Why do you think the state needs an army. Why does Russia need an army

- “If you want peace, prepare for war” - I once heard such a strange phrase and did not understand at all what it meant, - says Almaz Aksanovich. - these words a very long time ago, more than two thousand years ago, said one ancient Roman historian named Cornelius Nepos. Similar words were used by the Roman military writer Flavius ​​Vegetius in his book "Summary of Military Affairs". Here is what he wrote: “Whoever wants peace, let him prepare for war; whoever wants victory, let him diligently train warriors ... ".

Why prepare for war if you want to decide everything peacefully, to negotiate, and not to fight? And why do we need an army, and even a strong one, if we don’t have a war in Russia? Wars bring terrible suffering. The terrible Great Patriotic War. She did not pass by a single family in our country. Who won this war? - People! Everyone rose up for the defense of the Motherland: not only the army, but also civilians. They forged victory at the front and in the rear. Why do you need an army? Why do men need an army?

After serving in the army for a year, a person receives knowledge about military affairs. If the state needed help in the future, already grown boys understood what was needed now. Men are not forced to serve Russia forever. Perhaps military conflicts are not expected in their existence, and everyone will live in peace. But you need to give a word, learn something, so that those who cannot fight for the country know that people live nearby who can be relied upon in case of trouble.

It turns out that a strong army will, as it were, scare away enemies - those who want to conquer the country and take possession of its wealth. No one will mess with a strong army.

As a boy, I saw the movie "Officers", which turned my life in a completely different direction. I find it difficult to say what would have happened to me if not for this film. Last words: "By order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, for the exemplary performance of official duties and the courage shown at the same time, and heroism, skillful upbringing and training of the personnel of the unit, Captain Trofimy Ivan Georgievich was awarded the military rank of Major ahead of schedule." And then the bewitching shots about the paratroopers. Then I thought: “What is the Airborne Forces in general?”.

Please watch a short video:

- I decided to go to Suvorov School, the major of the guards continued his story, - in order to learn to be a soldier, in order, in which case, to be able to protectMotherland, and therefore their relatives. And in order to enter the Suvorov School, one had to work on oneself. My school teachers helped me in this, it was they who made me a Human.

A real defender can only be a healthy, courageous, strong person, a reliable comrade who is not afraid of difficulties. And in order to serve, you need to develop the best masculine qualities in yourself - courage, strength, endurance, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and for this you need to go in for sports and take care of your health right now. I appeal especially to girls, we need healthy children - do not drink, do not smoke: female alcoholism is practically not cured! I tell you from my own experience that bad habits take away 20-30 years of our life, you start to think about it when you are taken to the operating room on a gurney, and you don’t know if you will survive or not.

Boys and girls work on yourself. No words I can't, no words I can't. Being an invalid, receiving a small pension, I found a way to earn extra money by knitting, sewing Cossack dads and making whips, woodcarving. And by the way, I also sew bags myself.

No less interesting was the story of a real participant in the military events Nazarov Artur Akhmarovich.He told how, from a simple hobby for a reel-to-reel tape recorder, he became a master of his craft, received several military professions: a radar operator, a tablet operator, a radio operator for ultra-wave telephone communications and a gunner, how difficult it was in the war, how you had to be malnourished, for days, or even weeks to do without water, as they wanted to go home, to their homeland.

Real defense of the Motherland starts small. Serving in the army is the duty of every young person. Defender of the motherland - it sounds proud. Russia is a very rich country, we have a large territory, a lot of minerals and energy resources, which have attracted and continue to attract many abroad for many centuries. And this someone - some other state - may one day try to seize our lands and wealth. To prevent this from happening, we need a strong army, ready at any moment to repel the attack of the enemy.

Now, when there is no war, the military helps civilians in their country, for example, victims of natural disasters, catastrophes or terrorism. They provide assistance to other countries. For example, they accompany convoys with humanitarian aid for civilians in Ukraine and Syria, where the war is now going on. In peacetime, the military participate in the aftermath of natural disasters, catastrophes

A strong army is needed so that our country will always be free. To let us decide how we live. Our army has never attacked anyone. Our army only carried out and continues to carry out the protection of the civilian population. It exists in order to repel the blow of the enemy in the event of an attack, it does not attack itself.

The Russian army is a school of Courage.

Continuing the theme of yesterday's post. Why does Russia need an army?

