How can you increase your intelligence. How to increase your IQ level


12 ways to develop intelligence

Can intelligence be developed? Neuroscientists have long answered this question in the affirmative. Your brain is plastic and able to physically change depending on what you are doing. And even the smartest person has something to strive for. So don't waste your time! We have collected tips and exercises from our books to help you become even smarter.

1. Solve logic puzzles

You will find exciting tasks for training logical thinking in the book of the popular blogger Dmitry Chernyshev "What to do in the evening with your family in the country without the Internet". Here are a few of them:


This is a type of credit card. Notches about the borrowed goods were simultaneously made on both sticks. One was kept by the buyer, the other by the seller. This ruled out fraud. When the debt was repaid, the sticks were destroyed.


This is Morrison's hideout to protect people during the bombing. Not everyone had cellars in which to hide. For poor households, the device was free. 500,000 of these shelters were built by the end of 1941 and another 100,000 in 1943, when the Germans began using V-1 rockets. The shelter paid off. According to statistics, in 44 houses equipped with such shelters, which were heavily bombed, only three out of 136 residents died. Another 13 people were seriously injured and 16 were lightly injured.


Look again at the condition of the problem: there was no task to "continue the sequence." If 1 = 5, then 5 = 1.

2. Train your memory

Until now, you've been trying to guess the number by choosing the average. This is the ideal strategy for a game in which the number was chosen at random. But in our case, the number was not chosen randomly. We have deliberately chosen a number that will be difficult for you to find. The main lesson of game theory is that you need to put yourself in the place of another player. We put ourselves in your place and assumed that you would say the number 50 first, then 25, then 37 and 42.

What will be your final guess? Is it number 49? Congratulations! Yourself, not you. You are trapped again! We thought of the number 48. In fact, all this reasoning about the average number from the interval was aimed precisely at misleading you. We wanted you to choose the number 49.

The point of our game with you is not to show you how cunning we are, but to clearly illustrate what exactly makes any situation a game: you must take into account the goals and strategies of other players.

5. Do math

Lomonosov believed that mathematics puts the mind in order. And indeed it is. One way to develop intelligence is to make friends with the world of numbers, graphs and formulas. If you want to try this method, the book Beauty Squared will help you, where the most complex concepts are described simply and in a fun way. A small excerpt from there:

“In 1611, the astronomer Johannes Kepler decided to find himself a wife. The process did not start well: he rejected the first three candidates. Kepler would have married a fourth if he had not seen a fifth, who seemed "modest, thrifty, and capable of loving adopted children." But the scientist behaved so indecisively that he met with several more women who did not interest him. Then he nevertheless married the fifth candidate.

According to the mathematical theory of "optimal stopping", in order to make a choice, it is necessary to consider and reject 36.8 percent of the possible options. And then stop at the first one, which will be better than all those rejected.

Kepler had 11 dates. But he could meet four women and then propose to the first of the remaining candidates, whom he liked more than those he had already seen. In other words, he would immediately pick the fifth woman and save himself six bad dates. The theory of “optimal stopping” is also applicable in other areas: medicine, energy, zoology, economics, etc.”

6. Learn to play a musical instrument

Psychologist and author of We Are Music, Victoria Williamson, says the Mozart effect is just a myth. Listening to classical music will not increase your IQ. But if you make music yourself, you will help your brain work better. This is confirmed by the following experiment:

“A number of extensive analyzes of the relationship between music lessons and IQ in children have been conducted by Glenn Schellenberg. In 2004, he randomly assigned 144 six-year-olds from Toronto to four groups: the first had keyboard lessons, the second had singing lessons, the third had acting lessons, and the fourth was a control group with no extra lessons. To be fair, after the study, the children in the control group were offered the same activities as the rest.

The training lasted 36 weeks in a dedicated school. All children were tested for IQ during the summer holidays before these classes began, as well as at the end of the study. Criteria of comparable age and socioeconomic status were used.

After one year, the vast majority of the children performed better on the IQ test, which is logical since they are a year older. However, in the two music groups, the increase in IQ was greater than in the acting and control groups.”

7. Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation not only helps to reduce stress levels, but also helps to develop memory, creativity, reaction, attention and self-control. For more on this method, see Mindfulness. Advice from her:

“Have you noticed that the older you get, the faster time passes? The reason is that with age we acquire habits, certain patterns of behavior and live on the "automatic": the autopilot guides us when we eat breakfast, brush our teeth, go to work, sit on the same chair every time ... As a result, life passes by, and we feel miserable.

