Presentation of the population of the African continent 7th grade. Presentation on the topic "population and countries of Africa"

This presentation allows students to form an understanding of the peoples inhabiting Africa. The developed tasks are aimed at developing the ability to work with the “Peoples and Population Density” map, as well as compare the “Population Density” and “Natural Zones of Africa” maps. The presentation contains many thematic maps that allow you to develop cognitive skills in working with a map.

The existing test is aimed at monitoring students’ knowledge acquired during the lesson.



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Population of Africa MKOU Skatinskaya Secondary School Geography teacher Levanova V.A.

Lesson objectives: to familiarize students with the characteristics of the indigenous population of Africa, with the racial and ethnic composition of the continent, to identify the relationship between natural zones and population density, and the relationship between races and natural zones.

Africa is the ancestral home of man. On the territory of modern Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania, the remains of man and his tools, which are more than 20 million years old, were discovered.

What are the main races of the Earth's population?

Signs Main features of Race Equatorial (Negroid) Mongoloid Caucasian Main features Dark color of skin, hair and eyes, spirally curled or wavy hair, wide nose, thick lips Dark skin with a yellowish tint, straight black hair, large face, narrow eye shape Light to dark skin with a pinkish or reddish tint, soft, wavy or straight hair Races Equatorial (Negroid) Mongoloid Caucasian Races - these are historically established groups of people, connected by a common origin, having similar characteristics that are inherited. How do representatives of each race differ from each other?

Representatives of what races live on the continent of Africa? 2. In what part of the continent do representatives of the Caucasian race live? 3. What race is the majority of Africa's population?

Give examples of peoples for each race

Africa's population is 1.1 billion people.

Population density The average population density of the continent is about 30 people/km 2

Population distribution How is the population distribution shown on the map? How are uninhabited territories depicted on the map? Where on the mainland has a population density of more than 100 people per 1 km 2? Where on the mainland has a population density of less than 1 person per 1 km 2? What is the prevailing population density in the Congo River Basin? What is the population density in the east of the mainland? Map in the atlas - pp. 12-13

Compare maps: African natural areas and population density. Which natural zones have the highest population density and the least? Explain the pattern.

What natural zones are these dwellings typical for? Why are there no windows in buildings?

Colonial past By the beginning of the 20th century. – Africa turned into a continent of colonies of European countries. (only Liberia and Ethiopia were free) In the middle of the 20th century. Africa became the continent of national liberation struggle at the end of the 20th century. Africa has become a continent of independent states. A colony is a country deprived of political and economic independence.

Consolidation of the studied material 1.Which continent do scientists consider the ancestral home of modern man? 2. What race is most of the population of Africa? 3.What peoples live in the semi-deserts and deserts of South Africa? 4. Are these “forest people” distinguished by their yellowish skin color, very wide nose, and short stature? Who is this? 5. Where within the mainland do the newcomers of the Caucasian race live? 6. What is the population of Africa? What is the average population density of the continent? 7.What is the name of a country that is deprived of political and economic independence?

AFRICA LIVES... A MAN. a) less than 500 million, b) 500 million - 850 million, c) more than 1 billion 2. IN EQUATORIAL AFRICA THE POPULATION PREMIUMS... RACES. a) Negroid, b) Caucasoid, c) Mongoloid. 3. POPULATION OF NORTH AFRICA: a) Malagasy, b) Arab peoples, c) Bantu peoples. 4. THE LOWEST PEOPLES OF AFRICA ARE CALLED: a) Pygmies, b) Lilliputians, c) Bushmen. 5. THE MOST ANCIENT HUMAN REMAINS WERE FOUND IN: a) Egypt, Libya, Algeria, b) Nigeria, Gabon, Chad, c) Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia. 6. ONE OF THE HIGHEST PEOPLES OF AFRICA: a) Bushmen, b) Masai, c) Arabs. 7. THE NEW POPULATION OF AFRICA LIVES: a) on the equator, b) on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, c) on the northern and southern coasts of the continent. Test