Let's start with a simple statement of fact. Russia is a rather inconvenient country for the West. Judge for yourself.

We refuse to give away our natural resources to multinational corporations, as countries in Africa and the Middle East do. We have the audacity not only to refuse to participate in military operations against oil-rich countries, but also to condemn US actions in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan.

We claim our rightful piece of the Arctic rich in natural resources. We do not allow our gas to be stolen and make Europe nervous because of this. We support a domestic manufacturer, which is why every year we buy less and less "Bush legs" and other low-quality goods. We do not allow Western civilized businessmen to steal money from the Russian budget.

We do not deploy American military bases on our territory. Not only that, we are not only preventing the Americans from building military bases on the territory of our neighboring states, but also seriously weakening American influence on countries of interest to us. We do not take loans from the IMF and, accordingly, refuse to comply with its "recommendations". In general, we are pursuing an independent financial policy and decide for ourselves what the exchange rate of the ruble will be, for what currency we will sell oil and in what we will keep our reserves.

In any case, Russia is not Germany or Japan. Germany and Japan do not have significant reserves of natural resources, but we do. And the only way to take these resources away from us for free is to weaken Russia to such an extent that it cannot object. Divide into several parts, make these parts fight each other ... well, the scenario is known and understandable.

Please note: I am not paranoid. I am not saying that America is run by Jews who dream of destroying the Third Rome. We are talking about banal big politics - the search for resources, the struggle for markets and the destruction of competitors. We live in a rather cruel world, and songs about "freedom" and "democracy" never make the Anglo-Saxons less practical.

Just in case, I'll repeat it again. I do not consider America an enemy of Russia. I believe that America is ruled by practical and cynical politicians who in their actions are guided not by sweet humanitarian snot, but solely by the interests of their country.

OK. I hope I convinced you that a strong Russian army is vital, and that if we don't have an army, we won't have anything. Now let's see what is being done now in this direction.

I'll start with the numerous scandals with the defense order, which we have been regularly reading about in the news lately:

What do all these scandals mean? That we have successfully pissed off all the polymers and that Russia is dying?

Not at all. This means that our tandem has taken on our army and our defense industry very tightly. Checks the work of subordinates and dismisses those who are not able to follow the order:

Let me remind you that Putin allocated 23 trillion rubles for the defense industry - 20 trillion for the development of the armed forces and another three trillion for the development of the defense industry:

Twenty-three trillion rubles is a very, very large amount, quite comparable to the defense spending of the USSR during the Cold War. Such sums for the army in the modern history of Russia have never been allocated. And it would be extremely strange if this money were allocated without strict control from above over their spending.

Now some facts. Where exactly will these trillions go and what will we end up with.

Now military equipment is updated annually by about 10%. Thanks to this, by 2020 it is planned to increase the share of modern weapons in our army to 70%. Particular emphasis is placed, for obvious reasons, on the Air Force and Air Defense:

More specifically, 600 new aircraft, 1,000 helicopters, 66 S-400 and S-500 divisions will be delivered to the troops:

At present, according to various sources, Russia has from 15 to 19 submarines left, and, it should be noted, it is very great that we managed not to fall in love with them in the nineties. The chance to be left without the Premier League at all was then more than real.

Fortunately, now the situation is starting to improve: two fourth-generation submarines - Yuri Dolgoruky and Severodvinsk - are already being tested and will soon be included in the combat fleet.

We also have missiles to equip submarines. Let me remind you that in April and July of this year, the Russian Navy carried out two successful launches of the Sineva intercontinental missile:

The estimated flight range of the Sineva is 8,300 kilometers. For comparison, this roughly corresponds to the distance from the Barents Sea to Chicago, Barack Obama's small home.

However, in practice, "Sineva" can fly further, for 11 thousand kilometers. This is not surprising, given that Sineva is the best ballistic missile in the world in terms of energy-mass perfection:

Tellingly, our "Sineva" German experts called "a masterpiece of naval rocket science", and they can be trusted in this matter:

In total, by 2020, the Russian fleet will receive 100 ships, including eight Borey-class submarines. For reference, submarines of the Borey project can dive half a kilometer and be in autonomous navigation for up to three months:

In terms of its characteristics, the Borey surpasses its “most likely” rival - the American Virginia boats.