Do a simple experiment. Buy chocolate. Break off a small piece of it. Examine it as if seeing it for the first time. Pay attention to all the kinks, texture, smell, color. Put this piece in your mouth, but don't swallow it right away, let it melt slowly on your tongue. Try the whole bunch of flavors. Then slowly swallow the chocolate, try to feel how it flows down the esophagus, note the movements of the palate and tongue.

Agree, the sensations are not at all the same as if you just ate a bar without thinking. Try this exercise with other foods, and then with your usual activities: be mindful at work, while walking, getting ready for bed, and so on.

8. Learn to think outside the box

Creativity will help find a solution even in a situation that seems hopeless to most. book author"Rice Storm"I am sure that anyone can train creativity. To get started, try applying the Leonardo da Vinci method:

“Leonardo da Vinci’s way of generating ideas was this: he closed his eyes, completely relaxed and dotted a sheet of paper with arbitrary lines and scribbles. Then he opened his eyes and looked for images and nuances, objects and phenomena in the painted. Many of his inventions were born from such sketches.

Here is a plan of action on how you can use the Leonardo da Vinci method in your work:

Write the problem down on a piece of paper and reflect on it for a few minutes.

Relax. Give your intuition the opportunity to create images that reflect the current situation. You don't need to know what the drawing will look like before you draw it.

Give shape to your challenge by delineating its boundaries. They can be of any size and take shape as you wish.

Practice drawing unconsciously. Let the lines and scribbles dictate how you draw and position them.

If the result does not satisfy you, take another sheet of paper and make another drawing, and then another - as many as you need.

Explore your drawing. Write down the first word that comes to mind for each image, squiggle, line, or structure.

Tie all the words together by writing a short note. Now see how the writing relates to your task. Have new ideas emerged?

Be attentive to the questions that arise in your mind. For example: “What is this?”, “Where did it come from?” If you feel the need to find answers to specific questions, then you are on the right path leading to a solution to the problem.

9. Learn foreign languages

According to researchers, it promotes brain development and helps maintain mental clarity even into adulthood. In the polyglot Susanna Zarayskaya's guide, you will find 90 actionable tips on how to learn new foreign languages ​​easily and fun. Here are three recommendations from the book:

  • Listen to songs in the language you are learning while driving, cleaning your home, cooking, tending flowers, or doing other things. You will be imbued with the rhythms of the language even with passive listening. The main thing is to do it regularly.
  • The non-profit organization Planet Read is using Bollywood music videos in its Indian literacy program with subtitles in the same language. The subtitle format is the same as in karaoke, that is, the word that is currently being spoken is highlighted. Easy access to such videos doubles the number of first-graders who have mastered reading. And all due to the fact that viewers naturally synchronize audio and video. The method by which illiteracy is fought in India will allow you to compare what you hear with what you see.
  • Who said that drama is incompatible with the table of irregular verbs? Soap operas can be a very fun way to learn a new language. Simple storylines, and the acting is so expressive that even if you don't know all the words, you'll still be aware of what's going on just by following the emotions of the characters.

10. Make up stories

This is another way to become more creative and develop flexibility of thinking. Don't know where to start? In the notebook "642 ideas to write about" you will find many tips. Your task is to continue the stories and turn them into complete stories. Here are some assignments from the book:

  • You meet a girl who can close her eyes and see the entire universe. Tell about her.
  • Try to fit the whole life of a person in one sentence.
  • Take an article from a fresh newspaper. Write down ten words or phrases that caught your eye. Using these words, write a poem that begins: "What if..."
  • Your cat dreams of world domination. She figured out how to switch bodies with you.
  • Write a story that starts like this: “The odd thing started when Fred bought a house for his miniature pigs…”
  • Explain to a gold miner in 1849 how e-mail works.
  • An unknown force threw you inside the computer. You need to get out.
  • Choose any object on the desk (pen, pencil, eraser, etc.) and write him a note with thanks.

11. Get enough sleep!

The ability to learn depends on the quality of your sleep. A curious fact from the book "The Brain in a Dream":

“Scientists have found that different stages of sleep are meant for different types of learning. For example, non-REM sleep is important for mastering actual memory tasks, such as memorizing dates for a history exam. But dream-rich REM sleep is necessary for mastering what is associated with procedural memory - with how something is done, including with the development of new behavioral strategies.

Psychology professor Carlisle Smith says: “For a month we sawed out blocks from which we built a maze for mice, and then recorded their brain activity around the clock for ten days. Those mice that showed greater intelligence in running through the maze also showed greater brain activity during REM sleep. I myself never doubted that sleep and learning are related, but now enough data has accumulated that others are interested in this issue. ”

12. Don't neglect exercise

Sport has a positive effect on our intellectual abilities. Here is what evolutionary biologist John Medina has to say in his book The Rules of the Brain:

“All sorts of tests have shown that physical activity throughout life contributes to a striking improvement in cognitive processes, in contrast to a sedentary lifestyle. The exercisers outperformed the lazy and couch potato in terms of long-term memory, logic, attention, problem-solving ability, and even so-called fluid intelligence.”

