, for the sake of preserving flora and fauna for future generations. Therefore, we need forest reservations, nature reserves, national parks, and resort forest areas that are protected by law. For example, in Tatarstan there is the Volga-Kama Nature Reserve and the Nizhnyaya Kama National Park (Fig. 4, 5).

    Figure 4 - Volzhsko-Kama Nature Reserve

    Figure 5 - Nizhnyaya Kama National Park

    What measures need to be taken to ensure that our forests exist safely? Every person can help the forest if he keeps the forest clean and does not litter. Do not forget that the forest is not a landfill, but a place where plants and animals live, for which the forest is their home and it should be clean. When you come to the forest, you don’t need to light a fire. In the next few years, no grass grows in the place where the fire was. In addition, a fire can lead to a forest fire, which can damage plants and animals.

    When walking through the forest, you must maintain silence in it: you cannot shout or turn on music. The noise scares away birds and animals so that they can leave their homes. Under no circumstances should you touch bird nests in the forest. If you disturb a bird that is hatching chicks, it may abandon the nest and fly away, then its little chicks will die. You should also not touch anthills in the forest. Ants are hard workers, they build their house one needle at a time, and their work must be respected. In addition, ants are forest orderlies; they regulate the number of insect pests. Forest plants, like animals, also require careful treatment. You can walk through the forest and just admire them and take pictures. Plucked flowers will not produce seeds, and then we will no longer be able to admire their beautiful blooms. When breaking branches of trees and bushes, people do not think about the harm they cause to them. Any mechanical damage contributes to their infestation by insect pests. Therefore, you need to remember that you cannot break branches!

    I would also like to note that in the forest you should only walk along organized paths. Trampling the soil leads to its compaction. As a result, little oxygen reaches the tree roots, which is so necessary for their respiration.

    After fires and unfavorable weather conditions, forests lose large areas, and society's need for wood increases. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to restore and increase forest productivity.

    In order to replenish lost forest areas, a large number of seedlings of various tree species are needed. The seedlings are grown in forest nurseries and then transplanted into forest areas. This is a long process. But modern advances in science make this process shorter. This is what biotechnology scientists do. Thanks to their efforts, it is possible to grow a large number of seedlings of different tree species in a short period of time. Such trees grow much faster, which is beneficial for forestry. Here in Tatarstan this direction has begun to develop.

    –  –  –

    Thus, having studied information about the forest, its importance for humans and proposing measures for the conservation and restoration of forest plantations, we believe that our chosen topic has been fully covered. Caring for the forest is the responsibility of each of us - from adults to children.


    1. Agaltsova, V.A. Fundamentals of forest management: educational and methodological for students. Full-time, evening and correspondence education / V.A. Agaltsova. - M.:

    2. “State report on the state of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Tatarstan” pp. 54-58, Kazan: World without borders, 2010.

    3. Paramonov, E.G. Fundamentals of forestry and forest management:

    textbook / E.G. Paramonov, A.A. Malenko. - Barnaul: Publishing House of AGAU, 2007. - 170 p.

    4. Petrova, G.A. Using biotechnology methods to obtain healthy planting material of aspen (Populus tremula L.) in the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan: abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. agricultural Sciences / G.A. Petrova. – M., 2011. – 24 p.


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