True, with the Bulava, which the Boreas are armed with, things are still moving with varying degrees of success. Successful launches are interspersed with unsuccessful ones:

However, I don't see much cause for concern here. Let the experts correct me, but in the Soviet years there were no less unsuccessful tests - this is an absolutely normal process of developing new high-tech weapons. Another question is that in the Soviet years, for obvious reasons, they didn’t write much about unsuccessful tests in newspapers.

Let me remind you that during the tests of our coolest rocket, SS-18 "Satan", seven launches ended in failure. This is more than the "Mace":

Exactly the same thing, by the way, is happening in other countries. In the United States, the launch of the Minuteman rocket ended in failure the other day. And China has not been able to build an engine for an aircraft for twenty years at all ...

The Topol-M ground-based missiles are being gradually supplemented and replaced by the RS-24 Yars. The difference between the new missiles is in the multiple reentry vehicle, which sharply reduces the chances of the American missile defense system for a successful interception:

The explosion of one RS-24 rocket is sixty-seven times more powerful than the explosion of the atomic bomb that the United States dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Thus, one RS-24 missile can destroy three Los Angeles at once.

In general, the missile forces are one of our main priorities. Since 2013, the production of missile systems in Russia will almost double:

Of course, tanks will also be purchased. By 2020, the Russian armored forces will be half modern T-90s, and half new tanks, information about which is still classified:

For reference, the T-90 tank can withstand a thirty-kiloton explosion nuclear bomb at a distance of 700 meters, while the tank can move not only on the ground, but also under water:

Now fast forward from 2020 back to the present. What do we have now?

We are ranked seventh in the world in terms of military spending, our military budget has grown almost tenfold since 2000:

In 2010, I quote, “27 ballistic missiles, 34 strategic cruise missiles, six spacecraft, 21 aircraft, 37 helicopters, 19 anti-aircraft missile systems, 61 tanks and 325 armored combat vehicles” were put into service:

It should be noted that this is not exactly what the president ordered in 2009. As far as I understand, there were fewer planes, more helicopters. However, in general, as Ivanov stated, the state defense order in 2010 was completed by 94%:

In general, work is underway, equipment is being purchased. In addition, the wages of those who work with this equipment are constantly increasing. I quote:

““The salary of certain categories of military personnel will rise to an average of 65 thousand, and senior officers” - up to 150 thousand rubles, Vladimir Putin said ... We are talking, first of all, about military personnel, officers who are on combat duty on submarines and nuclear cruisers, in units of the Strategic Missile Forces, those military personnel who serve in units of constant readiness and must respond promptly to any calls of an armed nature within the country or abroad.

“On average, the pay increase for these groups of servicemen should be up to 65,000 rubles. And for some categories, meaning senior officers, the increase will be even greater - up to 100-150 and more than a thousand rubles. We think it's justified."

Finally, I will say a few words about the purchase of equipment abroad. Why do we need these purchases?

First, it is a way to control the prices that manufacturers set. If our plant offers shushpanzers at a price of three million dollars apiece, and such shushpanzers can be bought on the world market for one million, this is a clear reason to ask the plant to think about cost reduction.

Secondly, the purchase of equipment is at the same time the purchase of new technologies. For example, together with the Mistral helicopter carriers, we received from the French the Zenit-9 system we needed and all the accompanying licenses / technologies:

Zenith-9 is NATO's most advanced multi-arms command and control information system. It is needed to ensure the interaction of the fleet with aviation and ground forces.

The French did not want to hand it over to us for a long time, but at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg we persuaded them.

Let me summarize

Our army is currently the second strongest in the world, right after the United States, and by 2020 it will become even stronger. And this inspires me not only with pride for my country, but also with confidence in our future.

At first glance it may seem that the question is: Why does the state need an army? is obvious and simple - it is the protection of the country in the event of hostilities. In general, this is really like this: main function armed forces of the Russian Federation favors the creation of conditions for the security of the state from the attack of aggressors.

In this case, why do we need an army in peacetime, does it need to be modernized and financially provided? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

The main tasks of the Russian army during a peaceful situation in the country are conditionally divided into 3 components: ensuring the preservation of the military-political interests of the Russian Federation, maintaining the interests of Russia of an economic nature and performing military operations aimed at ensuring peace.

Any of the above subparagraphs implies the implementation of a large number of activities of various specifics with the participation of military personnel, therefore it is worth considering each direct component, in particular.