More books on the development of intelligence- .

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Intelligence and 5 easy ways to increase it

Hello my readers! I am glad that you are with me again, as I will tell you now5 simple ways to increase your intelligence. Of course, we won’t become geniuses from this, but we’ll also be less “stupid”Especially, I appreciated the results in the professional field. And what can we say, we will all be old, and I personally don’t want to lose my cognitive abilities at an early age and ruin the life of my grandchildren!

Moreover, it is not necessary to practice all the methods, two or three are enough and your brain will work much better and to a ripe old age will retain reasonableness.

To not be like the cat Matroskin in the famous cartoon:“We have the funds. We are not smart enough…”

By the way, the intellect and the psyche influence each other, so another important argument for “pumping” the brain is stress prevention and harmony of life.

Why exactly him?

Yes, you ask, what is intelligence and why should it be developed? I understand it as the ability to think qualitatively. That is, not just to think, but to be able to think, perceive any information in the most effective way for you. In order to make the right decision. This is just what the doctor ordered, right? Intelligence also includes the ability to adapt to new situations and apply abstract concepts.

All in all, intelligence is

  • critical thought
  • adaptation to situations
  • learning ability
  • ability to use your knowledge
  • resource planning

By increasing your intelligence, you increase the abilities listed above.

Number one is the most important

Just think how automated our lives are! We perceive most of the information (media, official duties, everyday affairs) automatically and instantly give out the most predictable and habitual reactions. In such conditions, not only creative, but also intellectual opportunities have no place.

Therefore, the first and most important method in my guide: to be able to think - you need to think critically! That is, how can think critically more often. Yes, it's so simple, but incredibly important. For example, over a book that has been read, over an event that has occurred or a situation that has arisen in reality and on the screen. Before you say or do anything, take a special pause for analysis and only then do or answer.

You can also read some books for self-development approaching this with a critical eye.

You can't do without it

The second method is to include in the work such properties of thinking as attention, memory, perception. For example, if you have paintings, maps, and more hanging at home or at work, turn them upside down. The usual things are seen and perceived in a completely different way, right?

Following this example, try to do the ordinary differently: change the route to work, the order in which papers are stored, the structure of the report, the order of cleaning the house. Do a periodic rearrangement in the rooms, it will also refresh the bored life.

More at homegood take on this: do in the dark what you do in daylight. Have you noticed how attentive and concentrated you are when you return from the toilet to the bedroom in a dark apartment at night? Now try not only to walk around different rooms in the dark, but also, for example, clean up, change clothes, wash or even take a shower. Believe me, in addition to benefits, you will get a lot of interesting sensations!

I know what I'm talking about, because I myself periodically get up something like that. Often I write and brush my teeth with my left hand (I'm right handed), I like to take a bath or wash my face in the dark - this greatly sharpens the perception of the body. Sometimes I watch TV upside down. It all may seem strange to you, but 1) it's fun 2) increases intelligence

And to develop and work with memory, read my article "", there are links to very useful resources with memory games.

Two halves of one whole

Another excellent method of intellectual self-development, which I have already mentioned a little, is the training of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Contrary to stereotypes, both hemispheres are equally important in the formation of "quality brains." Start with the most accessible exercise - learn to write with the hand you use the least. At least a few lines a day and you will make significant progress.

This seems to be a simple tip, but it is very difficult to follow at first! I read in one article about visualization that if you want to translate the desired life scenario into reality, then write it down with your left hand (if you are right-handed) in a notebook for 21 days. Horror! These are the torments you will have to endure, how to suffer, drawing hooks and roundels like a first-grader.

Also start doing various household trifles less active hand- washing dishes, combing, fastening buttons, brushing teeth.

Right-handers it is worth taking up learning to play musical instruments, drawing, vocals or creating creative crafts, and left-handers, respectively, to practice solving logic puzzles and mathematical exercises.

We speak different languages

The next method is the study foreign languages. Despite the fact that some skeptics consider learning different languages ​​just memory training, I am convinced that this is a good technique, if not to increase, then to strengthen and train mental activity. Moreover, it has been proven that the study of languages ​​prevents senile mental illness, which means that there is a connection with intellectual potential.

Judge for yourself, in order to learn a language, you need to find patterns for applying the rules, compare various factors and concepts, analyze new words as symbols. Therefore, learn languages, and also acquire a mega-useful skill for traveling, reading foreign forums, books and watching films in the original.