AFRICA LIVES... A MAN. a) less than 500 million, b) 500 million - 850 million, c) more than 1 billion 2. IN EQUATORIAL AFRICA THE POPULATION PREMIUMS... RACES. a) Negroid, b) Caucasoid, c) Mongoloid. 3. POPULATION OF NORTH AFRICA: a) Malagasy, b) Arab peoples, c) Bantu peoples. 4. THE LOWEST PEOPLES OF AFRICA ARE CALLED: a) Pygmies, b) Lilliputians, c) Bushmen. 5. THE MOST ANCIENT HUMAN REMAINS WERE FOUND IN: a) Egypt, Libya, Algeria, b) Nigeria, Gabon, Chad, c) Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia. 6. ONE OF THE HIGHEST PEOPLES OF AFRICA: a) Bushmen, b) Masai, c) Arabs. 7. THE NEW POPULATION OF AFRICA LIVES: a) on the equator, b) on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, c) on the northern and southern coasts of the continent. CORRECT ANSWERS: 1.c 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.c Test

6 points – “5” 5 points – “4” 4 points – “3”

Homework. Paragraph 30 Make a crossword puzzle “Countries of Africa” Make a presentation about one of the countries in Africa.

Peoples of Africa

Zaitseva Elena Vladimirovna

geography teacher

MBOU Irkutsk Secondary School No. 73


Pygmies are forest dwellers,

For them, the forest is the source of everything they need for life.


Pygmies are short in stature

(for men - 142-145 cm),

yellowish skin tone,

narrow lips, narrow and low nose. Before the Bantu settlement, the pygmies occupied

all of Central Africa, then were forced out into the tropical forest region.


They preserved the archaic primitive culture.


They engage in hunting, gathering and fishing.


Weapon - bow and arrows,

often poisoned

with iron tip

(iron is exchanged with neighbors),

sometimes - a small spear.

Snares and snares are widely used.


They roam the forest in groups of 2 - 4 families.


They live in small villages, in clearings and clearings. Huts are woven from flexible rods

and covered with leaves.


Construction and renovation of housing -

occupation of pygmy women.

Real clay, capable of holding buildings together,

not here, and the rains destroy the pygmy buildings.

Therefore, they have to be repaired frequently.

Only women can be seen doing this activity. Girls who have not yet started a family

and your own home

According to local customs, they are not allowed to do this work.


The Maasai are warlike pastoral tribes living in the savannah.


The Maasai are the tallest people on Earth; two meters in height is normal for them.


The most eccentric element of Maasai culture is their tribal dances. Classical Masai dance -

This is a high jump, after which the dancer will definitely stamp his foot and look around with a proud look.


The villagers are dressed

in traditional Maasai clothes,

called "chuka".

The robe consists of two panels of red color, lined with double blue stripes in a checkered pattern.


Some of the men have short haircuts,

others have long hair adorned with massive metal hoops and pendants.


They constantly hold a short spear in their hands.

When the warrior stops, he sticks his spear

into the ground with the pointed end so that it stands upright, but never places it on the ground. Men who are not warriors

They constantly carry a stick of similar length in their hands.


Maasai women also prefer red, but some also wear blue checkered chukas.

All their heads are shaved, and some also have their eyebrows and eyelashes plucked. They also remove the two front teeth from the lower jaw.


Life is not sweet for Masai women.

They build and repair huts,

carry all household belongings on their backs,

when the village moves to another place, they take care of the cattle.

Everything is on them: water, food and fire.


Having given birth and sealed the baby’s umbilical cord with raw clay,

they carry their offspring on their back so that it does not interfere with their work.


And those who are older are locked in a special hut,

serving as a manger.


From the age of three

children start

help mother with housework.

They look after small livestock

living in wicker sheds

on the territory of the village.


And then they graze cows in the bush.


Typically, a village consists of a dozen huts surrounded by a two-meter palisade.


The Maasai make their huts from branches and bush twigs, covered with a thick layer of dry manure.


Although the average height of the Maasai

about 175 cm, the maximum height of the hut is 1.5 meters,

which makes it very difficult for a civilized person to enter and stay there.


Along the edges of the dwelling there are sleeping bunks, also made of twigs, and in the center of the hut there is always a fireplace, which is heated in black.


If it is necessary to move the village to another pasture, the owners simply tap their houses with sticks, the coating flies off, and the box is disassembled and easily transported to a new place, where the hut is reassembled.


Bushmen, a people living in the desert regions of Namibia

and surrounding areas of South Africa, Botswana, Angola,

and also in Tanzania.


Bushmen are a short people.

But what color is their skin?

difficult to determine immediately.

In the Kalahari, wasting water on washing is an unaffordable luxury.

and therefore “natural layers” make it difficult to clarify this issue.