The concept of observance of the interests of the Russian Federation by the VP contains the deterrence of the threat and manifestations of aggression on the part of a potential enemy.

Such a set of security measures contains a number of measures:

  • an early procedure for identifying factors that threaten an attack on the territory of the Russian Federation or the territory of allied countries;
  • maintaining soldiers, equipment and weapons in readiness, which is as close as possible to combat;
  • the state of constant readiness of armed groups to mobilize, capable of resolving local conflicts and stopping mass riots;
  • the presence of a strategic potential, taking into account technical equipment and means or control methods, in such a state that under any conditions with a guarantee to launch missiles to cause damage to a potential enemy;
  • preparation for the transfer of the country to a military regime with strategic deployment;
  • defense of the territory of the state.

So, the priority is to ensure the combat readiness of subsections and intelligence in order to detect potential aggression from other countries.

Regarding the protection of the interests of the Russian Federation from the side of economics and politics, the functions of the army are given below:

  • ensuring the safety of civilians in the Russian Federation who live in areas with political instability, in addition, near "hot spots", zones of clashes with the use of firearms;
  • maintenance of conditions of a certain kind under which the Russian Federation can develop economically;
  • guaranteed protection of the interests of the Russian Federation on a national scale in the territory of the World Ocean;
  • carrying out operations with the use of military equipment and personnel of the army of the Russian Federation on the territory of regions that are of great importance from an economic point of view (carried out by personal order of the first person), and the like.

Among the above tasks, there are measures to ensure the safety of civilians and the conduct of economic activity of the Russian Federation outside the country.

Finally, the performance of operations with the use of military potential in times of a non-military nature implies the following parameters for the work of the army:

  • guaranteed fulfillment by Russia of all obligations stipulated by international agreements and treaties;
  • suppression of the organized activities of terrorists, extremists and separatists, including the prevention of terrorist acts;
  • the use of nuclear power to deter the aggression of a potential adversary;
  • carrying out operations aimed at supporting peaceful existence, within the direct framework of agreements between the Russian Federation and international organizations;
  • introduction and observance of the VP on the territory of any kind of subject of the Russian Federation;
  • forceful preservation of the sanctions regime;
  • implementation of comprehensive measures in order to prevent environmental and man-made disasters, as well as the participation of soldiers and technical equipment in removing the consequences.

Why does the state need an army
people understand best during hostilities. The functionality of the army largely depends on the size and specific features of the military conflict, where it will participate. Let's take a look at the theoretical variations in which the military of the Russian Federation will participate in real battles.

A conflict of a local type is the most insignificant event. This concept can include any armed action, or a clash in the country with the use of weapons. In other words, minor aggressive manifestations that are not related to military operations. At the same time, troops are required in order to intimidate a potential aggressor and show power, with the help of which local conflicts can be ended peacefully, or with a minimum number of victims.

A larger version of the conflict is a local war. Here, usually, on the border of two countries located in the neighborhood, there are armed groups that can be reinforced by troops from another region. As a rule, in local wars, with the help of weapons, the political or economic interests of the two states directly are pursued.

And yet, with a certain development of events, local wars can develop into more significant conflicts. We are talking about a regional war, where the number of participants is more than two, but the fighting is carried out strictly in the zone of a certain region, which includes the territories of the seas and airspace. At the beginning of hostilities between regions, the potential of the economy, strategy, and weapons are deployed.

Important! States possessing nuclear warheads will lay down their terms of engagement by threatening to use this type of weapon.

Finally, the most significant conflict is large-scale military action. Any world countries can take part here for military purposes using a number of radical measures. In such a situation, the countries participating in the conflict are required to use all the military resources available in the reserve.

Russia is among the countries that are considered leaders in terms of military power. The combat readiness of the army is facilitated both by the constant improvement of the technical capabilities of Russian weapons, and high qualification of personnel. All this is necessary for the country in order not to be afraid to implement an independent policy.


Why does Russia need a powerful army, given that the country is not going to take part in armed confrontations, Deputy Defense Minister Ruslan Tsalikov explained at the Army-2015 forum. "We as we were, and remain peaceful people. Our rhetoric today is absolutely correct and peaceful. We need strength in order to have the right to defend this rhetoric," RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

At the same time, the attitude of Russians to their own Armed Forces has also changed. "I will immediately state my position: image of the army in Russian society last years fortunately has changed. We really feel the support of our society today," added Ruslan Tsalikov.