I recommend reading about books that increase intelligence. So you double or even triple the effect!

Everything new is useful

The fifth method in my piggy bank of tools to increase intelligence - searching and getting new impressions. There is just an incredible variety and richness of imagination. Try rock climbing or a trip to a Harry Potter studio. Firstly, travel provides a lot of new information that will be remembered easily and will give food for thought. Study different cultures, traditions and laws, compare them with each other. Study cuisine, life and people, this is a great opportunity to train your brain.

Secondly, the right films also help to brainstorm. What films are worth watching, read in my article " Films about self-development and self-improvement". Thirdly, look for sources of knowledge in various hobbies and interesting activities. Be sure to improve your professional skills, participate in courses and trainings, or conduct your own!

Getting rid of barriers

Of course, it makes no sense to treat the disease if it provokes the onset of its symptoms. And that means everything pollutes the brain and does not allow them to rest, should be removed as garbage in your life: TV, hanging on social networks, inefficient pastime.

Also without active brain stimulation blood and provide essential nutrients, develop intellectual ability impossible. Therefore, systematically exercise, maintain your health, lead an active lifestyle and eat right.

However, do not forget about the classic ways to increase intelligence: solve puzzles, guess at puzzles and crossword puzzles, visit quest rooms. Be smart and smart!

Tell me, do you use any methods to increase intelligence? Or rely on genetics?
June was with you.

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In the modern world, it is not the strength that has become important, but the intellect of a person. A high level of intelligence allows you to succeed in most areas of activity. How to increase your level of intelligence, become smarter and more successful than others?

Your IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a scientific assessment of mental development using tests that measure your problem-solving abilities, mental imagery abilities, memory, general knowledge, and other abilities. While there are some limitations to innate intelligence, recent research has shown that intelligence can be improved. We will present you with several ways to do this.

1. Play mind games

1.1 Train your brain. Were you an ace in the Scrabble game and could score 40 points even when the combinations of letters were like ARRTERNA? What congratulations! Now we suggest you learn how to solve Sudoku. And when you learn, move on - become an expert at chess or other strategy games.

When you master a certain skill, your brain stops working with the same effort. He does not waste resources, does not produce dopamine as actively. So don't stop your Scrabble competition, but look for new brain games as well.

1.2 Play logic/strategy games. In 2008, scientists Susan Jaeggi and Martin Buschkül invented a method that improves test scores on fluid intelligence, the ability to make connections, solve problems, and adapt to new situations. Based on the results of research, scientists have made a significant contribution to the study of mental abilities, paying attention, and then showing that there are two different streams of information.

1.3 Play video games. Games can be a great way to stimulate the brain. Try to play a game that is not usually on your “list of favorites”. This will help you think differently. Pay particular attention to games that force you to solve problems or make quick decisions.

Scientific studies have shown that the familiar game of Tetris leads to more efficient brain activity; the more skillfully you play the game, the less glucose your brain consumes (and glucose is the main "fuel" for the body). The conclusion of this scientific study is that glucose intake decreases when you study. This means that the more experienced a person becomes in any activity, the less effort he needs to make.

When you first play, for example, "shooters", try to plunge into the atmosphere of the game, pay attention to the details, think over every movement as if it were real. Thus, you will not end the game pointlessly, but will stimulate the brain to think more than just act reflexively.

1.4 Challenge your brain in new ways. Try studying cryptology, for example. The point is to unravel the message encrypted in the code. For some, this is a difficult task, but after a while it can even be fun. After all, all logic puzzles are interesting.

Solve logic puzzles and puzzles. This will help open up new horizons and allow you to solve problems in a different way.

Solve crosswords and sudoku. This kind of activity stimulates the mind and the process of thinking. Not everyone, perhaps, considers it to develop thinking, but in combination with other intellectual games, it can be quite effective and easy.

2. Train your body, train your mind

2.1 Give in to physical activity, train your body. Keeping the body and mind in good shape is a great way to increase the level of intelligence, which is scientifically proven.

2.2 Expand your horizons. Just as sitting at a desk all day is bad for your physical condition, "sitting" at the same mental level is bad for your mind. To get out of this state, set yourself a goal for life - to constantly study, learn something new.

Immerse yourself in the study of art and architecture to see the visual representation of the mind in action.

Take a different route to work, or try something new, like bungee jumping, or learn to draw well. It doesn't matter what you do, it's the process that matters.

A new experience releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, which increases the number of neurons and causes a feeling of satisfaction.
The more you study, the more you know and, accordingly, the higher the level of your intellectual development.