The Bushmen never kept livestock.

The only domestic animal that always accompanies a Bushman is a dog.


Permanent housing for the Bushmen differs slightly from temporary housing. They build it using the same materials and antelope skins.


Tuaregs are a people of the Berber group,

North Africa.

Tuaregs are considered the best

guides through the desert.

The Tuaregs have a matriarchy, and the oldest woman runs everything in the village.


The only people in the world where not women, but men, even in the home circle, are required to cover their faces with a bandage, the Tuaregs (self-name Kel Tigelmust - “people of the veil”).


In clothing, the Tuaregs prefer blue, obtained from indigo dye. Moreover, they do not saturate their clothes with this paint (they save water), but hammer it in with stones. Therefore, when worn, the paint crumbles, gets on the body and stains it, for which the Tuaregs were nicknamed “blue people”.


Tyape does not feel attracted to such activities as hunting or cattle breeding, or even less farming. He is drawn to war; he will not hesitate to attack anyone who interferes with him.


Among the Tuaregs, it is women who own lands and family values, and they are the only ones who have the right to divorce. The Tuareg house is called by the name of the mistress - its head. In case of divorce, the husband leaves the house, leaving his wife and children there. Women choose their own husband.

During their nomadic periods, the Tuaregs live in tents covered with leather or coarse cloth.


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Africa is the ancestral home of humanity

In East Africa, archaeologists have found the remains of an ancient man and his tools, which are about 2.7 million years old. Finds of this kind are the oldest on our planet. This gave reason to assume that the first people on Earth were Africans, and that it was on this continent that humanity was born. From here, ancient people began to settle throughout the world.

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There are about a billion Caucasians living on Earth who have DARK SKIN, plus black hair and black eyes - Arabs, Indians, Tuaregs, Moroccans.

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Equatorial Negroids

Most of the continent (south of the Sahara) is inhabited by representatives of the equatorial (Negroid) race. In the scorching sun, their skin acquired a dark color, which relieves it of burns, and their hair became curly. The peoples and tribes of this race have significant differences in skin tone, height, and facial features.

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Pygmies live in the equatorial forests (Translated from Greek, this word means the size of a fist). These are the small people of our planet - the average height of an adult man is only 145 cm. Instead of the Maasai and Tutsis - the tall peoples of Africa, their height reaches 200 cm.

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Pygmies are one of the shortest races, but they are not dwarfs. Purebred pygmies have an average height of 145 cm (men) and 133 cm (women), and this is not a pathology, like that of dwarfs. Their body proportions are the same as yours or mine, so their heads appear disproportionately large.

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The Masai are considered the most beautiful among the aborigines of East Africa. Tall, muscular, with expressive faces, the Maasai are sure that they are the favorites of the gods and treat other inhabitants of Africa with great contempt.

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In the south of the mainland live the Bushmen and Hottentots. They are short, have yellowish wrinkled skin, wide cheekbones, which makes them similar to the Mongoloids. Bushmen differ from Negroids because they have lighter skin and thin lips.

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The inhabitants of the island of Madagascar - Malagasy - come from mixed Negroid and Mongoloid races. Also, Ethiopians, who have a lighter skin color with a reddish tint than Negroids, are considered representatives of an intermediate race.

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Long before the arrival of Europeans, the peoples of Africa created a unique culture (Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Benin, Sudan). They built large cities where crafts and art developed. Unique monuments have survived to this day: Egyptian pyramids - a miracle of ancient construction technology, temples, ivory and wood carvings, bronze sculptures, etc.

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Compared to other continents, Africa has a relatively low average population density - about 20 people. / km2. The continent's population is distributed extremely unevenly. The coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of Guinea, as well as the southeastern coast of the mainland are densely populated. It is home to major ports that have emerged along the world's busy trade routes. Many of them became the largest cities of coastal states, and often their capitals.

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Colonial past

2. What peoples of Africa do you know? Where do they live?
3. How is the population distributed across the mainland? What factors influence uneven population distribution?
4. Consider why the official language in many African countries is French or English.

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§ 30, questions.