As a vivid example characterizing the past changes, the deputy minister cited a life story: in the 90s, he asked a general to support him at a meeting of the Ministry of Finance, and he came to the ministry in a civilian suit, since shy of military uniform. Now it is an honor to wear military insignia.

“I can’t call the state of our society otherwise than the edge of some kind of madness. Today we see a completely different picture. We really not only feel, but also We appreciate the attitude of our society towards the Russian Armed Forces", - said Tsalikov.

He expressed hope that during the round table "Army and Society", held within the framework of the military forum, it would be possible to determine the tools with which it would be possible to further strengthen the positive image of the Russian serviceman in the eyes of ordinary citizens. Experts note that significant progress in this area is already noticeable.

XXIV city competition of research works of students and pupils "My First Discoveries"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of Kudymkar "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 17 "Solnyshko"

Completed by: Bratchikov Kim, pupil preparatory group, MBDOU No. 17

Head: Fedoseeva Lidia Leonidovna, teacher of MBDOU No. 17 Kudymkar - 2015

On February 23, our country will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. Every year on this holiday we are congratulated by girls in the kindergarten, sisters, mothers, grandmothers at home, called defenders, women congratulate men. On TV they talk about the army. They often say about boys - the future defender, you will go to serve in the army, you must be strong and courageous. It became interesting to me, what is an army in general, why is it needed and why should it be strong? I think this is a very important question, because even though we are now in peacetime, I know that very close to our country, in Ukraine, there is a war going on, military guns are being fired and people are dying. What will happen if someone attacks our country?

Purpose: to learn more about what an army is and why it should be strong


The object of study is the army

The subject of the study is the importance of the army for our country

Hypothesis: If I learn more about the past and present of our army, I will be able to explain to other children why our country needs a strong army in peacetime and who is now defending it.

Research methods - search for information on the Internet, conversations, interviews, polls; collection, analysis and generalization of information.

Expected results:

- understanding the importance of the army for the country and each of its inhabitants, as well as its role in protecting the Motherland.

Increasing the interest of parents in the formation of a sense of patriotism in children.

The novelty and practical significance of my work lies in the fact that thanks to it, my peers and I will learn how important a strong army is for our country and for each of us, we will be able to prepare ourselves for the fact that when we grow up, we will go to serve in the army, because forewarned is forearmed.

1. Main body

1. 1. A bit of history

"If you want peace, prepare for war" (lat. "Si vis pacem, para bellum" ) - I heard such a strange phrase once and did not understand at all what it meant. Why prepare for war if you want to decide everything peacefully, to negotiate, and not to fight? And why do we need an army, and even a strong one, if we don’t have a war in Russia? My parents and I began to search for information about this phrase on the Internet and found out that these words are a very long time ago, more than two thousand years ago, said one ancient Roman historian named Cornelius Nepos. Similar words were used by the Roman military writer Flavius ​​Vegetius in the book "Summary of Military Affairs" . Here is what he wrote:

“Whoever wants peace, let him prepare for war; who wants victory, let him diligently train warriors ... " .

It turns out that a strong army will, as it were, scare away enemies - those who want to conquer the country and take possession of its wealth. No one will mess with a strong army.

Whatever the times and wars, Russian soldiers always stood up to defend their native land, and even if the forces were unequal, they differed from the enemy in their ingenuity and courage. For example, when German knights attacked our country 700 years ago, Russian soldiers, who were much fewer in number of attackers, pushed the enemy back to the spring ice of Lake Peipus during the battle under the leadership of Prince Alexander Nevsky. The ice could not stand the knights and horses in heavy armor and they drowned.

Now, when there is no war, the military helps civilians in their country, for example, victims of natural disasters, catastrophes or terrorism. They provide assistance to other countries. For example, they accompany convoys with humanitarian aid for civilians in Ukraine, where the war is now going on.

Russia is a very rich country, we have a large territory, a lot of minerals and other resources that, probably, not only we like, but also someone else in the world. And this someone - some other state - may one day try to seize our lands and wealth. To prevent this from happening, we need a strong army, ready at any moment to repel the attack of the enemy.

1. 2. Interviewing children

Here I thought: “And what is an army in general?” . It turned out that not all the boys from our kindergarten know about it. My mother and I conducted a survey in three groups of our kindergarten and found out that out of 22 guys we asked, 10 don't know what an army is. What is it? To begin with, we decided to visit the library and museum.