2.3 Try to do the old in a new way. If you commute to work on the same road day after day, it becomes a chore, even if it's an hour's drive. After all, you know by heart every turn, every pothole, where there will be a traffic jam, where the radar is. Everything becomes so unremarkable that you stop paying attention to everything. And stop thinking. Everything you do "automatically" cuts off your thought process. Quit this habit.

For example, take a different route to work. It can be 5 minutes longer or, conversely, shorter. If you are afraid of being late, do it on your way home.

If you love to write, try sketching first and then putting everything into the computer. Do it every day. You can learn more about your writing skills or about the character you unknowingly created.

Anything that stirs up your rote approach to something can be a wonderful opportunity to get out of the routine.

2.4 Persistence pays off. Do not pay attention to stereotypes that only limit, for example: "To teach the old is what to heal the dead." Imagine the satisfaction you would feel if you raised your IQ level by as much as 10 points! Like everything else, the brain works best when it is used. Active mental activity has even been linked to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

2.5 Write on every occasion. Send a note instead of an email, or make a freehand sketch instead of typing it on a computer. This stimulates visual and kinetic perception.

Try writing with your non-dominant hand. This can actually stimulate the opposite hemisphere of the brain from the hand. And maybe a left-hander can become right-handed and learn to think more logically, and a right-hander can try to write with his left hand and develop creativity. Please note that this is only a guess, but worth testing.

2.6 Be the best in school - get the best career. There is a wealth of evidence supporting the relationship between good grades and high IQ. Good grades are the road to a good career and a better lifestyle.

Scientific studies show that the brains of true professionals are automatically larger, healthier and more convoluted, while manual workers have a thinner new cortex, which means a level of intelligence below average. All this is because such workers do not often use the brain.

The intensive training required by an often promising professional career certainly initiates the development of nerve cells and stimulates the cognitive abilities of the brain.

3. Enjoy your surroundings and culture

3.1 Express yourself. Be active in society, in the social environment and interact with the outside world. The more you are interested in other people and other points of view, the more you will learn. You may not always agree with what you learn or discover, but by challenging your preconceived notions, you will either strengthen your beliefs or adapt, grow, and embrace new perspectives.

3.2 Be observant. An integral part of the image of a “smart person” is awareness of various issues at a high level, and understanding (or developing understanding) of the relationship between disparate or random events.

For example, you see two cars colliding moving in the opposite direction. Without hesitation, some say: “well, sometimes this happens” and leave everything as it is. And if you are more observant, you may notice the factors that caused the accident: perhaps one car lost stability on a slippery road; or maybe the cars were driving towards each other on a one-way road. Or, and it could be, there was a dog in one of the cars, which, seeing another dog on the side of the road, joyfully jumped into the hands of the driver, who as a result lost control and crashed into another car.

Intensive observations can also be useful in more productive areas such as architecture, art or astronomy, etc.

3.3 Listen to classical music. The Mozart effect showed that if you listen to music even for 10 minutes, you can achieve a short-term increase in IQ by 8-9 points. You can, of course, achieve a long-term effect, but you need to take someone with a higher IQ level to prove it!

3.4 Read a lot. Reading enhances the brain's ability to think and develops the ability to make quick decisions. Reading a book that you have not read before broadens your horizons, and therefore increases your IQ level.

Make sure the book is appropriate for your level. Reading a book that is too easy for you will only entertain you and nothing more, and vice versa, if you read a book that you do not reach and constantly refer to the dictionary, this will not bring any pleasure.

4. Don't stop learning

4.1 Keep track of your progress. Take an IQ test every week and record your results. If you want to see your progress - get a document in Excel or any other program convenient for you. (There are many sites where you can take an online IQ test for free).

Keep in mind that many online tests are unlicensed and require SMS confirmation to receive results. Don't give in - it's spam. Choose the test you are about to take carefully. In the US, for example, the only licensed IQ test is the Stanford-Binet test.


Play checkers or solve crossword puzzles. They make you think and entertain at the same time.

Learn a foreign language. If you have learned one, take on the other. Study other cultures - this will predispose your brain to different forms of logic and you will be able to look at things differently.

Read more books and look for educational material on the Internet.

Turn off the TV and set your brain to work! The same applies to mindless reading for show. Take a topic and study it carefully so that you understand everything from beginning to end.

Get busy. This increases blood flow to the brain, which increases mental abilities and improves memory.

When you think, breathe evenly, deeply.

Replace sugary drinks with water and eat fruits and vegetables regularly.