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Population and countries of Africa Geography 7th grade Geography teacher MOU-SOSH village. Sofino Shmeleva Tatyana Viktorovna

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Checking homework GEOGRAPHICAL DICTANT Assignment. Write down the numbers of the correct answers. 1. Savannah 2. Madagascar 3. Agulhas 4. Nile 5. Kilimanjaro 6. Congo 7. Desert 8. Victoria 9. Serengeti 10. Samum Question Answer 1. The largest lake in Africa by area. 2. The deepest river in Africa. 3. The national park is world famous. 4. Natural zone, occupying 40% of the continent's area. 5. The highest point of the mainland. 6. The largest island on the mainland. 7. The climate in this zone is tropical dry. 8. The southernmost point of the mainland. 9. The longest river on the continent and in the world. 10. A strong wind carrying clouds of sand.

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LET'S CHECK! Question Answer 1. The largest lake in Africa by area. 8. Victoria 2. The deepest river in Africa. 6. Congo 3. National park, is world famous. 9. Serengeti 4. Natural zone occupying 40% of the continent’s area. 1. Savannah 5. The highest point of the mainland. 5. Kilimanjaro 6. The largest island on the mainland. 2. Madagascar 7. The climate in this zone is tropical and dry. 7. Desert 8. The southernmost point of the continent. 3. Agulhas 9. The longest river of the continent and the world. 4. Nile 10. A strong wind carrying clouds of sand. 10. Samum

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STUDYING NEW MATERIAL AFRICA IS THE ORIGINAL HOMELAND OF MAN. The modern population of Africa belongs to three main races: Caucasoid, Equatorial, Mongoloid. The main part of the mainland's inhabitants is the indigenous, permanent population.

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PEOPLES OF AFRICA Race name Peoples Place of residence Characteristic features Caucasian Algerians Moroccans Egyptians Berbers North Africa Dark skin, dark hair and eye coloring, elongated skull, narrow nose and oval face

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PEOPLES OF AFRICA Race name Peoples Place of residence Characteristic features Equatorial (Negroid) Tutsi Nilots Masai Pygmies Savannah and northern parts of the continent Equatorial forest zone Very dark, almost black skin, height 180-200 cm. Skin less dark, thin lips, wide nose, stocky, short (150 cm)

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PEOPLES OF AFRICA Race name Peoples Place of residence Characteristic features Mongoloid Bushmen Hottentots Semi-desert deserts Yellowish-brown skin color, wide flat face. Bushmen are short, but thin-boned.

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PEOPLES OF AFRICA Race name Peoples Place of residence Characteristic features Intermediate Ethiopians Malagasy Madagascar Lighter skin, but with a reddish tint. Mixing of Mongoloid and Negroid races.

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INTERESTING! It is known that on planet Earth there are people with different skin colors: black, yellow-faced, pale-faced. But the Tuaregs who inhabit Niger are called the “blue people of the desert.” Their indigo-colored festive clothes, under the bright rays of the sun, cast blue reflections on their dark skin, and the unstable dye is absorbed into it.

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INTERESTING! On the border of Uganda and Sudan live the Karamojong tribes, isolated from the outside world, belonging to the group of Nilotes, the tallest people on the planet. The average height of women, who are much shorter than men, reaches 190 cm. These African Gullivers are also the darkest.

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DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION From the analysis of the map it is clear that the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of Guinea and the southeastern coast of the mainland are relatively densely populated. High population density in the Nile Delta, where there are 1000 people per 1 km². Less than 1% of the total population lives in the Sahara Desert, which occupies almost ¼ of the continent, and in some areas it is completely absent.

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CONCLUSION The population of Africa exceeds 780 million people. Africa has a relatively sparse population, which is extremely unevenly distributed across the continent. The distribution of the population is influenced not only by natural conditions, but also by historical reasons, primarily the consequences of the slave trade and colonial rule.

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THE COLONIAL PAST OF THE CONTINENT Colonization of the mainland began in the Middle Ages. And by the beginning of the 20th century, almost the entire territory of Africa was divided among the capitalist countries of Europe and turned into a continent of colonies (countries deprived of political and economic independence). The colonialists oppressed and exploited the indigenous population, took away the best lands, and drove them from their homes to areas unsuitable for life. They mercilessly plundered countries. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were only two free states in Africa. Now all countries on the mainland are independent.

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AFRICA COUNTRIES According to natural conditions and population composition, Africa can be divided into four parts: North, West and Central, East, South.

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AFRICA COUNTRIES 1. Using the map, determine which countries are located in Northern, Western, Central, Eastern, Southern Africa. Draw their boundaries on a contour map. 3. Student presentations.