1. 3. Visiting the library and museum

With the teacher Lidia Leonidovna and the children, we went to the children's library. There we were shown a presentation about the types of troops and were given books to look at.

I learned that there are 12 branches of service in our army: ground, reconnaissance and signalmen, air and naval forces, and others. In the museum we were shown an excerpt from a war film and various things of soldiers. To learn more about the army, I decided to talk to my grandfather. He served in the army, I know.

1. 4. Grandfather's memories of the army in which he served

My grandfather Sergei Ivanovich Bratchikov said that he served 2 years in the army in 1978-1980. Grandfather was a border guard, he served in a unit in the Far East, near the borders with China and Korea. He said that he studied for six months to be a soldier in the training unit, then he was a border guard and went on patrols so that no one would dare to cross our border, and then he was the head of an exit communications center. In general, the army, as I understood from the words of my grandfather, is this: every grown-up boy, when he turns 18 and becomes an adult, must go to the army (exception, if you are sick - you can not walk). There he learns to be a soldier, so that, in which case, he can protect his homeland, and therefore his relatives. Military affairs in the army are studied from books (grandfather says that at one time he learned about 600 pages from various military regulations (these are army rules that you need to know by heart)). Also, of course, they train in the army - they march, do exercises, conduct exercises, as if there is a real battle, in order to learn how to behave correctly and win. There it is necessary, for example, waking up, to have time to get dressed while the match is burning. The discipline in the army is strict: you have to get up and go to bed on time, always wear a neat uniform and clearly follow all the orders of the commanders. Without this, it is impossible in the army - otherwise everyone will be confused and scatter during the attack, and the war will be lost, and the country will be conquered. Yes, soldiers study and train a lot, it is not in vain that they say that boys go to the army, and men return. Grandfather says that a strong army is needed so that no one can capture us and take away our land.

1. 5. Visiting the military commissar

To learn more about the army, my mother and I went to the main military man in Kudymkar. This is the military commissar - Andrey Vasilyevich Rychkov. I asked him questions about the army. He said that our army - the Armed Forces of Russia - is a large and complex structure, in which there are a lot of soldiers and commanders, and the main commander is the President of Russia. In order for an army to be strong, a lot of weapons, means, knowledge, and most importantly, reliable people are needed. There are many different weapons in the army, and you need to be able to manage them. And the soldiers must be able to manage. The army has its secrets - and they must be able to keep. Military science is a whole science - and you need to know it if you want to defeat the enemy in the event of an attack.

I learned that now they serve in the army for only one year, but you can choose military as your profession. And service to the Motherland will become a real matter of life. Serving in the army is not easy, but honorable. The Russian soldier is famous for the strength of his spirit.

Serving in the army is the duty of every young person. Defender of the motherland - it sounds proud. A real defender can only be a healthy, courageous, strong person, a reliable comrade who is not afraid of difficulties.

Mom and I did another survey in the kindergarten after we talked a little about the army. Of the 22 guys, 13 said they wanted to go to serve in the army. And in order to serve, you need to develop the best masculine qualities in yourself - courage, strength, endurance, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and for this you need to go in for sports and take care of your health right now. After all, the real defense of the Motherland begins small.


After studying this topic, I realized that a strong army is needed in order for our country to always be free. To let us decide how we live. Also, our strong army can stand up for a weak country that is being attacked, and it cannot cope with the enemy. In peacetime, the military participate in the aftermath of natural disasters and catastrophes. In general, our army is a defender. It exists in order to repel the blow of the enemy in the event of an attack, but does not attack itself. I wanted to learn even more about the past and present of our army and its exploits, and tell the guys from our group about it, and then they all, like me, will want to serve in the army and defend their country when they grow up.

Sources used

  1. A. Barto "On the Outpost"
  2. A. Mityaeva "Why is the army dear to everyone"
  3. A. Usachev, source http
  4. 3. Alexandrova "Watch"
  5. L.A. Kondrykinskaya: To preschoolers about the defenders of the Fatherland. Toolkit on patriotic education in the preschool educational institution

Future defender

Every boy can become a soldier
Fly through the sky, sail through the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your homeland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will accept an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -
Harder than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,
How will you protect your country?

Entertainment for the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland

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