Get enough sleep. In order for the received information to pass into long-term memory from short-term, you need to get enough sleep. Studies show that, on average, teenagers do better on tests if they study for a couple of weeks more, and if they sleep more than eight hours, there is a jump in results. But remember, these are averages. It all depends on the student himself - whether his level of intelligence will increase or remain at the same level. Just remember, it's a proven fact that if you sleep more, more information is stored in long-term memory.

Do exercises that stimulate the cardiovascular system, and refuse fatty foods so that blood circulates normally to the brain.

Eat brain-healthy foods like fish. However, avoid eating tuna - this fish often contains high amounts of mercury. Incorporate omega 3 or fish oil into your diet. It will also be good for your health.

Spin the Rubik's Cube, solve puzzles, or use another similar toy to pass the time instead of watching TV.

— Types of intelligence and their properties
- What is IQ?
- Brain exercises to increase IQ
- 7 Versatile Tips to Boost Your Brain from Steve Denton
- How to increase your intelligence: 5 easy ways

The abilities of the intellect are as follows:

1) Analytical.
The ability to conduct a comprehensive analysis of information, divide it into semantic and logical blocks, determine relationships, compare and contrast various pieces of information with each other

2) Logical.
The logical core of the mind, includes the ability to reason, think and analyze without violating the principles of formal logic, the ability to draw correct, logical and consistent conclusions

3) Deductive.
Qualities that help to fish out a general idea from a large array of information and correctly formulate it, the ability to deduce and generalize, the ability to group particulars into something general, to find patterns

4) Critical.
The ability to mentally critically evaluate information, the ability to weed out incorrect conclusions, reject false ideas, a quality that allows you to resist influence and suggestion

5) Prognostic.
The ability to plan ahead, form a model of future events in the mind and at the same time keep in mind the options for solving various alternatives

Abstract thinking abilities: allow the mind to penetrate complex abstract ideas (both mathematical, logical and philosophical) and hold complex concepts and systems in thinking

Figurative thinking abilities: contribute to the ability to compare things in the mind that are different in meaning, bringing them under a common denominator, the ability to formulate comparisons, metaphors, which helps to simplify the understanding of complex ideas, transferring them to a more accessible level of understanding, good perception of artistic images

The ability to concentrate, hold attention: probably more related to the manifestation of the will than to the work of the mind, but I consider it necessary to mention here, since this largely determines the effective work of the intellect.

Also, our mind has some properties:

1) The logic of architecture: the degree of orderliness of thinking and the coordinated work of different abilities of the intellect (for example, someone has order in his head, you can say about him that he thinks soberly and reasonably, and someone else's thinking, on the contrary, is chaotic, spontaneous and incoherent)

2) Depth and breadth of the mind: that, perhaps in the general sense, determines how smart a person is. Sets the possibility of comprehensive coverage of the object of thinking and the depth of immersion in mental tasks

3) The speed of operations: well, everything is clear here, how quickly we think and how quickly we solve problems

4) Autonomy: the degree of independence of the mind, from the work of feelings, external influences, the ability to make sober decisions, both in a calm state and in conditions of stress, anxiety, fear and psychological pressure. It is determined by the measure of awareness.

Our memory supports us in all this. I won’t dwell on it, I think it’s clear what function it has, but I consider it necessary to single out one of the types of memory that is important for the work of reason

Working memory: the ability to keep in mind several intermediate operations at the same time and find their solution. (try to multiply several two-digit numbers in your head into a column: you will have to keep in memory the intermediate result of the multiplication (what the teachers at school called “in the mind”) in order to get the final result).

- What is IQ?

IQ is determined and quantified using tests, it is an indicator of a person's ability to think. Half of people show an average iq of 90 to 110, a fourth - over 110, and a score below 70 indicates mental retardation.

The term came from England and implies the work of thought, mental alertness, intellectual art. Tests have been developed to determine a person's iq. Age and gender are taken into account. The test does not show intellectual abilities. The task of the test is to determine the ability to solve problems related to a number of areas.

If we delve into the process of researching the issue, since the 30s of the last century, scientists have been trying to find patterns in the development of mental abilities, correlating the weight and volume of the brain. They studied the reaction associated with nervous processes, determined the level of intelligence, linking it with the level of social status, age or gender.

Today, scientists have found that the level of iq is affected by heredity and it is subject to increase through exercise and tests. The level of intelligence is not affected by ability, but by perseverance, patience, perseverance and motivation. These qualities are needed by doctors, archaeologists, DJs. It has been proven that in critical and difficult life situations it is easier for a person with a high iq to cope with difficulties, but individual qualities remain decisive:

1) ambition;
2) decisiveness;
3) temperament.

Gradually, the tests became more difficult. If initially they consisted of lexical exercises, today there are tests for solving logical problems using geometric shapes, memorization exercises or manipulation of letters in the proposed words.