Checking homework GEOGRAPHICAL DICTANT Assignment. Write down the numbers of the correct answers. 1. Savannah 2. Madagascar 3. Agulhas 4. Nile 5. Kilimanjaro 6. Congo 7. Desert 8. Victoria 9. Serengeti 10. Samum Question Answer 1. The largest lake in Africa by area. 2. The deepest river in Africa. 3. The national park is world famous. 4. Natural zone, occupying 40% of the continent's area. 5. The highest point of the mainland. 6. The largest island on the mainland. 7. The climate in this zone is tropical dry. 8. The southernmost point of the mainland. 9. The longest river on the continent and in the world. 10. A strong wind carrying clouds of sand.

LET'S CHECK! Question Answer 1. The largest lake in Africa by area.8. Victoria 2. The deepest river in Africa.6. Congo 3. National park, is world famous.9. Serengeti 4. Natural zone occupying 40% of the continent's area.1. Savannah 5. The highest point of the continent.5. Kilimanjaro 6. The largest island on the mainland.2. Madagascar 7. The climate in this zone is tropical dry.7. Desert 8. The southernmost point of the continent.3. Agulhas 9. The longest river of the continent and the world.4. Nile 10. Strong wind carrying clouds of sand.10. Simoom

PEOPLES OF AFRICA Race name Peoples Place of residence Characteristic features Equatorial (Negroid) Tutsi Nilots Masai Pygmies Savannah and northern parts of the continent Equatorial forest zone Very dark, almost black skin, height cm. Less dark skin, thin lips, wide nose, stocky, short ( 150 cm)

INTERESTING! It is known that on planet Earth there are people with different skin colors: black, yellow-faced, pale-faced. But the Tuaregs who inhabit Niger are called the “blue people of the desert.” Their indigo-colored festive clothes, under the bright rays of the sun, cast blue reflections on their dark skin, and the unstable dye is absorbed into it.

INTERESTING! On the border of Uganda and Sudan live the Karamojong tribes, isolated from the outside world, belonging to the group of Nilotes, the tallest people on the planet. The average height of women, who are much shorter than men, reaches 190 cm. These African Gullivers are also the darkest.

DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION From the analysis of the map it is clear that the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of Guinea and the southeastern coast of the mainland are relatively densely populated. High population density in the Nile Delta, where there are 1000 people per 1 km². Less than 1% of the total population lives in the Sahara Desert, which occupies almost ¼ of the continent, and in some areas it is completely absent.

CONCLUSION The population of Africa exceeds 780 million people. Africa has a relatively sparse population, which is extremely unevenly distributed across the continent. The distribution of the population is influenced not only by natural conditions, but also by historical reasons, primarily the consequences of the slave trade and colonial rule.

COLONIAL PAST OF THE CONTINENT Colonization of the mainland began in the Middle Ages. And by the beginning of the 20th century, almost the entire territory of Africa was divided among the capitalist countries of Europe and turned into a continent of colonies (countries deprived of political and economic independence). The colonialists oppressed and exploited the indigenous population, took away the best lands, and drove them from their homes to areas unsuitable for life. They mercilessly plundered countries. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were only two free states in Africa. Now all countries on the mainland are independent.

AFRICA COUNTRIES 1. Using the map, determine which countries are located in Northern, Western, Central, Eastern, Southern Africa. 2.Draw their boundaries on a contour map. 3. Student presentations. 1. Using the map, determine which states are located in Northern, Western, Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa. 2.Draw their boundaries on a contour map. 3. Student presentations.

Let's check! RegionsCountriesPeoplesRace North AfricaAlgeria, Morocco Libya, Mauritania Egypt, Tunisia Algerians Moroccans Egyptians French Caucasian Central Africa Zaire, Angola Chad, Congo Cameroon, Gabon Congo Pygmies, Malawi Zulu, Fulani Equatorial South Africa Namibia, Botswana Mozambique, South Africa Zimbabwe, Lesotho Anglo-Africans, Bushmen, Hottentots Bantu Caucasoid Mongoloid Equatorial East Africa Sudan, Ethiopia Somalia, Kenya Tanzania, Zambia Ethiopians Amhara Oromo Intermediate

ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. Which country is located further east - Algeria or Egypt? 2. Which state has a larger area - Egypt or Sudan? 3. What peoples inhabit Africa and how are they distributed on the continent? 4. Which African countries would you like to travel to? Why?

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