- 7 Versatile Tips to Boost Your Brain from Steve Denton

Steve Denton holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics.

1) The brain needs intellectual challenges
In the course of solving complex problems, such as learning a new language, a field of mathematics, or mastering an unfamiliar musical instrument, the brain becomes more plastic and flexible.

According to Denton, one of the win-win options is to study various areas of mathematics - this science opens up great opportunities for brain development. Math classes allow you to train logical, numerical and visual abstract thinking, while improving the skills of concentration and "mental endurance".

2) You should associate with well-educated people.
Meetings and conversations with highly intelligent people can improve the functioning of your own brain. In the course of such conversations, you can learn a lot of new things, in addition, it is very useful to understand the train of thought of smart people.

3) Computer games can be used to train the intellect
Denton recommends choosing games that involve solving complex problems and making multiple decisions. The physicist himself is a fan of the game EVE - in his opinion, it is the most complex and versatile of all computer games.

4) Read at least one serious book a week.
Denton advises not only to read serious books regularly, but also to choose authors from different genres. Reading allows you to expand your vocabulary and has a positive effect on verbal intelligence, and also contributes to the development of erudition.

5) Brain training with the help of special software.
Denton advises using special software for brain development, with the only caveat - you must use only services that have proven their effectiveness. The Dual N-Back project was able to prove its effectiveness. Another positive point - the game can be downloaded for free.

6) A healthy lifestyle is important.
Sports activities have a positive effect on brain function, healthy and not too short sleep also increases productivity. It is important to use alcohol wisely. In addition, for the most effective work, the brain needs proper nutrition. The body can get the required amount of nutrients only with a balanced diet - a person should eat fruits, vegetables, fish and meat.

7) You need to get rid of limiting ideas about your own intellectual level.

Many people are actually smarter than they think they are. Often such a modest attitude to their mental abilities does not allow them to achieve more in life. This phenomenon is called the "Dunning-Kruger effect" - according to him, people who have a level of intelligence below the average often overestimate their intelligence, while those with an intelligence level above the average often underestimate their abilities.

Denton cites her friend as an example - the girl always estimated her intellectual level very modestly and worked as an ordinary secretary, but once she passed the IQ test of the Mensa organization, which unites people with an extremely high level of intelligence. Later, she received a professorship in astrophysics and lived a much happier life.

- How to increase your intelligence: 5 easy ways

1) Minimize your time watching TV
The problem is that when we watch the box, we do not use the resources of the brain and do not give it a rest. It's like muscle energy is wasted, but there is no health benefit.

2) Get some exercise.
After exercise, the productivity of the brain increases significantly. The head becomes clear, a wave of energy arises. You feel inspired, it is easier for you to concentrate.

3) Read stimulating books.
If you want to improve your ability to think or write, you need to read books that force you to focus. Reading classical literature can change your view of the world, you will learn to express your thoughts in a beautiful literary language. Don't be embarrassed if you have to look up a word in the dictionary, don't be afraid of long paragraphs. If necessary, reread the paragraph, and you will soon master the author's style.

4) Whoever goes to bed early and gets up early will gain health, wealth and intelligence.
In order not to feel tired, you need to go to bed early and sleep at least 8 hours. If you get up late and then stay up late, you will be distracted all day, unable to concentrate. Most people are very productive in the morning hours. The earlier you wake up, the more productive hours you have in store. If you have the opportunity, sleep for 10-20 minutes when you suddenly feel tired. Sleep longer - you will be lethargic, and short sleep will refresh you.

5) Take time to think.
Often our lives become so hectic that we don't even have time to realize it. To prevent this, take the time to sit alone and think, organize thoughts and prioritize. You can do anything, as long as you are alone for a while. You can just take a short walk. Experiment and see for yourself what works best for you.


Everyone will agree that it is much more interesting to communicate with an intellectually savvy person than with someone who cannot even connect two words. In addition, a person with high intelligence has more opportunities in terms of his further development. And it is much easier for such people to succeed. There would be desire and self-confidence.

There are many ways to increase your intelligence, this article gives a few of them. If you are not satisfied with any of them, you can always find plenty of others on the Internet. The main thing is to start acting, and not sit still and do nothing.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Before looking for an answer to the question of how to increase your intellectual level, you need to decide what intelligence is. The Latin stem of the word (“intellectus”) points to the specific lexical meaning of “understanding”. What exactly must a person “understand” in order to be able to be called an intellectual? Public opinion, most often, associates intelligence with the mind and the amount of information that it can absorb and reproduce in the process of life. The fusion of static knowledge about the world with the dynamic component of working on it gives us a true understanding of the intellect as a special mental and at the same time psychological quality of a person.

What is the intellectual level?
The classical components of the intellectual level are cognitive (memory, sensation, perception, representation, imagination) and mental (flexibility of the mind, breadth, logic, evidence and critical thinking) abilities of a person to perceive and analyze the surrounding reality.

The intellectual level is the higher, the better the thinking subject works with the information coming to him. A broad outlook, the ability to comprehensively study the object of mental activity, the separation of the main from the secondary, the construction of logically sound reasoning and the ability to timely abandon incorrectly drawn conclusions indicate a high intellectual level of a person.

The foundations of intelligence are laid in us from the moment of birth. Family and community education, primary, secondary and higher education- all these stages of acquaintance with the outside world year after year form within a person specific knowledge bases and logical mental tools for operating with them. However, in order to become a highly intellectual person, it is not enough just to grow up in a good family and get an education. You need to practice self-improvement every day and train your mind by offering it newer, more interesting food for thought.

Memory training
In order to increase your intellectual level, you need to be not only a comprehensively developed personality, but also have a good memory. Otherwise, everything that you receive from the outside may pass you by.

To train your memory, you should use the classic school methods of memorizing your favorite poems and literary quotes and solving mathematical, physical or chemical problems. Choose the area of ​​​​knowledge that you like best, and work with it until you get bored.

A great way to keep your memory in good shape is to learn foreign languages. The more foreign new words you memorize every day, the easier it will be for you to work with information received in your native language.

Numerous crosswords (verbal - classical and crosswords; visual - Japanese; digital - sudoku and many others), as well as a variety of mathematical and logical puzzles develop the dynamic properties of memory associated with the reproduction of information and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships necessary to solve specific problems. practical tasks.

Introduction to culture
A high intellectual level is unthinkable without a certain cultural knowledge base. Its basics are laid at school, while subsequent realities depend on the person himself. Only we choose what we do: read Dontsova's frivolous detective stories or Sartre's philosophical works, watch My Fair Nanny on TV, or enjoy a live theater production of La Boheme. Of course, there is nothing wrong with popular culture (in its own way, it also has a positive effect on the general level of erudition and on understanding the basics of modern life), but it is the introduction to the time-tested classics that allows a person to learn the unshakable laws of life, its principles and problems, exciting civilization over the past centuries and even millennia.

Mass culture - entertains the mind, classical - opens before him the world of true values. Literature, music, painting, theater, architecture, photography, ballet fill our memory and develop the spiritual qualities of a person.

Communication with other people
We live in a world filled with people. The society surrounds us in the family, at work and leisure. Understanding other people allows us to better understand the life around us and ourselves. The more we communicate, the more we learn. We discover human psychology, habits, interests. With proper observation, we can learn to empathize and help other people. A more complete immersion in the inner "I" of an outsider saves us from contact with unworthy people and discovers interesting people.

Communication with people of different professions opens access to truly invaluable practical information. Nothing enriches a person like other people's professional secrets. Not a single book, not a single textbook will teach us what outside personal experience, other people's mistakes and achievements can teach.

Interaction with objects
The world around us consists not only of scientific information, people and works of art. It contains a huge number of items, working with which allows you to increase your intellectual level and also for the benefit of business. What? The one you decide to do.

Culinary operations with products and technical operations with broken items can make your home a little “tastier” and more serviceable. The ability to understand fashion and materials is useful for buying high-quality clothes and shoes, and the ability to sew will ensure a long service life for the purchased items. Mastering the repair and construction sphere of everyday life will save costs and nerves that are usually spent on hired workers. Getting involved in one of the sports will temper not only your mind, but also your body.

The more you penetrate into the essence of objects, the easier it will be for you to master new material areas of your life. It just seems that the accumulated life experience is worth nothing. In fact, many, at first glance, useless and fragmentary knowledge can emerge in the mind at a critical moment and save you from sparking wiring or a car that has stalled on a desert road.

Ability to draw conclusions
The highest point in the development of human intellectual abilities can be called the ability to draw the right conclusions based on the data received. You can go to this for years, but you should not be afraid of this. Life is given to know it. Do you want her course to obey you? Pay attention to the little things, think about why everything happens the way it does. Look for causes, effects, connections. Build internal systemic relationships between objects, people, events. Learn to extract the information you need from any available sources - books, television, the Internet, other people, personal experience. Consider the facts that interest you from all sides. Don't throw anything aside. Don't let information take over - it's just a tool to understand the world, not the world itself. And don't be afraid to make mistakes. Admitted mistakes, like nothing else, allows you to increase your intellectual level.

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